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2018 Healthy Habits Challenge!


Aug 28, 2008
Howdy Everyone! It's close to 2018, and time to start thinking about how we want to shape the new year. If you've been doing these you know the drill, but for those who are new:

This is a year long, no strings attached self-motivated and self-driven challenge where you post your goals for the year at the beginning of the year and try to honestly evaluate them, tweak them, and write your progress down. It's a very casual environment, and there are very few rules.

The rules:
- Make your goals SMART. Simple, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. This isn't always so easy to do, and this casual environment allows one to figure out what is truly realistic for one's self or not. For example, you're setting yourself up for failure if you say "Im going to work out for an hour everyday without fail!" if you have never worked out before. Make something you can maintain throughout the year no matter what, and make sure you can measure it in your own way. Measuring doesn't have to mean counting calories, but it can instead mean, "I want to feel good after eating each meal and write down the times I don't because I overate or made a choice I wasn't happy with after." This is more doable and doesn't put pass/fail contraints on the goal.

- DO NOT be critical of other peoples' goals, lifestyles, and body types. If they want to do crossfit and that's not your thing, don't come in here with that negative energy. Positive energy and support for others, if you disagree you can take it elsewhere this is NOT the place for debate. You can of course ask questions, "what made you choose this exercise style?" but if you say much more than, "That didn't work for me, but hey to each their own." it'll be removed from the thread. If you say negative things about weight goals, eating styles you disagree with, etc. they will be removed. This is not the place to push your paleo agenda, though you can speak of it working for you and doing well for you. The key here is yourself. If someone is asking for advice, feel free to give it ONCE but do not push the idea over and over onto others. Everyone is working at their own pace.

- Do NOT make goals that foster unhealthy behaviors and post them to here. If you're admitting anorexic behavior and using this as a vehicle to calorie count and limit your food intake, it will be removed. If you're going to beat yourself up and flaggulate yourself over missing a goal, it is not welcome here. If you use this place to further unhealthy agendas of any sort (like telling people desiring to lose weight or gain weight what's best for them, pushing pseudo-science onto others, etc.) they will be removed and I may even put in a request to ban you from participating further in the thread. I take this sort of thing very serious.. It's okay to fail, and it's okay to not feel good about it, but do not put unhealthy concepts into this space.

That's it! Pretty simple rule, just don't be a jerk, be nice to yourself and others, and make sensible goals to post. Easy peasy.

While we're at it, this is healthy HABITS and goals. We're hoping to foster long term things here. Food and exercise are not the only things that make a person healthy. If you're trying to get more organized in your life, read more books, listen to more educational podcasts or go back to school, become more financially healthy, etc. they are all welcome here. It doesn't matter how big or small that goal is.. as long as it lasts the whole year you'll be on the right track.

Some things that can help folks get started if they don't know where to start:

For health:
- Fitness blender is free online: Fitness Blender they also have sensible recipes and nutrition advice.
- Several yoga schools are free online, here's one example: YouTube
- Some material on calories, general self-love stuff, and eating: Go Kaleo | Sanity in health and fitness.

For Financial health:
- The Personal Finance sub reddit is one of the best built reddits out there with an amazing guide tool for how to proceed with your money.
Personal Finance

For being cleaner and more organized:
- For personal hygiene: https://www.everydayhealth.com/healthy-living/guide-to-good-hygiene.aspx
- For cleaning the house: https://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/30-Day-Cleaning-Challenge-Printable-34444842


Last year I set out some specific goals, and this year I'm tweaking it up.. I liked the goals set by sections of my life though, so I'll continue that.

