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Another Type Me


New member
Jun 5, 2018
Hello! I snagged my favorite questionnaire and filled it out off the top of my head, so if this isn't enough to get a clear picture then I'll add one of those awful introspective and detailed ones. Thanks in advance!

1. Which would come out on top in a battle... Zombies, Vampires, or Werewolves? And why? 

Zombies, because they are driven by one thing and one thing only. There's no intellectual or emotional hurdles, no possibility of turning against themselves as their own worst enemy, etc. Vampires and Werewolves have to deal with being alive.

2. What is your idea of the perfect day?

In what context? One day I would want to stay home and read or play video games, and another I'd rather go do something crazy like learn to skydive or go on a Safari. Whatever it is, it would be either very relaxing or very exciting and I'd be alone or with my non-existent bestie/significant other.

3. What really is the correct way to pronounce potato and tomato?

I don't think there is one. People can say things how they want as long as they aren't just making stuff up.

4. If you could live anywhere, where would you live (doesn't have to be a real place)? 

Haven't thought about this before, but off the top of my head...actually never mind, can't think of anything. I would prefer to travel around to see lots of places, not get stuck somewhere. If I ever have to settle down, I'd be fine anywhere there is space and freedom.

5. What changes would you make if you were president/king/emperor/ruler of the world?

This one's hard because the changes I'd like to make aren't really possible because of personal and cultural freedom and all that. Some things that are important to me would be detrimental to people in other countries. I'd probably focus on making education easily available to everyone so that everyone knows enough to make their own decisions and build their own future.

6. Using only words that start with the letter S, describe yourself.

Smart and stupid.

7. If you could be a member of the opposite sex for one day...what would you do? 

I feel like the answer to this question should be obvious.

8. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Arguing. More specifically, the concepts behind arguing. The fact that it's pointless cause no one has any interest in allowing their opinions to change. And of course the obvious idiots who argue about things they have no clue about, just because they saw something on the news. Or because they listened to that one guy who's opinions always happen to line up nicely with theirs.

9. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?

Something exotic, interesting, interactive, with a personality. I don't know...a monkey? Or a snake. I like big, colorful snakes. Not as interactive as a monkey though.

10. Are you a night owl or an early bird?

A bit of both. I stay up late or get up early just fine. Just depends on what my life looks like at the time.

Questionnaire #2

Most of what I’ve written is straight off the top of my head because I don’t think about these things for their own sake. And I ran out of steam towards the end.

Personal Concepts

1. What is beauty? What is love? – Beauty as a universal law, or what I find beautiful? I don’t think there is any ultimate concept of beauty, it being in the eye of the beholder and all that. Personally I don’t think much of beauty beyond social norms (what constitutes an attractive person, house, car, etc). The few times I’ve called anything beautiful is to appease someone else who said something was beautiful, or to describe something I or another person has created. As for love, I think a lot of what looks like romantic love is bogus, people finding selfish validation in special attention. Any kind of real love is a side effect of respect, which can be mushed together with attraction and passion and stuff to become romantic.

2. What are your most important values? – Freedom is the first, easily. Equality, cause everyone should have that freedom. Justice for those who use their freedom to encroach on someone else’s (I do believe in right and wrong, but I don’t think it’s anyone’s right to enforce it if a person’s choices only affect themselves, though that’s rarely the case. For example, do I think people should be legally allowed to use harmful, addictive substances? I don’t know. Addiction takes freedom away from people, and if a person using a substance is even unintentionally influencing someone to begin using it as well when they wouldn’t otherwise, that’s an issue. But at the same time, a person using that substance isn’t directly affecting anyone but themselves, so it would be limiting their freedom to disallow it, and that’s an issue. It’s for reasons like this that I hate controversial topics.

3. Spiritual/Religious beliefs – I’m a Christian both because I was raised that way and because I’ve seen and experienced plenty of crazy stuff to support God’s existence despite a lot of the doubts I’ve had. Debating religion is the last thing I want to do, so I’ll leave it at that.

4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you? – There are too many opposing angles for me to have any absolute opinion on war and the military. Yeah, it’s a symbol of a lot of bad things about humanity but it is what it is, and there’s honor in fighting to defend your people. Plus, something about war is just appealing to our nature. Power is influence.


5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why? – I don’t think I’ve ever had a long conversation…but any conversation I actually enjoy is going to be about my interests. They are always changing in phases. Right now I am interested in personality typing. I’m also interested in military topics because I’m trying to enlist. Sometimes I’m all fired up about programming and related technology, but lose interest the next day cause I found a fun video game. I wouldn’t say I have any deep, overarching interests because they change so frequently. I like watching movies but often get bored half way through. I’ll become completely addicted to a video game until I’ve figured out the mechanics of it and feel like I have a pretty good idea of what the general experience is, and then I’ll drop video games entirely, maybe even forget my laptop exists for a week cause I’m too busy trying to come up with a great exercise routine (which I will probably follow for a day and a half before forgetting about it).

