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Please help me find my type!


New member
Nov 25, 2016
1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?

I do not have a good grasp on which cognitive functions I use most. I can’t tell if I prefer Se or Si, Te or Ti, Ne or Ni, Fi or Fe. If you could help me figure them out, that would be swell.

I have a couple of guesses about what my type may be, but I’ll keep that in for now because I want some new eyes to analyze me without any bias. I’ll share my suspicions if you think it would be helpful, though.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?

I tend to shift back and forth between these two yearnings. Usually, I crave having as much fun as I can during my life. I have a bit of a hedonistic outlook of life, and an opinion that since I only have one life I should make the most of it. Other times, I just hope to experience a death that is relatively painless, and fairly early. During these times, I am thinking that life will just inevitably worse and I want to end it before it gets to that stage.

Consistently, I wish to find out what my best career fit would be, something that complements my skills and strengths, gives me an adequate amount of money, and brings me joy.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.

It was at my eighth grade promotion ceremony, and I got the most academic awards for obtaining the highest grades in my classes. Not to sound pretentious or anything, but I felt superior to my classmates.

4) What makes you feel inferior?

Being bullied or insulted, seeing someone who possesses a greater skill level than me in something that I consider myself to be good at.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions (do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)?

For big decisions, I like to think about the potential consequences it will have on my life, to imagine how my choice would affect me. I suppose I like to mentally form a pro-cons list, as I analyze the benefits and risks and pit them against the benefits and risks of not making the decision or its alternative.

I work a little differently when it comes to smaller day-to-day decisions. If it seems relatively insignificant to me, such as simply choosing where to eat lunch, I still take objective data into consideration (such as how much it would cost and how much money I have to pay). However, I rely a lot more on gut feelings, for example, food cravings.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?

When working on a project, my emphasis is normally on getting it done well and to fulfill the necessary requirements, while using as little effort as possible. I like to have control of the outcome, and if I have to do a group project I like to do it myself because I find it hard to trust others.

7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?

I remember going on a field trip with some of my classmates to Seattle, and we rode a train. We played some games and talked a lot, I felt like part of the group. My memory of it is still very vivid.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?

I am prone to memorization. However, I find it more useful to mentally re-word whatever I read, as it helps me retain the information better. I also like to ask questions. If someone tells me something, my mind automatically generates inquiries regarding what that person said.

9) How organized do you think of yourself as?

Not stereotypically organized. My desk, car, closet, and other personal spaces are filled with clutter and garbage. I never use a planner or calendar. I rely strictly on my memory for important events and assignments, but it works pretty well and I don’t often forget to do things.

10) How do you judge new ideas? Do you try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?

I do both. I look for articles to support the idea so I can develop a better understanding of it. But I don’t like to go blindly with information I find because I know that there will be bias involved, so I try to understand the principles, and form my own opinion.

11) Do you find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?

Neither, really. I like to belong to a given group, but I do not bother to make sure everyone is doing fine. Yet I have never found peace by following what I believe and being myself. Most of the time I don’t even know what to believe. Maybe I am too hard to please.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?

I have a tendency to thoughtlessly blurt things out. I end up saying tactless comments and often hurt people’s feelings.

However, when I converse with strangers, or someone I am really trying to impress, I find it difficult to figure out how to appropriately react, so I take time to think my comments through and do not reply right away.

I prefer group discussions because there is less pressure on me to say anything, and if I actually want to say something, I would have more time to think about what to say.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speak more than words?

I have a tendency to jump into action right away, even though I would normally prefer to know where I will be leaping. I believe that actions speak more than words. From my observations, many people seem to make empty promises, or say something and then do the opposite. So I tend not to trust people’s words and wait for their actions.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?

I would go out with my friends. My favorite series will still be there tomorrow, but I might lose this opportunity to hang out if I do not seize it now. If I end up getting bored, I can always fake an excuse to leave and watch my show.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?

I can be pretty mean and very short-tempered. I take my anger out on my family.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?

Pushiness/bossiness, conceit, arrogance.

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?

I like discussing music in general, although I would prefer to talk about rock and metal music. I find it interesting to learn about the music tastes of others, even when they do not match mine. I like to ask my friends what they think about certain songs.

If I am making new friends, especially online, I also like learning a lot about their personal lives. I like hearing about their pasts, what they were like in school and how their family lives are.

18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?

How other people are feeling, my health, fashion, politics, nature.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? What would your friends never say about your personality?

People in real life perceive me to be quiet, “nice,” and “smart.” Internet friends probably think that I am kind of a troll. Nothing is particularly wrong about their perceptions (although smart is questionable), but they’re too vague. Also, I don’t think I’m a very nice person, I’d say that polite is a better word for me.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?

I would like to drive at a high speed on an empty road, listening to metal music. I would also like to stop at multiple restaurants to eat some fancy meals.

Carpe Vinum

New member
Aug 5, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Initial impression...ISFP.


