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[INFP] INFP is a disease?!


New member
May 8, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Okay, you probably thought I cared too much, but some people online say INFP is a disease. Just wondering, what are your thoughts? I think there is a possibility of our personality type being a disease, but I also doubt it as well. Because INFP is the personality type most likely to have a mental disorder. At some point in our lives, well observing my experience and from other fellow INFPs, we've gone through some anxiety or depression. I don't think I ever heard an INFP tell me they never gone through these uh (how do I say it) "special?" issues unlike other types. So is there really some correlation with our type that relates to psychological issues than any other types?


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Mmm Ill jump...

Is INFP a disease, short answer no. Being an INFP merely means that you are cognitively stacked to interpret the world a certain way. As there are 16 different types of frameworks, and some are more common than others, those who verge farther away from the majority MIGHT initially be viewed initially as being a bit... cut from a different cloth. But this does not make being an INFP a disease, and I think that you know that.

Are INFPs prone to developing what we view as mental illness? Maybe. I do not really know statistics on this, but I would guess that it would be possible for INFPs to sink into a sort of physically stagnant, 'emotionally' turbulent, depression. You could get caught up in the wreckage of the world, it can be pressing, and yeah can probably lead to mental illness. But being an INFP does not cause one to be depressed just as being an ESTJ does not cause someone to be OCD. Individual experience, cognition, pretty much any other factor spewed out from the rainbows of the flipping universe, also make up who we are. There are no faulty frameworks, just those that have suffered a few to many stones.

And this is sort of an answer to your other threads. I think it is great to ask questions, and I do not like to crush that in any way, but I am uneasy with this.
There are statistics online if those are what you are looking for, but remember that while you may type as an INFP you are made up of more than the sum of stereotypes. Your MBTI is not a badge that you can wave to justify the way you are feeling or completely who you are as a person. If this is serious, and I am very doubtful that it is at this point, (and I really hope that it isn't), this perpetuation is a bit disturbing. You do not need to validate who you are. Do not detract from you. You are who you set out to be, period. Anyway, you cannot catch Fi, spread Ne, whatever. It is you and how you interact and process, and while you have an impact on the world, a disease? Really?

Just huh?


Jan 25, 2014
You have posted quite a few "woe is me! I am oppressed and hurt!" threads over the day or so and quite frankly it's become downright nauseating. If you really are the way you are (which I sincerely doubt), you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, which I am willing to bet is secretly what you want.

You might think this is addressing "issues" associated with INFP's, but this is nothing more than a passive aggressive attempt to garner sympathy from others while still labeling yourself as hurt and weak so it can keep coming in. This sort of behavior has a name: covert/low self-esteem narcissism. You've simply decided to use these "weaknesses" as cornerstones of your personality. Ironically, this is only going to annoy and anger others and result in them wanting to write you off or attack you. Rightfully so as well.

Really, all you want is attention, to be "special and unique" (which you aren't) and to ensure that everyone else around you is against you and is not unique at all. By using these "weaknesses" as barganing chips and persona cornerstones you deflect challenges, because who would question it? Well, guess what, I am. What you need to do is take a long hard look in the mirror and think about what you are really doing: fishing for attention in the laziest and most manipulative way possible.

I'm not buying any of this crap.


New member
Feb 10, 2014
"Some people online" say INFP is a disease? Some people online deny the Holocaust.



likes this
Mar 3, 2010
it's become downright nauseating




likes this
Mar 3, 2010
But to be serious.

INFP I know are some of the most sensitive sweetest people I know. They are the people who really FEEEEL the injustices and heartaches of the world so keenly. There's a lot that's messed up in this world, I have to agree. And when you're so serious and so sensitive to all of that, of course it's going to bum you out. They also seem like some of the people who have the hardest time going with what "society" wants of them, and also to be people who really care about harmony and what people think. So there's of course gonna be some conflicts between expectations and living up to expectations.

The above (combined with other factors probably) can set a person up for some emotional or mental health struggles.

Of course I'm generalizing here, but I have seen it in a few INFP people and could see that as an overall pattern too, based on the type. But that' s just my interpretation.


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
ISFP is going to view and INFP as diseased as much as the INFP will view the ISFP as diseased.


New member
May 16, 2015
Instinctual Variant

No type is more likely than another to have mental illness.

But mentally ill people are more likely to blame their problems on things that others may understand better than they understand mental illness.

In short, stop blaming the INFP personality type for things. I'm an INFP. I'm not shy. I don't think I'm broken. I will tell you to you're face the moment I have a problem with you. Which in this case is right now. Look, if you're in need of help, I'm more than willing to be a shoulder to cry on. But this bullshit of pretending that it comes from being INFP is just making things hell for the rest of us. You're shy? Cool. You're depressed? That sucks, and it's something that you might need help with. That's ok. But it doesn't come with the personality.

Stop fucking blaming INFP for your problems.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
Along with some of the others who've commented in this thread, I've noticed this common theme in many of your posts. You cannot project your own emotional state or hypersensitivity on a whole type. It might help to step back and realize that you're not a spokesperson for every INFP who's ever lived.

You're making MBTI into something it's not--a group of sixteen heavily-stereotyped cookie cutters.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I hate threads like this. Stop just fucking stop. you make infps look bad. no they're not helpless omg seriously i will throw up corrosive acid on you, threads like this make me so fucking sick.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007

No type is more likely than another to have mental illness.

