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Please help me with finding my type(s)


New member
Apr 8, 2021
Please type me in any system you know of, or you can get from this questionnaire, doesnt matter if its MBTI, ennegaram, tritype, socionics etc., any kind of help/input is appreciated :)

(Part one)

1.) Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age, and current state of mind.

I am female and in my 20s. I have some anxiety issues at the moment, but I am taking that into account while answering.

2.) What kind of person are you and why?

I am really quiet, shy, introverted, conflict-avoidant, avoidant in general, sensitive, nice. I am also a bit of a doormat, I have a lot of trouble fending for my self. Why? I cant say why exactly, I guess many things contributed to how I am now. What probably had an influence was that my sister was causing my parents a lot of trouble, so I tried to stay quiet and not cause any problems so as to not make it even harder for them than it already was.

3.) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else?
I guess I am more quiet and shy than most people.

4.) Do you think there are any differences between how you described yourself and how people actually perceive you? How do you think others would describe you? If there are any discrepancies between these two that you are aware of; do you know why exactly that is?
A bit yes. Others tend to speak more positively about me than I do myself. Things others have said about me that I havent mentioned before are: good-listener, intelligent, inexpressive, unemotional (although I actually am, but I try to hide it from almost anyone), rational, polite, weird (some people take this as a compliment, but I really dont wanna be weird) people who are not in my inner circle have called me aloof, but the people closest to me view me as gentle and kind. I have also been described as indecisive and lazy before (I also think I am, I just forgot to mention it before)

5.) Describe your relationship to order and chaos. What do order and chaos mean to you? How do they manifest in your daily life?
It is a bit weird, because I am pretty messy with my things, my room is pretty chaotic for example. But I like predictability when it comes to things happening in the future. I need to know when something happens. I have a daily routine that I mostly adhere to. Like there are a few fixed things that I do each day and I need to know ahead of time when something changes so I can prepare for it. but apart from those things, I do what I feel like doing. I also really dont like change. I also like to have a certain structure when doing something.

6.) Do you see ideas as revolving around core concepts or as gateways to new ideas?
I am not sure what to make of this creation, but I think both can happen.

7.) Do you find yourself to be obsessive about topics? Do you continually divine value from something you already understand or do you move on once you feel you have a fair enough understanding?
Yes, sometimes I can become a bit obsessed with certain topics and I then spend every free minute researching it. I like both, I like learning about new topics, but I also like learning more about things I already know. I even like reviewing old stuff sometimes, so I can remember it more easily.

(Part two)

8. What kind of person would you LIKE to be? Why? What kind of person would you NOT want to be? Why?

I think I would like to be more efficient, so get more stuff done, not take everything to heart. Not be such a doormat, not put up with so much. Not be as serious and inhibited as I am, being able to step out of my comfort from time to time. I really dont wanna be someone who is very egoistical, exploit others for my personal gain, just being cruel to others in general.

9. How do you react to new situations in your life? Can you describe an event in your life where you were in an unknown situation? How did you deal with it?
I usually become scared and freeze, I feel lost and dont know what to do. It takes sometime until I adjust to new situations. about 5 months ago, I moved out of my parents home which was really hard for me. And I did something weird. I took my old mp3 player, that still contained all the songs that I listened to around 10-12 years ago. I put it on and went through the new town, in hopes to connect the old nostalgic memories that were induced by the music to the impressions from my new home. and apart from that I just waited it out, because I knew from past experiences that I'll adjust and get used to it eventually. But nonetheless, it was and is still really hard for me. Its been five months and I still havent fully adjusted yet.

10. Please describe yourself when you are in a stressful situation. How do you act and why? Real life experiences are welcome.
I am a lot more sensitive than usual and I become overwhelmed from stress really easily. If I feel I cant deal with it, I talk to someone about it I trust so they can help me sort things out. But I have to say that it is usually hard for me to talk about stuff like that with others and it is usually my last resort.

11. Please describe yourself when you are in an enjoyable situation. How do you act and why? Real life experiences are welcome.
I become a bit more animated than I usually am, because usually I am very inexpressive. I remember when a teacher told me that I passed one of my final exams, I just yelled "yes" and a few seconds later became a bit embarrassed about it. But for the most part I usually just quietly enjoy those situations.