6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body? – Absolutely not. I mean, I did go through a month long phase where I was all health conscious, but I still hated conversations about it because the people I talked to (my sister and mother) thought I was an idiot for cutting calories to a healthy amount rather than carefully combining food types in a very complex system that probably burns most calories just by the brain power required to figure it out and apply it every day. Never mind that I saw very clear differences in weight in a very short time depending on how well I stuck to my goals, and the very simple logic that if you overeat you get fat, and if you undereat, you get skinny (which apparently flies out the window once you are trying to work this in your favor???). Anyway, since this isn’t actually supposed to be a place for me to rant about weight loss diets, I’ll conclude by saying that no, I’m not health conscious. I’m probably better than many just because my parents were always relatively nutritional so I don’t have a habit of keeping soda and snacks on hand, but I will always accept them when someone else offers. I try to eat a healthy, high protein breakfast but after that anything goes. And I’ve never cared about medicine.

7. What do you think of daily chores? – They are the worst. As important as they are to maintenance, they drive me crazy. When a job is done, it should stay done.

8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise? – I haven’t read any books lately, and most of the films I watch only happen when someone invites me to go see a Marvel movie with them at the theater. The only thing I could put on a definite “All-time favorite” list would be the Firefly series. Otherwise I’m pretty likely to enjoy most action movies, especially if there’s plenty of humor. I watch most movies only one time which is probably why I don’t know which ones are my favorite. When I was a kid and my choices were limited to whatever we had in the VHS cabinet, I remember watching Lion King, Watership Down, and Lobo a ridiculous amount of times. I also read a lot of fantasy novels, but my interest in fiction has dwindled over the years.

9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why? – I cry when I get horrible, life-altering news of a medical nature (that turned out to be irrelevant). I sometimes cry when someone in a movie is grieving. I smile at a lot of things. I smile at strangers a lot, but it always feels pretty fake. I smile at funny things. I smile when I’m feeling victorious, whether over a person or a challenge.

10. Where do you feel at one with the environment/a sense of belonging? – When I’m driving fast, or standing on top of a silo looking down. I think this only happens when I’m alone (both in the car and on the road, and when I can’t see anyone from the silo). I’m sure there are others but this is all I’ve got off the top of my head.

Evaluation and Behavior

11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself? – I’m lazy, a really bad procrastinator, selfish. Not great at socializing or picking up on social cues in a large group. I can be overly sarcastic and rude to people without meaning to. I’m too unsentimental, wasteful. I’m not good at providing comfort. I’m too unopinionated and indecisive about small things (like choosing a meal at a restaurant). I am too unattached and leave/forget about people and groups and causes too easily. I don’t care about most things that other people do (pop culture is alien to me) so I seem pretty boring. I can be hypocritical. I have a horrible memory, and forget things like birthdays and holidays and everything people tell me about themselves.

12. What have people see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself? – It’s very easy for me to pick up new skills. I do well both academically and physically. I’m confident in myself, logical, and tactical. I do alright as both a leader and a follower. I like taking on challenges just to prove that life can’t beat me (except when I’m too lazy to bother). I’m very independent (again, sometimes laziness can make it look otherwise) and like learning things myself through a combination of research and trial and error. I’m adaptable, willing to try anything, often consciously overriding my natural caution. I’m unsentimental, so I don’t get attached to things. I value honesty and directness and will give my unsweetened opinion, but usually only if prompted.

13. In what areas of your life would you like help? – Umm…none? My life is my business. Unless I could get someone else to do my drudge work for me.

14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it. – I feel stuck in a rut whenever I start thinking about how pointless and stifled my life is. I feel that if I’m not constantly moving forward or improving in something then I’m not really living, just letting life pass me by. Unfortunately, my procrastination keeps me from getting out of the rut. A deadline of some sort helps me make changes. For example, I work as a nanny (losing my mind) for my sister right now, watching 3 kids 4 days a week. I’ve been planning to join the military for three years. The fact that my sister is having a fourth kid this summer and there’s no way I’m going to keep nannying that many children is what helped me finally get started on enlisting.

People and Interactions

15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with? – I really hate seeing my own flaws reflected back at me in other people. I dislike people that allow their feelings to dictate every aspect of their life. I dislike arrogance but I also dislike it when people are overly-humble and refuse to take pride in their own skills, talents, and value. I like strong willed people who don’t let me walk all over them. I like general competency. I hate small-mindedness (both in others and when I find it in myself). I like directness and honesty, and often use sarcasm to point out the funny things people say and do to be polite or politically correct (which doesn’t mean I don’t do those same things, but I notice it then, too, and try to avoid it). I really value courage, and am very unimpressed by people who seem to be afraid of things just for the fun of it. Real fears I am slightly more tolerant of, but I wish people shared my perspective that fear is something to be conquered, not coddled (I’m talking things like spiders, heights, the dark, all things that I myself purposely faced until I started liking all of them. Deep fears as a result of trauma I would never disrespect).

