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Sharing Meditation


Scream down the boulevard
Nov 6, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Yay! You both agreed on something! Break out the ice wines and ritzy little crackers!

OOOHHHHHHHHMMMMM. Meditation works. It's a fact, jack.

I'll bring the boxed Chablis!



New member
Mar 5, 2010
Hehe I thought the title said "Sharing Medication" :doh:

While I'm here, does anyone like taking a beta blocker before meditation? It helps my sympathetic nervous system relax while not affecting my brain (assuming you use one that doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier or use a low dose of one that does).


Mar 20, 2008
Good Taste

Is victor serious? This is weird and kinda creepy.

Of course I am serious.

And so far we have had two successful phone meditations reading aloud to one another.

I remember my parents read aloud to my sister and me. And I remember we would be read aloud to during dinner at my boarding school. And we would be read aloud to as we fell asleep in our dormitories.

And at my local library we have regular readings aloud which are well attended.

I am cut to the quick as being described as weird and creepy.

And if you think reading aloud on the internet is weird and creepy, perhaps you might find something else more to your taste.


Mar 20, 2008
Weird and Creepy

Is victor serious? This is weird and kinda creepy.

I was thinking - you might find reading aloud weird and creepy because you are trained to read alone.

Historically this is only a recent invention along with carrels in libraries. As you sit in your carrel in the library you remember it was built to train you to read alone.

But through most of history reading was done aloud to a group. You can still see this in church where the bible is read aloud to the congregation.

And on the internet on Typology Central we are all reading this together, so it seems a small step to read aloud to one another.

But of course for the literate individual, reading aloud in a group is a big step and will be described by the conformist as weird and creepy.


I was thinking - you might find reading aloud weird and creepy because you are trained to read alone.

Historically this is only a recent invention along with carrels in libraries. As you sit in your carrel in the library you remember it was built to train you to read alone.

But through most of history reading was done aloud to a group. You can still see this in church where the bible is read aloud to the congregation.

And on the internet on Typology Central we are all reading this together, so it seems a small step to read aloud to one another.

But of course for the literate individual, reading aloud in a group is a big step and will be described by the conformist as weird and creepy.

I have a question -

Why is it preferable to read aloud in a group as opposed to reading aloud by yourself?

Can't meditation be an individual process?

Or is there something that reinforces the trance when others are participating?


Mar 20, 2008
The Electronic Tribe in the Global Village

I have a question -

Why is it preferable to read aloud in a group as opposed to reading aloud by yourself?

Can't meditation be an individual process?

Or is there something that reinforces the trance when others are participating?

Sure, meditation can be an individual process.

And in a society based on literacy like the USA most things are an individual process. After all, they say an American is never more American than when they are alone.

But in my society where the oral tradition is still kept alive, we listen more to one another.

And in the larger sphere, the invention of the printing press in 1440 led to the literate individual and the USA, while in 1840 the invention of the electric telegraph led to electronic tribalism in the global village.

But to the literate individual electronic tribalism seems weird and creepy.

And so the literate individual meditates alone, while the electronic tribe meditates together in real time across the world, warm muzzle to warm ear.

It is a shame that as we move into electronic tribalism we are still under the sway of the extreme individualism of the USA. Fortunately we are falling more and more under the sway of China which is a deeply oral culture.

And sharing meditation through reading aloud is a way of joining the electronic tribe in the global village.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Those who will not benefit from sharing meditation are those suffering from a psychosis, or those suffering with massive psychological defences, or those suffering from sexual obsession.

This is weird. You are reading a book and breathing calmly. There are no risks to anybody.

But let me be realistic. MBTI is about control and manipulation. And meditation is about the opposite.

This and characterizing disagreement with you as conformist without historical perspective is manipulative rhetoric. Asking for phone numbers and then attempting to manipulate through the rhetoric of a second-rate pundit is way creepy.

I won't be participating.


Mar 20, 2008
This is weird. You are reading a book and breathing calmly. There are no risks to anybody.

This and characterizing me as a conformist without historical perspective is manipulative. Asking for phone numbers and then attempting to manipulate through the rhetoric of a second-rate pundit is way creepy.

I won't be participating.

Meditation, either group or individual, does provide psychological risk to the psychotic, the psychologically defended (sometimes called neurotic), and to those obsessed with sex.

The first rule, of course, is do no harm.

And so the first rule of meditation is do no psychological harm.

So I think your decision not to participate is wise.


Meditation, either group or individual, does provide psychological risk to the psychotic, the psychologically defended (sometimes called neurotic), and to those obsessed with sex.

The first rule, of course, is do no harm.

And so the first rule of meditation is do no psychological harm.

So I think your decision not to participate is wise.

If meditation causes harm to no one except for psychologically defensive (whatever that means), psychotics and sexually obsessed, and you are saying that it is wise for suttree to not meditate, then does that mean that you are placing suttree within that latter category of people? How could you possibly know that?


Mar 20, 2008
If meditation causes harm to no one except for psychologically defensive (whatever that means), psychotics and sexually obsessed, and you are saying that it is wise for suttree to not meditate, then does that mean that you are placing suttree within that latter category of people? How could you possibly know that?

Just a wild guess.


Mar 20, 2008
Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket

Certainly is wild. That's something you should not be doing.

I like to think of you as Jiminy Cricket and myself as Pinocchio.

And as you know, Jiminy sat on Pinocchio's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

But most important Jiminy was Pinocchio's conscience.

So I want you to read every word I write and tell me when my nose is growing longer and longer.


I appreciate the support, tater.


I like to think of you as Jiminy Cricket and myself as Pinocchio.

And as you know, Jiminy sat on Pinocchio's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

But most important Jiminy was Pinocchio's conscience.

So I want you to read every word I write and tell me when my nose growing longer and longer.

Hah, alright I'll do that, you lying rascal.

Are you a real boy?


Mar 20, 2008
Meditation Design

It takes ten thousand hours of practice to become a master. It doesn't matter whether you are learning to play the piano or meditate. And it doesn't matter whether you are Mozart or you - it still takes ten thousand hours.

And when you are doing something you love, time disappears in the flow.

Of course reading aloud to children, in the library, or on the radio, or telephone, is simply an occasion for meditation.

And the practice of meditation can become a habit. And so we might do a walking meditation as we wait for the bus, or if we have the time, we might lie in the bath for three hours and let our thoughts come to a complete stop. Or we might meditate in that brief moment we go up in a lift.

And as we practice, we study the structure of meditation. And with a knowledge of the structure and the experience that comes from practice, we may design a meditation for a particular purpose. And so we become a meditation designer.

I have designed two meditations. The first is called 5X5X5 or L'alternance. And the second is called Telephone Art. They both work and both are powerful. And I am proud of them as a parent is of their babies.

And of course they now go on without me.