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How do we evolve as a society?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
How do we evolve as a society?

I write and gone on public oratory upon the mainland in different public open venues the like of both community centers and university symposium theater’s.

Upon my life’s travels I’ve used the gift of Insight and applied it to life’s experiential learning lessons. I’ve continued to grow in depth and breadth of my deeper understanding of self, others and gained a greater and broader perception of the world we all live upon.

My humanity, empathy, Agape Compassion for all of life’s varied diverse life forms upon planet Gaea or Mother Earth and animal’s life spokesperson am appalled by these statistical hard empiricist data in my walking data bank of a slight exaggeration but not too out of reality a whole library row of books collected from the various Dewey decibel system:

History, Psychology, Philosophy, Theology, Comparative Religions, Biological Anthropology MD., Harvard,s Professor Howard Gardner 8 multiple intelligences which he speculated upon a 9th, Dr. Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence, linguistics, and World Mythology by noted Joseph Campbell.

The humanity in me breaks. These are hard statistical empirically backed hard research figures.

1. Homo Sapiens has been on Earth for 200,000 years. Even during the Black Plague which devastate wide segments of Europe as well Asia Minor the world’s population of the human race never breached 2,000,000,000.

It was the discovery of petroleum in 1920 which led to the use of petroleum based fertilizer which spiked the human race from two billion mto today’s outrageously insane and immoral population of 7,000,000,000 plus.

Gentlemen and Ladies scientists say we are reaching a 6th extinction of Earth’s biodiverse life forms in all it’s glory. There was an excellent quotation by a female woman who said, “The human race is as a bunch of locusts and we continue to let this travesty continue and manifest unchecked.

The world’s entire population of mammal wildlife amounts to an insignificance of a mere 4%. The rest of mammals are domesticated cattle and pigs.

One mere Homo Sapiens city of 1 million is more than the entire African continent of lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants and giraffes combined.

“We are the greatest Democracy” is double dribble from both sides out of the mouth. There’s not single Democracy on planet Earth’s 214-220 nations. “We are a Republic for which we stand.”

One sided dribble out of the corner of subjectively speaking, “We are the world’s greatest Republic.” Ladies and Gentleman the 4 most socially progressive countries year after continued year are Scandinavian: Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

We rank dead last in the discrepancy of the super rich and poor among all nations on planet Earth.

We are ranked 65th in environmental protection among all the nations on the globe.

The number one homeless population in the United States are veterans.

From George Washington all the way up to including Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan doubly increased the national debt. (Statistical data). Then George Bush doubled every president from George Washington up to his own presidency of every president combined. (Hard statistical data).

I am primarily an Empiricist of the philosophy branch tree. Though I’m also a Stoic, Existentialist and Humanist like my dear soul sister Retired Doctorate of Philosophy NT Anne Williams I’m honored to know Anne as one of my oldest Colleagues upon Facebook.

My dear soul sister once wrote me that at times she comes out as NT and at other instances NF. I replied feedback to one of most treasured and respected by me for her humanitarianism spirit and soul that if one is between an E for extrovert and I for introvert one can get an X on their Myers Briggs Typology Profile so if Anne comes out between both an NT (primarily) but at times NF it is because of her humanity displayed in her writings of a woman I greatly admire.

George Bush’s wars in Afghanistan and Iran put this country in debt for trillions of dollars. Also I know as a Vet than more ex-veterans will become homeless due to P.T.S.D. Also each veteran who has a service connected physical or mental disability for their rest of their lives will receive free medical care via the Veterans Administration and paid for by the American tax payer.

As an honorably discharged veteran with a DD-214 reflecting a FT. Ord, Ca. S-2 military intelligence where I conducted background checks on those seeking a security clearance. I had to have my own security clearance to do the job.

While at Ft. Ord, Ca. I attended PNOC, the Primary Non-Commissioned Officer Academy graduating from a 30 day course trained to lead men, squads and platoons with a bass command thunder voice with my command voice akin to according to my History pedigree, General George Mccarthur, a five star general with the famously encapsulated words, “I’ll be back,” when ousted by the Japanese in the Philippians.

Speaking as ‘John Doe,” meaning the above are exact hard empirical fact checked data. During Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower the tax rate hovered to an absurd (I’m only guessing 50 percent on the rich). We were able to build the public highway and railway systems infrastructure.

The Republicans are putting up a fight against a mere tax increase of 31% to a rate of merely 33%.

The Billionaire brothers deaf, dumb and blind ‘SJ’s the least genetically gifted are running the hypocrisy of it, “Fox news fair and balanced.” Basically because of the millionaires and billionaires use of the lobbyists who influence the politicians we are for all intensive purpose an ‘Oligarchy’ and ‘Plutocracy.’

Fox News is basically analogous to the Nazi war propaganda of the loony toons television station of the National Enquirer and National Globe.

Why, we are reactive. For those who voted for “Trump,” ask yourself these basic parameters of human intelligence.

Variable #1 Trump lacks commands of the English language and usage of verbiage.

Variable #2 Trump lacks usage of Professional tongue utilization in all his speaking.

Variable #3 Trump does not utilize higher collegiate nor higher university vocabulary in his lack of verbiage utilized.

#4. My own term as an elder Intuitive I call (WPM) Words per minute. He doesn’t articulate as in did at a mere high school juvenile. His talks are flat.
WPM-lacks Pitch
WPM -lacks Tone
WPM- Lacks Flow of a higher vernacular usage of a greater linguistic tongue in his lack of vocabulary usage of the English vocabulary.

‘Trump called Rosie Odenel a farm animal determined to have a higher I.Q (empirical data) than a dog. You shameful man with no character, empathy or humanity. Rosie Odenel articulates with greater vernacular and a higher I.Q than this dweeb of a president.

I’m ashamed at what this disgrace as a human being of how he talked about women in a highly disgraceful manner caught while he was on a bus ride.

I know good Christians but those of the moral majority who voted for this shameful man with no ethics, character, shame and lies to the American public in a disingenuous speech really disgraced your own selves.

What’s more he lied to the American public when he said, “He had something conclusive about President Obama’s birth certificate. All male and female NT have higher levels of the sexual hormone testosterone than their NF, SP and SJ counterparts.

These are the NT presidents Thomas Jefferson, “The Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln, The Emancipation Proclamation, Dwight D. Eisenhower, five star all allied supreme commander of the D-Day landings, Ulysses S. Grant, civil war union general who defeated Thomas Lee Jackson of the confederacy, and Barack Obama, Harvard Law.

All of these gentlemen have both Spatial Intelligence via Harvard Professor Howard Gardner’s 8 multiple intelligences and speculated on a 9th Intelligence plus Intuitive Insights of the NT Rational Mind.

Numerous bright minds are amongst my esteemed NT soul brothers and sisters. Soul brother Mario Mc Cormick NT who I’m glad for them hooked up alongside Soul Sister Annette Katona NT, Soul Sister Nathalie Laurin 0.75% female INTJ and Soul Sister Elizabeth Ann Ciccantelli NT, Soul brother Patrick B McGinnis NT, practicing psychologist and EMDR certified.

I love Plato’s Cave Allegory and his concept of the philosopher kings, though the term kings is archaic to me. If we start electing NT politicians in high office then we can statistically make progress forward in society.

For those who ‘Think,’ ‘Feel,’ and ‘Believe’ we are at a new dawn of an awakening, I profoundly know historical archives. Every century since 1300’s up to the very present each century has replicated this belief which amounts to ‘Emotional Reasoning.’

For me to buy into a notion of a spiritual awakening I need at least two correlations of societal progress. Number one a cut down on school bullying. Nope, we still have bullying unimpeded to this very day. A good second correlation would be that our highest elected politicians are trained to at least articulate as high school juniors on a debate team sticking with objective facts in proper debate format.

This is one out of a thousand self help books in psychology both #1 and #2 are written by Dr. David B. Burns MD. Feeling Good: New Mood Therapy is rated number one. Dr. David B. Burns MD, Feeling Good Handbook is rated number two.

I’ve disciplined my mind in both my writings and public oratory speeches since 1993 using Dr. David Aaron Beck, considered the founding father of CT. (Cognitive Therapy). I’ve read Dr. Beck’s books and they are dry.

Apparently these two gentlemen where not in contact with one another but Dr. Albert E. Ellis is the founding father of R.E.T., later elongated to R.E.B.T (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. I’ve read Dr. Ellis’s books ‘A New Guide to Rational Living and Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy. Dr. Beck came out with a list of 10 Irrational Ideas in the human thought process on the unconscious level.

I’ve trained my mind with Dr. B. Burns 10 cognitive Distortions in the human thought process on the unconscious level. This is why I can have colleagues if higher academia.

Think of physicists my colleague Nathalie Laurin who has higher testosterone than her SP, SJ and NF female counterparts. Nathalie is 0.75% female INTJ who is a professor of laser optics to graduate students who gave me open ended queries while I attended Argosy University in downtown Honolulu, HI.

