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[NF] INFJs/INFPs - what in this list do you relate to?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
For those who are fairly confident of being INFJ or INFP (but not 'torn' between them), I'd be interested to know which of these statements you relate to. I don't mind if you do simple yes/no/maybe or go into details. Either way it would be very appreciated.

I have since clarified some statements, due to issues of interpretation. The clarifications are within the asterisks.

  1. I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

    *There's a lot of things I regard as wrong, though context can be important. Basically, people disagree about things an awful lot, and what I was trying to capture was the way in which I often regard multiple viewpoints/opinions as 'right' on some level. The level of moral implication or magnitude implied by 'right/wrong' covers a very wide range as well.*

  2. If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

    *Describes a situation where either more information or more clarity, insight or perspective has been obtained, resulting in an easier decision*

  3. I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

    *'Things' in this context could be anything that is part of the universe, including people*

  4. I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

    *'Negative' in this context can be taken to mean emotions like melancholy, despair, anger, fear, shame, guilt etc., regardless of whether these are perceived to have 'value' or not.*

  5. I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

  6. I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

  7. I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

    *I think individual interpretation rules here - do you perceive a 'soulmate' as 'self-extending' (for you personally)? It doesn't have to be a 'romantic' attachment/partner either, it could for example be children.*

  8. I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

    *I ironically hate putting people/myself in boxes/stereo-typing, and think it is more complicated than people make out. However, I would jump at the chance to be able to have my usage of Jungian-functions monitored, if this were possible/painless.*

  9. I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

  10. I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

  11. I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

    *By concept/abstraction it could just mean something you were vague about, like you couldn't say exactly what it is. It could be either an 'everyday' scenario or something more surreal/removed. I appreciate that some people will relate to the first sentence but not the second as well.*

  12. Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

    *I didn't mean to imply I get bored much in the sense of thinking there's nothing to do. I find there's usually something worth doing and always something to think about or imagine - the trick is in the mind. I do sometimes think immediate reality is amazing actually, but it all depends on current perspective and what aspects I am tuning into.*

  13. Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

    *'Sometimes' is key here. It's just another perspective I sometimes adopt, because I don't think reality/the universe has a pre-defined purpose actually.*

  14. I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

  15. I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).
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May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
On number one I would say both - I have very intense feelings of right and wrong about certain things, and about others I think it's just a matter of perspective for individuals.

Otherwise, I relate to: 2,3,4,5,6,9, 10, 11, 12, 15.

I know I'm ENFP (I'm Ne dominant, not necessarily socially extroverted, though), but when I first saw the list I thought it just said NFJ/NFP and when I noticed that it was INFP/INFJ I'd already answered the questions in my mind...and I thought it wouldn't be bad to share since I also considered INFP and INFJ as types at first.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Thanks Marmie Dearest - I'll open it up to all NFs then, so long as a type is stated (either in the user panel or in the post).


perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
yes to 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 15
in between to 1, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13
no to 8, 10, 14


For those who are fairly confident of being INFJ or INFP (but not 'torn' between them), I'd be interested to know which of these statements you relate to. I don't mind if you do simple yes/no/maybe or go into details. Either way it would be very appreciated.

  1. I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

    Depends. Although morality is somewhat abstract, I still view certain behaviors as evil.

  2. If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

    Sure. Why make a decision if you don't have to? It's better to keep options open than close them off.

  3. I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

    I spend a lot of time trying to figure people out and understand life on a deeper level. I don't spend much time trying to figure "things" out. Today, the sales associate tried to explain all the features on my new phone to me. I was lost. Just give me the broad strokes.

  4. I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

    I guess it depends on how one defines negative emotions.

  5. I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

    I only seek acceptance from people I care about. I don't give a shit what most people think about me.

  6. I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

    I've done this for most of my life. Part of it, I think is just introversion. The other part is an aversion to conforming, especially if I don't understand or relate to the convention.

  7. I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

    As in, romantically? I used to be pretty idealistic about love and was quite fond of the thought of a soulmate.

  8. I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

    Not sure about that. I think they are useful as long as people don't use them to define their identity and pigeonhole others.

  9. I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

    Not really. I've never doubted my type too much. Any inconsistencies, I usually attribute to an occupational role where I have to alter my behavior or emerging shadow functions that dissipate with time.

  10. I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

    No more than anyone else. I think people are inherently rotten and selfish.

  11. I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.
  12. Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly

    All the time.

  13. Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

    Not sure about that one.

  14. I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

    I like organization within a working environment when there is a specific objective to be completed. Outside of work, I'm not that structured. I hope I don't have aids. :newwink:

  15. I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).
Depends on the circumstances. For leisure, sure. For work, no.



New member
Mar 11, 2011
Some clarification has been provided in the original post, due to interpretational issues, which was inevitable. My original aim was to keep it concise, but this comes at a price.

I'm partly worried about mis-representing myself, but alas this is an inevitable pitfall of expression.
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New member
Apr 22, 2010
I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective.


If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision.

I usually "know" what is right based on gut feeling or intuition - not too much waffling back and forth about what is right.

I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

Yes I have a strong need to 'figure things out' especially when it comes to interpersonal relations or understanding a person's psyche. I can analyze things to death.

