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Am I Fi-dom or Ni-dom? So confused


New member
Aug 24, 2016
Instinctual Variant
The more I research the more I get confused by which functions I use. It seems like I can relate to absolutely everything and rationalize my way into any type. Heck, I could even convince myself I'm a suppressed ESTx if I tried hard enough... but I would know I was convincing myself so it wouldn't work.

Anyway, I don't even know if I'm an IxFP anymore because apparently Fi knows what it values. Yeah I generally know what I'm feeling at a given moment, even if it's hard to put into words, but I really don't know what I value. I feel like I use Fe because I'm swayed by what other people think, and I try to take the other person's viewpoint into consideration. I care about what other people think of me, and I'm hurt if they think badly of me, even though Fi is said to not care? I mean sometimes I don't care but still. Apparently Fi stands by their values, and I do that sometimes when my values--which I'm not normally aware of--are violated but I feel bad when I do it because I usually don't believe I'm right. I hate when other people push their values and I would never push mine. I also don't exactly know who I am (but then again I'm pretty young and still figuring that out).
I'm wondering if this is actually Ni-Fe working together to look like Fi? So I'd really be an INFJ (not INTJ because my Te is horrible; I have absolutely no motivation to do things unless I feel like it, but there's the possibility that it is my auxiliary, just severely underdeveloped). So would me overanalyzing MBTI be my tertiary Ti trying to make sense of everything? I'm not really sure. I also am picky with details and good word choice and get annoyed when people spread falsehoods and I am driven to correct it. Or is that inferior Te?

I guess I use Ni because I can have very abstract/symbolic thoughts, I have these epiphanies and perspective shifts sometimes, and I'm really imaginative--I can create these realistic, vivid scenarios in my head--and while I can't exactly see into the future (I'm really bad at long-term planning and would rather go with the flow though I would like some non-restrictive order in my life), I do sometimes visualize a very negative outcome and I worry about it because I feel like I can't avoid whatever is going to happen. I've believed a few times that a certain day was the day I was going to die, and nothing could convince me otherwise. Or I have these gut feelings that something bad was going to happen that I rely on too much. I visualize how I am going to do something and I do it, usually small things, but often I don't stick to the plan and I change some things as the opportunity arises, or get sidetracked.

I relate to both inferior Te and Se, each to a certain degree. Inferior Te because when I'm pushed over the edge I get angry and criticize others, and I desperately try to fix whatever perceived problems there are (I think). Inferior Se as well because I sometimes feel like I'm not part of my body, that I'm disconnected from others, and I experience hypochondria. When I'm stressed I never really do indulge in sensory pleasures, but I do get aggressive and snarky, and I overly focus on small details and mistakes.

I took the Keys 2 Cognition test, even though I've done so quite a few times, and these are my results:
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ****************************************** (42.6)
excellent use
introverted Sensing (Si) ****************** (18)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************** (26.4)
average use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) *************************** (27.2)
average use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ****************** (18.6)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ******************** (20.1)
limited use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************************** (34.6)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************************************** (51.9)
excellent use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESFP

Lead (Dominant) Process
Extraverted Sensing (Se): Immersing in the present context. Responding naturally to everything tangible you detect through your senses. Checking with what your gut instincts say. Testing limits and take risks for big rewards.

Support (Auxilliary) Process
Introverted Feeling (Fi): Staying true to who you really are. Paying close attention to your personal identity, values and beliefs. Checking with your conscience. Choosing behavior congruent with what is important to you.

If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ISFP, or ENFP
I'm pretty freaking surprised I got ESFP. That's the first time I've gotten that result (but I usually score Fi as highest regardless). I'm not very extraverted though I do like being around people and I get that buzz after a good conversation. ESFP seems pretty unlikely though. I doubt that Se would be my dominant; I'm still very much in my head. I used to think I was an Ne user (and I used to score high on Ne because I believed that I used it well) but I think since my Ni developed (assuming I didn't use it all my life, if I truly am Ni-dom I would have had it since I was a child) I see that's not the case. I don't really see the point of brainstorming ideas if they aren't going to be realized somehow. I see possibilities, but they're mostly possibilities for things I could do. I used to not consider being an SP type because I am very clumsy and absent-minded, and I'm not good at sports at all, but now I know that doesn't mean you can't have high Se.

I think my Fe scored pretty high because I do like people, I actually like caring for others, and I think I'm pretty okay when it comes to reading others (and noticing changes in facial expression, body language, etc.), but I'm not one to actively create a positive social atmosphere or promote social norms. I don't like infringing on other people like that. I'm pretty sensitive to overstepping people's boundaries or when people overstep mine. If I'm put in charge of others I feel really uncomfortable and would rather let others do their own thing, especially if I don't care about what we're supposed to be doing. If I tried to control others I think I would go overboard and be a total control freak, and I'm afraid of becoming that because I would feel bad about it later when I've calmed down. So I try to operate on the principle of "live and let live".

I don't know if this is enough information but I can add more if you want. Thanks.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I got this from the questionnaire compilation thread. Why not take the time to answer the questions below, post it here, and then we can analyze which functions you use?

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
4) What makes you feel inferior?
5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?
9) How organized do you think of yourself as?
10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?
19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?


New member
Aug 24, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Alright. Here goes:

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
I can't put my finger on it exactly. I think it's that I feel like there's too much of me that can't be contained in type, so to speak. Not every single part of me is going to fit 100% with a type. And it's also because I don't know myself fully either. It's hard to look within. And I'm gonna admit: for some reason I have this strong connection to the INFJ type. Like I feel I am one. I can't explain it. It sounds silly and I know rationally that INFJs are just normal people but I still feel like there's something special about the type.‎
2) What do you yearn for in life? Why? ‎
I yearn for peace and stability I think. I really just want to be happy and satisfied. I want to have a purpose in life.‎
3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
I can't remember... I have a really bad memory. It's gonna take a long time to remember.
4) What makes you feel inferior?
When I'm put in a leadership position. I find it extremely hard to tell people what to do and I'd rather not to because I don't want to infringe on other people's rights. And if I did try I think I'd go overboard and become a total control freak. It's all or nothing. I also feel inferior when trying to console someone. I don't always have the right words and I'm afraid whatever I'll say will make them angry. I have a hard time in social situations in general, because I'm worried about how other people will think of me. I want to be liked generally, but I know that not everyone is going to like about me.‎ And I usually feel inferior in general. I have very low self-esteem and I worry I am going to be taken advantage of because of this.‎ I am also a perfectionist and NEED to have everything look perfect. I used to be a huge grammar Nazi, and I definitely care about precise language and word choice.
5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
I first consider how I feel about it, definitely. I might also consider how feasible or convenient it might be, and also definitely consider whether it would be good for my future.‎
6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
Depends on the project. But if it's a personal project that I'm dedicated towards I would definitely focus on it being as I imagine it to be. But I am very flexible and can adapt if better ideas come along. I mean, I could want to have a set plan for, "oh it's going to look like this" but I don't want to miss out on other good ideas and thus improving it as I go along. Usually though when I get bored I drop it altogether. Like how I have so many unfinished drawings that I don't bother picking up again.‎
7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
The times I remember I had a lot of fun were times when I were with close friends. I don't have many friends and I'm usually alone. I feel lonely a lot of the time. I wish I had more friends.‎
8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?
This question is kinda vague, but I guess I'd read about it, and when I feel ready enough I'd do it and learn from my mistakes. But I'm really lazy so when I lose interest I usually drop it.‎
9) How organized do you think of yourself as? ‎
Not very. I'm extremely forgetful and if I don't write it down I'll most likely forget. ‎
10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
Definitely the latter. I'm open to new ideas and theories and if there's proof I'd consider it, unless I find it offensive.‎
11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I definitely want to be myself but I also like when everyone gets along and is happy. I like caring about others and being there for them; it makes me feel good. Though if I'm not in a good mood I usually put my needs first and I feel guilty. I often feel guilty.‎
12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
I usually think before speaking, but sometimes I say stupid stuff without thinking. I prefer one on one because my energy is focused on one person and getting to know them. Group discussions are fine but I sometimes get lost, and because I'm so passive and quiet I am barely heard. I find it easier to reveal who I really am with just one person. But sometimes I like to have a few other people around too.
13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
I look before I leap when the stakes are high, but I can be impulsive about the little things. And I think action does speak more than words. People can say one thing but they do another.
14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
I'd go with my friends, why not. Maybe they can come over and watch the show too if they want. But it depends on how tired I am, or whatever else I'm feeling. If I had seen my friends every day I'd rather have the time to myself.
15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
I'm cranky and aggressive. I'm pretty much angry at the world and I lash out at others. I'm short tempered and I endlessly criticize others. Everyone is doing everything wrong. Nobody cares about me. I dissociate and fall into existential questioning, and my life feels empty and dull. In extreme cases I also become paranoid.
16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people? ‎
I hate arrogance and dishonesty. I also don't like overbearing and nosy people. ‎
17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
I really love talking about shared interests. I feel like I can connect with others. I also like asking questions to get to know other people. It's like figuring out a puzzle, and my image of them builds up.‎
18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?
The practical, important stuff. Outside responsibilities and duties. I'm like, "oh that can figure itself out" but at the same time I still worry a bit.
19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? What would your friends never say about your personality?
They tend to say I'm calm, collected, and with strong morals. Growing up I was seen as "smart" because I did well in school and I knew a lot.
20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?‎
I'd draw, listen to music, do whatever I feel like doing. I tend to do things on a whim.‎