Of all my online colleagues I hold her in highest esteem. I don’t care what she looks like. She could weigh 300 lbs I would like to meet Nathalie Laurin eye to eye and tell her with shoulders bent in gracious humility of the accord she has given me throughout the years since approximately 2004 till present day.

Argosy University is where my wife Quwahia Raven-YoungBear Whisperingfire a 1.8% ENFJ female graduated as a Licensed Family and Marriage Counselor.

Quwahia worked at a domestic abuse home for battered women, a crack recovery home for crack recovery addicts and my field as well SMI or severe mental illness of schizophrenia, bi-polar I, by-polar II and border line personality disorder at a residential home for the severely mentally ill population.

My uneducated youngest sister plays the violin and piano.

She speaks with a greater vernacular usage of verbs in a more refined linguistic style than (‘President and Billionaire and least gifted an SJ who has higher serotonin levels than his NT, NF and SP’s.

She is genetically gifted with her genotype, her given birthright. My sisters empathy oozes through her Private messages reflecting the 35% of the most gifted. Her reasoned, Sis you nailed it!

Three and five reasoned insights has a higher I.Q. and E.Q. than (Billionaire SJ (serotonin brain neurochemistry and president who got elected using cognitive distortions like “Labeling, Pejoratives and Name Calling. That’s right male and female NF have higher Estrogen levels than their comparison SP. SJ and NT.

My uneducated sister INFP like her elder by 8 year high academia eldest brother LightSun INFP have the genetic gifts of both male and female NF like my adopted sister INFP Soul Sister Gloria Sepulveda, Soul Sister ENFJ Kathleen M. Clark a practicing psychologist once was going too a symposium and asked for my input which I typed back too her, soul sister INFP Erin Machniak who has a masters in computer science, and soul sister Elizabeth Focht and collegue and soul sister Lanna R Lyons all have heightened sexual estrogen levels resulting in the gifts of Empathy, Emotional Intelligence, and E.Q.

I once joked to Lana, “What do I do, go to the emergency room and ask for an estrogen test. I had a dialogue with Lana for a full decade. Lana received her masters in social work and then got a doctorate. Departed Soul Sister Lanna Rose Lyons was the 1% of genius level Mensa.

All of us also have Spatial Intelligence of Bill Clinton an SP who can never be Barack Obama of Harvard Law with NT (Intuitive Insights plus spatial intelligence and academically speaking some NF characteristics and traits giving you a gold star President Obama.

The dimmest percentile of 65% of the Sensory population of SP reflect higher levels of the dopamine brain neurochemistry have spatial intelligence.

These are “The Titans of Mind that walked metaphorically the fields of men, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkings and of the brightest light, the Northern Light of all the brains I collect as colleagues Nathalie Laurin shines the brightest.

I am an NF of the social sciences of Psy.D, Psychologists, Licensed Family Therapy Counselors, Human Services, Social Services, Social Workers, Case Managers and Behavior Coordinators.

We have as a society made technological miraculous advancing. Yet we have not fundamentally advanced with emotion, psychological strength or real spirituality. Since the times of the Great Pantheon. The Following illustrious human soul-being in mortal flesh.

Mahavira - Jainism
Jesus- New Testament
Socrates who instructed Plato
Plato who educated Aristotle.
Krishna of Bhagavad-Gita of Hinduism notable.
Buddha, of course Buddhism.
Confucius of Confucianism analects Books I find appeal.
Lao Tzu- Taoism

I have so written on this topic for you in mere only memory put down bible verse or a secular quote when push comes down to getting triggered you react from your subconscious. All the Bible verses learned or secular quotations go out of the window. Wisdom must stem from inside out. That is why on Soul Family I was quite adamant of utilizing open ended query a la Socratic. My job was to facilitate.

All 100% of the SP and SJ if your born blind like Helen Keller you die blind. Only an NT or NF could have come out of that darkness. I’ve read ‘Sweet Helen Keller’s humanitarian writings (you can say it no other way but sweet and I am in awe of her) and she was NF. Gandhi NF, Eleanor Roosevelt NF. These are my role models. The NF’s are the sensitive souls metaphorically speaking the Angels that have graced the fields of men.

If you want societal progress start electing NT Rational Minds of an NT. Give the SJ and SP a modicum if a chance. Start to at least those in the highest elected capacity at the levels of government to at least as a high school junior stick to objective facts in debate style and remove cognitive distortions in the speech process. Both left Democrats and right Conservatives utilize Cognitive Distortions in their speech, thoughts and writings.

Then have the givers and sharers if the NF’s be the auxiliary force to help propel society forward.

