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Seeking help with self typing (questionnaire)


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Hi, I made this account years ago but never got very deep into typology and eventually forgot about it. I've rediscovered it now and I'd appreciate some help with my MBTI/Enneagram/Instinctual variant since I'm still pretty clueless about all that.
I filled in this questionnaire but it wouldn't let me post it for some reason, presumably because I have 0 posts and it's pretty long? Idk. Here it is:

Questionnaire for typologycentral : dollste4k

Thanks in advance to anyone who reads all that:)


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Well, I wanted to post another questionnaire here in case it would help, but it keeps denying my posts :dry: (I may post it to reddit and link it here later since I spend so much damn time on it). So have these test results instead:

2020-09-11 (28).jpg

2020-09-12 (2).jpg

I don't know how accurate those tests are, but so far I'm leaning towards either xSxP or maybe xNFJ, and either 5, 9, or 1.


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Questionnaire pt 2! Any input is appreciated.



Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I really want to say I'm seeing a lot of 6 here, so last.
Maybe 613 or 614. You've got the sort of ping ponging of a 6 where you're sometimes this way and sometimes that, but they're both authentically you and you're self critical in a 1ish way.

I also do see Fi. But I'm not good at MBTI typing so I'll leave it at that. ;)

I'm gonna put your other questionnaire here in a spoiler


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Thank you for your explanation and posting the questionnaire :D I'm pretty sure of being so-last too, but I'm having some trouble distinguishing between sx/sp and sp/sx. I can be really closed off and have that hot and cold quality but once we're close it's a different dynamic and I don't feel that "membrane" between myself and my object of interest like I've seen in sp/sx descriptions. It's like I act like a sp/sx most of the time, until I'm actually interested. Idk though, I have to read more still.

I do relate to the ping-ponging 6 thing you mentioned (lol) but the 6 core fear doesn't resonate with me too much... I'm not all that focused on security and support, and I'm not really an anxious person either. I definitely have been in the past, but once I got past a certain level of health I chilled out a lot... so maybe I am a 6 and I'm just healthier now? And I guess being so-last and possibly a Fi user could make me less dependent on outer systems of support. And yeah I definitely have some sort of 1 influence like you said too.

After reading up on MBTI, if I'm any sort of Fi user I'd say I'm most likely an ISFP. I do place a lot of importance on personal significance and meaning, and I can be kind of a crybaby at times lol, but I think I'm a lot less focused on what I consider good/bad and I've never been very self centered or too into my own feelings even during my unhealthier days. This may be explained when taking enneagram into consideration though so I won't completely discard it yet, plus my understanding of the functions is still kinda basic.

Anyway, kinda rambling now. Thanks a lot for your input, I really appreciate it.


New member
Oct 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant

The first thing the stood out to me was your description of yourself as always being adept at "cutting through the bullshit". This is strong Se and weak Ne. Your gripes with laziness, describing it as being a quality in others that you disdain because you value hard work from yourself also falls in line with high Se. When asked why others are attracted to you, you struggle to accurately assess the psychological distance between yourself and others which makes me think weak Fi. Your criticism of those who lack "drive" and motivation is again, indicative of Se/Ni. At about quarter way through the first questionnaire, I would say with 100% certainty that you are Se/Ni.

The concern with the degeneracy of others is Fe, specifically common from xSTPs due to it being lower in their functional stack and thus less complexly utilized. The repulsion towards close-minded people also seems to paint a Te user's persona, making me think Ti is strongly valued. The whole "Anger" paragraph is dripping with Fe but also seems very enneagram 9w8, which I would look into if you are interested. Your description of merging also is in line with this.

"I thought there was something inherently wrong with me and “right” with everyone else, I felt repulsive and like an outcast." It is your demon Fi that makes you feel morally inadequate and inferior Fe that causes you to feel social anxieties.

