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Interviews by ENFP


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Lyndie about what it's like to be the most extroverted ISTJ type. Her official OPS typing is Si-Te BP/C(S) MF. She discussed how her ST blast is used to teach people stuff even if she just learned the material recently. She can act like she's known it forever. However, it's her double feminine NT play that takes the reins in her life and anything social related, Lyndsie would get sucked so she has to carefully plan time for herself. She then talked about her NF consume and liking Star Trek, travel, and fantasy novels. We then covered her last animal which is SF sleep last. Lyndsie said exercise is not a big problem as she does lots of long distance walking all the time. She's recently started lifting some light weights and doing functional stretching as well as yoga and dances. For processing her emotions, she said pin pointing her emotions has always been hard and has always relied on a tool to feel better. When she was younger, Lyndsie was into death metal to express her inner aggressive world. She said her fashion style was also gothic to express that. As she got older, physical recreation is often enough to make her feel better; though, pinpointing the exact words to her emotional still remain a challenge. She also talked about being insomniac when she was young and having to train herself to sleep better as she got older. Meal prepping is also tough because she doesn't know she feels hungry often times until it's too late. Auditory is both a gift and a curse for her as she uses it as an emotional outlet but it also disrupts her sleep as she is very sensitive to sound. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Sohyb about what it's like to be an INTJ jumper Ni-Fi SB/P(C) MF. During our conversation, Sohyb shared what it's like to be lead NF sleep and prioritize what's the most important thing to him. This is followed by Sohyb going on a very extroverted double feminine NT blast and ST play. Sohby then shared what it's like to have double masculine SF consume last and how he's so unaware about his external appearance until he gets called out by his friends or the odd times he looks at the mirror or sees himself on video. Sohyb then talked about being kinesthetic and with the masculine Se at the bottom, he has the urge to punch things and loves lifting weights. Finally, we discussed him being a social type 2 and wanting to be an entrepreneur and the social dissonance having a double activated blast but being specialized last. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got to talk to Manthy about what it's like to be a jumper INFP Fi-Si SC/P(B) FF. During our conversation, Manthy shared how she uses her SF sleep to automatically have a healthy eating routine, sleep routine, and mental health routine. For her mental health routine, she used to write and journal and later she switched to watching shows and projecting her feelings onto the character on a show she was watching. For the SF sleep emotion she's struggled with, she mentioned that frustration and anger are the top ones she's been dealing with during her life. We then discussed her double masculine NF consume and how her favourite consume is religion and she loves learning about different religious beliefs from different cultures. She then discussed her NT play and she loves problem-solving with the tribe and feels disappointed when someone comes to her to Fe instead because she actually wanted to NT teamwork problem-solve an issue. Finally, Manthy discussed being double feminine ST blast last and how she ended up working as a teacher because subconsciously, she knew that controlling and teaching the tribe was something she struggled with. Lastly, we discussed her being a tester and she talked about baking and minty smells she enjoys. And for visual, she said her husband has to draw or write on a whiteboard for her to visualize what he's saying; otherwise, the words just goes from one ear to the next. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Irina about what it's like to be an INFP Fi-Ne CS/P(B) FF. We first discussed her social type and we were unable to come to a conclusion as to what it is. All we know is that Irina is not a #1. Next, we discussed her double masculine, double activated NF consume and it's a vortex of addiction that cannot be controlled. Irina said she had to cancel her Netflix subscription because her consume was out of control. We then discussed her SF sleep and Irina said she's grown to like having the health routine whether that's lifting weights or dancing. We then talked about NT play and Irina seems to use it more at her workplace to figure out solutions with co-workers. Next, we discussed her double feminine ST blast last and it's the single hardest thing for her to do because it feels like it's so much effort involved and her masculine Ne already thinks it knows the conclusion. Finally, Irina talked about depression and how to get out of that deep dark negative Fi and approach it directly as well as using tools to manage it. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Gabriel about what it's like to be a jumper and most extroverted ESFP type Se-Te PB/(C) MF. Gabriel is also a social type #1 so he's hyper-competitive, always measuring out if he can outdo others, and wanting success and achievement. Despite being a social type #1, because he's double activated ST play, he does make a lot of friends and he likes people. However, there is a part of him that has trouble fully connecting with other people, and this is something Gabriel is working on. He also talked about his double feminine NT blast, and you can see how well-spoken Gabriel is as a result of having Ni+Te as a saviour and also being info-dominant. We then talked about his double masculine SF consume and his external image is very masculine and tough as a result so no one would mess with him. Gabriel also likes to express both his sexual modalities of audio through music and kinesthetic through Muay Thai and working out. Finally, we discussed NF sleep and Gabriel talked about his experience having the CS crash after going on a crazy PB extroversion. Gabriel talked about having a trip planned in Spain to do the Camino De Santiago pilgrimage as a solo journey to learn more about himself, his values, his identity, and his meaning and purpose. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got to talk to Bella about what it's like to be an ISFJ BP/S(C) MF social type 2. During our conversation, Bella said that her SF blast can come across as naggy so she tries not to do it, especially since one of her parents was using it on her when she was young and it's annoying. She then talked about NF play and how she uses it to mess with the tribe and set value traps. At her day job, she does find that NF play helps her give a sense of meaning working with autistic individuals. We then talked about her ST sleep and she said that being competent is important to her and she gets fired up if someone were to say she's incompetent or not good at something. Because her ST sleep is double masculine, her rest time is also important, especially at the end of the day. Bella said that setting boundaries can be tough and by the time she gets there, it can come across as very aggressive. With NT consume, Bella loves to consume fake stuff like fantasy and some sci-fi. She also wants to come across as smart from an external image perspective. We then talked about her audio and she plays the violin and loves to listen to different instruments being played while listening to music and with kinesthetic, it's more about going for walks. Finally, we discussed social types and as a 2, she has acts of service as her love language and feels hurt if no one helps her if she needs help. She also said she craves constructive feedback with one negative and one positive because that motivates her a lot. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Sujal about what it's like to be an INTJ Ni-Te BP/C(S) FF Social Type 2. Social first shared his experience with being a tester and visual enjoying cooking and the smell of the food as well as learning best visually. We then talked about him having NT blast and liking to explain his concepts to the tribe. However, his Masculine Ni conflicts with his double feminine ST play as his grand vision of the future has a hard time being updated by his feminine sensory. He then talked about enjoying collaboration with the tribe thanks to his double feminine ST play. He then talked about his SF consume and he does enough so he's not cringe but he still feels insecure about it even though he fantasizes about being really good at gathering. Sujal then talked about his double masculine NF sleep and the actual act of physically sleeping is harder than processing his emotions as a result. The last part we discussed is his social type and he discussed wanting freedom and independence as a result of being a social type 2. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Stanislaw about what it's like to be an INTP jumper Ti-Si SB/P(C) FF. During the interview, Stanislaw shared with me how he experiences his ST sleep, SF blast, NF play, and NT consume. His ST and NF are balanced because he has it in these first 3 animals. This means he believes in the NF but also understands which aspects of it are bullshit because it's balanced with his ST. His SF blast is different from the other types because he doesn't correct other people's behaviour as a result of being an IxxP but he does desire to be cool and popular. He then talked about his double masculine NT consume and talked about how he tends to be ignorant because his consume is last. He said he only consumes things that are of interest and useful to him and he consumes patterns rather than just facts since his consume is Ne and Ti. He then talked about being a social type 1 and having the drive to succeed and doesn't understand how other people lack this drive. He said that flex is interesting because he is energy dominant and does the flex thing because it's fun but it's more because it's hilarious than for the purpose of ego. He also loves working as a result of having saviour social type 2. Watch this video here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Daniela about what it's like to be an ESFP Se-Fi CP/B(S) FF Social Type 2. We started the interview talking about SF consume. However, Daniela is the queen of channel changing and we couldn't stick to one topic so we decided to talk about the topic Daniela really wanted to talk about which is her double masculine NF sleep last. During our discussion about NF sleep last, Daniela talked about not getting enough sleep and sometimes, it's because she is processing her emotions and cannot sleep as a result of thinking about them. She also talked about the work she's putting into her NF sleep such as journaling, seeing a Psychologist, and trying to see what her reoccurring emotional patterns are like. Daniela also talked about her mantra about passion vs just doing something because it needs to be done regardless of passion. It is clear that Daniela is a social type 2 as she has trouble specializing, has started multiple different business, and didn't seem like she was ego last. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Jared about what it's like being an INTJ Ni-Te BP/C(S) MM. The first thing Jared talked about is his NT blast and how he's a good presenter but not a facilitator because his teaching is a one-way street. However, he did talk about his double masculine ST play which he uses a lot to interact with his wife and tribe members and used more for the purpose of gathering facts from other people. He then talked about his SF consumption, which he uses to relax when playing his Zelda video game, listening to loud music, or eating food he likes. We finally talked about his double feminine NF sleep and this is where the problem lies for Jared. Because his inner world is feminine, he often times forgets about negative emotions. However, just because he forgot them doesn't mean they're resolved and they'll randomly pop up and cause strong emotions. Having an NF code is also contradictory for him because his code is about connecting with the tribe but he's a social #1 and wants to be the best and avoid the tribe. He also feels a cognitive dissonance being double activated double masculine play but social #1 and so he doesn't want to interact with people but his play is forcing him to do it. As a result, he's friendly with a lot of people but he doesn't have any real friends besides his wife. At the end of the day, Jared is still an INTJ as his most triggering function is his extroverted sensing. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Ruslan about what it's like to be an ISTP Ti-Se CS/P(B) MF. During the interview, Ruslan talked about his double masculine double-activated ST consume. He talked about not being able to stop playing video games when he was younger that he had to quit cold turkey. And also how he had problems with binge eating. He also briefly mentioned having ADHD as a result of the double masculine double activated consume. He then talked about how he's pretty good at hands-on stuff and wished he knew sooner. Next, Ruslan talked about his NT sleep and figuring out his reoccurring life pattern and the cold hard truth about some of the negative ones. He then briefly discussed his SF play and the importance of giving gifts to his employees at work for special occasions. He then talked about his double feminine NF blast last and to my surprise, he can use the NF part of his blast. The hardest part for Ruslan it seems is to concisely communicate info to the tribe but this hasn't stopped him from moving up in his career quickly. He is a social type 1 and friendship is definitely a challenge for him. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Brittany about what it's like to be an ESFP jumper Se-Te PC/S(B) FM Social Type 1. We first discussed her ST play and how she uses it to gather info from the tribe and also to ping them. This is followed by her double feminine SF consume as we discussed the type of things she likes to enjoy. We then did a deep dive into her NF sleep and how that masculine Ni can make the wrong future trajectory as a result of it being masculine. She talked about how her masculine Ni was so sure she was going to marry her male neighbour when she was younger or when her masculine Ni was so sure her ex-husband was cheating on her. She said the feminine Fi helps reel in that masculine Ni when it starts making these crazy assumptions. She then talked about her double masculine NT blast and how she can solve problems for other people but has trouble solving her own problem and also has trouble getting started. We talked about authenticity and as a saviour 1, it's hard to be vulnerable and show the true her to other people and always have to put a front. She also talked about having trouble building genuine connections with others and always seeing the tribe as a tool to help her get ahead in life. She did mention she has a small group of female friends she does see as her close friends but she'd still have trouble going out of her way to help them out unless it's an absolute emergency. Ultimately, the goal for Brittany is to flip the script and use connection with others and practicing how to get started on projects she's interested in as her main goal. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Jesse about what it's like to be an ISTP Ti-Se CS/P(B) MF. We started the interview by discussing Jesse's ST consume and his obsession with gathering information. Eventually, it did seem that his biggest life problem came from the NF blast where he had trouble using his Ni+Fe together. One thing he described he does is when he finally executes but needs time to take a breather, he'll get stuck gathering information again with his ST consume and processing it with his NT sleep (Ni+Ti). As a result, he has trouble getting things done. Another thing that Jesse struggles with is the tribe because of his demon SF play and demon NF blast. However, Jesse likes people and as a result, when his friends does contact him, he prioritizes the tribe first without any problems. Jesse said that while he is lead Ti, he is not very competitive at all and relates more to Fe and wanting to have friends and connect with the tribe. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Holly about what it's like to be a very unique ENTJ type. Her animal stack is BS/C(P) FF Social Type 3 which is extremely uncommon for this type. As a result, she has double activated introverted feeling and a double activated double masculine inner world. Holly by default is still using her Ni+Te to problem solve for the tribe. However, her double activated Ni + Fi is making her thinking philosophically inwards all the time. She's also has a mantra she follows and the reoccurring emotional pattern she struggles with is frustration. She also has SF consume third meaning she does try to present herself professionally at work. Because she's play last, her energy gets drained putting up a front to the tribe and maintaining that facade is exhausting. She said it's only her husband, kids, and a few friends that really know the real her. However, she does enjoy the ST play and dry humour and thinks it's flattering when someone takes the time to really get to know the real her. Because she's double masculine inwardly and double feminine outwardly, she sees the tribe as weak and she feels she needs to protect them when speaking with them to avoid feelings being hurt. We also discussing her sexual modalities and she loves trying new food and learns visually. She struggles with friendship a bit because of demon friends and responsibility feels like a nuisance that all adults have to do. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Joel about what it's like to be a jumper ENTP Ne-Fe PB/C(S) FF. Joel explained how his NF play works because it works together with his SF play when he watches a movie with friends or his daughter. This is especially true for when he watches a movie with his daughter when he'll use his NF play to discuss the deeper meaning of the movie then use SF blast to try and get the daughter to tell him what she learned. Joel has a demon NT double masculine consume which is interesting because it's mostly activated when going back and forth with blast. Finally, his ST sleep is the biggest struggle because of trying to reinvent the wheel. Joel also discussed having a routine which is the area of his ST sleep that he's put a lot of effort in. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to the SF show gang about being lead SF and having it in different positions (represented by ESTP, ESFP, ISFJ, and ISTJ). We cover SF Play (Se+Fe), SF Sleep (Si+Fi), SF Blast (Si+Fe), and SF consume (Se+Fi). Topics we discussed include how everyone felt a connection with one another because they're all lead SF and are speaking the same language. We then discussed their balance with their NT animal as a result of being lead SF (only Hannah had it activated in her first three animals). Finally, we discussed Maslow's hierarchy of needs starting with SF (animalistic needs) all the way to NF (self-actualization and personal fulfillment). Watch this discussion here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Maria about what it's like to be a Social #1 ESFp Se-Fi CP/S(B) FF. We discussed how her wanting to achieve manifest in different areas of her life from career, dating, and fitness. Based on our discussion, Maria puts the emphasis of her desire to achieve in the career area the most. Her goal is to one day to a TED talk in the field of Psychology. She'll do whatever it takes to achieve her goal. I asked Maria if as a social #1 that she sees people as a stepping stone to achieve her goal and she said it's the cold hard truth but it's true that #1s sees people as such. Despite saying that, she said she's not a sociopath and does have empathy but mostly for people who are making an effort to improve themselves. She said she has no patience for people who are happy being stagnant. She has the same attitude for dating and listed me her 5 criteria when looking for a long term partner. The biggest criteria is also the growth mindset and not accepting stagnation. Maria wants to be known for being wise and her goal is to improve herself where she is seen as such. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Jane about what it's like to be a jumper ISFJ Si-Ti SB/P(C) FM Social Type #3. We started our discussion with Jane talking about her double feminine ST sleep and how her identity is extremely moveable as a result. She also said she has no problems with her sleep and mental health routine but working out and eating healthy is hard. She thinks eating healthy is hard for her because she is consume last and eating healthy food is literally a demon for her. We then talked about her double activated SF blast and she said this is her go to animal as she uses it for everything from getting work done, correcting behaviour and teaching her known information. I did ask her when she would use her Fe to eliminate suffering and when she can tell that suffering is needed for growth. This is when Jane is an expert on using both her Ti and Fe together and she said she will not enable anyone if she can see that suffering is required for growth. We then talked about her double masculine NF play and she uses it to know what her patient's motives are at work. She also aggressively uses play to gather information from the tribe as she doesn't like consuming. We then discussed her NT consume and she said she rarely uses it. Next, we discussed her being a visual and she described having a good visual spatial awareness inside her head but she said it's terrible in real life and she has trouble doing things that require spatial awareness such as parallel parking. We then discussed her social type being a specialist and she said she's been doing the same job for over 30 years and wants to specialize even deeper within the same field. She also discussed her demon friends and having two best friends. One she talks to on zoom for exactly 1 hour once a month and one that she sees twice a year on each other's birthdays. The last thing we discussed is the ISFJ's invasive mind and she talks about thinking about kicking people on the head if they're really offputting. She won't act on it but she does think it. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Evan about what it's like to be an ISFP jumper Fi-Ni SB/P(C) FF. First off, Evan said he relates more to his ISTP typing from other systems than his ISFP official typing from the OPS system as he personally sees Ti as opposed to Fi. So during the interview, he mentions Ti a lot. We started the conversation discussion NF sleep and how he pre-processed future bad events. Later on, he also said that in other typing systems, he also gets typed as an INFP which makes sense since he's lead NF and ISFPs cannot be an NF in other systems except for OP. We then discussed his NT blast and SF consume and Evan uses the combination of the two to be really info-dominant and use double observing. Next, we discussed the ST Play last and how this can be a challenging area for him. We also discussed the facade that play last individuals have and Evan said he can relax and be the real him as long as he's comfortable with the other person. We also discussed his social type being a specialist and he said what he wants with any job is a clear job description of what he's being evaluated for and contributing to an organization. He said he doesn't want to wear multiple hats and be judged for something he won't be good at if it's not an area he specializes in. He just wants to be really good at one thing and be judged for that. He said he feels like his saviour flex and demon friends are fairly close together and feels balanced. We discussed his sexual modalities briefly; though, it was more apparent before our interview started as he was telling me that his camera makes his background look very yellow. We ended the interview talking about tribe hate as an IxxP type. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Teodora about what it's like to be an INTP Ti-Ne CP/B(S) FF Social 2. We first started the interview talking about her double activated NF Play (Ne+Fe) and how she's using this all the time which is good because as an IxxP archetype, she'll receive less tribe hate. This is especially true since she also has saviour friends as a result of being a social 2 and feeling responsible to help the tribe. She does get an ST sleep last swing where she gets away from the tribe. She also uses her NT consume aggressively to find solutions and also from people which Teodora says can make her come across as pushy. She also talked about her double feminine SF blast and it's so gentle you can't even tell she's trying to nudge you about your behaviour. Finally, she talked about her ST sleep last and doing exercises but will be in pain but would need a significantly bigger sample size of pain before she sees a professional. Watch this interview here: