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Katy Perry

What Personality Type is Katy Perry?

  • INFP

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  • INFJ

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  • INTP

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  • ENTP

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  • ENTJ

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  • ISFP

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  • ISFJ

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  • ISTP

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  • ISTJ

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  • ESTJ

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  • 1w9

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New member
Jul 6, 2010
Don't be fooled by the public image of an entertainer. Extroverts are "attentive". Introverts want "attention". Extroverts are focused on the world around them. Introverts are focused on themselves. Extroverts want to make a good impression. Introverts think they really are impressive.

Katy Perry craves attention. INTJ's love being admired because they believe they really are admirable.

This is how it works. Katy's dominant system is her nervous system because she is primarily ectomorphic. The nervous system is interested in maintaining the boundary. The nervous system defines the "self" and is really the ego boundary. Thinking is primarily an introverted activity because it is dealing with information that has already been received from the environment and digested. The sensory system is extroverted because it gathers data "outside (external)" in the environment. Thinking is processing the data that has been stored inside (internal) the brain - it is therefore introverted.

Katy's second function is her orientational system. The orientational system scans the environment looking for "difference". So basically the integrated description of Katy's personality is "searching for identity and status". This makes her hyper sensitive to her position on the hierarchy. She's fearfully looking for anything that would knock her off her pedestal. And she looks for ways to distinguish herself as unique over her competition.

Her lowest functions are a combination of endomorphy (feeling) and mesomorphy (control) She is conflicted in areas of control and attachment. She is very independent and resists control on the one hand but wants independence without struggle.

An extroverts bragging and antics is a little easier to tolerate than the insidious fake smiles, and winks of the introvert in her effort to shore up her image by "acting" sociable.


New member
Jul 31, 2010
I don't think there was anything correct in the previous post.

Introverts do not crave more attention, and are not more self oriented. They are typically more open and honest, and seek deeper relationships rather than superficial socialization. This is because more intimate friends cause less cortical arousal, and introverts have naturally high levels of cortical arousal and cannot easily handle being overstimulated by groups of strangers.

Being physically ectomorphic, mesomorphic, or endomorphic has no effect on personality.

An INTJ used extroverted thinking, and relies more heavily on their introverted perceiving process of intuition.

Searching for differences is an introverted sensing thing, ans Si is the least developed trait in INTJs.


New member
Jul 6, 2010

Being physically ectomorphic, mesomorphic, or endomorphic has no effect on personality.

Research has shown that there is a significant correlation between temperament and personality.

See Cortes, J.E. and Gatti, F.M. (1965) "Physique and Self-Description of Temperament" in J. Counsulting Psychol. , Vo. 29, No.5, 432-439

You are generally right about introversion. But, introversion is not one dimensional. There are stable introverts who tend to be passive and heteronomous and there are unstable introverts who tend to be more autonomous. I didn't make that distinction because most people look at things as more absolute. Katy Perry's desire for attention is modulated by her ectomorphy. Because Jungian based typologies are based on dichotomous functions people are either "extroverted" and assumed to carry the whole loading of extroverted traits or they are "introverted". The reality is that extroversion/introversion appears in test results as a continuum with most people in the 65% middle of the bell curve.

Using somatotype a person is extroverted if the sum of the orientational dimension and mesomorphy exceeds the sum of ectomorphy and endomorphy. This would make Katy Perry slightly extroverted. Katy Perry is highest in the unstable introvert area and this type is very concerned with their boundary and identity which is expressed as hyperattentionality or vigilance. It is not a wide scanning of the environment but rather a sensitivity to encroachment on territory.

What I am saying through all this obfuscation is that all introversion is not the same.


Apr 24, 2007
Based on this new interview, what type would everyone guess she is?



New member
Nov 15, 2009

I always thought ENTP, possibly ENFP, definitely EN to me. I see Te, Ne or Ni, not much Se or Si and def. Fi over Fe.


Apr 24, 2007
I just realized that Babylon Candle already posted the video above earlier in the thread. :doh:


I always thought ENTP, possibly ENFP, definitely EN to me. I see Te, Ne or Ni, not much Se or Si and def. Fi over Fe.
Where do you get the J from? I'm asking not as a challenge, but because I wonder if there's something I missed. :) She seems to like spontaneity, unstructured life, going with the flow, and being open to new things. She surprised-crashed a prom, and has a Sanskrit tattoo on her arm which says "go with the flow."