"Organized mess" is a term I believe I've heard more than once to describe the physical realm of ISTPs. I don't think you're an ISFP at all, you appear to have demon Fi, not valued as dominant in the least.
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New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant

After doing some more reading, I think your interpretation lines up best with what I have in mind right now. So far the only thing that makes me think Fi seems to be how much I care about personal significance/meaning but I suppose that could also be a Ni and/or sx thing, because otherwise I don't relate to it much at all, and inferior Fe would explain a lot of things. Definitely agree that I'm a clear Se > Ni user too.
In regards to enneagram, the core fear for 9 is extremely relatable, and has caused me to be excessively accommodating to those close to me in the past... among other things I could get into but then this would get a bit too long. I'm unsure if I'm 9w8 or 9w1 though. I'm definitely self critical and a perfectionist, I care a lot about bettering myself, and 9w8 seems to be more lax in this regard. At the same time though, 9w1s seem to have a different relationship with their anger than I do. I don't really feel guilty about expressing anger tbh, as long as I don't say or do anything super hurtful to someone I care about, whereas 9w1s seem to be uncomfortable with expressing anger in any way. After a certain point in my childhood I became better at enforcing my boundaries and projecting an image of "toughness" and imperturbability so that no one would mess with me, which seems more 9w8 than 9w1. Correct me if I'm generalizing too much.
Any thoughts on my possible instincts? I'm stuck between sp/sx and sx/sp at the moment. And thanks a lot for your comment also.


New member
Oct 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant

ISTPs certainly have strong feelings of personal significance and meanings, xSxPs are usually very intrigued by conspiracy theories and uncovering "hidden" things which you were correct in assessing as the influence of Ni.

After a certain point in my childhood I became better at enforcing my boundaries and projecting an image of "toughness" and imperturbability so that no one would mess with me, which seems more 9w8 than 9w1.

This quote alone sells me on 9w8. The self-image of toughness directly correlates to 8, I believe the traits you see as being related to enneagram 1 is a combination of your dominant Ti and demon Fi.

For instinctual variants, I haven't brushed up on my knowledge of them recently so I wouldn't confidently be able to deduce which subtype you are specifically but enneagram 9s are most commonly self-preservation dominant.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
You are a ISTP 5 in my opinion, more like IstP 5. Although ISFP 5 could apply, I think it is less likely.
Test results, your 4 highest enneagram, 5-9-1-8 is converted as IXTP in my own Enneagram tritype to MBTI converter, which matches your cognitive function test, although both of them shows that you are definitely NOT the text-book ISTP, which means that there are definitely stuff that you dont relate that much to ISTP.

The introversion comes from a lot of parts of your questionnaire, like your "reverse" self being social, you retreating sometimes, even if it is just as a matter of criticism, and being shy, unattached. But I guess for some odd reason you should be less introverted lately, but you should be an introvert when we analyze your whole life.

I do see Se in your preference for physical stuff and liking outdoor activities, which is basically cliche but, well...

I do see Ti in your studious stuff, you have some eager to knowledge since you seem to be lazy but with good grades, which means that you can easily overcome laziness with some subjects. I also see Ti on your willing to research stuff.

Your P is seem in your really big flexibility. Actually, you seem to have cognitive flexibility and a high flexibility on general ("I generally absorb traits I admire", you said something like that), to the point where it even screws your own self-reporting and your quest for typing. Also, the more laziness part is cliche but it does count well..Impulsive, messy, these sort of stuff.

Enneagram is a little bit more complicated. I see 5 in your everything I said about Ti, plus the sort of detachment you seem to have. The problem of 9 is that you dont seem that peacefully to me lol. But the part of "9 can become 1, 2, 3.. etc" and "9 have problems with identity" fits you well.

Good to notice that you are pretty much non ISTP on these departments:
- Artistic Interests: You are more INTP on this department, for real, your drawning and etc... is more to the intuitive side, it also gives you sort of a "4 side".
- Spirituality? No, wait... Yup, that is not exactly a N thing, I think its unrelated to type... i think...

Another thing, ISTP is the smartest sensor as far as I know, and N/S only counts for 4-8 IQ as far as I remember, you are also not that much inclined to sensor. It really should be a challenge to find something mental challenging and physical at the same time, but not something impossible. Lots of ISTPs in the end should be sort of this dillemea (even if the MBTI community has a more dumb picture of ISTP, which is not that accurate). In terms of cognitive functions, its pretty much a department where Ti and Se conflicts each other, because Ti is sort of intellectual and Se is sort of anti-intellectual.


