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Differences between INTJ and INFJ


New member
Apr 16, 2010
I thought I'd might start a new thread on this, because it is just too confusing.

I don't want sentences like "INFJs use feelings while making decisions and INTJ use thinking". I want detailed examples. Daily examples.

Thank you for your help! :D


Active member
Nov 19, 2008
I don't want sentences like "INFJs use feelings while making decisions and INTJ use thinking". I want detailed examples. Daily examples.

Well, both use both. :)

I have little to contribute to this, but I can always link to a website and quote someone else! :D


INFJs and INTJs share the same dominant cognitive process: introverted iNtuiting (Ni). This is commonly called "foreseeing." Thus, both INFJs and INTJs are both interested in synthesizing, integrating, conceptualizing, understanding complex patterns, and focusing on the future.

Where the divergence occurs is around the auxiliary process. Here's where Thinking and Feeling pop into view.

INTJs have a preference for extraverted Thinking as their auxiliary process. Thus, they are given to "segmenting" -- which includes measuring things with objective criteria. They will naturally calculate how long something will take, how soon the next event will occur, and enjoy telling you about these measurements. They like organizing for efficiency, systematizing, structuring. Their tendency is to provide you with their rationales: "The reason I'm late is because it took me 15 minutes longer on the freeway than it normally does. I was only able to maintain a speed of 25 mph, compared to my normal speed of 40 mph." And so forth. These rationales and measurements are very important to INTJs. They especially love to predict how long something is going to take, and their wristwatch is probably among their prize possessions. They collect trivial facts constantly, and can probably tell you all the contents of their medicine cabinet -- including the proper names for all their pharmaceuticals. Just ask them about their computer -- they'll tell you the processor speed, memory size, hard disk capacity, operating system version, and network capabilities. Chances are they've even memorized the Periodic Table of Elements.

INTJs like to work with challenges that occur in the moment -- the ones right before their eyes. If you want to see an INTJ in top form, watch them respond to changes in travel plans. If a flight gets cancelled or delayed, they will rapidly move from Plan A to Plan B, and so on, until they exhaust all possible contingencies. Even if they fail to salvage the situation, they relish trying to solve the immediate problem. They like to "get their hands dirty," so to speak. If there is a computer malfunction, they are inclined to grab the mouse and take over the keyboard so they can start "trying things out" right away to fix the problem. They can clean a house faster than a tornado if company's comin' -- just don't expect them to remember where they put things after company goes home!

INFJs have a preference for extraverted Feeling as their auxiliary process. Thus, they tend to be "charming" and are given to "connecting" -- which includes maintaining an extensive web of relationships. They are given to adjusting to and accommodating others, deciding whether something is appropriate or acceptable to others. For instance, one INFJ experienced a great deal of stress on a message board when some political bashing started. There was an implicit assumption that everyone on the board was a member of a particular party, when in fact this INFJ knew members of the opposing party were present. It caused her no end of stress that these people were being maligned by the bashers, even though there was no apparent conflict. Other INFJs maintain internet blogs and "connect" with others in cyberspace, and maintain their web of relationship via that means. If she were to dine with others, she would be concerned that the food appeal to everyone's tastes, there are no food allergies, and that the price is within everyone's budget (if it's a restaurant).

INFJs sometimes speak in the "Royal We" -- meaning they feel qualified to say what the group needs or wants. They may take on the role of spokesperson for the entire group, and experience the group as an "entity" unto itself (rather than a collection of individuals). At the same time, INFJs typically know what each member of the group personally likes or dislikes. She knows who's married to whom, who's pregnant, which friend has the deadbeat brother-in-law, which cousin is the reformed alcoholic, and whose mother just died a month ago. She knows this data off the top of her head, and can rattle it off without a blink. (If she's reading this now, she probably thinks it's no big deal -- doesn't everybody do that?) If it's not this kind of information to do with relationships, then it might be about something similar, such as how others like their clothing, or their artwork, favorite colors, or whatever peccadillo is unique to that individual. At Christmas, INFJs are good at picking out suitable Christmas gifts and remembering which niece likes Dora and which niece is into Cinderella. INFJs can be sponges for such trivial data and habitually collect them (often unconsciously) so they can better "consider others" with the information. Sometimes they are more protective of a person's likes and dislikes than the person is themselves!

Moving through the personality pattern, we now come to the tertiary process. And it is precisely this process that often confuses people as to whether their preferences are for "F" or for "T," because it will be the opposite of whichever was their auxiliary. Take careful notice about which of the following descriptions fits you better.

In the INTJ pattern, the tertiary process is for introverted Feeling. Thus, they habitually consider importance and worth, clarify values, and decide whether something is of significance and worth standing up for. ("This doesn't match our priorities so we should refuse that assignment.") They have a strong sense of what's important to them or the project. Sometimes they can be seen as "selfish."

In the INFJ pattern, the tertiary process is for introverted Thinking. Thus, they habitually analyze. They devote energy to deciding whether something fits a framework or model, and will often clarify definitions to get more precision. ("Let's define our terms before we get more deeply involved in this conversation.") They enjoy categorizing, and figuring out underlying principles. Sometimes they can be seen as "critical."


New member
Apr 16, 2010
I've looked at that site before.

I do think, though, that she is describing the two personality types in more extreme cases, so it's slightly hard to see oneself in one of the two when you think you're something in the middle. :tongue:


Supreme High Commander
Nov 16, 2009
INFJs are far more interested in people than INTJs, for the most part. When we do take an interest in people, it tends to be as objects of study more than anything else. An INTJs plans only include people at the outskirts, usually. An INFJs plans are centred around people.

When an INTJ starts to include you in their plans, it means you are a very special person to them indeed!


Nerd King Usurper
Oct 25, 2008
Instinctual Variant
INTJs have a penis and INFJs have a vagina.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Well, both use both. :)

I have little to contribute to this, but I can always link to a website and quote someone else! :D

Great link. I liked that video at the end with INTJ and INFJ talking about the differences. Quite entertaining.


failure to thrive
Feb 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Well, both use both. :)

I have little to contribute to this, but I can always link to a website and quote someone else! :D


INFJs and INTJs share the same dominant cognitive process: introverted iNtuiting (Ni). This is commonly called "foreseeing." Thus, both INFJs and INTJs are both interested in synthesizing, integrating, conceptualizing, understanding complex patterns, and focusing on the future.

Where the divergence occurs is around the auxiliary process. Here's where Thinking and Feeling pop into view.

INTJs have a preference for extraverted Thinking as their auxiliary process. Thus, they are given to "segmenting" -- which includes measuring things with objective criteria. They will naturally calculate how long something will take, how soon the next event will occur, and enjoy telling you about these measurements. They like organizing for efficiency, systematizing, structuring. Their tendency is to provide you with their rationales: "The reason I'm late is because it took me 15 minutes longer on the freeway than it normally does. I was only able to maintain a speed of 25 mph, compared to my normal speed of 40 mph." And so forth. These rationales and measurements are very important to INTJs. They especially love to predict how long something is going to take, and their wristwatch is probably among their prize possessions. They collect trivial facts constantly, and can probably tell you all the contents of their medicine cabinet -- including the proper names for all their pharmaceuticals. Just ask them about their computer -- they'll tell you the processor speed, memory size, hard disk capacity, operating system version, and network capabilities. Chances are they've even memorized the Periodic Table of Elements.

INTJs like to work with challenges that occur in the moment -- the ones right before their eyes. If you want to see an INTJ in top form, watch them respond to changes in travel plans. If a flight gets cancelled or delayed, they will rapidly move from Plan A to Plan B, and so on, until they exhaust all possible contingencies. Even if they fail to salvage the situation, they relish trying to solve the immediate problem. They like to "get their hands dirty," so to speak. If there is a computer malfunction, they are inclined to grab the mouse and take over the keyboard so they can start "trying things out" right away to fix the problem. They can clean a house faster than a tornado if company's comin' -- just don't expect them to remember where they put things after company goes home!

INFJs have a preference for extraverted Feeling as their auxiliary process. Thus, they tend to be "charming" and are given to "connecting" -- which includes maintaining an extensive web of relationships. They are given to adjusting to and accommodating others, deciding whether something is appropriate or acceptable to others. For instance, one INFJ experienced a great deal of stress on a message board when some political bashing started. There was an implicit assumption that everyone on the board was a member of a particular party, when in fact this INFJ knew members of the opposing party were present. It caused her no end of stress that these people were being maligned by the bashers, even though there was no apparent conflict. Other INFJs maintain internet blogs and "connect" with others in cyberspace, and maintain their web of relationship via that means. If she were to dine with others, she would be concerned that the food appeal to everyone's tastes, there are no food allergies, and that the price is within everyone's budget (if it's a restaurant).

INFJs sometimes speak in the "Royal We" -- meaning they feel qualified to say what the group needs or wants. They may take on the role of spokesperson for the entire group, and experience the group as an "entity" unto itself (rather than a collection of individuals). At the same time, INFJs typically know what each member of the group personally likes or dislikes. She knows who's married to whom, who's pregnant, which friend has the deadbeat brother-in-law, which cousin is the reformed alcoholic, and whose mother just died a month ago. She knows this data off the top of her head, and can rattle it off without a blink. (If she's reading this now, she probably thinks it's no big deal -- doesn't everybody do that?) If it's not this kind of information to do with relationships, then it might be about something similar, such as how others like their clothing, or their artwork, favorite colors, or whatever peccadillo is unique to that individual. At Christmas, INFJs are good at picking out suitable Christmas gifts and remembering which niece likes Dora and which niece is into Cinderella. INFJs can be sponges for such trivial data and habitually collect them (often unconsciously) so they can better "consider others" with the information. Sometimes they are more protective of a person's likes and dislikes than the person is themselves!

Moving through the personality pattern, we now come to the tertiary process. And it is precisely this process that often confuses people as to whether their preferences are for "F" or for "T," because it will be the opposite of whichever was their auxiliary. Take careful notice about which of the following descriptions fits you better.

In the INTJ pattern, the tertiary process is for introverted Feeling. Thus, they habitually consider importance and worth, clarify values, and decide whether something is of significance and worth standing up for. ("This doesn't match our priorities so we should refuse that assignment.") They have a strong sense of what's important to them or the project. Sometimes they can be seen as "selfish."

In the INFJ pattern, the tertiary process is for introverted Thinking. Thus, they habitually analyze. They devote energy to deciding whether something fits a framework or model, and will often clarify definitions to get more precision. ("Let's define our terms before we get more deeply involved in this conversation.") They enjoy categorizing, and figuring out underlying principles. Sometimes they can be seen as "critical."

I dunno. I don't do a lot of that stuff. If find ISxJs are a lot more into dates and knowing what everyone needs, than INFJs. For me, Fe aux is more one-on-one interacting and puts a lot of energy into relationships; usually more than others might invest. Interests usually center around people or anthropological ideas; relationships, interacting with others, etc. Not so much factual interests until the tertiary starts being developed more later (or unless the Fe is masked by a Te focus as one might have in college/grad school, etc).


Yeah, I can fly.
Mar 10, 2010
Instinctual Variant
INTJs are evil. INFJs are just grumpy.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
I'm an INFJ, and two of my best friends are INTJ (one guy and one girl). Here's what I've noticed:

First, they are much more likely to be in relationships — both long- and short-term. I always felt too vulnerable to go for it, even if I liked the guy. So, I had just a few boyfriends in my life. Another INFJ I know is the same way.

Second, they are much more likely to leave a relationship in a timely manner when they decide it's not going anywhere. Something clicks in their minds, and it's over. They're still upset about it at first, but they see no point in dragging it out. They also heal more quickly when the other person breaks up with them. For me, it was always very difficult to leave a relationship. I felt so, so sorry for the other person and terribly guilty. And if the other person was the one to leave the relationship... devastation for months.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
I'm an INFJ, and two of my best friends are INTJ (one guy and one girl). Here's what I've noticed:

First, they are much more likely to be in relationships — both long- and short-term. I always felt too vulnerable to go for it, even if I liked the guy. So, I had just a few boyfriends in my life. Another INFJ I know is the same way.

Second, they are much more likely to leave a relationship in a timely manner when they decide it's not going anywhere. Something clicks in their minds, and it's over. They're still upset about it at first, but they see no point in dragging it out. They also heal more quickly when the other person breaks up with them. For me, it was always very difficult to leave a relationship. I felt so, so sorry for the other person and terribly guilty. And if the other person was the one to leave the relationship... devastation for months.

Thank you! :)
I need all the information I can get. :)


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I thought I'd might start a new thread on this, because it is just too confusing.

I don't want sentences like "INFJs use feelings while making decisions and INTJ use thinking". I want detailed examples. Daily examples.

Thank you for your help! :D

INTJs and INFJs are in fact extremely similar. Both are Ni dom, which is a huge deal w/r to understanding both types. Ni doms can often just "know things" without really knowing why. The aux is Te for INTJ and Fe for INFJ, and that's where the difference lies. Even then Te and Fe act very much the same, they differ in motivation more than in what specific choices are made.

If it matters more to you how the people in your life are affected by your decisions, if it matters more to you what others think about you, then you're more INFJ. If you tend not to give a damn what others think, if you tend to put your foot in your mouth and unintentionally say something bluntly honest but accidentally very hurtful, then you're INTJ.

What motivates INFJ is connecting with people in general. They aren't extroverted about it, but a lack of connection hurts. INTJs really don't care about connecting with people, but more about how "things" work. It isn't that people don't figure into INTJ thinking, but it's how they come into play. INTJs will care more about what a person can do, e.g., w/r to a project, while the INFJ will care more about what kind of person it is, whether they're trustworthy, etc.

Also, another point of confusion is when one is very "feeling", but that feeling side doesn't seem to match the INFJ description. Often, it happens to be the case that one can be a "feeling" INTJ, where the feeling side is a strong Fi tertiary. Read the INFP description, and see if that kind of feeling describes your feelings better than INFJ feelings. If so, then I'd say you're INTJ.

That's an initial summary; I'd rather not spam you with details. Let me know if this helps. :)