Because societal norms, parental expectations and peer expectations are pre-programmed in the unconscious belief system. Most of our speech, action and behavior is on auto pilot. There’s a plus side evolutionary and a down side. That’s why I have made suggestion of cognitive mindfulness to catch thought distortions.

All human beings on this world have blind spots. SP and SJ do not grow as wise with age for they lack a gift of insight. A variable is a major traumatic in nature experience forces then into a realignment of their priorities along with basic values.

All human beings brain is on auto pilot so NT and NF repeatedly make the same common error. The gift of insight among the 35% of The I.Q.’s and genius’s of the brightest of the bright allows for this reason intuitive’s to continue evolving and maturing with age.

I was a wise, insightful, intelligent and astute men during my 30’s. I will not say wise I am now compared then to the present time.

Here’s a query. I ask you, “Do you know your brain is on auto pilot. I,be written and given speeches on free will. It has been ascertained by doctorates and professors of high academic pedigree prior to making a free choice or decision it has been already determined on the unconscious level based on the Nature & Nurture Paradigm.

It’s also shown on the documentaries I frequently watch that the Human race have a genetic predisposition toward superstitious belief. Again, by academias of the highest order. I ask deep philosophical probing deep queries like, “If you were God how would you create the world. A simple equation on my sake. 1. Have us reason based. 2. No diseases. 3. Have NT’s and NF’s then there would be balladry, poetry, philosophy, songs, science. This would be metaphorically heaven on Earth.

The SJ including Trump have no spatial intelligence. All SJ’s (Serotonin neurochemistry) are analogous to a 1950’s computer to next up SP Dopamine (Just merely spatial intelligence). You three SJ (setatonin) MD Psychiatrists, PH.D psychologists and three SJ Nazi generals run for your life (Histories name for General George Patton was “Old Blood and Guts.” He had spatial intelligence.

General Patton, a five star general and most feared Western allied commander of the Western allies European commanders had higher levels of SP (dopamine brain neurochemistry) can never be a Dwight D. Eisenhower, five star general and over all allied commander of the D Day Normandy landings who was an NT (Intuitive Insights with Spatial Intelligence.

My sister Linda “es muy bonita and es ‘Linda’ en espanol. Translation. “My kid sister is very pretty and beautiful in the Spanish language of which I am somewhat fluent, as well Italian and German.

This is combining two sources of higher academia of my wide and varied high educational academia.

One is based on Biological Anthropology MD. Combined with my primary area of expertise.
This is Professor ‘NT’ David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates, ‘Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament Types’ @ copyrighted 1984 by Gnososolgy Books Ltd.

These two fields of study combine the four major Myers Briggs Typology Index with the 65 percentile
of the higher than the norm ‘SJ’ serotonin brain neurochemistry, not one on planet earth from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, PH.D Psychologist, MD psychiatrist, judge, lawyer, ldoctor, university professor and yes ‘SJ’ Billionaire Mr. Trump (dweeb of inferior intellect) representative, senator, or millionaire.

This is why I’ve with my I.Q. Insight, High academia, and as an INFP male I have higher estrogen levels like Carl Rogers being of Rogerian psychology was also an INFP.

I utilize my gifts of an excellent public oratory, I.Q. and high academia to address on the mainland different diverse speaking engagements, 10 Myers Briggs Typology Index Forums, my site Peaceweaver my adopted Soul Sister Gloria Sepulveda help me create.

The original visionary view was 1. Wisdom 2. Love 3. Art 4 . Music 5. Quotations and 6. Important questions regarding life’s important life queries.

The male arch type accordingrepresentingless than 1% of the entire population of America. according to Professor Keirsey is “Sir Galahad.”

Ladies and Gentlemen I am no Galahad nor Lancelot of The Lake in the immortalized in the love triangle of Lancelot of The Lake, Guinevere and Arthur (King).

I am however an excellent public orator with a thunderous PNOC Primary Non-Commissioned Officer Academy Graduate command voice from Ft. Ord, CA.

I told an Rn and PA -a physicians assistant and too an uneducated youngest of my siblings that she is so reasoned with Insight. It fundamental- genotype. My sister is not as educated as I am the elder of five siblings.

YET, she has higher IQ plus EQ with the additive Spatial Intelligence and quite reasoned Insight than doctoral pedigree. That these less pedigree talk with articulateness. And doctors level of pedigree of a less genotype “do not talk so well.”

For God’s sake! A sister who is not remotely has the education of mine -more articulate than MD -psychiatrist plus also too so called PH.D of psychology caliber.

I’m not perfect but I strive to be a human soul who lives by what I write. I try to be integral and strive my best to be a man of strong moral conviction.