12. Describe your relationship to socialization. How do you perceive one-on-one interaction? How do you perceive group interaction?
I dont think I really have one? Like I have relationships with people but I have no idea about society as a whole. I like one-on-one interactions, I think you can have a lot more "productive" and deeper conversations like that. When in groups of more than three (including me) I become very quiet and dont say a lot anymore. I mostly let the others have the conversation and just listen. I mostly only talk when I am directly spoken to.

13. Describe your relationship to society. What are the elements of it you hold important or unimportant (e.g. social norms, values, customs, traditions)? How do you see people as a whole?
I dont really have one I guess? My life evolves more around the people closest to me, so what their norms, values whatever are. I noticed that I adjust my worldview a bit to the people closest to me, so there is no potential for conflict and I can sometimes forget what I actually want or what I do just for me and not for others.

14. Describe your relationship to authority. How do you perceive authority? What does it mean to you, and how do you deal with it?
It depends, but I like to be given some kind of direction by others. But I choose who I view as an "authority" that I let myself be guided by. And I try to do what they want from me, if I feel they have my best interests in mind.

15. What is it that you fear in life? Why? How does this fear manifest to you both in how you think and how you act?
I mostly fear death and physical and mental pain, I go to great lengths to avoid it. I also fear loosing everyone and everything thats important to me. I am someone who has a lot of trouble building trust and opening up to others, but if I manage to, I do everything possible that those people stay in my life. I try to appease and accommodate to them and when a friendship ends or I am in conflict with someone close to me it is really hard for me.

16. What is it that you desire in life? What do you strive to achieve? Why? Where do you think these drives and desires stem from or are inspired by?
Nothing special actually. First and foremost I wanna be happy, because if I am happy it doesnt really matter what I acutally do. But apart from that I wanna learn many languages, get better at singing and just in general learn a lot of things. And just enjoy my time here.

17. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?
Going for walks, listing to music, learning something new about a topic that interests me. What drains me is interaction with strangers or people I dont know well, interacting with many people at once, generally doing stuff thats unpleasant, like doing certain chores around the house, having arguments.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Well, the obvious choice is FiNe, but I couldn't really see the function order to give you a "proof".


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
If you could give a description of yourself, like a lengthy one (all written at once), then that would help.


New member
Apr 8, 2021
If you could give a description of yourself, like a lengthy one (all written at once), then that would help.
Sure, but I am really bad at just coming up with stuff on my own, so could you maybe give me a few questions or things that I should write about?


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014

I don't like providing questions, because it breaks up the flow of what you're saying.

If you want to be typed, you really need to provide information that is written all at once.

So the only questions is "tell me about yourself". You need to give an essay-like response.

Again, if I provide you with questioins, then it breaks up the response, and the analysis is invalid.


New member
Apr 8, 2021

I don't like providing questions, because it breaks up the flow of what you're saying.

If you want to be typed, you really need to provide information that is written all at once.

So the only questions is "tell me about yourself". You need to give an essay-like response.

Again, if I provide you with questioins, then it breaks up the response, and the analysis is invalid.
As mentioned before I am really bad at this, so I'll just start with what my life was like up until now and then I'll see what will come from it:

Summary about my life up until now:

So as a young child I was really anxious and quiet. My primary caregiver was my mom and she also had an anoxius parenting style and suspected danger every where. My dad was away because of work a lot, so I grew up mostly with my sister, who is a few years younger than me and my mom. My life back then was really structured and I liked that, it gave me a lot of security.
In general I was a quite and well-behaved child, not causing my parents any problems, totally different from my sister who became really aggressive and violent when she was around 10 to 14, she didnt go to school, was sometimes even physically violent towards my mother and rarely towards me, but all of this led me to become even more quiet and withdrawn, I fled into some kind of fantasy world, to turn out all of the conflict and violence around me. I tried really hard to hide the fact that I am suffering from my parents to not cause them any more trouble. But when my sister was around 14 it got a lot better for me too.
What followed were possibly the most happy three years off my life. I was in high school and it was the first time I actually had friends in my class. I was less withdrawn, more confident and less anxious than before.
After I was out of high school and went to university, I started to become more "lost" again. I was 20 when I started studying (dont get confused with the ages, the german school system is somewhat different). So I started studying what I thought was what I wanted to do, I studied linguistics and the English language. My studying experience was also weird because the majority of it took place during covid.
Last year in spring I failed an exam repeatedly and had to drop out, which let to a major falling out with my parents which also led me to loose my two guiding figures in my life, which I hadnt even noticed at this point that I mostly shaped my whole life around pleasing them. So I felt really lost and alone which also let my to cling to one friend who cared for me around that time, who then became the person I am now guided by, which I see as some kind of older brother, because it seems without a guiding figure I am lost. I also started to shape my world view towards him a bit too, so there is less potential for conflict and I consult him for every decision I make now.
So yeah really weird rambling about my past.

