Honestly, I'd recommend the smokable CBD products if they're legal in your state, and if you can get past any stigma you might have about smoking it (it smells almost identical to THC smokables and tastes very similar). I tried some recently and I was surprised at how potent it was. It brought an almost immediate sense of relaxation, as I have problems with high anxiety. I can't even remember the last time I've felt that calm, even with using illegal THC based products. The feeling was similar to the body buzz from smoking indica strains of THC, albeit more mild psychoactive effects. But still a lot more potent than I had expected, as I'd been pretty skeptical up until then and thought of it as "fake weed" minus the psychoactive effects I enjoy with THC. Also, it felt a little "cleaner" and long-lasting than some of the various illegal THC products I've tried in the past, despite overall being far milder. However, I like this, as I don't have to deal with the sometimes unpleasant and rapid comedown that comes with unregulated, illegal street products.
I can't really speak on its full benefits for other health issues, but I can say that it really seems to help with my own anxiety and mental health. If smokables or the expensive oils aren't your thing, there's always edible versions.
Regarding CBD's cousin THC:
In my state, one can technically get a doctor's approval to use medical marijuana, and while I think it helps me (family members have noted I actually do well and seem to function better on it than off), I fear I'd need a legitimate medical diagnosis before any doctor would just agree to write me a prescription. I am an undiagnosed high functioning autistic, but there are so many disadvantages to being an adult with diagnosed autism that I don't think it's worth the trouble. (they can have autism used against them to have their kids taken away, sometimes it can lead to discrimination or even termination at work, et al)