The SJ and SP are destroying our planet and dragging the NT and NF down with them.
I plan on putting my white flag of the protest of them in sheer ignorant, non-ethical destroying our gorgeous world.

I want to set up a think tank of some of the the very brightest brains I know across this planet. I’d like to do a roll call. How many NT and NF are out there among my esteemed colleagues. I’d like to develop a web site online and invite all of my NT and NF very esteemed individuals there and have a symposium.

Can anybody help me with designing this hypothetical web site of the BIG GUNS, an invite to the brightest among the starry lights of an NT/NF pantheon. All of us would share equal CPU in brain and I.Q.
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Aug 21, 2017
For those who voted for “Trump,” ask yourself these basic parameters of human intelligence.
Personally I've always felt that the quantification of cognitive capacity was inherently biased and based on pseudoscience. Take Trump for an example; he's a self made billionaire with an ivy league education who clinched the highest possible political office as both an outsider and underdog, and all without previously holding any government or military position. Despite these facts, people on the left are still able to perform a rather impressive feat of mental gymnastics and back flips when trying to deride him for a perceived lack of intelligence. Ultimately I do think it works in Trump's favor, as people under estimating him likely played a significant factor when winning the election.

Variable #1 Trump lacks commands of the English language and usage of verbiage.
I really don't know what you mean by this, and for whatever reason you've decided not to cite any specific example that might help further elaborate. Personally, I've consistently felt that his one liners and comebacks were witty, comical and nothing short of genius.

Variable #2 Trump lacks usage of Professional tongue utilization in all his speaking.
Psychology tells us that the vast majority of communication is conveyed through non-verbal cues such as body language. By this metric, Trump is again such a genius that even in debates and speeches I sometimes try to interpret what he's saying through his hand gestures alone.

I’m ashamed at what this disgrace as a human being of how he talked about women in a highly disgraceful manner
Yes, there was a recording of a private conversation well over a decade ago where Trump boasts about all the things women "let you to do" if you're a billionaire celebrity. In contrast to other politicians who've done far more than mere talk, it's rather baffling to me how this would consistently be cited as a forefront for criticism.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
It is astounding to me that Trump voters, who often profess to have such great intelligence, claim they have little to no idea what the majority of people are talking about, so frequently.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2011
Nice job but keep in mind that just hits the tip of the iceberg. Trump is a symptom of a broken system. Ultimately, if you want to see things evolve, fix the system that gives rise to the Trumps, school shootings, OJ Simpsons/Casey Anthonys being found not guilty etc...don't get your hopes up, at the end of the day its not fixable, not in this lifetime. Hope is a nasty word.


in dreamland
Oct 27, 2013
Society is but a reflection of the people in it; most people are still in the feces flinging stage of evolution. Libertarians have evolved beyond that. We don't kill, steal, and we don't covet other people's success. Look at the man in the mirror; that is the problem. Most of the problems exist today because people want something that they haven't earned. If you are a Democrat, it's because you want something for free and you want the government to steal it for you. That is unethical. Go earn it yourself and you'll be a happier person.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Society is but a reflection of the people in it; most people are still in the feces flinging stage of evolution. Libertarians have evolved beyond that. We don't kill, steal, and we don't covet other people's success. Look at the man in the mirror; that is the problem. Most of the problems exist today because people want something that they haven't earned. If you are a Democrat, it's because you want something for free and you want the government to steal it for you. That is unethical. Go earn it yourself and you'll be a happier person.

Honestly... what.

Just an fyi... I qualify for assistance and recently stopped it all because I truly believe I do not need it at this point, and I'd rather live honestly and allow those resources to flow elsewhere. I'm also planning to request my piddly ($80/month) child support be cut off. I do not need anyone to take care of me.

Mind you... I'm now paying a mortgage and property taxes that are higher than any rent I've ever paid, and driving further to work than I ever have, etc etc.

I have thus far always voted democratically. Much of the motivation behind that is ethical (yet not void of logic).

Your argument is weak and shows dogmatic thinking. You can do better.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
It is astounding to me that Trump voters, who often profess to have such great intelligence, claim they have little to no idea what the majority of people are talking about, so frequently.
It should be astounding to me that so many Trump voters are incapable of voting even in their own self interests. Sadly, it is not.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
It should be astounding to me that so many Trump voters are incapable of voting even in their own self interests. Sadly, it is not.

>votes for trump
>sees benefits in life

"omg, why do trump voters vote against their best interest!?" - Liberals


Aug 21, 2017
>votes for trump
>sees benefits in life

"omg, why do trump voters vote against their best interest!?" - Liberals
Seriously. Trump voters should be mortified to see their wages increase! We've all been conned by our increased benefits and salaries and opportunities.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
Seriously. Trump voters should be mortified to see their wages increase! We've all been conned by our increased benefits and salaries and opportunities.

