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please help type me! (Questionnaire by RadicalDoubt)


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
It was a bit different, but I just took it.

Type 6 - 12
Type 1 - 9.3
Type 3 - 9.3
Type 4 - 9
Type 5 - 8.7
Type 7 - 7.7

Wing 6w5 - 16.4
Wing 6w7 - 15.9
Wing 5w6 - 14.7
Wing 3w4 - 13.8
Wing 4w3 - 13.7
Wing 7w6 - 13.7
Wing 4w5 - 13.4
Wing 5w4 - 13.2
Wing 1w9 - 10
Wing 1w2 - 10
Wing 3w2 - 10
Wing 7w8 - 8.2

View attachment 23068
One from 2 days ago
View attachment 23069
One from today

1) Attachments on the site does not work, can you transcribe those 2 attachments?

2) Did you take dimensional personalities test as well? MBTI Test - Dimensional Personalities

3) Can you also answer the questions in my previous posts below?

please help type me! (Questionnaire by RadicalDoubt)


New member
May 23, 2021
1) Attachments on the site does not work, can you transcribe those 2 attachments?

2) Did you take dimensional personalities test as well? MBTI Test - Dimensional Personalities



Ok, but why does that make you drawn to calm and understanding people? Is it because they would put up with your anger and impulsivity?

Maybe. I also just feel safe around them.

(Give an example to annoying/unfunny comment)

As an example, I’ve always been very worked up when I used to see people at school disrespecting teachers. They try to argue back and joke about them, but they’re never funny. Whenever they would get in trouble in front of everyone, I would get so much second-hand embarrassment.

Any specific reason you felt sorry for them? Why did you get second hand embarresment?

Probably because I’m just imagining myself in that situation or what it would be like if it was me in that case, but I really don’t know.

(Define deep conversation)

I love people who can talk about meanings, views on life, etc. Although, I feel uncomfortable when the conversation changes to a more emotional topic.

How are you not humble? Do you brag or show off?

If someone is better at something than me, I get really frustrated and angry and jealous. I try to compete over the smallest things.

How do you compete? Do you try to put them down or try to genuinely become better or exaggerate your skills to look better?

Honestly, a lot of it is the first one. A little bit of the second, mostly the first.

This projection sounds like Se. Do you do tit-for-tat kind of projection?

Eh I guess. If I feel bad about myself, i will starting hurting my sibling with words. Sometimes, the only thing that helps me relieve anger and negativity in myself is by saying these things to my sibling and saying hurtful things. People tell me I was never like this, and I know I haven’t been, but my sibling insists it’s been my whole life. A LOT of it has had to do with circumstances in my life and certain things that have happened, which makes it harder to type myself, even if I’m trying to get help. (Sorry for the very unnecessary answer)

Do you mean until you come on top?

Yeah, that’s what I mean. Just when people don’t understand the point I’m trying to make, I will fight wayyy too hard to get that point proven and sometimes it gets really unhealthy and harmful.

Give an example when you've been taken advantage of

I used to have a very hard time saying “no” to people, so I said yes to everything and even when I was tired I did things that others wanted me to do for them. They took advantage of me being nice, now I’m not even as nice as a I used to be and I’m not even that helpful.

What made it hard for you to say no? How do you choose to help or not now?

Give an example please

I honestly don’t know. Maybe I wanted them to like me, or didn’t want to be mean to anyone, so I always said yes. Now, I only help if it’s really needed, but I hate it because now I seem pretty selfish and I want to change that. It seems like sometimes I’d want to help others now if there’s something in it for me, not all the time obviously, but it has happened.
Still, I still want to be a more helpful person again.

Made a few comments, one was a very subtle way to tell the person I was insecure about me body: “You’re so skinny, I wish I was like that” I didn’t have the intention of being hurtful, but it ended up being that way to the other person. I always used to get body-shamed for how skinny I was, and now that I feel like I’ve gained weight, that it doesn’t look good on me.

Did you mean to say you envied them? What did you say when they got offended? If you are not happy with how your body looks, what are you doing about it now?
I did envy them. Although when they got offended I don’t remember what I said. And yes, since I’m not happy with my body, I’m trying to keep these mean comments inside and not say them to others.

Are you physically aggressive or just verbal? Do you cry often when you feel bad or ashamed?
Verbal. I didn’t use to cry about it, but recently I have and have been pretty stressed.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
1) Attachments on the site does not work, can you transcribe those 2 attachments?

2) Did you take dimensional personalities test as well? MBTI Test - Dimensional Personalities

View attachment 23071

View attachment 23072

Thanks for the answers. Given your answers I suspect you might be an Se-dominant type. Julia Stiles' character seems to be pretty aggressive and impulsive in the video below:

Tobio is also quite impulsive and sportsy guy. Ranpo is acting like an ESFP though he is another type. Jo March is I think how you want to be as she seems to be bold yet calm and composed.

I would assume ESFP for you and Kat. Combined with anger and envy, that would make sense.

However, your enneagram 8 score, related to anger came out low in your results though you said you are prone to anger. Enneagram 3 and 4 related to being admired and feeling special/unique came up high, which are exhibited by Feeling-dominant types. But you say you do not cry much whereas they would, so you are probably not a feeling dominant type.

Enneagram 1 also came up high which is related to upholding yourself to harsh moral standards and berating yourself when you fail to meet your ideal standards. You did not mention anything about this. Enneagram 1's berate themselves when they fail to live up to their ideals, rather than projecting it onto others and they do not feel much envy. They do not measure themselves against others but agains their internal ideals. So this score does not make sense.

Enneagram 6s try to gain other people's loyalty and it is a head (thinking) triad score. It does not make sense cause you said you are prone to sloth, see brief description for enneagram 6 below.

"The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others."

Enneagram 2 score about helpfulness and enneagram 9 about need for calm and peace came out low as well.

I think enneagram test results are quite off.

Your MBTI test results does not seem to be consistent. One thing I like about that test is the stressor type part seems to accurately predict our type's third and fourth functions, which in your case indicate Fe and Si/Ni (ExFJ). That would make your primary type ESTP, whose third and fourth functions are Fe and Ni.

To conclude, I would say you are most likely an ESFP. That also explains your artistic abilities. If you are more introverted (like spending time by yourself in isolation rather than others) ISFP is also possible.

ESFP Personality: Characteristics, Myths & Cognitive Functions

ISFP Personality: Characteristics & Cognitive Functions


Active member
May 22, 2021
To conclude, I would say you are most likely an ESFP. That also explains your artistic abilities. If you are more introverted (like spending time by yourself in isolation rather than others) ISFP is also possible.

??? Art is positively correlated with intuition, I'm not sure how you reached the conclusion that ESFP and the arts are related. To quote Reckful:

'Of the 114 professional fine artists in one study shown in the second edition of the MBTI Manual, 91% of them were N's (65% NF and 26% NT). More specifically, 25 were INFP and only one was ISFP.

The list of occupational rankings along the SN dimension in Appendix D to the Manual (based on a variety of studies in the CAPT database) includes the following entries:

Photographers: 73% N
Teachers of art, drama & music: 71% N
Artists & entertainers (broad category): 69% N
Musicians & composers: 65% N
Designers: 58% N

There are no artistic occupations that are majority S.

The correlation between N and creativity isn't limited to the arts, either. An entire section of the Manual is devoted to "Studies of Creativity," and they include a series of studies conducted by the Institute for Personality Assessment and Research (UC Berkeley) that looked at people who both worked in creative professions and were "selected by peer nomination" as "highly creative." Out of the resulting 107 "highly creative" mathematicians, architects, research scientists and writers, only three were S's. A 2½-page table presents the results of multiple other studies correlating various measures of creativity (from students majoring in the arts to people working in creative fields), and N's are always in the majority (and often quite overwhelmingly).

And all these N majorities are particularly noteworthy in light of the fact that N's are typically reported to make up only around 25-30% of the general population.

It's widely accepted (and I agree) that the Big Five Openness to Experience factor is essentially tapping into the same underlying human temperament dimension as MBTI S/N, and being high on Openness (the Big Five equivalent of an N preference) is associated with aesthetic interests of all kinds (in both the verbal and non-verbal arts).

The Big Five Inventory is one of the more well-regarded (and academically sanctioned) Big Five tests, and its 44 items include the following three (all of which test for Openness to Experience):

"Has few artistic interests" [reverse-scored]
"Values artistic, aesthetic experiences"
"Is sophisticated in art, music, or literature"'

My advice to you [MENTION=42096]h4nnigr4m[/MENTION] would be to take the big 5 inventory, as your MBTI type will likely correlate with your results fairly neatly: Personality Assessor | IPIP-120 Personality Test

Apart from that though, some quotes that also support you being an N type:

'Not exactly sure. I want to be understood, live life how deep inside I want to live it, have people there for me, achieve goals and dreams that I’ve been motivated to for so long, understand meanings and questions I have about so many things. Other things too, but they’re smaller or more insignificant.'