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
ISFP based on the test. No reason to suspect Ni as a strong function based on that.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
You're either an INFP or an ISFP.
Which ones would you say happens a lot in your life?

Ne: I think about the endless possibilities in life. I find and intrepret things in life with "what if?" questions, knowing that multiple scenarios can happen at once.
Se: I focus on the experiences and sensations of the immediate, physical world. I immediately act on the spur of the moment when the situation comes up.


Nov 6, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I really relate to so much of what you're saying.....unbelievably so.
Ive been mistyped by professionals as Ni dom, and my Infp ex swears I'm an INFJ.
But I've met real Ni-doms....and I know what Ne dom and aux looks like....I'm neither.

I have moments of disconnect from my body. The first time was when I was 13.... and I perspective shift all the time. I have moments of brilliant Ni insight.

And I can see so many types in me....except the EFJ/ETJ types...

Almost by process of elimination, extensive cognitive function research, as well as the help with some very smart individuals, I've determined I'm an ISFP who also uses Ti.

Some people may think I'm silly or uneducated for claiming such, but the truth is, I believe Te wasn't possible for me to develop, and I highly value intelligence...so it was easier for me to develop Introverted thinking in this case.

The only functions I knew for sure I had was Ni/Se....slowly, I started to see how good I was at Se things, even though I usually choose to not use it as much as I should.
I believe our dominant process can remain elusive because it is so innate that we are unable to tell when we are using it. It's just there. Automatic.

I'm exceptional at learning languages, have a fairly high IQ, did fantastic in college....I'm a medical laboratory scientist and I love technology.... don't let stereotypes sway you too much.

Ive also realized that although I score high on 4 in the enneagram...that's just due to my hypersensitivity. My heart type is actually a 2, which looks very much like Fe to outsiders. I DO care a lot about what people think. I'm not in touch with my values. I usually only know if something was a value if someone breaches it. Usually I'm very live and let live, so most of the time, my values are for me....and I don't force them on anyone else. The exception to this is if someone tries to hurt an innocent... I will become a Te monster, nothing can stop me.

Good luck! I know this can be really hard to sort out.


Silver and Lead
Mar 12, 2013
Instinctual Variant
From an ISFP: consider ISFP. :) I also once had a hard time distinguishing between my type and Ni-dom.

Collecting and reading a few sources about each relevant function (Ni, Fi, Fe, Se) one at a time as opposed to sticking to type descriptions alone is what I always recommend. While descriptions are there for a reason and a lot of ISFPs and INFJs easily match their own, others really don't, even though the functions solidly add up in the end. For example, if you are temperamentally "rigid", definitely don't assume you're the J just yet. Especially when one is younger or not in a confident phase of their life, a P can take on an almost "caged" quality under the pressure of their less preferred functions - and vice versa for a J who doesn't yet know their way.


