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[NT] Is it possible to be an INTP that has ENTP tendencies?

Optimus Prime

New member
May 30, 2008
I'm 27. Male. Engineer. Rough child hood. Married to an ENTJ (together for 7+ years)

I was kind of a wreck before I met my wife. I've done a lot of emotional growing since we've been together, and I feel like I'm a pretty well adjusted person now. I don't have meltdowns anymore, and I am much more comfortable in social settings. I still test strongly as an introvert (73%), although my other types are even stronger.

Here's the question. If you were to read me the traits of an ENTP and an INTP, I'd tell you I'm an ENTP. Although these traits have only shown themselves in the last year or so. Previous to that I was an INTP all the way. In fact I can almost flip a switch and feel comfortable as either an ENTP or an INTP. Is it possible that I'm an ENTP who just likes to be alone? Am I an INTP who now deals very well in social situations?



Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
You can be naturally introverted and still feel socially comfortable more with your Ne function, depending on your life experience -- which would make you look more like an ENTP in terms of your outward behavior.

So yes. It all comes down to function use. There could also be ENTPs who were more squelched in expressing their Ne so they focus more on their Ti and look more like INTPs.

(Note: if you don't understand MBTI function usage yet, just ask for more info and someone will direct you or post some more info on it...)


Apr 24, 2008
Greetings there to a fellow engineer :). Hope it is mechanical engineering and not that other boring stuff xD.

I really cant help you much with your question, because I myself switch personalities like all day long. I have been from entp to enfp to entj and back to entp.

I think and that is one indication for me, what it could be that the intp follows a plan. So his thinking over a problem results into a solution.

I myself am occupied with problems that last still I first stumbled upon them in my life. There are so much different facettes of life and approaches to a solution, popping in your face day by day that you must not take them all in, unless you aim to become completly nuts one day. I think I am one the right way to become nuts, for I jump over Introverted Thinking when I can and approach it with an emotional sense or just a sense for an idea that could generate a new POV of things one day.

To sum it up, I think that entp are constantly in the business for change and lack to pinpoint out in between results, while intp decide one day and proceed to more advanced levels of the game.

There is something about what is the judging function within you. I think with "perceiving p" the judging function is the third one, what would be emotion with the entp and sensory data with the intp. That generally would sum up my idea there. But Jennifer is the better one to explain the i , n, T and F, 's whatever :).

Hope this text is somehow understandable :).



Don't Judge Me!
Apr 14, 2008
I wouldn't really consider introversion and extroversion in MBTI terms to have much to do with introversion and extroversion in the traditional sense... E versus I isn't social versus nonsocial, it's the order of the functions, and ENTPs are sometimes considered the most introverted of the extroverts (Ne is very internalized even though it's extroverted, and Ti isn't very sociable, either)

My mother is an introvert according to MBTI (ISFJ) but she's very good at getting along with people and very comfortable socially. Hell, even I can be chatty when the mood strikes me. If you're really looking for stuff you might want to look at the order of the bottom two functions.

Or something like that.


Apr 24, 2008
YOU can be chatty ? Gosh, look in the skies, they are full of stars :D *hug*

Bear Warp

New member
May 19, 2008
I can be chatty too, if I'm with people I know well, or if an interesting discussion is started, or if I get to explain something to someone (great fun).

I'm INTP most of the time, but have spurts of INTJ or even ENTJ-like behavior if I'm put in charge or people. These switches are more "letter" switches than anything else, though. My cognitive functions remain pretty much constant, it seems.

And keep in mind that we use every letter (to varying extents) and have been each type at some point in time. Or maybe not, my MBTI knowledge is about 1 step past basic.


now! in shell form
Jun 6, 2008
Here's the question. If you were to read me the traits of an ENTP and an INTP, I'd tell you I'm an ENTP. Although these traits have only shown themselves in the last year or so. Previous to that I was an INTP all the way. In fact I can almost flip a switch and feel comfortable as either an ENTP or an INTP. Is it possible that I'm an ENTP who just likes to be alone? Am I an INTP who now deals very well in social situations?
It is a good question. I sometimes think self-identified introverted rationals are just depressed extroverts. I certainly became much more introverted over the last 5 years. Then, I had a tendency to flip between I and E. I liked defending and befriending the outsider loner types. From there I would conscript them into a gang of nerd-supertroopers snickering in class at the common sheep. :2ar15: I got people who ordinarily would not have anything in common to be friends through their connection with me. All that has been scaled back and this coincides with some recurring dark, pessimistic view of humanity. I still flip the switch now, but far less often.


I wouldn't really consider introversion and extroversion in MBTI terms to have much to do with introversion and extroversion in the traditional sense... E versus I isn't social versus nonsocial, it's the order of the functions, and ENTPs are sometimes considered the most introverted of the extroverts (Ne is very internalized even though it's extroverted, and Ti isn't very sociable, either)

I totally get that. In my house with a socially-isolated ISFJ wife (i.e. stay-at-home mom) and five kids, I have been known to take a book into the bathroom and close the door for the sake of a mere fifteen minutes of solitude.


New member
Apr 20, 2008
simply being comfortable in a socialized enviroment doesnt make you an ENTP, i too feel comfortable in a social enviroment, and im an introvert
what does make you an ENTP or an INTP is what you prefer, to be solitary, or to be with other people :)
as some have said, you have preferences for a given type/letter. Prefering I over E doesnt mean that you arent able to socialize properly :)


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I totally get that. In my house with a socially-isolated ISFJ wife (i.e. stay-at-home mom) and five kids, I have been known to take a book into the bathroom and close the door for the sake of a mere fifteen minutes of solitude.

You're fortunate. Not even moms are protected by a mere bathroom door,usually.


Active member
Jan 21, 2008

I have nothing to add other than proclaiming that your user name is awesome and we should totally fill up these forums with recreations of Transformer episodes.

(Oh, and I think the consensus is to figure out the difference between Ti/Ne and Ne/Ti -- but that is even still confusing to me. If you figure it out, let me know.)


New member
Nov 27, 2007
It is a good question. I sometimes think self-identified introverted rationals are just depressed extroverts. I certainly became much more introverted over the last 5 years. Then, I had a tendency to flip between I and E. I liked defending and befriending the outsider loner types. From there I would conscript them into a gang of nerd-supertroopers snickering in class at the common sheep. :2ar15: I got people who ordinarily would not have anything in common to be friends through their connection with me. All that has been scaled back and this coincides with some recurring dark, pessimistic view of humanity. I still flip the switch now, but far less often.

I've been thinking lately that I might indeed be a depressed (or at least I was for years until lately, which is why I'm beginning to question my type assessment) extrovert who has misidentified myself as an introvert. I'm only 20 now, so I only have my high school years to go by as experience, which isn't much. I always felt like a misfit in high school, and though I made friends, I preferred to be alone due to high social anxiety. However I was never particularly happy that way...I always longed to externalize my ideas and I feel like I can organize my thoughts best when speaking with someone. I'm good with meeting people at their level and creating rapport between differing personalities in groups - especially with humor - as long as there are no extremely opinionated/aggressive types around.

I think I may indeed be Ne dominant, and I have a pretty high-functioning Fe, so yeah, the jury is still out. The introvert/extrovert divide isn't as easy to discern as I initially believed it to be.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
I'm 27. Male. Engineer. Rough child hood. Married to an ENTJ (together for 7+ years)

I was kind of a wreck before I met my wife. I've done a lot of emotional growing since we've been together, and I feel like I'm a pretty well adjusted person now. I don't have meltdowns anymore, and I am much more comfortable in social settings. I still test strongly as an introvert (73%), although my other types are even stronger.

Here's the question. If you were to read me the traits of an ENTP and an INTP, I'd tell you I'm an ENTP. Although these traits have only shown themselves in the last year or so. Previous to that I was an INTP all the way. In fact I can almost flip a switch and feel comfortable as either an ENTP or an INTP. Is it possible that I'm an ENTP who just likes to be alone? Am I an INTP who now deals very well in social situations?


I can relate to this. When I was younger I had a lot more shyness, and I really thought of myself as an introvert until my early twenties. I'm really more of an ENTP, but I am pretty close to 50/50 on the E/I spectrum. An example that can cause confusion is that I usually don't say much and prefer to listen. This is mosly because I find "normal" conversation to be somewhat boring. On the other hand I really like to be around groups of people. When I was younger I used to go to the mall and movie theatres by myself a lot, because I liked being around all of those people even though I really had no desire to interact with them.

People who know me can see that I act somewhat like the Singing Frog from the Looney Tunes. I usually am calm and low key, but at certain times I will explode with high energy (and then often I will return to my calm state). Some examples that really put me into excited mode are having a lively discussion, starting a new project, and escecially performing in front of a crowd of people.

Overall I'm an extravert and I fit the description of ENTP, but to a casual observer I look like an introvert. The main thing is that even though I appear calm and aloof I actively seek to be around groups of people, because this sort of thing energizes me.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I have nothing to add other than proclaiming that your user name is awesome and we should totally fill up these forums with recreations of Transformer episodes.

(Oh, and I think the consensus is to figure out the difference between Ti/Ne and Ne/Ti -- but that is even still confusing to me. If you figure it out, let me know.)