I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

Not really. I mostly get depressed and wish I wasn't. Sometimes I get existentialistic or romantic about my depression, but mostly that's a waste of my time. Depression is depression. Feelings come and go.

I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression.

I really don't care too much what others think about me. Although I do want love and acceptance from those I am most intimate (and consequently most vulnerable) with.

I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Yeah. That's where I am right now. Although I don't consider loneliness a risk. In some ways I enjoy it since it allows me freedom and the ability for self expression. I've been caged up too long - I feel like I'm breaking free.

I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me.
Don't get it. Could you rephrase the question?

I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type.

Objectivity is an illusion. Individuals are not types.

I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx


I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish.

No. I might beat myself up in other ways, but not like that.

I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

No. Sounds like an Enneagram Type 5. I don't live in an imaginary world, but I do fantasize - especially about relationships. And I also have my illusions of grandeur, from time to time.

Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

Reality can be okay. You're only bored if you're boring.

Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

Facing reality can be challenging in both a positive and negative sense. Negative in the way reality makes us deal with limitations. But, then, much depends on how you interpret reality.

I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

I'm very organized. List freak. Clean. Total slob. Piles of papers everywhere.

I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

I go either way, depends on my mood.


I identify as an INFP.

1. I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective.

I would theoretically like to say yes to this, but I definitely do not identify with the statement in practice. I think people often use notions of moral relativism to behave in really shitty ways.

2. If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision.

Yes, and I resent people trying to force decisions on me.

3. I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’.

If I'm interested in them, then yes, certainly.

4. I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions.

Yes. I try to resolve anger as quickly as possible because it makes me feel physically sick if it goes on too long. I tend to wallow in melancholy because I derive an odd sort of pleasure from it even as it slowly drives me mad.

5. I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression.

I like having acceptance and approval but my mental health is certainly not dependent on it.

6. I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Yes, I need to isolate myself to write for at least brief periods or it just doesn't work.

7. I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me.

I love the idea of this but don't think it would ever work for me on a sustained basis. Have I felt moments of intense identification with other people though? Absolutely.

8. I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type.

No, I don't believe that there's any completely objective way of establishing type. Given the constraints, the more interpretation, the better.

9. I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx.

Yes, absolutely, but I wouldn't expect any typology to pin each and every aspect of human personality down comprehensively.

10. I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish.

Yes, I worry about this a fair bit. Most of the people I'm closest to are very, very warm and generous individuals who give and give with little concern for their own well-being. I, on the other hand, am largely motivated by self-interest. I hate it but can't seem to get rid of it.

11. I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

Yes, I've never had any problems entertaining myself (or my friends) with my imagination.

12. Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

Sure. Life is undeniably mundane sometimes. It's fun to have imaginary friends when that happens.

13. Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

I don't think reality has a purpose, so no, it's not "just there" to suggest possibilities. Does it have the potential to do so? Absolutely.

14. I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

No. I am deeply disorganized and while I don't enjoy being unprepared, I don't mind it that much. I'm pretty good at winging it.

15. I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

If there's a plan and nothing better comes up, I will stick to it. If something awesome does come up, then I will have no qualms about ditching the plan.
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New member
Jan 6, 2010
I am an INFP.

1. I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

I can relate to this, but not always.

2. If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

I am not really sure on this one. I tend to yes, but I am not completely sure I know what you mean here.

3. I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

I don't know. Yes, I spend a lot of time thinking about things and analyzing them over and over, but not in a way like "how does the diesel engine work?". It is difficult to describe.

4. I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions


5. I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

In some way yes, it is a bit paradox behaviour from my side. On the one hand I think I don't need to (and should not) be and do what other people expect from me and I just want to be myself, but on the other hand I actually DO care about what other people think about me. I want to be myself and still be accepted by other people, and I know that is not always easy. That has lead in the past to the behaviour that I was very quiet and private, not showing much of myself at all unless I know the person really can deal with my real me, or at least a part of me which I can freely express.

I don't have many social contacts anymore besides my family and some internet friends where it is easier for me to be more myself, and while I was kinda depressed about this social isolation in the first time, nowadays I tend to see a positive development. I "relearned" much about myself, because I don't feel pressured to be a "limited/partial" self of me to anyone, I can be just me as a whole. And ironically, this time of social isolation has lead to me being a bit (!) more self-confident when speaking to other people now I am not so close to.

6. I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Well, I don't know if that was a conscious decision to isolate myself. I know I won't change myself in a way which is not me just to get over loneliness, though; if I should get closer to a person again, then they have to deal with my original me.

7. I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

What exactly do you mean with "extension of myself"; that I see myself in another person, as in a SO which I love and see as a "soulmate", or an own child? I am not sure on this one. I like the idea of a "soulmate", although I cannot say I believe with 100% in it. As in children, I know a bit of me would live in it, but as with the soulmate I know it is an individual person with own plans and personality, so I wouldn't really call it an "extension" of myself.

8. I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

I don't relate.

