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Introverted ENTPs


Allergic to Mornings
Apr 26, 2009
I've been going through an introverted phase. The more I think about it though the more I feel like that's always been important in my life. I'm just beginning to seek it out more consciously to recharge.

I feel y'all in showing the lite version of yourself among new people. Being an ENXP, I emphasize the ENFP parts more when meeting new people and keep the ENTP inclinations for people who know me well.

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I know I'm ENFP and this thread is about ENTPs, but since we're practically cousins, I'd like to comment. I can relate to a lot of what you are all saying. At work, I'm really open, gregarious, radiate good vibes and all that good stuff, but when I have free time (there isn't much of it), I often spend it alone, with my husband, or with one or two of my friends.

This doesn't have any effect on the fact that Ne is my dominant function or that Fi is secondary, but I have no need to go out there and be crazy. It's like that one person in this thread said - why talk about meaningless bs and be all uptight that you're doing the right thing when you can chill at home with a good movie or a good book or with people you know really well and can be REAL. ugh.

When I go out, I have to show Fe and unlike you guys, it's neither of my four functions. That means it's even harder for me to try to always do the right thing. It's exhausting, frustrating, and usually doesn't work. I inadvertently piss people off all the time without meaning to. As my Fe usually gets drained from work, I couldn't be bothered with this in my free time.

Just a little input from your cousin over here --->.


New member
May 2, 2007
This is what ENTPs who have determined their type say about themselves. I can't see how the type can mistak themselves as anything but extravert. However over the years introverts I have read where introverts say they are more extraverted than usual. I personally think this comes during low/high energy phases. My ENP son sometimes mistakens himself as an introvert during low energy periods and I now know that although I am introverted, I do have high energy periods where I am very social. Removing yourself from social situations or choosing not to be around people does not make you less extraverted since it can usually mean that the person has spent their energy and need to regroup. I would say it's less of being an introverted extravert and vice-versa, instead it could be a low energy extravert or a high energy introvert.


May 30, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This is what ENTPs who have determined their type say about themselves. I can't see how the type can mistake themselves as anything but extravert.

The link talks about ideas and new things energising ENTPs and their desire to figure people out, it doesn't talk about needing people or being energised by being around them.

I like the best type fit descriptions but they describe what goes on in someone’s head not what others can easily see, if you could look inside my head or if I vocalised all my thoughts with unsuppressed emotion then I’ve no doubt you’d think I was a crazy-zany extrovert and I’m pretty sure this is why people online have always said that I seem that way, thing is irl you can’t and I don’t, people who know me would see me as pretty reserved and somewhat of a loner. Read it again from that perspective and see if it still seems obvious or not.

I have the ability to go crazy-hyper extrovert but I pretty much only do that when I’m not in complete control (ie drinking) or around those I trust won't see me as too odd as I'm not your typical 'fun' ESxx extrovert, I'm your Ne-filled weird random extrovert, suppress that side long enough out of social expectations and it becomes habitual and natural.


Apr 24, 2008
Thanks for all your answers, I am glad that I am not alone with my insanity :D

I couldnt make my concept clear tho.

Its definitly true, like you said @LunarMoon that Ne plays the most key role in how you get along with things in society. But now, given the fact that someone managed to supress the Ne tendencies in general life, therefore becomes mostly quiet in real life, adapting. And given the fact that he tries to do that to for example blend in in the business world:

You still have the problem that for prolonged periods you may be not able to use your rational functions, due to their weak standings in the whole mbti concept. That is what I was basically trieing to talk about and to ask the question, if this is a thing others do experience aswell or I am just dumb.

I had that experience, in which I was the driver of a car for three people intrested in doing business with my hometown. I was there as a representative for my hometown and there was a fifth guy sitting next to me, who was from my hometowns marketing company, was ExTx something and in charge of the tour.

he told me where to drive, but he talked to me in such a rapid, unrelaxed and quick fashion, one could have thought he is on cocaine. I couldnt follow him and he made me appear from time to time, as if I am that dumb that I cant follow his quick instructions. He changed topics rapidly, he wanted answers from me to topics in moments I didnt even notice he was talking to me and not the other three. And all the time he had that look on his face, saying about me: "Is he crazy or something". Later I saw him secretly talking to another guy from his company and I bet he said something about me, I better dont want to hear.