'c) The type of people you are repulsed by

People who make really annoying or unfunny comments/jokes to the point where I get second-hand embarrassment
People who get offended really easily
People who are too realistic and strict
Unimaginative/not creative people
People who aren’t deep thinkers/aren’t willing to have deep conversations

'I literally can’t decide. I have so many interests, and they’re constantly changing. I used to want to be a veterinarian as a child, now I’m really interested in being an artist, forensics, psychology, biology, and anything to do with space.'

'Humanity as a whole is fascinating to me. I’m SO interested in the way we think, the reasons behind certain behaviors, etc. There’s so much diversity and differences that we all have, different thoughts and brains and bodies, just that is fascinating to me.'

'I’m an artist currently. I used to skateboard, I haven’t done it in a while and kind of gave up because I felt that I wasn’t good enough and that I wasn’t perfect at it. I used to journal, gave up in that. I’ve gotten more into reading, because when I was younger I loved it, and I wanted to go back to it. Now, it’s just art and reading and watching things, but I’m soon probably going to pick up piano. I’m very interested in deeper topics. I love talking about space, certain spiritual things, understanding human behavior, animals, and I LOVE music.'

'To never be able to experience the sensation of taste. I’m a very picky eater, so most of the foods I eat are simple and bland. My taste being taken away wouldn’t make that big of a difference honestly.'

'Obsession with my interests is DEFINITELY a big thing for me. Right now, I have a huge obsession with the TV show Hannibal. It’s literally the only think I can talk about and I’m constantly thinking about it, looking at media on it, posting about it, etc. I usually get really obsessed over a certain form of media, and then drop it and lose interest, then pick up a new one.'

'I enjoy comfort, although I sometimes ignore physical needs when I get invested in something. When I get passionate in drawing, especially while listening to music. I forget to eat. When I feel sad or negative, I tend to purposely do things like skipping meals. Otherwise, feeling comfortable is something I definitely enjoy. I try to create comfort by distracting myself in things I like, but it never ends up working and i overthink and dwell on things that happened a while ago, mostly negative or harmful things.'

A lot of these things clearly point in the direction of intuition over sensing, and with an extraverted attitude as well. I'm stuck on ENxP currently, leaning more towards ENFP though as there is a lot of judgement being made from an ethical/relational standpoint, such as feeling second-hand embarrassment from those that start conflicts with teachers, avoiding conflict in general, your very humanitarian outlook on society. Being a sensing type seems out of the question and I haven't seen any real justification made for it by others yet. Being stuck between ENTP and INFJ can also happen if you're using the cognitive functions and the Grant stack, since you likely relate to 'Fe' as well as 'Ne, but can't have them both in an IEIE/EIEI stack without one being in the lower half of the stack. In actuality though, all ExFx types are going to relate to Fe somewhat, and the same is true for ENxx types and Ne, with ENFx having both.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
??? Art is positively correlated with intuition, I'm not sure how you reached the conclusion that ESFP and the arts are related. To quote Reckful:

'Of the 114 professional fine artists in one study shown in the second edition of the MBTI Manual, 91% of them were N's (65% NF and 26% NT). More specifically, 25 were INFP and only one was ISFP.

The list of occupational rankings along the SN dimension in Appendix D to the Manual (based on a variety of studies in the CAPT database) includes the following entries:

Photographers: 73% N
Teachers of art, drama & music: 71% N
Artists & entertainers (broad category): 69% N
Musicians & composers: 65% N
Designers: 58% N

There are no artistic occupations that are majority S.

The correlation between N and creativity isn't limited to the arts, either.

I reached that conclusion as follows:

Popular ESFP Careers
Social worker
Athletic coach
Child care provider
Human resources specialist
Fashion designer

Popular ISFP Careers
Composer or musician
Forest ranger
Social worker

I believe artistic ability is more related to Fi function, coupled with Se (physical arts) or Ne (abstract arts).

Original poster should not rely on my typing alone of course.


Active member
May 22, 2021
I reached that conclusion as follows:

Popular ESFP Careers
Social worker
Athletic coach
Child care provider
Human resources specialist
Fashion designer

Popular ISFP Careers
Composer or musician
Forest ranger
Social worker

I believe artistic ability is more related to Fi function, coupled with Se (physical arts) or Ne (abstract arts).

Original poster should not rely on my typing alone of course.

The whole Fi = arts thing is a misconception that has been around for aoens it feels like. Notice the differences in our sources, one has information and statistics from the official MBTI, the other has a list of careers that could have been pulled from anywhere with no evidence as to prove its validity, or that they even know what they mean when they say ESFP and ISFP. You can read the full post by Reckful here: ISFPs and the 'Artist' label.

Citing more evidence for ISFP specifically though:

In the spoiler are the "top 40" (out of around 200 categories) from the ISFP list.

