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Help A Girl Out (in finding her mbti type)


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Hello! :bye: For years now I've been bouncing from type to type, and it seems that the more I learn about cognitive functions the harder it is for me to determine what type I am. I need some objective perspectives! Help a girl out?

I've gone from thinking I'm an ENFP, to an ENFJ, to ESFJ or ISFJ to even possibly ISTJ. So I'm open to any and all thoughts, at this point. :)


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?

I’ve recently begun to seem more introverted, despite the fact that I’ve always thought myself to be the “outgoing” and extroverted type. I’ve noticed that I don’t enjoy large crowds and prefer smaller groups of people (no more than 4 or 5 max) and though I am an expressive person, I don’t share details about my personal life to really anyone. When I asked a new coworker if she thought I was an extrovert or introvert after one month of working together, she said, “I don’t even know your favorite color.” Apart from that, I’ve also been uncertain of whether I am a Feeler or a Thinker. I have a hard time determining what I’m actually good at and what I’m just obsessed with, as my inferior function.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?

Two things: to have adventure, and to have a family. On the one hand, I want to explore different places and spend as much time as possible in nature, and I want to learn as many new things as my brain can possible handle. On the other hand, I want to have something (a child) that needs me, that I can give all of my love and nurture to and will give me purpose in life.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.

The times when I have forgiven the people I love for doing unforgivable things. Even though it makes me feel worthless and like I don’t matter to them, I can feel good about who I am through my ability to love them despite their having hurt me.

4) What makes you feel inferior?

When my husband attacks my intelligence or common sense. He thinks because he’s logical in a different way than I am, that I’m somehow lesser or am not capable of coming to a logical conclusion. I also feel inferior to women that are more feminine than I am. It feeds into my insecurity that I don’t try hard enough to be beautiful or girly, and that makes me less attractive.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)

I think of all possible outcomes and usually get really anxious (I am terrible at making decisions). I usually think about how I feel/what I want alongside what the logical or impartial choice would be, and struggle between those two options for a while. In the end, I usually choose the most practical option, even if it’s not what I want.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?

I don’t like to work with others on projects, unless they’re just giving their opinion, advice, or some new ideas. But when it comes to the implementation of any project, I need to be the one in control to make sure that everything is done right and goes as planned. Very rarely would I trust anyone to do any of the work that might affect the outcome.

7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?

Pretty much any time I’ve gone to Disney World. I love it because I’m able to completely disengage from the real world and it’s like I enter this fantasy world where I don’t have to worry about anything and I get to use my imagination and act like a kid without any judgment. My husband and I enjoy acting like everything there is real, so when we see a little kid dressed up as a princess we’ll be like, “Your Majesty!” and I just get to be free without any responsibilities or worries.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?

I have to practice it on my own. I like someone to show me how to do it, and then let me try it. If you show me too many times I’m going to get frustrated and demand to be given a chance to try. I have to put things into practical use or it will be hard for me to grasp the concept, hence why I have a difficult time understanding theories unless I’m given an example of how it can be applied to reality.

9) How organized do you think of yourself as?

I’m a pretty organized person. I can be scatter-brained at work, but at least outwardly I like to know where everything is and I have a place for most everything. My closet is organized into sections for each type of clothing, and then subtypes of that type. This doesn’t always mean that I’m ‘neat’ but I do like order.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?

This is a really hard question for me to answer. What do you even mean by an idea? I’m having a hard time thinking of an example of a situation where I was faced with a ‘new idea’. I guess if we’re talking about an ‘idea’ like, life on Mars, then I would look for evidence to support that idea before agreeing with it. But if we’re talking about an ‘idea’ like a plotline for a possible novel, then…I guess I’d look for flaws that could be found in the idea to make sure that it’s a solid plan? Yeah, I do that a lot with ideas. Look for flaws to make sure it’s a sound idea before even considering it.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?

Definitely making sure everyone is doing fine and feeling like they belong/are happy.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?

I used to be known as someone with no tact, so I definitely used to talk before thinking. But I think I’ve gotten a lot quieter the older I’ve gotten, so now in most group settings I am very thoughtful about what I’m going to say and if it’s purposeful for the discussion at hand before I say it at all. I guess in a normal conversation though, I still from time to time say something without thinking about it first, but much less often than I used to. I like group discussion if it’s a small group, but I get more out of one-on-one communication. It feeds my soul more.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?

I have to know where I’m jumping before I leap. I need to know the exact steps I’m taking to get the leap, to begin with. I think actions paired with words are the best way to do things.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?

I offer to have them come over for a night in instead, but choose to stay home and watch my show if they want to go out instead of coming over.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?