New member
Aug 24, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Thanks everyone for the replies!! I really appreciate it even though I don't have much to say. Typing is hard >_<
You're either an INFP or an ISFP. Which ones would you say happens a lot in your life? Ne: I think about the endless possibilities in life. I find and intrepret things in life with "what if?" questions, knowing that multiple scenarios can happen at once. Se: I focus on the experiences and sensations of the immediate, physical world. I immediately act on the spur of the moment when the situation comes up.
I think before when I didn't know as much about MBTI I would have said that I related with Ne more (I guess it's because I considered Ne the "quirky" function, and I thought of myself as quirky), but in real life I'm more Se. I don't actually think about many different possibilities and it's really draining to do so--I usually imagine one or two outcomes at most. I think I notice the physical world more than I give myself credit for. And I know actual high Ne users and I'm really jealous of all the good ideas they can just come up with out of thin air. xD
Reading over this thread and what everyone has to say I think I should stop doubting and just say that my type is most likely ISFP. But I have been thinking I could be a Ti-dom, just a sensitive one (kinda like what [MENTION=30290]Xena[/MENTION] said about having high Ti). Like I used to not understand Ti and wonder how it was humanly possible for anyone to use it as a main approach to life, but I think I get it now, and I use it more often than I realize. I relate to parts of inferior Fe, like being unaware of social expectations and being hypersensitive to what others think, but I think dominant Fi can be like that too.
I think it's about the inner cognitive motivation, fundamentally. For example, Fe would worry about rejection because it wants to belong and feel accepted in the group, and maybe feel like they are a part of something greater than themselves. Fi would worry about rejection because it wants to feel like it is accepted and valued for who they are inside. The difference is the focus on the group vs the self. While in some situations it can be hard to tell, it is ultimately about the general pattern.
I remember taking an online MBTI test in grade 6 (or 7, don't remember) the Humanmetrics one, and getting INTP. I was pretty proud of that result. I used to pretty much pride myself on being "logical" and "rational" (even though I couldn't take criticism for shit). I thought of myself as smarter and more self-aware than everyone else. I was an extremely harsh and moody preteen at the time, especially on Internet forums, and pretty much liked to be non-conforming and edgy for the sake of it (of course, I also listened to aggressive music and considered myself an agnostic atheist). I didn't mind starting Internet arguments if I thought the other person was wrong (though I was always scared of what they would say to me back). I took the MBTI a few more times--but more honestly--and I started to get INFP. I was pretty protective of my intellectualism (or rather, what I thought was intellectualism) so I resisted the F. I eventually accepted it, and learned more about the system. Honestly, I'm glad I had my edgy phase sooner than later (though I did become less confident over voicing my opinion on the Internet and resisted online contact because of my crippling fear of being judged).
So I guess the point was even though I appeared logical, it came out in a destructive manner. It wasn't the "real" me, so to speak. I felt rejected by others and I was angry that I didn't have any friends, and that's how I reacted. I think that's all I have to say...
TL;DR I consider being Ti-dom, then talk about how MBTI is about cognitive motivations, then I share a rather pointless personal story about my edgy preteen years.


Nov 6, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I relate to parts of inferior Fe, like being unaware of social expectations and being hypersensitive to what others think, but I think dominant Fi can be like that too.

This is my problem as well. I relate to inferior Fe...but is that because I don't have it in my cognitive stack and I'm actually using Fi? I don't relate to Te, but I do to Ti....

I typed as an INTJ when I was in college...about 22 years old. A few years after that, whenever I'd take the test, I'd always type INFP. I was also very sensitive about being stupid. I wanted to be seen as smart.

I don't know if you're old enough to remember the show "Doogie Howser, M.D.", but he was a kid genius who became a doctor at the age of 12. I wanted to be him so much. And maybe my Fi valued intelligence so much that I developed logic to the point of actually not knowing if I was Fi or Ti dominant.

Even my ex who is an INFP is finally coming around to me NOT being an INFJ...but she doesn't think I'm an ISFP. She sees the Ti/Fe axis.

But like you, I'm incredibly sensitive. Sometimes I feel like the level of sensitivity I have wasn't meant for the harshness of this world.

The other thing that perplexes me is if I am one of the personality types of women that comprise 10% of the female population, then why in the world did I feel so different than everyone else (mostly the other girls)?

I also got into paganism and stayed in my basement room listening to Nirvana as a teenager....I didn't like over-emotional people or music.....

I'm not sure, but this is what makes sense to me: If you're so afraid of being judged, you're going to not show your true self....after awhile, it becomes automatic to hide the parts of you that you think won't be acceptable. Then you're left wondering what the real you is....what is the true personality? I was bullied horribly when I was a kid. I think that plays a big part in people that have issues with typing themselves.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Functions wise you sound INFJ. I see alot of inferior Se and dom Ni. I also sense Fe and a hint of Ti.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Thanks everyone for the replies!! I really appreciate it even though I don't have much to say. Typing is hard >_<

