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How do we achieve World Peace?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“How Do We Achieve World Peace?”

I. “My religion is I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions despite external situations or people.”

II. “I will not repay negativity for negativity.”

III. “What the other person does is a reflection of them. What I do is a reflection of me.” LightSun

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” Lao Tzu


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
I. “My religion is I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions despite external situations or people.”

II. “I will not repay negativity for negativity. Their speech, writing and actions are a reflection of them. If negative, it is their own thought distortions that they are unknowingly projecting unto me.

I will remain true to myself. I will be positive yet too realistic. I will be a voice for social Justice but I will stick to objective fact, reason, and rational thought.

I will not lose my head to emotional reasoning and pollute reality with my own unfinished business, unresolved conflicts, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound.

III. I acknowledge the truth that we are a projective species. I will take responsibility for my own state of mind.

IV. I acknowledge that if I have a negative emotion, then I am triggered. I will acknowledge that if I have a negative emotion, whatever the situation may be, that I am under the influence of thought distortions.

I will acknowledge the fact that in every negative emotion there are distortions of thought. The only amendment is if I am in a flight or flight scenario or if I am in extreme physical pain.

V.I will not succumb to triggers and react. Rather I will be mindful, correct my thought distortions and deal with the situation rationally.” LightSun

P.S. “I will not repay negativity for negativity. Another persons response is their reality. If they are negative then they are triggers and are projecting unconsciously unto me unfairly.

They are unknowingly projecting their own subjective opinions and it’s veiled with cognitive thought distortions

that hide their own unfinished business, unresolved conflict, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound. If they are cogent and express objective fact then I will dialogue with them.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Are you truly open minded, tolerant and respectful of others with dissimilar beliefs? Do you follow these precepts?

1. “Judge not sayeth the lord for judgment is mine.” “The measure you give is the measure you get.” Do you use labels, name calling and pejoratives with someone you disagree with? If you use negative subjective language on others, you are judging.

2. Do you truly turn the cheek? Do you argue when insulted? Or do you merely know this verse yet don’t practice it?

3. Jesus said to love thy neighbor. Personally this is too difficult. Do you at least keep a cool level objective head? Irregardless of the person even if you find them distasteful do you, yourself talk in a respectful manner?

4. Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek and the blessed are the peacemakers.” It is said that if one achieves inner peace, no one can rock your boat.

If triggered do you succumb to negative subjective language? Do you engage with put downs, denigrating language, and angry argumentative speech?

5. It’s well and fine to state your position on what you believe in.

Would people agree or disagree with the following philosophy? If someone states a dissimilar belief accept it and don’t argue. Are you able to let go?

Moreover you are being dogmatic and not allowing another to believe or not believe as they desire. If a person falls into a trap of trying to argue with a person in order to change their beliefs, it is an aspect of ego.

If you argue it is a pointless waste of time. It is a manifestation and reflection of psychological, emotional, and spiritual immaturity on your part

6. If you find yourself saying no to any of these questions you are not walking the talk nor practicing what you preach. Whether you are a Christian or have another belief, these are excellent guides to follow.

There are of course good Christians who at least put their best foot forward and try best as they are able to follow these.

There are too many lip servers who say they are Christian. They go to church and think that’s all they have to do to be saved. There are many that don’t put in the effort to follow Jesus example. In scripture Jesus will say, “I never knew you.

The reason I am making this post is that according to Professor Dyson 90% of people are religious. I scroll up and down Facebook and see people blasting each other with their own position.

7. Jesus said, “Why do you see the speck in your neighbors eye, but do not see the log in your own eye?”

This is the simple key to world peace. Everybody stay responsible for your own life, thoughts and feelings. When I see a religious, secular or new age quote which labels other people, it amounts to an is verses them approach.

8. I. My religion is I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions despite external situations or people.”

II. “I will not repay negativity for negativity. Their speech, writing and actions are a reflection of them. If negative, it is their own thought distortions that they are unknowingly projecting unto me.

I will remain true to myself. I will be positive yet too realistic. I will be a voice for social Justice but I will stick to objective fact, reason, and rational thought.

I will not lose my head to emotional reasoning and pollute reality with my own unfinished business, unresolved conflicts, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound.

III. I acknowledge the truth that we are a projective species. I will take responsibility for my own state of mind.

IV. I acknowledge that if I have a negative emotion, then I am triggered. I will acknowledge that if I have a negative emotion, whatever the situation may be, that I am under the influence of thought distortions.

