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being a HSP, living with non-HSPs


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Well, don't be aggressive, but do be assertive.

Just make all your comments directed towards yourself, "I can't concentrate with the TV at this volume" etc.

Make it about you're sensitivity and not about their inconsideration and maybe they won't get defensive. If they are reasonable people, this will work. If they are incapable of reason in this area it just won't matter how you approach them.

Assert it as often as it takes, don't be shy to reassert. If it doesn't work at all, you can come here and vent about it.

You keep missing my point. In my experience with TV addicts, the volume in the room seems to be part of the appeal of the TV. They do seem to get very defensive when asked to turn the volume down, there seems to be something comforting to them about having the volume loud and general resistance to wearing earphones. There's like something about the TV being almost human, like a person who is constantly jabbering in the background and if they wore headphones this would take away from that illusion. jmo.

I can see what you're saying and honestly, I'm not sure if I entirely agree.

But it could be one of two ways..

Either I knowing nothing about tv addicts and you are entirely right, and I am being judgmental in thinking that not all tv addicts act this way


You are making a judgment based off of a few experiences and assuming that every tv addict acts in the ways you described.

But it doesn't really matter, it's a pointless argument and I don't feel like getting too into it. Fair enough? :blush:


New member
Jun 26, 2009
You keep missing my point. In my experience with TV addicts, the volume in the room seems to be part of the appeal of the TV. They do seem to get very defensive when asked to turn the volume down, there seems to be something comforting to them about having the volume loud and general resistance to wearing earphones. There's like something about the TV being almost human, like a person who is constantly jabbering in the background and if they wore headphones this would take away from that illusion. jmo.

I agree with you on this. My BF, who lives with me, has to have the TV on every waking moment. He invested big bucks for surround sound and finds it irritating that I keep asking him to turn it down. It's all about the volume, especially with action movies.

Silent Stars

New member
Oct 22, 2008
My dad is hard of hearing so he turns the TV volume way up. Fortunately, he is not a TV-a-holic. It is very uncomfortable for me. Then he tries talking to me over that racket. Of course, I don't understand him and he gives me the evil eye.
You should get him one of these, or something similar to it.

ClearSounds CS2000M UltraClear TV Amplifier System
Pardon my ignorance. What is HSP? Thank you for any info you can provide! :D
This covers most of the basics of it.

Highly sensitive person - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
WOW! Me too! Seriously, but I never thought of these things as HSP. Probably because I didn't know what it was. I cannot bear to concentrate when on-going senseless noises are about, such as, radio frequency interference (RFI) (sounds like ghost radio, with whining, usually from cheap electronic devices).

Ugh! It's the worst, isn't it? I have an ENTP friend on the east coast of Australia, and he's very sensitive to EMF. He said he moved into a new condo in this pretty area of Byron Bay and started feeling really gross whenever he was in his computer room. He had an electrician friend come out and they guy found that EMF was concentrating and radiating up through the walls and floor from metal pipes that were translating it. His friend replaced the pipes with plastic and the EMF dropped to near undetectable levels.

My refrigerator makes a very very very quiet but high pitched sound. The only way you can hear it too is comical - upstairs in my sister's room lying in the bed. I tracked the @*#^ing the thing down to the fridge. Imagine my face at 4 AM glaring at the appliances and shaking tiny fists.

I am this way when I have either a sinus or migraine headache. I have been getting sinus headaches alot since the thunderstorm season here in Florida has kicked in. :doh:

Don't you love the South! We get really ferocious afternoon storms, and if the lightning is heavy or close, my whole nervous system will start burning and prickling like mad, and later I'll get a pounding headache.

Well I don't think acute sensing (such as hearing) and HSP are the same.

Perhaps it isn't, but I could imagine acute sensing to be a real bane to an Se-primary like Halla.

How about using noise cancelling headphones.

Great idea! Are they pricey? :-\


Artisan Conquerer
Jan 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Ugh! It's the worst, isn't it? I have an ENTP friend on the east coast of Australia, and he's very sensitive to EMF. He said he moved into a new condo in this pretty area of Byron Bay and started feeling really gross whenever he was in his computer room. He had an electrician friend come out and they guy found that EMF was concentrating and radiating up through the walls and floor from metal pipes that were translating it. His friend replaced the pipes with plastic and the EMF dropped to near undetectable levels.

Holy freak biscuits! That is great advice for me to consider! I never thought of metal pipes transmitting EMF. Thank you, Pink! :yes:

My refrigerator makes a very very very quiet but high pitched sound. The only way you can hear it too is comical - upstairs in my sister's room lying in the bed. I tracked the @*#^ing the thing down to the fridge. Imagine my face at 4 AM glaring at the appliances and shaking tiny fists.