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
The problem of 9 is that you dont seem that peacefully to me lol.
Ok this got really long so bear with me lol, I agree with most of what you said, but I wanted to make some things clear and show where my reasoning is coming from.

I agree that I don’t come off as super peaceful, but it seems to me like the real essence of enneagram is the core fear, and 9’s apparent peacefulness is just a function of the fear of separation. Yes the coping mechanism is also an important characteristic that should be taken into consideration, but I don’t think that general peacefulness in all areas of life is the core mechanism, it’s the forgetting of the self, diffusing oneself to further the agenda of another, a sort of internal numbing to appease that perceived conflict in areas that are important to the 9. For example, a social variant 9 would definitely come off as more of a peacemaker, because they prioritize the social realm and any discordance in it will be seen as psychologically disturbing, so their 9-ness is more immediately obvious since the social realm is much more expansive than that of sp and sx. Assuming I’m so-last, it would explain why I’m not deeply affected by conflicts in my environment or “groups” like that. I don’t necessarily like them, but it’s because I see them as a hassle and a waste of energy, not because it’s seriously disturbing to me. At my core I do care about my peace of mind and have resorted to numbing myself to outer and inner influences to achieve it, but what affects it is very different than what would affect the peace of mind of a so-dominant 9, since we have such fundamentally different values. Not sure if I’m being preachy right now, you’ve been into this for much longer than I have and this isn’t exactly revolutionary, but I think taking this more nuanced approach would explain why that typical “peacefulness” may not seem very present in me, it manifests in much more personal areas of life. I also realized recently that I make it a point to have this fear not be immediately obvious since I hate seeming weak (may be the w8). On top of that I’m at a stage in my life where I try to make myself uncomfortable on purpose which seems anti-9 lol, but it’s because I’ve seen how detrimental that self-numbing and retreating attitude has been for me in the past (like, I was so avoidant as a child that I wouldn’t have even dared to post on a relatively anonymous forum like this, it was that bad). I could be wrong though, I can’t say I’ve met many 9s similar to me, but then again most of them seem to be social variants who aren’t all that interested in or don’t know enough to begin transcending the fears of their ego. I sound like a major tool right now I know.

That being said, I do relate to the core fear of 5s to a certain point, but I feel it’s more likely to be my second fix. Many Ti characteristics also overlap with 5 traits because so many Ti doms are 5s. So the fear of being incapable does resonate with me to a certain degree but I wouldn’t say it’s the driving force behind most of my actions. I also don’t think anxiety is my core emotion, themes related to anger and autonomy have been much more recurring in my life.

Another thing, ISTP is the smartest sensor as far as I know, and N/S only counts for 4-8 IQ as far as I remember, you are also not that much inclined to sensor. It really should be a challenge to find something mental challenging and physical at the same time, but not something impossible. Lots of ISTPs in the end should be sort of this dillemea (even if the MBTI community has a more dumb picture of ISTP, which is not that accurate). In terms of cognitive functions, its pretty much a department where Ti and Se conflicts each other, because Ti is sort of intellectual and Se is sort of anti-intellectual.

Well... I don’t know my IQ so I’m not really taking that into consideration regarding my type. Either way I don’t think I’m all that smart lol, I’m constantly exposed to and surrounded by people much more intelligent than I am, but maybe I’ll get there some day.

Again, I could very well be completely wrong, I kind of feel like I’m reaching pretty hard at certain points, so I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
ISTPs certainly have strong feelings of personal significance and meanings, xSxPs are usually very intrigued by conspiracy theories and uncovering "hidden" things which you were correct in assessing as the influence of Ni.
Makes sense, I've definitely fallen into those conspiracy theory rabbit holes when I've been lost in the Ni sauce

This quote alone sells me on 9w8. The self-image of toughness directly correlates to 8, I believe the traits you see as being related to enneagram 1 is a combination of your dominant Ti and demon Fi.
Yeah I think I'm sold on 9w8 for the moment, the more I think about it the more 8 themes I see recurring in my life. This also reminded me I need to get into socionics... I'm not too familiar with what role a demon function would play exactly. Thanks!


