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Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
I have no idea what any of you just said. But I am a Scorpio. Fits pretty well, but I'm not vengeful unless it's justice related or you really, really, ruheeeeally fucked up......

Truth be told, I find that Scorpio description highly mirrors that of INFJ.

In Chinese zodiac, I am an Ox. Don't know much about it.

I am not sold on astrology by any means, but I also haven't really looked into it much. I did have a passionate and fiery relationship with a Taurus though, which is in accordance with zodiac attraction patterns. It has set the bar pretty high in terms of sexuality and heart connection. So high, in fact, that I am a bit fearful I will not find that again. Sigh.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Just reread my chart. I know next to nothing about how to interpret these things. Sun in Aries? Moon in Libra? Scorpio Ascendant?

I guess I could study it up....

But much of my natal chart is dead on accurate for my life, given that I never looked at until I had lived half of my life......


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I feel like this thread needs a solid starting discussion topic.

Do you relate to the description of your sun sign? Regardless of if you do or don't, did learning the rest of your chart help or have any other effect?

Capricorn and I have always had issues. Learning that it is also my 12th house and in mutual reception with Aquarius was both enlightening and an endless source of self-deprecating amusement.

[MENTION=17131]Chanaynay[/MENTION] [MENTION=20829]Hard[/MENTION] [MENTION=7991]chickpea[/MENTION] [MENTION=5418]Lady_X[/MENTION] [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION] [MENTION=23222]senza tema[/MENTION] [MENTION=30038]Gentleman Jack[/MENTION] [MENTION=27809]Stargaze[/MENTION] [MENTION=23583]Yamato Nadeshiko[/MENTION] [MENTION=7254]Wind Up Rex[/MENTION] [MENTION=27952]sarcasmsunshine[/MENTION] [MENTION=1180]miss fortune[/MENTION]

That's all I can remember who've mentioned interest or knowledge of astrology

I don't know much about astrology beyond what people [*cough* you *cough*] tell me when I ask them. I'm Leo sun, Aries moon, and Leo rising. Triple fire. I don't relate to your basic Leo descriptions pretty much at all and have a hard time seeing my own fire but people [*cough* chandler *cough*] have told me they can see it and maybe I can too if I stop to think about it.

I would say more but I don't really know much about anything. Except that apparently being both Leo sun and rising means that I, like, am pretty open in a "what you see is what you get" sort of way or something? I don't know?


Active member
Aug 11, 2015
Instinctual Variant
how do you find out your sun, moon, and rising stuff?


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
No idea what this means

This makes a little more sense. I guess if you say enough things about someone, some of them have to be true.

Sun in Leo

There's an unmistakably regal air to Solar Leos. These are dignified--even noble--folk. Leos have a reputation for being conceited, but think again. Leos do feel important, but this generally takes the form of wanting to change the world in some way--to make the world a better place. They are generally motivated by affection for people, and often have big dreams and plans to make people happy.

Generally, Leos are hard-working. After all, they are attracted to the good things in life, and they know they have to work to get them. It is sometimes difficult to imagine Leos as go-getters if you happen to catch them in one of their languid moods. These people can sleep in, laze around, and luxuriate for long periods of time. However, when they do get to work, they do it with intensity and determination. In this way, they are not unlike their symbol, the lion. The worst thing you can do to a Leo is accuse them of bad intentions. Displaying behavior that makes them think you don't appreciate them runs a close second. These happy, jovial people become mighty hurt when others don't see them for their noble intentions.

Loyal, and sometimes rather traditional, Leos are, after all, a fixed sign. They'll hold on to situations and people for a very long time before they give up. There is an unmistakable idealism to Leo's view of the world and the people in it. Often, Leos have a very noble inner code that they answer to. Although on the surface, Leos appear rather confident, they can actually be some of the most humble souls around. They are the first to blame themselves when something goes wrong. Once again, it's the Leonine self-importance at work, and this characteristic works in unexpected ways. Instead of being the conceited, self-absorbed show-offs of reputation, they are usually very self-aware, self-conscious, and, yes, even humble.

Short description:

He is masterful, likes authority, aspires towards an ideal. He likes to give advice. He is honest, frank, loyal, open and sincere.

Weaknesses: pride, vanity, arrogance, presumption and disdain of others.

