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[Jungian Cognitive Functions] Why do I severely dislike people?


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You may see more differences than similarities between yourself and others because you suffer from low self esteem and want to reject people in your mind (or otherwise) before they can reject you. Also you mention that things won't turn out right with most of the people in your life. You have more power to create the relationships you desire in your life than you seem to realise. Why aren't things working out? Is it this negative attitude that may perhaps be turning others off? Who wants to have to prove themselves worthy?

This. Especially the bolded.


Active member
Jul 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
my INFP best friend is very accepting when it comes to certain type of people, but he has these thing like "damn youngings" that he adopted from his ESTJ friend. i have noticed that he tends to be very sort of welcoming for this sort of negative attitudes coming from other people. maybe it has to rhyme with some of his internal feelings too, but in some situations like this when he expressed his opinion based on other peoples opinions, he doesent seem to be very able to explain himself and this negative viewpoint that he has, which to me then sound absolutely ridiculous. similar thing has also happened with some former friends of his/our good friend(most likely ISFP), after this friend of ours started to have negative views on those other(breathing hip hop, break dance, smoke weed and drink beer everyday folks) people. i have tried this INFP friend to explain his reasoning for dislike multiple times and best reason that he could give is that this other friend of ours infected with those opinions.

the bottom point is that maybe you should looks around you for reasons why you dislike certain type of people(and think why you might not have real reason to dislike other types of people and what are the real reasons for like/dislike).


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Most people mindlessly conform, judge anyone different from themselves, and are incapable of critical thought or leaving their comfort zone. It's almost certainly perfectly normal; don't worry.

I think it would be hard to prove this isn't true. I've found, however, that being in a great relationship (like with a mate) can be very meaningful, though, and can certainly take the edge off reality's harshness.

Poindexter Arachnid

Jan 16, 2011
Perhaps your Fi is on-the-fritz. Ha.

But seriously.

Misanthropy is the correct way to go about life. You're asking the wrong question(s).
What is there to truly like about people?


New member
Jun 21, 2009
The "way something is going" is very much a two way street. What is it that you think you do that causes this negative potential to be realized? I would imagine that it's possible other people pick up on your dislike for them.

Also, on the emotional scarring - I'm not sure what happened there but depending on what it was, that could have a lot to do with this. Trust is probably the #1 thing in relationships.

I think I'm fairly positive when it comes to people. I try my best not to seem rude either.
I think I agree with what [MENTION=17127]sorenx7[/MENTION] says; it's mainly part of being an INFP to not maybe give off a rose colored glasses outlook to other people, but conserve multiple realities within himself/herself.

But I see what you mean, that's why I try to not to be rude with others I guess.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
You may see more differences than similarities between yourself and others because you suffer from low self esteem and want to reject people in your mind (or otherwise) before they can reject you. Also you mention that things won't turn out right with most of the people in your life. You have more power to create the relationships you desire in your life than you seem to realise. Why aren't things working out? Is it this negative attitude that may perhaps be turning others off? Who wants to have to prove themselves worthy?

It's not that things aren't working out, more that I envision things to not work out. It's a more pessimistic view of life I guess.
I never said I put this stuff on other people, but I guess I have at times, but that's only if they've pushed me to some sort of breaking point I guess.

But other than that, I guess I would not want to prove myself worthy either, and I don't expect that from people.
It's more of the fact that I feel my mind is less conditioned to view others positively for some reason. If it's the fact that I have low self esteem that would be interesting, but I guess that's the question that I'm really asking, is it more related to the INFP way of looking at things or is this my own issue?


New member
Jun 21, 2009
my INFP best friend is very accepting when it comes to certain type of people, but he has these thing like "damn youngings" that he adopted from his ESTJ friend. i have noticed that he tends to be very sort of welcoming for this sort of negative attitudes coming from other people. maybe it has to rhyme with some of his internal feelings too, but in some situations like this when he expressed his opinion based on other peoples opinions, he doesent seem to be very able to explain himself and this negative viewpoint that he has, which to me then sound absolutely ridiculous. similar thing has also happened with some former friends of his/our good friend(most likely ISFP), after this friend of ours started to have negative views on those other(breathing hip hop, break dance, smoke weed and drink beer everyday folks) people. i have tried this INFP friend to explain his reasoning for dislike multiple times and best reason that he could give is that this other friend of ours infected with those opinions.

the bottom point is that maybe you should looks around you for reasons why you dislike certain type of people(and think why you might not have real reason to dislike other types of people and what are the real reasons for like/dislike).

