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a 8min read type me post!!! (some sort of IxxJ)


New member
Feb 24, 2020
after doing a bunch of research, i’ve reached the conclusion that i have no idea what type i am. i initially typed as infp, moving on to think i was an enfp (since i thought i was more extroverted than most infps), to deciding i wasn’t an Fi user at all. i’ve done a million tests and quizzes (just for fun–i know they’re not reliable), as well as “typed”bless in forums. it’s usually xxFJ/IxFP. (not a thinker, i guess).

(i think a lot of my confusion also comes from not truly understanding the cognitive functions. and i’m 19–which, i’ve been told, is just general confusion.)

regarding the iNtuitive functions:

- i’ve always related to Ne and their “absent-minded” nature. when watching a tv show/movie, i’m never trusted to answer the “what did they say/what happened” question. if i’m not INTENSELY engaged in it, i can literally be staring at it and not retain any information. well, seemingly. in the end i will (probably) understand the movie pretty well, or at times, guess, beforehand, a plot twist.

- i enjoy creative writing, but struggle a lot finishing my works. i don’t particularly have a set idea of how everything will develop, but i always have the key ideas–essentials–possible plot twists in mind, and work to get to them. of course, i never get to them. in true Ne fashion, i have ideas that seem better than the last ones, create new storylines and characters, and basically keep on changing the dynamics of a story. until i give up. i wouldn’t particularly say i'm scatter-brained, although i might have seemingly random ideas, it’s always in relation with something that’s in relation with a whole. all of the ideas i have are always in the same field of ideas, if that makes sense.

- i think i started doubting my Ne usage when i compared myself to my INFP and ENTP friends. i can see different options but they always lead to the same path to me, i have a hard time changing my mind once it’s made up. which takes a lot of time. while my INFP & ENTP friends function by feeding off each others’ ideas and all the possibilities weeee, this is quite overwhelming to me. while for them it's annoying to narrow down the options, for me it's stressful to broaden mine. i prefer to just retreat to myself and re-evaluate by myself, usually opting for what is known to me. if it worked for me last time, it’ll work now, there’s no reason on trying something that could work better, because it could also NOT work–INFP and especially ENTP friend highly disagree. in contrast to them and pointless brainstorming (no offense…), i’m a “let’s make sure this will actually work before we do it” person.

- overall, we function very differently. when solving a "what's the next figure supposed to be" quiz, i come in already knowing that there will be a pattern. i look at all of the pictures at once, this is confirmed. seeing figure by figure, i can figure out the pattern so i can choose the "right" one. INFP saw the first two figures and concluded already, ENTP basically used all of the 3 attempts…

- Ne's are often described as the jumping from thing to thing and (unless it's my writing) i'm usually pretty set on things. my ENTP friend, as the repetitive example, seems to know something about everything, while i, on the other hand, try to know everything about something. when i find something i like, i will dive deeper into that thing and explore it. this also works for the ways we overthink, i've noticed that they envision hundred different ways something can play out, while i envision one way that that something will play out and inside that way i overthink how the situation will escalate. makes sense?

- very not on Ne brand, i'm truly overwhelmed by entirely new topics and changes. it's extremely draining for me to come across something that i can't possibly fit into a whole of somethings that i already know. it fascinates me, but it's mostly tiring and headache inducing. i'll need tiiiimeeeeee to process it, specifically, in a very quiet, somewhat dark place. much like everything, i take a long time to process things as i'm always trying to make a meaning out of it. (this stresses tf out of my Te dad, that would firstly describe me as uNneCesSaRiLy pRoFoUnD.)

- much like Ne and Ni (which is the main reason i think i'm a N), i'm more focused on the future. the past for me is a point of reference. the present? not there. while i’m not particularly a big planner or always prepared for everything type person–if anything, i’m not prepared for any different outcome of what i was sure would happen–, i do have a set plan of what's going to go next. always. i’m always keeping in mind the deadlines, what i’ll do three days from now, how will this play out in the end. being so “future focused” is what makes me so distant and aloof. i’m never particularly paying attention to the immediate and often overlook it.