Now some adjectives positive negative and neutral that I think describe me:

first the negative:

Lazy: I seem to often need a push to get started on stuff
Indecisive: As mentioned in the long text about my past, I have always needed someone to kind of tell me what to do
Sensitive: I often take stuff that people do or say to heart to much
stuck in my ways: I dont like change and want things to stay as they are even if they are not optimal, I have a lot of trouble stepping out of my comfort zone
anxious: especially during the harder patches of my life I reacted with anxiety and excessive worrying about various things


I dont talk a lot and I am really quiet
reserved: I have a hard time becoming close and opening up to people, but if I do, I go to great lengths to keep them in my life
structured: I made this neutral because some people look at it negatively, but I like to have some kind of daily structure and generally like to do things in a more structured way
conflict-avoident: I try to avoid conflicts at all costs, in discussions I usually quickly give in if I am faced with opposition.


I am accommodating to avoid conflicts and stay on good terms with people
Good memory: I have an easy time remembering things I have read, details and stuff
Intelligent: Others have referred to me as smart, but I am not so sure about that
Kind: I really try to be nice to and help people that are important to me
Good-listener: I can patiently listen to people talk about anything
curious: I have a lot of different interested which I will talk about in the next part

Interests and Hobbies

I like learning languages and about various linguistic topics. I find it really fascinating to learn like a new "code" that at first you have no idea what something means and after sometimes you understand. I also like to see how certain things are alike and different in other languages, I also like teaching my mother tongue to others. My other big interested is music. I really like learning about the theory and how songs are made, I also wrote songs during my teenage years. I also like singing a lot, I like that it can get me in some kind of flow state. I am also interested in a lot of other things like typology, psychology even weird things like the weather, about two years ago I learned how to read weather cards. I also like playing games sometimes, caring for children (I used to babysit for many years during my teenage years) and going for walks.

And in the last part I will explain a bit what my average days look like

I get up around the same time every morning, feed my cats, drink a coffee, while waking up I usually watch some videos. During the day I either do some work around the house, go for walks , watch videos, research my interests, sometimes visit a friend or my grandma. In the evening I usually watch some shows or play games with the friend mentioned in the first part about my life up until now and then I go to sleep at around the same time every night. So yeah, nothing spectacular.

I hope that this is helpful for you trying to type me


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014

Yes I still think you're FiNe. One thing I notice though is that you use a lot of Si (the past, details). You may even confuse yourself for SiFe as a result. But I believe this is coming from the tertiary.

Your list of adjectives is very Fi. It shows great levels of introspection. You also use emotional language, like the word anxious. So I believe you have high emotional intelligence. Also, Fi types tend to be good listeners.

You probably struggle with Te though, in things like being decisive. Though, you mention you have structure to your day, which comes from Si+Te.

I'm not really seeing too much Ne though. Chances are you've been using too much Si and not enough Ne. SiTe doesn't make much sense given how you describe yourself, so I'm sure you must be FiNe. You'll hear people say how a person can be FiSi as their type, but I don't believe that happens very often. I would say you're overusing Si.

That's all I can think of. Hope it helps.


Active member
May 10, 2007
I'd say INFP too. I'd take a few MBTI questionnaires to confirm though.


New member
Apr 8, 2021
Here you go:

1) Context:
a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

I'm in my 20s from Germany. I am agnostic and I am not really political.

b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one?
In MBTI: ISFJ,INFP (maybe even INTP,ISTJ or ISFP) enneagram: 9 and 6. Because of tests and from people who gave my their opinion on my type.

2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?
I dont think I really have one apart from the one I give myself. I am just trying to enjoy my time here and learn as much as possible.

3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?
Probably sloth because I can be really lazy and unmotivated sometimes. And least to wrath I guess.

4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
a) The type of people you are drawn to

- People who are easy-going, not looking for conflict, nice, not aggressive
- people who are knowledgeable
- people with some overlapping interests
b) The type of people who are drawn to you
All kinds of people the people I am friends with are so different, some are weird, introverted and nerdy, some are a lot more extroverted and upbeat
c) The type of people you are repulsed by
People who are aggressive, intrusive, forceful and always looking for conflicts/drama

5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.
being positive and self confident, without being mean. I wouldnt say I am necessarily negative, but I am pretty skeptical and sometimes just worry about how things could go wrong.

6) Describe your relationship with the following:
a) Anger

Barely at all, I can become a bit annoyed or frustrated sometimes. Instead of getting angry, I mostly just get sad and/or anxious and withdraw. Or go vent to someone else who was not part of the situation or the person that were the cause of it.
b) Shame
I can sometimes become embarrassed about things I said or done. Sometimes those memories came up and make me cringe.
c) Fear
I can be anxious quite a lot about many things. I avoid a lot of things due to fear. I prepare a lot before situations that make me anxious so I know what will happen and how I can deal with it.
d) Love/passion
There are definitely people and things I love, and for me this means feeling safe with people and trust them, having known them for quite some time and being able to be open with them. For passion, I dont know, I am not really passionate.
e) Conflict
I really hate conflict, whenever I am in a conflict with someone important to me, it affects me a lot. I try to avoid conflicts at all cost, sometimes even going along with things I really dont wanna do, but I am too afraid that being in conflict with someone will take a toll on the relationship between us.

7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you've been unable to conquer, ect)?
Things like standing up for myself, not letting myself be walked all over me and also stuff like stepping out of my comfort zone.

8) Answer only one of the following:
a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

Currently I dont do anything. I studied the english languages and linguistics until last year, but I repeatedly failed in an exam, so I had to stop, right now I am having other priorities. But I could imagine teaching others my mother tongue or working with children.

9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?
If they seem nice overall, if they seem more extroverted or introverted. But I dont try to put too much weight on the first impression, because I also know from myself, that I can be kinda weird in the beginning.

10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?
I dont feel anything particular about them. Maybe it is just me, but I am getting the impression, that people have become more and more extreme in their views in the past years, probably because some people are so stuck in their bubble, that they wont even consider different opinions, making them lose touch with reality.

11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I really like languages, learning them (I speak German, English, French, some Spanish a bit of danish and some words of Hungarian), also language theory or linguistics. My second biggest interest is music, I like to sing and also to learn about music theory. But I am interested in various topics, like typology, psychology, biology even weird stuff like the weather (about two years ago I was putting a lot of time into learning how to interpret weather cards). I also like watching movies and tv shows, playing games and going for walks.

13) How do you usually "hang out" with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.
depends on the friend, with one I usually go to theme parks, trampoline parks or to the cinema, with another I play games or watch shows. Usually the other person suggests something and I go along with it. I rarely suggest something on my own. I prefer one-on-one or maximum 3 people. I think you can have a lot more deep and productive conversations like that.

14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?
You can say a lot of things, but I think it matters more what you actually do.

15) Oh dear, you've been cursed by a witch! It's ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose.
a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
b) To be immortal
c) To lose your memories
d) To be poor for the rest of your life
e) Or to never experience passion
Elaborate on why!

Even though I like eating, I would choose one, because the rest is worse. Even if at first glance being immortal looks great, I would only choose it, if the people close to me also became immortal, because I wouldnt be able to keep losing the people closest to me again and again, because I outlive them all. Loosing my memories would also be devastating because there are really important to me and make me who I am, even though some of them are negative. d) depends on how you define poor, if it just means no luxury, then fine, but if it means not having food or shelter, no. The passion think is weird, I am not really sure what it means to be passionate, but if it would mean to loose interest in everything, I wouldnt choose it either.

16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.
I dont wanna be egoistical, exploit others for my personal gain and just in general be cruel to others, especially kids or animals.

17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?
I can become a bit obsessed with certain topics and then spend every free minute researching it. For people I am not sure, but I often take on part of the worldview of the people closest to me and try my best to please/accommodate to them, to the point where I am sometimes not sure anymore what it is that I really want and not what the others want, but no idea if thats actually "merging

18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?
My room is kind of messy often, but everything else I like organized, I rarely do anything on impulse, I think things through and plan them. My thought process and brain is also pretty organized. I have sometimes compared it to having different folders in my brain about people and topics were I save everything, like on a computer.

19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?
Comfort is really important to me. I create comfort by wearing something comfortable, satisfying hunger and thirst, I like to sit or lay in a comfortable position etc.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
First, welcome to the forum!