Stock clerks and storekeepers
Chain, rod and ax workers; surveying
Clerical supervisors, miscellaneous
Mechanics and repairers: Not specified
Dental assistants
Nurses: Licensed practical
Food service workers, miscellaneous; except private household
Radiologic technologists and technicians
Secretaries: Legal
Cooks, except private household
Waiters, waitresses
Medical assistants
Therapists: Physical
Secretaries: Not specified
Nurses: Aides, orderlies, and attendants
Lifeguards, attendants, recreation and amusement
Construction laborers, except carpenters' helpers
Police and detectives
Computer and peripheral equipment operators
Clerical workers, miscellaneous
Teacher' aides, except school monitors
Nursing: Public health
Sales agents, retail trade
Library attendants and assistants
Miscellaneous laborers
Media specialists
Nursing: Registered nurses, no specialty stated

It'd be hard to miss the creative/artistic streak running through that list.

And meanwhile, the ISFPs' bottom 40 (again, out of 200) include:

Musicians and composers
Writers, artists, entertainers, and agents, miscellaneous

By contrast, the INFPs' top 40 include:

Writers, artists, entertainers, and agents, miscellaneous
Teachers: Art, drama, and music
Musicians and composers

Additionally, this is taken directly from the MBTI Manual Third Edition (page 294, tried to add an attachment but the picture was too small); note the lack of art related interests for the sensing types, regardless of whether they 'have Fi' or not, which is a different story in itself: View attachment MBTI manual _ a guide to the development and use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.pdf

You can believe what you want but the data clearly shows that artistic interest is primarily determined by Openness to Experience, which is in turn strongly correlated with intuition in MBTI, so your conclusion is inaccurate.


New member
May 23, 2021
Thanks for the answers. Given your answers I suspect you might be an Se-dominant type. Julia Stiles' character seems to be pretty aggressive and impulsive in the video below:

Tobio is also quite impulsive and sportsy guy. Ranpo is acting like an ESFP though he is another type. Jo March is I think how you want to be as she seems to be bold yet calm and composed.

I would assume ESFP for you and Kat. Combined with anger and envy, that would make sense.

However, your enneagram 8 score, related to anger came out low in your results though you said you are prone to anger. Enneagram 3 and 4 related to being admired and feeling special/unique came up high, which are exhibited by Feeling-dominant types. But you say you do not cry much whereas they would, so you are probably not a feeling dominant type.

Enneagram 1 also came up high which is related to upholding yourself to harsh moral standards and berating yourself when you fail to meet your ideal standards. You did not mention anything about this. Enneagram 1's berate themselves when they fail to live up to their ideals, rather than projecting it onto others and they do not feel much envy. They do not measure themselves against others but agains their internal ideals. So this score does not make sense.

Enneagram 6s try to gain other people's loyalty and it is a head (thinking) triad score. It does not make sense cause you said you are prone to sloth, see brief description for enneagram 6 below.

"The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others."

Enneagram 2 score about helpfulness and enneagram 9 about need for calm and peace came out low as well.

I think enneagram test results are quite off.

Your MBTI test results does not seem to be consistent. One thing I like about that test is the stressor type part seems to accurately predict our type's third and fourth functions, which in your case indicate Fe and Si/Ni (ExFJ). That would make your primary type ESTP, whose third and fourth functions are Fe and Ni.

To conclude, I would say you are most likely an ESFP. That also explains your artistic abilities. If you are more introverted (like spending time by yourself in isolation rather than others) ISFP is also possible.

ESFP Personality: Characteristics, Myths & Cognitive Functions

ISFP Personality: Characteristics & Cognitive Functions


Although my neuroticism seems very high, I’ve always been a pretty resilient person while going through tough things. For instance, my mom told me that I always seemed like I had it together and always doing what I was supposed to and never being too emotional, but only up until recently have I been under a lot of stress and have started actually crying in front of others/having sort of outbursts. This has only been happening for a month or two.

I definitely understand what you’re saying. However, I’ve left things out of the questionnaire, but I am actually A VERY ambitious person whose always thinking of careers and things and hobbies I want to do in the future. Then again, I dwell on the past A LOT. So it’s pretty mixed up. But as I was saying, I’m lazy, but also pretty hardworking. Yes, very contradicting. I’ve always pushed myself to do the best, without anyone ever asking me. When I don’t get recognition, I get pretty mad. I’ve said hurtful things because of it. When I come across failure, which I really dislike, I get mad at myself AND others. The six description has seemed to really apply to me. People constantly tell me I complain when I’m stressed, but it makes me furious when others say that, because a lot of the time they do it themselves. Sometimes I find these faults in others but forget to find those faults in myself as well.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
View attachment 23081

Although my neuroticism seems very high, I’ve always been a pretty resilient person while going through tough things. For instance, my mom told me that I always seemed like I had it together and always doing what I was supposed to and never being too emotional, but only up until recently have I been under a lot of stress and have started actually crying in front of others/having sort of outbursts. This has only been happening for a month or two.