Looking at what's feeding me thoughts in my environment right now is actually a good way of looking at things. And I think you've understood what I'm saying pretty well...

I think a lot of people here think that this view of other people, is because I've rationally deemed other people to be 'worthless', which is not quite right.and that could be largely my fault. Don't blame me, blame the inferior Te.

I think it's more of a conditioning thing, it's feel as if I'm programmed to be this way as I can proudly debunk another person's lectures of how badly they hate other people with 'but this is good about people' and stuff but I personally, have such negative views about situations and people in my own life. It scares me times, I mean why I would even come to think a certain way about people for no real reason, or why would I start a thread about how I 'severely dislike' people.. I would view myself an INFP to 'let go' of the almost grudge like feelings and be a happier person hence. But I don't do that. :huh: and the profiles always say that I'm inclined to let go so easily and view life in bewilderment or whatnot.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
I definitely know a few IFP's who have said similair things to me. I think [MENTION=15392]AffirmitiveAnxiety[/MENTION] explained very well why this can happen.

I used to go out with an ISFP girls who was exactly like this.:doh: In the end I lost all patience for her. From what I know, she is still in the same situation 7 years later.

From my point of view, she will never be happy until she stops taking her values as a given and then thinking "why doesn't reality match this", and instead, take reality as her starting point, and find a niche where she can satisfy her Fi within that.

Yeah I guess you're right. But wouldn't that considerably be more of an enfp Ne-Fi viewpoint? Wouldn't I have to change how I view things which is nearly impossible apparently for any type?

This is partly why I asked, why the INFP profile doesn't match up with this internal conflict....


Apr 23, 2007
Probably your own issue because I've studied type theory for almost a decade and have never come to the conclusion that INFPs dislike people more than other types.


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I kind of have a similar feeling, but it's more towards people who I've dealt with in the past. I tend to think each new person I meet who seems interesting is going to be a much better person, so much better than the last person I dealt with.

And then as I deal with the whole cycle of hearing rumors about them, having them talk about me, having them behave in ways that I consider unacceptable, and just generally seeing all their flaws, I get really disgusted with them, my patience wears thin, I keep trying to forgive them but end up being unable to truly do so, and eventually just move on and start over with a new person/group. Eventually it becomes intolerable to deal with the whole mass of people and common traits I now distrust and dislike in any given community, and then I have to move to a whole new place hoping things will be better, or just stay in the same place, resentful and miserable about the past, disliking everyone and generally just complaining about them all the time. I've done the latter for years at times, more often than I'd care to admit.

So the attitude you seem to have towards humanity in general... I have the same attitude, but towards the people I've known in the past and have been familiar with. I often have a very different attitude towards new people, and the very, very few who haven't let me down in those ways (like 3/100 or something).

Anyway, I think that perhaps you feel this way because you're projecting past traits onto new people. You aren't really seeing them for their good or positive potential, but you're seeing how they remind you of people from the past who let you down. You're not judging them, you're judging your idea of them that's informed by a lot of bad experiences with similar people. The problem is, people who are very similar in most ways can differ in some very important, key ways that make them surprisingly tolerable or surprisingly intolerable.

I guess what I've learned is that you have to give everyone a chance. Most of them will blow it, but you'll feel better about yourself for doing so, and you'll almost certainly find a few gems among all the junk. Think of it like digging around in a dumpster... most of what you find is filthy and disgusting, but once in a while you'll find something you treasure and wouldn't want to part with.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
You may want to change location some day. I've lived in many locations, and in some places almost everyone is unpleasant to deal with, but for the first time I landed in a spot where there are a great many wonderful people. It may also have to do with how my career has evolved towards a helping profession. It has really struck me the difference in the culture of people. It is possible to find admirable people.


It really does sound like your own issue.

It seems like judging people from your idealistic standards is causing you problems because they don't meet your expectations... dismissing them too quickly. To be honest, your overall tone/attitude in your reasoning came off a bit elitist to me... unless the people really do suck. More times than not, it is a self-protective mechanism if you have been hurt in the past.

