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IQ and patience.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
and it seems that it's predominantly a type trait.

You know, after everything you said, it sounds like you now think it is a personality "defect"...?

Kind of puts the IQ thing up for debate, doesn't it?


New member
Jul 20, 2008
You know, after everything you said, it sounds like you now think it is a personality "defect"...?

Kind of puts the IQ thing up for debate, doesn't it?
Did I say it was a defect? I said it was a trait. Blue eyes are not a defect- they are a genetic trait.

You know what they say about people that assume.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
Did I say it was a defect? I said it was a trait. Blue eyes are not a defect- they are a genetic trait.

Hence "defect" with quotations rather than directly stating it. Since impatience would be viewed negatively, I decided to add the connotation to convey my impression of using your IQ as an attack, and yet remain self-contradictory and assign it as a personality "trait".

As far as addressing what I did ask about;

I note you didn't address the "not an IQ thing". Do you still feel it is related to IQ?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I am rather patient with people... Depends on the situation of course. I mean most everyone annoys me in some way or another, but I believe that's my problem, not theirs. I do snap on occasion, but I am pretty good at keeping my irritation hidden. I don't know my IQ, though, so I guess my post doesn't really count for much. *swims away*


Aug 28, 2008
You see, you're becoming part of the problem. My problem is not that I have to adjust what I say to make sense to people. My problem is that most people's minds are too small to fully grasp what I'm saying (yourself included, as it seems). You're giving advice to an irrational person. You're giving advice to a person who is not me. For you to give advice to me, you'd have to understand me.

I think circles around people. I'm not a genius, but I am quick and bright. I figure people out so quickly that over the course of a single conversation, I often start feeling drained of energy. I can anticipate their actions five steps in advance, and nothing remains a mystery to me, nothing remains for me to explore. Maybe another ENTP could elaborate.

And to clarify: I am not inherently a negative person. While I don't necessarily think that everyone has something to offer, I give them the benefit of the doubt. It's only after I've exhausted their potential offerings that I become bored. I become frustrated when I try offering them something in return and they don't understand. I'm not out to assert my intellectual dominance on anyone. I was initially questioning whether there were others who experience the same phenomena as me, and it seems that it's predominantly a type trait.

1. Attacks at me for my personal views on a situation you made public just because you don't like what I wrote isn't very nice. ;) It would make everyone that disagrees with you not bother posting, leaving you with only the people that agree and only one side to your further threads.

That aside, wouldn't "My problem is not that I have to adjust what I say to make sense to people." and "My problem is that most people's minds are too small to fully grasp what I'm saying" be the same thing? The problem you're stating is that when you talk.. people don't understand the depth of your words.. forcing you to either translate (what I wrote about) or be stuck with a one-sided conversation. So it would be the same thing, because your problem, leads to the problem you just mentioned you don't have.. so I'll guess that you mean you never alter your words to help those who don't grasp the concept understand.

I'll say this, I don't know my IQ exact, and I don't think I would publish it if I did.. but I do know that I do have a problem expressing myself to others and having them understand what it is that I've said. I get a sense of relief when people are able to pick up on what I'm TRYING to say and run with it. In that sort of way, I appreciate those who are "smarter" than me in that sort of way and are capable of understanding the depth I meant to have that I can't put to words.

What you're saying is you feel you're always the person doing this? Picking people apart, reading everyone's actions, etc? It's a talent to have that, and a lot of people wish they would be able to do things like this.. so I think it's childish to complain about it. In the sense of saying that you're "dumbing down" yourself to everyone.. it just comes off as haughty to talk the way you did in the OP. Translating yourself is never that big of a deal.. I'm sorry it's just so stressful on you though.

If you wanted to inquire on simply if anyone else feels that when they talk they are not fully understood because their intelligence delves deeper than the average conversation people are used to.. Why include things like IQs, dumbing yourself down, I'm so brightandhawtandintelligentyayme text? A simple inquiry could have been much better written. Which is where my only complaint with this thread is, I simply stated you sounded a bit uppity about yourself when you made your question..


New member
May 11, 2008
I can be impatient, though I don't like to think that I am. Actually one of my best friends always said I was somewhat "intolerant" especially when people acted 'ignorant', and that she learnt to be like that from me. I don't know my IQ ( I think 130s ) as I was deemed 'gifted' at a young age. You wouldn't know the difference though if you met me. You'd think I was typical enough and you wouldn't generally notice I was impatient I think. But I can be very irritable once you get to know me and eventually you might notice my 'intelligence quotient' shining through.