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke.
Katy Perry tweeting about Lady GaGa.

Katy Perry had a prolonged adolescence because of her strict religious upbringing. Her comments about Lady GaGa were obviously a matter of slamming the competition but how conveniently she chooses a moralistic position.

Paul Tieger says in his book "The Art of Speedreading People" about "How to spot an INTJ" Because INTJ's are such complex people, their sentences are frequently so long and complicated, and usually involve so many related thoughts, that others may have difficulty understanding them."

About her tatoo. People have tatoos for various purposes; statement of love for someone, self-description, aesthetics and injunctive reminders. "Go with the flow" seems like a reminder to do something she doesn't ordinarily do but feels she ought to do.


New member
Jul 31, 2010

Research has shown that there is a significant correlation between temperament and personality.

See Cortes, J.E. and Gatti, F.M. (1965) "Physique and Self-Description of Temperament" in J. Counsulting Psychol. , Vo. 29, No.5, 432-439

You are generally right about introversion. But, introversion is not one dimensional. There are stable introverts who tend to be passive and heteronomous and there are unstable introverts who tend to be more autonomous. I didn't make that distinction because most people look at things as more absolute. Katy Perry's desire for attention is modulated by her ectomorphy. Because Jungian based typologies are based on dichotomous functions people are either "extroverted" and assumed to carry the whole loading of extroverted traits or they are "introverted". The reality is that extroversion/introversion appears in test results as a continuum with most people in the 65% middle of the bell curve.

Using somatotype a person is extroverted if the sum of the orientational dimension and mesomorphy exceeds the sum of ectomorphy and endomorphy. This would make Katy Perry slightly extroverted. Katy Perry is highest in the unstable introvert area and this type is very concerned with their boundary and identity which is expressed as hyperattentionality or vigilance. It is not a wide scanning of the environment but rather a sensitivity to encroachment on territory.

What I am saying through all this obfuscation is that all introversion is not the same.

Do you have anything more recent than that? Psychology has changed quite a bit since the 60s. Although there is a "citation needed" marker there, wikipedia does say that most scientists consider psychological linkages to somototypes to be outdated and oversimplistic. I vaguely recall a lecture in my General Psychology class last fall where the professor debunked it more thoroughly.


Apr 24, 2007
Katy Perry tweeting about Lady GaGa.

Katy Perry had a prolonged adolescence because of her strict religious upbringing. Her comments about Lady GaGa were obviously a matter of slamming the competition but how conveniently she chooses a moralistic position.
Before this tweet, she and her fiance, comedian Russell Brand, had apparently been engaged in some gassy dialog:

Russell Brand Calls Katy Perry A 'Flatulence Factory' - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News
Russell Brand said:
That woman is like a flatulence factory. The pop hits that she fires out of her mouth are nothing compared to what comes out the other end of her!

Does somatotype theory have any predictions to make based upon gastrointestinal flatulence functionality?

It's an assumption that the "moralistic position" was chosen rather than a genuine reflection of her perspective on spiritual issues.

Paul Tieger says in his book "The Art of Speedreading People" about "How to spot an INTJ" Because INTJ's are such complex people, their sentences are frequently so long and complicated, and usually involve so many related thoughts, that others may have difficulty understanding them."
I don't see how this relates to Katy Perry.


New member
Jul 6, 2010

Unfortunately somatotype/personality research has pretty much stopped. But, not because Sheldon's work was ever debunked.

Even though professors bad-mouth Sheldon you won't find a single study that has tried to duplicate Sheldon's work using the procedures that Sheldon advocated. Sheldon is mentioned in almost every Psych 101 textbook and then dismissed. Why don't they just quit talking about him. You would think that disproving such an "erroneous" theory would be an easy masters or doctoral thesis. But the usual method of disproving a scientific theory - replication with contradictory results -has been completely bypassed.

Why? There is a simple reason. When Sheldon started his work he somatotyped thousands of people in Ivy League Colleges, Military, Mental Institutions using NUDE photographs. At a certain point in time institutions would no longer permit this. You aren't going to find anyone today who will take their clothes off for such a study. In fact Hillary Clinton was part of a group that had some of Sheldon's somatotype photos at the Smithsonian destroyed because her picture was in a batch of photos from when she was a freshman.

