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Getting Ideas Recoginized


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Oh, one idea deals with electronic design (sorry, can't go much further) and the other with tattoo ink designs. I think I have a pretty good idea on how to work with both, though.

I am trying to figure out how to make tattoo inks and how to apply them for what I want to do, though.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Oh, one idea deals with electronic design (sorry, can't go much further) and the other with tattoo ink designs. I think I have a pretty good idea on how to work with both, though.

I am trying to figure out how to make tattoo inks and how to apple them for what I want to do, though.

who needs to hear the idea?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I dunno, I am just trying to figure out how to get it recognized and sold.

Oh, and apple should be apply :doh:

Ok that may be your issue, to make an idea sellable you need to know who the audince is.

if it's tatto parlors, then you need to think what the motivations of that group of people are and what "solution" they need to what ever the problem is that you have a solution too.

A sales guy story.

This sales guy goes for a job interview and is a bit too cocky for words... so the interviewer looks at him and pours him a glass of water, and says, sell me that....

The sales guy looks at him, then looks at the water, and then looks at him and then looks at the water, reaches into his pocket and takes out a packet of smokes and lights one. The interviewer freaks out and tells him to put it out, so he puts the lit ciggie in the waste paper bin which goes up in flames. The interviewer panics and reaches for the glass of water. The sales guy grabs his hand and says "that will be $20 please".....

If an idea is compelling, there will be a need within the market for it, find the right idea to meet the need and then find your audience and make the pitch


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Ok that may be your issue, to make an idea sellable you need to know who the audince is.

if it's tatto parlors, then you need to think what the motivations of that group of people are and what "solution" they need to what ever the problem is that you have a solution too.

A sales guy story.

This sales guy goes for a job interview and is a bit too cocky for words... so the interviewer looks at him and pours him a glass of water, and says, sell me that....

The sales guy looks at him, then looks at the water, and then looks at him and then looks at the water, reaches into his pocket and takes out a packet of smokes and lights one. The interviewer freaks out and tells him to put it out, so he puts the lit ciggie in the waste paper bin which goes up in flames. The interviewer panics and reaches for the glass of water. The sales guy grabs his hand and says "that will be $20 please".....

If an idea is compelling, there will be a need within the market for it, find the right idea to meet the need and then find your audience and make the pitch

Hahaha great story!
Okay, that is good. I know what the problem is with people-actually, for two of the ideas. I just have to go find people to talk to, but I think I know what I can do.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
good, be careful of your own intellectual property, make sure you protect yourself.

For instance at work we have a product, we are strugglign to "sell it in" to the business, but we are not makign a big enough noise about it... solution = tell the story, make it sparkly and sexy and interesting, people will listen if you make it sparkle - weather or not the buy it, depends on their need


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I think Jenocyde's idea was brilliant, most universities seem to hold competitions and events to promote entreprenural ideas and the such. Just recently at the university I'm at, They held an "eChallenge", which involves groups of six young people (one of which has to be a student) and has a prize of $10,000.

Adelaidean -- Surf’s up for eChallenge winners

good, be careful of your own intellectual property, make sure you protect yourself.

For instance at work we have a product, we are strugglign to "sell it in" to the business, but we are not makign a big enough noise about it... solution = tell the story, make it sparkly and sexy and interesting, people will listen if you make it sparkle - weather or not the buy it, depends on their need

I had an old physics teacher that used to say that patenting was a terrible thing to do. I hated the guy, but there's a chance that he did have a point. Intellectual property is indeed a strange idea...

Oh, and Antimony, have you thought of pairing up with a teacher that you can trust? They have an INCOME!!! which is pretty damned useful, I remember another (completely different) old school teacher that who made some kind of hologram machine. I can't remember exactly what it was, but he did bring a little insight into the industry.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
I believe the difficulty for ENTP's is not having great ideas, but in seeing them through to the final execution. If you can stick with your idea until it's successful then you've really accomplished something. The ideas themselves are not really valuable until you can make them happen.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
I had an old physics teacher that used to say that patenting was a terrible thing to do. I hated the guy, but there's a chance that he did have a point. Intellectual property is indeed a strange idea...

Yeh, I'm sort of against the whole IP thing if it has some significant value to the world or science. eg. you hold back a cure to cancer or something for ten years for the sake of getting the best deal. If it is a brilliant design or business idea, I see no conflict though.

My only tip for Antimony would be: Figure out how it can be most useful and have the most impact (would you buy it/use it? in what situation? etc.), then decide what your market is and how you would pitch it to them. Look at the costs and possible return also to decide if it is viable.

I also think the teammate idea which the many people have suggested is good. Being Ne doms it is pretty important to have people to bounce ideas off and help us get to the practical part.


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Oh, and Antimony, have you thought of pairing up with a teacher that you can trust? They have an INCOME!!! which is pretty damned useful, I remember another (completely different) old school teacher that who made some kind of hologram machine. I can't remember exactly what it was, but he did bring a little insight into the industry.

I haven't really much about it, but I may end up doing that. Once I figure out who could ACTUALLY help me with my ideas.

I believe the difficulty for ENTP's is not having great ideas, but in seeing them through to the final execution. If you can stick with your idea until it's successful then you've really accomplished something. The ideas themselves are not really valuable until you can make them happen.

I am hoping to stick with it before I lose interest. I wish I didn't lose it so quickly. I just need to find someone practical who can help make it happen, which I have no idea who I can go to....still!


Apr 24, 2007
You could start learning about and experimenting with the basic concepts or technology which apply to your invention. Start at the simplest and most basic level possible. This strategy makes problems much easier to identify and fix. Make small, incremental changes until the prototype functions as you expect.

If there's one significant problem you can identify with building it, start with that. For instance, if you're building a Star Trek transporter, start by making a molecular assembler.

...and please, please test it only on nonliving objects first! :peepwall:


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Ok here is my opinion to this.

Somewhere in the thread you mentioned, that most of your ideas are just a step ahead of what is currently standard and probably in development anywhere in the world anyhow.

So my approach to this would be to get these ideas out of your mind and publish them. Don't care so much about your intellectual property and getting rich from your ideas. Just spread the ideas to the public. Start an idea blog and publish one idea at a time. Be generous with what you have in mind.

Sure there will be some ideas that will get stolen, there will be ideas that have been thought of already and are in production somewhere on this world. There will also be ideas that are totally crap and useless. And who knows there might be some ideas that are truly brilliant and will get you attention.

By distributing your ideas freely you will get noticed as a giver, someone who does not care about his own profit and many good things will happen from that. You might get asked to counsel and speak at organisations and conferences about your ideas.

I strongly recommend that you read Seth Godin, a master ENTP with brilliant insights and visions. Start with this: Unleashing The IdeaVirus then follow through with his books, especially tribes and linchpin.


Apr 24, 2008
That's a good advice Fluxkom gives here. This would be another idea of using ones potential for generating ideas. Besides the corporate world there exists a huge network for counseling and promoting institutions and though I dont know how its done in America, many of them are organized by the state; so if you work for them, you'll get paied by the state too.

I am working for the department of economical growth in my hometown. The job will be no lifetime job for me, cause I cant really do much technical things what is my big love and the thing I like to do. What's great tho is that my hometown is the leading town in Germany when it comes to the founding of new enterprises. The department I work for organizes challenges in which people can hand in business plans for their ideas and the best 10 get a chance every year with some money from the town to realize their ideas. It's a pretty intresting job cause I get to know alot of real world ideas and enterprises and I can in that regard widen my horizon and get to know about what people really do in the real world.

I have to admit, I am very cautious with ideas that are on a grand scale, cause I learnt much about the darkside of business and especially if you one time get the chance to talk to an economics student, you'll learn that to just have an idea for a thing that's missing on a market, it will not be enough. Cause there will be competitors too, who will not as easily let you steal customers from them and worst of all there are lobbies that bounded together to keep up their intrests, as in to keep their customers paying for their products.

Here's a little example: the combustion engine is presently run by oil, which will as a ressource run out in a couple of years. Automotive industry now starts to research electric cars to compensate for that loss. Electric cars tho need electric power and that has in an electric car a very low efficiency when it comes to the production cost / effective miles you can drive divide.

So a common normal diezel engine can be reduced in size so much that its cheaper to be fueled with diezel than an electric car. VW for example already built a 3 cylinder engine that does 1 liter / 100 km what is ~24 miles per gallon. So when you think about driving an electric car, you have to think to about where the elctric energy comes from. This has to be produced in nuclear power plants to meet the increasing demand or in combined-cycle power plants that will use oil again for production.

But now comes the real kicker: noone ever has talked about the hydrogene engine yet. Fact is hydrogene has when used in combustion around half of the energy density of oil, which means the engine must be of double size to have the same power like before. And hydrogene can be used instantly with any engine on the world, except for one thing: it needs no oil. Oil and hydrogene react abrasive and attack steel, so before using it in your car, you'll need to get out the oil of the car and isolate the cylinders with a ceramic spray layer what would suffice to guarantee a strong enough lubrication.

So basically that's just a small change of your car setup, easily done in any garage and for that you can have a hydrogene fueled engine.

So where to get the hydrogene from ?

In South America someone had the idea to use the electric energy produced by windmills, to be induced into water to have an electrolytic reaction. The product of this is hydrogene and oxygene.

Steel industry is one huge industry and it needs like billions of tons of oxygene per year to produce their product. So you already would have a customer for your oxygene. And the hydrogene of course goes in fueling cars.

If you think about this idea rationally and economically it's flawless and could provide the fuel of the future. But noone ever really put much reasearch into it. BMW once built a 12-cylinder hydrogene engine and it runs smoothly but never went into mass production with it.

You see, I dont get it. There must be automotive lobbies behind, who dont want to admit their idea to build the electric car sucks. It's maybe so they dont loose their position as experts and with that their market, that they nip new ideas in the bud.