9. I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

I didn't have so much trouble typing myself when I started to invest a little time into understanding MBTI. The thing is before that I would have called myself a person who is more on the thinking side, I wasn't very conscious of my feeling side (although it was always there and has lead my decisions). So that was a thing I had to learn first. But it made sense when I read what "Feeling", or especially Fi, actually means in MBTI. In tests nowadays I tend to always score INFP, only exceptions were one time ISFP and one time ENFP (although the score looked more like INFP to me, so the test was weird).

10. I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

No, not really. I like to think about myself as someone who is in the "grey" zone, in neutrality, but who has usually positive intentions.

11. I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

I don't know if "amusing" is always the fitting word, but I can keep myself busy ^^

12. Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly

Yes, I can relate somewhat.

13. Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

I never thought like that myself, but I cannot say that I disagree with it. The current state of reality is not something for me which has to stay like that, I would like to change many things, but I know many people just want to maintain the current status.

14. I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

No, cannot relate. I am not tidy at all, I am rather chaotic. However when working together with others, I prefer there is a good organization.

15. I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

Usually yes.

Z Buck McFate

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Aug 25, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

*There's a lot of things I regard as wrong, though context can be important. Basically, people disagree about things an awful lot, and what I was trying to capture was the way in which I often regard multiple viewpoints/opinions as 'right' on some level. The level of moral implication or magnitude implied by 'right/wrong' covers a very wide range as well.*

I often regard things as right or wrong for me, but there’s very little I see as being right or wrong in itself, in some universal manner. So yeah, a matter of perspective. I tend to see things more in regard to their ‘wanted consequences’ vs. ‘unwanted consequences’.

If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

*Describes a situation where either more information or more clarity, insight or perspective has been obtained, resulting in an easier decision*

There’s way too many different contexts to apply this to, to give a ‘mostly yes’ or ‘mostly no’ answer.

I may not be sure whether or not to give someone feedback I think might benefit them. It depends on how much they value my opinion- and therefore, how much they’d likely want to hear my opinion; how open they are to hearing feedback vs. needing to learn things the hard way; how confident I am that my feedback even applies, and that I’m not simply projecting something; etc. A ‘right’ solution (and by ‘right’, I mean ‘most beneficial/effective’) emerges slowly in that- as I slowly get to know someone- I become acclimated to these things about them and get a sense of whether or not my opinion is wanted.

I may not be sure which car to get, or what color paint it should be, or whatever. I guess in this situation I’d force a decision, in the sense that I actively seek out information about different cars/paint colors/whatever and make a decision based on that information. Once I’ve made a decision, it isn’t likely to change- unless new and pertinent information somehow falls into my lap. But the new information has to really strike me as significant, because it generally isn’t the direction in which my attention is focused. I want to hurry up and make the decision so I can shift back to thinking about topics more interesting to me. This could probably also extend to things like choosing a job (not a career, but job), planning dinner for the week, what size TV to get, etc.

I guess I like for judgment about things that require direct interaction with the external world to be decided quickly, but I like for judgment about things that require interaction with the internal world to stay open to more possibilities?

I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

*'Things' in this context could be anything that is part of the universe, including people*

I definitely spend way, way too much time trying to figure people out. Or even figure things/concepts/etc out too. I get bored easily with instructions that come from without. I become much more engaged with figuring things/people/constructs out than I am with following linear instructions given to me.

I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

*'Negative' in this context can be taken to mean emotions like melancholy, despair, anger, fear, shame, guilt etc., regardless of whether these are perceived to have 'value' or not.*

I get pre-occupied with resolving them, but I don’t like exploring them while I’m feeling it. I’m drawn to exploring cause/effect of different negative affects in retrospect- especially in the context of noting comparisons with others- but if I’m feeling it, I want the affect itself resolved as soon as possible.

I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

Sometimes. Not often, though.

I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Definitely true, to a fault. [An aside: this one sounds more like an instinct variant difference to me.]

I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

*I think individual interpretation rules here - do you perceive a 'soulmate' as 'self-extending' (for you personally)? It doesn't have to be a 'romantic' attachment/partner either, it could for example be children.*

I wouldn’t say it’s totally alien, but I don’t see other people as being extensions of myself- even those I’m closest to. This Rilke quote sums up my sentiments exactly: “Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.”

I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

*I ironically hate putting people/myself in boxes/stereo-typing, and think it is more complicated than people make out. However, I would jump at the chance to be able to have my usage of Jungian-functions monitored, if this were possible/painless.*

So you mean, like a cat scan or something? That would trouble me, because then people would have even less ‘authority’ of their own to determine their type. The whole system is a framework of concepts created by people to understand (and communicate with each other about) an underlying phenomenon. While finding some neuroscientific process- which strongly correlates function preference with ‘objective’, directly measurable observations of brain activity- has a certain appeal, at the end of the day the “cognitive functions” are still just man-made concepts. I see the underlying phenomenon as being a purely subjective event, without the possibility of decidedly ‘objective’ measurement/definition. [In short, that sounds interesting- as long as it doesn’t stop people from reflecting on/questioning how true the information is.]

I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

I often don’t see myself in other INFJs, and it’s not like every single INFJ description applies to me in every single way- but I’ve never really related to another type description enough to question it very hard.

