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Is Traveling Back In Time Possible?


Marshmallow Heart
Nov 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
We do have very different ethical systems :D. After all without scientific advancement we wouldn't be having this conversation, enjoying the marvels of the internet and you wouldn't get to watch Doctor Who :laugh:. True about there being many people who think that the best solution to a problem is to nuclear bomb the hell out of stuff. I am the type of person who if they ended up in power may make some morally suspect choices in order to advance more while you seem one who doesn't want any war or violence to occur. "Educated people" can be really evil at times though as you can see with all the eugenics and Nazi stuff during WW2. I think that in another timeline where WW2 never happened there are many possible versions of 14/12/2016. Say the one we are living in is 123d for simpilicy sake. Say you hop sideways to timeline 123e you may enter a nuclear wasteland a la Fallout and in 123c you may encounter a Utopian world. All this talk is reminding me of Rick and Morty (Basically a cross between Doctor Who and Family Guy). Its awesome and you should give it a go.

That is true. I would say that preventing deaths in war is more important than having a computer and watching doctor who, and yet, right now I am making the decision that having a computer and watching doctor who is more important than putting my resources and time towards volunteering or buying food for people in 3rd world countries. But I suppose it is a for-the-greater-good thing because if I poured all of myself into helping the world, I would be burned out so instead I am giving what I can so as to return a larger investment to the world in the long run. Anyways, if another world war happened, I would certainly be in support of fighting the oppressors, and I'd like to think that I'd join the efforts (though I have a strong suspicion I would be pretty useless as a soldier and would probably end up shooting myself in the foot or something stupid like that). :unsure: So I while I don't want any war or violence to occur, I still think that sometimes it has to happen. Oh yes, definitely! And education isn't a guarantee of intelligence, either! *raises eyebrow at Ancel Keys* :huh:

Huh, interesting! It really would be neat if parallel universes existed and we could travel to them! So much to learn! Hmm, I've been needing a new show to watch! I'll see if it's on Netflix. *nodnod*

Interesting discussion, thanks for taking the time to talk!


Mar 20, 2008
To think travelling back in time is possible means not to understand the space time continuum;

in exactly the same way as thinking mbti describes our psychological types means not understanding psychometrics;

and in exactly the same way as thinking astrology describes our personalities, or even our futures, means not understanding astronomy;

in exactly the same way of thinking we might win the lottery means not understanding statistics;

and inexactly the same way of thinking we might be visited by aliens from outer space means not understanding cosmology;

And if we think we can intuitively perceive reality means we don't understand evidence and reason from the Western Enlightenment.

If we think our intuitive thoughts represent reality, we have failed to understand that counter-intuitive thinking has created the modern world.


You're unbelievable ...
May 29, 2012
Instinctual Variant
If we can some how work out how to jump from Point X 'the here and now' by working out the size of space to Point Y 'somewhere far far way across time space', we'd know just exactly how far away Point X and Point Y are from one another, coupled with time dilation between those 2 points in relation to one another, when one perceives the other; the distance between Point X and Point Y being so vast that if you're at point X in motion, let's say running, presently running at Point X in 'the now you know that is happening now' stretched out over that vast amount of space when it comes to things happening simultaneously - also includes 200 years of Point Y's future; Shine a light so bright it can be seen at point Y from Point X, like the brightest star imaginable/possible, and shine it at point Y now, they'd be seeing it for the next 200 years at Point Y (in relation to the space and time dilation from Point X to Point Y). Simply shine that light in the opposite direction now, where everything's facing away from each other, and suddenly what is now, when you're running in motion at Point X running away from Point Y, what is happening right now at Point X has been happening for the past 200 years at Point Y and your 'now' simultaneously also includes 200 years of Point Y's history. Now Vs. Time Vs. Space. Now... If space is round, shining a light now that can be seen at Point Y but in the opposite direction and that bright light is still seen at point Y, and for arguments sake, let's say time space isn't infinite but a space with a volume that is contained; and Points X & Y are direct opposites on this void that the time and distance between the 2 points is the same which ever direction you traverse the space to reach point Y from Point X, then if we shine our bright light in the other direction, and Point Y can see it, have they been seeing it for the past 200 years since shining in the opposite direction also includes 200 years of Point Y's history.