- I want to get stronger. This year was easily my laziest year ever fitness wise. I did SOME stuff, but I did not train consistently and it shows. Now that I am part time, I feel like I have the time to actually stick to a 5 day routine without work interfering with it. My goal is to work out on different levels 5 days a week. A simple 10-20 minute burn out today for my arms and legs 2 days a week, a cardio and abs work out 35min-1hr 2 days a week, and trying out a new video/work out style one day a week... parkour, yoga, football training, dance training, running/sprinting, etc. This is on TOP of any HEMA training that I do.. I love HEMA and I want to last longer doing it, and I won't get there 'counting' it as training alone.
- I want to become more flexible. For a while I was really getting there, this year I've totally botched it. I have a goal to complete a 30 day beginner yoga challenge and a 90 day yoga challenge with modifications since I cannot do all of the poses with my bad hips. There is a 3 day challenge fitness blender does that I enjoy, so I'll be trying to incorporate those into my after-work-out routines.. If I could fit in one day each week I'd be plenty happy with that... I will at LEAST pick one extra cool down routine if I cannot find time though... and I'd like to try to take the time to do a 5 minute bed stretch routine before I go to bed on my work days.
- Continue going to at least 2 HEMA classes a week. More the merrier.
- Go to all of my doctor appointments... I missed one from not hearing my new alarm clock and now I have to wait until March to go to it! So, hell or high water, tired and frustrated or no, I'm going to every single one.

All said and done fitness 5 days a week should not take more than 1 hour overall.

- Last year I had a goal of cooking more asian cuisine. I think this year I'd like to focus more on eating appropriate portions, getting adequate protein, reigning in snacking, experimenting more with my cooking. I'm very much so stuck in 'free food' mentality, and there's lots of it to be had at work and at events. I'm going to put better effort into making snacks vs buying them which I think naturally cuts down on the amount I eat and what things I am eating, putting more fish into my meals now that I have a good supply of fish here. I'm going to use smaller plates and go for seconds vs putting food on a larger plate because I find myself noticing I'm good sometimes on the smaller plates... when I'm out to eat, I'm just going to ask for a to-go box and box half of it away immediately. I want to experiment with some Indian style cooking, Chinese cooking, and some European plate styles as well... so I'll be cooking Japanese food 2x a week, and adding another dish of some sort in as well for a third meal. I'll stick with my simple breakfasts (cereals, oats, fruit/bread puddings, or sandwiches). I read a lot about intermittent fasting and I think that's something I'm going to experiment with as well... It seems to be in line with what I'm naturally doing anyways.. so I might just have 2 meals and 2 snacks a day vs 3 meals and 1-2 snacks a day. I'm going to incorporate more protein into my diet as well, as I think I need it.
- My water intake at work is excellent, but I'm only at work 2 days a week on average right now... I think it'd be far better for me to establish a routine here at home too. The winter is being nice to me with hot teas on the menu constantly.. but I need to really keep that habit up.. at least having a small cup of water and a hot tea of some sort with each meal, and a cup of water when I first wake up. I didn't do so well with that last year, but I think if 'when I first wake up' means when I actually get up out of bed I just stop by the water tank before I do anything else it might work better. We'll see how it goes!

I think I eat well when I make food for myself... but since I go some weeks hardly cooking a thing because of events or other such things I need to be more aware of what I'm bringing to the table that isn't made by myself. Free food doesn't mean I need it anymore nor that it's good for me... I need to break the "im so poor I need free food" habit.

General cleaning/organizing:
- I've been sort of starting to clean up 5 minutes a day on my own, and it's working out really well.. I'd like to make that a good habit that sticks better. Just sweeping the floors, washing the dishes, or dusting can really mean not rushing around if we impromptu invite people over.
- I'm going to take some time to deep clean the house this year. I'll pick a project, a room, something, and spend the whole month on it.. a little at a time. I think I'm going to start with organizing paperwork in January since it's easy but tedious and can be done inside. I can scan and document and save items that I don't need physical copies of, and make it a good habit to write down what I've done and do it right then vs putting it aside and waiting. I already went through some of my older books and donated them to make room on my shelves.. It wasn't a thorough going-through, but still made a big difference.

- I want to max out my IRA this year, my emergency fund as well in a high interest savings account, finance the rest of my HEMA equipment, and truly get started in investing. I've been holding onto my savings right now because of some big picture stuff coming up in the near future, but soon I'll have answers and by the end of the year I'll know what to do with it all. I created a budget I rather like, and I'm going to do my best to stick to it.

- I had a goal to play 5 songs.. I think I'm going to change that goal to 'work through the first 20 lessons'. There are 2 song books and 20 lessons online, and I'm going to take the first half of the year to work on the first 10 lessons, practicing a lot. I'm on lesson 5 (when everything starts to count) so I'm going to work on lesson 5/6 in Jan, 7 in Feb, 8 in Mar, 9 in April, 10 in May.. The song book 1 in June and July. I'll adjust as I get through these lessons, but I have lots of practice to do. :)
- HEMA is going well. I want to score a winning round in SiS, compete at all in Queen's Gambit, create my leather jacket and put my patches on it, Go to Okoberfecht again, get myself a complete set of useable gear that I can travel with and fight in without any loaner equipment, and memorize at least half of the montante rule sets. I also aim to enroll in Sword Carolina Online and start practicing at home a little... even if I just watch the videos it'll be of use.
- I'd like to go snowboarding once this year if it snows again.. if not, travel somewhere with snow. It's been too long since I touched that board.
- I'm going to try to make 1 hash a month. It'll count as a run day for fitness too, so bonus.
- Japanese study is going well, I hope to by the end of this year finish book 1 and be on book 2. I've got a new phone now, and am going to start working more with anki and getting in shape with the vocabulary. I aim to watch 1 show in Japanese a week... I don't care if it's anime, morning matsune, a video on netflix.. at LEAST one a week. And one podcast a week, even if it's a small short one.

I think that wraps it up for me, that's enough haha!


May 29, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I want to do an egg fast for a week in January and film it. I will eat nothing but free range eggs. I'm very excited to try this.

Then I want to go on an all carnivorous diet for February. I want to include organ meats like liver, hearts, intestines, and any other parts I can get from the butcher. Making sure that I get meat and poultry that is organic as possible too.


Active member
Aug 11, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Cut out sugary drinks by the end of the year
Get a summer job
Set down some time for just writing on personal things at least once per week. Let's be honest, I'll probably slack off finals and other test weeks, but I'll try.
Try my best to understand the concept before the tests come around. I'm not sure how to measure this goal. I'll think about it.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Last year's goals:

My goals:

- Go bouldering 1-2x/week
- Run a 10k, and if you manage that, try for a half marathon afterwards
- Do one pull-up, and if you can do more, then do more
- Do one real, non-modified push-up, and if you can do more, then do more
- Establish a routine throughout the year, and continue that routine in the winter (S.A.D. didn't help my eating or fitness this year -- thank goodness for having a climbing buddy, is all I have to say)

Might add more goals later.

I'm much more fit than I was at this time last year. My fitness journey has been exciting and will continue to be exciting.
I did the bolded, plus the following:

- ran a Spartan Sprint
- upped my running mileage from 3.5 miles to 6 miles
- can boulder more V2s than I could before

I still can't do a pull-up or a push-up. Which is disheartening. But my exercise routine got derailed numerous times throughout the year due to life things - and I've been told by friends that I will probably be able to do a pull-up by February if I keep training.
Last edited:

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
[MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION]: Have you tried working into pushups? Like starting on a countertop? Then you can move to a sturdy chair. Then you can move to the floor. Doing it this way will help you focus on your form rather that just squeezing out shitty pushups just to get the numbers in.

Pushups are really hard for me too. Actually, even when I was really fit, I did "girly" pushups (on your knee), which actually doesn't do much for building strength to get into normal pushups. You just kind of plateau. I still recommend the resistance band for pullups though. It helped me and eventually I could do a couple without the band. (which felt amazing!!!)

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Alright guys, I'm definitely in this year. Last year I just had too much personal stuff going on, but now that I feel like my mental health is under control, I am ready and excited to get back into fitness.