I definitely understand what you’re saying. However, I’ve left things out of the questionnaire, but I am actually A VERY ambitious person whose always thinking of careers and things and hobbies I want to do in the future. Then again, I dwell on the past A LOT. So it’s pretty mixed up. But as I was saying, I’m lazy, but also pretty hardworking. Yes, very contradicting. I’ve always pushed myself to do the best, without anyone ever asking me. When I don’t get recognition, I get pretty mad. I’ve said hurtful things because of it. When I come across failure, which I really dislike, I get mad at myself AND others. The six description has seemed to really apply to me. People constantly tell me I complain when I’m stressed, but it makes me furious when others say that, because a lot of the time they do it themselves. Sometimes I find these faults in others but forget to find those faults in myself as well.

What about the facets, mind sharing?


New member
May 23, 2021
What about the facets, mind sharing?

Once again, different results.
Personality Assessor | IPIP-120 Personality Test

I found this test not the most accurate. Only a few were pretty accurate. The results seem not true/exaggerated. Like I DO want to be good to others and help them in my heart, but something has been stopping me. I’ve turned into the person I hate most because of what I say, do, and think. The only thing that I think could’ve made me like this is my environment. I didn’t look through all of the facets, just skimmed through them.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
ISFPs have tert Ni. I don’t think all appreciation of art is connected to high intuition. And being daydreamy and desirous is a trait of intuition... though it doesn’t have to be high.


Active member
May 22, 2021
ISFPs have tert Ni. I don’t think all appreciation of art is connected to high intuition. And being daydreamy and desirous is a trait of intuition... though it doesn’t have to be high.

ISFP have tertiary Ne, not Ni, if we're going by the official MBTI stacking. They also have tertiary Ne going by Jung's stacking. The idea of them having tertiary Ni comes from Grant's stack, a system that is still yet to be proven anyway. But all that aside anyway, ISFPs have a preference for sensing over intuition, that's the fact of the matter, regardless of whatever attitude you believe that auxiliary to hold, and ISFPs statistically have very little inclination for the arts regardless of what one may read on uncertified sites. It doesn't take a genius to see that the justification for ISFPs being artistic requires a blatant dismissal of evidence in favour of misplaced belief and unverifiable anecdotal evidence, both of which being things that I would rather not deal with when having an intellectual discussion. The information is there to view for yourself, but if you'd like to continue trying to justify a faulty opinion then be my guest, I'll be here when you can provide ample evidence to the link between intuition and the arts being unclear, or ISFPs being artistic and having Ni, that extends beyond 'well this is the system that I learnt and I've seen it for myself.'

As for your type [MENTION=42096]h4nnigr4m[/MENTION], your Big 5 results would roughly correlate to being xNTP, which doesn't seem out of the question. Wanting to be good to others isn't necessarily a type related thing; the difference between feeling and thinking lies in the criteria that they use when judging information. Both are logical and rational processes, and neither is related to emotionality or feelings despite the misleading name, rather, thinking types prefer to assess situations impartially, prioritising the truth of a situation first and treating the ethical component of a situation as a secondary factor. Feeling types work in the reverse way, prioritising the impact of a decision on those around them as well as themselves first, and treating impartial and factual information as a secondary concern. There's a sense of detachment from a situation with a thinking type and a sense of involvement with a feeling type; the former may view their values and the values of others as data points in a decision, the latter may view data and analysis as a tool to better improve their ethical goals. I agree that your results seem a bit extreme in some places but the general idea that they are portraying seems to be about right, and doesn't seem contradictory to the information that you've provided about yourself before.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
View attachment 23081

Although my neuroticism seems very high, I’ve always been a pretty resilient person while going through tough things. For instance, my mom told me that I always seemed like I had it together and always doing what I was supposed to and never being too emotional, but only up until recently have I been under a lot of stress and have started actually crying in front of others/having sort of outbursts. This has only been happening for a month or two.

I definitely understand what you’re saying. However, I’ve left things out of the questionnaire, but I am actually A VERY ambitious person whose always thinking of careers and things and hobbies I want to do in the future. Then again, I dwell on the past A LOT. So it’s pretty mixed up. But as I was saying, I’m lazy, but also pretty hardworking. Yes, very contradicting. I’ve always pushed myself to do the best, without anyone ever asking me. When I don’t get recognition, I get pretty mad. I’ve said hurtful things because of it. When I come across failure, which I really dislike, I get mad at myself AND others. The six description has seemed to really apply to me. People constantly tell me I complain when I’m stressed, but it makes me furious when others say that, because a lot of the time they do it themselves. Sometimes I find these faults in others but forget to find those faults in myself as well.

