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Figuring out my tritype


Jan 25, 2014

EDIT: It seems that this has been sorted out :D

So I have been aware of enneagram for a long time now, and I am near certain I am a 1w2. Out of all of the personality theories this one has the smallest level of doubt from others. That said, I have never actually figured out my tritype before, and at best I think it would be interesting to learn. I have been reading about it over the past few days but so far can't come up with a definitive conclusion on my own like I have with other things. Thus, I need some external opinions to figure this out. I've written up a little blurb about who I am and all that jazz. It's not all encompising by any means, but I tried to capture some major themes with myself.

It's difficult to come up with a single word to describe myself, but a prominant one (that also functions as a good starting place) would be: reflective. I am someone who considers my experiences, attempts to analyze them, understand them from many angles, including my own and what others might see. It's not good enough to observe and know it, I need to go deeper. This applies to interpersonal relationships, external events, the environment, work/school, w/e. I am driven to understand most of what I encounter at a level that I not only understand myself, but at a level where it can be explained to others with relative ease. That's not to say I can or want to do it with everything. I have learned over the years that it is
incredibly unhealthy to introspect on everything, and have trained myself to not always do it, and it's become a nice habit that doesn't require much conscious effort anymore.
I fit the literal definition of a perfectionist almost to the letter. I am not a perfectionist with everything, but no one is either. Unfortunately, I am a negative-motivation perfectionist, and this has been innate since childhood. Meaning, I am primaraly driven by the desire to not fail in persuit of my goal, not to win or be the best. It's pushed me to being a very high achieving individual. My goals/bars are always set high by virtue of this. I reach one, and it gets moved up. Every single time. Nothing is ever good enough, it can always be better. It's managed to the best of my ability, and nearly never interferes with interpersonal relationships. It only becomes a problem at work/school. I've never had a true romantic relationship (sadly), so that's excluded. I am also innately a highly binary thinker (black/white), and it highlights my overall presentation as well. By in large, I come across as someone who totally loves something, or totally hates something. I have to consciously tell myself to find middle ground all the time. It appears worse than it is, but having so many people tell me time and time again that I am so binary that I regard it as a truth in myself. I have had to train myself to consider the grey, and not to "fit the data to the conclusion" for the sake of a perfect unified solution. I am the one that defines success and failure. I need some framework to work under that is objective, but I will push it higher pretty much every time.

I am verbose (this post highlights this). I am naturally inclined to explain everything in plodding detail so someone has the most informed prospective on something. This comes across in my writing and speech. When I give presentations (the initial practice run) at work/school, I am very often told I explained too much, and need to cut back. I am also very careful/calculated in my speech and I don't want words to be minced/confused/misinterpreted. I also put a lot of tonal inflection in my speech as this imparts speceficity with what I am saying. I use both explicit and implicit information to convey what I am saying or doing. I also apply this to my mind and thoughts as well. All in all, I hate errors and avoid them as much as I am able to.

It's difficult to explain my emotional side. While I am someone who feels emotions rather strongly, and the physical manifestions of them can last considerbly longer than the mental attributes of the emotion. This can lead to confusion on my end, as the lack of mental aspect results in no easy pathway to resolve the feeling completely. I am not particularly attached to people. I can snip the cord with anyone with little issue. While I am friendly with most everyone, and have the ability to be very social (I have no social anxiety, nor am I very shy), I often lack true empathy for others (most of mine is moral cognition). I am very careful/calculated with interpersonal relationships and almost never experience conflict due to being very proactive against it. I have experienced a lot of pain emotionally (stemming from anxiety/depression) and it has made me rather dead on the inside in regards to feeling in recent years. I avoid most situations that elicit strong feeling when I am around others as I do not like expressing something that I am not in control of in myself at all. My moods flux rather quickly and can change for seemingly no reason. With that said, I also enjoy feeling strong emotions in the right contexts. In fact I thrive off of it and need it in many cases. I can be an adrenaline junkie and am involved in several things that very much elicit them.

