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Justice League


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Supposed to release later this year ... although after Snyder's prior releases and the collapse of Suicide Squad, hopes are not nearly as high as they might have once been.

However, some sad news today:
Zack Snyder Steps Down From '''Justice League''' to Deal With Family Tragedy

Snyder tells The Hollywood Reporter he is stepping away from Justice League, Warner Bros.’ all-star DC Comics superhero mega-movie that is in post-production, in order to deal with the sudden death of his daughter. Snyder's wife, Deborah Snyder, who is a producer on Justice League, also is taking a break to focus on the healing of their family.

Stepping in to shepherd the movie through post and the shooting of some additional scenes will be Joss Whedon, the Avengers filmmaker and creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With Whedon's help, the movie is still on track for its Nov. 17 release date

Snyder’s daughter, Autumn Snyder, died by suicide in March at age 20. Her death has been kept private, with only a small inner circle aware of what happened, even as the movie was put on a two-week break for the Snyders to deal with the immediate effects of the tragedy. Zack Snyder says he initially was eager to return to the film, which stars Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, and Ezra Miller.

“In my mind, I thought it was a cathartic thing to go back to work, to just bury myself and see if that was way through it,” says an emotional Snyder in an interview Monday in his office on the Warner Bros. lot with Deborah sitting by his side. “The demands of this job are pretty intense. It is all consuming. And in the last two months I’ve come to the realization … I’ve decided to take a step back from the movie to be with my family, be with my kids, who really need me. They are all having a hard time. I’m having a hard time.”...

Snyder has been collaborating with Whedon in the last month to ensure a smooth transition from one director to another. Although he initially intended to stay on and finish the film, his perspective about movie-making and life changed after Autumn’s death.

“I want the movie to be amazing, and I’m a fan, but that all pales pretty quickly in comparison,” he said. “I know the fans are going to be worried about the movie, but there are seven other kids that need me. In the end, it’s just a movie. It’s a great movie. But it’s just a movie.”

I can't really imagine.

Still, yeah, them needing to pull their family back together is more important, and Whedon is more than capable -- he might even be a benefit to the movie release, considering his own relative successes with the superhero genre. He might be able to somehow shape the movie into something more cohesive.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
They ran the trailer for this before Dunkirk in IMAX last night.

Not sure what I think. Obviously the visual tone is pretty dark, like Snyder's typical palette.

Aquaman seems pretty bad-ass even when out of the water. Wonder Woman carries on all the subtext of her own past appearances (including her movie) so that helps a bit. Flash and Cyborg seem kind of bland, and Batman is old hat at this point. There wasn't really much in the trailer to give a sense of things....

I mean, aside from it being branded "Justice League" which is the draw, the trailer was kind of ambiguous and didn't really generate much.

EDIT: Eh, it was just the old trailer 1 here that came out end of March. Tells you how well I was paying attention, I've barely run across this trailer -- don't even remember if I saw it before.


Atomic Fiend

New member
Nov 16, 2007
Yeah that's the old trailer. Apparently Zack pulled all Justice League stuff from his twitter. I think he's permanatly distancing himself from Justice League. I don't know if he'll do the same for the Superman films and the rest of the DC films however.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Not bad. I like that Flash feels out of his league. And damn, Aquaman's a showboater.

Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I saw the trailer before Dunkirk (which was excellent). I thought Aquaman seemed like fun, raising my interest in his solo movie. But still, can't be bothered to give a shit about Batfleck. I wonder if it will be worth watching just for Gadot and Momoa?


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Early Cut Of Justice League Deemed "Unwatchable," Substantial Changes Being Made

To recap, yesterday we learned that Warner Bros. was apparently unhappy with a few things in Justice League. Namely, the tone – which they felt was too dark – and the portrayal of Cyborg. Now, Batman-On-Film has added onto that, telling us that the situation is much worse than it appears. Here’s what they had to say:

These reshoots – which are still taking place – are not standard pick-ups/additional photography. Why? Apparently, an early cut of the film was deemed “unwatchable.” Thus, substantial changes to the film were ordered.

They really need to (1) pick directors who do the kinds of things they want to accomplish versus directors they feel the need to meddle with constantly, and then (2) get out of the director's way.

Atomic Fiend

New member
Nov 16, 2007
Early Cut Of Justice League Deemed "Unwatchable," Substantial Changes Being Made They really need to (1) pick directors who do the kinds of things they want to accomplish versus directors they feel the need to meddle with constantly, and then (2) get out of the director's way.

Too many cooks in the kitchen for a decisive call like that to be made. I'm positive that that someone is trying to make that happen, and that 15 well positioned people with only tangential ties creatively are making that next to impossible.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Interesting article about the tonal shift for the DC Universe leading to Snyder's hiring + the current disillusionment with that, in light of the recent success of Wonder Woman and Whedon revamping a lot of the Justice League flick in November.

DC Is Rethinking Its Cinematic Superhero Universe

Most interesting? Nolan recommended either Aronofsky or Snyder to reboot Superman. They picked Snyder. (I am not sure Aronofsky would have been better, honestly -- I think the movies would have been critically better but even less pleasing to the fan base and not as accessible.) I think Nolan got a story credit on Man of Steel, and you could see his touches in there... but I don't think Snyder was good enough with character or story to pull things off, and they never resolved issues between an "adult" MoS movie that still managed to be positive in tone. It had moments but Snyder's really only good at either action sequences or emulating something verbatim. I feel like he's kind of a two-decades later version of Joel Schumacher, who seems to want to make "cool" movies while having trouble with nuance.

Atomic Fiend

New member
Nov 16, 2007
Well I won't say that about Snyder. Joel Schumacher was hired explicitly to make the Batman Franchise a completely superflous excuse to produce more toys.

Because if any franchise needs an excuse to produce toys it's Batmans.

Atomic Fiend

New member
Nov 16, 2007
So I'm copying and pasting this from a convo I had on discord about the recently released Justice League.
That was unique. (The film) There are reasons why the movie was on a technical level terrible. In fact of all the films in the DC library, and probably every superhero film I've ever seen this was visually the ugliest I've ever seen. Scenes from the reshoot were poorly edited in and because Henry Cavil had a mustache he couldn't shave they had to... Well you know when in comedy sketches where someone will have someone elses lips and they'll speak as that person? They had that for Henry Cavill and it's horrible It's one of the worst thing's I've ever seen, but then you have it be literally the first thing you see in the movie he has the first lines in the film, it's really fucking bad. So that said; saying that the editing is terrible, saying that the CGI is just ugly, and saying that the visual style of the film is hopelessly comprimised, That film with those gigantic flaws was still better the Batman V. Superman by a long shot. Holy shit.

That's the most damning thing I've ever had to say about Batman v. Superman, that this film which if it came out in a vacuum I would be lambasting is elevated by Batman V. Superman being so fucking terrible. Its a damning indictment of Zack Snyder and how everyone knew he'd be bad, he was bad and now everyone looks back and says he was bad. Like what the hell? Why did this person ever have to be involved? This movie for all it's conflicting tones and jokes and stuff did more for Superman as a character then either of those two films that focused entirely on Superman and you know what they did? They just had him be Christopher Reeves Superman. They brought back the John Williams theme, they had him smile. He was kind, and gave a shit about saving people spoke to some kids. It was great, it was just like old times. They gave Batman the Danny Elfman theme, and made him less of psychopath. People called him crazy, Alfred Cracked jokes about his lack of love life, he punched things. It was great, It was just llike old times. And it was very indicative of the problem with this film and the prior films, The gross mischaracterization which despite all the issues those films had (This film was worse on a technical level. Easily) caused this film to be a better one. Does that make sense to you? Because that doesn't make sense to me and I watched these movies.

But the thing is I don't think on it's own that would have mattered if the prior movies didn't mishandle the characters as they did. As it was, no one was themselves and in fact they were grosser, less competent, more sociopathic versions of themselves. And you can change personalites in a medium, feel free, I encourage it. However It was very clear it wasn't to the benefit of the characters or the films. The versions that they changed to were muted like the colors of the films they appeared in, they were hopeless as the tone and they were as miserable as the viewer after watching them, and that needed to change more then anything else. So man Zack Snyder needed to be removed from those films fast, and if they wish to continue these movies, they can't let a Zack Snyder anywhere near the reigns again.

If I were a critic I wouldn't even give this a good score. Out of ten I would give it a six, not too terrible but that six only exists because I saw Batman V. Superman. If I hadn't I'd be 3/10. This movie felt like an apology for that movie.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
ha! I'm just watching the review by James Rolfe and Mike Matti at the minute, these guys reviews are generally so good, the way that these flicks build up and then disappoint is summed up perfectly.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I'm beginning to think the DC movie universe is cursed. I did enjoy justice league but it took it for what it was which i had low expectations going in, i found it to be a fun movie and i didn't notice the mustache thing until someone pointed it out to me after the movie, like i've said i'm probably the least critical person when it comes to movies. I'm easily entertained tbh.

Atomic Fiend

New member
Nov 16, 2007
I'm beginning to think the DC movie universe is cursed. I did enjoy justice league but it took it for what it was which i had low expectations going in, i found it to be a fun movie and i didn't notice the mustache thing until someone pointed it out to me after the movie, like i've said i'm probably the least critical person when it comes to movies. I'm easily entertained tbh.

It was an entertaining movie.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant

Damn you for ruining my setup.

It's really shocking that Batman Vs. Superman was so crappy. The two most unquestionably famous, iconic heroes of all time together on screen for the first time... and that was what we got.

I was mildly interested in this because of Gal Gadot and Khal Drogo Aquaman (how is he, by the way?), but the reviews have been pretty bad for this, too, so I think I'll avoid paying for this as well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 16, 2011
Seems like bashing on anything related to the DC Cinematic Universe is practically a meme now.

I actually enjoyed the movie quite a bit. Was it the most mind-blowing, epic cinematic event I'd ever experienced? No. However, it was easily 200% better than Dawn of Justice.

But it was a good popcorn flick with some well-done fight sequences and an enjoyable enough, albeit terribly basic and predictable plot. Really enjoyed the Aquaman and Flash dynamic, and you can clearly see the effect the Joss Whedon rewrites had on making the film lighter and more digestible to the casual, non-geeky comic book viewer.

My only major gripe was that they made Batman seem awful....pedestrian -- His only real purpose is to advance the plot and serve as a human element contrast (as if we ourselves are Batman) surrounded by all these hulking demigods -- Even though he's still human, I kind of wanted him to be showcased as an equally viable threat, despite the pure illogicality behind that. Why? Because he's the Goddamn Batman and he defies logic.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Zack Snyder Will #ReleaseTheSnyderCut of ‘Justice League’ on HBO Max – Variety




Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
To be honest, I don't expect much from this.

I am far more interested in it as a form of artistic research and film history -- how exactly did the film change as it was ported from one director to another in mid-stream? What did the studio think would work better? And so on.

It's not a 100% perfect contrast since Snyder's version was never finished, and it is now being finished after the death of the Whedon version, but hey I guess we'll take what we can get.