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MBTI Type Clips


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I've come to believe that most villains, crime lords, bullies and thugs are ISTP. They are more intelligent and willful than ESTPs and almost as violent if need be. Their intellect allows them to do elaborate schemes and also see into people's desires, fears and weaknesses and use that to sway, corrupt or destroy them.

Their alignment would be Chaotic Evil meanind they have no regard for rules, principles and laws when it comes to themselves and have no qualms about harming others to achieve their goals and even enjoy seeing other people's demise and are physically aggressive when need be. They inspire fear in others.

Unfortunately people most of the time mistype them as INTJs and ENTJs.

Voldemort (ISTP) analysis by Joshua Moore

Gandalf (INFJ) and Radagast (ENFP) vs Azog (ISTP) and Sauron (ISTP)

Carmilla (ISTP) - Ambition

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish (ISTP) - Everything

Emperor Palpatine (ISTP) - Ascension


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Some more ISTPs

Azula (ISTP) - Sweet but Pscyho

Max Shreck (ISTP) and Selena Kyle (ISFJ, becomes ESFP as cat woman)

Terroblade (ISTP) vs Invoker (ENTJ) - DOTA Dragon's Blood

Invoker (ENTJ) goes nuclear

Invoker is typed as INTJ usually but to me it feels like he has too much agency, tactical skills and an ambition to forcefully reorder the world to his liking to be one.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Now some ISFPs, they seem to be big guys/gals with a temper but a kind heart. They are not as grating as ESFPs. It also seems like they are the chubby-strong guys/gals usually carrying the big guns in movies or the big axes/hammers in animes.

Chewbacca (ISFP) with subtitles

Liz (ISFJ) stands up for Red (ISFP) - Hellboy II The Golden Army

Korra (ISFP) Trains To Be An Airbender

Best of Sgt. Bobbie Draper (ISFP) - Expanse

Baze (ISFP) death - Rogue One (his friend Chirrut is an ISFJ btw)


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Some more ISFPs and ESFPs

Thor (ESFP) vs the Hulk (ISFP)

Gus (xSFx) and Big Man's (ISFP) Sweetest Moments - Sweeth Tooth

Shrek Dinner

Pangolier (ESFP, he reminds of Pepe Le Pew) and Luna (ESTP)

Robert Baratheon (ESFP) visits Winterfell (Jamie Lannister here looks much more like a prince-charming ESFJ)


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I would like to devote this post to Auroth the Winter Wyvern in DOTA 2 Dragon's Blood animated series.

Auroth, despite being a dragon, comes across as an intelligent, gentle and noble soul, as she somehow has gained greater sentience over her primitive impulses at some point in the past. In the animated series, she seems to be particularly fond of the Dragon Knight squire Bram for some reason. I am inclined to type her an INTJ, as in contrast to another character in the series, Mirana (ISTJ), Auroth comes across much more gentle in mannerism.

Her manner of speaking also reminds me of the Sea Emperor Leviathan in the Subnautica video game, who is typed as INFJ on Personality Database.

Auroth (INTJ) comforts Bram (ISFJ)

Auroth (INTJ) assumes human form

Auroth (INTJ) vs Kashurra (ESTP)

Meeting the Sea Emperor Leviathan (INFJ)


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Some nice character contrasts in Superman the movie.

General Zod (ESTJ) overthrows Krypton's Council while Jor-El (INTJ) is subservient to the Council

Jor-El (INTJ) and Lara (INFJ) vs General Zod (ESTJ)

A.I. Jor-El (INTJ) and General Zod (ESTJ)

Faora-Ul (ISTP) and Nam-Ek (ESTP) vs Kal-El (ISFJ)

Kal-El (ISFJ) vs General Zod (ESTJ)

Note how Zod is only concerned about preserving the legacy of Kripton and doesn't care about other tribes.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I'll try to provide some differentiation between Fi-types.

Arya (ISFP) says goodbye to the Hound (ISFP)

Below is how I imagine INFP women to be. In a perpetual state of emotional agony, victimhood, dissatisfaction, distant, reveling in dark and icky emotions.