- Ni for me was always a difficult function to understand. it all sounds like reasonable witchcraft, and while i can say i have "hunches", i can't say if it's in a particularly Ni way. what made me relate more to it was the whole "aha!" concept. once again regarding Ne users, when solving or strategizing something they will keep trying different ways until one works, while i'll, first of all: freeze, and take a long time until "magically" come up with thee way and keep trying that one until it works. when we're solving something together (like the brain it on! game problems) it either goes Ne user telling me "try this" and me going "thought about it, won't work because blablabla" or "haven't thought about that" because i was so focused on different ways--inside a whole. (i also don't particularly like it, because they're out loud guessers, which continuously makes me lose my train of thought.)

- regarding Ni, i'm always why-ing everything. i was one of those kids…

onto the Feeling functions:

- in my "typing" sessions (done by unofficial professionals, fellow members of mbti forums) , i have been described as having high Fi. i am very introspective and can describe myself in a quite "detailed" way. i deeply value individuality, originality and authenticity. (now, this doesn't mean i embody these characteristics. if anything, i'm a social chameleon, that has different personas to each person.i'm definitely a compromiser and pleaser, rather than a stay-true-to-yourself type.)

- it was always hard for me to distinguish whether "putting others before myself" is an Fi value, or Fe. so, comparing myself to the INFP friend again; i often find INFP friend being too informal or casual, while on the other hand i'm always way too conscious of the hierarchy, appropriateness, and what is and isn't acceptable. i've also noticed that she is more firm in her beliefs, while i'm more easily swayed just for the sake of pleasing. when i find myself disagreeing with someone, i get in flight mode and don't want to touch that topic not to reach a discussion, INFP friend will always explain her p.o.v and even try to sway us to the dark side. she is also more unapologetic (on the surface) if someone doesn't like her, she has a "if they don't like my personality, then we aren't meant for each other", while i will "adapt" myself to that person, for the sake of coexisting. doesn't mean that i'll want to be their friends or form a strong bond, it's really just to keep it polite and harmonious. neither of us like criticism (naturally), but we also deal with it on different ways; INFP friend will basically go "well, it's my way, so your opinion doesn't matter" definitely on a more defensive outlet. while, i have no internal reinforcement and will most likely start to question what was pointed out. she'll always keep other in mind, and has never done something that directly affects others, but at the end of the day she puts herself first. while i always want to make everyone happy, even if it doesn't make me happy. in the end for me, what everyone else wants is always what wins. lastly, we are both "come vent to me" people, both good listeners and all that, but when it comes to sympathizing we go about it in different ways. INFP puts herself in others shoes, and if she doesn't relate to what the person done/feels/wtv she will say that. "if it was me". while i can often see the other's side and understand it. which results on me being very forgiving (but not forgetful) and unable to say no to anyone--which is also a general people pleasing trait.

- and to finish the F functions, i'm very confused about my feelings. i only process and/or understand what is it that i feel when i can look back at it as a whole. if i'm going through something, in the moment i can seem not reactive and detached--which in a way i am, as it takes me a long while to actually decide what i feel about it. this also comes along with me having trouble distinguishing whether i'm feeling this or i'm being influenced by everyone else that's feeling this.

- i've done a lot of growth voicing my own opinions, and i always find myself being very agreeable when i'm in a new setting. the more comfortable i get, the more opinionated i get--which isn't a lot too, while i can have a lot of theories about something, i'm more distant in a "do what you want, i'll go along" way.
regarding the Sensing functions:

- regarding the way my sensory input works: i'm easily overwhelmed when i'm surrounded by loud noises or bright lights or intense smells or just crowds. i can't eat food with intense smells (even if they're considered good), and tend to be very picky with my own food, to the point i'm scared of trying different foods--unless i’m pressured to do it, because my mom’s friend cooked it or something. i can't deal with bright or flashing lights, as it makes my eyes water and my head hurt. i can’t wear perfume and hate any type of aromatic spray for the house, as synthetic or intense smells make me dizzy and give me headaches. i can't wear tight or scratchy clothing, and when i do, let's just say it makes me not pleasant. loud sounds get me jumpy and hasty, and i can't stand it for too long before covering my ears like a child. substances like alcohol, weed or caffeine, affect me really easily and always have a really negative effect on me. fireworks are like being on drugs for me, due to all the visual stimulation, and i kind of get overwhelmingly scared (because of the noise).