288 Trine Sun - Jupiter

Endowed with generosity and friendliness, in some ways you appear to be lucky in life. You attract good things with a positive frame of mind and a charitable disposition. Rarely entirely "down and out", you are usually well-received, helpful, and well-informed. You may enjoy travel and have a special affection for foreign places and people. You're generally not very competitive, and for the most part not combative either. As a result, you are usually well-liked. You are usually good-hearted, possessing strong morals and much faith in life and in people. You prefer to find the good in situations and in people. You don't have a lot of patience with those who break the rules, as you generally believe in order, equality, and the law. You usually make good on your promises, and the sincerity you exude can be trusted. Looking on the bright side is your forte--people can turn to you for a pleasing dose of faith and optimism. You are quick to chuckle and can't resist any appeal to your sense of humor. Some people with this aspect are downright jolly. Others are less conspicuous, but their faith in life and willingness to find humor in life are nevertheless obvious.

483 Conjunction Sun - Uranus

It is natural for you to question tradition. You are, above all things, an individualist. You naturally rebel against that which is established. It doesn't mean that you consistently break all the rules, but you definitely do question some of the rules, especially those that simply don't make much sense. You possess a huge distaste for routine. You work best when you have some say as to when and how you get things done. You possess much self-integrity. You avoid labeling people and are most offended when others attempt to label or stereotype you.

You easily embrace new ways of doing things, you stick up for the underdog, and you express yourself in unique and inspiring ways. You don't have to try to stand out as unique--you are original, creative, and progressive without trying. You are far from pretentious. You value honesty and truth, and you avoid putting on airs. You believe in the equality of people, and easily relate to people from all walks of life. You possess an unmistakable enthusiasm about life, and generally your life is interesting because you invite unusual or adventurous experiences into your life. You are generally appreciated by others because you are open-minded, fair, and not judgmental. Nothing really seems to faze you! You take things in stride, and are rarely shocked or taken aback by human behavior.

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image.

287 Sextile Moon - Mercury

You can be quite expressive and animated in your speech. You have an outstanding memory and tend to pick up a lot of information from your environment. You love to chat and to exchange ideas. Even if you are shy, once you're friends, you love to talk about pretty much anything under the sun, and you enjoy sharing stories from your past! For the most part, you are focused on day-to-day activities in your communications rather than on grander philosophies. You are naturally curious and interested, and others find you very easy to talk to. You are accommodating and curious, but you are not as well equipped to handle heavy emotional demands. You thrive on change and variety. You might be a little addicted to gossip! More probably, however, you are simply very curious about others. There is a twinkle in your eyes, and you are never short on humor. You are playful and versatile--you make a fun companion and an interesting friend. You listen! Yes, you do talk and occasionally interrupt in your excitement, but you are a curious person who does want to hear what others have to say, and that is a real pleasure. In fact, you are more able than most people to get others talking, simply because you are very receptive and sympathetic. You pick up others' feelings and body language readily.

-71 Square Moon - Venus

Because you value harmony, you may find yourself giving in to others too easily, especially in the first half of life. Resentment is possible, as you can feel that you are the one who seems to do all the acquiescing. There can be a distinct tendency to become friends (and lovers) with people too readily, simply because there is a strong need for approval and a hunger for receiving affection. As such, you may get involved with people who seem to really like you, and you fail to consider whether you actually like them back! It's somewhat of a weakness, as you are very charmed by the idea that someone seems to really like and appreciate you. Generally, one of your life's lessons is to learn to discriminate more and to get in touch with what you truly want and need. The functions of the Moon (which rules the emotions and feelings, amongst other things) and the functions of Venus (which rules social relationships, harmony, and partnership, amongst other things) are at cross-purposes. When you attempt to feed the needs of one function, it is often at the expense of the other, until you find some sort of balance. This can play out in a variety of ways. For example, there can be conflicts in partnerships about parenting or whether or not to have a family. You may find yourself compromising your own emotional needs in order to find and keep love. Peace and harmony are important to you--perhaps too much so, as you can easily be taken advantage of. Insecurity is something that you need to deal with at some point in your life. Very sensual, you sometimes replace love with food or shopping! You can also be quite sexually active and sometimes quite lustful. You possess a distinct lazy streak. You are capable of working hard, but you truly appreciate luxuriating and enjoying as many pleasures as possible, and self-discipline simply isn't always at your disposal!