I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

Not really. I can imagine myself doing something bad or selfish- but not because there might be something ‘rotten’ about me deep down. If I behave badly or selfishly it’s because I’m in too much immediate emotional distress to discern better choices. I see rotten choices as potential consequences for a rotten frame of mind, which is something anyone/everyone is capable of having- not as potential consequences of having a ‘rotten’ core. [Though I do believe some individuals tend to be in rotten frames of mind more often than other individuals.]

I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

*By concept/abstraction it could just mean something you were vague about, like you couldn't say exactly what it is. It could be either an 'everyday' scenario or something more surreal/removed. I appreciate that some people will relate to the first sentence but not the second as well.*

If by ‘amused’, you mean interested in and distracted by- then yes.

Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

*I didn't mean to imply I get bored much in the sense of thinking there's nothing to do. I find there's usually something worth doing and always something to think about or imagine - the trick is in the mind. I do sometimes think immediate reality is amazing actually, but it all depends on current perspective and what aspects I am tuning into.*

Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

*'Sometimes' is key here. It's just another perspective I sometimes adopt, because I don't think reality/the universe has a pre-defined purpose actually.*

Definitely true. I’ve always told people that it’s like I’ve got a television always running in my head- and it’s often more interesting to me (and engaging) than what’s directly in front of me. But then I’m a bit ADDish.

I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

Also definitely true, but it has to be organization I’ve prepared myself, if that makes any sense.

I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

I can act spontaneously in the moment, but it has to be from design already formed in my head. I don’t do well with shifts that are imposed by some outside influence unless I’m relatively prepared for them to happen.


Señora Member
Jan 4, 2011
1. There are only a few stuff, very few, that I regard as being purely right or wrong, and I just wanted people to see the same way as I do, even knowing of the different perspectives... Most things I remember that are different perspectives and I don't judge as right or wrong... It's just better or worse for the intentions of someone and for certain purpose, so it gets very relative...

2. Yeah, I wait as long as I can if I'm not sure.

3. Yes, I wait as long as I can if I'm not sure.

4. Yes, a lot.

6. I isolate myself more than most people I know... But not because I think that I'll lose my individuality if I don't do it, I just like doing things by myself...

7. I can imagine it and I can imagine myself doing it. I'm actually afraid of letting myself doing this too much... I don't think extending myself is a healthy thing to do, so I try to avoid it.

8. I think it is very interpretative, but I actually like it being this way. If it was possible have my functions monitored somehow, it would be fun, but no more than that.

9. I'm always thinking: "am I really infp? or I'm infj? or enfp, or isfp, or intp??". Then I do some research and get to the conclusion that I'm really infp. Two weeks later, I do the same again.

10. Kinda... but I try to remember that, if I want to judge myself, I can jugde for my actions, not by the possibility of me being a bad person.

11. Yes!

12. Yes! yes! often!

13. Yes. haha

14. I'm very disorganized... I just don't like when people in my house change the places where things used to be, and then I can't find them and have to look for them all around... :(

15. Plans are only for being prepared if I don't think of anything to do, but I usually change all the plans in the last possible moment.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Thanks everyone for your replies so far, though I'm unsure whether I'm asking the right questions.

I wouldn’t say it’s totally alien, but I don’t see other people as being extensions of myself- even those I’m closest to. This Rilke quote sums up my sentiments exactly: “Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.”


So you mean, like a cat scan or something? That would trouble me, because then people would have even less ‘authority’ of their own to determine their type. The whole system is a framework of concepts created by people to understand (and communicate with each other about) an underlying phenomenon. While finding some neuroscientific process- which strongly correlates function preference with ‘objective’, directly measurable observations of brain activity- has a certain appeal, at the end of the day the “cognitive functions” are still just man-made concepts. I see the underlying phenomenon as being a purely subjective event, without the possibility of decidedly ‘objective’ measurement/definition. [In short, that sounds interesting- as long as it doesn’t stop people from reflecting on/questioning how true the information is.]

It is just one way of looking at things, but still I find a great deal of emphasis is placed on identifying the 'right' type. I can't help but think that if I appear one way today and another way the next, I have more than one 'type', but then maybe the alter-egos are not of equal significance, or are transcended by some unifying principle.

I often don’t see myself in other INFJs, and it’s not like every single INFJ description applies to me in every single way- but I’ve never really related to another type description enough to question it very hard.

My impression is that INFJs are far less likely to have difficulty typing than INFPs. I'm unsure why that is.

I don’t do well with shifts that are imposed by some outside influence unless I’m relatively prepared for them to happen.

I relate to this well.


Senor Membrane
May 22, 2008
I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

More now than before, I think that the ability to see multiple sides in any issue is the greatest possible thing anyone can learn. This doesn't mean that there isn't rights and wrongs, but that they are more like a complex system of intersecting spectrums than ultimates. Then the moral question comes to look like "how much of self-denial I am willing to allow in order to make the world a better place". It leads to interesting dilemma about my role in relation to the people and the planet. If I go with the flow, I damage the nature, if I jump out I damage the economy (and people, indirectly) and both of the options will lead to me making different kind of compromises about my person. How important is my person anyway?