  • Openness – Openness to experience describes a person’s degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and preference for novelty and variety. Some disagreement remains about how to interpret this factor, which is sometimes called intellect.
  • Conscientiousness – Conscientiousness is a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement. Conscientiousness also refers to planning, organization, and dependability.
  • Extraversion – Extraversion describes energy, positive emotions, assertiveness, sociability, talkativeness, and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others.
  • Agreeableness – Agreeableness is the tendency to be compassionate and cooperative towards others rather than suspicious and antagonistic.
  • Neuroticism – Neuroticism describes vulnerability to unpleasant emotions like anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to an individual’s level of emotional stability and impulse control and is sometimes referred to as emotional stability.

These are my attemps to associate Big 5 with MBTI functions, just an approximation.

  • Openness is S to N spectrum (N being more open and theoretical, S being more traditional and practical) Yours 58% = slightly higher N Liberalism came up high.
  • Conscientousness is like Se/Ne to Si/Ni spectrum (less conscientous = more Se/Ne) Yours 18% = High Se or Ne Cautiousness very low, suggeting high Se or Ne.
  • Extraversion is self explanatory. Yours 43% = Introverted yet your excitement seeking and assertiveness is high, suggesting introvert with high levels of Se function.
  • Agreeableness is NF to ST spectrum (highly agreeable = high NF (feminine). Yours 16% = High ST Altruism and Morality low, suggesting low Fe and high Se or Ne. Trust low, suggesting adverserial view of world, high Se.
  • Neuroticism is SF to NT spectrum (high SF = highly neurotic) = 93% = high SF Anger extremely high. Suggesting F coupled with high Se.

So this result seems to suggest you are an introvert with high levels of emotional ups and downs coupled with high levels of anger and antagonistic and hypervigilant view of the world.
However the results suggests ESTP or ESFP or if you are more introverted and like spending time alone rather than company, ISTP or ISFP.

Fs are more skilled in arts and Ts are more skilled in crafts, so I would go for ESFP or ISFP for you.

Free Big Five Personality Test - Accurate scores of your personality traits I did this test myself, there is a pie chart in the results divided into 4 temperaments, it is quite easy to associate it with MBTI temperaments (ST, SF, NT and NF).

Can you do that test as well and paste the link to your results to verify?


Active member
May 22, 2021
  • Openness – Openness to experience describes a person’s degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and preference for novelty and variety. Some disagreement remains about how to interpret this factor, which is sometimes called intellect.
  • Conscientiousness – Conscientiousness is a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement. Conscientiousness also refers to planning, organization, and dependability.
  • Extraversion – Extraversion describes energy, positive emotions, assertiveness, sociability, talkativeness, and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others.
  • Agreeableness – Agreeableness is the tendency to be compassionate and cooperative towards others rather than suspicious and antagonistic.
  • Neuroticism – Neuroticism describes vulnerability to unpleasant emotions like anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to an individual’s level of emotional stability and impulse control and is sometimes referred to as emotional stability.

These are my attemps to associate Big 5 with MBTI functions, just an approximation.

  • Openness is S to N spectrum (N being more open and theoretical, S being more traditional and practical) Yours 58% = slightly higher N Liberalism came up high.
  • Conscientousness is like Se/Ne to Si/Ni spectrum (less conscientous = more Se/Ne) Yours 18% = High Se or Ne Cautiousness very low, suggeting high Se or Ne.
  • Extraversion is self explanatory. Yours 43% = Introverted yet your excitement seeking and assertiveness is high, suggesting introvert with high levels of Se function.
  • Agreeableness is NF to ST spectrum (highly agreeable = high NF (feminine). Yours 16% = High ST Altruism and Morality low, suggesting low Fe and high Se or Ne. Trust low, suggesting adverserial view of world, high Se.
  • Neuroticism is SF to NT spectrum (high SF = highly neurotic) = 93% = high SF Anger extremely high. Suggesting F coupled with high Se.

So this result seems to suggest you are an introvert with high levels of emotional ups and downs coupled with high levels of anger and antagonistic and hypervigilant view of the world.
However the results suggests ESTP or ESFP or if you are more introverted and like spending time alone rather than company, ISTP or ISFP.

Fs are more skilled in arts and Ts are more skilled in crafts, so I would go for ESFP or ISFP for you.