146 Conjunction Moon - Mars

You are a passionate person who loves life. Although your emotions are powerful and immediate, your passion is generally controlled and directed. You are a sexual person who nevertheless doesn't get too carried away or controlled by your passions. Because your emotions are strong and you know how to channel them into constructive channels, you don't easily understand such things as "crimes of passion", impulsive behaviors, or emotional excitability in others. You're generally open, accepting, and natural in your sexual expression. You need an emotional connection in order to feel complete on a physical level. You may have an affection and talent for sports, but other factors in the natal chart are necessary to provide the motivation and commitment.

Short description: He is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. He is strong-willed and powerful at work. He is a little hard on himself but, above all, on others whose capacity for action is not as great.

-77 Square Moon - Pluto

He has intense emotions and passionate feelings. He fears the loss of control of emotional and domestic matters, and fears change. At the same time, he attracts change and disruptions. The love life or marital life may be riddled with emotional scenes, jealousy, and possessiveness because he attracts intense partners.

Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury in Leo

He wants to know the bottom line, and is good at scoping out a situation and finding answers to problems. In fact, he is a problem-solver, and will spend a lot of time helping others solve problems if need be. Very friendly and usually positive, he can be charming in a warm way. Enthusiastic speaker, speaks with authority and sincerity. Great sense of organization. Playful. Likes to take risks in jest and for amusement. Might sometimes come across too strongly or offend sensitive folk with a somewhat authoritative tone.

217 Sextile Mercury - Mars

He likes to discuss, likes polemic. He has good judgment and is determined. He is a worker and has lots of energy. He has a lively intelligence and goes to the heart of things. He is enthusiastic, incisive, and energetic in thought and speech.

-84 Square Mercury - Neptune

He makes errors of judgement, and lacks sincerity. He lets things happen, and is happy in his dreamworld. Confronted by reality, he is hesitant, incapable of being tested and falls back into his imaginary world. He might become a drug-taker.

Venus represents an interest for emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others.

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo people are not the flirtatious sort. Instead, their appeal lies in their dedication, their willingness to work on the relationship, and to make the relationship work in real terms. Unlike Venus in Leo, they won't try to impress you with grand gifts or promises. Their gifts are less showy, but perhaps far more generous -- gifts of devotion and attention to details about you. Venus in Virgo men and women quietly (and often slowly) make their way into your heart. They are quite sensitive in love -- even insecure -- and this reserved, loner-like quality is part of their appeal. They prefer to play it safe in their relationships, and they need to be confident that you like them before they make a move. They are great listeners and they make it a habit to observe and learn all of your ins and outs. Their love can be of the Kindergarten variety -- they show they care by nagging or criticizing. Remember, though, that they are not trying to hurt you when they are pointing out the flaws in your thinking, plans, or even character. They truly are trying to help! Venus in Virgo is attracted to nondescript people who have largely gone unnoticed. Show-offs and know-it-alls turn them off.

Pleasing Venus in Virgo involves showing you appreciate them for all the little things they do -- and they do a lot. The problem is, they do these things so quietly that you may not always notice or credit them for all these kind gestures. They do need some space (after all, they're generally quite busy making everything work), so give it to them. Be genuine, not ostentatious. They are really not difficult to please after you have taken care of these basic needs. Avoid pushing your friends or family on them too fast -- remember they are a little shy. They aim to please, and are easily intimidated by your experiences. Let them know how much you value them, and they will reward you with devotion and a charming willingness to talk things out.

Short description:

He is very devoted, does not show emotions: he and doesn't always let himself go, either through fear of ridicule or through fear of not being loved in return as much as he loves. He is therefore sometimes too undemonstrative. May give off the sense that his love is not for free. Caring but worries that he is not exciting enough. Careful with money.

-52 Square Venus - Mars

While he is passionate, he likes carnal desires and voluptuousness above all. He may go to excess and is often unsatisfied.

Whether it's an infatuation or a full-blown love affair, relationships get you out of bed in the morning. You are passionate and seem to need an active romantic and sexual life to drive you. Often, this area of life is somewhat challenging, especially in youth. As much as you want to be involved in a passionate affair, your timing can be off and/or it's difficult to find a relationship that mirrors your strong desires and expectations. Especially when you are young, there can be a real awkwardness with your social skills--this may or may not be apparent to others.

You are highly creative and generally are driven to express that creativity. Your passion for romance is often channeled into your creative output. For example, challenges in relationships may be a large part of the drive behind your poetry, music, or other art.

