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[ENTP] Am I an ENTP or an ENFP?


New member
Oct 14, 2016
Hi people. I'm a new user here who's unsure about their type. Normally, I type as either ENTP or ENFP, but I'm REALLY unsure which one fits more. Can I describe my behavior and you guys can try making a guess based on the information?

First, I'm going to list some universal, obvious, "no doy" (Thank you BoJack Horseman) ENxP behaviors.

* I'm very disorganized
* I almost never do homework assignments until a day before they are due.
* I love to make seemingly unrelated, but actually subtly connected, pop-culture references while having conversations, even serious ones.
* I love speculating about completely irrelevant possibilities, such as what would have happened on Breaking Bad if Walt killed Gus instead of Gale in season 3.
* I'm practically always daydreaming about new possibilities.
* I daydream to such an extreme that I literally re-write the script of every movie I've seen or video game I've played.
* However, I become bored with those possibilities within a couple of days, moving on to new ones.
* I CANNOT for the life of me pay attention in boring situations. I fidget endlessly and continuously look back and forth.
* I CANNOT manage money if my life depended on it.
* I have a pun for EVERY fucking situation. Just read my profile.
* I LOVE, LOVE, FUCKING LOVE to argue my points ad nauseam to people. If I believe I'm right and have superior evidence, expect me to yap, yap, yap, until you snap.

Okay, here are the more ambiguous behaviors:
* I don't like unnecessary conflict, in that if I do not have to go against a value of mine, I will comply with the annoying person just to end a conflict. Conflict makes me feel mentally and physically uncomfortable, if it's personal.
* I sometimes question the existence of divine forces. I'm not religious, having been agnostic since I was 11, but I always tell myself: "Anything's possible, so maybe this is, even if it's highly unlikely."
* My sense of humor is quite broad. I have a penchant for wordplay, but I also enjoy tackling offensive, inappropriate subject matter for the sake of humor. Most of my humor, puns aside, is based on acerbic criticism, actually.
* I go berserk if people are unnecessarily rude. I'm not sure if this is a matter of a principle being violated, or something a lot of people simply don't like.
* I'm willing to argue a point ad nauseam if I believe I have more evidence then the other person. However, I always try to emphasize that said arguments are not personal.
* I love it when entertainment subverts schlocky sentimental cliches such as "Hard work will definitely get you the win" and "Even someone as stupid as Forrest Gump can succeed", but at the same time, I get very invested in underdog stories if they're well-written.

Well, try figuring it out.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
* I'm very disorganized
* I almost never do homework assignments until a day before they are due.

:notype:, though they may put you in the xxxP camp.

* I love to make seemingly unrelated, but actually subtly connected, pop-culture references while having conversations, even serious ones.
* I love speculating about completely irrelevant possibilities, such as what would have happened on Breaking Bad if Walt killed Gus instead of Gale in season 3.
* I'm practically always daydreaming about new possibilities.
* I daydream to such an extreme that I literally re-write the script of every movie I've seen or video game I've played.
* However, I become bored with those possibilities within a couple of days, moving on to new ones.

All of this screams Ne-dom to me. ENxP.

* I CANNOT for the life of me pay attention in boring situations. I fidget endlessly and continuously look back and forth.
* I CANNOT manage money if my life depended on it.


* I have a pun for EVERY fucking situation. Just read my profile.
* I LOVE, LOVE, FUCKING LOVE to argue my points ad nauseam to people. If I believe I'm right and have superior evidence, expect me to yap, yap, yap, until you snap.

Reminds me of Ti users.

Okay, here are the more ambiguous behaviors:
* I don't like unnecessary conflict, in that if I do not have to go against a value of mine, I will comply with the annoying person just to end a conflict. Conflict makes me feel mentally and physically uncomfortable, if it's personal.


* I sometimes question the existence of divine forces. I'm not religious, having been agnostic since I was 11, but I always tell myself: "Anything's possible, so maybe this is, even if it's highly unlikely."