I think before when I didn't know as much about MBTI I would have said that I related with Ne more (I guess it's because I considered Ne the "quirky" function, and I thought of myself as quirky), but in real life I'm more Se. I don't actually think about many different possibilities and it's really draining to do so--I usually imagine one or two outcomes at most. I think I notice the physical world more than I give myself credit for. And I know actual high Ne users and I'm really jealous of all the good ideas they can just come up with out of thin air. xD
Reading over this thread and what everyone has to say I think I should stop doubting and just say that my type is most likely ISFP. But I have been thinking I could be a Ti-dom, just a sensitive one (kinda like what [MENTION=30290]Xena[/MENTION] said about having high Ti). Like I used to not understand Ti and wonder how it was humanly possible for anyone to use it as a main approach to life, but I think I get it now, and I use it more often than I realize. I relate to parts of inferior Fe, like being unaware of social expectations and being hypersensitive to what others think, but I think dominant Fi can be like that too.
I think it's about the inner cognitive motivation, fundamentally. For example, Fe would worry about rejection because it wants to belong and feel accepted in the group, and maybe feel like they are a part of something greater than themselves. Fi would worry about rejection because it wants to feel like it is accepted and valued for who they are inside. The difference is the focus on the group vs the self. While in some situations it can be hard to tell, it is ultimately about the general pattern.
I remember taking an online MBTI test in grade 6 (or 7, don't remember) the Humanmetrics one, and getting INTP. I was pretty proud of that result. I used to pretty much pride myself on being "logical" and "rational" (even though I couldn't take criticism for shit). I thought of myself as smarter and more self-aware than everyone else. I was an extremely harsh and moody preteen at the time, especially on Internet forums, and pretty much liked to be non-conforming and edgy for the sake of it (of course, I also listened to aggressive music and considered myself an agnostic atheist). I didn't mind starting Internet arguments if I thought the other person was wrong (though I was always scared of what they would say to me back). I took the MBTI a few more times--but more honestly--and I started to get INFP. I was pretty protective of my intellectualism (or rather, what I thought was intellectualism) so I resisted the F. I eventually accepted it, and learned more about the system. Honestly, I'm glad I had my edgy phase sooner than later (though I did become less confident over voicing my opinion on the Internet and resisted online contact because of my crippling fear of being judged).
So I guess the point was even though I appeared logical, it came out in a destructive manner. It wasn't the "real" me, so to speak. I felt rejected by others and I was angry that I didn't have any friends, and that's how I reacted. I think that's all I have to say...
TL;DR I consider being Ti-dom, then talk about how MBTI is about cognitive motivations, then I share a rather pointless personal story about my edgy preteen years.

Simple question. How do you use your emotions. Do you use it to get a deeper understanding of the world around you or do you use it to get a quick sense of the world around you? Fe responds quicker with emotion and feeling based stimulus, Fi responds slower because it processes more. Fi has a higher accuracy because it can better handle the depth while Fe is hyper sensitive which means it has to control the depth to a more shallow level then Fi.

This causes Fe to want to fix the world for self and for world. Fi wants to understand the world for self and world. Both are caring, both will go above and beyond for others, both can be just as selfish and both can be just as selfless.


New member
Aug 24, 2016
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=30290]Xena[/MENTION] I totally agree. When it comes to personality theories I have a bad tendency of seeing myself in many descriptions. And I definitely struggle with knowing my true self. And i see what you mean about feeling different even though you're a common type and I felt exactly the same way. I think everyone is different regardless of type and I think it's common for Fi to feel separate from everyone else anyway. And I've also heard that Te filtered through Fi can look like Ti too (Te looks at the objective logical criteria and Fi looks at that information and determines what feels right, so it kind of looks subjective and makes internal sense like Ti would). But then again, Fe filtered through Ti can look like Fi using the same principle.

Oh well... whatever type I am, I'm a pretty unhealthy one.

Functions wise you sound INFJ. I see alot of inferior Se and dom Ni. I also sense Fe and a hint of Ti.

I think I see ISFP for you, OP.

What makes you guys think that? Just curious.

Simple question. How do you use your emotions. Do you use it to get a deeper understanding of the world around you or do you use it to get a quick sense of the world around you? Fe responds quicker with emotion and feeling based stimulus, Fi responds slower because it processes more. Fi has a higher accuracy because it can better handle the depth while Fe is hyper sensitive which means it has to control the depth to a more shallow level then Fi. This causes Fe to want to fix the world for self and for world. Fi wants to understand the world for self and world. Both are caring, both will go above and beyond for others, both can be just as selfish and both can be just as selfless.