Fi: I picked up a strong Fi vibe. I mean, really strong. You talk a lot about how things make you feel, how decisions will affect you personally, or how your emotions surface ("short-tempered"). You also said you don't pay attention to how other people are feeling.

Se: You mentioned having a "somewhat hedonistic outlook on life." You also seem to crave sensory experiences. I considered Si because you said you have a good memory, but besides this one trait nothing cries out Si.

Ni: I couldn't tell if you were Ni or Ne, but either way I would put intuition low on your functional stack. It's there. You do think about the future, "analyzing benefits and risks." It sounds like you don't have a clear vision of the future or how you want things to go, though. It's more of a general, vague idea. You said you're also prone to "generate inquiries." So, I'd go with tertiary Ni.

Te: You mentioned being disorganized, and since the Fi vibe was so strong, I would guess inferior Te. However, you are capable of weighing things out and making logical decisions. It sounds like you also have a competitive side, or at least you like feeling "superior" at things you know you're "good at." I guess that could be attributed to other functions, but Te is known for its competitive streak. Se is, too, so maybe they're working in combination here.

That's my take, anyway.

Just curious, [MENTION=30957]NAPSTABLOOK22[/MENTION] what kind of hobbies do you have besides listening to music and hanging out with friends? Also, what kinds of things do you consider yourself to be "good at"?


New member
Nov 25, 2016
Initial impression...ISFP.


Fi: I picked up a strong Fi vibe. I mean, really strong. You talk a lot about how things make you feel, how decisions will affect you personally, or how your emotions surface ("short-tempered"). You also said you don't pay attention to how other people are feeling.

Se: You mentioned having a "somewhat hedonistic outlook on life." You also seem to crave sensory experiences. I considered Si because you said you have a good memory, but besides this one trait nothing cries out Si.

Ni: I couldn't tell if you were Ni or Ne, but either way I would put intuition low on your functional stack. It's there. You do think about the future, "analyzing benefits and risks." It sounds like you don't have a clear vision of the future or how you want things to go, though. It's more of a general, vague idea. You said you're also prone to "generate inquiries." So, I'd go with tertiary Ni.

Te: You mentioned being disorganized, and since the Fi vibe was so strong, I would guess inferior Te. However, you are capable of weighing things out and making logical decisions. It sounds like you also have a competitive side, or at least you like feeling "superior" at things you know you're "good at." I guess that could be attributed to other functions, but Te is known for its competitive streak. Se is, too, so maybe they're working in combination here.

That's my take, anyway.

Just curious, [MENTION=30957]NAPSTABLOOK22[/MENTION] what kind of hobbies do you have besides listening to music and hanging out with friends? Also, what kinds of things do you consider yourself to be "good at"?

Thank you for your response, I appreciate your breakdown on those cognitive functions.

I don't do much in my free time. I suppose I like to read. I used to enjoy fiction a lot. Mostly I've been trying to focus on the nonfiction texts that I have to read for school, but I find them enjoyable. Once in a while I watch some television shows (usually cartoons, though).

Well, I consider myself to be good at school. I can get pretty high test scores and grades without having to study nearly as much as my peers. Math and writing were my best subjects. I'm still trying to figure out what my other talents are.

Carpe Vinum

New member
Aug 5, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Thank you for your response, I appreciate your breakdown on those cognitive functions.

I don't do much in my free time. I suppose I like to read. I used to enjoy fiction a lot. Mostly I've been trying to focus on the nonfiction texts that I have to read for school, but I find them enjoyable. Once in a while I watch some television shows (usually cartoons, though).

Well, I consider myself to be good at school. I can get pretty high test scores and grades without having to study nearly as much as my peers. Math and writing were my best subjects. I'm still trying to figure out what my other talents are.

That's good. Don't ever lose that! I wish I could say that your grades somehow indicated your type, but I'm not a believer in that. I think any type can do well in school if they put their mind to it.

I'm still seeing Fi-Se-Ni-Te, but I may be wrong on the order. You do sound introverted overall, though. The only other introverted type with the functions I guessed would be INTJ. I can see that being a possibility, too. I thought Fi would be higher, but perhaps your short temper comes from inferior Fi? Not really sure.

Have you ever taken a cognitive functions test? I would be curious to see what you get.


New member
Nov 25, 2016
That's good. Don't ever lose that! I wish I could say that your grades somehow indicated your type, but I'm not a believer in that. I think any type can do well in school if they put their mind to it.

I'm still seeing Fi-Se-Ni-Te, but I may be wrong on the order. You do sound introverted overall, though. The only other introverted type with the functions I guessed would be INTJ. I can see that being a possibility, too. I thought Fi would be higher, but perhaps your short temper comes from inferior Fi? Not really sure.

Have you ever taken a cognitive functions test? I would be curious to see what you get.

Thank you. I agree with you, I have seen all sorts of types doing well in school.

Yeah, I also think I am an introvert. I've considered extroverted types in the past, but I don't relate to other people with those types very much in my behaviors.