I really felt crazy in that moment. I just didnt manage to follow him that quickly and randomly, if we would have been on an airplane I would have prolly crashed the whole thing into solid ground.

Then there are other situations, like in university for example. I get bored, if the lectures are too slow. If a topic intrests me, I like to fastly advance to the end, absorbing a lot of information in the process, grasping complex mathematical concepts intuitively.

Thats a discrepancy here and its obvious its clearly related to Ne at first glance. BUT and thats the main thing I am wondering about, I have made the experience that dominant rationals are much quicker at grasping anything, tho they are N-users aswell.

Little Linguist said it very well, the ENFP does suffer in social situations as to be perceived as rude, cause they use Te. Given the premisse now that Te is their third function, if they now are supposed to use it for prolonged time over the day, at organizing things at work for example, could that lead to a point they feel exhausted for example ? While a dominant Te would go on using his Te, even in his freetime.

I hope you get the picture.

The conclusion and the reason to all this for me, is as follows: I am sure Ne plays like a 80% role in my Sensotard Moments in life. But if I supress the Ne in my daily life to some extent and use Fe and Ti in my business world affairs, I easier get exhausted and the drain on energy is even greater. The conclusion I draw from this is that I am absolutely not suited for my present student job, cause its very foundation depends on the use of quick Fe and Te skills and on the constant use aswell in a 8 hour day.

So given the premisse that Ne plays a key role of about 80% in ENTPs weirdness, I was just wondering at this point, if the other 20% of weirdness and inconsistency of thought are advocated due to Ti's and Fe's standing in the function order ?!


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I love setting Ne loose on close friends, they love it (judging by how much they laugh their faces off), but in the end... I'm thought of as a weirdo! :mad:
When those strangers that are friends of friends come about, I have to turn off the crazyness though, otherwise there will be 'wtf' glares and then things get... boring.

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Little Linguist said it very well, the ENFP does suffer in social situations as to be perceived as rude, cause they use Te. Given the premisse now that Te is their third function, if they now are supposed to use it for prolonged time over the day, at organizing things at work for example, could that lead to a point they feel exhausted for example ? While a dominant Te would go on using his Te, even in his freetime.

I hope you get the picture.

The conclusion and the reason to all this for me, is as follows: I am sure Ne plays like a 80% role in my Sensotard Moments in life. But if I supress the Ne in my daily life to some extent and use Fe and Ti in my business world affairs, I easier get exhausted and the drain on energy is even greater. The conclusion I draw from this is that I am absolutely not suited for my present student job, cause its very foundation depends on the use of quick Fe and Te skills and on the constant use aswell in a 8 hour day.

So given the premisse that Ne plays a key role of about 80% in ENTPs weirdness, I was just wondering at this point, if the other 20% of weirdness and inconsistency of thought are advocated due to Ti's and Fe's standing in the function order ?!

For me, Te is a necessary tool to GROUND me. For example, my Ne-ness basically ensures me that I will not remember what I do at a given time because I'm not always FOCUSED on the matter at hand. In other words, I listen to music while playing crazy games with Bun-Bun, which allows me to plan my lessons and think about the future of life. So if someone says, "Hey, remember when you danced that crazy dance and sang that song to Bun-Bun?" I can't remember because my brain was actually elsewhere.

Or I'll come home and place my keys somewhere. Anywhere. But my brain is analyzing the lessons I've just done or the conversation I've just had with X or Y. So I won't remember where I put my keys, and everyone assumes I'm a total idiot. Damn it, I'm not stupid, I was just elsewhere.

So how do I avoid doing stupid stuff? I make plans. For example, the keys always go here. This book goes there. All the documents for this, that, and the other thing are neatly organized in binders, and nothing may go in a place that it shouldn't. Why? Because if I don't do that, I will totally forget what the hell I'm doing.

Same with planning classes. Planning classes avoids the situation where I run off in tangents and forget the initial plan of the lesson. I jump here, there, and everywhere and no one can follow. So I plan everything in my brain, keeping it open for changes, but essentially having a clear aspect of where to do.

