Being part of the image triad, the type 4 structure is based around creating a particular crafted self. For 4’s, the image that they create is a crafted image of being “un-crafted.†4’s want to be seen as raw, true to themselves, and exactly who they are. However, “who they are†is something they consider so often that it’s an image of authenticity. (I am not as "crafted" as a lot of 4s are often portrayed as. But then, I have been looking into socionics and Se polr types can be pretty straightforward, honest, there is no "games" there at all so, Beta + type 4 might resemble "crafted" - and to a strong degree - much more.) Which begs the question for the 4, what is truly authentic and real? The thought that they could be something crafted or predictable makes them sick, so they insist on crafting themselves into something that is completely and utterly separate because that’s what being “real†means. The 4 self-image is a constant re-submerging and re-crafting of all the hypersensitive impressions taken in via introjection. 4 has an obsession with trying to craft "who I am" in a way that is consistently different/alien from any external circumstance. They want to build all of those immediate feelings that swim around inside them into a gilded, weathered-looking sculpture. Part of this obsession with "who I am" is the need to express oneself or curate a specific aesthetic or art. 4's can get stuck in trying to hard to fashion an image of themselves in their art that they fail to just let go and allow the artistic process to happen.
4's are processing a moment-by-moment constant individuation of self-image from others. They are hypersensitive to everything and then have to constantly try to refashion their own sense of self based on those impressions to ensure they are alien from their external circumstances. This is often simplified as "wanting to be unique." However most human beings in this social climate want to show their own unique colours in some way. However with 4, this is a problem that can affect them even when things are good. It's not the same as simply being different. The internal messages for 4 are such that the 4 isn't allowed to have a good time even if people are looking to them or sending positive energy their way. Any time common ground could happen, the 4 will find a way to individuate themselves. You'll see 4's not being a good sport, not playing along, and being very particular about what they are and how it differs from what other people are saying to them. The heart centre is concerned with image, but image is not concrete like the body centre. It's something that needs to be produced. At 4, the mental centre is constantly trying to make sense of the emotional centre by over-processing internal states and over-individuating to create a solid sense of self that will never be solid enough. 4's can get so concerned with how they're coming across in the most self-absorbed way (this sounds soc and yet again the kind of 'uber image focus' which I was referring to which I don't relate to to this extent. I definitely do it but I am not...I mean, I have been told that I am "pure, honest, innocent" etc. and yes I am a type 4 as well at the same time, haha). that they forget to empathize with others. This is the opposite of image type 2.
4’s are addicted to being frustrated. They will consistently come up with problems in relation to their instinct/tritype and often project this deficiency in that area to others. Part of the image of 4 is that they are broken and unfixable with regards to their instinct, and they broadcast the amorphous problem that they have. This is not the same as being depressed, because any type can experience depression and sadness. Even in a happy state of affairs, 4’s seem to pick out the screaming blood-red elephant in the room and make sure they (and/or others) can see it. The state of mind of a 4 (especially 4w3) is an active frustration rather than a resigned depression (which more fits some versions of type 9).
Do not attempt to help a 4 see how everything is going to work out, or spout any kind of inspirational cliché. No, everything does not happen for a reason. Because in this moment, the 4 has suffered more than you. The 4’s problems are unsolvable. The 4 needs you to know that they can’t be helped, and they want you to experience them as such being in the image triad. The 4 will look inside their own selves, walk through every battered hallway and torn down room and find whatever it is they “are†and over-identify with the completely personal emotional state in an attempt to present their authentic truth to the world and prove that others couldn’t possibly understand them. 6's can also at times do a similar "everything happens to me" episode, and they can be just as reactive and immutable about their problem. However with 6, the focus is more projection of an internal issue as an external problem/threat, whereas with 4, the focus is more introjection of an external issue as a pathway to focus more on "me and my issue."
Again, this does not imply that 4's can't be happy or that they are always in a state of negative feeling. However it does mean that they are comfortable expressing negativity, complaining, etc. and will generally have a specific set of issues that they can't ever seem to solve. And they have no problem expressing those issues. For example, if the 4 has complained about never being able to have the lifestyle they want, and then they objectively accomplish that goal, there's a part of them that won't accept that they're content or happy and won't be comfortable with others congratulating them. They'll need to create a new problem. However it's important to note that almost any type can relate to feeling dissatisfied even when things are good. The difference is that 4's or types with 4 in the tritype will actively seek the dissatisfied state, perhaps finding some kind of comfort and beauty in that problem area, whereas some other types might feel the dissatisfaction and do things to lighten up.
4's tend to feel "hate" as an underlying driving emotion. They can have articulated and pointedly-directed feelings of hatred towards specific people or situations without any of the superego/connectedness of 9 to send the message that "hate is wrong." i don't do this, even if i feel "hate" i am not necessarily aware and i certainly won't feel "entitled" enough to subject random people, who haven't done anything wrong, to it. Many of the 9's mistyped as 4's will mistake their bubbling anger or the hidden shadow of their positivity as this kind of 4ish hatred. 4's have no superego need to be open-hearted, kind, or compassionate. really? i mean, a human being is complex, it's kinda weird to go "this is definitely not a 4 thing to do" This is not to say that they can't be all of these things, but it's not an idea built into their type structure and not something for which they will strive. its not the absolute primary thing i strive for but its kinda important to me 6's with 4 in the tritype, for example, will be comfortable being negative and have no problem expressing this verbally. However, 6's will still display a need for acceptance, a fear of being cast away, and they will emphasize how different/problematic they are as if it's a problem/danger to be put on the table right away. Even when 6's are at their worst, they still tend to be funny and likeable.
4's at their best can sometimes still come across as unreachable and rude. 4 is less likely than a 6 or 7 for example to come into a space and splat their problems on the table or be wildly bold and self-revealing right off the bat. 4 is a withdrawn type, so there's a part of them that doesn't even want to share themselves because they feel superior anyway. It's best to just sit up on your throne in jewels where everyone can see you but not actually reach you. Getting too close implies that you're "one of them," and of course you're not.
4’s run the gamut in style. 4w3's will generally do things to appear untouchable, elite, royal, and delicate. 4w5's are more eclectic and can be grungy. In any case, they can have a stylistic personal statement that reflects who they are that they are over-identified with. In an attempt to nurture the false belief that they are a separate outsider from others, they seek depth and deeper meaning in everything they encounter. Since everyone else is a common plebeian, the 4 must be the only one who can squeeze the emotional juices and oceanic depth out of life in order to transform the mundane into the tragically beautiful.
At their best, 4’s have a large capacity to be empathetic with a person’s darkest secrets, avoiding the superego responses of 1’s or 2’s, but not quite matching the ability to hold space for others like 9’s. That being said, there is nothing in the type 4 structure that feels compelled to be warm-hearted or compassionate as an underlying goodness. 4's are not judgemental in a right vs. wrong way, but can be super judgemental about things they hate. 4w3's can have a long list of aesthetic things that disgust them, whereas 4w5's can ted to direct their judgement/disgust at 5ish introspective concepts like politics/philosophy, etc.