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Another shot at this.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Doing questions from several different questioners since I want to pick questions I feel will add a lot of substance. Mostly looking for MBTI, tritype and IV :D.

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?

Well as I said putting on personas so I didn't feel empty inside and I felt I had a solid desirable identity. Then something would make the illusion fall apart and then I would feel empty inside and feel I have no personally or that I was a blank empty vessel. You know it scares me to death that I might be a empty boring person with no meaning. Plus I tend to merge with people im close too and I tend to get bored with sticking to the same thing like I love the exictment of a new typing.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
Escape from mundanity, getting to express myself fully, adventure, living a very fun enriching life full of luxury. I crave those things as I don't want to go without and I am a dreamer at heart :p. I would also like to write some fun books too on a side note.

3) What makes you feel inferior?
I feel inferior when I feel people see me as childish or naïve or not very bright. I just feel inferior when people talk down to me or patronize me. Id also say I feel inferior when I see other people as happier than me or they have osmething I am missing and then I get jealous and I also get jealous of people who have had more fun or enriching or extornary lives than I.

4) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
My decision making process still eludes myself but I would say overall I tend to think of how it would benefit me and if I could feel good about picking that. I also try and pick like the pros and cons and stuff like that.
5) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I like to have some degree of control Ive no desire to be a passive watcher. I want to throw my input and ideas around and try and make the project the best it can possibly be. I also can get too excitable and become steamrolly with my ideas if im not careful :newwink:

6) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?
Good question :p. I mostly learn by discussing the thing and like fully engrossing myself into it and I just find I learn things pretty quickly if I have a interest in it. I also learn well from self study if that means anuthing :p. Like Ive been learning German on Duolingo and I feel because I want to learn it and its self study im doing better than if I did it in a more formal controlled setting.

7) How organized do you think of yourself as?
I would say by nature I am not naturally a organized person. I however do enjoy a little bit of it like I like to plan fun things out for fun like I love planning big building projects in Terriana the game and planning out my hobbies but eh im not a super organized person.

8) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
New ideas hmmm I don't really judge tbh at first I feel. I prefer to just take the idea and see where it can lead but then if I have to judge it I would see if it makes sense I think I am a bit of both like I like to check sources and stuff but if it makes sense to me its all good. :p.

9) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I would say both for me. I find harmony by withdrawing mostly like I find true harmony when I can be by myself and feel I am me if that makes sense/. Harmony tbh isnt a huge concius concern of mine sure I like a fun space and I want my freinds to get along but I don't really care if groups don't get along and it can even be funny to watch the chaos unfold :newwink:

10) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
Id go out I don't want to miss out and besides I can always watch that show another time.

11) How do you act when you're stressed out?
I become withdrawn, anxious to lose people that I love, lose my natural curiosity and wonder for life, become apathetic and grumpy and I get stuck in the past and broody. I do tend to try and distract myself though like focusing on somthing fun instead of getting all worked up.

12) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
I tend to dislike people who are narrow minded, controlling, dismissive of others, I also dislike rigid and set in there ways people.

13) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
I love talking about so many things tbh I prefer more idea focused talk like typology or history or alternative histories small talk can bore me but I can handle it. Im not super uptight though I can find enjoyment in most convo topics that I come acorss :D.

14) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
My friends seem to see me as a zany, trolly, daydreamy, diverse and excitable person. Hmmmm the stuff they just said isn't wrong but I feel a lot of people don't see my true inner darkness like I am far edgier on the inside than the outside. I also feel that people dont see my true sharp mind and only see my scattered curious side.

15) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
Id want to do a lot of fun stuff with friends like gaming, doing art together, reading on various forums around the internet :p.

16)When looking at a painting, or any type of styled object, what demands your attention the most?
I like to let my mind wander like Ill be thinking like I wonder what world is inside that painting, what methods were used for it, what else I could do from that painting like could I do a alternative history version and what if it was to make it. I also like colors too like I like to think what's the average color of that picture like if every single pixel was merged into one. Then Ill be like I was wondering what

18)What quality in you do people find annoying?
Hmmmm I would say that I can be too scattered and too in your face I think at times plus I can be trolly and flippant. I can overwhelm people if im not careful i think.

