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[MBTI General] Typology Central Members Personality Type Survey


New member
Dec 9, 2008
1. What is your personality type? - INTP, with unusually well-developed Fi to complement my Ti.
2. What is your gender? - Male
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? - United States of America
4. What cultural background are you? - German, Irish, French, British, Scottish, etc.
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? - Agnostic; Roman Catholic

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? - Neuroscience/Psychology/Philosophy; I am planning on taking classes that pertain to the mentioned fields this summer.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? - My relationships with people in general are miserably shallow, simply because I often feel incapable of connecting with others.; I have 1-2 "good" friends.
8. What paranoias do you have? - Nothing comes to mind.
9. What are your vices? - lethargy, angst, hostility, unreliability, etc.
10. What are your fears? - Mortality, unoriginality, etc.
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? - I feel extremely distant from my family. Thus, my relationship with them is very weak.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? - I might experience the occasional bout of controlled enthusiasm. Otherwise, I'm generally stoic.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? - (still in high school) I am considered by most to be a genius, though I essentially disagree with these claims, stating that I haven't accomplished anything noteworthy. Of course, regardless of how my intellectual capabilities are perceived, I'm still a bit of an outcast, and, quite frankly, I can't say that I'm bothered by this.
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? - It is very difficult to make any statements in regards to the point of my life. With that said, I would love to change the way society sees the world. I understand how vague that is, but I state it in that fashion for a reason. As for the rest of the world, well...I don't really think that a set meaning exists that can be understood by mankind. Though we might ponder such questions extensively, we will never truly arrive at conclusive answers.

Hendo Barbarosa

New member
Dec 26, 2008

1. What is your personality type?
I'm an INTJ

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country were you born in?
I live in the United States, in New York, but I was born in La Mirada, California.

4. What cultural background are you?
I'm white, of germanic descent. I was raised for 5 years in Long Beach, which is where I spent most of the best times of my childhood, and I spent my teenage years growing up in Orange County, which is effectively a suburb of Los Angeles...kinda. I was also home-schooled for all of my life, excluding my sophomore and senior years of high school, which is probably the most definitive element (at least, to me) in the "cultural background" arena.

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
My parents are both born-again Christians following a modified variant of the Quaker tradition, a fellowship known as The Vineyard. I was raised Christian and left the faith in my early 20s, due to it failing to make sense too many times. I'd like to think our most recent presidency also helped.


6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
In terms of in, I've spent maybe 5+ years as a professional graphic and web-designer for various companies. In terms of looking to be in, I really love illustration and comics, and if it were more lucrative would definitely be in those fields. I actually moved to new york to try and "break in" to that whole business, because I love drawing and creating characters and worlds from scratch, and comic books seem to allow the widest aperture of that to be possible within the abilities of an individual. I used to want to design special effects for movies, and pursued it as a potential career option in high school. I've also made more than a few attempts at developing a computer game, but I lack the team-building skills, so I'm trying to pursue an artistic medium where more can be achieved by an individual and less team collaboration is required. Of course I wouldn't give up on working on a team altogether, I just have some bad past experiences I guess.

7. What are your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
I'd say I maybe had a group of 5 or 6 close friends. I always seemed the most likely to befriend two different people from like, two separate camps or ideologies that COMPLETELY hated each other, and then get caught in that whirlwind, unable to tell either of them off but desperately wanting to.
Most of my close friends growing up were male, if only because I had no idea how to talk to a girl. I tried my best to find a connection with the fairer sex but I could never pull it off. Plus I tend to be really reclusive, so I'd often get burned by a girl, and then just be like "fuck this" for a couple of years. My neighbors growing up used to call me "The giant in the cave" because I often spent days in my room at a time, working on my video game. All or most of my friends that I've had since 4th grade I abandoned when I moved to New York. I still have casual conversations with them sometimes, but I find them kind of a nuisance in the face of my day-to-day New York life. My good friends these days are the people I live with and smoke with, and create with. I don't exactly create WITH though. I have to go off to my cave first.

8. What paranoias do you have?
Early on when under the influence of marijuana, I used to be afraid of cops being in EVERY place that could potentially hide them, and some places that probably could not (under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom, etc.) Although it doesn't really happen to me so often anymore. I am incredibly afraid of the ramifications of authority, in a theoretical context. I honestly have never been afraid of the kinds of things you'd need a tinfoil hat for, stating during the movie Enemy of the State that "I wouldn't really care about that shit. I don't have any information about me that I'm afraid would get out". I am, however, incredibly frightened of the physical expressions and uses of authority, for instance like, the police breaking down a door and arresting everyone all of a sudden. It's that potentiality that I spend a lot of time worrying about. I don't know why, it's actually pretty irrational, I doubt there's anything worth arresting me for. Also, for no reason, cats used to make me really paranoid and uppity. Now that I live with two of them

9. What are your vices?
I smoke weed. Meh.
Oh I do like caffeine a lot too, but I mean, that's like a uni-vice these days.