- i'm not very good with details, i find it quite overwhelming, unless they have a symbolic meaning to me. the way i usually get to details is by noticing something off when looking at the big picture, then i'll analyse small thing to small thing to find what is it that is off.

- i am definitely more of an abstract person, theorizing about why things are they way they are. in fact, it somewhat bores me if i just have to look at something in a simplistic it is what it is way.

- much like Si, i really focus on and appreciate "quality of life", prioritizing aesthetics and feel good activities. especially if i’m put under a stressful situation, i will fall into a completely detached state simply over-indulging on things that make me feel good. food, buying clothes, rewatching my favorite movies. i’ve also noticed that i am a routine follower, not out of efficiency, but for comfort, security, conservation. when it comes to tradition, i do really appreciate it, but if it goes directly against my values, i’ll probably not be as supportive of it. for me tradition is a way of preserving identity.

- when it comes to Se, i think it is the primary response for me. if i see a lamp, it is a lamp, then i’ll relate it to light, which will take me to a more symbolic train of thought. as i have very sensitive senses, i don’t enjoy adrenaline inducing activities. i do enjoy it if it’s relaxing, like gardening or floating on water. i’m quite clumsy and the worst with directions, i can get to places but couldn’t explain how. if i get inside a store, and come out a long time after, i probably won’t know what side i came from previously.
lastly, the Thinking functions:

- as i have somewhat mentioned, i'm a quiet solver that needs to think and rethink before actually doing anything tangible. which leads me again to being quite slow with things. i often question what i'm told (one of the reasons why school was so painful, just sitting there and having to learn how to do thing the way someone else did it) and need to re-evaluate things by myself. of course this isn't always, for the sake of being practical i can just take in whatever it is and do it.

- i don't know exactly how to explain how my thinking works, because i'm not sure if it works at all… if i'm really interested in something i will look how the thing functions. mbti for example, while i received infp initially, i then looked it up why and finding out more about the cognitive functions i came to my own conclusions about each one.

- i don't have a very telling way to explain how my thinking works, but if i can figure out the core of how something works, then i can figure out how everything will derive from that.

i would like to make clear that in no point am i trying to state which way should and shouldn't be done, neither do i mean to generalize the usage of the functions. i am strictly using the examples of the users i've met and using them to compare it to myself--if i only try to see myself in my own interpretation of the functions, it can be quite misleading. (also, INFP and ENTP friends know i'll be putting them on blast, and don't mind.) i'm open to any suggestions and thank you for reading!!!


Aug 25, 2019
Instinctual Variant
I already answered on your first post, but based on your new and more detailed post, I can give a bit more info.

You don't seem like an NP type (Ne), and you gave good reasons for this by yourself. You focus on a singular, valid way of action, instead of thinking through multiple ways and new opportunities. And I think this also excludes SP types. You're clearly a judging type, and I also don't see any way how you could be a thinker (T), so this leaves us with IxFJ.

First of all, most description about Ni types are just straight up bullshit - there's nothing mystical or magical about it. And no, INFJ's can't read anyone's minds, they just recognize some things and put it together with impressions they had previously, and this isn't a conscious process for them. And yes, they can be wrong. The difference between a ISFJ and INFJ is the way how they arrive at conclusions and how they describe it - a ISFJ will primarily use analogies, examples, experience, reference authorities and so on. A INFJ would actually have problems to describe the process, as it basically is a weirdly constructed web of impressions, stored patterns, principles and generalizations based on what they experienced previously. In short: The ISFJ stores information in a concrete-tangible way, the INFJ generalises experiences into principles and guidelines.