Love and hate are very much mixed together for you. You are prone to love-hate relationships with others, likely because your passions are such that the old saying "there's a fine line between love and hate" rings especially true for you. Some level of competitiveness, anger, frustration, or angst is present in your romantic relationships. Although you are quick to anger, you are generally just as quick to forget about it.

\r\n 30 Trine Venus - Saturn

He has a good grasp of reality and of duty. He is thrifty, reserved and does not show off. He likes truth and justice. In love, his sentiments are sincere and deep, he never plays false. He is, of course, faithful in love and friendship. He can love a much older person and appreciates his intelligence and good sense.

74 Sextile Venus - Neptune

His professional life is unstable. He has a taste for the Arts, is a dreamer, is easily influenced and romantic. He is emotional and very sensitive.

Romantic, creative, gentle, and adaptable, you naturally express the finer qualities of mysterious and dreamy Neptune in your love relationships. Your imagination is rich and your fantasy world well-developed. You are turned off by rudeness and crudeness, and are drawn to beauty in its many forms. You are very giving and generous, but may be a little on the submissive side, or sometimes downright lazy, failing to take the initiative when situations call for it.

127 Conjunction Venus - Pluto

His emotional and sex life is powerful and rich. He lives out truly passionate love affairs.

Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars in Gemini

Mars is the planet that rules our drive and passions. In the mutable air sign of Gemini, Mars is a little scattered and unfocused. Easily bored, Mars in Gemini natives need a fresh change of pace frequently just to keep energy levels up. It's a somewhat odd thing, really. When there's nothing much to do, these natives are exhausted. But if there's plenty of interesting things on their agenda, Mars in Gemini natives can be powerhouses! More than most people, these individuals have a physical reaction to boredom. Besides possessing a passion for words, when Mars in Gemini natives get angry or fired up, they use words as their "weapon". Angry words--some of the most incisive and sarcastic ones--can fly around with the more energetic natives. Others simply talk things through--energetically! Whatever the case may be, Mars in Gemini natives need to get everything off their chests when they're fired up.

In fact, debates are a Mars in Gemini specialty. These natives draw on their sharp wit to win arguments. In general, they can be talkative sorts, sometimes bordering on verbal diarrhea. Those whose charts show more reserve only become chatty when they're worked up about something or the other. Some people with this position of Mars are quite fidgety. They have much nervous energy. In general, their nervousness and restlessness are at the root of plenty of physical ups and downs. When they're on edge, they can be nitpicky. Many Mars in Gemini natives channel their energy through their hands. Gemini, after all, rules the hands; and these people often express energy through musical instruments and the like--even video games. Many are attracted to puzzles and games as diversions. These natives are very adaptable, often thriving on change. They often take up many projects at once, spreading themselves thin at times. Sustained interest is not especially common with this position of Mars. Most will benefit from attempting to focus their energies rather than scattering them. However, their versatility and disdain for routine generally means Mars in Gemini natives are busy people.

-32 Square Mars - Pluto

You have a tendency to impose your will upon others, which can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to verbal or physical abuse when upset. Learning to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions comes with maturity.

It is all too easy for you to find something negative about a situation. Avoid issuing ultimatums when you meet an obstacle. Instead, find a way to convince others to work with you of their own free will. Ordinary life often seems drab and uninteresting to you and you must have something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or dream to motivate you. You have a strong urge to act out your fantasies or to live your dream, and you will DO things that others only talk about or dream about. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you.

You do not easily tolerate a dominating attitude in others. You have a healthy respect for power and authority, but only if it is handled fairly.

This aspect gives you a somewhat Scorpionic attitude toward your lovers, and it can modify the traits associated with the sign of your Mars considerably. In other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in your sexual nature. Your approach to love and sex can be quite intense at times. Your sexual desire nature is a very strong one, and you may even use sex as a bargaining chip in your relationships in order to achieve your goals. More likely, however, is a very focused and intense sexual nature. This also adds a very magnetic quality to your appeal. When a woman finds you attractive, it can transform into a near obsession! Your aura is strong and somewhat mysterious. You tend to come across as stronger than you intend. In fact, some people are intimidated by you, and you may not understand why this is so. When you want something (or someone!) you are very determined. For you, it can be "all or nothing". When you are finished with something, you leave it behind you and there is no going back. You want a deep, soulful attachment on a sexual level. In your love life you do not take rejection well. You fear betrayal and abandonment, and this can skew your perception of your lover. You have a highly developed sex drive, but you must learn to rein in your aggressiveness in this area. Power struggles and control issues may surface often in your relationships. You perceive the cruel edge in people, and understand its source. Self-confidence develops out of self-control in your interaction with others.

Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

He attracts the most good fortune when he is open-handed and generous, tolerant, and practices what he preaches. Can be inspirational, and find success in travel, education, teaching, sports, publishing, and foreign cultures. Very philosophical, forward-looking, and enthusiastic. Has strong morals. Strongly values freedom of movement and expression.

60 Trine Jupiter - Uranus

He knows what's going on at a glance. He thirsts after knowledge, and is a good organizer. He is very independent, likes his freedom of action, is a non-conformist. He is very agreeable company and is always in demand.

Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn in Capricorn

He is scrupulous, honest, correct, worthy and respectable.

Weaknesses: melancholy, sullenness, disappointment and bitterness.

8 Trine Saturn - Pluto

He perseveres, achieves his projects through hard work.

Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Leo

He is self-contained, resolute, tenacious. Likes freedom of action and independence.

Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune in Scorpio

Willing to look beyond the superficial.

46 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

Pluto represents transformations, mutations and elimination.

Pluto in Virgo

Research and investigation come naturally.

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.

House II is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.

House III is the area of social and intellectual learning.

House IV is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.

House V is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.

House VI is the area of learning by material transaction.

House VII is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

House VIII is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.

House IX is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

House X is the area of material action. The Mid-heaven represents the work one will do in his life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older

House XI is the area of search for social and intellectual security.

House XII is the area of education and of emotion.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I got into astrology, as I suspect many people did, through Linda Goodman's Sun Signs and Love Signs. Linda's books are all about sun signs. And while I'd be among the first to caution people not to read too much into their sun signs, since it's just a part of their chart and maybe not a particularly important one at that, her descriptions are really good, human and relatable.

I recently downloaded Liz Greene's books on Neptune, Saturn and another book called The Astrology of Fate. Greene, Arroyo and a few other have written a lot of the big modern astrological texts. As I understand it, Greene's book on Saturn is one of the big reasons that modern astrology doesn't look at that planet as a malefic in the same way they do in Vedic or back in the day in the Western practice. Some people are always going to feel kind of a way about Saturn, though. (Poor Saturn :()

I'm working my way through the Neptune book right now. Neptune terrifies me more than any other energy in astrology, so it was the most reasonable place to start lol.

Spanky reads? I think that's so cool and I love it when things are not what I would expect.

Yeah. We had a brief exchange not long ago where he got me thinking differently about something. Can't sleep on those NFP guys, I tell ya :p

Also Rex (you) has one of the most unique ways of interpreting charts which I also love. I don't know...you stay true and accurate to the old ways while also providing insight on a more individual/current as well as esoteric level (and yes, you can put that on the back of whatever astrology books you write.)

"5 out of 5 Starrys!" - Starry


My sun sign is Taurus and I do relate to being lazy and temperamental haha. No, for years when I was a kid I would read Taurus descriptions and be like "astrology is dumb". It wasn't until I had to evaluate an Astrology class and was provided an interpretation of my entire chart by the instructor that I was like "holy shit". I'm one of those people whose sun has little influence. It sits on the cusp of the 7th/8th and is merely the last body in a long ass chain of Aries planets spattered across the 7th. For all intents and purposes I'm all about the Aries...and [MENTION=7991]chickpea[/MENTION] is basically a younger version of me (I'm basically an older version of chickpea).

I was just talking to Chan about this in VM.

I think it's a pretty common misconception that personal planets (Sun/Mercury/Venus/Moon/Mars) are also by default the most important in the chart. That's not the case. Just to c/p from that convo: some planets matter more than others in a chart because of a couple of things: 1) how "comfortably" the placement of the planet in house and sign allows the planets energy to be individually expressed, and 2) how comfortably the planet can express itself while in relationship to other planets in a chart. Those two things together make it very apparent which planets have a "leading role" and which planets are more supporting cast or just cameos.

Dr Mobius

Biting Shards
Jul 13, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I'm curious if anyone has an explanation or links to a comprehensive overview of absent elements; specifically air. Most of what I have read seems largely superficial phobic/counter-phobic responses. I'm wondering if the amount of Mercury in my chart is essentially rendering it void? Because most of what I've read...... you'd be far closer to the mark if it had stated the exact opposite.


Active member
May 22, 2010
I was just talking to Chan about this in VM.

I think it's a pretty common misconception that personal planets (Sun/Mercury/Venus/Moon/Mars) are also by default the most important in the chart. That's not the case. Just to c/p from that convo: some planets matter more than others in a chart because of a couple of things: 1) how "comfortably" the placement of the planet in house and sign allows the planets energy to be individually expressed, and 2) how comfortably the planet can express itself while in relationship to other planets in a chart. Those two things together make it very apparent which planets have a "leading role" and which planets are more supporting cast or just cameos.

^So good.

I'll be honest and say I usually avoid the sun while still trying to appear like I know what I'm doing and sometimes say "fuck" in my head if I notice it's heavily weighted. This is an unfortunate biproduct of my own experience...but there seems to be a great deal of confusion/disagreement with regards to what it even represents. Like, I cringe when I see it presented as Self, Soul, Personality, Adult Self, Self-Actualization... <-because I can't figure those things out with one planet alone? I generally read it as Purpose but instead of continuing to avoid it I'd be really interested in hearing your take on it. I will never understand how "Sun Sign Astrology" ever became a thing and why it continues to be forced on synastry readings. I'm not even kidding when I say I've seen people become saddened when they learn their sun sign isn't trine their partner's sun and I'm like wtf?

If I understood the sun better...maybe I would understand why the most advantageous sun-sun cross aspect for partners is inconjunct! No I don't get the sun.


Active member
May 22, 2010
I'm curious if anyone has an explanation or links to a comprehensive overview of absent elements; specifically air. Most of what I have read seems largely superficial phobic/counter-phobic responses. I'm wondering if the amount of Mercury in my chart is essentially rendering it void? Because most of what I've read...... you'd be far closer to the mark if it had stated the exact opposite.

I understand what you are saying Mobius except for "Mercury rendering your chart void"...I wasn't sure about that.

All I personally know about missing elements that you probably already know is there's a correlation between missing elements and artistry.


And that people with missing air have a tendency to doubt their intellectual abilities...which as a 4...Cobain would purposely exaggerate.


The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Would you mind elaborating [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION]?


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
^So good.

I'll be honest and say I usually avoid the sun while still trying to appear like I know what I'm doing and sometimes say "fuck" in my head if I notice it's heavily weighted. This is an unfortunate biproduct of my own experience...but there seems to be a great deal of confusion/disagreement with regards to what it even represents. Like, I cringe when I see it presented as Self, Soul, Personality, Adult Self, Self-Actualization... <-because I can't figure those things out with one planet alone? I generally read it as Purpose but instead of continuing to avoid it I'd be really interested in hearing your take on it. I will never understand how "Sun Sign Astrology" ever became a thing and why it continues to be forced on synastry readings. I'm not even kidding when I say I've seen people become saddened when they learn their sun sign isn't trine their partner's sun and I'm like wtf?

If I understood the sun better...maybe I would understand why the most advantageous sun-sun cross aspect for partners is inconjunct! No I don't get the sun.

I don't mind the bolded so much, because it's acceptable to me that some people are going to have certain major themes and archetypes emphasized in their lives over others. The Sun is not very empathized in my chart, but Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are. So themes of intellect, discipline and power are more emphasized for me in this lifetime than learning how to define or express myself as an individual.

The Sun is also interesting to think of as sort of an alchemical vessel, or that's the way that I do. All these other influences are going to come together in the container of the self in some way.

I'm curious if anyone has an explanation or links to a comprehensive overview of absent elements; specifically air. Most of what I have read seems largely superficial phobic/counter-phobic responses. I'm wondering if the amount of Mercury in my chart is essentially rendering it void? Because most of what I've read...... you'd be far closer to the mark if it had stated the exact opposite.

You've lost me, too.

Are you trying to say that you have a very prominent Mercury in your chart, and you're wondering if it will counterbalance not having air sign placements? It would be helpful if you could share your chart and pointed out what you're talking about. Astrodienst is the best place to make a chart imo if you don't already have yours.


Active member
May 22, 2010
Would you mind elaborating [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION]?

All I know is I'm someone that will try and work Kurt Cobain into any discussion I'm a part of...

haha No. Hi Gentleman Jack. What were you interested in hearing more on? I'll do my best to elaborate but let me know what you were interested in specifically.

I don't mind the bolded so much, because it's acceptable to me that some people are going to have certain major themes and archetypes emphasized in their lives over others. The Sun is not very empathized in my chart, but Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are. So themes of intellect, discipline and power are more emphasized for me in this lifetime than learning how to define or express myself as an individual.

The Sun is also interesting to think of as sort of an alchemical vessel, or that's the way that I do. All these other influences are going to come together in the container of the self in some way.

Okay I think I'm getting it and I really appreciate hearing your explanation for it. What's weird is that you and I...well, I could say like...7s and 8s are externally focused. I mean, we are strong in who we are but it really is almost like "Self" as a unit is too small or something. So like, aside from my perfectly polished and sophisticated outer public persona...it appears we will often adopt a "hey man, what you see is what you get - take it or leave it - I've got other things I'm trying to accomplish here" type orientation to "Self" <-is that kinda what you are getting at?

It's so funny too because I was actually going to say in my previous response to you..."give me someone with a heavily weighted outer planet please".

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
^So good.

I'll be honest and say I usually avoid the sun while still trying to appear like I know what I'm doing and sometimes say "fuck" in my head if I notice it's heavily weighted. This is an unfortunate biproduct of my own experience...but there seems to be a great deal of confusion/disagreement with regards to what it even represents. Like, I cringe when I see it presented as Self, Soul, Personality, Adult Self, Self-Actualization... <-because I can't figure those things out with one planet alone? I generally read it as Purpose but instead of continuing to avoid it I'd be really interested in hearing your take on it. I will never understand how "Sun Sign Astrology" ever became a thing and why it continues to be forced on synastry readings. I'm not even kidding when I say I've seen people become saddened when they learn their sun sign isn't trine their partner's sun and I'm like wtf?

If I understood the sun better...maybe I would understand why the most advantageous sun-sun cross aspect for partners is inconjunct! No I don't get the sun.

I've only very recently been able to discover my entire chart, I'm hoping to find more information on which planets form the spider web of personality and a simpler explanation of the houses. If that makes sense?

Dr Mobius

Biting Shards
Jul 13, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I understand what you are saying Mobius except for "Mercury rendering your chart void"...I wasn't sure about that.

All I personally know about missing elements that you probably already know is there's a correlation between missing elements and artistry.

And that people with missing air have a tendency to doubt their intellectual abilities...which as a 4...Cobain would purposely exaggerate.

You've lost me, too.

Are you trying to say that you have a very prominent Mercury in your chart, and you're wondering if it will counterbalance not having air sign placements? It would be helpful if you could share your chart and pointed out what you're talking about. Astrodienst is the best place to make a chart imo if you don't already have yours.

Essentially Starry has the right idea. From what I was reading the absence of air elements is equated with poor verbal/written communication, and a lack of intellectual curiosity/ability. The response to this deficit is what I would term as phobic, counter-phobic, and outsourcing: Either ignore and avoid, hyper-focus on a singular pursuit as a point of defiance, or get someone else to deal with it. But in the same breathe they would point out people who bucked the trend (For example Jim Jones) yet not explain how exactly they defied expectation. Reading through my chart I noticed that the Mercury parts seemed to focus on being quick-witted and curious. I thought perhaps it might be some form of counter influence?

The chart is under the spoiler. Thank you for the help.:)



Active member
May 22, 2010
Essentially Starry has the right idea. From what I was reading the absence of air elements is equated with poor verbal/written communication, and a lack of intellectual curiosity/ability. The response to this deficit is what I would term as phobic, counter-phobic, and outsourcing: Either ignore and avoid, hyper-focus on a singular pursuit as a point of defiance, or get someone else to deal with it. But in the same breathe they would point out people who bucked the trend (For example Jim Jones) yet not explain how exactly they defied expectation. Reading through my chart I noticed that the Mercury parts seemed to focus on being quick-witted and curious. I thought perhaps it might be some form of counter influence?

The chart is under the spoiler. Thank you for the help.:)

I'm walking my dog and so I'll just address this tiny thing on a "rush" basis...missing air it doesn't equate to poor intellectual abilities (I don't care what anyone says Cobain was a fucking genius). But some sort of insecurity or doubt surrounding them.

Example: there is a positive correlation between (high) IQ and mental illness.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Example: there is a positive correlation between (high) IQ and mental illness.

Oh wow, that makes me feel a lot better about things.

For what it's worth, my sun sign is Libra and my moon sign is Gemini. Mars and Venus is Virgo. Mercury is either Libra or Gemini. Rising is Cancer, I think.

But.............. I don't put any stock in it.