I'm sure I will edit this list after I think about it further, but here are my goals so far:

1. Cut back on alcohol. I think I'll start by allowing myself 4 drinks a week and then cut back from there, maybe down to zero (I took a 7-month hiatus last year and that was good for me).
2. Meditate more. Let's start with 20 minutes a day 3 times a week. I'll start with meditation music or guided meditations.
3. More. Fucking. Vegetables. And. Fruit. I have to come up with a plan for measuring my success here and holding myself accountable.
4. DRINK WATER, YA DUMMY. Tea is fine too. I'll get myself a super cute reusable glass bottle so that I actually want to drink more.
5. Limit my fast food. I'll allow myself 1 drive-thru a week to start with. Having healthy snacks on hand will be imperative.

Now for the exercise goals:
1. Create 6 routines to cycle through: 3 upper body, 3 lower body. CHANGE ROUTINES WHEN BORED!
2. Yoga 20 minutes a day 3 times a week
3. Brisk walking for at least 20 minutes a day 3 times a week (weather permitting). I don't think my joints can tolerate jogging as is.
4. When the weather gets nice, take that fucking pull-up band, go to a park, and do pull-ups. Quit wasting your money on equipment you don't use.
5. Work on transitioning to extended arm planks instead of bent arm planks. (this is a unique challenge for me because of very specific joint issues)

I think that is a good start. I might give myself 3 weeks to work up into the routines so that I am not overwhelmed right away with the time commitment.

Year end goals:
1. Be able to do 3 consecutive unassisted chin-ups and 1 unassisted pull-up.
2. Be able to do 10 proper push-ups. This might be tough for me.
3. Get fit and confident enough to film myself doing my soon-to-be world famous 5-minute varied plank. Bent arm planks will be fine for this. Yes, I will post it, you just can't make fun of how red my face gets and how much I'll be shaking by the end.

That's good for now.
Sep 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
405 Squat
495 Deadlift
250 Bench
185 Standing military press
315 Front squat
Pullup with my bodyweight (135) in Iron
More than 1 1arm pullup per arm
Dip with 205 in Iron
235 Clean and Jerk
205 Snatch
1m29s 500m row
Human flag
5 plate (225lb) weighted plank for 1 minute
Level 6 difficulty route for bouldering
Sub 12 100m


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Do well in school- taking a lot of credits so that will be... interesting

Help my brother out. Talk to him. Help him maybe... figure things out for himself

Maybe some romance

Gain some muscle mass. Work out perhaps. Lower my heart rate because its way too high (though I might not be able to do that because its a condition... but I can work on doing what I can. A 120-130 heart rate is... not good)

Maybe join a club. One that will help me get an internship

Get an internship

Figure out perhaps new medication combos

Drink more water- DONT GET A STONE (be cool to have a full year without one- no stone 2018 is a go!)

Maybe work on my diet

Figure out how to go about my accomodations. Get that paperwork filled out and that all settled


May 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
1. Do everything I can to not get sick/injured (I can't afford it). I can do my best to achieve this by following my other resolutions below.
2. Have a purge session every month and get rid of at least 5-10% of what I own.
3. STOP BINGE EATING. Maybe if I end up at a Brazilian restaurant I'll let myself go a little bit, but not to how bad it's gotten now.
4. Take Vitamin D every day. Take Fish Oil every day.
5. Exercise every day. Have 3-4 days a week of intense workouts.
6. Stop using stupid apps like Tinder when I'm bored/lonely.
7. Lose 30-40 lbs (if I follow the other steps to a T this should follow suit).
8. Cut out toxic people I know I shouldn't bother with.
9. Make stock investments.
10. Try more ways to become somewhat organized/neat. My scatter-brain has caused so much trouble and it's time to get it together.


May 29, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I want to in corporate a walk and do gentle yoga every morning.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
All I want to do this year is gain some muscle and buy a car.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Personally I'm going to start building up muscle and diversity my fashion choices to be more attractive in general :newwink: :wubbie: I also want to become more assertive and confident in myself so I'm less of a doormat and a wimp and I'm.also going to try and be kinder to everyone :). I also aim to read more and consume more media in general.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
This year should be a big one for me in terms of a couple of big life and career things, I want to distance myself from some negative individuals and trends to better my own health, I was reading some old diaries and while they were more vague than I would have liked it was very clear to me that formerly I had been a much happier, healthier person and had a great social network of similarly happy and healthy individuals too.

I also want to build on two separate room clearances I've carried out since Christmas, it was kicked off in part by deciding were to keep some of the gifts I got this year but its been something I've been working on for years, trying to overcome hoarding, also I read part of a book last year by Fumio Sasaki, Goodbye Things, which is about radical minimalism, I am a fan of the idea generally but not the radical sort and I've not been able to practice it.

Books are a big, big thing, I hoard them and I impluse buy them and, I've discovered, that sometimes I buy them in leau of other experiences or plans, so I'll decide, hey, it'd be cool to do [whatever] and I wind up buying books on the topic of doing [whatever] and end up with just more books, sometimes I'll not even read them, and [whatever] never happens anyway, principle among this has been the two or three books on the bull run in Pamplona (I'm not sure I want to do this now, its become a tourist trap) and the santiago de compostilla (spelling, the pilgrimage).

So last year I was taking at least one or two books from my room to the charity shop on wednesdays, I dont know if I'll try and keep a fixed day and date like that but it was a generally good idea. The important thing is not to simply replace the books I've gotten rid of with new ones. To that end I'm trying to keep off Amazon, out of the book shops, and more frequently turn over the ones I own to see what I'll keep and what I'll read next to save bothering with new purchases.


The Unwieldy Clawed One
Apr 23, 2007
Falcarius' health challenges for 2018:

  • Run 1000 miles (ran 1001 miles so far this year)
  • Cycle 1000 miles (927 cycled so far this year)
  • Do a sub-45 minute 10k (current PB 46:13)
  • Do a sub-1:40:00 half marathon (current pb 1:43:47 pretty much coasting around the week before a full marathon)
  • Survive the year (presumably will achieve that this year :unsure: :peepwall: )
  • Do as many sub 22 minute 5k parkruns as possible ( 6 times this year, would have been more without 7 mile cycle rides beforehand)
  • Get at least 7 hours sleep each day (pretty much failed this year)


Aug 28, 2008
Loving the response already!

My January plan of attack for these goals of mine:


- I want to get stronger. 5 day routine.. 10-20 minute burn out arms and legs x2/wk, a cardio/abs work out 35min-1hr x2/wk, and 1 new video/work out style x1/wk.

I think I want to jump back into P90X, as I enjoyed that series immensely.. I'm going to blend it with Fitness Blender. I'm switching things up as my schedule is, but going to try to mostly alternate.. Cardio (1 from P90X, one from FB) and Strength Training (sticking with shorter FB ones this month) days. I'm going to focus on Football Agility training and parkour training for January for the new work outs.

- I want to become more flexible. Complete a 30 day beginner yoga challenge and 90 day yoga challenge. 1 Stretching video post work outs x3/wk. 5 minute bed stretch routine on work days.

I'll start with a 30 day challenge in February... Since I'm doing a HEMA challenge in January, I'm going to start this off by stretching post work outs in Jan and start trying to incorporate the work day bed stretching at least the first morning.

- Continue going to at least 2 HEMA classes a week.

Nothing more to add to this plan, I almost always have 2 evenings free for a couple hours.. January is going to be particularly HEMA heavy for reasons described below.

- Go to all of my doctor appointments no matter what.

I have none in January! Yay! Starting off the year easyyyyy. I will, however, go through and re-evaluate my packets and plans. I already evaluated my dental coverage today, and ensured I had the best one I could possibly get. So now I'll just do the same with my VA packets and ensure all the paperwork is in a row.