Free Big Five Personality Test - Accurate scores of your personality traits I did this test myself, there is a pie chart in the results divided into 4 temperaments, it is quite easy to associate it with MBTI temperaments (ST, SF, NT and NF).

Can you do that test as well and paste the link to your results to verify?

Some actual data regarding MBTI and big 5 correlations: MBTI / Enneagram / Big 5 correlations – Typology Triad

As you can see, Conscientiousness has nothing to do with S/N and is instead most strongly correlated with the J/P dichotomy, and even still it's a moderate correlation at best. Agreeableness also has absolutely nothing to do with N/S, instead it correlates moderately to T/F. Finally, Neuroticism has nothing to do with any of the MBTI dichotomies at all. So, in actually, their results correlate to xNTP with a slight preference for I. There is no need to make faulty approximations regarding how the systems correlate when there have already been studies done that provide more conclusive results; I don't want to speculate but it feels like rather than change a disproven opinion, you'd instead rather double down and support it with faulty evidence. There is no evidence showing any skill difference or even preference for arts vs crafts and the T/F dichotomy, as I've said thrice now, the N/S dichotomy is most telling in that regard.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Some actual data regarding MBTI and big 5 correlations: MBTI / Enneagram / Big 5 correlations – Typology Triad

As you can see, Conscientiousness has nothing to do with S/N and is instead most strongly correlated with the J/P dichotomy, and even still it's a moderate correlation at best. Agreeableness also has absolutely nothing to do with N/S, instead it correlates moderately to T/F. Finally, Neuroticism has nothing to do with any of the MBTI dichotomies at all. So, in actually, their results correlate to xNTP with a slight preference for I. There is no need to make faulty approximations regarding how the systems correlate when there have already been studies done that provide more conclusive results; I don't want to speculate but it feels like rather than change a disproven opinion, you'd instead rather double down and support it with faulty evidence. There is no evidence showing any skill difference or even preference for arts vs crafts and the T/F dichotomy, as I've said thrice now, the N/S dichotomy is most telling in that regard.

I do not want to derail this thread. You do your own analysis and let me do mine and let the original poster find out for themselves which one fits the most.

Take all external data with a grain of salt and make sure to verify if there's any weaknesses in their methodology that might lead to inaccurate results.

Taking results at face value indicates a preference for Te. Questioning them indicates Ti. You are skeptical about my interpretation yet you should show the same level of skepticism for the data you cited as well.


Active member
May 22, 2021
I do not want to derail this thread. You do your own analysis and let me do mine and let the original poster find out for themselves which one fits the most.

Take all external data with a grain of salt and make sure to verify if there's any weaknesses in their methodology that might lead to inaccurate results.

Taking results at face value indicates a preference for Te. Questioning them indicates Ti. You are skeptical about my interpretation yet you should show the same level of skepticism for the data you cited as well.

I had 100% faith that you were going to try and associate me trying to provide accurate information with Te over Ti as well as assume that your interpretation is on the same playing field as years of research. I don't have the energy to point out the many flaws in this reasoning; each to their own.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
ISFP have tertiary Ne, not Ni, if we're going by the official MBTI stacking. They also have tertiary Ne going by Jung's stacking. The idea of them having tertiary Ni comes from Grant's stack, a system that is still yet to be proven anyway. But all that aside anyway, ISFPs have a preference for sensing over intuition, that's the fact of the matter, regardless of whatever attitude you believe that auxiliary to hold, and ISFPs statistically have very little inclination for the arts regardless of what one may read on uncertified sites. It doesn't take a genius to see that the justification for ISFPs being artistic requires a blatant dismissal of evidence in favour of misplaced belief and unverifiable anecdotal evidence, both of which being things that I would rather not deal with when having an intellectual discussion. The information is there to view for yourself, but if you'd like to continue trying to justify a faulty opinion then be my guest, I'll be here when you can provide ample evidence to the link between intuition and the arts being unclear, or ISFPs being artistic and having Ni, that extends beyond 'well this is the system that I learnt and I've seen it for myself.'
I’m more than willing to believe there’s more beyond MBTI. However, it is a common language to use, and I’ll continue using it. I also never said “intuition and the arts don’t go together”. I said they go together at all levels. I’ve yet to read my Psychological Types book, but was just getting ready to get into it.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
OP is a teen, typing them could be extremely inaccurate since their personality has yet to settle. The young age can also explain the inner turmoil and high levels of neuroticism, so I'll try to overlook those or not give them too much importance.