Rachael's (INFP) memories - Blade Runner

Petyr (ISTP) & Sansa (INFP) - The Way

Deckard (ISFJ) kills Pris (ESFP) - Blade Runner

Theon Greyjoy is a pleasure seeker and is typed as ESFP, but he's nowhere as physically skilled as Thormund, whom I believe is an actual ESFP, that's why I typed Theon as an ENFP. Throughout the series Theon wishes to do good but is portrayed and perceived as inept, useless and naive.

Theon (ENFP) and Ros (ESFP) cart scene


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Rachael's (INFP) memories - Blade Runner

Petyr (ISTP) & Sansa (INFP) - The Way

I am beginning to suspect that INFP women love the emotional agony and desire they cultivate thru longing for the perfect scenario of being in love so much that they don't want it to actually happen in real world so that it won't come to an end because nothing would match the ideal love they cultivated in their mind hence they wouldn't be able to garner the same intensity of emotions in a relationship. They want to remain in a perpetual state of longing, and savor the cocktail of despair, hope, misery, melancholy that come with it.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I believe INFJs are usually portrayed as benevolent witches, sorcerers or some other character with some sort of supernatural/occult ability.

Sleepy Hollow Church Scene - Katrina Van Tassel (INFJ) and Ichabod Crane (INTJ), Horseman (ISTP)

Mina (INFJ) - Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Childlike Empress (INFJ) - Neverending Story

Sally's (INFJ) Song - Nightmare before Christmas

Gandalf (INFJ) speaks to Frodo (INFJ) in Moria

Frodo is usually typed as an INFP but because he has volunteered to take the ring to Mordor, and can easily get along with Gandalf, I believe he is also an INFJ. Furthermore being an Ni-dom probably gives him high willpower due to which the ring's corruptive power cannot affect him as easily as other characters.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Some more INFJs

Sanjouno Haruhime (INFJ) the Renard girl uses new skill

Oz (ENTP) meets Glinda (INFJ)

Sally (INFJ) escapes Dr.Finkelstein's (INTP) tower to meet Jack Skellington (ENTP)

Floki (ENTP) argues with Helga (INFJ), cause she makes him too happy

Draco (INFJ) reminds Bowen (ISFJ) of the Old Code


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I am not very good at identifying INTPs. My understanding is that they are intelligent like ISTPs but physically much weaker but take great pride in their intellect. Just like ISTPs they don't have too many moral constraints, which usually results in them being portrayed as amoral/evil scientist/sorcerer/inventor/genius who experiment on humans or live subjects or toy with people.

If I had to compare them to a DnD class, it would probably be Necromancer. They always seem to be fascinated/obsessed with ISFJs for some reason, probably because ISFJ represents their weaker side and they are envious.

Mr. Glass (INTP) vs David Dunn (ISFJ)

Sally (INFJ) prepares soup for Dr. Finkelstein (INTP)

Lex Luthor (INTP) thrown in Asylum

Master Qyburn (INTP) in GoT

Riddler (INTP) to Batman (ISTJ) - You inspired me

I still haven't figured out how to differentiate between Qyburn, Varys and Pycell in GoT setting. Pycell looks more orderly and Varys comes across more effeminate but all seem to lack morals and are in it for themselves. I'll think more on it.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
ENTJs are usually portrayed as efficient and stoic leaders with ambitious plans to reform the world and vision, strength, industriousness and charisma to implement those plans. Their focus is on their ideal plan and they don't enjoy wasting resources so they try to avoid unnecessary conflict and hurt whenever they can.

Tywin Lannister (ENTJ) lectures grandson Tommen (INFJ)

Griffith (ENTJ) AMV - Take You To Hell

I am not entirely sure about Rorscharch, he's portrayed something closer to a psychopath but feels more like a romantic crusader to me so I typed him ISFJ (he clearly acts with his heart than his mind). One of the key points in the scene below is when Ozymandias asks Dr. Manhattan whether he understands the reasoning behind his actions and how Dr. Manhattan remains neutral.

Dr. Manhattan (INTJ), Ozymandias/Voight (ENTJ) and Rorscharch (ISFJ)

Not sure about McGonagall, I am inclined to type her an ENFJ cause she comes across as a protective mother about Harry Potter or her other students and she is not traditionalist like an ESFJ when she suggests going against the dictates of the Ministry.

