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Lady GaGa

What type is Lady Gaga?

  • ISTJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • ISFJ

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 22 21.8%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 10 9.9%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • INFP

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 18 17.8%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 7 6.9%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • INTP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 10 9.9%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters


Dec 4, 2008
lol I cant believe anyone would say ENTJ for her. All NT's have a certain stiffness to them. It's so easy to pick out.


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Hahahhahahaa, that is such a false statement!

I have met NTs who have no stiffness at all!


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant


Dec 4, 2008
Hahahhahahaa, that is such a false statement!

I have met NTs who have no stiffness at all!

I have not. And Lady GaGa is such an obviously image-conscience person who really cares what people think about her. I dont know any NT's like that.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Well Se as one of her top two functions is obvious. She's all about making a direct sensory impact, so that reduces her to xSxP pretty quickly.

As for the Fi, it's just a question of personal style in her interviews. ISFPs are frequently avant garde trend-setters--Se is typically very aware of what's current and popular, and she's very overtly aware of her own awareness of such trends, which suggests Se as an auxiliary function (Lenore theorizes that most people "preach the auxiliary" because it's the strongest function that we consciously realize we're good at and choose to listen to frequently--as opposed to the dominant, which is often so ingrained into our perspectives that we don't even realize the full extent of its effects on us.)

I don't really see any particular evidence of Ti. She seems pretty wrapped up in doing her own thing according to what her values say is right at the time--look at her snippy responses to the reporters. She doesn't see any value in the trivial questions they're asking her and doesn't see any reason her answers to these arbitrary questions have any importance to anything. (Much like Bob Dylan in the interview BlackCat posted in that thread--compare.)

But she's also not very overtly emotionally expressive, at least not in public--which is typical of Fi doms. They know what's important to them and they're not going to bend on that, but they don't see any particular reason to justify the way they feel about things to others. Note her obvious indignation at having her identity "boxed in" by what she sees as "ridiculous questions." This is standard fare for Fi, which places great emphasis on personal individuality and staying true to one's values.

The way Gaga arrogantly dismisses interviewers' dumb questions with flashes of wry (tertiary) Ni reminds me of Bob Dylan, who I still maintain is also ISFP.

I actually think ISFP is the right answer here, which is what I believe Gwen Stefani is as well.


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I have not. And Lady GaGa is such an obviously image-conscience person who really cares what people think about her. I dont know any NT's like that.

I do. I know an ENTP who cares more about his image than anyone I know. And does she become normal because she cares, or is worried they will disaprove? Hellllll no. The woman makes a statement.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Instinctual Variant
She's hard to type, in the interviews I have watched she presents a different side to her everytime. In recent interviews she is quite different to earlier interviews when he career had just started to take off.

I'm a huge fan of hers and I have tried to type her many times but I haven't settled on one type. It's hard to type somebody I've only observed and not interacted with. From the interviews I have watched (I'm not taking her songs and her performances into account, just the person) this is what I have:

She appears to be very abstract, very much in her own little world. She's clearly very imaginative, a visionary. If you look at her eyes in some of the interviews (I can't find the link to the ones I am talking about. When I do I'll edit this post) she looks as if she is disconnected,...I imagine she often feels like she's on the outside looking in most of the time. She appears to be more of an idealist, I don't think she has a strong grip on reality. I think she is an intuitive. I think she has Ne, but I don't believe it's her dominant function. I think it is her auxiliary function as that is what she presents most to the world but Fi is her dominat function. She only seems to present her Fi outwardly in situation where she is comfortable and it matters to her "inner world" e.g like in the interviews with Ellen and Oprah. In some interviews she doesn't present this, sometimes giving very short answers.