As per ennea, I agree with [MENTION=35566]Luminous[/MENTION] for 649 social last. This tritype, as a double reactive, can also be linked to higher neuroticism.
Enneagram six, along with nine, statistically don't have a correlation with any type or functions, since they literally appear in any. OP is definitely either high Se or Ne, so, along with e6 first, that would mean being skeptical, prone to doubt and analytical. They would be attuned to systems, may they be a belief, a group of people, or even their own way of thinking.
Most e6 profiles show the 6 SJ kind of person, which is rather different, as a stereotype. (While still have the previous traits, they're also more dutiful, loyal, and other stuff not really requested here.)
However, there's also space for an e3, if it's not 6 disintegrating. OP mentioned changing their identity so often to try to fit in (or maybe a vulnerable Fe? I'm not saying those are linked, but stuff that could explain that affirmation).

Overall, OP is definitely attuned to pondering abstract concepts, no focus on the tangible whatsoever. There's plenty of it in that post. Considering how young they are, at that age Sensors aren't really like that (although growing up they can eventually develop their underlying Ni/Ne). That would account for Ne, considering their forever changing interests and how they space across different fields. There's actually nothing that would point to Se, as their speech has almost nothing to deal with the tangible and SPs would all be about that, experiencing life, experiencing sensory stimuli and describing them.
Now to the crux of my problem.
I would actually link some of their inner turmoil to Fi as I'm going by Grant's function stack, but they're also not in the best place right now, which could bias this interpretation. They seemed pretty aware of themselves and of the human condition, while taking up interests that spaced in any field. They didn't seem exactly attuned to Ti analyzing, although they do that.
I could also see Ti, though, but they don't really show their analysis process. Also an enthusiastic INTP teen could work, but seems not that much plausible. I also mentioned possible space for Fe somewhere in the stack.
My conclusion is to allow them to research for themselves the NP types and functions (imo ENFP>ENTP>INxP).
In addition, trouble differentiating the auxiliary function can be explained by their age as well.

I don't fully agree on a direct big 5-MBTI link, but [MENTION=42092]Koto[/MENTION] provided official and good sources for that. I think that the Big 5 tends to score more people as intuitives than sensors, while they're supposed to be fewer.*
*This data about sensors is old, as it was elaborated in the 80s. The new generations seem to be more open to experience/to have more intuitives, but there's not enough data.
But according to that interpretation, analysis would stop at xNTP.

I agree a lot here.
Teen with High Neuroticism will be a lot of times difficult to type unless in a type system that has Neuroticism as a determinant for type.
I think we should focus only on the first function and inf. function and disregard tertiary and secondary, I vote for N neutral on E/I. I also see the Fi turmoil thing.

The results from Big Five looks XNTP at first and at the overall scores, but facets speaking its quite different from ENTP and INTP. Just for example, Intellect facet is supposed to be high or very high for both ENTP/INTP. Taking into accounts, the only more certainty conclusion is P on dichotomy for MBTI (High Neuroticism is certain too), the lazy vs hard working contradiction is somewhat explainable, although I prefer to not go into details for now.

So I also vote for xNxP and for enneagram, as I said, I don't know if core 6 or 9, but for now 6 seems closer to 9 (only due to neuroticism).

I also agree with [MENTION=42092]Koto[/MENTION] about art and I do find the connection between ESFP and arts misleading unless it is specifically a performing art like being an actor or a singer. But I also understand to not derail the thread, that is why I also did discontinued the Ranpo discussion by now answering because this isn't the type Ranpo thread.


New member
May 23, 2021
I agree a lot here.
Teen with High Neuroticism will be a lot of times difficult to type unless in a type system that has Neuroticism as a determinant for type.
I think we should focus only on the first function and inf. function and disregard tertiary and secondary, I vote for N neutral on E/I. I also see the Fi turmoil thing.

The results from Big Five looks XNTP at first and at the overall scores, but facets speaking its quite different from ENTP and INTP. Just for example, Intellect facet is supposed to be high or very high for both ENTP/INTP. Taking into accounts, the only more certainty conclusion is P on dichotomy for MBTI (High Neuroticism is certain too), the lazy vs hard working contradiction is somewhat explainable, although I prefer to not go into details for now.

So I also vote for xNxP and for enneagram, as I said, I don't know if core 6 or 9, but for now 6 seems closer to 9 (only due to neuroticism).

I also agree with [MENTION=42092]Koto[/MENTION] about art and I do find the connection between ESFP and arts misleading unless it is specifically a performing art like being an actor or a singer. But I also understand to not derail the thread, that is why I also did discontinued the Ranpo discussion by now answering because this isn't the type Ranpo thread.

I’m thinking ENTP type 6, but a lot of times I get INFJ so I really don’t know. I might have a certain disorder that affects me being typed properly, although I’m trying to get diagnosed for it possibly. Here is the results for one of the tests I saw on one of the forums.