If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

Yep, I trust in my instincts. This is a reaction to the multi-perspective world view. Basically, I don't trust that my consciousness has much power at all to figure things out, since it is working with a limited set of tools. And usually it doesn't really matter too much which direction I take, since I don't know the results of any choice until later on. The ripples of any choice makes it very hard to know the future, so I can just as well trust the instincts. The reason they are better than consciousness is that they are super fast and situational. Consciousness is always one step behind because it trusts memory to make predictions about future.

I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

No. Not anymore. I wouldn't trust my instincts if I were doing this. Of course there are some situations where an important decision has to be made and there is time to think about it. These are temptations, and I fall for them sometimes, but I try to remind myself to not start looping in the problem, since there is only so much I can do about it. If I have all the info I can come up with, then I can't do much more about it than to decide to go one way or the other.

I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

Yeah, if I have negative emotions, I try to know where they are coming from. Then I evaluate how reasonable they are. If they are reasonable, I try to change the situation. I think I am quite sensitive to negative vibes and such, so it is an important part of my life to cut myself off of negative environments and people.

I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

Yes and no. I need accepting atmosphere, but it is something that cannot be forced into being in any way. So, the only thing I can do is choose well the people I spend my time with. I am in a fortunate situation, since I have managed to surround myself with people who aren't expecting anything from me except that I am me, and that I do the dishes and vacuum the house once in a while. :yes:

I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Yes. If necessary.

I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

True. Everyone is an individual, but it is also true that no one is disconnected from the social environment. The people I spend my time with are constantly having an effect on me and the other way around. I think of this as such an important concept that I would go quite far without eliminating a negative connection in order to not upset the balance. It might be that a negative person is actually important for the well-being of the group. Of course, too much is too much.

I think individual interpretation rules here - do you perceive a 'soulmate' as 'self-extending' (for you personally)? It doesn't have to be a 'romantic' attachment/partner either, it could for example be children.

Synergy might be the word. I believe that two person can both be better off together than alone. Both gain and neither loses anything. This is also in some relation to the previous question. When you group people with positive vibes and/or similar minds, you get a group that can be seen as an individual that can work better than any of the people individually. As long as the individuals in the group stay open to each other and deeply democratic in their views, this is possible. Whenever there are power games and defenses against each other, the synergy fails.

I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

It's a neat toy to play with, but other than that, it's not too important for me. I don't care that much about types, but I would be interested to know why some people are just my type of people and some are not. I mean that with some people there's instant connection that is impossible to get with others.

I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

It's more like I see the type to cover only a narrow range of features and my answer to many of the typing questions depends on how far I am willing to interpret the question. In fact, if I was really fascinated with typing myself accurately, I should come to a conclusion that my type is mostly situational, and nothing static like an INFP.

I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

This is related with the first question. To not see the world black or white means that it is impossible for me to see myself black or white. So, no, I don't feel guilty often. It is just about how good am I willing to be. Being as good as I can is at the moment so difficult for me that I have to compromise. It would be too big a sacrifice to move out in the forest and build a house and grow my own food. I don't even have the financial resourses for it, and I would have to be able to get them without giving my tax money to a government that is part of the global game of pushing the developing countries down in order to push ourselves up. And to not give tax money to them is to not keep the economy growing, thus making it more likely for the system to collapse, leading to an incredible amount of human suffering. This is a dilemma I can't escape at the moment, so I just try to be "relatively good". Besides, I don't know if it is better to be isolated or to be inside the system and spread the word.

I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

Yes. I sometimes laugh to my ideas alone in public, which might seem weird to bystanders.

Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

It depends on the reality. I can watch nature for long periods of time.

Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

Yeah, in a way. When I paint, it is often about nature, but never naturalistic.

I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

Plans are just sketches. I don't value them that much. Spontaneity is the only way to prepare for anything.

I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).



New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
[*]I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

Yes and no.

I live and breath looking at things from different angles.

In many/most cases I may not have a solid opinion on something. In other cases I may have a solid opinion, which I might state and which will influence my choices and such, but I don't expect or need others to agree with me.

[*]If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision


I often let things sift around in my mind until I've worked through all of my thoughts/feelings and can reach a decision point. It's pretty common that I don't immediately know what I think/feel about something, so I need that time to contemplate. Much of the time it isn't an 'active' process per , though.

[*]I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

I guess so? I'm always analyzing things.

[*]I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

Somewhat relate; I don't think that I become preoccupied/consumed with it, though.

It's important for me to get to the root of things and figure out why I might be feeling a certain way so as to be able to resolve it and either change the situation or change my perspective, but I wouldn't say I'm pre-occupied with negative emotions. In fact I find them really unpleasant so that's why I try to dig into them and 'solve' for them as soon as possible - I want to get back to my 'baseline' and out of the unpleasantness. For me I see the negatives as more signs that something is amiss that I need to figure out.

[*]I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

Not sure.

With those I really care about, I probably become a little manic with making sure the relationship is going well and all of that, with a tendency to forgoing my own needs in favor of the other persons' (although I've reached a much better balance in recent yrs); but as a general rule I don't care much about what most people think of me. Really it's just those I have a vested interest in /relationship with already, or those I desire a relationship with.