16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner? – I’m not really into romance. I value shared experiences and mutual support, understanding each other so that we can open up in a way we can’t to anyone else. I think most relationships are stupid and restrictive, so I have always run away from any possibility at having one, despite hoping that one day I’ll find an ideal partner. Sex, which I’ve never experienced, seems like it would be an adventure of exploring each other.

17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why? – My main concerns would be teaching them to be true to themselves and not conforming to what other people think they should be, teaching them self control, giving them the education and tools to pursue and achieve what they want, and making sure they have an awesome childhood. Because.

18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction? – If I can see something wrong with their logic and I know enough about the topic to back up my own opinion with facts, there’s a good chance I’ll do so. If their logic is sound, or even if it isn’t but I don’t have a solid argument of my own, I won’t say anything. Inwardly, I’ll be thinking something like: I disagree with that. Do I care? If yes, why do they believe that and why do I believe this? Do I still care? If yes, can my argument beat theirs? If no, whatever, let’s move on. If yes, I should at least make sure they have all the facts, and if they ignore them, it’s not my business.

19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? – Nope, this one’s too complicated, I’ll skip the first two parts. A prevalent social problem might be…the general population somehow thinking that the celebrity population is as real than reality. Movies and books and TV are all so ingrained in everything that people forget it isn’t the real world, and that they don’t have to strive to match it. Also the reaction to celebrities is stupid in itself. Everyone is just another person.

20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them? – I let people choose me, and out of those people I choose those who are comfortable to be around, who don’t demand too much of me, and who share my interests. I like working on things with them, just spending time and not necessarily being social.

21. How do you behave around strangers? – I’m actually a little more outgoing I think. I smile at people (a little stiffly, but I try!), talk to random strangers when they seem the type to appreciate it and I’m feeling like socializing. I’m confident with people who approach me, and less so about approaching others (unless it's in the realm of their job occupation).
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Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
This questionnaire is far from the best when it comes to certainty in typing but from it- I get a very shallow ISTJ 6w5 or 5w6 read.

But fill out some more maybe? Are you aware of enneagram?

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Agreed with Frosty this questionare isn't the best way to type you as a person. However I get a very Te vibe from this. I'd say IxTJ 593 Sp/So.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Agreed with Frosty this questionare isn't the best way to type you as a person. However I get a very Te vibe from this. I'd say IxTJ 593 Sp/So.

Actually I think I typoed- meant to type ISTP 6w5 or 5w6. Oops. I could see ISTJ too. And agree on the instinct varient


New member
Nov 19, 2017
Instinctual Variant
ISTP. An ISTJ would know that there is only one way to say tomato and potato.


New member
Jun 6, 2018
I'm not an mbti pro, but I think they have good ni because of the tomato/potato thing. I'm way ni-dom (an intj) and totally agree with them on some of these points.

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey paws down at the Crossroads.
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
[MENTION=37384]Oronoro[/MENTION], if you want to take a look and see what you think..
ISTP - Typology Wiki


New member
Jun 5, 2018
Thanks for all the replies! Sorry I haven't posted in response at all, I've been out of state doing medical processing for Coast Guard enlistment for the past two days.
I'll go ahead and fill out a better questionnaire as was suggested. I actually had one filled out before I left but had technical difficulties posting and now am just going to scrap it cause it was a little too personal.
I've looked at both ISTP and ISTJ and they both apply in a lot of ways but then not so well in others, which I'll explain more when I post the questionnaire (I'm on mobile now and amazed this post is even this long).


New member
Jun 5, 2018
I added a second questionnaire to my original post.

My thoughts on ISTP – A lot of ISTPness resonates with me, but there’s some major differences there too. ISTPs seem to be very distanced from the social world. Or rather, they don’t feel its effects on them or their own effect on it. They don’t care about offending others with blunt honesty, they aren’t concerned with what anyone thinks of them, they don’t feel empathy during movies, etc. I’m certainly no social guru but I’m pretty sure I’m more people oriented than that. I try not to let my concern of what other people think of me change what I do or how I act, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about it. I enjoy brightening other peoples’ day, though I don’t do it at personal expense unless it’s someone I really care about. I do feel empathetic during certain situations in movies.
Also I think I’m more outwardly organized than ISTPs. I like having my spaces clean and organized whenever I can work up the motivation to tidy. I feel way more at ease in a room that’s clean than if it’s messy.