Intuitives love to ponder such questions, myself included. This steers towards the Ne definition, of course.

* My sense of humor is quite broad. I have a penchant for wordplay, but I also enjoy tackling offensive, inappropriate subject matter for the sake of humor. Most of my humor, puns aside, is based on acerbic criticism, actually.

Sounds like something ENTPs like to do.

* I go berserk if people are unnecessarily rude. I'm not sure if this is a matter of a principle being violated, or something a lot of people simply don't like.

Despite your sometimes harsh appearance thanks to your ti function, there is something about you that still conforms to social norms and etiquette even if you deem yourself too intelligent and/or rebellious to be under it.

* I'm willing to argue a point ad nauseam if I believe I have more evidence then the other person. However, I always try to emphasize that said arguments are not personal.

The first is Ti, the second sounds a bit like Fe in that you want to make sure the other person doesn't feel too hurt over the argument.

* I love it when entertainment subverts schlocky sentimental cliches such as "Hard work will definitely get you the win" and "Even someone as stupid as Forrest Gump can succeed", but at the same time, I get very invested in underdog stories if they're well-written.

Well, try figuring it out.


Final verdict: ENTP. You were correct, congratulations.


Active member
May 22, 2010
If you are set on either ENTP or ENFP (merely meaning I won't allow myself to explore other options like ESTP or ISTP)

Based on what I see before me I would say definitely ENTP


New member
Oct 14, 2016
I see both of your arguments for ENTP. Were any of my behaviors particularly ENFP-ish?


New member
Oct 14, 2016
What about Te? I forgot to mention another particular behavior of mine:

* I sometimes come up with organizational systems to get shit accomplished, but I only resort to them when I'm desperate. For example, if I have a major project due tomorrow that I haven't started yet, I'd set many alarms, sleep briefly, wake up, work, rinse and repeat.


New member
Oct 14, 2016
Another question I have is regarding my use of Ne. While I of course mostly use it for positive purposes, I also go into Ne-overdrive when contemplating potentially negative possibilities. For example, if I'm sick, I become terrified of the possibility that it could be something dangerous, or if I'm doing a paper for a class and become paranoid that one minute detail will destroy my grade, I revise it excessively. While of course both ENTPs and ENFPs use dom-Ne, ENFPs are usually stereotyped as being more neurotic then ENTPs, so that's why I'm wondering that behavior.

Here are some negative dom-Ne quotes I've said to give better context:

* "Sure, this could just be the flu. But one of these symptoms doesn't seem characteristic. What if it's something much, much worse?!"

* "Honestly, I don't give a fuck about these little details. But I'm not grading this assignment and if that asshole professor has a problem with me violating minute details, my grade will be fucked, so I need to revise this. I know it's possible that no one will notice, but better to be safe then sorry."


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
What about Te? I forgot to mention another particular behavior of mine:

* I sometimes come up with organizational systems to get shit accomplished, but I only resort to them when I'm desperate. For example, if I have a major project due tomorrow that I haven't started yet, I'd set many alarms, sleep briefly, wake up, work, rinse and repeat.

Te-users wouldn't find themselves in this situation in the first place. :whistling:

I'm just kidding, but if you did have Te, this would sound like inferior-te, which doesn't make sense, seeing as how you are a Ne-dom and this would make your inferior function Si instead. Actually, I'm not sure what to call your situation, but it definitely is an issue with Ne-doms because having to remember to do such dull tasks can be a bit of a nuisance.


New member
Oct 14, 2016
Well, I referenced Te as in tertiary Te, as in ENFP Te. But anyway, what about the negative Ne? Is that more ENTP or ENFP?


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Another question I have is regarding my use of Ne. While I of course mostly use it for positive purposes, I also go into Ne-overdrive when contemplating potentially negative possibilities. For example, if I'm sick, I become terrified of the possibility that it could be something dangerous, or if I'm doing a paper for a class and become paranoid that one minute detail will destroy my grade, I revise it excessively. While of course both ENTPs and ENFPs use dom-Ne, ENFPs are usually stereotyped as being more neurotic then ENTPs, so that's why I'm wondering that behavior.

Here are some negative dom-Ne quotes I've said to give better context:

* "Sure, this could just be the flu. But one of these symptoms doesn't seem characteristic. What if it's something much, much worse?!"

* "Honestly, I don't give a fuck about these little details. But I'm not grading this assignment and if that asshole professor has a problem with me violating minute details, my grade will be fucked, so I need to revise this. I know it's possible that no one will notice, but better to be safe then sorry."

This sounds like you:

Effective dominant Introverted Sensing types are adept at dealing with many facts and details and at putting their knowledge to practical use. In the psyche of ENTPs and ENFPs in the grip of inferior Introverted Sensing, this appears as an obsessive focus on one or two facts or details. This is in marked contrast to their typical perspective, which includes the broadest range of possibilities in the world.

The tunnel vision that accompanies the expression of all the inferior functions is particularly dramatic for ENTPs and ENFPs because they no longer have the Extraverted Intuitive energy necessary to envision a future that differs from their present obsession. All sense of possibilities is eliminated. An ENTP said that sometimes the details involved in a major project overwhelm her so much that she slips into an obsessive focus on how much time is left to work on the project: “I get it down to minutes and keep repeating the time frame over and over.” An ENFP said, “I can become compulsive when I begin to bring order into my kitchen or when I’m balancing the bank statement. I’m generally pretty relaxed about order and usually have piles of books and stuff that needs to be returned to file cabinets.” Another ENFP said, “I examine, analyze, question stupid things. I also get overly organized, planning and cleaning things rather than getting to the task appropriately. I work overtime to create organization for myself. I count things (like sides on a piece of furniture) over and over. I remember and get obsessed with facts and details, remember dates, memories of being bombarded with ‘unwanted greatness.’ I have an overwhelming need for all data to make every ‘little’ fact relevant.”



self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Well, I referenced Te as in tertiary Te, as in ENFP Te. But anyway, what about the negative Ne? Is that more ENTP or ENFP?

You do not have Te. You do not have Fi. Therefore, you are not an ENFP.
Your "negative Ne" is actually you getting into the inferior Si-grip.


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I figured my Fi and Te examples were weak. I just wanted more clarification.

They weren't weak, haha, but so far you seem to be a Ne-dom who sometimes go under a Si-grip during stress. Couple that with your love of debating and intellectually stimulating activities (Ti) and being offended towards rude behavior (Fe) leads me to believe that you are an ENTP.


New member
Oct 14, 2016
Like I said, I mostly agreed with you. It's just that sometimes, people will interpret certain behaviors differently, so for one person, a certain behavior might be Ne, but for the other Se, etc.


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
Mmm, this has garnered my interest since I wondered between these two for myself as well. I'll leave my two cents in here once I get off work. I like Sake's analysis thus far though and agree with much of what she has to say but I'll try to add in some additional insight. :)


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Like I said, I mostly agreed with you. It's just that sometimes, people will interpret certain behaviors differently, so for one person, a certain behavior might be Ne, but for the other Se, etc.

You can also take one of those cognitive function tests online, they are free and you can see the breakdown of which functions you use the most and then make the call from there.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Hi people. I'm a new user here who's unsure about their type. Normally, I type as either ENTP or ENFP, but I'm REALLY unsure which one fits more. Can I describe my behavior and you guys can try making a guess based on the information?

First, I'm going to list some universal, obvious, "no doy" (Thank you BoJack Horseman) ENxP behaviors.

* I'm very disorganized
* I almost never do homework assignments until a day before they are due.
* I love to make seemingly unrelated, but actually subtly connected, pop-culture references while having conversations, even serious ones.
* I love speculating about completely irrelevant possibilities, such as what would have happened on Breaking Bad if Walt killed Gus instead of Gale in season 3.
* I'm practically always daydreaming about new possibilities.
* I daydream to such an extreme that I literally re-write the script of every movie I've seen or video game I've played.
* However, I become bored with those possibilities within a couple of days, moving on to new ones.
* I CANNOT for the life of me pay attention in boring situations. I fidget endlessly and continuously look back and forth.
* I CANNOT manage money if my life depended on it.
* I have a pun for EVERY fucking situation. Just read my profile.
* I LOVE, LOVE, FUCKING LOVE to argue my points ad nauseam to people. If I believe I'm right and have superior evidence, expect me to yap, yap, yap, until you snap.

Okay, here are the more ambiguous behaviors:
* I don't like unnecessary conflict, in that if I do not have to go against a value of mine, I will comply with the annoying person just to end a conflict. Conflict makes me feel mentally and physically uncomfortable, if it's personal.
* I sometimes question the existence of divine forces. I'm not religious, having been agnostic since I was 11, but I always tell myself: "Anything's possible, so maybe this is, even if it's highly unlikely."
* My sense of humor is quite broad. I have a penchant for wordplay, but I also enjoy tackling offensive, inappropriate subject matter for the sake of humor. Most of my humor, puns aside, is based on acerbic criticism, actually.
* I go berserk if people are unnecessarily rude. I'm not sure if this is a matter of a principle being violated, or something a lot of people simply don't like.
* I'm willing to argue a point ad nauseam if I believe I have more evidence then the other person. However, I always try to emphasize that said arguments are not personal.
* I love it when entertainment subverts schlocky sentimental cliches such as "Hard work will definitely get you the win" and "Even someone as stupid as Forrest Gump can succeed", but at the same time, I get very invested in underdog stories if they're well-written.

Well, try figuring it out.

Ok well, i'm not even sure i'd go with the ENP's but if so I'd probably err more on the side of ENFP... though honestly you do not strike me as ENFP either. You seem to be more Fe than Fi... which is where I struggle a little. I can think about this some more but the arguments I saw for ti later in the thread were nonsense.

Edit: How about I ask you some questions for clarity...

How do you view your personal relationships?
What are the important things in your life? why?
What would an ideal future for you look like?


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
Well, I referenced Te as in tertiary Te, as in ENFP Te. But anyway, what about the negative Ne? Is that more ENTP or ENFP?

Even though it's tertiary, it can still be strong enough. And that's key too, it's good enough as to not be thought of as weak, but eh, can't quite rely on it as you can Ne and Fi. If you haven't developed it yet, then yes, it can look like inferior Te I'd imagine. Since Ne and Te is how ENFPs outwardly communicate, Te can become very effective in communicating ones vision and ideas to others in a way that others can grasp. It's no match compared to how an ETJ can utilize it, but to me, Te is an ENFPs secret sauce. Without it, I feel like the awesome thoughts and ideals that Ne and Fi can come to, may just remain stagnant.

Just my own views of the function stacking of course. I'll comment more as I get more time. Still at work haha

Edit: sorry forgot to mention, so far you seem more ENTP to me. Try getting to know some of the ENTPs and ENFPs more on the forum and seeing who you just naturally jive with. Which type just seems to have a more natural rhythm to you as you speak with them?


Active member
May 22, 2010
Someone implied I might not be either. What do you think of that?

That might have been me...there wasn't anything that jumped out at me in your intro that struck me as being distinctly Ne...I don't see why what you described couldn't be Se. I mean, a lot of what you describe as "good and bad Ne" I could just as easily explain away as being enneagram 7w6 of any Pe variety.

Still, perhaps you are Ne. When you say you type as ENTP or ENFP what does that mean? Are you self-typing? Do you test equally between the two?