In discussions, same thing. Logical process of going: Intro, Point 1, Point 2, Point 3, Conclusion. Why? Because people are totally lost if you go A-E-C-D-B. You need to go A-B-C-D-E so that people can follow you.

So Te helps my Ne and Fi to have a break so that I'm not totally haphazard in my way of acting. It gives STABILITY and SECURITY to a rather CHAOTIC existence.

Since I'm not necessarily always COMFORTABLE with people, especially people I cannot relate to or situations where I do not feel okay, Te rears it's head, and says, "I'm here, don't f--- with me!"

Same in leadership positions: Te says, "Okay, listen folks, I'm sick of talking five billion years with you idiots and being no further ahead. So give me everything, shut the f--- up, and let me plan everything." Te takes control of the haphazard situation and says okay folks, we're doing it THIS way.

Te also allows me to have some kind of structure. That's why my husband says I have a great deal of perseverance ONCE I HAVE A GOAL. I need that bloody goal, or nothing's getting done. I need that vision in my head.

Ne makes, creates, and formulates the vision.
Fi judges, evaluates, and analyses the vision.
Te structures, implements, and makes the vision HAPPEN.
Si provides the factual basis, the foundation and the details of the vision.

Rather than being a function that makes me 'tired,' it is a function that gives me STRENGTH - Te and Si are wonderful because they allow me to do what an otherwise flaky person would not dare to do.

A practical example:

Moving to Germany:

As young as three, Ne said "GERMANY!" It envisions, dreams, plans, skips around, jumps, gets excited, imagines, and creates a reality in the future.

As young as nine, Fi said, "Ugh, I don't fit here. I don't like it here. I feel like an alien. Something's wrong. Somewhere else must be better. I don't want to stay here. I need to go elsewhere. I love Germany. It's great. The language is beautiful. The culture is interesting. I love my dad's stories. Etc."

When I became 13-15 until 24, Te said, "Okay, great idea! Now, how are we going to make this happen? Are you going to study German or another field? How can you get there? Do you have the money? No? Okay, how to get the money? Okay, you need a scholarship. Now what do you need to do to get the scholarship? You must be perfect in school. Now you need to do this. Now this. Then this. Let's create a structure and a plan for making this happen."

Throughout this time, Si reared it's little mini head and said, "Okay, you may not be the greatest with details in general, but I'm going to support you in my little way by helping you remember all the details you need for the tests so that you can get good grades so that you can get the scholarship so that you can be happier and get the vision you've had for so long!!!!!!!"

See how that works?


New member
Apr 5, 2009
That would be me...I am an ENTJ in a nutshell because I read a lot, study a
lot of different things and will do whatever it takes to reach the goals I set in
life, but sometimes I feel a little more introverted than I come off because ev-
en in a crowd of people I can be daydreaming about things in the back of my
head...it is how the wheels in my head start turning when I am coming up with that next thing I want to do or progress or potential pitfalls on things I am studying that I could make and more effecient ways to do them. I don't
like to be by myself a lot so that is my 'me' time when I realize it is a day wh-
ere my psychological boundaries are a little thin and I am letting too much
sway me in the real world that way I don't end up getting tempted to do so-
mething else instead and drop projects in the middle of them. I have been
referred to as powerful in that area before even though I don't necessarily ha
ve a strong personality.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
This is what ENTPs who have determined their type say about themselves. I can't see how the type can mistak themselves as anything but extravert. However over the years introverts I have read where introverts say they are more extraverted than usual. I personally think this comes during low/high energy phases. My ENP son sometimes mistakens himself as an introvert during low energy periods and I now know that although I am introverted, I do have high energy periods where I am very social. Removing yourself from social situations or choosing not to be around people does not make you less extraverted since it can usually mean that the person has spent their energy and need to regroup. I would say it's less of being an introverted extravert and vice-versa, instead it could be a low energy extravert or a high energy introvert.