The shape of time space being round I think result into an ever lasting 'eternal now', since they both cancel each other out? Since time space isn't flat?

Or as they say "What goes around comes around."..

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
If we can some how work out how to jump from Point X 'the here and now' by working out the size of space to Point Y 'somewhere far far way across time space', we'd know just exactly how far away Point X and Point Y are from one another, coupled with time dilation between those 2 points in relation to one another, when one perceives the other; the distance between Point X and Point Y being so vast that if you're at point X in motion, let's say running, presently running at Point X in 'the now you know that is happening now' stretched out over that vast amount of space when it comes to things happening simultaneously - also includes 200 years of Point Y's future; Shine a light so bright it can be seen at point Y from Point X, like the brightest star imaginable/possible, and shine it at point Y now, they'd be seeing it for the next 200 years at Point Y (in relation to the space and time dilation from Point X to Point Y). Simply shine that light in the opposite direction now, where everything's facing away from each other, and suddenly what is now, when you're running in motion at Point X running away from Point Y, what is happening right now at Point X has been happening for the past 200 years at Point Y and your 'now' simultaneously also includes 200 years of Point Y's history. Now Vs. Time Vs. Space. Now... If space is round, shining a light now that can be seen at Point Y but in the opposite direction and that bright light is still seen at point Y, and for arguments sake, let's say time space isn't infinite but a space with a volume that is contained; and Points X & Y are direct opposites on this void that the time and distance between the 2 points is the same which ever direction you traverse the space to reach point Y from Point X, then if we shine our bright light in the other direction, and Point Y can see it, have they been seeing it for the past 200 years since shining in the opposite direction also includes 200 years of Point Y's history.

The shape of time space being round I think result into an ever lasting 'eternal now', since they both cancel each other out? Since time space isn't flat?

Or as they say "What goes around comes around."..

In a roundabout away time travel we can confirm does exist. When look at the stars in the sky you are seeing them as they were many years ago so effectively say you look at say Star X 1300 light years away you are looking 1300 years into the past just by looking up in the sky. This is why i think short of FTL we will never see galactic civilisation as the planets would be too far apart too effectively engage in any meaningful communication with one another. According to light year theory there would be many years between each planet as heck the nearest star to us is 4 light years away so that is already 4 years and on a galactic scale they are just practically next door. This does give very nihilistic implications for the universe as a whole.


You're unbelievable ...
May 29, 2012
Instinctual Variant
In a roundabout away time travel we can confirm does exist. When look at the stars in the sky you are seeing them as they were many years ago so effectively say you look at say Star X 1300 light years away you are looking 1300 years into the past just by looking up in the sky. This is why i think short of FTL we will never see galactic civilisation as the planets would be too far apart too effectively engage in any meaningful communication with one another. According to light year theory there would be many years between each planet as heck the nearest star to us is 4 light years away so that is already 4 years and on a galactic scale they are just practically next door. This does give very nihilistic implications for the universe as a whole.

But string theory links time with motion, mass and therefore gravity over time space to include time dilation.
So an instant here at point X could also include 200 years of point Y's future.
So shine a light for 1 second here, and it'll last for 200 years if viewed at point Y. Shine it away from point Y for a second here but point Y still sees it, they might have been seeing it for the past 200 years?

The 'now' of time and time dialition.

but direction also is the difference between 200 years in to point X's future (not facing point Y) or 200 years into point X's past (facing point Y). And vice versa.

Now what if time space is curved like a globe?
Then no matter what direction you get both past and future?

So if space was able to be bent, to enable travelling from point X to point Y in an instant with out bringing the 2 closer together, then the relativity of the 2, you have just time travelled?

So with that in mind; An human from Earth which is at point X, uses a portal to meet an alien from a planet at point Y then.


Alien Highway
Alien Cars

EXT Alien Planet Day scene 1/1
An alien is on this alien planet where a portal opens and a human steps out to greet the alien.