I don't feel like I'm better than others, but that they should be better. And I am impatient because I don't understand sometimes why others don't see the obvious, when... IT IS SO OBVIOUS.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
1. Attacks at me for my personal views on a situation you made public just because you don't like what I wrote isn't very nice. ;) It would make everyone that disagrees with you not bother posting, leaving you with only the people that agree and only one side to your further threads.

That aside, wouldn't "My problem is not that I have to adjust what I say to make sense to people." and "My problem is that most people's minds are too small to fully grasp what I'm saying" be the same thing? The problem you're stating is that when you talk.. people don't understand the depth of your words.. forcing you to either translate (what I wrote about) or be stuck with a one-sided conversation. So it would be the same thing, because your problem, leads to the problem you just mentioned you don't have.. so I'll guess that you mean you never alter your words to help those who don't grasp the concept understand.

I'll say this, I don't know my IQ exact, and I don't think I would publish it if I did.. but I do know that I do have a problem expressing myself to others and having them understand what it is that I've said. I get a sense of relief when people are able to pick up on what I'm TRYING to say and run with it. In that sort of way, I appreciate those who are "smarter" than me in that sort of way and are capable of understanding the depth I meant to have that I can't put to words.

What you're saying is you feel you're always the person doing this? Picking people apart, reading everyone's actions, etc? It's a talent to have that, and a lot of people wish they would be able to do things like this.. so I think it's childish to complain about it. In the sense of saying that you're "dumbing down" yourself to everyone.. it just comes off as haughty to talk the way you did in the OP. Translating yourself is never that big of a deal.. I'm sorry it's just so stressful on you though.

If you wanted to inquire on simply if anyone else feels that when they talk they are not fully understood because their intelligence delves deeper than the average conversation people are used to.. Why include things like IQs, dumbing yourself down, I'm so brightandhawtandintelligentyayme text? A simple inquiry could have been much better written. Which is where my only complaint with this thread is, I simply stated you sounded a bit uppity about yourself when you made your question..
I was not attacking you- I was retaliating against you. My original post was to be read objectively- I have no need or desire to submit a thread with the intent of self-aggrandizement. You had read it without objectivity, and instead tried to analyze me (incorrectly, as it were). You made negative assumptions about me, and I responded in like kind.

"That aside, wouldn't "My problem is not that I have to adjust what I say to make sense to people." and "My problem is that most people's minds are too small to fully grasp what I'm saying" be the same thing?"

"so I'll guess that you mean you never alter your words to help those who don't grasp the concept understand."
No. It's that no matter how much I alter my words, my meaning is not understood entirely.

"What you're saying is you feel you're always the person doing this? Picking people apart, reading everyone's actions, etc? It's a talent to have that, and a lot of people wish they would be able to do things like this.. so I think it's childish to complain about it. In the sense of saying that you're "dumbing down" yourself to everyone.. it just comes off as haughty to talk the way you did in the OP. Translating yourself is never that big of a deal.. I'm sorry it's just so stressful on you though. "
Yes, 70-90% of the time, I will be the person doing this. I did mention in the OP that "... This leads to me being rather bigoted against people of average intelligence or below." Yes, there is a sense of bitterness here, and yes there is a mild sense of intellectual superiority. However, I'm not looking to solve the problem- I'm looking to see if others share in my problem.

"Translating yourself is never that big of a deal.. I'm sorry it's just so stressful on you though."
It is not a big deal, but then again, neither is a cup of water being poured onto the ground. Pour enough cups of water on the ground and then you've got a problem. Imagine having to restrict yourself from communicating on the level that you desire hundreds- thousands- of times each day, week, month. After a while it claws at you with numb and bitter frustration.

"If you wanted to inquire on simply if anyone else feels that when they talk they are not fully understood because their intelligence delves deeper than the average conversation people are used to.. Why include things like IQs, dumbing yourself down, I'm so brightandhawtandintelligentyayme text?"
To find a reason. To find a correlation of import somewhere within the chaos. I say I'm bright, and that's not to brag. That's to increase the amount of potentially useful data on the subject.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
I note you didn't address the "not an IQ thing". Do you still feel it is related to IQ?
I feel that it is intelligence in correlation with, at the very least, iNtuitive Perceiving types.


Aug 28, 2008
Well, to save the re-quoting of everything over and over again... I'm unable to grasp what you're trying to do here.

There is no solution for your problem. To ask that people just start understanding, and form a higher intellect, and start to do some of what you've been blessed with for you, it is impossible. The only thing you CAN do is have an escape. Take a step back so you don't burn out. I'm sure there are plenty of people, as evident from the posts, that share your problem.

Since this seems quite evident to me from the start.. I can't help but read the OP in a manner that would come off as arrogant. If you didn't mean this, I apologize for taking it wrong.. but you're asking for something that doesn't exist.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Well, to save the re-quoting of everything over and over again... I'm unable to grasp what you're trying to do here.

There is no solution for your problem.
Sigh. I've already said that I'm not trying to solve a problem.

To ask that people just start understanding, and form a higher intellect, and start to do some of what you've been blessed with for you, it is impossible. The only thing you CAN do is have an escape. Take a step back so you don't burn out. I'm sure there are plenty of people, as evident from the posts, that share your problem.
And that was the underlining purpose of the thread.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
...Imagine having to restrict yourself from communicating on the level that you desire hundreds- thousands- of times each day, week, month. After a while it claws at you with numb and bitter frustration.
Join the club, toots.

I don't have that ability to predict what people are going to do 5 steps from now, nor would I even want to. Too much thinking going on. I don't even CARE what people are going to do. What does it matter?

I experience a similar frustration but in a different vein. I can almost never find someone who is willing to communicate to the depth of soul that I would like to. Not only that, but my own children and husband roll their eyes at me, or yell at me and tell me to stop when I start getting frustrated about how nobody cares about things I think are important, so I have to endure the rejection in my own home!

btw: I'm not sure what my IQ is but I thought it was around 125-130.


Arcesso pulli gingerios!
Apr 26, 2007
Does IQ connect with speed in solving problems? If so, it might have a correlation with impatience. But IQ => Intelligence is incorrect in my opinion. Some really intelligent processes are very slow. I personally like everything NOW, lol. But I don't know my IQ.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
Terian. Here. I stole this from Metamorphosis' signature:
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. - Henry David Thoreau
You're not alone.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
*Scroll down for short answer to post*

IQ: Of course I wonder about the validity of most of these tests found online (and at your local psychologist), but could it be that, in general, the type of people on the internet are more likely to score higher than average?
Again, not saying that these tests should be considered valid or even reasonably accurate (even with professional IQ tests, can they be?), but for example, I know of people who have had lower scores on online tests than the ones they received on the professional ones they had done.

*Short Answer*

That said, my scores are in the 130-145 range. I am usually not impatient.

Additional Comments:

Lack of impatience is probably because I have a hard time expressing myself with my anxiety (going blank when trying to answer a simple question is a crushing experience for me). Because of that, "smart" people can easily dismiss me as an idiot, or "dumb down" to me with a sort of condescending pseudo-compassion. Dealing with situations like this has made me so much more aware of other people's individuality.

I really think there is so much more to a person than what you immediately perceive them to be (whether they are smart or not). The real challenge is looking past your own assumptions and impressions.


Mar 20, 2008
I'm not sure what my IQ is but I thought it was around 125-130.

The average intelligence quotient is 100. This means that half of all people are above 100 and half below.

Also the intelligence quotient is distributed along a bell curve which means almost everybody is in the middle and almost no one is at either end.

This means that virtually everyone here is between 90 and 110.


Arcesso pulli gingerios!
Apr 26, 2007
The average intelligence quotient is 100. This means that half of all people are above 100 and half below.

Also the intelligence quotient is distributed along a bell curve which means almost everybody is in the middle and almost no one is at either end.

This means that virtually everyone here is between 90 and 110.

Not necessarily. People of the same disposition tend to concentrate in one area. People like to congregate with their own kind, capiche?


Mar 20, 2008
90 to 110

Not necessarily. People of the same disposition tend to concentrate in one area. People like to congregate with their own kind, capiche?

Sure, MBTIc is self selecting. And pehaps it selects for IQ.

However MBTI is a world wide cult so it is more likely to select for gullibility.

But, I can hear you saying that gullibility does not preclude a high IQ.

And this is true - as the best and brightest are often attracted to cults.

So perhaps you are right. Maybe MBTIc does select for gullibility and intelligence.

But I think it is more likely that we have a normal intelligence profile on MBTIc, that is, 90 to 110.

But who knows?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
It has been said somewhere (can't remember source) that most mensans are NTs, so it could very well be...at least partially.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
But I think it is more likely that we have a normal intelligence profile on MBTIc, that is, 90 to 110.
I don't think so.
Most of the people here are abnormal, in my opinion. :newwink: