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INTP or ISTP? Confused & Intrigued


Active member
May 5, 2007
Ah, yes. Well, perhaps it would be better for me to say I find most things in "martial arts" to be extremely superfluous and unnecessary, detracting from the roots, which is simply efficiency and speed of attaining specific results, whether this is winning, maiming, or killing someone.

This is why I wish hoplology was a more developed field of study; the pure, unadulterated study of combat/violence/technique/efficiency is my point of interest. Philosophical or spiritual discourse, forms/kata, or trying to achieve some sort of zen-like state (Bruce Lee was quite big on this, the state of no-mindedness) is something I find trivial and quite pointless.

Perhaps you should become a hit man.


Active member
May 5, 2007
Who do I call?


miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
you sound quite similar, down to the practical analysis, people watching and fascination with religion to an istp who I know (and had trouble figuring out whether he was intp or istp) with the exception that he confines his fighting to videogames ;)

until I read that part I was wondering if I had been followed onto this site :ninja:

I figured it out in part because he's so much more practical in his analysis than I am... that and I described the differences between the types and se and ne and he indentified more with istp in the end....


Supreme High Commander
Nov 16, 2009
No, not really. From your post your understanding (or lack of) or martial arts seem far too romantic and unrealistic. Someone playing a form (kata) might look flowing or even "poetic" but the unfortunate reality is REAL combat is extremely ugly, violent, and chaotic. It is unpredictable, uncontrollable. Training only mitigates that randomness.

Furthermore, whether you are competing in a sport setting (boxing, kickboxing) or using combat in a real-world setting (getting mugged, robbed) puts an extreme shift in how chaotic/unpredictable the event is. The more organized the altercation, the more mitigation you can maintain through training. :)

Oh, and Bruce Lee is vastly overrated. Zero video proof of his actual physical combat abilities. If you want an iconic figure with actual proof of his fighting abilities I suggest you check out Mas Oyama.

I'm glad someone else thinks Brue Lee is overated. With all his fanboys running around I was begining to believe I was alone in thinking he was a bad actor with an over inflated ego.

I also agree that a lot of people have a scewed perception of martial arts and fighting in general. Real fights don't tend to last that long, and if they do it usually means neither side is really that interested in pushing the point. Probably more bluster then blows. In any event, they are rarely pretty. For most of us, efficient is about as high as one can hope to get.

Going back to the actually perpose of the thread (shock, horror) I can definitely see Se in your descrpition of yourself. ISTPs use Ti and Se, which gives them a desire to try and understand things which are logical and can be examined by direct sensory input. I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing that you are mature enough to have started using your tertiary Ni. That would confuse many online tests, and make you appear to be more N than you really are. Its also worth noting that most tests struggle to destinguish between an introverted function and an extroverted function, just giving a feed back of just N type or S type.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Why don't you leave it at IXTP and save yourself a lot of confusion. You seem ISTP to me.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Going back to the actually perpose of the thread (shock, horror) I can definitely see Se in your descrpition of yourself. ISTPs use Ti and Se, which gives them a desire to try and understand things which are logical and can be examined by direct sensory input. I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing that you are mature enough to have started using your tertiary Ni. That would confuse many online tests, and make you appear to be more N than you really are. Its also worth noting that most tests struggle to destinguish between an introverted function and an extroverted function, just giving a feed back of just N type or S type.

I believe I have started to develop my Ni, at least that is the only way I can describe it. Of course, being extremely impulsive whether it is going somewhere to wanting something, has led me to make many stupid and ultimately worthless decisions.

Perhaps it is this more developed Ni that is causing me to take a step back and an attempt to examine the bigger picture? Ultimately, where will this one decision lead me and how will it affect my life on a larger scale. I know a few years ago I didn't have the maturity to do this very often. I am not sure if this is what they mean by "attempting to understand all possibilities."

But for the description of Tertiary Si function, that is something I can say I don't really identify with. Needing something to "focus" on or else be swept away, I have never feared anything like that. At least consciously speaking. I guess my current understanding of my Tertiary Ni function is something along the lines of "I perceive with my senses, but am more careful/less liberal in my interpretations and conclusions regarding this perceptions."