Yeah, its crazy I have all these job opportunities and promotions available. Im so glad im a poor person, working in blue collar market. So much room for improvement.


Sep 29, 2016
Honestly... what.

Just an fyi... I qualify for assistance and recently stopped it all because I truly believe I do not need it at this point, and I'd rather live honestly and allow those resources to flow elsewhere. I'm also planning to request my piddly ($80/month) child support be cut off. I do not need anyone to take care of me.

Mind you... I'm now paying a mortgage and property taxes that are higher than any rent I've ever paid, and driving further to work than I ever have, etc etc.

I have thus far always voted democratically. Much of the motivation behind that is ethical (yet not void of logic).

Your argument is weak and shows dogmatic thinking. You can do better.

I've done the same in the past. I received some government assistance for a while, although I would much rather have had a job. The very day I found out I had been hired I called and told them " Thank you for help these past few months but I no-longer need it."

Really, I think the bigger problem is the qualifications on who is allowed to work. And that isn't on 'The government" it's on corporations who refuse to hire part time, those NEED medical insurance, people who might be a 'liability', who can't be exploited into doing back-breaking physical labor for more hours and less pay than they origionally agreed to. The government needed to make a 'disability' thing to cover those who are excluded by these grotesque 'standards'. And to be honest, I'm quite pissed about it. I think I can work, and I rather would .

I also wonder how it is that these people who whine about 'leeches' do not go after rich tech workers. Like, what do they think they do all day? I know a lot of people who work in that sector and iI can assure you; not much. People working the service industry work a hell of a lot harder for nothing.

Conservative/libertarians, I swear to God their concept of 'earned' is merely in that have it.

I know people who work at Facebook and honestly, those are the biggest leeches you could ever hope to find. Three, free, buffet style meals cooked by Michealan star chefs which they pile into numerous to go boxes to take hope to their ( often enormous ) families.
Free transit passes
Full medical/dental
Free transit
Discounted/priority entertainment.
Access to workshops and resources no one else has

ON top of their enormous salaries. They have all the money and don't have to pay for a thing. But I mean, they have it so they must earn it.
...even though many of them do very little work and have an unlimited number of /sick/vacation/mental health days. Gerd bless them hurdwurkin 'Murican folk!

Meanwhile they seem to believe that people in the service industry, busting their asses doing physical labor for 10+ a day, no over time, no pension, no vacation, no sick time and shitty ( if any) benefits and can't raise a damned family because they can't even get a stable schedule, making less than minimum wage, and basically fitting the bill for the rich tech workers because they are the only ones who pay for anything-those people are the ingrates, the 'whiny millennial's' picking on them poor corporations, asking them to pay taxes to just begin to give back to the local economies they've ransacked. Maybe if they had rich Daddies they get sit on their asses and start earning that money too!

This kind of attitude used to infuriate me, but it just makes me shakes my head anymore. It's unimaginably ignorant that I cannot imagine what sort of entitlement lead them there.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
>votes for trump
>sees benefits in life

"omg, why do trump voters vote against their best interest!?" - Liberals
I see you overlooked the words "so many", to assume your experience is shared by all Trump voters. You also overlook the fact that Trump may not be responsible for whatever benefits you have experienced. Correlation does not imply causation. Also, no need to lump me in with simplistically labelled people who question Trump's effectiveness or fitness for office.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
I see you overlooked the words "so many", to assume your experience is shared by all Trump voters.

Call me defensive, but I find people's constant barrage of negative assumptions, even if not generalizing, to be irritating at best. This irritation extends beyond just Trump voters, but to voters in general. I don't often say that the general public is smarter than people think, but I believe this is one of those instances when it comes to elections.

Edit after your edit:

Of course we can/not go based off of correlation not equaling causation, but it doesn't matter either way. That can apply to any president. Everything Obama did could have been complete coincidence. Everything Trump did too. But history doesn't really care about the finer details. All I know, is my life improved significantly after Trump got elected, and a factual benefit, for example, was no longer having to pay that retarded Obama care fee. That alone, is factual evidence of him helping me. Everything else could entirely be coincidence. I just don't think after 3 incidences, its not correlation. Its what I voted for.


Sep 29, 2016
I see you overlooked the words "so many", to assume your experience is shared by all Trump voters. You also overlook the fact that Trump may not be responsible for whatever benefits you have experienced. Correlation does not imply causation. Also, no need to lump me in with simplistically labelled people who question Trump's effectiveness or fitness for office.