In your case, you seem to prefer the concrete information, you use a lot of examples and comparisons in your post. Most things can be clearly traced back to either a singular or a series of experiences you had. Which leads me to the conclusions that your type is ISFJ.
Last edited:


New member
Feb 24, 2020
[MENTION=39780]noname3788[/MENTION] thank you for taking time to read, again! i decided to post a new one, since i had time to study the cognitive functions and myself more. i was definitely more inclined to ISFJ, after looking Si up--due to your suggestion! the only thing that made me question being a Si dom is the whole "accurate memory" part. most of my memories are vague and focus on the experience as a whole and while i can have the feeling of remembering something (in a sensory way) it's always vague, and i can't pinpoint what is it exactly. i think i just have an overall lack of attention to details.


Aug 25, 2019
Instinctual Variant
the only thing that made me question being a Si dom is the whole "accurate memory" part. most of my memories are vague and focus on the experience as a whole and while i can have the feeling of remembering something (in a sensory way) it's always vague, and i can't pinpoint what is it exactly. i think i just have an overall lack of attention to details.

I guess not many people have a super accurate memory recall, and any recalling requires a proper perception first. Also, the difference isn't about the quality of the mental picture, but about the way you describe it - Si would start with describing what exactly can be seen in their mental image and then come to a conclusion, meanwhile Ni would start with the interpretation and then use the details to explain it. Another interesting thing: Human beings tend to underestimate their natural abilities and take them for granted, and also we remember more negative events than positive ones. Maybe your focus on "lack of memorizing skills" is just something that sticked to you due to sporadic negative feedback, especially on a skill that is rarely referenced in a positive way.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I already answered on your first post, but based on your new and more detailed post, I can give a bit more info.

You don't seem like an NP type (Ne), and you gave good reasons for this by yourself. You focus on a singular, valid way of action, instead of thinking through multiple ways and new opportunities. And I think this also excludes SP types. You're clearly a judging type, and I also don't see any way how you could be a thinker (T), so this leaves us with IxFJ.

First of all, most description about Ni types are just straight up bullshit - there's nothing mystical or magical about it. And no, INFJ's can't read anyone's minds, they just recognize some things and put it together with impressions they had previously, and this isn't a conscious process for them. And yes, they can be wrong. The difference between a ISFJ and INFJ is the way how they arrive at conclusions and how they describe it - a ISFJ will primarily use analogies, examples, experience, reference authorities and so on. A INFJ would actually have problems to describe the process, as it basically is a weirdly constructed web of impressions, stored patterns, principles and generalizations based on what they experienced previously. In short: The ISFJ stores information in a concrete-tangible way, the INFJ generalises experiences into principles and guidelines.

In your case, you seem to prefer the concrete information, you use a lot of examples and comparisons in your post. Most things can be clearly traced back to either a singular or a series of experiences you had. Which leads me to the conclusions that your type is ISFJ.


I agree with [MENTION=39780]noname3788[/MENTION] in all letters but one: N/S.

The way you written it, you put a high focus on N and F functions, as if you were secure that you were some sort of NF, regardless what NF. There are several part of the texts that let me think that you have high Ni and low Se, including sensotard moments:

- i’ve always related to Ne and their “absent-minded” nature. when watching a tv show/movie, i’m never trusted to answer the “what did they say/what happened” question. if i’m not INTENSELY engaged in it, i can literally be staring at it and not retain any information. well, seemingly. in the end i will (probably) understand the movie pretty well, or at times, guess, beforehand, a plot twist.
Although I never saw any data backing up that, I do agree with some typology internet folks in general that Ni is intensive and Ne extensive. Actually, that goes with Jung E/I theory, so what you described isnt Ne at all. Its either Ni or Si. However, you seem to really get deep into it and you havent mention any internal sensation or past, so thats Ni, not Ne.

i'm easily overwhelmed when i'm surrounded by loud noises or bright lights or intense smells or just crowds. i can't eat food with intense smells (even if they're considered good), and tend to be very picky with my own food, to the point i'm scared of trying different foods--unless i’m pressured to do it, because my mom’s friend cooked it or something. i can't deal with bright or flashing lights, as it makes my eyes water and my head hurt. i can’t wear perfume and hate any type of aromatic spray for the house, as synthetic or intense smells make me dizzy and give me headaches. i can't wear tight or scratchy clothing, and when i do, let's just say it makes me not pleasant. loud sounds get me jumpy and hasty, and i can't stand it for too long before covering my ears like a child. substances like alcohol, weed or caffeine, affect me really easily and always have a really negative effect on me. fireworks are like being on drugs for me, due to all the visual stimulation, and i kind of get overwhelmingly scared (because of the noise).

- i'm not very good with details, i find it quite overwhelming, unless they have a symbolic meaning to me. the way i usually get to details is by noticing something off when looking at the big picture, then i'll analyse small thing to small thing to find what is it that is off.

- i am definitely more of an abstract person, theorizing about why things are they way they are. in fact, it somewhat bores me if i just have to look at something in a simplistic it is what it is way.

- when it comes to Se, i think it is the primary response for me. if i see a lamp, it is a lamp, then i’ll relate it to light, which will take me to a more symbolic train of thought. as i have very sensitive senses, i don’t enjoy adrenaline inducing activities. i do enjoy it if it’s relaxing, like gardening or floating on water. i’m quite clumsy and the worst with directions, i can get to places but couldn’t explain how. if i get inside a store, and come out a long time after, i probably won’t know what side i came from previously.

There is way too low Se to be a clear sensor. And way too much Ni to not be intuitive (altough lack of direction decreases the chances of being a ENxJ). It is either intuitive or a borderline N/S at least!

And just supplementing, I see clear signs of J, specially on INFP/ENTP comparisons. Good signs of Ni on the intuitive stuff. I detect a slightly preference for Fe over Fi on F.
Aug 7, 2019
mifesa said:
- it was always hard for me to distinguish whether "putting others before myself" is an Fi value, or Fe
This is more attributive to extroverted feeling than the introverted one. Jungian typo-logically writing, the extroverted feeling psychological function characterizes itself that the subject or the doer or the person, is put lower in value than the objective reality, condition, circumstances that Fe can get conscious of. As a result the subject consciousness will always naturally adjust themselves with current circumstances or conditions.
Example of putting others before the subject would be what we may have read in newspaper regarding the current COVID 19 Pandemic.
I read some news in Indonesia, during Covid 19 pandemic,some doctors, nurse, medical health care professionals, are not equipped with proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), hence put themselves at high risk of getting corona viral transmissions. In spite of that, they don't refuse giving care. They put the patients' health before themselves. Some of them as a consequences, were infected, and even died of it. You can check the news here
This feeling should have been balanced with introverted thinking, which unfortunately seemed unconscious in their case. When this thinking had been conscious,they might have realized that they had to think also for themselves that if they had been infected, it could have ended their life.
An example of thinking for themselves would be what is shown by UK doctors who threatens to quit NHS if UK government don't provide them PPE. You can read the news here. In this case, they must also think for themselves, although of course I believe they do care about patients.


New member
Sep 30, 2019
after doing a bunch of research, i’ve reached the conclusion that i have no idea what type i am. i initially typed as infp, moving on to think i was an enfp (since i thought i was more extroverted than most infps), to deciding i wasn’t an Fi user at all. i’ve done a million tests and quizzes (just for fun–i know they’re not reliable), as well as “typed”bless in forums. it’s usually xxFJ/IxFP. (not a thinker, i guess).

(i think a lot of my confusion also comes from not truly understanding the cognitive functions. and i’m 19–which, i’ve been told, is just general confusion.)

regarding the iNtuitive functions:

- i’ve always related to Ne and their “absent-minded” nature. when watching a tv show/movie, i’m never trusted to answer the “what did they say/what happened” question. if i’m not INTENSELY engaged in it, i can literally be staring at it and not retain any information. well, seemingly. in the end i will (probably) understand the movie pretty well, or at times, guess, beforehand, a plot twist.

- i enjoy creative writing, but struggle a lot finishing my works. i don’t particularly have a set idea of how everything will develop, but i always have the key ideas–essentials–possible plot twists in mind, and work to get to them. of course, i never get to them. in true Ne fashion, i have ideas that seem better than the last ones, create new storylines and characters, and basically keep on changing the dynamics of a story. until i give up. i wouldn’t particularly say i'm scatter-brained, although i might have seemingly random ideas, it’s always in relation with something that’s in relation with a whole. all of the ideas i have are always in the same field of ideas, if that makes sense.