This could be to recurrent depression issues that I have that never go away, but my energy levels are rather low. I am always tired, drained, sleepy, unmotivated. I very often want to take the path of least resistance. I'll put off and ignore important things for as long as possible when I don't have the energy to do it. The problem is, it will REALLY eat at me constantly until it's done. This is a problem because this eating at me drains me A LOT. Yet, my energy levels are low that I can't do what's required to get my energy back. If I feel like I am not progressing forward, things aren't improving, or I can't see easily when they will improve my drive dies off quite a bit. Success is important. But I don't want to expend the energy. I feel like I am super lazy all the time, and I see evidence around me that shows it. Yet, everyone I know says I work hard, often too hard. The thing is though, I have the ability to be really manipulative, and I use it. One of the last things I want is to be seen as lazy or a failure, so I pay attention (really really close and elaborate attention) to make it seem like I am not. As such, the information of others isn't reliable. I can never know what is actually true, and this eats at me a shitton. I hate uncertainty with a burning passion.

I really like being in leadership positions, and I naturally find myself in them without trying much. I very much enjoy taking charge, so long as I know I will be competent in what I do. If I do not have that confidence I will not take the leadership position. For that reason, I do not seek power for the sake of power, despite my much enjoyment of having it; I have to be able to wield it well. I have many opinions, and I feel very stifieled if I can not express them, or in some cases apply them.

With anything I do (when I first do it) I need a lot of structure and become extremely frustrated without it. If possible, I will create a significant amount of it. Once I become familiar with something, I no longer need it. Interestingly, if it takes too long for me to develop a method/pattern for something, I may ditch the structure sooner than I should and it results in massive disorganization that I can never seem to pull myself out of.

I think that's good for a start. If you have any questions or need me to clarify/add please feel free to ask.
Last edited:


Jan 25, 2014
This is the only tritype I was able to find (that I didn't have to pay for). I know that PerC isn't exactly known for having reliable information in this regard. Nevertheless, a data point is a data point.


You are a Type 8 with a 9 wing: "The Bear"

Your trifix is 8w9, 5w6, 2w1.

I'm somewhat surprised it labeled me as an 8. I think part of it is because one of the questions was "you often think about what's right and wrong"; I largely don't need to, it's automatic and intrinsic a lot of the time. Yes there is definitely a part of me that wants to be in control of what's going on, and it really bothers me if I can be. However, my motivation isn't so much that I want power for the sake of power (but I will admit I DO like it and seek it often). I do try and control people and their behavior often. It can either be overt and direct or more subtle and hidden. Sometimes it's because I want them to do what I want, or I want them to do the right thing and be correct. The latter is mostly if they stake a claim or opinion that is wrong. I have never had someone directly rip power away from me so I can't really say how I'd respond to it being removed. Though the prospect of loosing it not on my own terms is quite uncomfortable.

5 isn't too surprising. love learning for the sake of it. There is a part of myself that is also quite passive and will just let things roll on by while I simply observe and watch. I usually do this with people I know I could not easily do better than and replace, if I wouldn't like being in the position, or if I simply do not care. I love just collecting information for the sake of it, and seeing how it all fits together. If my energy is low or I am sad I can't bring myself to be that assertive like I normally am when I feel good, and I usually just won't care either. Other times I simply want to be the observer and nothing more. Being constantly forward and involved can tire me out and I need to escape that.

2 also fits. I really do not like feeling useless. It makes me feel like I am wasting my time and am not of any benefit. I have to feel productive with what I do. If I don't my will drops off, and if I am forced to stay in what involves it I will just begin to suck really badly. I want to be a teacher/professor when I am done with school as I love helping others. It's really fulfilling to help people progress, become better at who they are, and whatnot. However, I am quite choosy with it. In the past I'd help anyone. Now I only help people who I seem as either worthy, and or they are actually trying and are making progress.

So ya! I have never really considered being a type 8 before. I mean, parts of it fit, but I think 1 overall locks in better. As for wings. 5 makes sense, but it seems more of a negative thing that positive. I am not sure how that plays into it. 6 could fit because I can get really panicky if I don't have everything planned out in my mind ahead of time so I know what's coming and how to deal with it. That said I have laxed off on that a lot in the past year, and am much more apt to let things just kind of ooze on by. It works out in the end somehow, and largely saves what little energy I often have. 2 also fits. I also considered 4, even though the idea of 4 really is not appealing to me in the slightest. My identity and who I am is rather important. However, it's largely intrinsic. I really need to express myself in some way, and I am very vocal/animated about my thoughts and opinions to others (partly because I am decisive). 4 just feels selfish, and I really really hate admitting that any part of me is selfish and self-important because it's a quality I absolutely detest in others.


