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Do I have a personality?


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Hello there. While I am pretty decently versed in both enneagram and mbti, I still fail to narrow down which type fits me best. Latest research puts things in the Ne dom/aux range, probably 9w1 if I could guess. Test wise, I usually come out in INFJ, INTP, or ENTP range for mbti, the 5,6,1, and 9 range in enneagram, and as ILI/LIE-Ni or LII-Ne on socionics. While my results seem to lean T, I'm pretty sure that's wrong (especially since most tests have an NT bias). Any suggestions regarding any typing system would be very helpful.

1. During your youth (7'ish to 18), What did you focus on the most? What activities did you like and why? What aspect of life was lax in attention?
Especially as I made my way past age 11, my major focus was academia. I wanted to get the best grades I possibly could in order to make for an easier future regarding college and employment. I also focused inwardly towards my ideas and the different story lines that I created. My favorite activities were drawing, because it was a means of expelling my ideas and maintaining focus, singing/playing the trumpet, because I was good at it and it was entertaining, and walking, because it connected me to my family. I did not pay much attention to romance or pop culture because both were sort of difficult to understand.

2. You're in you senior year of high school (or whatever equivalent) and you are looking back over the last couple of years. What was your favorite aspect of the schooling experience and why? Favorite subject and why?

Probably the classes themselves because I love to learn and playing music in band because, while it caused me a lot of stress, it was a means of connecting with others and also was enjoyable. I don't know if I really had a favorite subject, Band was nice, pre-calc was easy and fun, science research was cool because it allowed me to independently create my own project and present that to others, and perhaps chemistry because it was easy and I had friends in that class.

3. A couple of friends call and invite you out to a restaurant. While there, you all are pleasantly conversing and one of your friends makes a comment that irked you. What are you're thoughts and how do you respond?

Depends on the comment and how much it bothered me. I'm not very easy to bother, but assuming it was something more serious, my first thought would likely to guess their motivations. If it was that bad, I'd probably probe them to see why they said that, but I'd probably do it in a tactful way unless the comment affected someone else other than me.

4. Your schooling is done and it's time to strike out into the world!! What sort of career do you want to go into and why?
Probably research. As a kid, I decided that regardless of what I did as an adult, I wanted to continue to learn as much as I possibly could. I feel like research is the best way to achieve that goal. Also I'd do some music on the side (maybe performing in a group) to satisfy my need for music in my life.

5. A friend is getting married and they put you in charge of the cake. You narrowed it down to two places to make an order. The first is a bakery with whom you got a good relationship with. The other is a well-known cake maker to whom everyone goes to (your friend hints to it as well). Which one do you choose and why?
The well-known cake maker. It's his/her wedding, and if she hinted that was the person he/she wanted to make the cake, than that's the person who will do it.

6. You get into an argument with a friend/family member/co-worker. They criticize one of your personality traits. What would most likely be the focus of their critique?
It'd probably be my disorganization or my scatteredness. Especially when I am stressed, my memory is unreliable, and when it comes to organization I'm hopeless. This is usually what people at me about.

7. It's New Years! You and your friends are out and about after a party. Being drunk, one of your friends suggests to do something....'questionable' (Nothing serious. I.e, drugs, escort, etc.). What are your thoughts and how do you respond?
This is pretty vague, but as long as it wasn't illegal or insanely dangerous and I wasn't exhausted I'd tag along. It's difficult to reason with a drunk person, and since I don't drink, I'll make sure they don't accidently hurt themselves while doing what

8. A new art gallery opens up and your friend wants to go to the grand opening. Both of you analyze all the paintings and sculptures. What about these works warrants the most attention from you? Why?
Unless the sculptures are particularly interesting, probably the paintings. Being an artist (of sorts) myself, I like to look at things like color choice or meaning behind the paintings.

9. You have been saving up and decide to buy a new car. At the dealership, you peruse the lots. What are the criteria and factors that influence your choice? Which one would initially be your main focus?
Probably safety/build of the car. After that I'd look at mileage per gallon (gas is expensive) and price. The safer and cheaper the car is for me, the better.

10. Yep, you now have a kid (sex of your choosing)! Years pass and they are now 15 years old. You notice their personality traits are the complete opposite of how you were when at their age. Describe how they are. Describe the possible conflicts that would arise between both of you due to differing temperaments.
They would be heavily risk taking, overconfident, and uncaring towards consequence. Likely brash, but a good sense of humor and people/relationship skills. Aesthetically inclined, but image focused. We'd probably butt heads because I place a high level of importance on consequence and taking responsibility of ones actions. Also I'd probably cringe at their risky behaviors because I'm pretty hesitant. Even if what they were doing wasn't that bad, they'd probably get some irritable remarks from me.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for anyone who bothers to read this.


New member
Aug 8, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Lii-Ne for Socionics gives you INTJ, which I think fits you?


New member
Aug 8, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Thank you much for the input! Can I ask why you think so?

Hm, well, I'm not clear on the functions and whatnot myself, but honestly I see INTJ and more INTP in you.
INTP starts with Ti, and unless I'm interpreting this wrong, I think you might lead with that. Which isn't a bad thing. You're very focused on your studies and whatnot, and don't care for the pop culture stuff. Of course that doesn't mean you're more of a thinker because of that, but this is the vibe I get from you, that you stop and think of yourself before you do something.

citizen cane

ornery ornithologist
Apr 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
If you have to ask if you have a personality, you are probably too boring.;)


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant