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Arche-type Yourself!


It's always something...
Apr 24, 2007


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
These three:

K. 9 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

I. 9 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

A. 9 Innocent. You have a desire for purity, peace, and simplicity, perhaps even the innocence you might associate with a small child or mystic. Take time to watch a sunrise, walk on the beach or in nature, and play with a small child.

Yeah, seems pretty accurate.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
F. 8 Jester. You want to lighten up. In fact, you are tired of being overly serious. Time to laugh, play, even spend some time making fun of people who are just too hung up to enjoy their lives.

I. 6 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

K. 4 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

The only accurate result is Jester. It seems more like a poll of what you watch on TV anyway. :tongue:


Super Senior Member
Dec 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
6 Sage. You have a curious, critical mind that wants to be stretched and disciplined. Devote time to study, discussion, debate; test out the limits of your thinking.

6 Jester. You want to lighten up. In fact, you are tired of being overly serious. Time to laugh, play, even spend some time making fun of people who are just too hung up to enjoy their lives.

6 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.


Retired Member
Jan 14, 2009
B. 6 Explorer. You want to get away from the complexity and conformity of everyday life and take off to have an adventure. Get away from it all and seek out some time to explore who you are, what you want, and what is possible for you.

I. 6 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

K. 6 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

Oh, yeah......don't I know it.......but........can't ...seem.... to get ...unstuck. :huh:

freedom geek

New member
May 18, 2009
A. 1 Innocent. You have a desire for purity, peace, and simplicity, perhaps even the innocence you might associate with a small child or mystic. Take time to watch a sunrise, walk on the beach or in nature, and play with a small child.

B. 0 Explorer. You want to get away from the complexity and conformity of everyday life and take off to have an adventure. Get away from it all and seek out some time to explore who you are, what you want, and what is possible for you.

C. 9 Sage. You have a curious, critical mind that wants to be stretched and disciplined. Devote time to study, discussion, debate; test out the limits of your thinking.

D. 2 Every person. You appreciate the way that everyone matters, just as they are. This is not time to put on airs, but to roll up your sleeves, do your part, and fit in with the crowd. You do not have to be special to matter.

E. 0 Lover. You are attracted by romance, sensuality, intimacy, and love. Time to dress beautifully, get together with someone you love, and have a beautiful experience. Go out for an elegant dinner, or stay in and make your own. Escape to a spa or have a long intimate talk with a close friend or lover.

F. 5 Jester. You want to lighten up. In fact, you are tired of being overly serious. Time to laugh, play, even spend some time making fun of people who are just too hung up to enjoy their lives.

G. 3 Hero. You want to face and overcome a real challenge. You are drawn to test what you are made of. This is not a time to dilly-dally. It is a time to stand up and be counted. Pick a cause and fight for it. Or, find a competitive sport or other activity, and do your best to win.

H. 0 Revolutionary. You are tired of playing by the rules. In fact, you may be ready to take this job/relationship/habit/way of thinking and shove it. Or, just find a way to express that wild child in you.

I. 0 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

J. 0 Caregiver. You are drawn to being altruistic and helping others. Now is the time to identify who of the many needy people you most want to help. Donate some money. Volunteer. Spend time with children or the elderly or someone sick or otherwise in need. Lend a hand.

K. 6 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

L. 0 Ruler. You are drawn to power and responsibility and want to be respected and admired. Now is the time to claim your authority and be willing to take on, and fulfill, important responsibilities.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
C. 9 Sage. You have a curious, critical mind that wants to be stretched and disciplined. Devote time to study, discussion, debate; test out the limits of your thinking.

I. 9 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

J. 9 Caregiver. You are drawn to being altruistic and helping others. Now is the time to identify who of the many needy people you most want to help. Donate some money. Volunteer. Spend time with children or the elderly or someone sick or otherwise in need. Lend a hand.

K. 9 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form


New member
Aug 2, 2008

When everything seems lost, the Warrior/Hero rides over the hill and saves the day. Tough and courageous, this archetype helps us set and achieve goals, overcome obstacles, and persist in difficult times, although it also tends to see others as enemies and to think in either/or terms.


The Explorer/Seeker/Wanderer leaves the known to discover and explore the unknown. This inner rugged individual braves loneliness and isolation to seek out new paths. Often oppositional, this iconoclastic archetype helps us discover our uniqueness, our perspectives, and our callings.

3)) Creator.

You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form


Jun 2, 2009
Instinctual Variant
(8) Creator

(7) Magician

(6) Caregiver

(6) Lover


Active member
May 5, 2007
9 Magician.
You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations.
Now is the time to develop your power.
Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

9 Creator.
You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential.
Find an art form and practice getting good at it.
You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision.
Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
retook now... a year or so later :)

8 Explorer. You want to get away from the complexity and conformity of everyday life and take off to have an adventure. Get away from it all and seek out some time to explore who you are, what you want, and what is possible for you.

7 Every person. You appreciate the way that everyone matters, just as they are. This is not time to put on airs, but to roll up your sleeves, do your part, and fit in with the crowd. You do not have to be special to matter.

8 Jester
. You want to lighten up. In fact, you are tired of being overly serious. Time to laugh, play, even spend some time making fun of people who are just too hung up to enjoy their lives.

I guess I'm feeling less rebellious this time :shock:


Kraken down on piracy
Aug 6, 2009
Whoa that was a lot or red, good thing red is pretty. :laugh:

9 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

8 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

6 Sage. You have a curious, critical mind that wants to be stretched and disciplined. Devote time to study, discussion, debate; test out the limits of your thinking.

6 Jester. You want to lighten up. In fact, you are tired of being overly serious. Time to laugh, play, even spend some time making fun of people who are just too hung up to enjoy their lives.

6 Caregiver. You are drawn to being altruistic and helping others. Now is the time to identify who of the many needy people you most want to help. Donate some money. Volunteer. Spend time with children or the elderly or someone sick or otherwise in need. Lend a hand.


Symbolic Herald
Feb 2, 2010
Instinctual Variant
9 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

9 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.

7 Sage
. You have a curious, critical mind that wants to be stretched and disciplined. Devote time to study, discussion, debate; test out the limits of your thinking.

7 Explorer. You want to get away from the complexity and conformity of everyday life and take off to have an adventure. Get away from it all and seek out some time to explore who you are, what you want, and what is possible for you.


9 Explorer. You want to get away from the complexity and conformity of everyday life and take off to have an adventure. Get away from it all and seek out some time to explore who you are, what you want, and what is possible for you.

9 Every person. You appreciate the way that everyone matters, just as they are. This is not time to put on airs, but to roll up your sleeves, do your part, and fit in with the crowd. You do not have to be special to matter.

9 Hero. You want to face and overcome a real challenge. You are drawn to test what you are made of. This is not a time to dilly-dally. It is a time to stand up and be counted. Pick a cause and fight for it. Or, find a competitive sport or other activity, and do your best to win.

9 Revolutionary. You are tired of playing by the rules. In fact, you may be ready to take this job/relationship/habit/way of thinking and shove it. Or, just find a way to express that wild child in you.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I. 9 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see.

F. 8 Jester. You want to lighten up. In fact, you are tired of being overly serious. Time to laugh, play, even spend some time making fun of people who are just too hung up to enjoy their lives.

K. 8 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form.