Second, I want to say that I think it's really brave how you moved out from your parents the way you did.

Third, for enneagram, my best guess is 9 core. 9w1 most likely, then 6w5. It was pretty hard to narrow between 6 and 9, because you seem really strong in both of them, but you're more introverted and just really fit what it means to be a 9. So 9w1 6w5 and probably 2, though 3 could be possible for your heart. And for instincts, you seem rather balanced, honestly, which makes it difficult to type you (but it's healthiest to be so balanced!). There's sufficient merging with another that I hesitate to say sx blind, but you don't experience passion strongly. You don't seem contraflow, so I'm going to guess so/sx, but that could be wrong.


New member
Apr 8, 2021
First, welcome to the forum!

Second, I want to say that I think it's really brave how you moved out from your parents the way you did.

Third, for enneagram, my best guess is 9 core. 9w1 most likely, then 6w5. It was pretty hard to narrow between 6 and 9, because you seem really strong in both of them, but you're more introverted and just really fit what it means to be a 9. So 9w1 6w5 and probably 2, though 3 could be possible for your heart. And for instincts, you seem rather balanced, honestly, which makes it difficult to type you (but it's healthiest to be so balanced!). There's sufficient merging with another that I hesitate to say sx blind, but you don't experience passion strongly. You don't seem contraflow, so I'm going to guess so/sx, but that could be wrong.
Okay, thanks a lot :)

Would you agree with the two others above, that I am an INFP in MBTI or would you say something else?


New member
Jun 5, 2023
Please type me in any system you know of, or you can get from this questionnaire, doesnt matter if its MBTI, ennegaram, tritype, socionics etc., any kind of help/input is appreciated :)

(Part one)

1.) Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age, and current state of mind.

I am female and in my 20s. I have some anxiety issues at the moment, but I am taking that into account while answering.

2.) What kind of person are you and why?

I am really quiet, shy, introverted, conflict-avoidant, avoidant in general, sensitive, nice. I am also a bit of a doormat, I have a lot of trouble fending for my self. Why? I cant say why exactly, I guess many things contributed to how I am now. What probably had an influence was that my sister was causing my parents a lot of trouble, so I tried to stay quiet and not cause any problems so as to not make it even harder for them than it already was.

3.) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else?
I guess I am more quiet and shy than most people.

4.) Do you think there are any differences between how you described yourself and how people actually perceive you? How do you think others would describe you? If there are any discrepancies between these two that you are aware of; do you know why exactly that is?
A bit yes. Others tend to speak more positively about me than I do myself. Things others have said about me that I havent mentioned before are: good-listener, intelligent, inexpressive, unemotional (although I actually am, but I try to hide it from almost anyone), rational, polite, weird (some people take this as a compliment, but I really dont wanna be weird) people who are not in my inner circle have called me aloof, but the people closest to me view me as gentle and kind. I have also been described as indecisive and lazy before (I also think I am, I just forgot to mention it before)

5.) Describe your relationship to order and chaos. What do order and chaos mean to you? How do they manifest in your daily life?
It is a bit weird, because I am pretty messy with my things, my room is pretty chaotic for example. But I like predictability when it comes to things happening in the future. I need to know when something happens. I have a daily routine that I mostly adhere to. Like there are a few fixed things that I do each day and I need to know ahead of time when something changes so I can prepare for it. but apart from those things, I do what I feel like doing. I also really dont like change. I also like to have a certain structure when doing something.

6.) Do you see ideas as revolving around core concepts or as gateways to new ideas?
I am not sure what to make of this creation, but I think both can happen.

7.) Do you find yourself to be obsessive about topics? Do you continually divine value from something you already understand or do you move on once you feel you have a fair enough understanding?
Yes, sometimes I can become a bit obsessed with certain topics and I then spend every free minute researching it. I like both, I like learning about new topics, but I also like learning more about things I already know. I even like reviewing old stuff sometimes, so I can remember it more easily.

(Part two)

8. What kind of person would you LIKE to be? Why? What kind of person would you NOT want to be? Why?

I think I would like to be more efficient, so get more stuff done, not take everything to heart. Not be such a doormat, not put up with so much. Not be as serious and inhibited as I am, being able to step out of my comfort from time to time. I really dont wanna be someone who is very egoistical, exploit others for my personal gain, just being cruel to others in general.