Jan 25, 2014
More data. I took the similar minds test (they tend to be pretty reliable. Even if it's not correct there is a lot one can pull from it compared to others). Yet again I got another ESTJ result (that an ENTJ are the most common that I get when I take them). I still share some uncertainty in regards to my MBTI type, but ultimately I think I am pretty solid on INTJ.

Extroverted (E) 53.13% Introverted (I) 46.88%
Sensing (S) 52.63% Intuitive (N) 47.37%
Thinking (T) 66.67% Feeling (F) 33.33%
Judging (J) 65.71% Perceiving (P) 34.29%

Your type is: ESTJ

MBTI and enneagram share patterns. From looking at this alone this could explain the 8 result, since Te tends to show up as that.

As for the enneagram results. 1, 5, and 8 showed up.

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||| 50%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Type 4 Individuality |||||||||||||| 53%
Type 5 Rationality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Type 6 Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||| 36%

I wish I could say my tritype is 185, because that would fit. Alas, 1 and 8 share the same grouping so one needs to be eliminated. I still stand that 1 fits better. The question is, then where to the 8 traits fit into the rest of this? I think it's fair to say that my tritype contains 5. I have been reflecting on this and it seems that is pretty consistent. I also used to think I was a 5 in another lifetime, so there is support from that. I'd think that 15x is set so far. So this leaves sorting between 2, 3, and 4.

This also gives stacking. Now, I do not like this, but like doesn't equate to what is. It gave sp/sx/so, and I have to admit that fits. At the end of the day, I do ultimately protect myself, and my self interests more than I invest in relating to others. I can't do the latter if the former is not taken care of. This feels selfish to me, and again I HATE seeing myself as that as it is a quality I super super detest. Nevertheless, it fits. I do also have a desire to experience more intense experiences that corralate with sx so I think that fits a little more strongly than so.

Still more thinking to do...


New member
Dec 3, 2013
I see 1w2 - 4w5 - and maybe 5w6?

You don't express the assertion of the 8, and probably typed at it because you like being a leader. If you were an 8, you would probably guard your inner emotions and feelings tooth and nail from the outside world. 1s are usually the types to deny their anger and try to maintain credibility, whereas an 8 won't care and will simply express their anger however they please.

You have the emotional melancholy and melodrama of a 4 somewhere in there, and the 5 is fairly evident. The 3 that you are testing as for heart fix is fairly curious however.


Jan 25, 2014
I see 1w9 - 4w5 - and maybe 5w6?

You don't express the assertion of the 8, and probably typed at it because you like being a leader. If you were an 8, you would probably guard your inner emotions and feelings tooth and nail from the outside world. 1s are usually the types to deny their anger and try to maintain credibility, whereas an 8 won't care and will simply express their anger however they please.

You have the emotional melancholy and melodrama of a 4 somewhere in there, and the 5 is fairly evident. The 3 that you are testing as for heart fix is fairly curious however.

That makes sense then. I do guard my inner feelings from others, but it's mostly for the purposes of not wanting to have other people deal with it, and it makes me look bad (at least that's how it feels to me). Anger? Yep, I deny anger a ton. If I feel it well up I squash and almost never allow it to come out. I can count the number of times I have truly blown up on one hand. I do however express dislike, irratation, and the like easily and readily.

Why do you say 9 as a wing? I don't feel like I identify with 9 at all. The reason I label 2 is because I need to feel useful to others. I don't want to be helpful all the time, but I find myself doing it well beyond what my patients would normally let me. I get drained afterwards, but I still do it. Call it tenacity in that regard if you will.

Blegh, but I don't want to have 4 as part of my tritype! I say that partly in jest, but every time I read about 4's I just cringe and hate it. However, I can't deny there are aspects of it that I really do identify with. That said, my melancholy, while largely driven by depression that just never goes away completely, is part of me. When I am down people will tell me (when I open up) that I am being much more doom and gloom than ought to be warranted (black/white thinking), so it's reasonable. I really really hide this part of myself from the world as much as possible. So much so that in recent years I flat out refuse to open up to others about how I truly feel when I am upset. I just don't want to be seen as a weak lazy person. Like, I really really really don't want to be. I'll talk in the logic about my situations to friends, and they will agree that it's sounds, and I see that it's how it actually is. But how I feel about it and how I am actually managing it? Ha no, much of the time it's different.