...also that those benefits were only afforded to people who were already doing fine.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
...also that those benefits were only afforded to people who were already doing fine.

Implying I was "doing fine". The only thing I can sympathize on is healthcare, everything else is doing better imo. And even then, who many qualified? For example, Obamacare helped like 17% of Americans, but screwed far more. How many people benefited from Trump? Far as I am concerned, no one thing can help everyone. So the one thing that can help the most, is superior.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Here’s food for thought for the deeper thinkers.

I am a Humanist, possess the real gift called Empathy. (I know sizable percentiles that claim empathy and amount to empaths, but in fact don’t possess true empathy. I’m also of Gaea or that our Mother Earth is alike a viable organism.

This means I champion while upon mainland Florida, Facebook, LinkedIn, well above 200 articles and have been involved in plus 10 Myers Briggs Typology Index site open forums.

I speak and write of women’s rights, animal rights, gay rights and privileges, need for political reform, Incest and the Domestic Abuse Cycle of battered women in America and indeed round the “(globe); wrong we live upon the sphere planet Earth.

All the great religions say approximately what the prince of peace Jesus propounded, “The kingdom of heaven is within.”

I have often gave a public speech or written, “That we live upon a world whose citizenry worship Fame, Beauty, Sex, Power, Prestige and Wealth.

Yet we live on a materialistic world raping and destroying planet Earth with all its glory and biodiversity. I have written we are a reactive in nature species, not so much proactive.

I expound upon these virtues: (1) a Human Happiness Ratio (a test of the citizenry happiness in their culture. This is an outdated old statistic. Anyone receiving $85,000, their human happiness does not go above the mean.

This is implying the person’s who don’t wish to get a 2% increase in taxable income are selfish. We are a whole world organism. The people garnering wealth are not necessarily more of any kind harder worker than the poor.

It comes statistically to being in a favorable position. We rank dead last of the discrepancy of the super rich elite and the poorest of the poor.

(2) Environmental protection of its biodiversity. We rank world wide 65th. American’s we should be aghast.

(3) Health care reform. On a documentary I viewed Taiwan posses the world’s best health care. The Taiwan people took and contrasted European, The United States, Canadian, Australian and Japanese health care. They took it upon their own people a system more viable than the America’s.

(4) Parental Training is in need. ‘I know the general populace outcry that we have a right to bear children without any government intervention. If it takes a legal license in driving one’s car then people should be scrutinized before bearing children.

(5) I’ve in the past written on wive’s tales and positivism’s. The naive, “Time heals all wounds.” I know from empirical data that a full 2/3 of children growing in an adverse home life for the REST of their lives grow up and have to take on an unnecessary put on their

shoulders a dysfunction in at least 1 out of several divergent areas such: (5.1) Mental Health issues. (5.2) Substance Abuse problematic issues. (5.3) problems with relationships and. (5.4) Job performance.

(6) Empathy training skills taught at the early education system. Young peers sitting in a circle and discussing how another’s belligerent behavior affect their own feeling.

This coincided along (6.1A) Thought Empathy (6.1B) Emotive empathy skills learned.

(7) Active listening skills learned in early education. I have been fond of the saying we have 2 ears with but 1 mouth, therefore we should listen more than talk.

(8) Mindful Cognitive disciplining of one’s inner thought process. Teach children at the crucial earlier formative development child development about Cognitive Distortions in the unconscious human thought process.

(9) A la Bernie Sanders (Independent, I believe from Vermont) A universal education package.

(10) The raising of children in home environments conducive to mental well being. These include such ingredients: (10.1) Unconditional love, not one based on parental expectation. (10.2) The child feeling safe in the home. (10.3) The appliance of the needful ingredient; Nurture. (10.4) The realistic set of proper boundaries.

(11) Seeking to get out of last place of all the world’s counties wealth discrepancy gap of rich and poor in America.

(12) I as my Myers Briggs indicates happen being INFP. These are thought of akin and likened to as a dreamer as well a visionary. I do not know all of the viable cures to societal ills and afflictions. I do know however some starting points.

What I don’t understand is the leadership in Washington do not even use high school juniors debate style of staying and using objective fact in dialogue. I do know what I have ability of pragmatic and stoic control over. it is disheartening that this quagmire of those in power continues unabated.


Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Seriously. Trump voters should be mortified to see their wages increase! We've all been conned by our increased benefits and salaries and opportunities.