I'm not sure until I have a real life situation in which I can see this difference in myself but I'll try. I think I use my emotions to understand myself and others better. It's pretty hard to separate me from my emotions. And I don't think I use emotions to get a sense of the world around me. Sometimes it doesn't seem like I feel much, or care about much, but when I feel, I feel deeply. Sometimes I don't feel something when I "should" feel a certain way. I definitely have to process my feelings slower; I can fake it but it doesn't feel right to me. But I can be influenced by what others are feeling to a degree. I don't seek to fix the world because it's not my right to do so when I'm just any other person. I don't force my beliefs on others and I don't want others to force theirs. But I might be wrong about all of this. I could be INFJ as you say and use Fe.


New member
Aug 24, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Okay so I've been thinking about it and observing myself in real life, and I think I'm more likely to be Fi-dom. It's kinda hard to explain my reasoning of it; I'm just really bad with words. The thing is, INFJ doesn't feel totally right. I read type descriptions as well as descriptions of the functions and while I relate to some aspects, it doesn't feel like it's me. I use Fi rather than Fe, because I noticed that in conversations I tend to be more engrossed in how I'm feeling rather than what the other person is feeling. A lot of what I say is driven by personal passion than trying to make the other person comfortable. Yeah, I tend to be polite and friendly but when it comes down to it it's about the deeper understanding of emotions rather than using it to get a sense of the outside world as [MENTION=12103]Poki[/MENTION] said. I think my confusion has to do with my Enneagram too.

I would elaborate more but I'm too lazy... and by the way, I think I'm way too attached to MBTI. Kind of hard to let it go. But when I don't think about it much and just live my life I think I'm more IxFP. Now to figure out if I'm INFP or ISFP. What I think is Ni could really be Ne+Si. I don't know. I don't trust my judgement enough.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I would have to interact with you as your examples and your own knowledge of yourself is limited. Would have to learn you by interactions.


New member
Aug 24, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I would have to interact with you as your examples and your own knowledge of yourself is limited. Would have to learn you by interactions.

Yeah, that's true. Sadly I do tend to have no clue most of the time. xD How do you suppose you would interact with me though?


New member
Apr 12, 2023
This is my problem as well. I relate to inferior Fe...but is that because I don't have it in my cognitive stack and I'm actually using Fi? I don't relate to Te, but I do to Ti....

I typed as an INTJ when I was in college...about 22 years old. A few years after that, whenever I'd take the test, I'd always type INFP. I was also very sensitive about being stupid. I wanted to be seen as smart.

I don't know if you're old enough to remember the show "Doogie Howser, M.D.", but he was a kid genius who became a doctor at the age of 12. I wanted to be him so much. And maybe my Fi valued intelligence so much that I developed logic to the point of actually not knowing if I was Fi or Ti dominant.

Even my ex who is an INFP is finally coming around to me NOT being an INFJ...but she doesn't think I'm an ISFP. She sees the Ti/Fe axis.

But like you, I'm incredibly sensitive. Sometimes I feel like the level of sensitivity I have wasn't meant for the harshness of this world.

The other thing that perplexes me is if I am one of the personality types of women that comprise 10% of the female population, then why in the world did I feel so different than everyone else (mostly the other girls)?

I also got into paganism and stayed in my basement room listening to Nirvana as a teenager....I didn't like over-emotional people or music.....

I'm not sure, but this is what makes sense to me: If you're so afraid of being judged, you're going to not show your true self....after awhile, it becomes automatic to hide the parts of you that you think won't be acceptable. Then you're left wondering what the real you is....what is the true personality? I was bullied horribly when I was a kid. I think that plays a big part in people that have issues with typing themselves.
About the development of intellectualism because of Fi, and to appreciate logic above all --- guys, I'm with you. In general, I often began to attribute myself to logicians, although I understand well what I am doing. My Ne+Te is well developed, even very (if we are talking about thinking, not workaholism, I like to engage in intellectual activity more). Even now I can be quite harsh in the matter of logic and rationality (because of this, I have quarrels with people, because I try to hide feelings even from myself, although it turns out, but there are still moments when I can't hide them). I also don't have any particular moral principle (unless we consider rationality and logic as morality). I have a lot of Fi friends, but I'm not like them. They say that Fi often judges. On the contrary, I try (learned or did it) to judge something impersonally and I have to tell other fi dom about it, because I don't like "judging" through feelings. Oh, well, I do non-stereotypical things for infp (chess, programming, sometimes mathematics, science)


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
The OP is NeFi.

Too bad they're long gone.