Another complicating factor is that Sheldon's method was a skill that had to be learned much like livestock judging. Fortunately he objectified his method so it no longer required skilled judgement but actual physical measurements. One of his assistants Barbara Heath spun off from Sheldon and came up with a method of measuring bone width and subcutaneous fat and thereby avoided nude photos. This method is very popular amongst olympic trainers and college coaches. There is some correlation between the Heath-Carter method and Sheldon's but they differ because Sheldon's method indicated the basic body structure doesn't change and there fore represents the genotypical body. However, Sheldon's method continued to require a nude photo.

I have been studying this for over 30 years. I have discovered a way to objectively somatotype people fully clothed - and completely congruent with Sheldon's final method.
My intentions are to make this available to researchers who may be more inclined to test Sheldon's theory without the old stigma of nude photographs.

This is a recent development on my part. No one else knows how to do it. And it is an uphill battle because of the unjust classifying of Sheldon's work as pseudo science.

I have posted some blogs on this site that deal with somatotype more extensively.


New member
Jul 6, 2010

It's an assumption that the "moralistic position" was chosen rather than a genuine reflection of her perspective on spiritual issues.

Perceivers can be moralistic too. And when they do that they are behaving like Judgers.

When you look at the public image of Katy her invocation of some "moral" foundation to criticize her competition indicates a conflict to say the least.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I think she is an ESTP, she seems really outgoing, fun-loving, and free-spirited but with a hard, sassy edge.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I just realized that Babylon Candle already posted the video above earlier in the thread. :doh:

Where do you get the J from? I'm asking not as a challenge, but because I wonder if there's something I missed. :) She seems to like spontaneity, unstructured life, going with the flow, and being open to new things. She surprised-crashed a prom, and has a Sanskrit tattoo on her arm which says "go with the flow."

I think I saw blunt Te-Ni in her but it could as well be blunt but goofy Ne-Ti. Now that I am thinking about it more, I might just stick with ENTP, my first guess. She doesn't seem very scattered though, more like structured fun. She acts open/spontaneous/flexible but she seems very calculating and articulate, which is true for ENTPs. It's a puzzle. What do you think?


Apr 24, 2007
When you look at the public image of Katy her invocation of some "moral" foundation to criticize her competition indicates a conflict to say the least.
I don't agree. She presents a sexual image, but being sexual is part of being human. Some are more open or obvious about it than others, and this doesn't make them immoral. It only makes them more openly human. Profaning that which many hold sacred is not part of being human, and is more clearly an issue of spiritual morality.

BusinessWorld Online Edition | Philippine Business News & Analysis: Katy Perry: Girlie action
Nor does she regret having sent a caustic Twitter message about blasphemy just hours after the premiere of Gaga’s "Alejandro" video.

"[Spirituality] is just important to me," she says. "The details of the importance are still to be determined, I guess… It’s one of those things that as the older you get and the farther you try to run away from your parents, you just turn right around and they are embedded into your DNA."

I think she is an ESTP, she seems really outgoing, fun-loving, and free-spirited but with a hard, sassy edge.
I think I saw blunt Te-Ni in her but it could as well be blunt but goofy Ne-Ti. Now that I am thinking about it more, I might just stick with ENTP, my first guess. She doesn't seem very scattered though, more like structured fun. She acts open/spontaneous/flexible but she seems very calculating and articulate, which is true for ENTPs. It's a puzzle. What do you think?
I agree with these impressions, Robopop and Rebe. I see her as ExTP. I'm leaning slightly toward ENTP for these reasons:

1. She seemed to choose wording carefully (Ti) in the youtube interview, such as carefully not trying to be arrogant by saying something like "once you've achieved... a little bit of fame".

2. Seemed to focus in on the meaning of the youtube user names a little more than I'd expect from an S rather than taking them at face value. This seemed to show Ti + Ne.

3. She knows she's being strategically superficial:
In one video blog post, she said something like, "Welcome to my blog. I'm sorry it's just full of silly little things, but that's just part of life. :tongue10:"

BusinessWorld Online Edition | Philippine Business News & Analysis: Katy Perry: Girlie action
Perry is the first to admit that "Gurls" doesn’t quite boost her artistic credibility. "I’m not saying, 'Oh, my God! "California Gurls" is a... genius opus!' Perry says. "I just know what kind of card this summer needs, and that’s the one I'm playing."

4. Intuitively, she seems like many of my ENTP friends in many ways. In fact, one of them (confirmed ENTP by taking official MBTI) was a student leader on campus who was frequently criticized for being too superficial and childishly playful.

5. In "I Kissed a Girl," the line "You're my experimental game" sounds very ENTP-ish: Using Ne to explore the possibilities and then evaluating the experiment with Ti later.
Last edited:


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Javo: I feel that she could easily be mistaken for an ENTP. That's not a big mistake.
It is quibbling over introversion and extroversion and my classification system would make her ambiverted but slightly Extraverted which is to say that it is variable enough in her makeup that it isn't significant.

Her somatotype is Endo = 3 Meso = 3.5 Ecto = 5.5 Balance = 5.5 (Balance refers to degree of balance in the first three components.) So her systems would be ranked as follows:

Primary = Ecto Secondary = Balance Tertiary = Meso and Shadow = Endo

My brief description of her temperament: Searching (orientational) for Identity, Status, Self-Esteem (nervous). Avoids: Attachment, Surrender & Compromise. (Visceral)

This translates into Jung Terminology as Primary: Thinking Secondary Intuition
Tertiary = Sensation Shadow = Feeling.

I and E and P and J are really derivatives of F,T,S,& N so in my system they are of secondary importance.

I remain committed to INTJ. ENTP could be the result of having to sell yourself to the public. If she is being interviewed she is definitely selling and could appear as an ENTP and that's why ENTP is not a bad choice. I believe my system really cuts through that surface to the core genotype of the person. After all you are "some-BODY" and it is the BODY you are born with.


New member
May 1, 2009

After all you are "some-BODY" and it is the BODY you are born with.

Simple case: how would you then explain my sister and me; we look almost identical, some people confuse us for twins, but we are completely different as personalities. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Interests, thinkings, taste, MBTI type (she's ESTJ).
Our body type is definately the same.
there are so many examples like this that are so obvious and bring your somatotypes into question, i just wonder how you explain such things?


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Chloe: Somatotype is your genotype. It is your constitutional type. Your MBTI, Enneagram, Socionics, DISC type is a description of your phenotype or adapted type.
Everyone makes their own adaptations and the type that shows up on tests is the adapted type.

When you mention being mistaken for twins it brings up the fact that twins are generally very similar in personality, intelligence etc. But the real question is why are twins also so different? There is no doubt that people make decisions that have profound effects on their lives and that sometimes these decisions are effectively the same as a coin flip.

Adaptability is essential for human survival. Even with typologies no two ENFP's or whatever are going to be exactly alike. And that's my biggest objections to most typologies. They over-describe people. Some elements of the descriptions may or may not fit. That's why I prefer a biologically oriented approach that states in just one or two basic sentences what a person WANTS, their preferred METHOD of satisfying their WANTS and what they AVOID or DON'T WANT.

I have to take your word that you and your sister are identical somatotypes. You may recall that you are right on the border of ENFP and INTP. Your sister may have crossed over that border to INTP and that would be an acceptable adaptation. However if she is testing as an ESTJ that is an extreme difference. This can be caused by various stresses. For instance it can make a big difference on how attractive a person is. An attractive woman has more options to choose well or choose poorly. I'll leave it to you and your sister to work that out.

Basically she has pushed back her hopes and replaced it with adventure or some kind of intense experience. And this is where it could get personal and I hate to go here. Usually the biggest disappointments in life are with life partners and the intense experience sought is often sexual in nature.

Let me repeat this is not absolute but this is a familiar pattern. I don't like to get into explaining the causes of a major shift from a type that would be indicated by somatotype because this is something that should be handled by a professional therapist.

There are two more possibilities. 1. Sometimes the results of an MBTI test are wrong. 2. Your sister might really be an ESTJ and a have a somatotype that is different from yours.


Apr 24, 2007
Anyone have any typology insights from KP's recent Letterman interview on 8/24/2010?


I thought these seemed like xNTP witticisms:

"you're hot and you're cold" comment at 0:36
"very engaging" comment at 1:28

Or maybe they were scripted? :shrug:


Habitual Fi LineStepper
Nov 20, 2008
xSTP. Maybe I. Protestant upbringing will do that to you. I should know.

And was it me or is she starting to develop british inflection because of her fiance?


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I thought these seemed like xNTP witticisms:

"you're hot and you're cold" comment at 0:36
"very engaging" comment at 1:28

Or maybe they were scripted? :shrug:

Ne or Se? I thought the hot and cold comment wasn't exactly deduced from logic lol, it was more of a random connection. Question is, was it really far out Ne style or immediately out Se style. It really did seem like Ne. Hot and Cold sounded rather scripted though, ice-breaker-ish.