Ti/Ne is in natural affinity with Thinking first and foremost. Intuitions are used to back up a thought process. Consider Descartes for instance, first of all he seeks to systemize his philosophy and then uses Ne to adduce abstract ideas in support of his system.

An Ne type is primarily concerned with creating a vision. He uses Thinking merely to support his Intuitions. At times to make the vision more tenable, but the vision is an end in itself. Consider Voltaire or Betrand Russell as examples of this.

The difference between Ne/Ti and Ti/Ne is that for the former it is most natural to treat creation of a vision as an end in itself and for Ti/Ne analysis as an end in itself.


New member
Nov 27, 2007
An example that can cause confusion is that I usually don't say much and prefer to listen. This is mosly because I find "normal" conversation to be somewhat boring. On the other hand I really like to be around groups of people. When I was younger I used to go to the mall and movie theatres by myself a lot, because I liked being around all of those people even though I really had no desire to interact with them.

People who know me can see that I act somewhat like the Singing Frog from the Looney Tunes. I usually am calm and low key, but at certain times I will explode with high energy (and then often I will return to my calm state). Some examples that really put me into excited mode are having a lively discussion, starting a new project, and escecially performing in front of a crowd of people.

I can really relate to this. When in big groups in the past, I rarely talked much, but that was when I was still hanging around a big group of my best friend's friends (she's an ESFJ and she pulled people in from all over the spectrum). I'm noticing a pattern now, though, that I never noticed back then: the reason I didn't talk much there is because the topics bored me. Stuff like jobs, what I ate yesterday...whatever. Now that I'm more selective about who I hang out with, I don't find I have that problem much. I'm thinking it was a S/N thing.

I really enjoy sitting in the middle of crowds as well. I think it's a mechanism for expressing my need to reach out, when there's currently no one to reach out too.

And when I'm with certain groups of friends, that Singing Frog description might be apt, haha. Among the people I regularly hang out with, I'm sort of the entertainer.

Ti/Ne is in natural affinity with Thinking first and foremost. Intuitions are used to back up a thought process. Consider Descartes for instance, first of all he seeks to systemize his philosophy and then uses Ne to adduce abstract ideas in support of his system.

An Ne type is primarily concerned with creating a vision. He uses Thinking merely to support his Intuitions. At times to make the vision more tenable, but the vision is an end in itself. Consider Voltaire or Betrand Russell as examples of this.

The difference between Ne/Ti and Ti/Ne is that for the former it is most natural to treat creation of a vision as an end in itself and for Ti/Ne analysis as an end in itself.

Thanks for that.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
InaF3157 and Zil- hit the nail on the head- recently, I've been thinking about what the two of you just said. 1) the part about the need to externalize my ideas/thoughts; 2) questioning what percentage, if you will, of me is actually 'E;' 3) my ability to bring unlikely friends together through shared interests (e.g. beer), just knowing me, and/or (often times!) humor; and 4) the constant battle against my pessimistic view of humanity, not letting it overtake me (the view, not the humanity). This ramble probably isn't very coherent at this hour, but yeah, good to know there are other NTPs out there questioning/analyzing their E/I.

The Decline

Jun 3, 2009
My functions match up almost better with ENTP than INTP, yet I always rank rather solidly introverted on other tests. I think my underlying thought processes and behaviors resemble ENTP, but I'm merely a bit meek, reserved, and exhausted by extroverted situations. I would love to consider myself as silly as an ENTP :)

The difference between Ne/Ti and Ti/Ne is that for the former it is most natural to treat creation of a vision as an end in itself and for Ti/Ne analysis as an end in itself.

So uh, what happens when your Ti and Ne are equal? Not being smart.. those are my results.


videodrones; questions
Apr 23, 2009
You're fortunate. Not even moms are protected by a mere bathroom door,usually.
My mother would leave the lights out and never completely close the door. Even after dozens of "incidents".

It got so I had to approach the bathroom like a ninja -- case it out to see if it was empty.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
My functions match up almost better with ENTP than INTP, yet I always rank rather solidly introverted on other tests. I think my underlying thought processes and behaviors resemble ENTP, but I'm merely a bit meek, reserved, and exhausted by extroverted situations. I would love to consider myself as silly as an ENTP :)

So uh, what happens when your Ti and Ne are equal? Not being smart.. those are my results.

Your type ultimately has to do with preference rather than ability. One noticable distinction I see between INTP and ENTP is that INTP's like to develop ideas while ENTP's like to develop projects. Which would you rather do? Publish a book explaining a great new theory you developed, or would you rather really make an impact with some new invention or business or other project you've developed?