But mentally ill people are more likely to blame their problems on things that others may understand better than they understand mental illness.

In short, stop blaming the INFP personality type for things. I'm an INFP. I'm not shy. I don't think I'm broken. I will tell you to you're face the moment I have a problem with you. Which in this case is right now. Look, if you're in need of help, I'm more than willing to be a shoulder to cry on. But this bullshit of pretending that it comes from being INFP is just making things hell for the rest of us. You're shy? Cool. You're depressed? That sucks, and it's something that you might need help with. That's ok. But it doesn't come with the personality.

Stop fucking blaming INFP for your problems.

i'm suspicious of people who have their username as INFPquietone. like it's a ploy to purposely make INFPs look bad because they had a bad experience.

Daydreaming Swan

New member
Mar 17, 2015
Us INFPs are only considered "diseased," because we live in a world of judgmental ESxJs

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Seriously though, my answer to the OP...to use something one of my marine friends used to say, "nut up or shut up."

Don't expect a pity party from a bunch of people who don't even know you.

It's obvious you're depressed and feeling down on yourself. I've been there and I can tell you that most people simply aren't going to want to hear it if they see that you aren't even willing to help yourself. If you want to be miserable, fine, but don't try to spread it to others or when you're finally ready to come out of your funk and interact with people in a positive way, you may find they have already turned their backs on you. That shit is too much to handle for a lot of people. You need to find strategies to deal with it and ways to channel your disillusionment and depression. Perhaps through art, music, kickboxing, or whatever works for you.


the state i am in

Active member
Feb 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
the F need for consensus can be a burden when you haven't yet mastered the process of doing the individual work needed to support your own courage.

when you find it, you are the antidote.

you can wallow in the diseaseness of shame and faithlessness, or you can choose to make whatever it is that seems most true to you, and that is built out of doing everything you can to hear yourself and others to the depths that usually get ignored and relegated to the shadows of self-deceit.

we all need medicine. but most of us aren't willing to go through the hell to learn from our own experience--the realest of the realest--the path that heals. when the comfort in that comes, when you aren't afraid of getting close to the core of yourself and the intense overwhelming truth that is there, you learn how to be truly CLOSE to others too, to dissolve through their walls, to be with the core of them, the childish vulnerable striving to be whole reality of that which injects aliveness into the path we are all on.


Jun 5, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Terminal INFP. I'm hooked to an IV drip of espresso.


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
I think the people here are a little too harsh on the OP.

The OP isn't throwing a pity party, she is obviously depressed.

Okay, you probably thought I cared too much, but some people online say INFP is a disease. Just wondering, what are your thoughts? I think there is a possibility of our personality type being a disease, but I also doubt it as well. Because INFP is the personality type most likely to have a mental disorder. At some point in our lives, well observing my experience and from other fellow INFPs, we've gone through some anxiety or depression. I don't think I ever heard an INFP tell me they never gone through these uh (how do I say it) "special?" issues unlike other types. So is there really some correlation with our type that relates to psychological issues than any other types?

Poor thing, I'm sorry to hear about those depression and anxiety issues that you went through, how is everything at the moment? I hope you are doing good and I hope you are feeling better. :hug: Anxiety and depression is a battle that can only be overcomed by oneself. You must have enough strong willpower to fight it. Instead of letting anxiety and depression overcome you, you have to use your willpower and fight it away.
Here are some tips to fight depression and anxiety:

1) Come out of the house for at least half an hour every day. Don't coop yourself at home. The fresh air out there would help your depression.
2) Force yourself to come out of your comfort zone and put yourself in situations that you fear at least once a week. The only way to overcome your fears is to face it.
3) Pick up some new hobbies and join some classes. This will help you overcome your anxiety and being busy would also distract you from your depression.
4) Find out the source of your depression. Most of the time depression happens due to external factors, such as family problems, work-related problems, school-related problems.
Ask yourself which of these things is making you depressed, and then eliminate that source out of your life. If it's a toxic job, quit that job. If it's toxic family members, then move out of your house etc. Once you get rid of the source of your depression, your depression will slowly start recovering too.


Jun 5, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I think the people here are a little too harsh on the OP.

The OP isn't throwing a pity party, she is obviously depressed.

Poor thing, I'm sorry to hear about those depression and anxiety issues that you went through, how is everything at the moment? I hope you are doing good and I hope you are feeling better. :hug: Anxiety and depression is a battle that can only be overcomed by oneself. You must have enough strong willpower to fight it. Instead of letting anxiety and depression overcome you, you have to use your willpower and fight it away.
Here are some tips to fight depression and anxiety:

1) Come out of the house for at least half an hour every day. Don't coop yourself at home. The fresh air out there would help your depression.
2) Force yourself to come out of your comfort zone and put yourself in situations that you fear at least once a week. The only way to overcome your fears is to face it.
3) Pick up some new hobbies and join some classes. This will help you overcome your anxiety and being busy would also distract you from your depression.
4) Find out the source of your depression. Most of the time depression happens due to external factors, such as family problems, work-related problems, school-related problems.
Ask yourself which of these things is making you depressed, and then eliminate that source out of your life. If it's a toxic job, quit that job. If it's toxic family members, then move out of your house etc. Once you get rid of the source of your depression, your depression will slowly start recovering too.

Good advice! :nice: I've had similar issues, and doing the things on this list really works.