Oh, and I am close to 22 years of age. Thanks for the help, anyhow.

I took another test just now and got these results. Very interesting. My score for Extraverted Sensing vs. Extraverted Intuition came very close... and the result was INTP in this case. But what made me go WTF was, my tertriary Ni is higher than both my Se and Si? On the first test at least.


extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************************ (36.7)
excellent use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************* (25.2)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************** (38.3)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ****************************************** (42.3)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************ (24.4)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) **************************************** (40.6)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) *** (3.1)
introverted Feeling (Fi) ***************************** (29.4)


extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************************* (37.3)
excellent use
introverted Sensing (Si) *********************** (23.9)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************* (37.9)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************************* (31)
good use
introverted Thinking (Ti) **************************************** (40.2)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ***** (5.8)
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************ (24.1)
average use


Supreme High Commander
Nov 16, 2009
I believe I have started to develop my Ni, at least that is the only way I can describe it. Of course, being extremely impulsive whether it is going somewhere to wanting something, has led me to make many stupid and ultimately worthless decisions.

Perhaps it is this more developed Ni that is causing me to take a step back and an attempt to examine the bigger picture? Ultimately, where will this one decision lead me and how will it affect my life on a larger scale. I know a few years ago I didn't have the maturity to do this very often. I am not sure if this is what they mean by "attempting to understand all possibilities."

But for the description of Tertiary Si function, that is something I can say I don't really identify with. Needing something to "focus" on or else be swept away, I have never feared anything like that. At least consciously speaking. I guess my current understanding of my Tertiary Ni function is something along the lines of "I perceive with my senses, but am more careful/less liberal in my interpretations and conclusions regarding this perceptions."

Oh, and I am close to 22 years of age. Thanks for the help, anyhow.

I took another test just now and got these results. Very interesting. My score for Extraverted Sensing vs. Extraverted Intuition came very close... and the result was INTP in this case. But what made me go WTF was, my tertriary Ni is higher than both my Se and Si? On the first test at least.


extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************************ (36.7)
excellent use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************* (25.2)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************************** (38.3)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ****************************************** (42.3)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************ (24.4)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) **************************************** (40.6)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) *** (3.1)
introverted Feeling (Fi) ***************************** (29.4)


extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************************* (37.3)
excellent use
introverted Sensing (Si) *********************** (23.9)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************* (37.9)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************************* (31)
good use
introverted Thinking (Ti) **************************************** (40.2)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ***** (5.8)
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************ (24.1)
average use

I shouldn't place to much faith inthe results from all these tests - I certainly don't. Better to sit down and try to work it out for yourself, I think.

What you say seems consistent with a developing Ni. Increasing concern for interpreting information and thinking of the future fits the bill. A Tertiary function works away in the backround, quietly adding it's input. Being introverted in your case, it may be difficult for others to see from the outside (as people often miss Fi in INTJs, giving us a reputation for being cold hearted).


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
S or N is almost always the most difficult aspect to "pin" down

An N will describe a cup completely differently from an S...

So you might pick an object and write a description of it.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
Only thing that seems obvious from the test is that you are Ti dominant (which you know). The inferior Fe is clear on both of them.

Ignoring how unreliable these things are for a second... :) Se Ni looks more plausible than Ne Si, seeing both are strong. The big spanner is that you've answered strongly on a hell of a lot more N questions than S ones, which suggests you are N. A strong tertiary function isn't really enough to account for having both Ne and Ni extremely strong; it is something you normally see with types that are dominant Nx. Assuming that you might not have distinguished between introverted and extroverted that well, your scores go Nx Tx Sx Fx. So I'd guess you were INTP from it. From most of the other things in the thread I would guess ISTP though.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
^^ yep, do this. They aren't bad descriptions. There are some really whacked out descriptions of the functions around if you use google to find them.


Active member
Nov 19, 2008
Holy shit I just read this sentence:

This leads to a common Intuitive way of communicating: saying things that are puzzling--using signs that have customary meanings to suggest things that are not sayable. Irony is an intrinsically Intuitive style of communication. It plays specifically to the principle that the same sign has different meanings in different contexts.