I will acknowledge the fact that in every negative emotion there are distortions of thought. The only amendment is if I am in a flight or flight scenario or if I am in extreme physical pain.

V.I will not succumb to triggers and react. Rather I will be mindful, correct my thought distortions and deal with the situation rationally.” LightSun

P.S. “I will not repay negativity for negativity. Another persons response is their reality. If they are negative then they are triggers and are projecting unconsciously unto me unfairly.

They are unknowingly projecting their own subjective opinions and it’s veiled with cognitive thought distortions

that hide their own unfinished business, unresolved conflict, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound. If they are cogent and express objective fact then I will dialogue with them.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
What I’ve just shared is the key to world peace. If you can’t even just take self responsibility for your self but condemn others, then you are part of the problem.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
What I’ve just shared is the key to world peace. If people can’t even just take self responsibility for themselves but condemn others, then they are part of the problem.

Only it is not a secret. It’s been shared by every religious and secular philosophers since the beginning of recorded history. I’ve just synthesized it. This is the blueprint to actually having world peace.

That sounds high and mighty, no it’s not. It is simple really, just start following what you purport to believe in and don’t practice. The saying is, “I can’t hear you because your actions are so loud.” LightSun


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
“How Do We Achieve World Peace?”

I. “My religion is I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions despite external situations or people.”

II. “I will not repay negativity for negativity.”

III. “What the other person does is a reflection of them. What I do is a reflection of me.” LightSun
If only more people would follow this more closely. I know they are just ideals, and most of us will fall short. Too often, the human reflex is to blame rather than to see our own role in a problem and try to find a remedy or improvement.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
I’ve written a lot on this subject on Facebook. I can’t stand hypocrisy. I have said learning all the religious as well secular quotes will not make you wise.

When push comes to shove, people when triggered will revert to their primitive base emotional nature., One can not teach wisdom.

@Coriolis my wife and I come from a counseling field. I greatly admire Carl Jung. He was a very insightful man. Many of his insightful wisdoms I have discovered myself.

I don’t believe society will evolve until we learn the dynamics of the unconscious. Carl. Jung said that until we make the unconscious conscious, we will never evolve.

Plato too with his philosopher kings (An. archaic term) become lovers of wisdom, society will not evolve and move forward.,

Our technology has grown. We really have not evolved psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually. I can’t substantiate this, what I am about to share.

This. Is metaphorical. We seem to have values that have been appeared to us in countless times and cultures.

When I have an insight I will not drink, eat or go the bathroom until that insight has been fleshed out. When I write, I reach a mental plateau. I feel a heightened state of consciousness and am in an endorphin ‘Flow’ state.

I’ve written when I seek to gain an insight, I go down into the depths of an Ocean of consciousness. I search for ever illusive truths.

When I grasp an insight I rise from the depths of my unconscious to the surface. I then share my insights with my Soul Brothers and Soul Sisters.

Coriolis as I’ve grown with the gift of insight, my perception of reality has grown in depth and breadth of understanding of myself, others and the world we live in.

Nobody becomes fully enlightened. However with my insights I have added missing pieces of the puzzle, mosaic or painting becoming more clear.
I know the dynamics of the unconscious.

Be well, Coriolis.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“How are 1, Triggers 2. Cognitive Dissonance 3. Cognitive Distortions 4. Projections 5. Judgment and possibly 6. Arguments all interrelated?

I want to stress the importance of this. Understanding these dynamics can help people from falling into a pit led by their emotions.

Remember if you experience a negative emotion because what I have said or anyone else for that matter, you are caught in a cycle.

These principles are from is both CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) and REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy).

If I experience a negative emotion, there are cognitive distortions or irrational beliefs in your thought process.

The only amendments would be:

I. if I am in great physical pain
2. I am in a fight or flight scenario.
3. I find someone so anti-ethical to all I stand for.

For me an example would be Donald Trump. He offends me. It is important though that I not act on it or allow him to get under my skin. Rather deal with him in a rational and objective way. Don’t vote for him, simple.”

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” Lao Tzu

If you want peace in the world i vow:

I. I am responsible for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of the situation or the person.

II. I will not repay negative energy with more negative energy. I will take the high road. I will walk the path least trodden upon because it is difficult.

III. How I act is a reflection of me. How they act is a reflection of them.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
‘Extremely Important and Timely Message for All Humanity’

“Of the entirety of my work, this post encapsulates my thought process to make this a better world. It all starts with us ladies and gentlemen. Make no mistake about it. As long as we have finger pointers, society will not evolve.

