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If you could select just one thing to change in our world, what would it be?


Jan 25, 2014
The world needs about 6.5 billion more libertarians. Much of the savagery, violence, and cruelty is the result of irrational, angry, immature people aping out when they don't get what they want. We, libertarians, have mostly overcome these primitive urges. Once the rest of the world catches up with us, there will be world peace, mutual cooperation and respect.

One way ticket to a painful dystopia. Empathy would be gone and it would be world wide strife.

Also, to the bold, that is EXACTLY what quite a lot of libertarians do on a regular basis.



Mar 20, 2008
Rather than focusing on ourselves we should focus on the institutions that created us.

However we live in a society ruled by narcissism and it is politically incorrect to examine the institutions that formed us.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“I would design a species that held critical thought and reasoning as part of its DNA structure and practical application. I would create a species that uses reason and critical thinking as a natural part of their life. It would just be ingrained as the natural order of things. Such a simple concept could prevent so much misery. We are a rational yet irrational species. We are subject to our primitive emotions. If we were rational beings as a matter of course and also possessed the gift empathy then we would not be prey to rationalizations, denial and emotional reasoning.

These along with blind spots produce great ignorance and the evils perpetuated on this earth. There is a genetic component to committing what are labeled acts of evil but that is the minority. I believe most evil is produced by these exact variables: rationalization, denial, emotional reasoning and blind spots. I've always been a proponent of strengthening Agape compassion with empathy skills training as well strengthening our critical use of reason. One without the other is crippled. Too much evil has been done in the name of love.

This is because of blind spots, emotional reasoning, denial and rationalization. A mindful approach is to be aware of our sub-conscious thinking and rooting out distortions of thought can help us think and act with the use of reason. We would finally be an awake and self aware species with insight into ourselves, others and our planet.”


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
The tendency towards short term emotional memory when it comes to the more tragic events of our history as a species.


Mar 10, 2018
There are so many things I would change it's nearly impossible to choose just one, the world is messed up as it is and a single change won't help it.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
I always say boredom is the root of all evil. Get rid of boredom. Or perhaps laziness. If everyone wasn't lazy, imagine all the things it would fix. People wouldn't litter. People would be in shape. People will be more educated and motivated to do all the things they wanted to do. There would be no more excuses and fooling yourself because its already done.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Our desire to repeat our history and don't learn anything from it.
There is no change in any society which repeat their mistakes over and over again.

Our desire to marked every successful person as a criminal in order to justify our misery.

"I've said the human race has not evolved emotionally or spirituality in six thousand years. Think of the wisdom of the ancients: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Mahavira, Lao Tzu, Buddha and Jesus. These are perennial wisdom sayings. However until we as a society start to teach critical thinking skills and how to reason judicially we will not have the propensity of truly understanding these ancient wisdom sayings from the inside out.

Think of the groundbreaking successes in technology and the sciences yet we've not evolved in the truest sense humanely either spiritually or emotionally. It seems each generation repeats basic human flaws. When there is a cycle of dysfunction then the dysfunction continues. Such it has been since the beginning of time and it will continue generation following unless we grow in a much more enlightened society where human compassion and reason is learned at a young age.

Resiliency research shows that two thirds of those individuals who grew up in a dysfunctional home life will have life long symptoms. Thus this dysfunctional cycle remains unbroken. Sometimes through resiliency mistakes are learned from, but this is only out of three individual persons. One thing that has helped us evolve are our laws. These laws help to protect society, but change is slow. Any progressive progress has been fiercely contested and resisted before turning into law. Enacting laws for societal change has been fought and resisted by mankind.

More alarming is how fast we can revert back to a bestial state. If there was to be a disaster where we lost technology due to say a nuclear holocaust we would quickly revert to savagery. Man is an irrational rational species. The use of reason is not innate. For this reason cognitive mindfulness needs to be implemented in the school systems. It is not as of now taught in our school systems because not enough attention and priority to it has been given.

Not enough attention and priority have been given to discipline our minds and learning to think with critical reason. This would enable us to think for ourselves and with it could come the development of an innate wisdom. The other component along with reason is compassion and empathy. Empathy classrooms need be implemented. Humanity and learning to be humane is not a given. Ignorance has been with the human species since the beginning of time and it will continue into the next generation unless we grow into a much more enlightened society where human compassion and reason is learned at a young age.