How was your trip?

It was fine, thanks, say, what time is it on Earth?

The alien shows the human an alien highway with alien cars driving in both directions, both to and underneath the arrival scene.

Well, if you were in that car travelling away from us,
it''ll be all of eighteen sixteen to two thousand and sixteen. But if you were in that car travelling towards us,
it'll be two thousand and sixteen to twenty two sixteen.



We also know that motion plays on time as mass plays on gravity which also plays on time and light, through 'normal space' travels so fast the mass has to be 0 so no gravity. But even then, 'stuff' is still light years away.

So how do we bend space?

What is space?

We travel through to it, can we bend space to a point where, we're points X is the here and the now but point Y, is where we're going to be?
So if we go there in a flash, would relativity allow us to be there at the relative then there now?

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
But string theory links time with motion, mass and therefore gravity over time space to include time dilation.
So an instant here at point X could also include 200 years of point Y's future.
So shine a light for 1 second here, and it'll last for 200 years if viewed at point Y.

The 'now' of time.

but direction also is the difference between 200 years in to the future (facing point Y) or 200 years into the past (not facing point Y).

Now what if time space is curved like a globe?
Then no matter what direction you get both past and future?

So if space was able to be bent, to enable travelling from point X to point Y in an instant with out bringing the 2 closer together, then the relativity of the 2, you have just time travelled?

So with that in mind; An human from Earth which is at point X, uses a portal to meet an alien from a planet at point Y then.



EXT Alien Planet Day scene 1/
An alien is on this alien planet where portal opens and human steps out to greet the alien.

How was your trip?

It was fine, thanks, say, what time is it on Earth?

The alien shows the human on an alien highway with alien cars driving in both directions, both to and from where arrival scene.

Well, if you were in that car travelling towards us, it's 1816, but in that car just leaving, it's 2216.


So what you are saying is that space is like a sheet of paper in which at one end we have 1816 and at the other end 2216. Instead of going across all that space and taking ages you can simply just fold the paper and voila instant meeting. The principles of light reminds me that if we sent a light speed craft from Earth and one from Alpha central then a meeting can be conducted in two years. To my theory there is a fabric to space that you can attempt to bend so you can transport to a massive distance while still remaining in your time.

Regarding the paper idea the human jumps to the other end of the paper when it is 2016 and the alien points out that from their point of view Earth is in 1816.


You're unbelievable ...
May 29, 2012
Instinctual Variant
So what you are saying is that space is like a sheet of paper in which at one end we have 1816 and at the other end 2216. Instead of going across all that space and taking ages you can simply just fold the paper and voila instant meeting. The principles of light reminds me that if we sent a light speed craft from Earth and one from Alpha central then a meeting can be conducted in two years. To my theory there is a fabric to space that you can attempt to bend so you can transport to a massive distance while still remaining in your time.

Regarding the paper idea the human jumps to the other end of the paper when it is 2016 and the alien points out that from their point of view Earth is in 1816.

That's what Dr. Mallett said.
But what I mean is relativity of the two points being so vast and targeting a point in space where we're going to be in the future for our future in relation to the here and the now. Via a point that's a real bend to get to there before your time but since you're there and now and it's so far away in relation to your start of point, it also includes the time taken to get there naturally. Relativity of the two points.

Hoping that time dilation and string theory slows everything for you organically 'out there' so by the time of your arrival from the here and the now, the here and now 'out there' is long enough to reach it naturally for everyone else..

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
That's what Dr. Mallett said.
But what I mean is relativity of the two points being so vast and targeting a point in space where we're going to be in the future for our future in relation to the here and the now. Via a point that's a real bend to get to there before your time but since you're there and now and it's so far away in relation to your start of point, it also includes the time taken to get there naturally. Relativity of the two points.

Hoping that time dilation and sting theory slows everything for you down 'out there' so you don't miss is.

I just watched the video and digested it all in. Time is relative as it all depends on where you are. Hey interesting thoughts are coming to my mind now. Say if we could instantly travel to a star say 50000 light years away i wonder if we would instantly hop back 50000 years ago or go there as it is today and possibly end up on in a super nova :D. I have always found the properties of light and space interesting as in theory if we hoped straight to the sun would we be there as it is now or as it was 8 minutes ago. This means that still possibly we could have galactic cultures if we can hop between planets and systems straight away via the time portal here. Plus we could see dinosaurs by hopping to a planet say 80 million light years away and looking through a powerful telescope. The possibilities of this idea are endless and exciting :D. It poses a question that is there a way to see the future with light. Thinking about it it is only possible to time travel to the past but not the future using this space hopping thing so you can view the past but you dont trully time travel as such you just see the 85 million year old light from earth which contains visual information of dinosaurs plus with this idea we can find out what really killed the dinosaurs. In other words space is a really slow telephone connection as there is no time travel involed just information taking ages to transport across.

Hey heres a distrubing thought for you. It is widely accepted that the Adromeia Galaxy will collide with our galaxy in the far future but they are seeing the galaxy as it was many light years ago so it may be closer than we think but it probably would be slower than light so we are okay for the time being.


You're unbelievable ...
May 29, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I just watched the video and digested it all in. Time is relative as it all depends on where you are. Hey interesting thoughts are coming to my mind now. Say if we could instantly travel to a star say 50000 light years away i wonder if we would instantly hop back 50000 years ago or go there as it is today and possibly end up on in a super nova :D. I have always found the properties of light and space interesting as in theory if we hoped straight to the sun would we be there as it is now or as it was 8 minutes ago. This means that still possibly we could have galactic cultures if we can hop between planets and systems straight away via the time portal here. Plus we could see dinosaurs by hopping to a planet say 80 million light years away and looking through a powerful telescope. The possibilities of this idea are endless and exciting :D. It poses a question that is there a way to see the future with light. Thinking about it it is only possible to time travel to the past but not the future using this space hopping thing so you can view the past but you dont trully time travel as such you just see the 85 million year old light from earth which contains visual information of dinosaurs plus with this idea we can find out what really killed the dinosaurs. In other words space is a really slow telephone connection as there is no time travel involed just information taking ages to transport across.

In theory yes given that, motion is proven and, when you're on board a speeding train passing through a station because it's an express train, and you're on board that train looking at the people on the platform waiting for a commuter train, quantitatively, you're looking at the past.
That's just in relation to each other, the stationary one is seeing people's actions in the future, but by the time you've seen it, it'll have already have happened.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
In theory yes given that, motion is proven and, when you're on board a speeding train passing through a station because it's an express train, and you're on board that train looking at the people on the platform waiting for a commuter train, quantitatively, you're looking at the past.

In a way we are constantly looking at the past. The computer screen you are looking at for istance is a few 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 of a second away from you so in a way we are all time travellers :shock:. I know shocking revelation but a exciting one nether less. I did some research on how long it takes for light to reach the moon and it turns out that Armstrong and Aldrin were 1.3 seconds out of sync with us Earthlings. So that means basically if they were to project themselves on Earth they would be experiencing severe lag like in a video game as 1.3s latency is terrible.


You're unbelievable ...
May 29, 2012
Instinctual Variant
In a way we are constantly looking at the past. The computer screen you are looking at for istance is a few 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 of a second away from you so in a way we are all time travellers :shock:. I know shocking revelation but a exciting one nether less. I did some research on how long it takes for light to reach the moon and it turns out that Armstrong and Aldrin were 1.3 seconds out of sync with us Earthlings. So that means basically if they were to project themselves on Earth they would be experiencing severe lag like in a video game as 1.3s latency is terrible.

Interesting you should say Earthlings because humans and pigeons can't even agree on motion perception.

Pigeons see much much faster than humans so a movie to us is a long still slide show to them.

Motion Vs. Time and the human perception.

What are we missing with our human senses?
Last edited:


New member
Jan 29, 2017
The past is not a location like Italy or the grocery store that you could travel to if only the proper route were open. The past consists of memories, echoes, and afterimages, as well as rust and wrinkles. That's it. If there is actually some location where a duplicate of the past universe exists (as far as anything can be a genuine duplicate) it's a very strange fact of reality for which there is currently zero evidence. Another way of getting to the past would be reconstructing it, which, if done on any appreciable level with any appreciable degree of accuracy, would probably require technology billions of years in advance of ours. On the other hand, I do think the present shapes the past, just as the past shapes the present. That isn't the same thing as time travel, though, and it generally manifests itself in extremely mundane ways.
In fourth dimension, the past is an “location”. The fourth dimension is time, and the past and future exist somewhere but it is not easy to react there. The fourth dimension is proved. Time travel is about reaching there, not creating a new reality.
If we create a past universe and go there, we can't change the past because actually we only copy the past universe and change the copy version but not the original one.


New member
Jan 29, 2017
Forgive if someone already made this point. I was having a vent discussion about time travel with another member (can't remember which) and we agreed that to travel through time would be deadly without being able to account for and adjust for the movement of the cosmos. One could easily end up floating in outer space, or in the center of a star or asteroid.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant

I don't know. Do the cosmos move along a fixed grid or does rhe grid itself move? I don't know the math to explain this, maybe I could with another 20-30 IQ points.

I'm not so sure anymore.


Mar 20, 2008
Travelling back in time is possible in our imagination. Such time travel is called memory.

Our most important memories are of our childhood, and we spend our lives iterating our childhood memories.

And because our childhood memories are so potent, if they are toxic, we repress them, we hide them from consciousness.

And in repressing our childhood memories we are unconsciously driven by them, but they can't quite reach consciousness, so they try and are expressed in fantasies of time travel.


New member
Sep 2, 2016
I don't think it's possible in the sense of sending ourselves back in time. Like many others pointed out that moving in time as dimensions is technically possible, but moving to another point in time instantaneously seems bizarre and impossible. It's like taking a whole point on a line and moving it to another point. If we somehow mastered how to rewind time, it's very unlikely that you'd be able to have a vessel to transport an unaffected state back. In other words, being able to rewind time would probably be limited to rewinding everything. That wouldn't be that helpful since everything would play out the same and we'd have no idea that someone rewound time.

I think the limit of going back in time would be like rewinding recorded television; everything plays back the same no matter how many times you rewind it.


Mar 20, 2008
I don't think it's possible in the sense of sending ourselves back in time. Like many others pointed out that moving in time as dimensions is technically possible, but moving to another point in time instantaneously seems bizarre and impossible. It's like taking a whole point on a line and moving it to another point. If we somehow mastered how to rewind time, it's very unlikely that you'd be able to have a vessel to transport an unaffected state back. In other words, being able to rewind time would probably be limited to rewinding everything. That wouldn't be that helpful since everything would play out the same and we'd have no idea that someone rewound time.

I think the limit of going back in time would be like rewinding recorded television; everything plays back the same no matter how many times you rewind it.

Travelling back in time is pure fantasy because entropy makes it physically impossible. We can of course travel forward in time as a function of our speed.

However we travel backward in time metaphorically as we study history.

Some cultures like my own base their self understanding on history, while other cultures like the US base their self understanding on ideology.

And we are surprised when we discover how pervasive is the discounting of history in the US and how they only look to the future.

Of course our reliance on history is partly hidden from us and partly revealed, I mean the whole country voted in 1999 to keep our German Queen of Australia, on the opposite side or the Earth, for historical reasons. This is unthinkable in the US.

And in the US the national ideology is partly hidden and partly revealed. The national ideology is repeated over and over until it is taken for granted, and seems the natural order of things. And unfortunately the US makes the mistake to think their ideology is the natural order of things in other countries.

Fortunately the US lacks any sense of irony and so can apply their ideology to other countries with a straight face.


New member
Jan 29, 2015
I always thought the idea of was strange time travel. Real life doesn't work like a comic book whereas there are various panels. There is only single moment which is the present moment. Real life exist in a single frame of time. Real life doesn't work like a comic whereas there are various panels. You can't time travel because there is only one single frame which is the present moment.

The article in OP is very hard to read. I didn't understand it even thought the hard words came up in the physics book I read before.