V. Describe your general decision making process.
I do what sounds good. Like Ill try and decide what's the best thing to do. Like I often pick things based on how much I will enjoy it like I am doing German on Dulingo for fun and to broaden my mind. But if its like a big choice I will sit down and try adn think of what will open the most doors if that makes sense.

VI. What stresses you most?
Feeling confined, disharmony, feeling controlled, stagnation, feeling empty inside and feeling I am a boring person.

1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it.
I see a big city with 3 L shaped buildings and im wondering how did they do that and what artchture styles will we see in the future? Im wondering could we make say X shaped buildings and plus I was wondering what is in the top parts and how does it feel to have nothing between you and the ground 200 feet below you. Then im wondering where in the world it is and whether we will see buidkling designs like that in space missions on far afield planets.

2. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?
Well I know nothing about cars so Id be pretty useless in trying to get the car going but I start coming up with alternative plans we could do like the next time we could see that person e.t.c and try and not get too upset or annoyed about possibly missing this gig. My outward reaction I would try to stay calm and rational and do what needs to be done but on the inside id be angry and annoyed.

3. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?
Assuming I was having a blast and having fun id rock on: :p. Id be up for the party if I was having a good time and stuff but I would be making back up plans to sleep at a hotel so I don’t have to put my life into he hands of someone who may drink :p plus a hotel would be kind of fun to say in.

4. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?
Outwardly id be rather calm and rational like I would try and logically discuss the issue at heart but inside I could be a raging ball (depends on what they said of course XD). I don’t want to cause conflict though so I wouldn’t express my feelings on the topic unless I respected that person (Respect to me is someone I can be honest with). Id be very cuyrioius at the same time though like id be like oooooooooh why do ya think that way and id offer other ideas and stuff and overall I am pretty easy going about beliefs and stuff.

5. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?
Meh I don’t really have any strong staunch ideas or how things should be like I’m pretty open to new ideas and experiences but hmmm I would try and see the good of it before I threw anything away as after all no one grows sticking to the sammmmme thing.

6. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?
My values are to try and make things better with my presence, curiosity, advancement, harmony and just trying to be a good example of myself. Determining them I am not sure, but they seemed to come to be organically if that makes sense there was no deep revelations or anything. To change them hmmm that would have to happen organically too like I think deep down I am constantly assessing and changing.

7. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else? b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?
You know that’s something I’m still trying to figure out is who am I and what is unique about me. I suppose I am more curious and self-inward looking than many people but then I cannot presume to know others inner worlds:p. If I could change one thing about me hmmm I would say maybe I want to be more well put together and more hmmmm stable and good at practical stuff.

8. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?
I treat them as a strong indicator. I find I tend to have a good gut feeling of things overall and they can be triggered in all sorts of situations its hard to say.

9. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?
What energizes is me is fun idea discussions, gaming, spending time with people I like and value and researching stuff I enjoy plus I get a kick out of being organized and good food and comfort is good too. What drains me is hmmmm boring detailed work, being steamrolled by others, forced to be happy or cheerful for others and stagnation in general.

10. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others? Why?
I keep my more crazy and out there side hidden as I don’t want to alienate people and confuse them and hmmm I try to not think badly of others or hate others I want to be positive and kind so I try to not think nasty or critical thoughts about others.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
This is my postmark to come back to this so you can hold me to it.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
This is my postmark to come back to this so you can hold me to it.

Same. I'll get to this when I get home (granted I remember). But hopefully now that I've posted here I'll remember.


I am
Jun 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
ESFP. Materialism, adventurusness, spontaneus nature all of that points towards Se. There's a lot of Fi as well expressing itself in your desire to be free to be yourself, seeking unique identity and your overall tendency to feel rather than think is quite obvious. I don't see much Ne to be honest, so I don't thinkt that the previous ENFP typing si right.


New member
Nov 9, 2020
I saw a lot of Fi and extroversion and decided on ENFP. I was getting ENFP vibes, but I don't know a lot of ESFPs to be fair.
After reading this again I can see how Se can be a thing.
So Fi is the only hill I'm willing to die on here.


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Doing questions from several different questioners since I want to pick questions I feel will add a lot of substance. Mostly looking for MBTI, tritype and IV :D.