I'm not sure about INTJ. I relate to some descriptions of that type and even some people who type as INTJs, but I don't see Ni as my dominant function. But that's partially because I don't understand Ni very well.

I've taken cognitive functions tests before, but it's been a while. I usually score high on both Si and Se, for some odd reason. I don't usually score very high on Fi, because it seems that online tests seem to relate Fi to morality a lot, and I don't have a strong sense of morals. But I'll take the one you linked and post my results here.

Te (Extroverted Thinking) (50%)
your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods

Ti (Introverted Thinking) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational

Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (60%)
your valuation of / tendency towards free association and creating with external stimuli

Ni (Introverted Intuition) (50%)
your valuation of / tendency towards internal/original free association and creativity

Se (Extroverted Sensing) (95%)
your valuation of / tendency to fully experience the world unfiltered, in the moment

Si (Introverted Sensing) (85%)
your valuation of / focus on internal sensations and reliving past moments

Fe (Extroverted Feeling) (0%)
your valuation of / adherence to external morals, ethics, traditions, customs, groups

Fi (Introverted Feeling) (40%)
your valuation of / adherence to the sanctity of your own feelings / ideals / sentiment
Jul 23, 2016
You seem like a very lovely Fi/Te valuing type socionics-wise but not sure the order or strength. I would assume ESI or SLI or possibly ILI though.

MBTI-wise I'd say ISTP (with strong Ni/Fi) else ESFP (with strong Ni/Ti) since INTJ is way too oriented towards seeing the future and strategizing and manipulating systems and just isn't something I see here. I don't think you're ethical, especially as your first function. What about ISTJ?


Apr 13, 2009
have you checked under the bed? or couch, many a things found there too

Agent Washington

Softserve Ice Cream
Jan 24, 2017
ISTP and ISTJ are your likely bets according to your cognitive functions results. Looping INTP is also a possibility. Look at Ti or Si as potential dominant functions - the question then is whether you're using a dominant judging function (INTP/ISTP), or a dominant perceiving function (ISTJ/INTJ).

ISTJ does seem to be the best fit due to the use of Fi and the nonexistent role of Fe. (Don't worry, some of us like alt rock, prog metal, etc etc, and being interested in deep things (tm) isn't only limited to intuitives. The descriptions about sensors are pretty rubbish.)

Carpe Vinum

New member
Aug 5, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Te (Extroverted Thinking) (50%)
your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods

Ti (Introverted Thinking) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational

Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (60%)
your valuation of / tendency towards free association and creating with external stimuli

Ni (Introverted Intuition) (50%)
your valuation of / tendency towards internal/original free association and creativity

Se (Extroverted Sensing) (95%)
your valuation of / tendency to fully experience the world unfiltered, in the moment

Si (Introverted Sensing) (85%)
your valuation of / focus on internal sensations and reliving past moments

Fe (Extroverted Feeling) (0%)
your valuation of / adherence to external morals, ethics, traditions, customs, groups

Fi (Introverted Feeling) (40%)
your valuation of / adherence to the sanctity of your own feelings / ideals / sentiment

Thanks for posting. After looking at these results, I'd have to agree with [MENTION=31909]agentwashington[/MENTION] and [MENTION=28503]PhloweryPheromes[/MENTION] and say ISTx is likely.

Interestingly, your functions line up almost perfectly with Socionics ISTj: Ti-Se-Fi-Ne. They don't fit so well with MBTI, but if your top functions are Se/Ti and you believe you're an introvert, I'd say you're probably ISTP Myers-Briggs / ISTj Socionics.

Hope this helps!


New member
Mar 6, 2016
Te (Extroverted Thinking) (50%)
your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods

Ti (Introverted Thinking) (80%)
your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational

Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (60%)
your valuation of / tendency towards free association and creating with external stimuli

Ni (Introverted Intuition) (50%)
your valuation of / tendency towards internal/original free association and creativity

Se (Extroverted Sensing) (95%)
your valuation of / tendency to fully experience the world unfiltered, in the moment

Si (Introverted Sensing) (85%)
your valuation of / focus on internal sensations and reliving past moments

Fe (Extroverted Feeling) (0%)
your valuation of / adherence to external morals, ethics, traditions, customs, groups

Fi (Introverted Feeling) (40%)
your valuation of / adherence to the sanctity of your own feelings / ideals / sentiment
Judging from the functions I'd say the Ti-Fe pair is dominant-inferior. There is some Se-Ni dynamic there, but deffo a TP type. I don't see the J at all in the functions, but a clear P. Also you're high on Sensing and its the highest pair so I'd have to say that's the dominant function. I also don't see it in what you wrote about yourself. What you wrote is very lenient on the ESTP type, and I'm going to go with ESTP. It might be your life experiences attend to the low Fi-Fe scores and feeling like an introvert. Also your high Si and lack of external judgement contribute to the feel of being introverted. So I migh jokingly say you're an ESTP "gone wrong". :)