I lash out at those closest to me and have a very ‘short fuse.’ I get over-stimulated easily and usually want to be left alone/go home. I am frazzled and very pessimistic, as well. It’s harder for me to be productive.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?

I don’t like it when people are overly-optimistic and refuse to look at things from a realistic standpoint, or think being realistic is the same thing as being pessimistic, because they get everyone’s hopes up. I don’t like it when people are selfish or too stubborn to bend their thoughts/viewpoints/needs to help someone else out from time to time, because it means they don’t care enough to be flexible for anyone but themselves. I don’t understand people that won’t give new experiences a try…because what’s the point of living if you won’t try new things sometimes?

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?

Haha, their personalities. I love learning about people’s likes and dislikes and the little intricacies that make them who they are, so that I can understand them better as a person. I guess I like knowing how people are “doing,” and being a friendly ear for anyone in need. I also enjoy talking about books/tv shows/movies with people a lot.

18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?

I feel like I pay attention to everything, obsessively. And if I feel like I’m not paying attention to some aspect, I get really anxious until I get that aspect under control. But I guess…I get really caught up in day to day things and my plans for the future and what my husband and I are doing, so I’m really bad at keeping up with any long-distance friendships that I have because they’re not right in front of me, reminding me that they need attention, too.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?

A lot of people have told me that my presence just…makes people feel good, for some reason? I’m told by a lot of people that I’m “inspiring” and “different” from most people, like I apparently have this ability to make everyone feel like they’re special, without even knowing that I’m doing it. I’m also perceived as someone that is outgoing and silly, by the people that know me best. I guess what I think is wrong with my friends’ perceptions is their idea that I’m this great, caring person? Because I do care, but a lot of the time I turn off that caring feeling so that I can take care of me and my needs (or my family’s needs) first and foremost. So I just think I’m more selfish than they realize, I guess. As far as what they’d never say about me, I don’t think anyone would call me shy. I may not tell people details about myself, but I am perfectly comfortable going up to a complete stranger and introducing myself and finding out more about them if I need to.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?

I want to go outside and lie in a sunny spot in the grass and read all of the books that I never get to read for hours. And then I want to write out my thoughts on pages and pages and just sit and reflect on where I’m actually at in my life and what my needs are right now, because I never have time to do that anymore.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
With a skim read of the above info I'd hazard a guess at EXFJ, extroverts can still go through periods of wanting more alone time. Even the fact you'd invite your friends over to watch a film/program with you over declining seems more extroverted (in that sense). I'm an extrovert and i'd likely not invite anyone or go out...lol. But I'm an extrovert in the sense that when I am with people I am communicating ideas with them freely... I do also prefer small groups...though I do not like the spotlight to be on myself.

You seem to have that ease about you that people admire and want to be around which is a very EFJ trait imo.

I'd also like to ask you to scrap the questions and just write a little about who you see yourself as... what kind of person is c-jade?


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I'd also like to ask you to scrap the questions and just write a little about who you see yourself as... what kind of person is c-jade?

No one has really asked me this before, so I had to take a lot of time to think about my answer.

Maybe I just don't know myself very well, but I feel like to some extent I'm almost two different people. On the one hand, I can be very practical and down-to-earth and...wise, I guess. I make sure what needs to be done gets done, and I can be very "no nonsense" and "tough love" about things. Very survivalist, and making sure I take care of myself and my own. So there's this really serious side of me that is bossy and controlling and plan-oriented. Also competitive and short-tempered. That side comes out more when I'm stressed or am all like "takin' care of business." But on the other hand, I can be really silly and enthusiastic and I get really, really excited when I find something new that I'm interested in and I'm learning all about it. I end up talking about it to anyone that will listen. I also love taking care of people, if I'm in the mood to. I can almost always sense what people need in any given situation, like if the lights are bothering them because they have a headache or they're slightly less talkative than usual and need someone to lean on, or whatever. I just pick up on little things like that, and if I'm in a good mood I really thrive on being there and encouraging people. But it drains me really quickly and then I turn back into the other person, who is really negative and bitter towards everyone for needing my help. I don't know. I just think I have the capability to be this great person with this huge heart that everyone thinks I am, but I'm not selfless enough to do it. So I tell myself being withdrawn and logical is better, anyway. But then I'm at home with my husband and I make up random songs to go along with what I'm doing and I dance with my cats around the room and do all these crazy things and just have fun. Is this even an intelligible answer at this point? Probably not.

I hope that gave someone some sort of inkling about me...if not, I'd probably do better answering a more detailed question.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I relate to a lot of these answers! But more than that, they sound a LOT like my ISFJ 6w5 friend. Especially this:

I also feel inferior to women that are more feminine than I am. It feeds into my insecurity that I don’t try hard enough to be beautiful or girly, and that makes me less attractive.