The way out of the impasse is to teach children, our next generation how to reason and think as well behave humanely towards their classmates via empathy classes. It starts with the children if we want an enlightened future. If we keep our current school structure we will continue to advance in a technological sense. If we wish to evolve as a human race then a paradigm shift in the school system is needed otherwise our society will only replicate societal ills.

If we as a society put emphasis on teaching our young critical thinking plus empathy skills then we have a chance of altering this current cycle. In this way only do I see true spiritual as well emotional maturity with the possibility of evolution. Many of the wise teachings contain discrepancies and hold are all or nothing or black and white generalizations. First we must put our fundamental beliefs to the test of science methodology. It is through this process we can weed out dogma.

Indoctrination into dogma can come from many places and sources. Dogma conceivably can occur in a family's system of beliefs as well mores. It also comes from heightened xenophobic nationalism and fundamental religious beliefs which are never questioned. All of this indoctrination occurs before a person possesses or can be taught critical thinking. Dogma and superstition are outrageous nonetheless this society (Indeed every society) can and is manipulated into buying with a false set of beliefs.

We are held in thrall in our world to illusions such as fame, beauty, power and wealth. Another trap is we have yet to make the subconscious conscious through mental discipline. Hence we fall victim to denial, rationalization, emotional reasoning and blind spots. I’ve articulated my standing on reason as well critical thought In addition the development of emotional intelligence is essential. This would entail communication skills as well as learning active listening skills.

We can never learn or know too much. He or she who is on the path realizes the more they know, the more ignorant they realize they truly are. One who gets secure in his or her own position is not challenged, and that is a shame. For that is when growth stands still and one stagnates in their own self-righteousness. The self-righteous have started wars. What are we to do? Stop being self-righteous and learn to use use critical reason and teach empathy through skill training."


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
I'd like to be independently wealthy and physically healthy.

When it comes to changes in the world I like to keep them a little more modest and personal these days.

Because history.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
The amount of natural resources available, since this is were the problem is for the most part. Everything else are more of less just consequences of struggle for resources, especially the most important ones and the rarest ones. Doing this can be very hard or even impossible so I would put this on "solve with magic" list.


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Make fast food taste god awfully terrible, and make healthy food insanely delicious and reasonably satiating.


AKA Nunki
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
The world is, to the highest extent possible, like a piece of abstract art, a mass of meaningless shapes, colors, and impressions that you're welcome to interpret however you wish. Your interpretation, and nothing else, endows the world with its form and significance. So I would change my interpretation and, in doing so, change everything.


Mar 20, 2008
I would be pleased if members chose to read The Personality Brokers by Merve Emre from the premier university: Oxford.

The Personality Brokers is a scholarly study of the facts of mbti.

And as no member has chosen to read the facts of mbti, this would reinforce the view that typology central is a cult.

The Wall Street Journal has some nice words to say:
“In this riveting, far-reaching book [Emre] brings the skills of a detective, cultural critic, historian, scientist and biographer to bear on the MBTI and the two women who invented and promoted it…. She is never condescending to or dismissive of the people who find their four-dimensional profiles illuminating and helpful. That is why, when Ms. Emre describes her book as being ‘for the skeptics, the true believers, and everyone in between,’ she is absolutely right.”
—Wall Street Journal


Shadow Play

New member
Oct 28, 2018
I wish that everyone would use their heads. That's not too much to ask, no? I want people to think about the consequences of their actions and to question all statements made on the basis of authority alone. Some of the most despicable acts have been committed by people who, rather than taking responsibility for their actions, deflected responsibility with the excuse they were just following orders. I also wish people aren't so often blinded by sentiment. A thing isn't automatically valid just because people have believed it or done it many times before. Despite the progress we as a species have made in developing our body of knowledge, people still believe in all this superstitious shit passed down century after century.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Our capitalist ways of calculating the value of a person. It is ass backwards.

A person who has more is assumed to have earned it by the simple act of already having it. A person who has less because they are given less ( regardless of the amount of work/effort) is automatically worth less.

"This world does possess checks with balancing variables. It is we the human species that do not think and act proactively. Rather we are reactive in nature. We do not necessarily galvanize into action until a doom arises. We do not dole out the resources, time and money on children which are our greatest assets. They are the future. Yet we continue to be live in a materialistic capitalist society that puts social needs down in the basement as being a priority. Meanwhile the world’s resources are being used in a hedonistic way. We are not in balance with nature. We do not seek to curb our population growth.
This would make sense to me.