- Focus more on eating appropriate portions, getting adequate protein, reigning in snacking, experimenting more with my cooking. Curb free food habits, make snacks vs buying them, more fish in meals. Smaller plates when serving food, asking for a to-go box at the beginning of a meal out. Experiment with Chinese, Indian, and Euro meals x1/wk. Japanese food 2x/wk. Simple breakfasts. Try intermittent fasting: 2 meals and 2 snacks a day. More protein into my diet.

Whew I crammed a lot into this bullet point. So, I'm starting out with Indian food because I think it will be an easy transition from Japanese food.. Tikka Masala was awesome at one restaurant, and I might not be making naan by hand anytime soon but I can sure support my local asian grocery buying it from them. I am going to intermittent fast though... I'm going to try a noon-10pm routine to start with, and see where it carries me. It isn't quite the 16off/8on that that system calls for, but it gives me flexibility to start with. I'll still stick with 2 meals/2 snacks and carry it from there.
Going to try using date rolls, yogurt (a big one for me), and some puddings, pies, and ploughman platters for snacks. I have recipes for most of those things that I really enjoy. If I crave a snack between, I'm going to try a lightly sweetened/flavored milk (just a shot of creamer in it) and/or a zero calorie water flavor packet.. I'm thinking that I am mistaking thirst for cravings of sugar and food.
I am going to aim for 1200-1300 calories consistently by May. I drink a lot of my calories in milk and such, easily 300+ calories worth (I drink a lot of milk ~3-4 cups a day). I might increase this as I see muscle mass increase, but for now, I have extra weight I don't need that isn't muscle. For January, I'm going with being more mindful of the calorie ratios of things, and making healthy swaps where I can and avoiding overeating all the garbage people bring to work. Also, see what you eat food app will help me with this.

- My water intake. A small cup of water/tea with each meal, and a cup of water when I first wake up.

I think I'm going to kick off the habit by buying some of those tiny water bottles and putting them in the bathroom and by the bed. That way I'm reminded to drink them and will at least grab it and drink it as I walk around the house. As I get accustomed to it I think I'll start to crave it again on my own and won't need them. I have a small jar cup next to the water dispenser, and I'm drinking it as I prep my food vs eating it with the food, but it still counts to me. I'll start recording the times I don't in January.

I need to break the "im so poor I need free food" habit.

I think I'm going to do something a bit unusual and try bringing some empty tupperwares with me to work. If I see something I WANT to eat but I am not hungry, I will package it up and take it home... if I still want it before it goes bad, cool, if my partner eats it, cool, if not, toss it. We'll see how it goes. There's going to be a lot of Christmas Candy lingering around at work.

General cleaning/organizing:

- Clean up 5 minutes a day.

I'm still going to have a clean-up day once a week where I go through and put things away in the house and do projects and stuff for a while... but for now: Wash dishes x2/wk, sweep the floors x1/wk, dust x1/wk, laundry x1/wk. I'm going to write it on the white board and cross them out.

- I'll pick a project, a room, something, and spend the whole month on it.

"I think I'm going to start with organizing paperwork in January...." I've already started weeding down papers as they come into my life, and I've taken some old folders and gone through and trashed old documents while at work. I'm going to spend a day separating them all out, then take them handfuls at a time and organize them.

- I want to max out my IRA this year, my emergency fund as well in a high interest savings account, finance the rest of my HEMA equipment, and truly get started in investing. I've been holding onto my savings right now because of some big picture stuff coming up in the near future.

I have the high interest savings account picked out, I'm going to transfer funds into there as soon as I build up the fund. Based on my calculations, I should be maxed out on both things by october. I have a feder to pay for with 2 shifts, 2 shifts I need to work to make up for the spending on some of my throat protection and armor, and 3 shifts I need to work to make money for my travels this season... and then I can relax the rest of the year. I'm going to split these up by the month and do 3 in Feb (I can't Jan Im on orientation unfortunately), 2 in Mar, and 2 in April.