Dumbledore (ENTJ), Snape (INTJ), Minerva McGonagall (ENFJ) - Offer him up as bait? scene

Isaac comes across as a low key, stoic thinker. He doesn't show any anxiety, always composed. Dracula (ESTJ) and him admire each other. He isn't ambitious throughout much of the series and remain subservient to Dracula until the latter's passing, after which he embarks on a quest do kill Dracula's opponents and then conquer the world to establish a new rule. The only other type I can think of for him is INTJ yet he proves himself to be very capable in melee besides his tactical skills, that's why I typed him as an ENTJ.

Isaac the Forgemaster (ENTJ) - Castlevania


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Varrick the Inventor/Entrepreneur (ENTP) and his Assistant Zhu-Li (INTJ)

Varricks relationship with Zhu-li is quite similar to that b/w Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

Tony Stark names Pepper Potts as his new CEO

Curious thing is that they typed Pepper Potts as ISTJ on PDB but assigned enneagram tritype 162 to her.

Pepper Potts

In contrast to INTJ females, Kurumi Tokisaki is a good example for a female ENTP, albeit with an exaggerated sense of craziness.

Kurumi Tokisaki (ENTP) Sweet but Psycho - Date a Live


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I really like how Tim Burton handled the love story b/w Bruce Wayne/Batman and Selena Kyle/Catwoman. Their relationship comes to a full circle, where they attend a costume party without wearing any costumes and then while dancing realize their usual selves are actually their costume/disguise.

I also find it hilarious how Catwoman tricks Batman by appealing to his chivalrous side, which she actually finds yummy.

Catwoman (ESFP) Fights Batman (ISTJ) - Batman Returns

A Deadly Kiss Scene - Batman Returns

Catwoman (ESFP) visiting the Penguin (ENTP) - Batman Returns

Bruce Wayne (ISTJ) and Selina Kyle (ISFJ) at Dance Party - Batman Returns

Catwoman (ESFP) vs Max Schreck (ISTP) - Batman Returns


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
I am having trouble differentiating between some of these characters, most of them feel like F-doms to me.

Daenerys is typed as INFJ usually but she keeps talking about taking back what's rightfully hers, destroying anyone who stands in her way, asks people to join her or die, she wants to create a just socialist system I guess. She's not a warrior type, definitely not a P, doesn't come across as a Te-dom. She says she was born to rule. So I'd type her an ESFJ though she flips into SP mode in the end and wreak havoc in King's landing. She sometimes comes across as a vindictive ISFP though, I can't decide which demeanor is more dominant. I think ISFP is more dominant, so I changed my mind, I'll go with ISFP.

Daenerys Targaryen (ISFP) - Queen of Ashes

Then we have Melisandre the Fire Priestess and Varys the Master of Whispers. Melisandre comes across as an extraverted J type, she's so sure of her religion and herself, she doesn't come across as a Te-dom, and is quite dogmatic in her faith so I would also type her an ESFJ.

As for Varys, they made him feminine as he's an eunuch, he acts like a diva and keep making condescending/snide/catty remarks and insuniations in a feminine manner and is not physically aggressive, which makes me think he's an NF type. I am inclined to type him an INFP. I don't know how that can tie into his network of spies though. He's usually typed as an INTP but in the show he doesn't come across as masculine and Maester Qyburn, whom I believe to be an INTP, is quite different in demeanor to Varys. Maybe his usefulness as an INFP is by bringing useful gossips/intel to the council and spreading gossip/counter-intel.

GoT S07E03 Lady Melisandre (ESFJ) And Lord Varys (INFP)

As for Margaery Tyrell, she almost has a theatrical quality to herself. She's always smiling and also a bit cunning. I would type her an ESFJ but she doesn't come across as rigid as an ESFJ so I'll go with ENFJ.

Margaery Tyrell (ENFJ) Smirking At People for 5 Minutes Straight

There's also Jamie Lannister, who in the end turns out to not be a completely evil or unprincipled guy, though he's entitled due to coming from a rich family and keeps his family's protection above all else even at the expense of others. If he was more humble, I'd type him an ISFJ but due to his elevated sense of self, I'll type him an ESFJ.

Jamie Lannister (ESFJ) - Oathkeeper

As a bonus, the last item is about Olenna Tyrell the Queen of Thorns. She's smug, uncaring, misbehaved, rotten, cutthroat, cunning, swears and cusses, talks over people. She's tough but not evil for its own sake. She likes keeping people on their toes. So I'd go for ESTP.