Because children would be more rare and special we could cultivate and educate them in a warm safe nurturing environment. This would afford them a better chance in their futures in gaining both success as well sound mental health. Instead our defense budget is greater than the next 12 defense budgets of the top other nations. We do not curb the tax loopholes of the filthy rich. The lobbying power bought by the money of the for all intensive purposes plutocracy keeps this situation alive.

A plutocracy is by definition 1. The rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy.

2. A government or state in which the wealthy class rules.

3. A class or group ruling, or exorcising power or influence, by virtue of its wealth.


Sep 29, 2016
"This world does possess checks with balancing variables. It is we the human species that do not think and act proactively. Rather we are reactive in nature. We do not necessarily galvanize into action until a doom arises. We do not dole out the resources, time and money on children which are our greatest assets. They are the future. Yet we continue to be live in a materialistic capitalist society that puts social needs down in the basement as being a priority. Meanwhile the world’s resources are being used in a hedonistic way. We are not in balance with nature. We do not seek to curb our population growth.
This would make sense to me.

Because children would be more rare and special we could cultivate and educate them in a warm safe nurturing environment. This would afford them a better chance in their futures in gaining both success as well sound mental health. Instead our defense budget is greater than the next 12 defense budgets of the top other nations. We do not curb the tax loopholes of the filthy rich. The lobbying power bought by the money of the for all intensive purposes plutocracy keeps this situation alive.

A plutocracy is by definition 1. The rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy.

2. A government or state in which the wealthy class rules.

3. A class or group ruling, or exorcising power or influence, by virtue of its wealth.

You’re preaching to the choir here.
...about society anyway. I don’t think children are inately soecial.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Make everyone more self aware.

Smilephantomhive I wholeheartedly second that premise. Carl Jung said to make the unconscious more conscious in order to evolve. A way of accomplishing this noble endeavor is to practice mindfulness through the use of C.B.T. (Cognitive Behavior) and R.E.B.T. (Rational Emotive Behavior). In the fields of Cognitive Behavior (C.B.T.) and Rational Emotive Behavior (R.E.B.T.)

(1) There is an external event and there is a negative emotion.

(2) The cause of the emotional turmoil is not so much the event as our distorted perception of it.

(3) We firstly detect our cognitive (Thought) fallacies then replace the fallacy stemming from our unaware subconscious belief system laden with defense mechanism's and personal unfinished business and issues.

(4) We replace it with a more realistic thought. Our emotional discomfort eases.

(5) We take realistic action.We act in a reason orientated thought approach and we become much more mindful as well being more self aware.

The above is almost a mantra of the cognitive approach. Both Cognitive Behavior alongside Rational Emotive Behavior in the West's psychology field practices something akin to a mindful Buddhist approach. Carl Jung said to make the unconscious conscious. We endeavor to uncover our subconscious thoughts and make it become accessible in our conscious minds in order to make wiser conscious choice's and decision's. It is a part in the actualizing one's inner self to be conscious and awakened instead of being led by our unconscious and undisciplined automatic thoughts and behaviors.

Most of our behavior is automatic, therefore subconsciously driven unknown by us by many distortions in our underlying thought process. These come in the form of rationalizations, denial, emotional reasoning and blind spots. In a sense we are not awake yet. Both cognitive therapy and Buddhism imply that we really need to wake up by being more aware of how we think, speak and act. In this way we discover the falsehoods and act more in accordance with reality.

If we experience a negative emotion there are distortions and fallacies of thought and cognitive reasoning. I use as a metaphor the engine light in a car. If it is on, it implies there is an internal problem. It is a reflection of unfinished business and unresolved conflict. Our emotions are triggered. This is an opportunity for growth. This is only if we make the choice to reflect and take pains to act with reason and not react towards reality in an irrational manner or by being negative.

We in effect take personal responsibility and act with an internal locus of control. We become aware of our subconscious thought process and do not react blindly in an automatic fashion. Having more awareness we can better make judicious realistic actions. We become more truly aware of both ourselves and reality and so grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually on the path of self-actualization. Yet we as a culture aren't aware of these terms and techniques. Further our children show an inherent ignorant understanding of these discipline's.

Our children are just not taught this tool box of skills for Happiness and a possessing a more mentally aware state and mind view. In the first step of the process we log and catch these fleeting underlying thoughts. We will then discover in amazement the multitude of erroneous thought's we possess on a daily basis with our populace mostly unaware of this fact. The bottom line really we will live much happier lives. I would recommend 'Feeling Good' by David Burns, 1980 to learn cognitive behavior discipline."