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?

Well as I said putting on personas so I didn't feel empty inside and I felt I had a solid desirable identity. Then something would make the illusion fall apart and then I would feel empty inside and feel I have no personally or that I was a blank empty vessel. You know it scares me to death that I might be a empty boring person with no meaning. Plus I tend to merge with people im close too and I tend to get bored with sticking to the same thing like I love the exictment of a new typing.

This sounds like hardcore attachment triad IMO. I'm starting to think your 9 could be higher than third place in your tritype... and I might want to consider 3w4 as a fix again. But I'm not sure yet.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
Escape from mundanity, getting to express myself fully, adventure, living a very fun enriching life full of luxury. I crave those things as I don't want to go without and I am a dreamer at heart :p. I would also like to write some fun books too on a side note.

Yeah this is just hardcore 7 over here.

There's some Fi here. I think that this answer COULD lean toward Se, but it's not conclusive.

3) What makes you feel inferior?
I feel inferior when I feel people see me as childish or naïve or not very bright. I just feel inferior when people talk down to me or patronize me. Id also say I feel inferior when I see other people as happier than me or they have osmething I am missing and then I get jealous and I also get jealous of people who have had more fun or enriching or extornary lives than I.

I think a lot of people would feel inferior when not seen as very bright or patronized, so I'm not sure that would be type-related (although very valid). The third sentence sounds quite 4+7. Just frustration triad in general, but no 1.

4) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
My decision making process still eludes myself but I would say overall I tend to think of how it would benefit me and if I could feel good about picking that. I also try and pick like the pros and cons and stuff like that.

Yeah, that's Fi-Te, but Te is pushed lower in the stack. Picking the pros and cons seems like an afterthought to you, and first you think about how it benefits you. I also think this is a bit assertive triad. I feel confident in 7 as your core.

5) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I like to have some degree of control Ive no desire to be a passive watcher. I want to throw my input and ideas around and try and make the project the best it can possibly be. I also can get too excitable and become steamrolly with my ideas if im not careful :newwink:

Yeah more assertive triad. This actually sounds like socionics Se. Although the ideas part could be Ne.

6) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?
Good question :p. I mostly learn by discussing the thing and like fully engrossing myself into it and I just find I learn things pretty quickly if I have a interest in it. I also learn well from self study if that means anuthing :p. Like Ive been learning German on Duolingo and I feel because I want to learn it and its self study im doing better than if I did it in a more formal controlled setting.

Okay now I fully understand why people are seeing Se for you. I think I'm a Se user and I would consider "fully engrossing" myself into the topic as the best way to learn it. IDK I just relate to this answer a lot.

7) How organized do you think of yourself as?
I would say by nature I am not naturally a organized person. I however do enjoy a little bit of it like I like to plan fun things out for fun like I love planning big building projects in Terriana the game and planning out my hobbies but eh im not a super organized person.

Lol this is just 7. Planning for fun and for projects but being scattered otherwise.

8) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
New ideas hmmm I don't really judge tbh at first I feel. I prefer to just take the idea and see where it can lead but then if I have to judge it I would see if it makes sense I think I am a bit of both like I like to check sources and stuff but if it makes sense to me its all good. :p.

Yeah that's pretty fucking Fi-Te. You're very obviously on that axis.

When I typed you as ENTP, I think I confused your soc-first for Fe.

9) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I would say both for me. I find harmony by withdrawing mostly like I find true harmony when I can be by myself and feel I am me if that makes sense/. Harmony tbh isnt a huge concius concern of mine sure I like a fun space and I want my freinds to get along but I don't really care if groups don't get along and it can even be funny to watch the chaos unfold :newwink:

I think this seems sp/so, but I wouldn't say that you yourself are sp/so. You're definitely some combination of those two variants though.

10) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
Id go out I don't want to miss out and besides I can always watch that show another time.

Nothing wrong with you, but this question sucks TBH. Says nothing about type.

11) How do you act when you're stressed out?
I become withdrawn, anxious to lose people that I love, lose my natural curiosity and wonder for life, become apathetic and grumpy and I get stuck in the past and broody. I do tend to try and distract myself though like focusing on somthing fun instead of getting all worked up.