Hmm, as I write that, it does seem relatively image focused like 3, so maybe that is where it tested high? I mean, how I appear to others is quite important to me. It's not so much that I want to be seen in a specefic way, but there are ways I know I do NOT want to be seen as, and I watch for that very carefully.

If 4 is indeed present, then why would you say 5w6 over 5w4?


New member
Dec 3, 2013
Yeah, 1w9 was a mistake on my part, I wasn't thinking when I was typing it. I meant 1w2.

The descriptions for 4 usually suck, they depict the classical emo person, when really the 4 is emotionally intense and wants to be seen by others as mysterious, unique, or different from the common man, but at the same time doesn't want the attention due to how self-conscious they are.

You seem more systematic with your rational 5 than creative, though I could easily be wrong. Both wings would fit here I think.

BTW, black-white thinking is an aspect of a Type 4 and extremely unhealthy Type 3, and that's why Borderline Personality Disorder is associated with Type 4 at unhealthy levels (BPD is heavily associated with extreme black-white thinking, or polar thinking).


Jan 25, 2014
I took the much longer enneagram test on the same site. It seemed to normalize out things a little better since it was more focused.

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||| 42%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||| 44%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||||| 68%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||| 38%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||| 36%

Your main type is Type 1
Your variant stacking is so/sp/sx
Your level of health is average

Yeah, 1w9 was a mistake on my part, I wasn't thinking when I was typing it. I meant 1w2.

The descriptions for 4 usually suck, they depict the classical emo person, when really the 4 is emotionally intense and wants to be seen by others as mysterious, unique, or different from the common man, but at the same time doesn't want the attention due to how self-conscious they are.

You seem more systematic with your rational 5 than creative, though I could easily be wrong. Both wings would fit here I think.

BTW, black-white thinking is an aspect of a Type 4 and extremely unhealthy Type 3, and that's why Borderline Personality Disorder is associated with Type 4 at unhealthy levels (BPD is heavily associated with extreme black-white thinking, or polar thinking).

Black and white thinking is something I default to, but I have trained myself to not do it and am good with it 90% of the time. However, when I am really really down it comes out more often.

Oh ok I see what you're saying then about systematic rational. That would be correct with that assumption. Considering I do have a decent chunk of 6 type traits, that would fit. I am quite a calculated/careful person.

The 3 is still pretty high. Do you think then if 4 is part of my tritype that 4w3 would fit? Considering that my image and how I appear with 4 type dealings is really important.

(thanks for the help btw)


New member
Dec 3, 2013
I took the much longer enneagram test on the same site. It seemed to normalize out things a little better since it was more focused.

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||| 42%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||| 44%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||||| 68%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||| 38%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||| 36%

Your main type is Type 1
Your variant stacking is so/sp/sx
Your level of health is average

Black and white thinking is something I default to, but I have trained myself to not do it and am good with it 90% of the time. However, when I am really really down it comes out more often.

Oh ok I see what you're saying then about systematic rational. That would be correct with that assumption. Considering I do have a decent chunk of 6 type traits, that would fit. I am quite a calculated/careful person.

The 3 is still pretty high. Do you think then if 4 is part of my tritype that 4w3 would fit? Considering that my image and how I appear with 4 type dealings is really important.

(thanks for the help btw)

You could be a 1w2 - 3w4 - 5w6, with the 3 fix being much moodier, introverted, and subtle in its moves than your stereotypical flamboyant 3w2.


New member
Dec 3, 2013

Sound like you?


Jan 25, 2014
You could be a 1w2 - 3w4 - 5w6, with the 3 fix being much moodier, introverted, and subtle in its moves than your stereotypical flamboyant 3w2.

Ha flamboyant. I can be, I am gay afterall :tongue:. I jest, but in all seriousness though my presence can be rather attention-grabbing when I am in a good environment, and can be rather showy with it. However this almost always connects with telling stories or expressing a non-logic based opinion. Ultimately I would agree 3w4 would fit much more likely than 3w2.