This would confirm what I think anyways...that she is an introvert. So many people think she is an extravert because of her performances. They are confusing shyness and introversion. She is clearly introverted. You have to remember, she went to a convent school and wasn't really allowed to express herself. She felt like a freak, I haven't watched or read anything where she goes into more detail about this but I can easily imagine she was bullied for being so artistic and unconventional. Because of the environment she wasi n she must have really wanted to rebel. And that's what she did because she really feels the need to express herself...and that's what comes out in her performances. I don't believe she is an attention-seeker. I also don't believe she is stimulated by social interaction, she seems quite awkward around people. She has said she is a perfectionist and works really hard not only with her music but also with the set designs, outfits etc and spends a lot of time working on them. She has said she doesn’t go to nightclubs to socialise (or words to that effect).She has said that the biggest misconception about her (in the Barbara Walters interview) is that she is an attention seeker. She is extremely creative and needs to express herself. She may do it in ways that are "different" and sometimes provocative but that doesn't make her an extravert. I'm an introvert but I am also shy. If I wasn't shy I can't definately say I wouldn't express myself in the way she does. I wouldn't describe her as shy, but that doesn't make her an extravert. And not forgetting the more obvious signs, like how softly spoken and reserved she is in a lot of interviews.

She has said many time her fans are important to her and she clearly has such a depth of caring for them, she even cried in an interview (I think it may have been the Oprah one). This leads me to think she is not a thinker. I'm NOT saying thinkers don't cry before anybody takes that the wrong way. She appears to make decisions by following her heart and I think she is more subjective than objective. (From wikipedia) -Fi filters information based on interpretations of worth, forming judgments according to criteria that are often intangible. Fi constantly balances an internal set of values such as harmony and authenticity. Attuned to subtle distinctions, Fi innately senses what is true and what is false in a situation. I think she definately has Fi. If she had Fe she would care more about acting appropriately and fitting in with social norms.

We also have to take into account what all these rumours about her gender are doing to her personality. She might not appear as if she cares, but it must be so hurtful for people to say you look masculine....to doubt your gender altogether. She felt like a freak at school, so it all must be bringing back a lot of painfuly memories. And a lot of interviewsers bring this up so it must make her feel uncomfortable...which will have an impact on the way she comes across.

From all this I get INFP. Based on the interviews I have watched I think that is a good fit. I'm not saying this is correct, I don't know her so it's almost impossible to say. I have doubts about INFP so feel free to disagree. I'm not an MBTI expert and like I said earlier I'm making this guess at her type from obervations, not social interactions. The only thing I am certain of is that she is not an NT like some people have said. I can see why people have come to that conclusion but I just don't feel it myself. And when people said she was a J...I feel she is too spontaneous to be a J and too unconventional. I don't believe she is a planner, I think she decides what to do as she goes a long...as new ideas enter her head. She is extremely creative so she probably likes to leave a lot of things open for new possibilities. Plus taking into account what I said earlier, about Ne. That is her percieving function and is is extraverted so she must be a P. I feel she presents Ne to the world more than Fi.

But feel free to tell me this is a load of rubbish :D I'm very intersted in Lady Gaga and would very much like to know her type so anything you wanna add would be great :)

EDIT: Just thought about it. Having major doubts about what I just wrote. I'm trying to think through it logically...but logic isn't my strong point.
I'm leaning towards ISFP. I'm not saying she's an intuitive because she's a little strange...sensors can be strange too (believe me, my father is ESFP...I should know :p ).
When she first came onto the scene I thought she was most likely an ISFP. Maybe I should stick to my first instinct? This means she would have Se. Se focuses on the experiences and sensations of the immediate, physical world. With an acute awareness of the present surroundings, it brings relevant facts and details to the forefront and may lead to spontaneous action. I'm actually starting to think it's possible I was wrong. :huh:
Plus I don't know enough about the sensing/intiuting preferences to be able to judge. :blush:
Oh and I also think she is type 4. I agree with other posts that say she is 4w3.


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Bob Dylan is an ISFP.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
the ability to relate to a celebrity is not evidence that he/she is iNtuitive.

