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TypoC Psychopaths


New member
Jun 8, 2007
I dont think trolls are in the same league, a psychopath would be charming online, get the relationship to an offline stage and pull all kinds of shit at that point.

Then I have never met a psychopath online. Is it not strange in all these years, not a single psychopath has stalked me. They would not be able to pull it off. I would recognize them. And they know it.


mmmm... I like the almond flavoring--never had anything like it! :coffee:

Ah, lovely, isn't it? *alarmed that the chocolate failed as a taste blanket*

Would you like some almond biscotti as well?


Sep 8, 2009
What about not?
There are not "degrees of psychopathy" it's a binary state. Psychopath's brains are different from

What? This flies in the face of almost everything I've heard about personality disorders. I can see how, given some stringent definition of the term, a person could be considered either a psychopath or not. But, if you believe that is anything other than drawing a line through a rainbow then I'm not really sure what to think.

Do you have evidence to support your claim?

Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
Individuals with psychopathic personality disorder are found throughout the borderline range of severity (Gacano & Meloy, 1994).

Otto Kernberg, from a particular psychoanalytic perspective, believes psychopathy should be considered as part of a spectrum of pathological narcissism, that would range from narcissistic personality on the low end, malignant narcissism in the middle, and psychopathy at the high end.

Psychopaths differ from each other, and their condition can vary in severity. Current research suggests a continuum of psychopathy ranging from those who are highly psychopathic to persons who have the same number or fewer traits in a milder form. A clinical assessment of psychopathy is based on the person having the full cluster of psychopathic traits—at least to some degree—based on a pattern of lifetime behaviors.

The Wisdom of Psychopaths
OK Cupid’s “fun” quiz is based on the PCL-R, a test developed by psychologist Robert Hare in 1980 and revised in 1991, which measures twenty different aspects of personality. The highest possible score is forty, and the score above which you are considered a psychopath is twenty-seven. The disorder is currently understood as a continuum rather than a binary. While most people conceive of “psychopath” as synonymous with “serial killer,” only a small number of those who test as psychopathic are violent (I’m reassuring myself here as much as anyone else). The rest exhibit a clutch of symptoms of which the following is a sample: egocentricity, manipulativeness, absence of a sense of shame, superficial charm, irresponsibility, sexual promiscuity, parasitic lifestyle.

Evil in the forebrain: The neuroscience of psychopathy
Currently in a clinical context the term ASPD is favoured over “psychopathy” and advocated for in the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) produced by the American Psychiatric Association. In fact, there is an ongoing debate over how to differentiate psychopathy from other emotional dysfunctions along the antisocial disorder spectrum. However, several studies over the past few years have amassed evidence that provide a more definitive neuroscientific distinction for psychopathy as an independent brain disorder.

For example, a study published in 2010 by the psychologist Adrian Raine took magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brains of around 90 individuals “at risk for antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy,” looking for signs of a damaged or underdeveloped septum pellucidum – a structure in the limbic system of developing fetuses, which closes as the brain becomes fully formed.

Prenatal neural maldevelopment is associated with the pressence of a cavum septum pellucidum (CSP, a cavity in the septum pellucidum) and is suspected to result from exposing the fetus to alcohol. Raine et al. hypothesized and later confirmed via MRI that those who suffered from neurodevelopmental abnormalities in the “limbic and septal structures” (i.e., those with a CSP) were predisposed to ASPD and psychopathy.

Not discounting the role of environment, genetics and social circumstance at play, these findings basically mean those suffering from ASPDs and psychopathy were predisposed to these conditions by developmental biological forces beyond their control.

I'm just baffled.


New member
Jun 8, 2007
What? This flies in the face of almost everything I've heard about personality disorders. I can see how, given some stringent definition of the term, a person could be considered either a psychopath or not. But, if you believe that is anything other than drawing a line through a rainbow then I'm not really sure what to think.

Do you have evidence to support your claim?

Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual



The Wisdom of Psychopaths

Evil in the forebrain: The neuroscience of psychopathy

I'm just baffled.