This fucking website is amazing :banana:


insert random title here
May 8, 2007
Instinctual Variant
My opinion.

IxTP-leaning (either one).

The main problem (not much of a problem since it makes me think even more) I have is figuring out my own type, go figure. The first test I took, albeit not very detailed, classified me as an ISTP.

I was then referred to the mypersonality.info test, where I was classified as an INTP. I have retook the test since then answering some questions that I was on the fence about oppositely, and still came out INTP. Here are my results:

Personality Profile of _Violence_ (Personality Type, Multiple Intelligences)

My hobbies include a crazy amount of stuff from reading sci-fi and fantasy novels, researching theology, philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology. I love studying logic but I am not so deep with mathematics because I find it boring to be honest and do not pursue it at all. Maybe this is strange for NT types; I don't know.

My biggest passions are martial arts training and theory, hoplology (study of human combatives), as well as actually fighting in sparring or competition. I am good at music, I been playing piano for the past 11 years. People tell me I can should go to music school but I have zero interest in making it a career. Also obsessed with cars, motorcycles, and a lot of mechanical things. I had a 350Z that was modified beyond hell, I had lots a lot of money on it and I think it's my underdeveloped Fe screwing me over when I was 18-years-old. :(

I value intellect above all else, and most people I know say I can be extremely cold, arrogant, and seemingly uncaring/apathetic. I hold myself to high standards and others to low ones. I hate being dependent on anyone and am highly individualistic. Furthermore I consider myself extremely adventurous, for example I love getting lost, there is no food I won't try, I like driving crazy fast in cars and motorcycles, racing, fighting/competing, etc. I can be extremely spontaneous and random with what I want and activities I am pursuing. From my research most of these seem to be ISTP oriented.

Other traits I have include my obsession with analyzing and observing EVERYTHING, especially organic interactions, whether it be socio-economic, naturalistic, or anything else. I think organic interactions, such as watching two teams play a computer or sports game against each other, are more interesting than mechanical ones (how an engine works), but I AM intrigued by both. Going to a restaurant or a mall, I can satisfy myself with sitting in a corner watching people walk by and trying to figure out as much as possible at everybody that walks past me.

The things that confuse myself are how seemingly unfocused I can be on subjects I find uninteresting, my ability to procrastinate schoolwork indefinitely (doing everything last minute), my absent-mindedness when I'm suppose to be doing ACTUAL work, where I just start daydreaming or have random abstract thoughts that make no sense. I've been told that procrastination shows I am more INTP in that regard (NOT TRUE, imo). And then, I like things which have nothing to do with logic and appeal to me on an emotional basis, such as literature, especially POETRY. And even psueo-religious texts such as the Tao Te Ching, which I analyze and try to apply to my daily life. I find it helpful as abstract concepts which I can interpret to benefit practical, everyday affairs.

People seem to go to me for when they have some sort of problem to deal with. Looking at things objectively and without emotional attachment is fun for me, or perhaps addictive. I look for the solution, I don't try to comfort people. Apparently this can be both an ST and NT behavior? Oh and I am both atheist and existential nihilist. Came to those conclusions through years of abstract thinking ever since I got sick of going to Church and trying to rationalize the "meaning" of existence. Maybe there is no meaning. :D

I do apologize for the extremely long post. But now you know I like going into extreme detail about everything too... hmmm

After re-reading my colours, you seem to me more ISTP-leaning, but could fit into either one. Try reading the murray state ISTP/INTP description, I find them less biased and more accurate. The IxTP part seems clear enough.


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
After talking to him in ventrilo last last, he's an ISTP 5w6 sp/sx. His Ni is just above average for an ISTP his age.

I think that the enneagram 5 makes ISTPs like him think that they are NT.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
So much information, I am sitting here with a big ass smile on my face.

S or N is almost always the most difficult aspect to "pin" down

An N will describe a cup completely differently from an S...

So you might pick an object and write a description of it.

Would you like to pick an object?