Let me give you an example. Think about a strongly emotional strongly sensory individual let's say an ESFJ was watching a movie with two ENTP's. The movie is very dramatic and the ESFJ is totally caught up in the story. The ENTP's, however, keep talking about what's going to happen. They want to dissect what they see on screen, and are busy discussing why that police officer, who just got on the phone with the story's hero, is going to turn around and stab him in the back later. The ESFJ leaves and finishes the movie on her own.

Is the ESFJ introverted because she didn't want to join in on the conversation the two ENTP's where having?

It's similar for an ENTP in a room full of SF's (who unfortunately tend to make up the majority of the population). If we don't feel like taking part it doesn't mean we're more introverted, it just means we're having trouble relating.

An ENTP cut off from other Ne individuals or even Ni individuals may appear introverted when really it's just that no one around them is speaking their language. In such a situation it's natural for a ENTP to withdraw and fall back on their secondary Ti function.

An explanation for why this seems to intensify as we age could simply be the frustration of continuously going out and trying to connect to people through Ne and continuously being shot down. A mentality develops:

"Why do I even bother going out or trying to spend time with people? I'm not like any of them and none of them get me! Everyone is so trivial!"

At least that's how things occasionally seem to me. I think a solution is to actively seek out other intuitive thinkers and try to build a close bond with them. I wish Ne's were easier to find :(


New member
Mar 14, 2009
its true. up until i came to uni and found and intp and an enfp, i never met someone who actually understood my actions AND motivations without much thinking...to the point when thinking becomes a chore and i become a study subject

but entropie, you think your introversion is causing you to use your Ti less? and so consequentially, Fe more?

i could see why your current job making you use Ti/Fe would be exhausting


New member
May 1, 2009
Let me give you an example. Think about a strongly emotional strongly sensory individual let's say an ESFJ was watching a movie with two ENTP's. The movie is very dramatic and the ESFJ is totally caught up in the story. The ENTP's, however, keep talking about what's going to happen. They want to dissect what they see on screen, and are busy discussing why that police officer, who just got on the phone with the story's hero, is going to turn around and stab him in the back later. The ESFJ leaves and finishes the movie on her own.

Is the ESFJ introverted because she didn't want to join in on the conversation the two ENTP's where having?

It's similar for an ENTP in a room full of SF's (who unfortunately tend to make up the majority of the population). If we don't feel like taking part it doesn't mean we're more introverted, it just means we're having trouble relating.

An ENTP cut off from other Ne individuals or even Ni individuals may appear introverted when really it's just that no one around them is speaking their language. In such a situation it's natural for a ENTP to withdraw and fall back on their secondary Ti function.

An explanation for why this seems to intensify as we age could simply be the frustration of continuously going out and trying to connect to people through Ne and continuously being shot down. A mentality develops:

"Why do I even bother going out or trying to spend time with people? I'm not like any of them and none of them get me! Everyone is so trivial!"

At least that's how things occasionally seem to me. I think a solution is to actively seek out other intuitive thinkers and try to build a close bond with them. I wish Ne's were easier to find :(

I feel almost the same... :( And I everytime think how I'm Introvert because of that, but then when i'm around other Ns, I see that I'm definately Extrovert... I feel so recharged.
Lack of topics with Ss is so awful, at college, before class... they are so boring. uh.

... but since I found out about MBTI (1 month ago), some things are better, but more things are worse, I think, I've been using ENFPness as an excuse for being lazy, too edgy, stuborn, unresponsible.. it's not good.

Lily Bart

Mar 27, 2009
What an interesting post! My husband and his best friend are both ENTP's and this is a familiar issue. They both characterize it as impatience/very low tolerance for boredom. My husband says it's like the walls start closing in on him. I've seen him get up and walk away in the middle of a conversation many times. It's an "N" thing, though, not an "I" thing. All of the posts here confuse introversion with antisocial behavior, which is misguided, to say the least! Synarch characterized it best in his post as being social usually means a lot of "you" stuff and NT is not necessarily strong on this, although ENTP, according to Keirsey, is very strong on social systems -- "systems" being the key word. This isn't touchy-feely stuff, but analytical, and if ENTP gets too bogged down in stroking someone's ego without getting anything intellectually rewarding from it, then they tend to get bored. I've seen my husband and his ENTP friend be the star of the show over and over again in social situations where they're meeting new people -- especially useful business contacts -- they analyze, figure out the right thing to say to get these people to really, really trust them and they pretty much control the conversation down to the last detail. But once it becomes humdrum and there's not much in it for them, they shut down and their brains go elsewhere.


New member
May 27, 2007
I need lots of time to myself. I go crazy if I don't get it. I have often gone to the extreme of going alone to a foreign country where I don't speak the language, just to guarantee that I can spend a week without anyone really talking to me or having to talk to anyone. My sleep patterns get completely screwed up because I can't survive without spending at least two or three hours alone each day, so the later the kids go to bed/visitors leave, the later I go.


New member
Mar 14, 2009
know what else is weird?

all save one IXXXs i know like to do everything in a group

all the EXXXs, especially me, have no problem doing anything by ourselves

although that might be a T/F thing


New member
May 1, 2009
know what else is weird?

all save one IXXXs i know like to do everything in a group

all the EXXXs, especially me, have no problem doing anything by ourselves

although that might be a T/F thing

I noticed yesterday in college something similar...

we had presentations, public, like in front of 100 people... and we could sit and do it, or stand up... I noticed 80% extroverts prefered sitting (didn't feel completely comfortable in doing public speach)... and all extreme introverts (like girls that don't speak EVER!) were standing and doing presentation. Were completely comfortable. (!)
It was interesting to notice that. :shock:

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
I noticed yesterday in college something similar...

we had presentations, public, like in front of 100 people... and we could sit and do it, or stand up... I noticed 80% extroverts prefered sitting (didn't feel completely comfortable in doing public speach)... and all extreme introverts (like girls that don't speak EVER!) were standing and doing presentation. Were completely comfortable. (!)
It was interesting to notice that. :shock:

I have a theory about this.
Since I am exactly the case you are talking about.

I am good in doing public speeches what is not that strange actually.
I am expresses INTJ which means that when I am doing it I don't play attention to people that much. Instead I am fucused on what I am saying so I get too busy with that to pay any real attention to audience.
Another thing is that I don't really care what they think about me. What is not the case with Es (especially with EFs.)
Plus I tend to be prepared. So there is no need for me to be worried.

My natural communication style is more focused on what has been said then emotions, body language and group dinamics.

So I have a good chance to make people uncomfortable.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
One of my biggest pet-peeves are what I term 'fickle' topics. I am all for, and can pick up pretty fast, when say, a 'boy problem' is really an issue, and, I am all for discussing it, and theorizing motivations, psycho-bullshit-analyze etc.
But, most often than not, friends, acquintances, etc...when they talk of 'boy issues', gah, it's like a bitch-fest. Talking just to talk, to get the mouth to move. Or, talking about, 'what did you do today? where did you go? Guess what I bought!' or, gossip, 'did you hear this person did this...?'

Literally, I find those conversations boring, boring, and, frustrating to have to pay attention to, and, if I'm polite, I will sit there and zone them out, otherwise, I literally get up and walk the fuck away. I have been called a jerk quite often for this.

My INFJ gets pissed sometimes, cuz he'll be telling me about a story or his day, at work, and I interrupt, "Is is out of the ordinary? Is there a point to this story you're aiming to illustrate? Did you get some particular insight through this occurance? Something exciting happen?"

"No, just telling you what happened"

"Okay, don't bother telling me because I will be too bored to listen."

I detest idle chatter, unless it's the idle/wacky/weird association kind. And, I may come off 'not people-person liking' for it, sometimes. But, I can totally fake interest if I am aiming for means to an end, though. :D


New member
May 1, 2009
Antisocial, yup, I thought about all those options, it's true. But I wasn't considering were those presentations good or bad, just who prefered sitting and who prefered standing.... It's probably because Itroverts pay more attention to what they will say and topic, and less to enviorment... guess so..

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
Antisocial, yup, I thought about all those options, it's true. But I wasn't considering were those presentations good or bad, just who prefered sitting and who prefered standing.... It's probably because Itroverts pay more attention to what they will say and topic, and less to enviorment... guess so..

I know you didn't.
I am just offering insights.