Ooh. The first two points are pretty 9 IMO. Then the loss of zest is pretty 7. Apathy and grumpiness could be any type. I think 4s and 6s tend to get more stuck in the past. But the distraction method of stress is certainly positive outlook. If you're a 4 fix, I think it may be your last.

12) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
I tend to dislike people who are narrow minded, controlling, dismissive of others, I also dislike rigid and set in there ways people.

I think your 9 would be 9w8 rather than 9w1.

13) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
I love talking about so many things tbh I prefer more idea focused talk like typology or history or alternative histories small talk can bore me but I can handle it. Im not super uptight though I can find enjoyment in most convo topics that I come acorss :D.

IDK if this is type-related.

14) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
My friends seem to see me as a zany, trolly, daydreamy, diverse and excitable person. Hmmmm the stuff they just said isn't wrong but I feel a lot of people don't see my true inner darkness like I am far edgier on the inside than the outside. I also feel that people dont see my true sharp mind and only see my scattered curious side.


15) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?
Id want to do a lot of fun stuff with friends like gaming, doing art together, reading on various forums around the internet :p.

Yeah this isn't type related either.

16)When looking at a painting, or any type of styled object, what demands your attention the most?
I like to let my mind wander like Ill be thinking like I wonder what world is inside that painting, what methods were used for it, what else I could do from that painting like could I do a alternative history version and what if it was to make it. I also like colors too like I like to think what's the average color of that picture like if every single pixel was merged into one. Then Ill be like I was wondering what

This is 100% not Se. I actually see some Si in it, but first it seems Ne. I have never met a Se user who looks at paintings and has thoughts like these. And I'm not implying that Se users are dumb. I just think they tend to see things for what they are.

18)What quality in you do people find annoying?
Hmmmm I would say that I can be too scattered and too in your face I think at times plus I can be trolly and flippant. I can overwhelm people if im not careful i think.

I think you have a pretty decent amount of assertive triad honestly. I'm pretty set on 7 as your core now.

V. Describe your general decision making process.
I do what sounds good. Like Ill try and decide what's the best thing to do. Like I often pick things based on how much I will enjoy it like I am doing German on Dulingo for fun and to broaden my mind. But if its like a big choice I will sit down and try adn think of what will open the most doors if that makes sense.


VI. What stresses you most?
Feeling confined, disharmony, feeling controlled, stagnation, feeling empty inside and feeling I am a boring person.

I see elements of 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and even soc variant.

1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it.
I see a big city with 3 L shaped buildings and im wondering how did they do that and what artchture styles will we see in the future? Im wondering could we make say X shaped buildings and plus I was wondering what is in the top parts and how does it feel to have nothing between you and the ground 200 feet below you. Then im wondering where in the world it is and whether we will see buidkling designs like that in space missions on far afield planets.

Hmm. So I can see an argument for Se here in that the FIRST thing you notice is that it's a big city with 3 shaped buildings, and then afterward you let your mind run off on a tangent about the picture. But I still think it's more Ne.

2. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?
Well I know nothing about cars so Id be pretty useless in trying to get the car going but I start coming up with alternative plans we could do like the next time we could see that person e.t.c and try and not get too upset or annoyed about possibly missing this gig. My outward reaction I would try to stay calm and rational and do what needs to be done but on the inside id be angry and annoyed.

Positive outlook, and very 7.

I'm starting to think that maybe you can be a 7w8 due to some groundedness and trying to put your plans into action, paired with Ne.

3. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?
Assuming I was having a blast and having fun id rock on: :p. Id be up for the party if I was having a good time and stuff but I would be making back up plans to sleep at a hotel so I don’t have to put my life into he hands of someone who may drink :p plus a hotel would be kind of fun to say in.

Hmm. IDK.

4. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?
Outwardly id be rather calm and rational like I would try and logically discuss the issue at heart but inside I could be a raging ball (depends on what they said of course XD). I don’t want to cause conflict though so I wouldn’t express my feelings on the topic unless I respected that person (Respect to me is someone I can be honest with). Id be very cuyrioius at the same time though like id be like oooooooooh why do ya think that way and id offer other ideas and stuff and overall I am pretty easy going about beliefs and stuff.


5. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?
Meh I don’t really have any strong staunch ideas or how things should be like I’m pretty open to new ideas and experiences but hmmm I would try and see the good of it before I threw anything away as after all no one grows sticking to the sammmmme thing.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you'd be a 9w8. This answer is a bit lacking in Fi but I don't think it's enough to say you're not a Fi user. Also, I don't see Ti at all in this questionnaire so I feel safe going back to ENFP for you.

6. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?
My values are to try and make things better with my presence, curiosity, advancement, harmony and just trying to be a good example of myself. Determining them I am not sure, but they seemed to come to be organically if that makes sense there was no deep revelations or anything. To change them hmmm that would have to happen organically too like I think deep down I am constantly assessing and changing.

"make things better with my presence" -> I'm starting to think you could be a 2 or 3 fix rather than 4. I don't see much that is indicative of 4 in this questionnaire except stereotypes and potential disintegration to 2. You can still have some dark features to your personality without having a 4 fix. I lean more toward 3, because I don't see any compliant triad but I do see assertive triad, plus you look for things like "advancement" and just some competency. 2 would be a little too much positive outlook IMO.

7. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else? b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?
You know that’s something I’m still trying to figure out is who am I and what is unique about me. I suppose I am more curious and self-inward looking than many people but then I cannot presume to know others inner worlds:p. If I could change one thing about me hmmm I would say maybe I want to be more well put together and more hmmmm stable and good at practical stuff.

Your attitude toward identity feels kind of 9-ish to me. I think you're introspective in a way that is Fi-aux.

8. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?
I treat them as a strong indicator. I find I tend to have a good gut feeling of things overall and they can be triggered in all sorts of situations its hard to say.

IDK. I don't think this question is super type indicative.

9. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?
What energizes is me is fun idea discussions, gaming, spending time with people I like and value and researching stuff I enjoy plus I get a kick out of being organized and good food and comfort is good too. What drains me is hmmmm boring detailed work, being steamrolled by others, forced to be happy or cheerful for others and stagnation in general.

Okay, so the way you list out activities you like is pretty Se. Although I don't think the activities themselves are particularly type-related.

10. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others? Why?
I keep my more crazy and out there side hidden as I don’t want to alienate people and confuse them and hmmm I try to not think badly of others or hate others I want to be positive and kind so I try to not think nasty or critical thoughts about others.

This answer is pretty anti-4.

SO here's my verdict:

I still think you're an ENFP. Kind of in the same way as I typed [MENTION=33903]Red Memories[/MENTION] as an ENFP. I don't think you process information and look at the world in the same way as a Se user. ENFPs can be adventurous as well. I'm not settled since this is just two short questionnaires. But I would say your tritype is 7w8 9w8 3w4 so/sp.
Aug 7, 2019
You have to have some persona so that yourself won't feel empty inside that might scare you to death, is an example of subjective reasoning.
You should answer the question: How often do you reason? like Asking question that begins with why? or giving a reason: this because bla bla bla, ? or using if-then statement e.g "if I don't use persona, I might feel empty and feel scared". If-Then statement is usually followed by a determination like So, in order not to feel empty and scare, you may feel that you must use persona. It could be continued to "If you decide to use persona, you would ask the question: what will be my persona now?" You may found yourself do some research, and so on.
If that is habitual, it may signify your primary psych function is an introverted rational one paired with extroverted intuitor one, since persona is intangible which is perceivable only intuitively.

My identification is a Very strong Fi user. INFP (Fi primary paired with Ne aux, Sitertiary-Te inf)
Other responses are ENFP (Ne primary-Fiaux,Te tert-Siinf). I sense identifying which psychological function as primary and auxiliary is still a major problem here in typoC.
Following Jung, Extroverted intuition, ENFP primary function, in itself is not a rational function that likes to inquire a reasoning behind anything while Fi is a rational psychological function. If you were Ne dominant like ENFP, You would not be conscious of what I identify as introvert feeling reasoning like above.
Btw, By feeling empty, would you mean you feel like you have become no one?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I still think Ne-dom, ENFP more likely than ENTP, ENTP seems fine.

I fail to understand how you feel empty; I had already felt empty, I think? Not sure...