New member
Oct 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Well... I don’t know my IQ so I’m not really taking that into consideration regarding my type. Either way I don’t think I’m all that smart lol, I’m constantly exposed to and surrounded by people much more intelligent than I am, but maybe I’ll get there some day.

Again, I could very well be completely wrong, I kind of feel like I’m reaching pretty hard at certain points, so I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.

I would definitely call ISTP's dominant Ti paired with auxiliary Se brilliant in many ways that other types see value in, but someone's identity has more to do with enneagram than typology and I think confusion comes from this. I've certainly met ISTPs who appear more mentally active and aware of how intelligent they are perceived (enneagram 5s) but enneagram 9s, due to nine's difficulty with identity in general, have a harder time recognizing core traits within themselves. An aspect I notice in the difference between ISTP 5s and ISTP 9s is that the 5s have a stronger presence of Ni, and the 9s have a stronger presence of Se as a rule.

ISTPs lack both Fe and Fi, so their ability to even rely on their social groups to accurately assess themselves with is low. ISTP's self-image typically has to develop with their Ni, but as a tertiary function this evidently takes time and usually age. I'm assuming you're rather undeveloped, you would have more reliance on your auxiliary function in the first quarter of your life.

I highly recommend socionics and John Beebe's model, have fun learning.

On top of that I’m at a stage in my life where I try to make myself uncomfortable on purpose which seems anti-9 lol, but it’s because I’ve seen how detrimental that self-numbing and retreating attitude has been for me in the past (like, I was so avoidant as a child that I wouldn’t have even dared to post on a relatively anonymous forum like this, it was that bad).

Your entire description of your experience as a 9w8 is in depth and very interesting to me, but this bit was especially intriguing because I always thought this was because of me being an Fi dominant but over time, this response has practically evaporated and now I believe these intensely traumatizing reactions I felt as a child were due to my nature as a nine, or contributed to shaping it. Another ISTP 9w8 I know mirrors your illustration exactly, I believe this is a core experience of enneagram 9 children that the wing (either 1 or 8) then operates to conceal and protect.


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I would definitely call ISTP's dominant Ti paired with auxiliary Se brilliant in many ways that other types see value in, but someone's identity has more to do with enneagram than typology and I think confusion comes from this.
Hm, I could see that. MBTI is only cognition after all, and the way you judge/process information only covers so much of your personality. Enneagram is way deeper territory.

I've certainly met ISTPs who appear more mentally active and aware of how intelligent they are perceived (enneagram 5s) but enneagram 9s, due to nine's difficulty with identity in general, have a harder time recognizing core traits within themselves.
Yeah that makes sense, I’ve always had difficulty describing myself, only reason I’m better at it now is that I’ve made it a point to develop self awareness since it’s a lot easier to get pushed around if you don’t know yourself. I’m pretty uncomfortable with arrogance too which is pretty 9 now that I think about it.
Also, since enneagram is so deeply personal and can be very upsetting to learn about, it makes sense that 9s would avoid acknowledging these core characteristics in themselves since it's such a sore spot that it triggers that defense mechanism (I've definitely been guilty of this).

ISTP's self-image typically has to develop with their Ni, but as a tertiary function this evidently takes time and usually age. I'm assuming you're rather undeveloped, you would have more reliance on your auxiliary function in the first quarter of your life.

Yeah idk how developed I am but since I’m pretty young it’s probably on the lower side. Se definitely comes much more naturally to me but I wouldn’t say my Ni is exactly weak either, it’s just not under my control as much if that makes sense. It kinda does its own thing and hits me over the head with random insights from time to time. If I focus on it too much then I get in way over my head and need Se to ground me.

I highly recommend socionics and John Beebe's model, have fun learning.

Thanks! I'll check it out, it seems to go a lot more in depth than the typical MBTI stuff you find online.

Your entire description of your experience as a 9w8 is in depth and very interesting to me, but this bit was especially intriguing because I always thought this was because of me being an Fi dominant but over time, this response has practically evaporated and now I believe these intensely traumatizing reactions I felt as a child were due to my nature as a nine, or contributed to shaping it. Another ISTP 9w8 I know mirrors your illustration exactly, I believe this is a core experience of enneagram 9 children that the wing (either 1 or 8) then operates to conceal and protect.

Oh that’s interesting, I wasn’t sure if I was maybe just an extreme example of and unhealthy 9 at the time. It makes sense though, 9s don’t want to feel separate, and the best way to merge with your environment is to hold yourself back from affecting it at all, which can manifest as a fear of participating in life from a young age until the wing finally snaps you out of that daze. How would you say that manifests in w1? In my case the w8 helps relieve the internal tension that builds up when I avoid things too much by pushing me to confront them head on.


New member
Oct 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Oh that’s interesting, I wasn’t sure if I was maybe just an extreme example of and unhealthy 9 at the time. It makes sense though, 9s don’t want to feel separate, and the best way to merge with your environment is to hold yourself back from affecting it at all, which can manifest as a fear of participating in life from a young age until the wing finally snaps you out of that daze. How would you say that manifests in w1? In my case the w8 helps relieve the internal tension that builds up when I avoid things too much by pushing me to confront them head on.

As a 9w1, my repressed anger builds in the form of resentment towards injustice. I find the level of anger I am repressing is usually expressed by how bothered I am by the moral happenings of others and cruelty in the world, I can become a bitter person inside and this greatly bothers my nine core when it shows in front of others. This built up resentment towards the world pushes me to dissociate from reality and find escape within my imagination, which further feeds my vice. On the positive side, this side of me is very strong and assertive when it comes to values. The nine trait I relate least to is not having a voice and I think this is a combination of my one wing + sp variant.

For further development, I recommend The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut if you haven't already read that. The descriptions are written specifically as the variants effect each type and I had a much clearer view after reading her work. The way we cope with our inertia and the path to improvement is different depending on subtype.


New member
Sep 30, 2016
Instinctual Variant
As a 9w1, my repressed anger builds in the form of resentment towards injustice. I find the level of anger I am repressing is usually expressed by how bothered I am by the moral happenings of others and cruelty in the world, I can become a bitter person inside and this greatly bothers my nine core when it shows in front of others. This built up resentment towards the world pushes me to dissociate from reality and find escape within my imagination, which further feeds my vice. On the positive side, this side of me is very strong and assertive when it comes to values. The nine trait I relate least to is not having a voice and I think this is a combination of my one wing + sp variant.
That makes sense, I'd imagine being a high Fi user also helps with that, high Fe social 9s in particular seem a lot more willing to water down their own voices.

For further development, I recommend The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut if you haven't already read that. The descriptions are written specifically as the variants effect each type and I had a much clearer view after reading her work. The way we cope with our inertia and the path to improvement is different depending on subtype.
Great, I'll definitely check it out more in depth, I think I may have come across a few of her descriptions on here already. Thanks for the recommendation!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
Ok this got really long so bear with me lol, I agree with most of what you said, but I wanted to make some things clear and show where my reasoning is coming from.

I agree that I don’t come off as super peaceful, but it seems to me like the real essence of enneagram is the core fear, and 9’s apparent peacefulness is just a function of the fear of separation. Yes the coping mechanism is also an important characteristic that should be taken into consideration, but I don’t think that general peacefulness in all areas of life is the core mechanism, it’s the forgetting of the self, diffusing oneself to further the agenda of another, a sort of internal numbing to appease that perceived conflict in areas that are important to the 9. For example, a social variant 9 would definitely come off as more of a peacemaker, because they prioritize the social realm and any discordance in it will be seen as psychologically disturbing, so their 9-ness is more immediately obvious since the social realm is much more expansive than that of sp and sx. Assuming I’m so-last, it would explain why I’m not deeply affected by conflicts in my environment or “groups” like that. I don’t necessarily like them, but it’s because I see them as a hassle and a waste of energy, not because it’s seriously disturbing to me. At my core I do care about my peace of mind and have resorted to numbing myself to outer and inner influences to achieve it, but what affects it is very different than what would affect the peace of mind of a so-dominant 9, since we have such fundamentally different values. Not sure if I’m being preachy right now, you’ve been into this for much longer than I have and this isn’t exactly revolutionary, but I think taking this more nuanced approach would explain why that typical “peacefulness” may not seem very present in me, it manifests in much more personal areas of life. I also realized recently that I make it a point to have this fear not be immediately obvious since I hate seeming weak (may be the w8). On top of that I’m at a stage in my life where I try to make myself uncomfortable on purpose which seems anti-9 lol, but it’s because I’ve seen how detrimental that self-numbing and retreating attitude has been for me in the past (like, I was so avoidant as a child that I wouldn’t have even dared to post on a relatively anonymous forum like this, it was that bad). I could be wrong though, I can’t say I’ve met many 9s similar to me, but then again most of them seem to be social variants who aren’t all that interested in or don’t know enough to begin transcending the fears of their ego. I sound like a major tool right now I know.