- Work through the first 20 lessons'. First half of the year to work on the first 10 lessons. Lesson 5/6 in Jan, 7 in Feb, 8 in Mar, 9 in April, 10 in May.. The song book 1 in June and July.

I've started out small here, just practicing the notes and melodies (6 of them) 3 times each a day. It only takes me about 10 minutes to get through them... I just focus as much as I can on proper posture and my movement of my arms. I think practicing an instrument usually takes hours and hours, but as I don't have that and am moving slowly this is good enough for now.

- I want to score a winning round in SiS, compete at all in Queen's Gambit, create my leather jacket and put my patches on it, Go to Okoberfecht again, get myself a complete set of useable gear that I can travel with and fight in without any loaner equipment, and memorize at least half of the montante rule sets. Enroll in Sword Carolina Online and start practicing at home.

I'm registered for Queen's Gambit! Half the battle done... and it'll give me a bench mark on what to work on for SiS. January I will be participating in a 30 day HEMA challenge, our instructor is making anyone who finishes it entirely a beautiful patch to wear. So, January I am focusing on the vest, and the challenge. Feb I will work on ordering the feder and assembling my gear. O.F. is long away from now, I'll mess with it then. I will be incorporating practice of the rules of Montante into that 30 day challenge. It's 30 minutes everyday. On my work days, I will read, as it's easy and accomplished at work on my lunch break. That's 2 days a week. I'll practice Montante x1/wk, Longsword x2/wk watching SCO, and do drills x2/wk.

- I'd like to go snowboarding once this year.

I have a feeling it'll snow in Jan/Feb timeframe. I'll make a weekend day of it. I'll clean up my gear in Jan anticipating it though, get everything washed and aired out.

- I'm going to try to make 1 hash a month. It'll count as a run day for fitness too, so bonus.

Haha! Thiiiiss month is a formal hash ;) but I'll definitely go to a real one in Jan.

- Japanese study - Finish book 1 and start book 2. Work more with anki. Watch 1 show in Japanese a week, 1 podcast a week.

Going to DL anki on my next work days. Watched A netflix show (Midnight Diner, I love that show), and listened this week to an easy Japanese news cast.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Okay, now for my actual list.

Diet and exercise:
- Do pull-ups (in the plural)
- Do push-ups (in the plural)
- Do a V3 bouldering problem
- Do another obstacle course race with the team that ran the Spartan Sprint with me
- Maintain my current exercise routine (2-3x per week) and add more if possible
- Cook more frequently

Misc. mental, physical, and financial well-being:
- Get better about making doctor's appointments
- Move to a new house with cheaper rent so I can afford weekly therapy appointments
- Maintain a $0 balance on my credit card as much as possible
- Take at least four vacations (including Christmas)
- Be more mindful of my organizational systems (cleaning house, updating my planner, watering plants) falling apart due to stress, when they do, so I can minimize the damage


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Work out 4 - 5 times a week. At least two days upper body, two days lower body and all days incline walking for 20 - 30 minutes. Eat healthy and cut down on sugars/carbs.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Quite the gym last year. Started working out at home hoping to just look ripped. Will I look weak if I lose too much bodyfat, I keep asking myself. Maybe I should work out to build mucles and lose fat at the same time. But I've heard that's impractically hard.



Active member
Jun 21, 2009
Work out 4 - 5 times a week. At least two days upper body, two days lower body and all days incline walking for 20 - 30 minutes. Eat healthy and cut down on sugars/carbs.

I'm going to do this, plus read at least one book a month aswell


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
I would like to kick up the workouts to 6 days/wk. Right now I do 5 days of cardio, 3 days of weights/machines and that works good but it's important to maintain strength at my age. Diet wise I already stopped trying to eat more dairy and started calcium supplements with the ok of my doctor. I want to eat more vegetarian than my current 2-3 meals a week.