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Male Feelers


Apr 6, 2008
What is it like being an F male in your culture? Does the dominance of thinking preference in men affect your interactions with other males?

Do you feel very different/challenged by your preference?

What defines the F male compared to the T male?

How are Fi males and Fe males different/similar?

Did you have to peel back a culturally imposed layer of Tness to realise you are an F? Do you often test as a T?



Nov 5, 2009
What is it like being an F male in your culture? Does the dominance of thinking preference in men affect your interactions with other males?

Do you feel very different/challenged by your preference?

What defines the F male compared to the T male?

How are Fi males and Fe males different/similar?

Did you have to peel back a culturally imposed layer of Tness to realise you are an F? Do you often test as a T?


Does the dominance of thinking preference in men affect your interactions with other males?
Yes and no.. I am a man after all so I can engage my manliness up to a point. Most of my male friends are intellects or weirdos.. That being said.. I have few male friends and get along with women often. I've been asked if I am gay a few times.. and TOLD I am gay few times more.
But like I said.. I can be all sports,cars violence and my cock when needed.. Like at work.

Do you feel very different/challenged by your preference?
No, not really.. as mentioned I can hide it when needs be and I think it helps seek out quality people.

What defines the F male compared to the T male?
I am not sure.. But the way women respond to me pisses a lot of Jocks and machismo guys off :laugh:

Did you have to peel back a culturally imposed layer of Tness to realise you are an F? Do you often test as a T?

I originally tested as INTP but I think I even then It was more a case of me not understanding the difference. My ex partner was instrumental in helping me break through many of the barriers I had erected to help me get through life. I was always Fi dom.. but my fe was much weaker and I was totally withdrawn emotionally.

Now that I understand what the functions mean I am totally comfortable with being subjective in my judgments and realize it has no bearing at all on my level of intelligence or ability to think.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
What is it like being an F male in your culture? Does the dominance of thinking preference in men affect your interactions with other males?

Do you feel very different/challenged by your preference?

Don't know. Is it difficult just because I am a feeler, or because I am who I am as whole?

Assuming it is because I am a feeler, yes, it is difficult. I cannot relate to the thinking of many men. Don't find a better example, but you will maybe understand: you know, we all know this stereotypical image of men thinking stereotypiycally about women not being rational, like they say "no" and mean actually "yes" and the other way around, and you cannot understand them as a man. As we know MBTI, we would probably say that's not a women thing, but a feeler thing (or maybe even more specifically Fi as first or second function). Now statistically there is more female feeler than thinker and more male thinker than feeler, so the stereotypes went like that.

In such things I can relate more to the women position, and therefore I actually get along with more women than men now. Men which I get along with are to most parts feelers, and only a few thinkers.

However, because you don't behave like the stereotypical man, you get treated different than them too by other people. I suspect that it is one reason people don't seem to want to hang around with me all the time, although it is not like they don't like me.

Just to get it straight: I for one know for sure I am a man and think I am more man than many other men nowadays, no matter whether thinkers or feelers. I just think that some stereotypes of mans are wrong or interpreted wrong. It is all about how you define things. Like when a man is associated by being strong, protecting and what not all, it depends how you think you define it. What does it mean to be strong? Being physically strong? Using your ellbows against concurrence and win? Or is it living up to your own values and principles no matter what comes? And such stuff.

What defines the F male compared to the T male?

Well, basically how you define the functions themselves actually, you can find the difference in thinking process.

Another stereotype thrown in: F male are the ones who are seen only as good friends by women and totally meet the ideal females seem to have thought out of a men (understanding, supportive, kind and gentle etc.), but will never get into a relationship with, but rather with the next best "idiot" which does totally not look like their ideal.

I don't know if that is really true. You can suspect a tendency for it, but I don't know.

How are Fi males and Fe males different/similar?

I suspect Fe males being nearer to the typical T males (and the stereotypcial males in society) than Fi males, because Fi as an introverted function seems to be hard to understand to those who don't use Fi as first or second function, which applies to most males. And Fi seems to be good part of women stereotype, not men stereotype.

They are similar in that they both are only third or fourth function T's, general speaken ;)

Did you have to peel back a culturally imposed layer of Tness to realise you are an F? Do you often test as a T?

I am not sure. I had to peel back my outward appearing from my inner perspective to realize I am an F and not an T. My outward appearing difference was created by hardening to outward influences and being less open to others, because being open as an INFP made it hard for me especially at school. Getting a bit more into MBTI and understanding functions a bit better, I realized I in fact am a Feeler who just didn't show this outwardly that much anymore, since it makes you very vulnerable.