[*]I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Not sure.

I need a pretty significant amt of down time, totally to myself. But I don't really view that as isolating myself.... it's more just a necessity for me to stay balanced. But I'm def. not a fan of loneliness, at all, or being without friends/loved ones for a great length of time.

[*]I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

Not sure.

My friends and lovers are those I *choose* and desire to have in my life (and obviously it has to be mutual, otherwise it wouldn't be a relationship), and really really value - in that sense, they say something about me. They are reflections in a way of my own values, interests, and self.

[*]I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

mbti definitely isn't objective, and yeah, I was really bothered with that for a while.

*I ironically hate putting people/myself in boxes/stereo-typing, and think it is more complicated than people make out. However, I would jump at the chance to be able to have my usage of Jungian-functions monitored, if this were possible/painless.*

Don't exactly relate, mostly because I think mbti/cog functions are only one tool of MANY possible tools. So I wouldn't read that much into cognitive functions being 'monitored' in me, any more than other things.

I think mbti/cog. functions are just another tool of trying to explain patterns we see (people naturally notice patterns/'types' , mbti is just one way to group people) and put a name to abstract processes. What makes it complicated is that everyone has their own interpretation on typing and also cog. function definitions (complicated by the tendency to lump behaviors into functions), so the lack of solid definitions and methods that everyone agrees on makes it silly in many ways.

[*]I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

I don't relate to this.

9.I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

My e5 sp enneagram makes me often identify with many aspects of NT's, as well as T-mbti-dichotomy-type questions (With dichotomy tests, I often used to test as INTJ). However when comparing myself to dom/aux Te-ers and Ti-ers irl, I don't really fit the bill. INFJ makes the most sense, especially when also factoring in the e5 sp.

[*]I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

Not sure. I spend most of my time in my head. 'Amused'? I'm not sure!!

[*]Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

Not sure I relate.

There's probably a time I could have - when younger and when I was rather unhappy with my life - but I now am to a point where I think I have the tools/ability to try to create the reality I WANT. Part of it too is having gotten to the point where I've accepted the nature of many elements I used to fight against.

[*]Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

Well sure... I mean reality is how things are right now. It doesn't do one a whole lot of good to deny the nature of what actualy Is. I'm of the opinion if you/I want to move forward and be healthy and happy, I have to acknowledge what is, look for what is in my power to change or work with, and if it's not in my power to change, either deal with it/accept it, or change my expectations/view of all of it.

[*]I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

I love organization and really dislike being unprepared. I guess I view being unprepared as being kinda irresponsible. :shrug: I don't have any set way of being organized/prepared, though -- I mean, I'm not a chronicl listmaker or anything. But yeah, if I realize I can't keep track of everything in my head, I'll then resort to tools (write stuff down) to remind me.

[*]I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

Don't really relate.

I'm a pretty big planner and feel a lot better when I do have a plan. I should say though that I'm not one who requires specifics - I just like to know that on Saturday I'll be doing *something* with so and so, and we can figure out the details later, and on Wednesday evening I have something else going on. :) (I also 'plan'/account for days ahead of time when I don't want to plan for anything, and I purposefully leave them open :laugh:) But, if we're just talking having a conversation with someone, or once I'm already doing something I've planned for, then yeah, it's not like I won't shift based on new developments.


Starcrossed Seafarer
Jun 16, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Statements I can relate to are in bold.
  1. I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

    *There's a lot of things I regard as wrong, though context can be important. Basically, people disagree about things an awful lot, and what I was trying to capture was the way in which I often regard multiple viewpoints/opinions as 'right' on some level. The level of moral implication or magnitude implied by 'right/wrong' covers a very wide range as well.*

  2. If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

    *Describes a situation where either more information or more clarity, insight or perspective has been obtained, resulting in an easier decision*

  3. I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

    *'Things' in this context could be anything that is part of the universe, including people*

  4. I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

    *'Negative' in this context can be taken to mean emotions like melancholy, despair, anger, fear, shame, guilt etc., regardless of whether these are perceived to have 'value' or not.*

  5. I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

  6. I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

  7. I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

    *I think individual interpretation rules here - do you perceive a 'soulmate' as 'self-extending' (for you personally)? It doesn't have to be a 'romantic' attachment/partner either, it could for example be children.*

  8. I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

    *I ironically hate putting people/myself in boxes/stereo-typing, and think it is more complicated than people make out. However, I would jump at the chance to be able to have my usage of Jungian-functions monitored, if this were possible/painless.*

  9. I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

  10. I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

  11. I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

    *By concept/abstraction it could just mean something you were vague about, like you couldn't say exactly what it is. It could be either an 'everyday' scenario or something more surreal/removed. I appreciate that some people will relate to the first sentence but not the second as well.*

  12. Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

    *I didn't mean to imply I get bored much in the sense of thinking there's nothing to do. I find there's usually something worth doing and always something to think about or imagine - the trick is in the mind. I do sometimes think immediate reality is amazing actually, but it all depends on current perspective and what aspects I am tuning into.*

  13. Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

    *'Sometimes' is key here. It's just another perspective I sometimes adopt, because I don't think reality/the universe has a pre-defined purpose actually.*

  14. I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

  1. I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).
This last one somewhat resonates with me.... For me as a (pretty strong) J, I like to have a plan. I'm opening to deviating from it if something better comes along or it gets screwed up in some way, and I'm pretty flexible and easygoing under such circumstances. And as a (very strong) I, even if I plan to do something social, often times I back out at the last minute, so in that way I can be a bit unpredictable. but if I don't have a plan at all, I feel uneasy. :shrug: It's weird, but that's what I do.