I checked out Enneagram and got an equal 7 and 8 with 9 being not far behind. I did a couple other tests and got 7. I did just a little bit of looking into it and it seemed that 7w8 fits pretty good, but I’m not at all confident about that. A couple tests gave me instinct variants too, which was sx first and so and sp being about equal.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I get a lot of INTP or ENTP from the questionnaire answers. I don't see where anybody is getting an S as in ISTP.


New member
Jun 5, 2018
I've seen in several tests that my S and N almost always comes out very equal. On the rare occasion I'll get high F or E.
As for INTP (I know very little about ENTP, I focused on I types) I don't really consider myself a thinker. I had to force myself to think deeply for those questions and had to stop and go back to it a few times because I got tired of doing so and would start typing short, sarcastic answers instead. In general I don't like thinking about philosophical things, avoiding anything that can't be backed up with hard data. Abstract thinking is difficult, which makes most MBTI tests frustrating (I like tests that place you in a circumstance and asks what you would do). My mind is always going but it's almost always directly related to something immediately tangible.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I've seen in several tests that my S and N almost always comes out very equal. On the rare occasion I'll get high F or E.
As for INTP (I know very little about ENTP, I focused on I types) I don't really consider myself a thinker. I had to force myself to think deeply for those questions and had to stop and go back to it a few times because I got tired of doing so and would start typing short, sarcastic answers instead. In general I don't like thinking about philosophical things, avoiding anything that can't be backed up with hard data. Abstract thinking is difficult, which makes most MBTI tests frustrating (I like tests that place you in a circumstance and asks what you would do). My mind is always going but it's almost always directly related to something immediately tangible.

Do you understand cognitive functions? That it isnt just just T and F but broken up further.

For example, ISTPs functions are Introverted thinking (Ti) first. That means that at base, ISTPs use Introverted thinking to understand the world.

Description of what a persons dominant function means: https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti...-mbti-type-dynamics/the-dominant-function.htm

Description of introverted thinking: Introverted Thinking (Ti) - Personality Growth

They use Extroverted Sensing as their secondary function. As a parent function that works as a tool to complement the dominant function. It usually starts to become ones focus as they reach adolescence.

Description of what someone’s auxiliary function means: https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti...pe-dynamics/the-auxiliary-function.htm?bhcp=1

Description of extraverted sensing: Extraverted Sensing (Se) - Personality Growth

And then Introverted intuition (Ni) is their tertiary function. Which is more a tool one consciously uses as a relief- it is fairly undeveloped and only two dimensional until a person reaches around 30-40, then it starts to round out. It is a function that the type tends to admire, and CAN use, but usually in a very stereotypical and underdeveloped way.

Description of Tertiary Function: https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti...-mbti-type-dynamics/the-tertiary-function.htm

Description of Introverted Intuition: https://personalitygrowth.com/introverted-intuition/

And them there is the inferior function, which for ISTP is Fe. The inferior function is very underdeveloped and tends to be what someone experiences while under stress. You have your inferior function, but the inferior function tends to be the function where you are the most self conscious. You value your inferior function, but it is weak- immature, stressful and the function that is most likely to cause a person problems

Description of Inferior Function: https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti...-dynamics/the-fourth-or-inferior-function.htm

Description of Extraverted Feeling: https://personalitygrowth.com/extraverted-feeling-fe/

Everyone experiences all the functions, just in different ways to different degrees of preference


New member
Jun 5, 2018
I think I'm definitely Ti, Se, and Fe, but I felt that both Ne and Ni described me pretty well (though less so for the first half-ish of Ne).


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Often times I find that people who are heavy users of particular functions have an understanding of that functiosn reflection- aka, people who are Ne dominant (ENTPs and ENFPs), while Ni is not their preference, they have an understanding of that function because of some overlap with their dominant. Since their dominant function is how they effortlessly see the world, they are so good at that function that they have a tendency to have assimilated some aspects of the opposing function to help build upon the missing pieces of their dominant.

That all sounds complicated but what Im trying to say pretty much is that- while stacking is fairly set into dominant, aux, tert, inferior- everyone uses all 8 functions to different degrees. And its not uncommon for a person to ‘value and understand’ different functions out of order- especially if they have a high usage of that funtions mirror.

Preference is when you understand, value, and can relate to a function because you have subconsciously taken certain aspects of it into yourself- like a tool you use- usage is the natural order of your functions. (All in my opinion/definition. This might be hard to understand- Ill try to clarify more as I go on typing you- it is hard to put my understanding into words sometimes- but Ill contrinue to try)

Anyways. Highlander has this cool test that shows function preference and then uses that preference to determine function usage/mbti if you would like to take it.

New Version of Forum Personality Test

Id be interested in seeing your results


New member
Jun 5, 2018
I think I get the gist of what you're saying. I took the test and got Se > Te > Ni > Ti > Fi = Si > Fe = Ne. This gave me ISTP. So much for equal Ni and Ne lol