I think at this point 1w2 is locked, and 5w6 is locked at the last position. So now it's just a tossup between 4w3 and 3w4. This will be tricky to sort thorough, because I am going to have to tease apart the difference between when being seen a certain way is important, as opposed to dealing with by emotional sides. Would you recommend any questions, or lines of thinking I could use to aid me in sorting between the two? As of now I am leaning more towards 3w4. The reason is at the end of the day, I think my drive to be seen in a particular light is more important the validation of my own feelings and originality. Those things are very important to me and I value by "uniqueness", but it's not something I get super defensive over. The emotional/feeling part is certainly there though. So it seems that I have more parts of 3 than 4. But, and this is a big but, I have to remember that I don't want to be a 4, and that could easily cloud my thinking.


Jan 25, 2014
[MENTION=20385]Alea_iacta_est[/MENTION] oh yes that is very much me. The cold/distant part because of being focused is super super spot on. It's something I try to watch case it can hamper relationships. Do you have a similar info page for 145? It would be good to compare them, one might fit better than the other. And yep, I do love to impress people with my intelligence... woah man do not like admitting that in the slightest but it's true. I have gone on dates with guys before with the soul reason that I know I would impress them with my intellect.


New member
Dec 3, 2013
Ha flamboyant. I can be, I am gay afterall :tongue:. I jest, but in all seriousness though my presence can be rather attention-grabbing when I am in a good environment, and can be rather showy with it. However this almost always connects with telling stories or expressing a non-logic based opinion. Ultimately I would agree 3w4 would fit much more likely than 3w2.

I think at this point 1w2 is locked, and 5w6 is locked at the last position. So now it's just a tossup between 4w3 and 3w4. This will be tricky to sort thorough, because I am going to have to tease apart the difference between when being seen a certain way is important, as opposed to dealing with by emotional sides. Would you recommend any questions, or lines of thinking I could use to aid me in sorting between the two? As of now I am leaning more towards 3w4. The reason is at the end of the day, I think my drive to be seen in a particular light is more important the validation of my own feelings and originality. Those things are very important to me and I value by "uniqueness", but it's not something I get super defensive over. The emotional/feeling part is certainly there though. So it seems that I have more parts of 3 than 4. But, and this is a big but, I have to remember that I don't want to be a 4, and that could easily cloud my thinking.

If you have a 3 fix combined with 1, you'll have a workaholic attitude and, with presence of 5, an air of intellectualism.

If you have a 4 fix combined with 5, you'll have a highly dark negativist/pessimist and, in some cases (when depressed), nihilistic introvert (2 withdrawn types)


New member
Dec 3, 2013
[MENTION=20829]Hard[/MENTION], Here's the 1-4-5.

If you want to check out the other 25 tritypes, here's a link to where I'm getting these from:


perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
153, final answer


Jan 25, 2014
Awesome! Thanks for that. Both are pretty even as of now. To aid in resolving this, I highlighted each block descrption so I can visually see it and make it easier to sort out. If it's left alone it felt accurate enough with no need to change it's importance. Bold means it very accurate for me. If it's red it's completely dead on. If it's grey then it's not accurate or in some way incorrect. It's also worth noting the attention to detail bit. In some contexts, yes I am amazing with orientation to detail. In others? I freaking suck ass at it even with experience.

If you are a 135, you are diligent, focused and knowledgeable. You want to be ethical, efficient and wise. Highly rational, you seek systems and procedures. Detail oriented, you like mathematical concepts and finding ways to breakdown and understand complex material. You are very precise and good with your hands.

Your life mission is to be focused and to use your powers of observation to achieve goals. A true technical expert, you feel happiest when you use your knowledge and precision skills to create, achieve and teach.

You can be so focused on what you perceive is accurate, effective and logical that you can appear to be cold and distant. Your attention to detail is so critical in your life that the key is to recognize that it governs your decisions.