Overall, it sounds to me like you're a J, but maybe not a very strong one. Someone said once that if you are pre-occupied with establishing whether you're a J or P, then you're a J. If you are okay with being unclear on that point, and just being INFx, then you're a P. That made a lot of sense to me.
Last edited:


Nov 5, 2009
  1. I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

    Yes. My life philosophy is based on this concept. Everything is just perception, everything is relative.

  2. If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

    Depends. I have been known to do both. Often it depends on how much of a situation I can control or think I can. I think the more personal the situation the more likely I am to try and force things.

  3. I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

    I spend ALL my time trying to figure things out. Even when I am consciously not, some part of me is equating.

  4. I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

    I insist on it. The answers are there, not in my darn smile. :)

  5. I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

    Sometimes a person or a few people can have this effect on me. Usually in love.
    Most of the time I am not too concerned.

  6. I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

    Yes. I wish I wouldn't but, yes.
  7. I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

    Not an extension, no, but in a way, bonded, yes. I feel connected at times and this feels like someone can somehow be a part of me, and me, them, even if only for a while.

  8. I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

    Yes, and No.. MBTI is cool for what it is. It better to use on yourself than on others.
    I do not "wish" for a more accurate system, I suppose it's inevitable anyway.
    Humans love to quantify.

  9. I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

    Yes. But Nobody scores 100% of a function. So at any given moment I could be INFJ to ESTP or any type in between. If this system is calculated by %. Then of course sometimes all those possible other combination's will be lined up from time to time. It's simple math. Also, emotional health plays a massive role.

  10. I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

    Yes. However I don't worry about it. I KNOW it. I am at war with myself over it.

  11. I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.


  12. Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

    No and yes? Depends on what that "reality" is and if fantasy would be better.

  13. Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

    I think reality is just a possibility itself.

  14. I hate disorganization, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

    I function better in a well organized environment and can maintain it, I however fail at creating one myself.

  15. I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

    A little of both. I have plans and try to follow them trough, but life gets in the way so I adjust and keep trying. Sometimes It takes a while to adjust because I am pissed off things are not going as planned and I am not adapting at moving on with plan B but rather trying to find ways to make Plan A work in spite of itself.



New member
Mar 11, 2011
Thanks again everyone for your thoughtful responses.:smile:

ArcLight - didn't you start a thread about screwed-up INFJs? I couldn't see where it was (not that I looked THAT hard) - which 'archetype' did you think you were?

Statements I can relate to are in bold.
Overall, it sounds to me like you're a J, but maybe not a very strong one. Someone said once that if you are pre-occupied with establishing whether you're a J or P, then you're a J. If you are okay with being unclear on that point, and just being INFx, then you're a P. That made a lot of sense to me.

Contrary to what I've said in the past I now think it would be easier to ignore the functions, because they've actually complicated the hell out of things for me. I've narrowed it down to INF (hence the thread), despite having not been able to ascertain use of either Ni or Ne through self-observation (though I know someone online who is convinced I am NJ). All I know is I am a big 'fan' of 'hidden' or potential realities, somewhat prefer the intra/inter-personal to the impersonal (whilst still having an 'eye' for the latter), and am clearly introverted. For J/P I am completely paradoxical.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I'm going to throw mine in.. every single mbti test I take says E, but I am still not completely convinced. If any of you see any of my answers that weigh heavily as more INFP, do tell :)

I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

I have a very small set of absolute right or wrong ~ physical/emotional harm and murder. Everything else is context.
I can understand (thought not justify) almost any action, to the point that it scares me!

If I’m not sure what to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision.

Rarely. I usually know deep within whats right (for me that is) but sometimes have a hard time enforcing because I hate any form of pain or discomfort.

I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’

No. I tend to get bored pouring myself into things for too long, and move to something else. I spend more time connecting surface level ideas, but occasionally dig deep. Not nearly as deep as the INFJ's on this forum do though.

I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions

Nope. In depth examination can spin me into two many circles sometimes. When I'm down, I will put way more effort into physical actions to bring myself up, or focusing on positive, than trying to pinpoint the neg emotions.

I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

Absolutely. It's getting better with age, but what other people think can really hinder my natural expression.

I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Yes. But I don't get myself into this situation very often. I surround myself with people that don't hinder me.

I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

Not only can I imagine it, but I've felt it. Only once before though.

I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

Yes Yes Yes! I know cognitive functions requires a tremendous amount of indepth analysis, but find that much of it is open to interpretation. If someone does not know themselves well, they can mistype. If someone WANTS to appear a certain way, they can mistype. If someone doesn't fully understand wording, they can mistype. I wish there was an mbti blood test!