But then again, people can suck big time and you might have not met your niche of people yet.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
I agree that location and specific people someone is around can make a tremendous difference, either in a negative or positive way. Ten years ago, I was in a location I liked and a job I liked. Now, it's just the opposite. I'm still the same person. But the location and people are completely different. I tried hard to like the location and people, too. Just because things aren't working out doesn't mean there is necessarily something wrong with the person going through something. There may be other factors.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
I'm not sure really. But is there a reason for me to have such strong and intense feelings of dislike against most people.
The thing is, I think infps are known to be acceptant of almost anyone. The more I think about it, the less I feel my past lives up to this notion.

I always have felt as if I had nihilistic attitudes toward people. :shock: especially people I've deemed superficial on some level... And that happens often... anyone else feel the same?

One of my closest friends is an INFP and she tells me repeatedly that she does not like people. She can't stand superficial people. Another INFP friend of mine said he liked "people" but he was very critical and totally disliked anything that smacked of "fakeness". So, I guess I'm saying it's okay that you feel that way. Both of my friends [actually I have three INFP friends that I can think of right off the bat] all three of them feel the way you do to some extent, but they all three have certain people...only two or three...with whom they form a bond and these people serve as a refuge, a place where they can be themselves. I think if you didn't deal with this issue you would have to quesion your INFPness...hehe. My INFP female friend tells me that she dreams of putting bamboo shards in the food of "jerks", but she never has.


Oct 6, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I tend to dislike people as well; meaning not that I hate any individuals in the specific (most of the time) but that their general way of being is too simplistic and superficial for me. Life, in the way its currently displaying itself to me, doesn't suit my ideals; people are so simple in the negative sense: they mindlessly give in to the Zeitgeist of our time: vanity and materialism, Philistinism and normality. Most people today have no appreciation of real aesthetics, nor for anything; life is merely a game. "How can you not care about this?" I ask - they shrug and continue life in the same simple fashion, caring only about the next party, or who said what, or any of the other shallow things so commonly displayed these days (though I doubt this is just a modern production), all of which I think of as much ado about nothing (not a reference to Shakespeare's play).

I think the main thing which drives me mad is this: I hear a beautiful story, I seize it and hold on to it, making it a hope for the future of humanity, with all the heroism, chivalry, romance, and selflessness. Others hear the story and say "Cool story; now back to reality."

Consider my ideas and tell me if you think you might have the same motives.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
I tend to dislike people as well; meaning not that I hate any individuals in the specific (most of the time) but that their general way of being is too simplistic and superficial for me. Life, in the way its currently displaying itself to me, doesn't suit my ideals; people are so simple in the negative sense: they mindlessly give in to the Zeitgeist of our time: vanity and materialism, Philistinism and normality. Most people today have no appreciation of real aesthetics, nor for anything; life is merely a game. "How can you not care about this?" I ask - they shrug and continue life in the same simple fashion, caring only about the next party, or who said what, or any of the other shallow things so commonly displayed these days (though I doubt this is just a modern production), all of which I think of as much ado about nothing (not a reference to Shakespeare's play).

I think the main thing which drives me mad is this: I hear a beautiful story, I seize it and hold on to it, making it a hope for the future of humanity, with all the heroism, chivalry, romance, and selflessness. Others hear the story and say "Cool story; now back to reality."

Consider my ideas and tell me if you think you might have the same motives.

Sorry I didn't see this before, urm well..
I guess there's something like that. To be honest, I think it's really just the general mixture of predisposed feelings and issues I had with people in general. I think this may have been more easily adapted to once I recognized a part of me that wanted to make false ideals, - reality. And dreamy expectations - goals of some sort. And then I would think that I reached them or that if I couldn't I would be worthless. This makes me question whether I'm a 4w3 sometimes... but I philosophize my life, minimizing self image waay too much for me to not be 4w5. Other than that, I can't relate to how most 4w3s go about things on this forum and stuff, and I think I've met a couple of 4w3 people as well that I find hard relating to in their approach to self-image expression or whatever. It seems trivial to me to please people with a self image so easily destroyed.

I can relate to the unrequited emotions, that some people can give off, and I think that's mainly what you were talking about when it came to trying to communicate a 'story' to other people. This happens to me all the time, and it surprises me that it even happens to people that I mentally classify as being able to 'understand' that stuff.

But I think my issue was mainly one where the feelings were more 'predisposed' rather than rationally thought out. Like a part of me, deep inside, couldn't view human interactions as something that benefits anything. I think 'Nihilism' describes this perfectly. But I guess this feeling occasionally comes and goes like the wind. I was just wondering what another person's insight would be of this.