Of you want to make this a better world, you don’t have to do something monumental. Just focus on making yourself a better person. Take the high road , and don’t be a hypocrite.

Of you really want to travel the path less traveled, you will awaken within you the Light. You will be a light for humanity to follow.

My question is are you aware of the important dynamics of these terms?

1. The role of the Unconscious in determining our day to day thoughts and actions.

2. Do you know that all of us are a Projective species. We project outwardly our own limited in scope understanding of our world. When a person projects they are unconsciously judging that which they don’t find agreeable. We are all different.

3. Do you realize the truth of this statement?Every peron has a right to think and act not in accordance to our liking, understanding or wishes. That is irrelevant, each of us have an independent path. One based on our genetic predispositions and life experiences. All of us have different life lessons to master.

3. Do you recognize The role of Triggers as being learning tools. It is an opportunity to take the path less trodden, and to take the high road.

4. I have realized the impact of Emotional Reasoning has had on our history. It is a blind spot of awareness. I’ve written, “Just because I think, feel and believe something, does not necessitate that it is the truth.

Not unless it is proven by hard research methodology in the here and now and the results replicated.

“Millions of people never analyze themselves. They don’t know what or why they are seeking, nor why they never realize complete happiness and lasting satisfaction.

By evading analysis, people go on being robots, conditioned by their environment. True self-analysis is the greatest art of progress.” Paramhansa Yoganada

“We need to wake up from autopilot mode. We have to live deeply and with more awareness so that we can be attentive to each moment.

Enlightenment, peace and joy will not be granted by someone else. The well is within us.” Thich Nhat Hanh

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung

“There is only one perpetrator of evil and that is human unconsciousness. If you were truly conscious of what your possible ill spirited actions does to another human being, to yourself and the collective unconscious, you would not do it.

So those who act with toxicity in any manner, we have to understand that it is almost as if they are asleep. If they truly understood, if they truly got what they were doing they wouldn’t have done it. You know this to be true.” Eckart Tolle

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” Lao Tzu

“Much of the evil in the world is due to the fact that man is hopelessly unconscious.” Carl Jung

If you do not have cognizant understanding of the above terms, then you are running blind in life. You are projecting your reality unto others and unto situations. You may have a problem accepting what I wrote down below.

Moreover you do not have expert experience to give a cogent response that is in direct opposition to mine.

I have tried to share the importance of being aware of our subconscious thoughts. It is imperative. We shall not grow as a species, not in any sense in the psychological, spiritual or emotional way.

I really do believe in the human potential. I believe that if most of humanity combined forces, we could accomplish so much. I realize I am introducing a foreign concept for many. That is unless they have a counseling background.

I realize the importance. The problem is that I am trying to introduce to the readers a field they may not be aware of.

I can not fault a person if they are negative or utilize judging negative subjective derogatory language on people who have an opinion other than the one they hold.

If they don’t have the knowledge and indeed the wisdom of a psychological background, they are out of their depth.

They in a dictionary sense and not meant as an insult, are blindly lashing out against what they don’t understand. As long as this continues humanity shall not grow.

It trips me out when a Republican bashes all the Democrats and vice versa. Do you realize how irrational you are? You are blasting half the population of approximately 150 million personages. It all starts with us as an individual.

As long as people engage those with poor behavior, their behavior will continue unabated. These negative people are pollution on Facebook and in our lives.

The only way to extinguish their behavior is simply to ignore them first. Second block them. Now this is important. By you seeking to correct or explain to a person your point of view, you are contributing to negativity.

I take the oath. I will never respond to a person clearly coming from a negative, antagonistic position. If you want to make this a better world, then follow me and simply ignore those who exist to be negative.

If you can keep this vow, we can make this a better world. How? If this vow was held by a majority of people, then those who are negative would have no power. We give them power by replying to them.

Those who think they are coming from a more enlightened position or the right position are statistically triggered and protecting their own ego, saving face, etc.

None of this matters to those who bait you. Be cognizant of triggers for they are a test. A test a person can overcome if it one chooses to not engage with those who are clearly coming from a negative position.

(1) I am responsible for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of the person or the situation.

(2) Do not repay negative energy with negative energy.

(3) What I do is a direct reflection of me. All the time. What the other person does is a reflection of them. Not at all me.” LightSun

#Psychological #spiritual #emotional #unconscious #projection #triggers #emotionalreasoning

PLEASE: If you don’t take my word then take a look at the giants who have gone before. All these names substantiate my words.

Carl Jung
Lao Tzu
Eckart Tolle
Thich Nhat Hanh
Paramhansa Yoganada
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