10. What are your fears?
I have this weird fear of moths that can't be explained. I think I just don't like an insect that's furry. I mean I basically don't like any insect that's quicker than I am. I don't like how I can't predict their next moves in even a general way, honestly.
I'm also really afraid of heights.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
My parents are loving, kind, supportive people who will never understand any concept other than the love of christ, applied to almost every equation and scenario. This is both (imo) a insanely glaring fault of theirs and an amazing blessing to them and the people around them, at the same time. Asking me to explain that may or may not result in a valid understanding.

As far as my brothers go, one is married has a kid and is a minister, the other just finished spending a year in Ireland, and the last one is probably just today getting out of jail for possession. It's hard to catch up with them sometimes. With all of my family in fact, I really hate the phone, and don't like talking on it, and this has given me a certain amount of disconnection from my family now that I'm thousands of miles away. Don't ever tell them, but secretly...I love it.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I've found that I'm really good at laughing with people, laughing out loud at a joke or whatever, but I have a really hard time telling when someone's feelings are hurt, and sometimes in conversation if I've pissed someone off it comes on suddenly as a surprise.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
In high school, a fellow student once told me that a teacher in a networking class had confessed fears that I was "one of those columbine shooter kids" (paraphrase). I find this assessment hilarious, I've always seen myself as really well-adjusted, if not bold intellectually, and I could almost see what he was talking about, when I put myself in his position of "a dude who seriously doesn't know shit about me". I'm pretty sure I probably just said something to him about either guns or violence to set that off in his head. However I was really withdrawn in high school, so it wasn't like I ever argued that stereotype either...

I'd like to think (hope) my friends IRL and my friends on most other forums on the net see me like Gandalf:

"yeah, I'm going to go off on a long, drawn out thing and study a lot. No you can NOT come. Yeah but, when I get back though? It is going to KICK ASS."

And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
The point of my life I personally feel is communication. Ever since I was a kid I was aware of this frighteningly real but also really strange world that was inside of me. I feel like if my life has any purpose at all, it is to try and get other people some scalped tickets into that world, via my own artistic talents. Art, my own drawing and 3D work specifically, is the only way I know of to get my grubby little hands on those tickets.


Cat Wench
Jan 28, 2009
Instinctual Variant
1. What is your personality type? INFJ
2. Are you male or female? Female
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? U.S.A.
4. What cultural background are you? European
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? Independant Christian

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? Psychology/ or Nursing (applying for loan right now)
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? A couple male friends, a couple female friends...I don't really like being too close, I'm friends with the males because I enjoy their company and conversations and the females because I care about them.
8. What paranoias do you have? I dislike large social settings, chatting on the phone and have a fear of being like my parents.
9. What are your vices? I don't like to voice when I am upset.
10. What are your fears? Failure.
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? Strained, but they are not kind people in general. We get along in small doses.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? I dislike showing any type of emotion in public, its more a private thing.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? I just existed in highschool, yet I did share alot of things. I'm not sure how people see me now. Maybe I will ask later.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? To help those around me.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
1. What is your personality type?
INTJ enneagram 5w6, RCOEI big 5

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you
born in?
I live in California, USA

4. What cultural background are you?

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Me:protestant/Deist Family:protestant

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I want to be a neurosurgeon or a job in that field in the U.S. Navy, for some odd reason.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
I tend to befriend more boys than girls. I have about..3 good friends.

8. What paranoia's do you have?
That everyone's out to get me! Aaugh! :eek:

9. What are your vices?
Being smart? Being stubborn, unemotional, can be selfish

10. What are your fears?
To be incompetent

11. What is your relationship like with your parents?
siblings (if you had any)?
My relationship with my family has been very good so far

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
Not very good

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I'm still in high school.:D Anyway, I think the refer to me as the really cool smart girl. I hope they do.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
I'm pretty content over all, but there are certain areas that I now I could do better in.


Active member
Feb 10, 2009
1. What is your personality type?
ISFP; Enneagram 6w7 or 7w6

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?