I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx.

I've had trouble mistyping my E/I because I think I'm really close to the border, and see both introverted and extroverted traits.

I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish.

Generally, it is the opposite. I will occasionally handle situations poorly, reactively, but I know that deep down I am a good person that could never intentionally hurt someone. I am forgiving to a fault. Its very difficult for me to hold onto grudges and pain.

I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

Yes. I create hypothetical scenarios all the time, and explain them to my friends. If I could draw better I'd be a KICK ASS cartoonist.

Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

Given the choice of making reality fun, or escaping into fantasy.. I would hands down make reality fun. I escape into fantasy when I cant find any other way to make it a reality.

Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

No, I don't see reality this way at all.

I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

I'd rather not be disorganized and unprepared.. and sometimes I am more preventative.. but find the energy it takes for me to plan ahead and organize is much greater than the energy it takes to wing it.

I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

I take into account group dynamics. If a better thing suddenly arises, I always want to do it. I have no problem straying the pre arranged path. But I understand other people find comfort in plans, so I will often conform in the name of keeping the peace.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
1. I often don’t regard things as right/wrong – it’s often just a matter of perspective

Not sure. I often don't, but I do have a very strong sense of morality. I subscribe to the idea of subjective morality but I think some people take it too far. I don't think it is okay for someone to own slaves, for example, just because slavery is part of their culture.

2. If I’m not sure wat to do about something, I tend to wait for the ‘right’ solution to emerge naturally, rather than force a decision

Yes. I don't bite the bullet. I dodge the bullet, I run away and hide from the bullet. Some choices have become easier though if I can defer to something else. Take clothes shopping: it has become so much easier since I've deferred to a pallet of colours that suit me that I found online, and cuts that suit my body shape that I gleaned from TV and past experiences.
I used to be hopeless in shopping, and I thought all my clothes were dull and boring. I like everything much better now, I experiment more in what I wear and it's less stress because I refer to my "rules."

3. I seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to ‘figure things out’


4. I'm often pre-occupied with resolving/exploring negative emotions


5. I feel I need other people's acceptance too much – it can interfere with my independence of mind/self-expression

Yes. There are certain people for whom this is definitely true, to the point where I consider altering my personality for them. This happens when I'm stressed or scared of rocking boats. Mostly I become ground down with the day-to-day, and I'm easily squashed or made nervous of strong personalities.
At the same time, if put in the right environment I won't compromise myself at all, and I'll speak my mind, be assertive and go against the popular opinion of the group. (I'm thinking of a New Age circle that I know.) I always do it thinking of win/win, but I am sensitive, and I beat myself up which leads to long nights craving acceptance and self-blaming.

6. I'll isolate myself/risk loneliness to obtain relative independence of mind/self-expression, if necessary.

Yes. I'm teaching myself to do the opposite though.

7. I can't imagine feeling anyone was an extension of myself – this is a totally alien concept to me

Yes. I think so. I feel people's feelings as if they are my own, and I am touched deeply by other people. So I think that is a yes. I don't own them and I don't think I can tell anyone what to do though (apparently unlike other INFJs, I'm not into dishing out advice).

8. I find typologies like Jung/MBTI/Enneagram overly interpretative – I wish there was a way of objectively establishing type

I agree with what you said: "I ironically hate putting people/myself in boxes/stereo-typing, and think it is more complicated than people make out. However, I would jump at the chance to be able to have my usage of Jungian-functions monitored, if this were possible/painless."

9. I’ve had a lot of trouble typing, because I see highly contrasting sides to myself, some of which seem incompatible with INFx

Yes. I especially have trouble with the ennegram typing system. I could be so many of them! I get different results when I do the same test of different days.

10. I often worry about being a ‘rotten’ person deep down, and can feel guilty merely imagining myself as capable of doing something 'bad' or selfish

Yeah. Big time.

11. I can be highly amused by my own imagined scenarios. Sometimes what is amusing me is just a concept/abstraction.

Yes. I'm the person who laughs randomly to herself and then can't tell you why.

12. Immediate reality tends to bore me. I escape into fantasy regularly.

Yes. My theme for 2011 is to do less of this and be in the moment more.

13. Sometimes I think reality is just there to suggest the possibilities, like the raw material to (psychologically) construct something better or more interesting/inspiring.

No. I'm a naturalist - I don't think there is anything above, behind or more than Nature. However, I see everything as a kind of poetry. We are the living embodiment of exploded stars, connected to every plant and creature biologically and to the cosmos atomically. The universe inside a person is as vast and as important as the universe outside of us. What more could you want?

14. I hate disorganisation, chaos and being unprepared. I have aids to attempt to ‘tame’ this, e.g. spreadsheets, lists, being tidy etc.

Yes. But I am terrible at following through. I think this is largely because of my health though.

15. I'm more likely to do what the moment suggests as the best thing to do (if it 'suggests' anything) than stick with a pre-prepared plan, if left to my own devices (for better or worse).

Sometimes. I am flexible but I also know I shouldn't just go with my emotions. They don't always lead to the best out come. At the same time, plans should never get in the way of spontaneity or reality.


Nov 5, 2009