A continuum does not exclude a binary state.
An analogy.

The people in Lissabon do not understand the vernacular in Rome.
Take a car ride from Rome to Lissabon. Where does the language change along the way?
It does not change anywhere.
All the people on the route understand the language of the neighbouring village.


Sep 8, 2009
A continuum does not exclude a binary state.
An analogy.

The people in Lissabon do not understand the vernacular in Rome.
Take a car ride from Rome to Lissabon. Where does the language change along the way?
It does not change anywhere.
All the people on the route understand the language of the neighbouring village.



Sep 24, 2010
all i know is that if i don't feel...then my thinking is irrational.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I once read an interesting thesis from a psych student who studied sociopathy. The notion was that in a very high stress early environment-think inner city or war zone or abusive family, children are re calibrated hormonally to a state which maximizes their chance of survival. They discussed studies showing increased rates of cortisol in inner city children as compared to middle class kids as a marker of increased stress.

Overtime, if this state is maintained it actually changes the way the brain is developing-again nature sort of assuming that the kids need to be extremely competitive to survive and reproduce and cant be merciful to others as they are in a state of very limited resource availability.

In adults, this was seen as increased levels of testosterone, increased aggression, changes in brain structure and continued increased cortisol levels in people who were ASPD-like. Thus maybe certain personality types would be more like to evolve into psychopaths when placed under the right environmental conditions. (other personality types might evolve into histronics or borderline or schizotypical or become narcissistic under similar stresses)

Anyways on the forum, you get to see the stuff people think and you get to see them be honest due to anonymity. Not psychopaths, but just exploration of darker sides I suspect.


Jun 21, 2007
Just to be on the safe side, let's say everyone here is out of their minds. ;)

Oh and Jonnyboy, if memory serves, you were harassing OMW which led to your banning.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
There was one former member who was really creepy to me and pretty unstable/manipulative... I think this person made his rounds trying to find people whose empathy he could take advantage of.

Good that I lacked some of that required empathy, lol.

Cascadeco - not picking on you in particular - this is more of a general message. When situations occur that make our members uncomfortable along these lines I would encourage people to make use of the report button. Otherwise, it can be difficult to do anything about and the situation may go unchecked for some time. Private messages can be reported just as easily as posts. Reps can't but it is easy to send a PM to one of the mods/admins.


Jan 31, 2010
pretty much all of us have watched people die on screen. Hundreds of people. We enjoy it, if we are truthful to ourselves.
even if you are the sole exception, it's nearly universally true.

You get me wrong; I believe you, specifically, do enjoy it and exist in a state of self-denial about it. I'd put you at a higher rate than the average population; probability is derived for your obvious interest in conflict. It is highly unlikely that you do not enjoy the general arousal that comes with conflict taken farther. Only as a point of conversation - I barely know you.
That is a nasty allegation to make against someone. It is rather a leap from "interest in conflict" to "enjoyment of death".

If there is a basis for anything you've said -- beyond your personal I'm sure it must be true or Come on, it's obvious, I would like to see a quote/link. Right now it just looks to me like you're throwing bullshit around and harassing another member.

I once read an interesting thesis from a psych student who studied sociopathy. The notion was that in a very high stress early environment-think inner city or war zone or abusive family, children are re calibrated hormonally to a state which maximizes their chance of survival. They discussed studies showing increased rates of cortisol in inner city children as compared to middle class kids as a marker of increased stress.

Overtime, if this state is maintained it actually changes the way the brain is developing-again nature sort of assuming that the kids need to be extremely competitive to survive and reproduce and cant be merciful to others as they are in a state of very limited resource availability.

In adults, this was seen as increased levels of testosterone, increased aggression, changes in brain structure and continued increased cortisol levels in people who were ASPD-like. Thus maybe certain personality types would be more like to evolve into psychopaths when placed under the right environmental conditions. (other personality types might evolve into histronics or borderline or schizotypical or become narcissistic under similar stresses)
That is interesting. Thank you.