- i think i started doubting my Ne usage when i compared myself to my INFP and ENTP friends. i can see different options but they always lead to the same path to me, i have a hard time changing my mind once it’s made up. which takes a lot of time. while my INFP & ENTP friends function by feeding off each others’ ideas and all the possibilities weeee, this is quite overwhelming to me. while for them it's annoying to narrow down the options, for me it's stressful to broaden mine. i prefer to just retreat to myself and re-evaluate by myself, usually opting for what is known to me. if it worked for me last time, it’ll work now, there’s no reason on trying something that could work better, because it could also NOT work–INFP and especially ENTP friend highly disagree. in contrast to them and pointless brainstorming (no offense…), i’m a “let’s make sure this will actually work before we do it” person.

Still ISFJ. Stopped reading where you said this (bolded)

Ns like the new, the "could", the potential. Yes, Ni also likes that stuff, it's just less extraverted than Ne but it's still Intuition, still goes past what's known.

EDIT: Okay reading on more bc I already started so I feel compelled to finish it lol

[MENTION=39780]noname3788[/MENTION] thank you for taking time to read, again! i decided to post a new one, since i had time to study the cognitive functions and myself more. i was definitely more inclined to ISFJ, after looking Si up--due to your suggestion! the only thing that made me question being a Si dom is the whole "accurate memory" part. most of my memories are vague and focus on the experience as a whole and while i can have the feeling of remembering something (in a sensory way) it's always vague, and i can't pinpoint what is it exactly. i think i just have an overall lack of attention to details.

Oh yeah I've also been typed as SJ and no I don't literally have a crazy "accurate memory" lol, I mean it's more accurate than what N's have but it's not accurate like a computer, and that would be the same exaggeration as calling Ni the prophecy function. :smile:

I do pay attention to the experience as a whole, kinda holistic if that makes sense. I'm able to pull out details if I focus extra though. But anyway in your OP you did describe a lot of details just fine, and that made it pleasant to read

- much like Si, i really focus on and appreciate "quality of life", prioritizing aesthetics and feel good activities. especially if i’m put under a stressful situation, i will fall into a completely detached state simply over-indulging on things that make me feel good. food, buying clothes, rewatching my favorite movies.

Yeah the bolded I really relate lol.

i’ve also noticed that i am a routine follower, not out of efficiency, but for comfort, security, conservation. when it comes to tradition, i do really appreciate it, but if it goes directly against my values, i’ll probably not be as supportive of it. for me tradition is a way of preserving identity.

Screams ISFJ

I do fall into routines too. Without even noticing or thinking much about it. You are more Si than I am, I would not have said that thing about "comfort, security, conservation" and tradition.

- when it comes to Se, i think it is the primary response for me. if i see a lamp, it is a lamp, then i’ll relate it to light, which will take me to a more symbolic train of thought. as i have very sensitive senses, i don’t enjoy adrenaline inducing activities. i do enjoy it if it’s relaxing, like gardening or floating on water. i’m quite clumsy and the worst with directions, i can get to places but couldn’t explain how. if i get inside a store, and come out a long time after, i probably won’t know what side i came from previously.

Frankly, again you are more Si here than I am. I mean I related to Se too and you too, because yeah, a lamp is a lamp. Sure. I don't go and relate it to light unless I am asked to associate because that's the task or something. And so I do not go on to the more symbolic train of thought. No, instead the lamp remains a lamp. But yeah I'd have said what you said, that Se is the primary response for me. I like putting it that way. And then I figured all S types have Se alright, but for me it's like it's in service of something else and that's probably the case for you too.

So I relate to you in some of this. I'm the best navigator though lol, maybe my Thinking function helps.

Ne's are often described as the jumping from thing to thing and (unless it's my writing) i'm usually pretty set on things. my ENTP friend, as the repetitive example, seems to know something about everything, while i, on the other hand, try to know everything about something. when i find something i like, i will dive deeper into that thing and explore it. this also works for the ways we overthink, i've noticed that they envision hundred different ways something can play out, while i envision one way that that something will play out and inside that way i overthink how the situation will escalate. makes sense?

Yeah I am the same way as the bolded. The underlined is more my ISFJ friend, he likes to think of escalating conclusions of impossible alternatives ....

very not on Ne brand, i'm truly overwhelmed by entirely new topics and changes. it's extremely draining for me to come across something that i can't possibly fit into a whole of somethings that i already know. it fascinates me, but it's mostly tiring and headache inducing. i'll need tiiiimeeeeee to process it, specifically, in a very quiet, somewhat dark place. much like everything, i take a long time to process things as i'm always trying to make a meaning out of it.

Yes Ne inferior

I also don't like the "entirely new" and don't always want changes, but not as overwhelmed by it as you are. I also have a hard time with the bolded, though I wouldn't say extremely draining, because for me the Feelz are the extremely draining thing ha ha. But yes, your bolded is very very very Si over Ne.

- much like Ne and Ni (which is the main reason i think i'm a N), i'm more focused on the future. the past for me is a point of reference. the present? not there. while i’m not particularly a big planner or always prepared for everything type person–if anything, i’m not prepared for any different outcome of what i was sure would happen–, i do have a set plan of what's going to go next. always. i’m always keeping in mind the deadlines, what i’ll do three days from now, how will this play out in the end. being so “future focused” is what makes me so distant and aloof. i’m never particularly paying attention to the immediate and often overlook it.

This planning isn't really an Intuitive future focus, this is just SJ. And probably ISxJ especially because I personally am able to pay attention to the immediate still more than how ISxJs are usually described by others, by people I talked to and also in articles - and my experience matches some in that if I compare myself to my ISTJ friend for example then I definitely pay more attention. My ISFJ friend and ISFJ family member are decent with paying attention though. The third ISFJ I know (yeah I know lots of them huh) is okay too, but I do pay more attention compared to him I think.

My thinking is the degree of introversion will determine this.

If that made sense.

OH and yes. I'm not prepared for the different outcome either. That is weak Intuition.

- Ni for me was always a difficult function to understand. it all sounds like reasonable witchcraft, and while i can say i have "hunches", i can't say if it's in a particularly Ni way. what made me relate more to it was the whole "aha!" concept. once again regarding Ne users, when solving or strategizing something they will keep trying different ways until one works, while i'll, first of all: freeze, and take a long time until "magically" come up with thee way and keep trying that one until it works. when we're solving something together (like the brain it on! game problems) it either goes Ne user telling me "try this" and me going "thought about it, won't work because blablabla" or "haven't thought about that" because i was so focused on different ways--inside a whole. (i also don't particularly like it, because they're out loud guessers, which continuously makes me lose my train of thought.)

Ya the bolded, same for me

This different ways inside a whole is probably Si with weak Intuition. You keep mentioning this and I relate strongly.

i often find INFP friend being too informal or casual, while on the other hand i'm always way too conscious of the hierarchy, appropriateness, and what is and isn't acceptable.

You tryin to be stereotypical SJ? :D

But yeah that's incredibly strongly SJ. And yeah I view INFP stuff the same way lol

- and to finish the F functions, i'm very confused about my feelings. i only process and/or understand what is it that i feel when i can look back at it as a whole. if i'm going through something, in the moment i can seem not reactive and detached--which in a way i am, as it takes me a long while to actually decide what i feel about it. this also comes along with me having trouble distinguishing whether i'm feeling this o̶r̶ ̶i̶'̶m̶ ̶b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶n̶f̶l̶u̶e̶n̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶e̶l̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶.̶

For new stuff I am just like this too. If its already known, no problem

So I again chalk this up to weak Ne

Though for me weak Feeling makes it even worse LOL

I did a strike through for the part that didn't fit me. I don't have high Feeling

i always find myself being very agreeable when i'm in a new setting. the more comfortable i get, the more opinionated i get

I am the same, interesting

Which is also something that had me consider ISTJ over ESTJ because this is introversion

regarding the way my sensory input works: i'm easily overwhelmed when i'm surrounded by loud noises or bright lights or intense smells or just crowds. i can't eat food with intense smells (even if they're considered good), and tend to be very picky with my own food, to the point i'm scared of trying different foods--unless i’m pressured to do it

My ISFJ friend is just as picky with food as you are lol.