Answers 13-16, 20 especially vibe more introvert to me. As an Fe dom, I feel most myself when I'm around others. Specifically, people who I love and am completely comfortable with. It sounds like you feel the most like your "true self," or most at ease in solitude. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. :)

I suppose you could be a more reserved ESFJ, but my vote would go to ISFJ. :D I definitely agree with enneagram 6.


Jul 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Do you consider yourself to be 'spiritual but not religious'?

Do you have nightmares ever?


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Answers 13-16, 20 especially vibe more introvert to me. As an Fe dom, I feel most myself when I'm around others. Specifically, people who I love and am completely comfortable with. It sounds like you feel the most like your "true self," or most at ease in solitude. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. :)

I suppose you could be a more reserved ESFJ, but my vote would go to ISFJ. :D I definitely agree with enneagram 6.

Thank you for that insight, Showbread! I've never heard the difference between E/I explained by where you feel like your "true self," but that really helps define it for me. I think the confusion between E/I for me has come up because I am very outspoken and brave in social settings, and feel totally comfortable talking to people or meeting someone new. But I definitely feel like I never get to be my real self until I'm on my own, and I don't often take time to be alone--but when I do I really enjoy it.

Do you consider yourself to be 'spiritual but not religious'?

Do you have nightmares ever?

I think I can be more religious than spiritual, when I don't take the time to focus on my spirituality. When I do focus on it, though, it revitalizes me like nothing else. Meditation has recently become my absolute favorite thing to do.

I have nightmares quite often and have gone through many periods where I have nightmares each night for weeks. My dreams are extremely vivid and life-like.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Thank you for that insight, Showbread! I've never heard the difference between E/I explained by where you feel like your "true self," but that really helps define it for me. I think the confusion between E/I for me has come up because I am very outspoken and brave in social settings, and feel totally comfortable talking to people or meeting someone new. But I definitely feel like I never get to be my real self until I'm on my own, and I don't often take time to be alone--but when I do I really enjoy it.

My mom is like this as well. Most people assume she's an extrovert because she will talk to just about one. But she really needs alone time. Another thing you mentioned is that you rarely share personal information, even your favorite color. That strikes me as very ISFJ. It took me almost two years of living with ISFJ friend before I felt like I knew her. I, and most ESFJs I know are incredibly eager to share stories and anecdotes about just about anything related to ourselves. If someone gave me a dollar for every time I started a story with "One time my friend I were..." I probably could have paid for my college education and then some.


The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I've got ISFJ so far


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I've got ISFJ so far

Hooray for some consensus! Thank you for your input geedoenfj :) Out of curiosity, what gave you the ISFJ vibe in particular?


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
My mom is like this as well. Most people assume she's an extrovert because she will talk to just about one. But she really needs alone time. Another thing you mentioned is that you rarely share personal information, even your favorite color. That strikes me as very ISFJ. It took me almost two years of living with ISFJ friend before I felt like I knew her. I, and most ESFJs I know are incredibly eager to share stories and anecdotes about just about anything related to ourselves. If someone gave me a dollar for every time I started a story with "One time my friend I were..." I probably could have paid for my college education and then some.

Thank you so much for this response that I so rudely forgot to reply to, Showbread! I remember reading it and appreciating how well you described some obvious differences between ESFJs and ISFJs, but then apparently I forgot to actually type out a reply. But your descriptions of your mom and the ISFJ roommate you have make me realize how much more I lean to that side than the ESFJ side. Every description I read of ISFJs just paint them as such quiet creatures, and I'm really rather outgoing if I'm in a good mood. I just usually focus my outgoing behavior on others and things about them rather than anything that has to do with me.

But anyway, thank you! I appreciate you coming to read all of this and give me your thoughts :)


The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Hooray for some consensus! Thank you for your input geedoenfj :) Out of curiosity, what gave you the ISFJ vibe in particular?

See keep in mind that I don't know you so it's all guessing..
You don't sound like an extrovert, you're fun to be around but you don't prefer to meet or be comfortable around people that you don't know really well, or you met for the first time..
You seem adventurous, but not risky.. you're willing to try new things and enjoy nature and appreciate beautiful things that you see around you, you're a feeling, empathetic and peaceful person.. You have some self-esteem fluctuations and sensitivity..
You do not usually jump into decisions or conclusions, you take your time and study it from all aspects.. So yeah that's all I guess [emoji4]


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
What goes through your mind in a scenario, lets say, "You're sitting out side and the weather is turning dark."