President Trump Keeps Taking Credit for the Economy. How Much Should He Get? | Fortune

there is a huge delay before most things a president does can be determined as beneficial or harmful to the economy's long term growth... there is a lot of talk about what they are doing in the present, but most of it is horseshit unless they are really fucking up... we'll know the actual impact trump had years from now...

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
I've done the same in the past. I received some government assistance for a while, although I would much rather have had a job. The very day I found out I had been hired I called and told them " Thank you for help these past few months but I no-longer need it."

Really, I think the bigger problem is the qualifications on who is allowed to work. And that isn't on 'The government" it's on corporations who refuse to hire part time, those NEED medical insurance, people who might be a 'liability', who can't be exploited into doing back-breaking physical labor for more hours and less pay than they origionally agreed to. The government needed to make a 'disability' thing to cover those who are excluded by these grotesque 'standards'. And to be honest, I'm quite pissed about it. I think I can work, and I rather would .

I also wonder how it is that these people who whine about 'leeches' do not go after rich tech workers. Like, what do they think they do all day? I know a lot of people who work in that sector and iI can assure you; not much. People working the service industry work a hell of a lot harder for nothing.

Conservative/libertarians, I swear to God their concept of 'earned' is merely in that have it.

I know people who work at Facebook and honestly, those are the biggest leeches you could ever hope to find. Three, free, buffet style meals cooked by Michealan star chefs which they pile into numerous to go boxes to take hope to their ( often enormous ) families.
Free transit passes
Full medical/dental
Free transit
Discounted/priority entertainment.
Access to workshops and resources no one else has

ON top of their enormous salaries. They have all the money and don't have to pay for a thing. But I mean, they have it so they must earn it.
...even though many of them do very little work and have an unlimited number of /sick/vacation/mental health days. Gerd bless them hurdwurkin 'Murican folk!

Meanwhile they seem to believe that people in the service industry, busting their asses doing physical labor for 10+ a day, no over time, no pension, no vacation, no sick time and shitty ( if any) benefits and can't raise a damned family because they can't even get a stable schedule, making less than minimum wage, and basically fitting the bill for the rich tech workers because they are the only ones who pay for anything-those people are the ingrates, the 'whiny millennial's' picking on them poor corporations, asking them to pay taxes to just begin to give back to the local economies they've ransacked. Maybe if they had rich Daddies they get sit on their asses and start earning that money too!

This kind of attitude used to infuriate me, but it just makes me shakes my head anymore. It's unimaginably ignorant that I cannot imagine what sort of entitlement lead them there.

I don't even get an actual lunch break. And zero sick days. When a client doesn't show up for their appointment, I do not get paid for my time, yet I still need to stay because I need a minimum number of hours to maintain my health insurance. When I call in sick, I have to squeeze every appointment from that day into another already completely full day within the following two weeks because there is no one else who can do my job. I've done this for 14 years and I cannot ever make any more money than I do right now unless prices are raised or I bust my ass beyond reasonable limits because I am solely commission paid. Busting my ass beyond limits is not possible with chronic inflammatory disease. In fact, I really shouldn't even be doing this anymore because of the advancing arthritic flares in my hands, but I'm under qualified on paper for basically anything that pays a living wage for a 34-year-old single parent of two.

The most ironic part of all of this is that I used to go to school, and in the off seasons, I would work full-time. When a semester started and I needed to drop to part-time again, my boss told me "if you do this, you can never go full-time again because we can't have you going back and forth". Translation: We do not support your efforts to continue your education and want to destroy your future. They were overstaffed at that point.

I have actually been considering applying for a job as an insulation technician because it's the ONLY job I have come across in YEARS here that pays the same or more than I get now but doesn't require any experience. Unfortunately, I'd have to be open to 50 hour work weeks which is nearly impossible for a single parent with no support system who needs childcare.

Anyway... it's been tough and entirely soul sucking and depressing to have so many external limitations when I KNOW I am one of the MOST competent people and could have done whatever I wanted had the path not been washed away multiple times and had I not found myself struggling to stay afloat in the midst of the floods.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
President Trump Keeps Taking Credit for the Economy. How Much Should He Get? | Fortune

there is a huge delay before most things a president does can be determined as beneficial or harmful to the economy's long term growth... there is a lot of talk about what they are doing in the present, but most of it is horseshit unless they are really fucking up... we'll know the actual impact trump had years from now...

Ill bet you when Trump leaves office after a new president comes in. They will receive credit immediately in the media for fixing everything. I would say Trumps policies had an immediate effect, because its trade deals, not stimulus packages. Those affect the market immediately. For example, decreasing fuel prices immediately affects all shipping costs for everyone, creating a spike in productivity. Taxing fuel, does the opposite.