Alone the 24 mpg diezel engine is far better than any electric car will ever be and its just irresponsible to ignore that.

I dont know, I know that electric power will be far in the future be our primarily fuel for anything. But before we get there a lot of research needs to be done, especially in the field of quantum physics to discover the real potential of electric current. So with that said at the moment electric cars just aint ther solution.


Well that was a load lol :D. I basically wanted to say what Fluxkom said. Think if you maybe can get a job on a brainstorming team or a counselling team too. It's really fun work and paied good and if you get to now the immediate corporate world from the inside a bit more, you will find an alcove too very soon, to put yourself with an idea into and to actually actively do something with it.

Regarding your idea on electronics: if you need technical advice on that send me a PM. Can help you with all things related to electronical / mechanical engineering, aswell as computer science.


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You could start learning about and experimenting with the basic concepts or technology which apply to your invention. Start at the simplest and most basic level possible. This strategy makes problems much easier to identify and fix. Make small, incremental changes until the prototype functions as you expect.

If there's one significant problem you can identify with building it, start with that. For instance, if you're building a Star Trek transporter, start by making a molecular assembler.

...and please, please test it only on nonliving objects first! :peepwall:

Hehe, JAVO, you don't want to be my testing subject? :cheese:

I do like what Fluxkom said (below) about just getting my ideas out there. The more I read, the more I think I don't have the money/power/influence, whatever, to not be overrun in SOME WAY by the world of the free market. I really just want my ideas out there, and I would really love to learn how they work, but I also just want them out. Money would be great, sure...but maybe I will just stick with sticking them out...and then generate more money making ideas later!

*goes off to build molecular assembler*

Ok here is my opinion to this.

Somewhere in the thread you mentioned, that most of your ideas are just a step ahead of what is currently standard and probably in development anywhere in the world anyhow.

So my approach to this would be to get these ideas out of your mind and publish them. Don't care so much about your intellectual property and getting rich from your ideas. Just spread the ideas to the public. Start an idea blog and publish one idea at a time. Be generous with what you have in mind.

Sure there will be some ideas that will get stolen, there will be ideas that have been thought of already and are in production somewhere on this world. There will also be ideas that are totally crap and useless. And who knows there might be some ideas that are truly brilliant and will get you attention.

This, I think, is what I am going to do. I just need to figure out how to do a blog :D

But with all kinds of ideas, and limited resources, this just may be what I have to do. It kind of competes with my want for being recognized. I WANT grandscale recognition, but I guess that my want for the ideas to actually happen overpowers my want to be known (and I am sure I will be known for something, eventually).

This plan, however, I can do: setting up a blog. I don't really know who will pay attention, if anyone, but I am going to do this. Thank you very much, and you too JAVO :)

: PM coming your way. I have heard of the hydrogen thing. I don't know why more people aren't designing those cars. Ah, oh well.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Glad to hear that.

Assuming you have some webspace available that is PHP ready (nearly every hoster has that) you can start a wordpress blog on your own webspace in 5 minutes.

If you don't have own webspace or don't want to pay for it then just use a free blog at wordpress.com or blogger.com.

And now get your ideas out :D


You're fired. Lol.
Jun 11, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Alright, I have a wordpress now, with a ridiculous title!

I am still a little hesitant to part with my intellectual property :(


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Alright, I have a wordpress now, with a ridiculous title!

I am still a little hesitant to part with my intellectual property :(

Balance out that T, give to the people without expecting much in return, it'll make you feel good... or so they say. Putting your ideas out like that is pretty similar to advertising. I've seen events do things in a similar way, release something big and free to get things going, and then raise the level a bit.

What do you mean by a ridiculous title? If your not careful people might not take it seriously.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
I am still a little hesitant to part with my intellectual property :(

I agree with the others. Unless it is a single world changing idea that you'll never match again, you are probably better getting some recognition. I think you should run them by someone you trust first though. Get a second opinion on their value. You wouldn't want to sell out something that was a one in a million and a definite win.

And don't get put off by people's first response. One of my friends proposed a great idea to his lecturer and friends 10 years ago. They told him it would never work. He gave up on it. Some other people had the same idea and implemented it. The site which now does what he proposed is called Wikipedia and has the 6th most traffic of all sites on the net.

I'll add to that also: If you post the idea somewhere that has a record of date and is reliable, it is your intellectual property. It doesn't matter if someone sees it and steals your idea, if you can show you had it first and that it has been stolen, you own it. (at least I think that's how it works)


Jul 11, 2009
Here's a good idea which has never been implemented - why not go for it bob? Gather up lots and lots of information, and I do mean a lot - as in every single little tiny thing you can dig up about somebody who hasn't yet been tested, use your very erudite IT skills to come up with a software program you can dump all the juicy information into, mix it up, program the program to run on a constant basis, generating post after post after post, each post containing some sort of theoretical info about the guy who hasn't been tested, lure the guy to your website, tell him everything he reads here is just random shit, and watch for his reaction. Then laugh. Oh, how fun this would be, eh?