So, you could argue society shaped my behavior in a way, and I had to look under it first before realizing my true self. And it literally felt to me like I finally understand myself much better than before when I tested as INFP, and made me see things a bit more clearer I believe.

I did MBTI test in fact already some 1-2 years ago before really getting into it. I tested back then as INTJ and INTP. I didn't know anything about real meaning of functions though, and I answered questions basing more on my outward "mask" (which doesn't mean I behaved not like me, but I didn't show all my inner feels either) than my real self.


veteran attention whore
Jun 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Feeler? I hardly knew 'er!


New member
Jul 8, 2009
more later addressing the OP, probably, but once I had a male ESFP tell me that I remove all emotion from the equation (when acting situationally) :laugh: or maybe :cry:

e - just retook the test answering based on me being in 'socially guarded' mode and scored ENTJ


Probably Most Brilliant
Jan 8, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I've been wondering about this. Are gays mostly feelers? Does a feeler mean sensitive? I see myself as a thinker but I'm quite sensitive and shy. I don't express much emotion but I'm very sensitive with criticisms. Or is this the result of introversion? No, I'm not gay.

that's some crazy f-shit right there.


Jun 30, 2008
I don't think it is that much different. I don't think anybody down at the pub can tell, it isn't like I need to share. I guess sometimes people can see whatever Fi is in me. The awesomeness of it attracts people, especially if you keep your mouth shut. They wonder what the hell is going on in your mind. I think life would be harder for the type of feeler that can't keep quiet. I've tested as istp a lot, that seems to be the kiwi male archetype overall. I don't think isfp have a hard time fitting in though. I did have to pull back some conditioning, conditioning I'd done to myself.
Apr 23, 2009
I've been wondering about this. Are gays mostly feelers? Does a feeler mean sensitive? I see myself as a thinker but I'm quite sensitive and shy. I don't express much emotion but I'm very sensitive with criticisms. Or is this the result of introversion? No, I'm not gay.

I don't think you're gay. Just, colourful. jk

gay - feeler, I fail to see the correlation.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I don't think it is that much different. I don't think anybody down at the pub can tell, it isn't like I need to share. I guess sometimes people can see whatever Fi is in me. The awesomeness of it attracts people, especially if you keep your mouth shut. They wonder what the hell is going on in your mind. I think life would be harder for the type of feeler that can't keep quiet. I've tested as istp a lot, that seems to be the kiwi male archetype overall. I don't think isfp have a hard time fitting in though. I did have to pull back some conditioning, conditioning I'd done to myself.

^it's stuff like that that makes me think i'm esfp :doh:

my emotions aren't always pouring out or anything, but i don't keep them under the surface for too long. i can try, but it's like a damn scratch i have to itch. for better or worse.

[edit] "Itch I have to scratch", I mean

William K

Aug 13, 2009
F != emotions, at least not in Jungian terms.

Feeling is basically a way of making decisions that is not based on just the cold-hard facts and logic like Thinking does.

I'll answer the OP a bit later after I 'feel' my way through the questions :)


Probably Most Brilliant
Jan 8, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I don't think you're gay. Just, colourful. jk

gay - feeler, I fail to see the correlation.

Liking bright colors is dominant in gay culture, right? Also in women? That would mean also in feelers?


New member
Jan 26, 2010
F != emotions, at least not in Jungian terms.

Feeling is basically a way of making decisions that is not based on just the cold-hard facts and logic like Thinking does.

I'll answer the OP a bit later after I 'feel' my way through the questions :)

It's got to be more than that...?

If being ESFP meant merely being impulsive in my decisions, then it's a very limited way in describing the "Type". Emotional expression has to come to play here somewhere to distinguish some people???... else what's the point of any of this. F can't be all about values and convictions.


Jun 30, 2008
One thing that I suppose is F in nature is I always have had an orientation to forming a relationship when doing something. That has had upsides and downsides depending on the nature of the job or whatever I was doing. It is difficult and feels dry and lifeless to just do something. If I am by myself it isn't an issue but if there are people around I am drawn to...not interact so much as collaborate maybe, to build a positive atmosphere.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
One thing that I suppose is F in nature is I always have had an orientation to forming a relationship when doing something. That has had upsides and downsides depending on the nature of the job or whatever I was doing. It is difficult and feels dry and lifeless to just do something. If I am by myself it isn't an issue but if there are people around I am drawn to...not interact so much as collaborate maybe, to build a positive atmosphere.

I can identify with that.

Hell, I quit my last job because my manager told me I wasn't there for friends. I was like.. "Really?! Well fuck off then." The job itself sucked anyways.