Gaga is ESTP. she's a performer, a partier, a shock artist. "i've had a little bit too much, all of the people start to rush...where are my keys i lost my phone... but it's alright, just dance." in no way is her music meant to be reflected upon. both lyrically and musically, it's meant to be felt, in real time. SP.

The MUSIC is not meant to be reflected on- the RESPONSE OF THE MASSES is what is meant to be reflected on. Her ART is not so much MUSIC as it is SHAPING POP CULTURE. That's what gets her off, though she may not openly admit it. She's playing the industry.

Fecal McAngry

New member
Oct 31, 2009
Bob Dylan is an ISFP.

No. Bob is about as obvious a user of extroverted iNtuition as any writer I've ever come across in my lifetime--and I read quite a lot. Anyone who knows Bob's work and has a working knowledge of MBTI should be able to see this, it is after all, what made Bob such an enormously creative force--it wasn't his lousy guitar playing or his abrasive voice--it was his unsurpassed creative genius as a writer...

YouTube - Bob Dylan messes around with poems

Look up what Allen Ginsburg (ENFP) or Joan Baez (ENFJ) had to say about Bob--very telling observations...

The truth was obscure
too profound and too pure
to live it you have to explode

In that last hour of need
we entirely agreed
sacrifice was the code of the road

I left town at dawn
with Marcel and St. John
strong men belittled by doubt

I couldn't tell her
what my private thoughts were
but she had some way of finding
them out

He took dead-center aim
but he missed just the same
she was waiting
putting flowers on the shelf

She could feel my despair
as I climbed up her hair
and discovered her invisible self...

--Bob, circa 1978--


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I thought Joan Baez was an INFJ.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
visaisahero: she admits to playing the industry. that isn't proof of her intuition. and with effort you could find meaning in almost any phenomenon, but that doesn't mean it was deliberate.
impartiality is a virtue.


Jul 20, 2009
It's extremely unlikely that she's an INFP. INFP are usually mushy, wishy washy, soft people. They're generally not materialistic or ambitious. Lady Gaga is the opposite of these things. INFP have the lowest average income of all the types, even though they're one of the smartest.

I don't think she's an introvert because she spends far, far too much time being with people and being in front of people. She doesn't work alone. She has a group of people she works with that she calls Haus of Gaga. It seems she's with people all the freaking time. Maybe she acts a little bit shy or nervous in interviews, but extroverted people can be shy.

I think she's a J because P's are generally a bunch of flakes, loose cannons, nutters, free-wheeling, careless, unfettered, jokers. P's tend to not take things seriously. P's often treat things like a joke. She doesn't seem like that. She has an underlying seriousness and caring that makes her seem like a J. If she were an ENFP, she'd be a jerk and she'd make fun of people instead of flattering people as she does.

If she were introverted, then she'd be an INFJ or an INFP. She's very unlike the typical INFJ and INFP. She perfectly matches the descriptions of ENFJ's that I have read.


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Bob Dylan is still an ISFP.


Sep 5, 2009
Instinctual Variant
It's extremely unlikely that she's an INFP.

I know Lady Gaga isn't an INFP. I was refering to Joan Baez.

INFPs are usually mushy, wishy washy, soft interesting people. They're generally not materialistic or ambitious. Lady Gaga is the opposite of these things. INFP have the lowest average income of all the types, even though they're one of the smartest.


I think she's a J because P's are generally a bunch of flakes, loose cannons, nutters, free-wheeling, careless, unfettered, jokers because J's make blanket statements about types they know nothing about. P's tend to not take things seriously hate it when they're accused of being something they're not. P's often treat things like wish some people weren't such a joke. She doesn't seem like that. She has an underlying seriousness and caring that no depth or originality which makes her seem like a J. If she were an ENFP, she'd be a jerk and she'd make fun of people instead of flattering people as she does hate this poster.

If she were introverted, then she'd not be an INFJ or an INFP; she's also very unlike the typical INFJ and INFP. She perfectly matches the descriptions of ENFJ's that I have read none of these descriptions because "Lady Gaga" is a persona, not a person.


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