1-3-5 : a rather ambitious, elitist and goal-oriented One, very hard-working and somewhat intellectually arrogant. They rarely show their feelings and therefore they usually seem cold and very self-assured. These Ones are generally well-read, well-mannered and quite intellectually refined: they like to impress others with their intelligence, wisdom and irreproachable work.
usual subtypes: social, self-preserving, 1w9
similar tritypes: 1-5-3, 3-1-5, 5-1-3
flavours: competent, intellectual, ambitious and refined


If you are a 145, you are diligent, intuitive, and knowledgeable. You want to be ethical, original and wise. Highly intellectual, you are focused on what you perceive is correct and above reproach. Research oriented, you seek and quote the opinions of experts to avoid being seen as ignorant.

Your life mission is to study and learn as much as you can and then teach the wisdom of what you have learned to others. A true researcher, you are happiest using your investigative skills.

You can be so identified with the information that you have gathered and the correct way of doing things that you feel exhausted and can appear to be a persnickety know it all.

1-4-5 : a rather introverted and withdrawn One, more creative, original and abstract than most. Prefers the realm of imagination and has very high ideals and standards, especially in what concerns romantic relationships. They’re harder to get to know because they can be very reserved, moody and somewhat picky. They have artistic inclinations and can be quite whimsical and creative. Tend to feel overwhelmed by the real world and hide in their own perfect worlds of fantasy. Prone to bouts of existential depression.
usual subtypes: self-preserving, sexual, 1w9
similar tritypes: 1-5-4, 4-1-5
flavours: solitary, melancholic, critical and whimsical

If you have a 3 fix combined with 1, you'll have a workaholic attitude and, with presence of 5, an air of intellectualism.

If you have a 4 fix combined with 5, you'll have a highly dark negativist/pessimist and, in some cases (when depressed), nihilistic introvert (2 withdrawn types)

This is interesting. I wrestle with the idea of a workaholic. I feel super lazy a lot of the time, like I don't work hard enough and I always want to rest, but at the same time everyone around me thinks I work a ton. I am in graduate school (going for a PhD in organic chemistry), so I do work A LOT all the time. But it's at the upper limit of what I can do so compared to many hear I don't work as hard. But it's partly because of much more complex issues I don't have time to get into. But, I still do well, and compared to the rest of the world I work a lot. So I am not sure, and yeah I do have an intelleculism air. I have had it since early childhood.

When I get depressed I definitely go nihilistic introvert, no doubts there. However, I do not have a highly dark pessimistic persona. I am an optimist at my core, and I'll put on rose colored glasses to keep floating a good chunk of the time (cause I have to). I have however taught myself to be a realist, and as such it's made me a lot less optimistic, but not a pessimist.


Jan 25, 2014
153, final answer

Reading through the descriptions of that, that seems to fit really well as well. I also looked at 154 and that fit really well too, but it didn't leap out at me quite as strongly as the others. It makes sense that all of them align with me. All of the traits are there and the order of them just highlights different aspects of myself.

What makes you think that 5 shows up before 3? Or is it more of a gut thing that just sort of feels right.

I did the highlighting thing here too, and out of all of them I think this actually has the most highlights.

1-5-3 : usually introverted and elitist, prefer the scientific approach in nearly everything they do. These Ones appear colder and very self-certain but can be rather sensitive and fearful on the inside. Are afraid of failure and not meeting the expectations of others, mainly because they think they do not have enough resources for all their projects. They are hard-working, thorough and very meticulous and their work is usually impeccable. These Ones are particularly intellectual, knowledgeable and objective.
usual subtypes: self-preserving, social 1w9
similar tritypes: 1-3-5, 5-1-3, 3-1-5
flavours: cerebral, scientific, meticulous and objective


New member
Dec 3, 2013

Let's try a better approach that will most likely figure this out quickly. The tritype system is supposed to be organized by how you cope with stress based on the Assertive (8,7,3, hence 873 is triple assertive), Withdrawing (4,5,9, hence 459 is triple withdrawing), and Complying Triads (1,2,6, hence 126 is triple complying).

In the case of the 135, you have complying/assertive/withdrawing, a relatively healthy combination, especially since it accounts for the Super-Ego (1), the Ego (5), and the Id (3).

The 135, when faced with a problem/stress, would possess the first instinct of trying to compromise to settle the problem morally/ethically/justly (Type 1 compliance) and quickly so that it doesn't draw out. If the 1 coping mechanism fails, you switch to Type 3's coping mechanism of assertion. The 3 uses its vice of deceit to outwit/deceive/politic their way to victory fueled by the unconscious (Id) drive to win at all costs. If the 3 coping mechanism fails, you switch to Type 5's coping mechanism of withdrawing, which can either be literally in the form of leaving the problem altogether to keep yourself safe (5 fear of being unprepared) or 5's vice of Non-Attachment, which can manifest itself as a literal parting from emotion.

The 145 isn't as healthy as 135 in terms of balance, it is complying/withdrawing/withdrawing, and possesses 2 Ego types (4 and 5) and 1 Super-Ego type (1), meaning that the Id is ignored a little bit.

The first instinct of the 145 when faced with a problem/stress is the same as the 135 with the need for moral compromise and just decision-making by the 1. If that fails, however, then the 145 withdraws to protect its somewhat covered up sensitivity of the 4, which tries to work out its emotions or inversely heighten his or her negative emotions to help combat the stress (usually seen in a sx 4 or 4 with 8), and if that doesn't work it turns to the 5 and acts just the same as the 135 in the same state.


Jan 25, 2014
Let's try a better approach that will most likely figure this out quickly. The tritype system is supposed to be organized by how you cope with stress based on the Assertive (8,7,3, hence 873 is triple assertive), Withdrawing (4,5,9, hence 459 is triple withdrawing), and Complying Triads (1,2,6, hence 126 is triple complying).

In the case of the 135, you have complying/assertive/withdrawing, a relatively healthy combination, especially since it accounts for the Super-Ego (1), the Ego (5), and the Id (3).

The 135, when faced with a problem/stress, would possess the first instinct of trying to compromise to settle the problem morally/ethically/justly (Type 1 compliance) and quickly so that it doesn't draw out. If the 1 coping mechanism fails, you switch to Type 3's coping mechanism of assertion. The 3 uses its vice of deceit to outwit/deceive/politic their way to victory fueled by the unconscious (Id) drive to win at all costs. If the 3 coping mechanism fails, you switch to Type 5's coping mechanism of withdrawing, which can either be literally in the form of leaving the problem altogether to keep yourself safe (5 fear of being unprepared) or 5's vice of Non-Attachment, which can manifest itself as a literal parting from emotion.

The 145 isn't as healthy as 135 in terms of balance, it is complying/withdrawing/withdrawing, and possesses 2 Ego types (4 and 5) and 1 Super-Ego type (1), meaning that the Id is ignored a little bit.

The first instinct of the 145 when faced with a problem/stress is the same as the 135 with the need for moral compromise and just decision-making by the 1. If that fails, however, then the 145 withdraws to protect its somewhat covered up sensitivity of the 4, which tries to work out its emotions or inversely heighten his or her negative emotions to help combat the stress (usually seen in a sx 4 or 4 with 8), and if that doesn't work it turns to the 5 and acts just the same as the 135 in the same state.

This interesting, because I do both. Ultimately though... I think I do the 3 coping a little more than the 4 coping. However, they are very very linked, which the wing would explain. If I hit a stress, I definitely deal with 1, then if it fails I do definitely go to 3. I absolutely will deceit my way through things. Which can actually drive my 1 side nuts, but if the ends justify the means and no one is harmed, I'll do it. I'm not proud of it, but I have gotten far from being able to spin doctor and use "poltics and wit" with things to avoid stress. I'm incredibly detailed with it too and don't get caught doing it. What's interesting though, is I use negative emotions to bolster it, and how I feel a la 4 type stuff is always part of it. I definitely will heighten negative emotions to cope (it makes NO sense, but I do it can't always stop it but I do try). However doing that by itself is completely useless to me and defeats the purpose of doing it in the first place.

And yep, a literal parting from emotions is what happens if things go along too long. Last ditch is to just withdraw. I think we have a winner! 1w2 - 3w4 - 5w6. sp/sx fits with this too with 3 there. Also I just need to take a moment that I have a nice neat pretty 123456 count going on (I just noticed and it made me laugh. Even my type looks organized! :D).

Thank you so much for your help good sir :D. Tis much appreciated.


New member
Jan 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I thought 1-3-5 on reading first post

my two cents