4. What cultural background are you?
Scots-Irish, Polish, Greek, German, Czech-Jewish, Native American (Cherokee), and yes I can tell you the percentages. :)

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
I'm becoming Catholic for my boyfriend's family, and I was raised a devout Jehovah's Witness (which ruined me for actually believing in any religion). Personally I believe in the possibility of a God. I have a feeling there has to be a creative force, a beginning, something.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
Musician/french teacher/mother...

I play in a band with my boyfriend/I'm going to school/I want to start trying for a baby in about two years...

7. What are your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
Three very good female friends (INFJ, ENFP, ENTJ), lots of male acquaintances/friends, and my best friend is my boyfriend for sure (ISFJ).

Talking really characterizes my friendships, but I do love to cook with friends, teach someone to make bread, or garden together.

I tend to talk more easily with men about life and politics and general common-sense things, but I can talk for a really long time with my girl friends about relationship issues or matters of the heart, that type of thing. I tend to be able to talk to ESFJs forever, too, for some reason... always about concrete subjects like cooking or the past, or joking around.

One great thing about my relationship with my boyfriend is that when we first started talking, we could spend hours on phone chatting about EVERYTHING and never get bored (and he normally HATES the phone). We still talk a lot. Sometimes it's me talking and him listening and sometimes it's him expressing his musings or things he noticed throughout his day and we talk about it. We talk about people and behaviors a lot. We have a very friendly relationship.

8. What paranoias do you have?
I am deathly afraid of invisible forces which makes the dark scary to me sometimes (this was a lot worse as a little girl). I'm also afraid of being trapped in a situation I can't get out of, and oddly enough, the idea of a heavy schedule full of obligations I'm not interested in fulfilling scares me too. Not being free is scary.

9. What are your vices?
Food; napping; I can get very contrary when I'm deeply upset and then I end up apologizing for snapping. I can be overly-apologetic for the littlest thing I do to somebody -- I HATE hurting anyone and I HATE being the bad guy. Also excess and rash behavior.

10. What are your fears?
Being alone (without love); looking stupid; being seen as incompetent or unskilled in something that I'm good at.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?

Mom - INFJ -- As a kid we had a love-hate relationship. We fought a lot. This was hard on us as we both hate conflict. My mom tended to get down on my level and fight as though we were sisters. I wanted someone to listen to my complaints, offer support, and hug me when I had a problem, but often she just criticized my attitude or seemed to play devil's advocate, which would lead to me feeling misunderstood and frustrated. The rest of the family typically took my mother's side in an argument between us two.

Now we are good friends 99% of the time (we live 400 miles apart, but have a nice phone/visit relationship).

A note about this mother-daughter relationship (INFJ-ISFP): I didn't like authority and she parented with strict standards and criticism; those two approaches just clashed!

Dad - ISFP -- Needless to say, we got along very, very well, and still do. But we don't talk all that much. Still, we have a good time together and always understand where the other person is coming from. I always stood up for my dad in any parental disagreements.

5 years older - ESTP -- Demanded that us younger siblings obey and follow, but didn't have to tell us very often as his personality naturally commanded this. Was charismatic, adventurous, fun, protective when he was around. Very distant from us by the time he was 14-15 as he was always drinking and partying. We have a kind of bond now, but I wouldn't call it super close. He's in rehab for alcoholism.

3 years older - INTJ -- Always protected me growing up and still does, sort of mentally. We got along 95% of the time and we love talking together now and playing cards. We have always had nothing but care for each other, and have a lot of respect and admiration for one another's personalities and intelligences. We have the closest relationship of all my siblings.

3 years younger - INFJ -- He always was sweet and cute but very touchy when it came to getting his feelings hurt. We are good friends now but if you don't watch what you say it can lead to an emotional breakdown. When he is mad he turns away and ignores you.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I will show happiness and joviality and excitement in public, no problem. Romantic emotion I will show moderately but never excessively. As far as anger, I hate to show that in public, that or sadness. If I have to go out when very depressed I just try to appear calm and silent and hope I don't come off as too upset.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I'm not sure about high school - that's complicated. I was raised to not be friends with anyone other than a Jehovah's Witness (horrible) so my experience was unique to me and not similar to other ISFPs, I'm sure.
But now I think I come off as slightly younger than I am (this happens to ISFPs frequently I think) and sometimes people either think I'm either silly and not terribly intellectual, or they are surprised that I am intellectual/intelligent. I think I just want people to feel comfortable and good around me. Then again, it all depends on who is around me. If I'm around smart people I tend to adapt and come off more sarcastic and clever than I would around random other people. I am a bit of a shape-shifter, but not intentionally.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
Life is different for different people and animals. I don't believe everything happens specifically for a reason, or that there are fates controlling things, or that the world is set up for humans to learn lessons... but I do think that there are lessons to be learned that we can all take advantage of learning. I think the point of life should be to better our surroundings and selves for the sake of those after us, and for the sake of those who share the planet with us. I think that if a person isn't making something or helping others they will feel a profound emptiness after a time.
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New member
Feb 10, 2009
1. What is your personality type? INFJ
2. Are you male or female? Female
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? U.S.
4. What cultural background are you? English, Scottish, Irish and Austrian
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? I'm an atheist, and my family members are for the most part non-practicing Christians.
6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I hope to eventually get a Ph.D. in clinical or experimental psychology studying abnormal development in children. Right now, I work in children's mental health services and as a post-baccalaureate research assistant. I'll probably take some graduate classes this summer and apply to Masters programs next fall.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
I don't have terribly many good friends, but I have great relationships with the ones I do have. My three closest friends are from high school, and I have a handful of lifetime friends from college. I've also developed good friendships with a few people I originally met online and then went on to meet in person. I'm very friendly, if a little quiet sometimes, but have a really hard time transitioning from friendly acquaintance to actual friends. I value loyalty and good intentions more than anything in my friendships and can be friends with people across the personality spectrum.
8. What paranoias do you have?
I guess I'm sometimes paranoid that people are disingenuous and wouldn't say to my face some of the things they'd say when I'm not there -- but I also think I'm just adept at picking up on it when that's really the case. I guess that's textbook INFJ for you... paranoid, but convinced that our suspicions are correct (but really, they usually are!). I only find myself pranoid that way once in a blue moon.
9. What are your vices?
Immediate gratification, with food, or material things, or whatever.
10. What are your fears?
Not living up to the expectations I have for myself. Mediocrity.
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
I have an incredible relationship with my ISTJ mom. We get along perfectly, even though she sometimes says she has no idea what's going on in my head and I'm way less practical than she is. Terrible relationship with my dad, an unhealthy ESFP. Good relationship with my younger brother, also ESFP, now that he's older and a little more mature.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
It depends...I nearly always try to avoid expressing negative emotion in public. I'm terribly uncomfortable crying in front of anyone save for maybe one or two people in my life. I'm very in tune with what I'm feeling, but I project a calm exterior even in crisis situations.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
High school...smart, mostly-overacheiver but disorganized. Incredibly geeky and, honestly, socially unfortunate. I'm fortunate to have made a core group of friends towards the end of high school. Now...friendly, but quiet, bookish and overly serious. Maybe even intimidating, though that's not something I try to project. My sense of humor doesn't really come out until I'm comfortable around someone.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
To make a difference in the world, in whatever way is the right way for me. I'd love to make some contribution to science or humanity or at least make a few people's lives a little better. And uphold my values along the way. This all sounds so cliche!


I never did fill this thing out.

1. What is your personality type?

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
United States

4. What cultural background are you?
No idea.. mostly English, maybe?

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Agnostic (as in, I don't feel that the question is important at all) and Baptist, respectively

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
Psychological research at first, but then heading up a research center or starting my own consulting firm. Working on a Ph.D. so that I'll be taken seriously in the research realm, then probably an MBA after that.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
Friendship is across the board regarding gender. I've got about six very good friends, and we're primarily friends because we can trust each other and consistently be there for each other.

8. What paranoias do you have?
None, really, but I've got this streak of perfectionism with regard to my own performance in all areas of my life

9. What are your vices?
Smoking and drinking when I'm out and about

10. What are your fears?
Nothing specific, but I'm in the process of getting over a lifetime of general anxiety

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
My sister and my father are two of my best friends; my mother and I have a hard time understanding each other

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I'm pretty well contained in public

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
In high school, I was seen as the "loner," but that's mainly because I hung around college folks instead. Now, I'm seen as someone who's a confident, humanitarian, and strategic leader who knows how to get along with pretty much everyone, as if my neuroses don't actually show.

And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
It's what we make of it. My overreaching goal is to try to learn all that I can and to achieve life balance, and my mission statement is to be strong enough to help others wherever possible.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
1. What is your personality type?
2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
United States, United States

4. What cultural background are you?
Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, English, Dutch, German, Irish

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
How does the phrase go? I'm spiritual but I'm not religious as no organized religion really fits my beliefs. I grew up in a family with no set religion either. My mother is Christian though.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I've currently jumped away from the humanties and am considering a career in Bio Chemistry. Right now I'm working hard to maintain my high marks and pursue my Bachelors degree.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
I can be friends with both males and females. I don't have that many friends and the vast majority aren't in my local area. I live by the idealogy that it's better to have a few good friends then have many acquintances.

8. What paranoias do you have?
Realistic paranoias that blossomed from my life experiences?

9. What are your vices?
I'm a Perfectionist and that monopolizes my follow through.

10. What are your fears?
I'm deathly afraid of dying alone, as well I fear being hurt so bad that I can't continue on in my life and finally dying without having a meaningful life.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
I have a great relationship with my mother. I have a distant relationship with my father as he wasn't around much during my childhood. I have one sister who is nineteen months younger and she and I have a complicated relationship. We can get along very well one moment and the next suddenly everything is a competition in her eyes.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
It depends on the emotion? I don't like crying in public.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I was the distant person who didn't fit in any cliques. I was incredibly focused on classwork so I was probably seen as a nerd. Now? I'm just as distant to my peers and focus on my work. The main difference is back in High School I desperately wanted to be accepted and be a part of something. Now, I accept myself.

14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
I am here to help people. I feel that everyone has a unique meaning to their own life and through understanding yourself, your personality and your dreams you can tap into the reality of your own life. The point of my life is to make a difference by helping others.

Von Mittendorf

New member
Jan 12, 2009
1. What is your personality type?
INxP. Usually test INFP, but just as often INTP and my cognitive functions test put both Fi and Ti at very high while Fe and Te were both very low

2. Are you male or female?

3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?

4. What cultural background are you?
Whiter than Christmas

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Atheist. My family are sort of wobbly Agnostics, my mom more to the God-y side, my dad on the Godless-y.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I hope to someday be a comics writer. I'm in school for exactly that right now. (The NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study) and I'm trying for an internship at Marvel Comics.

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
My friendships come in two flavors. Casual and Slavish Dedication. This applies across genders, but when I'm single Slavish Dedication will come up more often with women. Good friends, I have about 4 or 5 at any given time, with one man solidly there since the womb and (hopefully) till the grave. The reason I'm friends with them, basically, is because hanging around them is easy, natural, and enriching. We can tell each other new things, commiserate about stuff, help each other out, and we don't burden each other.

8. What paranoias do you have?
That all of my friends secretly think I'm an idiot and are just humoring me.

9. What are your vices?
Cigarettes, weed, masturbation, video games

10. What are your fears?
That I'll make the wrong decisions in life and not realize it until it's far too late to change things.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
I don't have any siblings, but my relationship with my parents is pretty good. We love and respect and (mostly) understand each other. I'm reasonably sure both of my parents are S types, which can lead to some basic inability to understand each other, but we're all P enough to be okay with that. The older I get (ie the closer to getting out of college, and the more catastrophic the economic situation gets) the more I feel like a burden to them, but they seem to be resigned to picking up my slack for at least a little while longer, and face with admirable grace.

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I'm...okay at it. I often stumble at the words and end up dismissing most deep stuff as "personal stuff" in public

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
In high school I think they saw me as a total weirdo, kid who sits in the corner and probably might go on a shooting spree. But then again I was also a theatre kid, so... weirdo, I guess. Now I think they mostly see me as the quiet (smart?) stoner dude with the giant beard.

And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
I suppose the point of life is to live it in such a way that when it's over you can be satisfied that that portion of your existence is complete, and be prepared for the next.

Synthetic Darkness

New member
Feb 28, 2009
1. What is your personality type?

ENxP, Tested a ENFP many times but I've also tested as an ENTP...but frankly I'm far too logical to be an ENFP.

2. Are you male or female?


3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?

Canada for both answers

4. What cultural background are you?

East African (Somali/Ethiopian) and Middle Eastern (Yemen)

5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?

a not very religious Muslim born into a family of fanatics.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?

Meh nothing really right now...I could see myself as a Lawyer, Politician, Doctor, Scientist and Hobo... my latest fascination was with Neurology. I'm in IB (International Baccalaureate) so I guess that helps...some <_<

7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?

I tend to be closer to guys, I'm very closed off and introverted with girls but I open up with guys more...dunno why that's just how I am. I don't have many GOOD friends...sure I have tons of really good friends I mess around with at school, but no one I really trust.

8. What paranoias do you have?

Arachnophobia, Monophobia

9. What are your vices?

I come off as a jerk to most people at first...but that's purely a defense mechanism. I'm really a sweet person...I just don't like bullshit.

10. What are your fears?

Meh...same as my phobias.

11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?

Hate my dad, love my mom (though she's a control freak...but that's just her INTJ side :D) love my older and younger brothers .

12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?

Not very good with expressing genuine emotions.

13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?

I'm the hyper hippy child in my high school always running around acting insane and ditzy...although you'll see me often arguing with people over something or another.

And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?

I want to make a difference...I see so much injustice in the world it makes me so angry and bitter and I hate being bitter...so me wanting to make a difference is for selfish reasons. Hey I'm a selfish person =)


New member
Aug 2, 2008
1. What is your personality type?
ENFP Enneagram 4
2. Are you male or female?
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
Houston, Texas. Live in Potsdam, NY currently.
4. What cultural background are you?
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
I'm spiritual, as is my family..nothing specific.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I'd like to go into Anthropology, but I am currently only in 10th Grade.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
It's a mixed bag, I have quite a few NT male friends, a few NF. I have more NF female friends. My two best friends are an INTP and an ESFP, surprisingly. As long as the person has a real character and shares some of my interests, It's easy to become friends.
8. What paranoias do you have?
I'm a hypochondriac. I worry about everything..
9. What are your vices?
I can be violent, and I stick up for myself and my values..sometimes, too much, even if I get into trouble with authority. I am 100% open to marijuana, I like to go against the mainstream, which is taken in wrong ways by more closed minded people.
10. What are your fears?
That mankind will replace emotion with logic.COLOR]
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
Just my father, my younger sister, and I. My dad's an INFP/ENFP and my sister is an INFP. Together, we're unsperable..we form a strong emotional and physical bond that formed when my mother died.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I dislike it, even if I'm truly sorry, I hate drawing attention, as I hate drama. I save it for more personal settings.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
I'm in highschool. I think people think I'm weird, different, intelligent and very music oriented. I go against the norm, and people don't like it.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
I express and share love on the deepest level possible, and to stand up for my values, even in the face of death -Nothing more, nothing less.


Feelin' FiNe
Jul 15, 2008
1. What is your personality type? - INFP/Enneagram 4w5 SP/SO/SX
2. Are you male or female? - Male
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? - America
4. What cultural background are you? - American (with a touch of Scandinavian culture)
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? - Somewhat Catholic, family is Catholic

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? - I am now in management, in charge of a profit center that does product development. It has taken over my life to the point I have no other career goals at the moment...
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? - I had good friends in college who were my roommates also, but now the closest of them is 14 hours away. I have no other good friends, just acquaintances from work. Extreme introversion FTL...
8. What paranoias do you have? - That people are scheming secretly behind my back. I guess this is classic paranoia itself...
9. What are your vices? - procrastination, wasting time, shopping/spending money (used to be, not so much anymore), using music or other things to create a "mood" for myself that I try to stay in that is outside of reality...
10. What are your fears? - That there is no longer an "America," just a general fund which people greedily try to steal from to further only themselves or their own interests, whether they have worked for it or not. That I will never find companionship, friendship, or love in this world. That the economy will render the hard work of my life up to this point meaningless...
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? - Very close, because I am an introvert with no friends who are close enough for me to interact with on a daily basis. They disagree with me on some things but generally we get along really well. They do not acknowledge much outside of reality, and my dad will not watch anything on TV that is not "real," he just watches Cops, Judge Judy, and war documentaries. So, we really have a disagreement about fiction vs. reality.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? - Emotions such as anger or happiness, I'm pretty comfortable expressing. Emotions as in love-related emotions or flirting I'm not at all comfortable with expressing in public.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? - In high school, I was a mega nerd. I was a lone wolf with only a couple friends. Now, I try to project that I am just a normal average everyday guy, and I think that is mostly what people see but some people see parts of how I truly am: extraordinary in many ways, and lacking greatly in many others...
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? - The point of my life used to be to add something unique to the world that would change the way people think about things somehow. I have been working so hard the past few years, it's all I longer know, so I no longer know the point of life.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
1. What is your personality type?
2. Are you male or female?
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
Philippines for both questions
4. What cultural background are you?
Filipino w/ 1/8 Chinese
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?
Roman Catholic for both questions

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
I would like to be a writer and I'm writing about things that has to do with my personal experiences and opinions.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
I'm more inclined with the female kind; I feel awkward around most guys, except for the guys with a sense of humor...they diffuse the awkwardness.
I have 3 very close friends because they know and understand who I am. I also like their being frank on most things and whenever I regress toward my SP negative traits(i.e. procrastination).
8. What paranoias do you have?
I don't have one.
9. What are your vices?
Surfing the Internet and reading. Btw, do they count as vices?:yes:
10. What are your fears?
It's so silly..I fear cockroaches and dark places..and I'm already 18!
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
I'm close with my mom but distant with my dad. I treat my siblings as my pals.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
I'm reserved with expressing emotions in public..but in private, watch out!
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
Still the same..."quiet person" tops the characteristics list.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?
It's the opportunity to express yourself and travel and discover a lot of things and ideas. Overall, I'm satisfied with my life right now, and would like to keep it that way.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
1. What is your personality type? ENFP, enneagram 7
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. What country do you live in now? Australia
What country are you born in? Australia
4. What cultural background are you? English, Norwegian, Scottish, Irish
5. What religion are you? Agnostic
What religion is your family? Baptist

6. What career are you in? Physics research
Looking to be in? Maybe something music or writing related
What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? Occasionally writing songs and writing stuff to alleviate boredom.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? Male: close mates, reliable, true friends; Female: Close friends, with occasional moments.
How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? Maybe in the order of 10 who I really believe are close friends. Why? Because I've known them a long time, and seen and shared enough that there is little room for judging or feeling out of place around them. Can walk across every line.
8. What paranoias do you have?
9. What are your vices? Choose any.
10. What are your fears? Fear of going nowhere, doing nothing, making nothing of life.
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? Close, but non-physical.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? Good at expressing my excitement. Crap at being emo.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? Maybe interesting in some ways, but hard to get to know well. My friends probably thought of me as silly, idiotic... a bit introverted, and a lot extroverted
How do you think people see you now? No idea. Relaxed, laid back, conversational, philosophical, bored with life.
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? Whatever you make it. Search and find what you are interested in finding. Explore, experience it all. Do anything but wake up at 80 and think, "oh that was life, maybe I'll give it a better shot next time."


New member
Oct 7, 2008
1. What is your personality type? ENTP enneagram 6
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? Canada, South Korea
4. What cultural background are you? Korean
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? Catholic, Catholic

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? Student, Fashion Design, study art and color to full extend. also social relations
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? i have more friends with the female portion than males. i have something to talk to them about. About 2 good friends currently, plenty of former good friends (10+) i know alot of people but not exactly close
8. What paranoias do you have? not really paranoid
9. What are your vices? laziness
10. What are your fears? failure
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? pretty good i think.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? i'm fine with it. i am a good actor, so i can even fake it to certain extend
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? weird, same
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? have fun


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
1. What is your personality type? INFP
2. Are you male or female? female
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? USA
4. What cultural background are you? American (German & Latin)
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? Christian, but not Protestant or Catholic

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? graphic designer, self-employed
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I get along with both men & women. My best friend is a guy. I have maybe 2-3 really good friends, but I don't see them often. I am bad at keeping in touch and forming relationships. I am extremely loyal and attached to those I care about though. I am friends with people based on how we communicate usually. That sometimes mean we have little in common, or we can have tons in common. It's more about how at ease we converse though.
8. What paranoias do you have? no one likes me, my life will stay stagnant & I won't accomplish any of my dreams
9. What are your vices? laziness, coffee, alcohol (in moderation)
10. What are your fears? rejection, emotional vulnerability, dying alone a crazy cat lady
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? I am very close to my mom. She's likely an ISFJ and very nurturing and encouraging for the most part. My dad is mostly absent. My step-dad is a difficult person (possibly another INFP), but we get along pretty well.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? Not good....I come off as very reserved. People don't realize I feel as much as I do.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? People saw me as aloof, very quiet, offbeat, and smart & artistic. I felt more weird and dorky than I was seen. I think people see me similarly now.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? The point of my life is to serve my God and to be a productive and contributing person. For me, that is through my creativity and interest in people's welfare.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
1. What is your personality type? ISTX. I'm really not too sure.
2. Are you male or female? Female.
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? Born and raised in the USA.
4. What cultural background are you? English, Irish, French, German, Polish, and Italian. I am the most Polish, Italian, and Irish, though. (Basically American though. lol
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? I call myself a Catholic Christian, although I really do not agree with some of the teachings, plus I do not attend church like I used to.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? I have no idea what I want to be.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I don't have many friends. I have a few female friends and one male friend who is a homosexual.
8. What paranoias do you have? People hate me, think I'm weird, etc.
9. What are your vices? idk
10. What are your fears? Many.
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? I'm love them so much and I'm pretty close to them.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? I try to never show sadness, but I'll always show joy.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? I'm still in High School, but I think people view me as a quiet person with almost no friends.
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? To have fun and enjoy it while we're here.

Thanks all for looking at this and thank you for those of you who answered the questions.

No prob. It gave me something to do while procrastinating. :D


New member
Dec 24, 2008
1. What is your personality type? INFP
2. Are you male or female? Male
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in? USA
4. What cultural background are you? Appalachian American
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family? I consider myself a pantheist, but for sanity's sake, agnostic. My family are all varying degrees of Christianity, Evangelical types.

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal? I want to be a counselor or teacher of some sort. I'm currently in college pursuing my BA, and I am a resident advisor.
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people? I can generally get along with anyone, so long as they're able to understand me and I can them - doesn't always mean we agree, because we all have so much to learn from one another. I only have one person that I can truly call a friend though, and we're really close.
8. What paranoias do you have? That I'll grow up and be alone because of my lack of desire to have a sexual relationship.
9. What are your vices? Laziness, procrastination, locking myself from the rest of the world
10. What are your fears? Separation, loss, change that will separate me from others that I love and trust
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)? Most of my family just doesn't understand me. Now, I know that seems like a cop-out, but I'm from a family of very physically active, very traditional people, and none of them REALLY understand what I'm all about. I wear a mask when I'm around them, because they probably don't think there IS another side to me. However, I love my family very much; I just don't think I could really tell them anything about myself beyond the things that happen when I'm with them. I get on well with my step-brother though; he is the friend I mentioned above.
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public? I can, if it's appropriate, but most of the time I keep it inside. Sometimes I can seem insensitive, because I'll say something and then do a facepalm.
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now? People thought I was the smart fat kid. I didn't mind though. Now, people see me as a relatively intelligent fat kid, who's really nice and doesn't like to rock the boat. Who knows if that's an accurate assessment?
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general? I just want to make it through, and learn as much as I can about people and life itself. Then, I'll get back to you on that.[/QUOTE]

professor goodstain

New member
Feb 14, 2009
Reads like asian mafia identity theft. But yet i can't find a link that could steal identity.
1/2 Basque. 1/4 Black. 1/4 German. Although a while back someone would ask me "Are you affraid of zee germans....hmmm?" every time something german happened.
Catholic/leaning on Islam
Career? Don't have a means. Right now i'm on admin payed leave. Should explain the jail time. Undercover narco leads to nowhere nightmare/jail/possable dead dog
To achieve my career goal? Possably accept offers recieved in said jail.
Friendships male-based on practicality. Friendships female-lifelong. I don't feed a friends hoarse because of her feeling i'm expected to or because of awarenes of the hoarses felling hungry. But because the hoarse'll die.
Paranoias-bullet/proper rule violation
vices-copenhagen and masturbation
Fears-imminent abandonment=5w4
Relationship with folks-i had the best that ever walked the earth. No offence to others folks.
Relationship with siblings- " "/cut paste folks.
emotions in puplic-pop out when life or injuy is at risk. Any other situation=sarcasm:).
Seen in high school-don't know, canadian dude. Ask them
Seen now-illiterate/autistic. But that's the best they can come up with.
Point of life-to each according to need, from each according to ability. Until that abled person sees to many sorry asses in need. Then the able goes ahead and joins'em. Creating too many in need and not enough able. Get it? (need=drug addict/alcoholic/lazy ass) Need does not equal elderly/truely unemployed/children? in that first sentance after (Point of life)


Mar 22, 2009
1. What is your personality type?
2. Are you male or female?
3. What country do you live in now? What country are you born in?
4. What cultural background are you?
5. What religion are you? What religion is your family?

6. What career are you in or looking to be in? What are you doing right now to help you achieve this career goal?
7. What is your friendships like with both genders? How many good friends do you have and why are you friends with these people?
8. What paranoias do you have?
9. What are your vices?
10. What are your fears?
11. What is your relationship like with your parents? siblings (if you had any)?
12. How are you with expressing emotion in public?
13. How do you think people saw you in high school? How do you think people see you now?
And finally....
14. What do you see as the point to your life and life in general?

2. Female
3. U.S./U.S.
4. Mother: Ashkenazi Jew (German, Russian, Polish) Father: German Immigrant
5. Agnostic from an atheist family. Observed both Jewish and Christian holidays, sans god.

6. Philosophy instructor, in grad school.
7. Like both genders equally, males seem to like me better than females. I find more similarities, in terms of interests, with males. In my field the breakdown is roughly 75-80% male/20-25% female with most females focused on ethics (not my thing).
8. None, that I know of.
9. Impatience with others, a tendency to focus too much of my energy on work, a lack of insight/interest in other people's feelings (though I'm not sure I really think of this last one as a vice).
10. Loss of my children, failure in my career.
11. Love my mom and sis madly (ESFJ and ESFP), can't stand my father (ENTJ).
12. Awful
13. As a trouble-maker. As an intelligent, successful trouble-maker.
14. To learn.