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
What goes through your mind in a scenario, lets say, "You're sitting out side and the weather is turning dark."

Hm. It depends a lot on my mood and what I'm doing, I guess. If I'm in a good mood and just relaxing, it would probably go something like, "Man, it looks like it's really going to rain soon. I should probably go inside. But I'm so comfortable here and I'm enjoying reading this book/listening to music/watching the trees--but I don't want my book/ipod/clothes to get wet, so maybe I should go inside..." but then the wind blows because the rain is coming and it feels great so: "It feels so, so nice out, though. Eh, I'll just stay here until I feel the first few raindrops, then I'll go inside."


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
See keep in mind that I don't know you so it's all guessing..
You don't sound like an extrovert, you're fun to be around but you don't prefer to meet or be comfortable around people that you don't know really well, or you met for the first time..
You seem adventurous, but not risky.. you're willing to try new things and enjoy nature and appreciate beautiful things that you see around you, you're a feeling, empathetic and peaceful person.. You have some self-esteem fluctuations and sensitivity..
You do not usually jump into decisions or conclusions, you take your time and study it from all aspects.. So yeah that's all I guess [emoji4]

Wow. You made a lot of really good observations about me just based on the 30-something posts I've made so far. Being adventurous but not risky and considering all angles before making a decision are both very true of me, I just never really thought of those traits as being ISFJ-esque. I guess they both show lower Ne and Ti a bit, though.


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Hm. It depends a lot on my mood and what I'm doing, I guess. If I'm in a good mood and just relaxing, it would probably go something like, "Man, it looks like it's really going to rain soon. I should probably go inside. But I'm so comfortable here and I'm enjoying reading this book/listening to music/watching the trees--but I don't want my book/ipod/clothes to get wet, so maybe I should go inside..." but then the wind blows because the rain is coming and it feels great so: "It feels so, so nice out, though. Eh, I'll just stay here until I feel the first few raindrops, then I'll go inside."

You're an ISFJ? :shock:


What would you have said?


The more you know..
Oct 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Wow. You made a lot of really good observations about me just based on the 30-something posts I've made so far. Being adventurous but not risky and considering all angles before making a decision are both very true of me, I just never really thought of those traits as being ISFJ-esque. I guess they both show lower Ne and Ti a bit, though.

I based my analysis on only tow threads you posted, I probably have a strong N people tell me that, I'm so good in reading mind and emotions of people which makes me an excellent helper [emoji1][emoji5]
I might be wrong who knows? Did you do the test? I think it will be an additional proof if it is ISFJ or not[emoji4]


What Is Life?
Jul 21, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I kinda got INFP. But I suppose INFP and ISFJ intentions are similar. I didn't see any Si. I saw Fe/Fi - making sure your loved ones are comfortable and happy is something most types want, but I think a feeling dominant would be more likely focused on this before anything than other types. I guessed inferior made sense as Te. I don't really know why you seem to think you're J, I'd like elaboration on that. From what I saw, it was very middled. The explanation for your tendency towards organization was your clothing setup - which I guess this could be one representation of your Si. But I don't know... should I be questioning my typing? Because my drawers are also divided by article types.


daisies and thunderstorms
Oct 12, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I kinda got INFP. But I suppose INFP and ISFJ intentions are similar. I didn't see any Si. I saw Fe/Fi - making sure your loved ones are comfortable and happy is something most types want, but I think a feeling dominant would be more likely focused on this before anything than other types. I guessed inferior made sense as Te. I don't really know why you seem to think you're J, I'd like elaboration on that. From what I saw, it was very middled. The explanation for your tendency towards organization was your clothing setup - which I guess this could be one representation of your Si. But I don't know... should I be questioning my typing? Because my drawers are also divided by article types.

As far as the cognitive functions go, I'm so even on a lot of them that it's hard to figure out based on test results. I am usually almost even on Fe and Fi, and then have a high Si and Ni close behind it, with Te and Ne usually even behind that, and Se and Ti as my two lowest. The last time I took a functions test my result was "uncertain." :dry:

But in regard to the dichotomies and my being a J, you're right, I am generally close to the middle on that scale. I like knowing what the plans are in advance and I want to be organized about everything--like I have three different calendars/planners and I love them, they bring me actual joy. I also am the go-to person to plan out a day at a theme park, or something like that. But then I also want adventure and enjoy the freedom to do what I want without being told or without a set schedule, depending on the situation.

I think the problem is that I have one side of me that's very focused on being practical and getting things done, and then I have another side of me that's locked away and is artistic and dying to run away into nature and write stories and dance under the stars and be free from everything and everyone, the person I used to be when I was a kid.