Oh my Lord, that would be hell. I would defer to Xanax and earplugs at first, but if it persisted, that refrigerator would be gettin' an ass whoopin'. :threaten:

Don't you love the South! We get really ferocious afternoon storms, and if the lightning is heavy or close, my whole nervous system will start burning and prickling like mad, and later I'll get a pounding headache.

The South is like heaven. Each day I must shoo the angels from the hood of my car before I go to work. It is an enchanting place, despite the vicious humidity, proliferation of rednecks, and complete lack of infrastructure. If it weren't for biscuits, gravy, bacon, and scrambled eggs I'd of left this place a loooong time ago. The palm trees help too I think. ;)

Seriously, I think I consume WAY too much Sudafed each storm season. As soon as my right nostril closes up I know a serious sinus headache is less than 30 minutes away.

Perhaps it isn't, but I could imagine acute sensing to be a real bane to an Se-primary like Halla.

I read the Wiki page on HSPs, and you are right, in my case acute sensory perception is an impediment to my OCD/perfectionist needs for harmony in my environment, but I completely lack the traits of being disengaged/introverted as a result of my sensory processing. I process sensory stimulii/data rabidly each and every second of my life, eagerly awaiting more as time ticks away, but when I run up aginst a batch of it that I don't like that shit can throw me for a little bit of a tail spin if I don't have the choice of changing my environment to avoid it. :doh:

This has been an interesting thread to read. Thank you my HSP friends! :hug:


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Holy freak biscuits! That is great advice for me to consider! I never thought of metal pipes transmitting EMF. Thank you, Pink! :yes:

An angle I'd never considered myself! Learn something new every day, eh?

Oh my Lord, that would be hell. I would defer to Xanax and earplugs at first, but if it persisted, that refrigerator would be gettin' an ass whoopin'. :threaten:

hahaha, I wound up downstairs hunting it because I could hear it THROUGH earplugs. LOL This very faint but high-pitched staccato whine like a telegraph machine! I finally defeated it, but it was two or three long nights of me doing this ---> :steam:.

The South is like heaven. Each day I must shoo the angels from the hood of my car before I go to work. It is an enchanting place, despite the vicious humidity, proliferation of rednecks, and complete lack of infrastructure. If it weren't for biscuits, gravy, bacon, and scrambled eggs I'd of left this place a loooong time ago. The palm trees help too I think. ;)

Palm trees are such happy looking things! :D

Seriously, I think I consume WAY too much Sudafed each storm season. As soon as my right nostril closes up I know a serious sinus headache is less than 30 minutes away.

Perhaps you could consider flushing out your sinuses during trouble hours/situations. Made a *huge* difference in my upper respiratory allergies. B-12 should help open the ol' head and airways too. :yes:

I read the Wiki page on HSPs, and you are right, in my case acute sensory perception is an impediment to my OCD/perfectionist needs for harmony in my environment, but I completely lack the traits of being disengaged/introverted as a result of my sensory processing. I process sensory stimulii/data rabidly each and every second of my life, eagerly awaiting more as time ticks away, but when I run up aginst a batch of it that I don't like that shit can throw me for a little bit of a tail spin if I don't have the choice of changing my environment to avoid it. :doh:

*stares at you and takes notes*

ummm what is a HSP?

Highly Sensitive person/penguin/pillow fight.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
My refrigerator makes a very very very quiet but high pitched sound. The only way you can hear it too is comical - upstairs in my sister's room lying in the bed. I tracked the @*#^ing the thing down to the fridge. Imagine my face at 4 AM glaring at the appliances and shaking tiny fists.

Oh, this is so me. DH and DS2 have bad allergies, so we can't have carpet. We have hardwood instead. The amount of noise the thundering of tiny feet make drives me up. a. wall. It makes me want to hide with a pillow over my ears.


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Oh, this is so me. DH and DS2 have bad allergies, so we can't have carpet. We have hardwood instead. The amount of noise the thundering of tiny feet make drives me up. a. wall. It makes me want to hide with a pillow over my ears.

It's amazing what noises - esp those picked up by sharp female ears - will do to your sanity. In my old house, we were surrounded by boulevards, train tracks and downtown urban sounds that all seemed to cancel each other or at least blend in. When we moved out here where we are now, it was so quiet I had trouble adjusting right away. Now, I'm so glad for the quiet.

During a recent but short power outage, I noticed how the quiet house got even quieter, and when the power was restored, I could hear small beeps, clicks, whirs, and mechanical noises all over the place like a bunch of baby robots waking up. lol


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I suggest a combination of assertively telling them to keep it down, or at least to designate certain "times" when it's okay to be loud, and the ear plugs.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Jesus christ, this kid doesn't seem to get it. He watches tv like, 5 hours a day, then recites his french lesson on his laptop (terrible sound quality). I got pissed and asked him to do that in his room, and he got all mad. This stubborn INFJ is never gonna get it.

Edit: Now he's whistling. Why?