9. How do you react to new situations in your life? Can you describe an event in your life where you were in an unknown situation? How did you deal with it?
I usually become scared and freeze, I feel lost and dont know what to do. It takes sometime until I adjust to new situations. about 5 months ago, I moved out of my parents home which was really hard for me. And I did something weird. I took my old mp3 player, that still contained all the songs that I listened to around 10-12 years ago. I put it on and went through the new town, in hopes to connect the old nostalgic memories that were induced by the music to the impressions from my new home. and apart from that I just waited it out, because I knew from past experiences that I'll adjust and get used to it eventually. But nonetheless, it was and is still really hard for me. Its been five months and I still havent fully adjusted yet.

10. Please describe yourself when you are in a stressful situation. How do you act and why? Real life experiences are welcome.
I am a lot more sensitive than usual and I become overwhelmed from stress really easily. If I feel I cant deal with it, I talk to someone about it I trust so they can help me sort things out. But I have to say that it is usually hard for me to talk about stuff like that with others and it is usually my last resort.

11. Please describe yourself when you are in an enjoyable situation. How do you act and why? Real life experiences are welcome.
I become a bit more animated than I usually am, because usually I am very inexpressive. I remember when a teacher told me that I passed one of my final exams, I just yelled "yes" and a few seconds later became a bit embarrassed about it. But for the most part I usually just quietly enjoy those situations.

12. Describe your relationship to socialization. How do you perceive one-on-one interaction? How do you perceive group interaction?
I dont think I really have one? Like I have relationships with people but I have no idea about society as a whole. I like one-on-one interactions, I think you can have a lot more "productive" and deeper conversations like that. When in groups of more than three (including me) I become very quiet and dont say a lot anymore. I mostly let the others have the conversation and just listen. I mostly only talk when I am directly spoken to.

13. Describe your relationship to society. What are the elements of it you hold important or unimportant (e.g. social norms, values, customs, traditions)? How do you see people as a whole?
I dont really have one I guess? My life evolves more around the people closest to me, so what their norms, values whatever are. I noticed that I adjust my worldview a bit to the people closest to me, so there is no potential for conflict and I can sometimes forget what I actually want or what I do just for me and not for others.

14. Describe your relationship to authority. How do you perceive authority? What does it mean to you, and how do you deal with it?
It depends, but I like to be given some kind of direction by others. But I choose who I view as an "authority" that I let myself be guided by. And I try to do what they want from me, if I feel they have my best interests in mind.

15. What is it that you fear in life? Why? How does this fear manifest to you both in how you think and how you act?
I mostly fear death and physical and mental pain, I go to great lengths to avoid it. I also fear loosing everyone and everything thats important to me. I am someone who has a lot of trouble building trust and opening up to others, but if I manage to, I do everything possible that those people stay in my life. I try to appease and accommodate to them and when a friendship ends or I am in conflict with someone close to me it is really hard for me.

16. What is it that you desire in life? What do you strive to achieve? Why? Where do you think these drives and desires stem from or are inspired by?
Nothing special actually. First and foremost I wanna be happy, because if I am happy it doesnt really matter what I acutally do. But apart from that I wanna learn many languages, get better at singing and just in general learn a lot of things. And just enjoy my time here.

17. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why? territorial io
Going for walks, listing to music, learning something new about a topic that interests me. What drains me is interaction with strangers or people I dont know well, interacting with many people at once, generally doing stuff thats unpleasant, like doing certain chores around the house, having arguments.

Fantastic discussion with great questions!


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Okay, thanks a lot :)

Would you agree with the two others above, that I am an INFP in MBTI or would you say something else?
I'm not that great at MBTI typing, sorry.


New member
May 17, 2013
my best guess is 9 core. 9w1 most likely, then 6w5. It was pretty hard to narrow between 6 and 9, because you seem really strong in both of them, but you're more introverted and just really fit what it means to be a 9. So 9w1 6w5 and probably 2, though 3 could be possible for your heart. And for instincts, you seem rather balanced, honestly, which makes it difficult to type you (but it's healthiest to be so balanced!). There's sufficient merging with another that I hesitate to say sx blind, but you don't experience passion strongly. You don't seem contraflow, so I'm going to guess so/sx, but that could be wrong.

The merging is in the 9. She is probably sp/so. Yes, 962 is right and is the right order. She is 9w1 at stress point 6 with head fix 6 second.