Olenna Tyrell (ESTP) Roasting People for 5 Minutes Straight


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Now that I think about it, Olena Tyrell's demeanor is quite like that of Marie Barone's in Everybody Loves Raymond.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
For some reason my impression of the INFPs is like this fragile porcelain/China Doll that you should handle with care or else it will fall apart and malfunction and you will frequently have to put them back together.

Wizard And Finley Meets China Girl

An ISFJ on the other hand is more like Cinderella. They've been conditioned not to complain and keep functioning no matter how poorly they are treated. They don't fall apart that easy.

Cinderella being bossed around by her Stepmother


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Guy de Lusignan (ESFJ) and Balian (ISTJ) at King's table - Kingdom of Heaven

I am the King scene - Joffrey Baratheon (ESFJ), Tywin Lannister (ENTJ), Cersei (ESTJ), Tyrion (ENTP), Varys (INTP), Pycelle (ISTP)

I've typed Guy de Lusignan and King Joffrey as ESFJs before but having typed Daenerys Targaryen as ISFP yesterday, I am wondering if the former two can also be ISFPs.

There's a catty ill tempered attitude to both characters and they seem to pick on others who make them insecure or envious. Yet I've also typed some chubby silent but strong male characters as ISFPs before like Baze from Star Wars, Shrek and Hagrid. So ISFP still doesn't make sense for Guy de Lusignan or King Joffrey.

King Joffrey's demeanor is somewhat closer to Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter but Draco is much more conscientous and emotional than Joffrey and is not as violent and cruel as him. Draco is coming under heavy pressure to fit in with his father expectations and become almost like an ISTP and of course it doesn't fit but he picks on Harry to convince himself that he can make his father proud and be a cruel uncaring person. Draco is typed as E3w4 and an ESTJ on personality database or INTJ elsewhere but it is quite clear in this video below that he's a feeler and E3 would be more like Fe-dom.

Draco Malfoy (ESFJ) | The Boy Who Had No Choice

So, what does that make Joffrey then? An egotistical, hysterical, unconscientous character with a taste for cruelty? If he was more cold-blooded I would say ISTP, but he's a feeler and making illogical choices sometimes but his feelings are not contained like a Fi-dom and he's certainly vocal and condescending towards others. I think ESFJ typing still holds for him but for some reason he's much more narcissistic and immature than Draco. Draco's demeanor is much closer to Jamie Lannister after he has matured thru pain and misery.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Some nice game cinematics. In the Starcraft game setting, the Zerg represent an id-dominant/beastlike race of bugs, Humans are an ego-dominant race and the Protoss are a super-ego dominant race. That would make the Zerg (ExxPs), Humans (ExxJs and IxxPs) and the Protoss (IxxJs).

Artanis (ISFJ) - Alone - Starcraft II

Note that the Protoss were tribal in the past but at some point they've developed some kind of collective conscience that link their thoughts and emotions together and become unified.

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void - Reclamation - Artanis (ISFJ), Kaldalis the one-eyed warrior (ISTJ)

Note that the Protoss army is predominantly IxxJ in demeanor.

Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void Reaction - by Jen TCC

Sylvanas Windrunner and Anduin Wrynn in the below video reminds me of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt for some reason. The Horde represents SPs while the Alliance represents SJs.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cinematic Trailer - Sylvanas Windrunner the dark elf (xSTP), Anduin Wrynn the Blonde warrior (xSFJ)

And this is how I would imagine an xSTP army to be like.

The Lord of the Rings - Meat's Back on the Menu


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Some nice scenes from the movie "Kingdom of Heaven"

What man is a man who does not make the world better? - Godfrey (ESTP), Balian (ISTJ)

Kingdom of Heaven (2005) - Forest battle -
German Warrior (ISFP), Guy with the Pick (ESTP), Guy with Cross Tabard (ESFP), African Warrior (ESTP), Jamie Lannister is there too!

Kingdom Of Heaven, Advise - King Baldwin (ExFJ), Balian (ISTJ)

Kingdom of Heaven - Rise a Knight - Master Grave Digger (ESFP)

Kingdom of heaven - Last love scene - Balian (ISTJ), Sybilla (ESFP)