I used to be just as picky too yes, but not scared, just plain not interested/disgusted. People when I was a kid just couldn't force me to eat the stuff if I did not want to. I have a funny memory, in kindergarten, all kids were sent to bed already and the kindergarten worker was sitting with me at one of the tables and tried to convince me to eat the dessert. Yeah some piece of cake with cream on it. And I didn't like that type of cream so I was like no. And I just sat there confidently and waited patiently until she'd give up lol

So yeah.

I later forced myself to be less picky tho'. Out of social concerns so to speak.

And yeah bright flashing lights when I'm also moving and not standing still, that can be a problem until I make myself get used to it. But otherwise I'm fine. I'm overall less sensitive than you are but ISFJ friend is sensitive.

- i am definitely more of an abstract person, theorizing about why things are they way they are. in fact, it somewhat bores me if i just have to look at something in a simplistic it is what it is way.

How old are you?

Because Ive had that period too, where it was boring to just be "S'ing" exactly like you describe. And I felt so fuckin' abstract lol. I probably overdid it due to having some N friends. I notice you have N friends too.

i would like to make clear that in no point am i trying to state which way should and shouldn't be done, neither do i mean to generalize the usage of the functions. i am strictly using the examples of the users i've met and using them to compare it to myself--if i only try to see myself in my own interpretation of the functions, it can be quite misleading. (also, INFP and ENTP friends know i'll be putting them on blast, and don't mind.) i'm open to any suggestions and thank you for reading!!!

Have you been trained by NFPs and/or by Ne types to put disclaimers like this. lol


New member
Sep 30, 2019
The way you written it, you put a high focus on N and F functions, as if you were secure that you were some sort of NF, regardless what NF. There are several part of the texts that let me think that you have high Ni and low Se, including sensotard moments

Hey you'd type my ISFJ friend as N too, or me too, we both can have sensotard moments, everyone can ...

I also read that ISxJs are not Se enough to always notice everything like the Se-doms will. That makes sense to me. I personally am between that, more observant/navigate the environment better/faster than the typical ISxJs but do it less than Se-dom (considering I've been typed ESTJ recently, it would make sense). With the exception of navigation tasks, I'm happy to compete with Se-doms there :wink:

Although I never saw any data backing up that, I do agree with some typology internet folks in general that Ni is intensive and Ne extensive. Actually, that goes with Jung E/I theory, so what you described isnt Ne at all. Its either Ni or Si. However, you seem to really get deep into it and you havent mention any internal sensation or past, so thats Ni, not Ne.

Frankly I never mention internal sensations either. I've not seen the ISFJs and ISTJ I know do it either. It must be some really private function of Si or something. Not for sharing. Is how I am with it personally.


New member
Feb 24, 2020
[MENTION=39881]Meowcat[/MENTION] thank you so much! this helps a lot! i know i keep saying it for different types, but the more i study the functions, the closer i get to my type. i'm currently 18, and still have some trouble distinguishing what comes natural to me, which is the main issue between Ni and Si. i think one of the main reasons i had Ni in mind is how troubling for me it is to look at something without a "meaning" and an understanding of what it is, beyond what it is shown--the 'why things are the way they are'. but i'd have to say (aside from the nostalgic details bs) Si is quite natural to me.

once again, thank you!


New member
Sep 30, 2019
[MENTION=39881]Meowcat[/MENTION] thank you so much! this helps a lot! i know i keep saying it for different types, but the more i study the functions, the closer i get to my type. i'm currently 18, and still have some trouble distinguishing what comes natural to me, which is the main issue between Ni and Si. i think one of the main reasons i had Ni in mind is how troubling for me it is to look at something without a "meaning" and an understanding of what it is, beyond what it is shown--the 'why things are the way they are'. but i'd have to say (aside from the nostalgic details bs) Si is quite natural to me.

once again, thank you!

Np:). Haha, yeah, the nostalgic details is bs in my opinion too.