That being said, I do relate to the core fear of 5s to a certain point, but I feel it’s more likely to be my second fix. Many Ti characteristics also overlap with 5 traits because so many Ti doms are 5s. So the fear of being incapable does resonate with me to a certain degree but I wouldn’t say it’s the driving force behind most of my actions. I also don’t think anxiety is my core emotion, themes related to anger and autonomy have been much more recurring in my life.

Well... I don’t know my IQ so I’m not really taking that into consideration regarding my type. Either way I don’t think I’m all that smart lol, I’m constantly exposed to and surrounded by people much more intelligent than I am, but maybe I’ll get there some day.

Again, I could very well be completely wrong, I kind of feel like I’m reaching pretty hard at certain points, so I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.

My tip is to be careful what people say is deep and important, because what appears to be deep and important might not be deep and important at all. And my second tip is to be careful about what people say is "the real essence".

The Enneagram theory is hundreds of years old, i think I already mentioned on this thread but I am not sure, but not all parts that you had read comes from the original enneagram and there is no way we can know what belongs or not to the original Enneagram (tri-type doesnt). So, basically, there isnt a clear "real essence" of Enneagram, it doesnt matter how convincing someone make sound that there is so. So I wouldnt recommend to ignore the 9 profile description because as if it isnt a "real essence" of Enneagram, at least the type description part of the enneagram should be from the original enneagram. The fears are less stable overtime than the motivations or the profiles, at least in my own opinion, and they are prone to being dictated by what happened to you (your past traumas, for example) than what you really are. So, you being a core 5 and 9 as the second fix makes way more sense to you, because being way too different from the core description is definitely a problem and I think that you are a little bit too off from the core 5 description. Also, anxiety as a core emotion? I dont remember that being related to neither 9 or 5 (6, perhaps?).

Anyway, as I had said in another thread somewhere some weeks ago, if you are very similar on both then you can somewhat see both as your core and just pick the one you like the most instead (the one that sounds cooler to you). As Jung said, "In the foregoing descriptions I have no desire to give my readers the impression that such pure types occur at all frequently in actual practice", although he was saying that to the core cognitive functions type (Ti-dom, Se-dom, etc...) I think that applies well in various typology systems (as you are definitely not a pure ISTP and perhaps ISTP 9 can communicate that better).


New member
Oct 26, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Also, anxiety as a core emotion? I dont remember that being related to neither 9 or 5 (6, perhaps?).

I think this is an overly simplistic view of enneagram. Sixes are known for running on stress and anxiety but I heavily struggled with anxiety as a child and still even now, as has every nine I've met. Every type can feel a strong connection to any emotion, what differentiates each is the personal significance of that emotion and what triggers it. ISTPs all experience social anxiety as a rule because of inferior Fe, most intensely in childhood (all inferior Fe users will hide this).


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I think this is an overly simplistic view of enneagram. Sixes are known for running on stress and anxiety but I heavily struggled with anxiety as a child and still even now, as has every nine I've met. Every type can feel a strong connection to any emotion, what differentiates each is the personal significance of that emotion and what triggers it. ISTPs all experience social anxiety as a rule because of inferior Fe, most intensely in childhood (all inferior Fe users will hide this).

Well, that is why I said "6 perhaps", I dont remember anxiety per se being associated with any other enneagram but 6 in some descriptions, and I am also critical of enneagram into associating any Neurotic fixed trait to any specific type. This extends to MBTI as well.