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I am having issues with my diagnosis as INFJ


New member
Sep 13, 2007
It's all just jealousy, I'm sure. ;) Jealousy of the awesomeness that is FJ. How sad.

(Now you all are making me look forward to hanging out here. Come and get me!)


New member
Jul 14, 2007
It's all just jealousy, I'm sure. ;) Jealousy of the awesomeness that is FJ. How sad.

(Now you all are making me look forward to hanging out here. Come and get me!)

Hey, I love FJ's, my best friend is an FJ, I am in awe thaat's why she sits on the pedestal and not me lol.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
Oh my! My fault!

I believe that they should all stand in awe of the awesomeness that is F.

My very best friend is after all, INFP. I like you guys. You're fun.

(I was told it was FJ being attacked, and you gotta fight back, darn it.)


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant

<goes upstairs and hides in room with books>

Andy K Octopus

New member
Sep 5, 2007
Have you taken the Cognitive Processes test ever?
Understanding the Eight Jungian Cognitive Processes / Eight Functions Attitudes
This should help show you whether you use Ni-Fe or Fi-Ne, and thus whether you are more INFJ or INFP.

According to this, I am an INFJ, so maybe my type analysis is correct. I guess being an Enneagram type 4 leads me to always question things about myself....

Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ************* (13.3)
introverted Sensing (Si) ******************** (20.2)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40.9)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************************** (46)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************* (19.3)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) **************************** (28.7)
average use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************************** (34.9)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************* (37.5)
excellent use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFJ


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
It does look like you have some spillover into the other aspects of feeling and intuition (Fi+Ne) -- those scores are running a decent second compared to your Ni+Fe -- so this shows you why you might be experiencing some confusion.

Andy K Octopus

New member
Sep 5, 2007
It does look like you have some spillover into the other aspects of feeling and intuition (Fi+Ne) -- those scores are running a decent second compared to your Ni+Fe -- so this shows you why you might be experiencing some confusion.

whenever I have taken a test that provides scores, I straddle the line between J and P charecteristics --- I think I am one of those people who is straddling the cusp of two types.

This test further reinforces my belief that I am a just weak J, but very much an NF (I straddle the line between introvert and extravert as well). I think I have a good balance of J and P---I know some people who are too much J or too much P and both are difficult to deal with. (The too much J's because they are incredibly anal retentive, obsessive types and the too much Ps because they are so unorganized and are constantly losing things)


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
whenever I have taken a test that provides scores, I straddle the line between J and P charecteristics --- I think I am one of those people who is straddling the cusp of two types.

See, J and P are not functions in themselves per se -- they simply describe (in MBTI) whether you extrovert a J or P function for your secondary [since you are an introvert]. So outwardly, if you feel like you have J/P issues, it means you probably have either a struggle between Ne and Fe (the extroverted secondary trait) or likewise the two similar primary traits (Fi vs Ni).

And when you look at your scores, you'll see that your Ne is actually higher than your Fe, and even your Fi is higher than your Fe. This connotes INFP. But your Ni is high enough that it seems like the predominate factor... which is INFJ in your case.

So you should be good at shifting your internal orientation and seeing lots of validity in many different viewpoints, but outwardly you show Ne behavior (which is P); you are more laid-back and open than perhaps a typical INFJ.

Here is a question: Do you have any struggles with actually implementing things in real life? Getting things done? Finding closure and moving on? (Just curious. :) )

Andy K Octopus

New member
Sep 5, 2007
See, J and P are not functions in themselves per se -- they simply describe (in MBTI) whether you extrovert a J or P function for your secondary [since you are an introvert]. So outwardly, if you feel like you have J/P issues, it means you probably have either a struggle between Ne and Fe (the extroverted secondary trait) or likewise the two similar primary traits (Fi vs Ni).

And when you look at your scores, you'll see that your Ne is actually higher than your Fe, and even your Fi is higher than your Fe. This connotes INFP. But your Ni is high enough that it seems like the predominate factor... which is INFJ in your case.

So you should be good at shifting your internal orientation and seeing lots of validity in many different viewpoints, but outwardly you show Ne behavior (which is P); you are more laid-back and open than perhaps a typical INFJ.

Here is a question: Do you have any struggles with actually implementing things in real life? Getting things done? Finding closure and moving on? (Just curious. :) )

sometimes I do have a lot of trouble getting things accomplished and finding closure


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I really don't understand how that test worked so well for you... my scores are all over the place. Also, I don't think it's descriptions of the functions are accurate.

Ti has nothing to do with looking at things from more than one perspective or categorizing, it just finds weird truths and principles. Ni isn't completely about sudden insights and realizations, although I get those occasionally. Ne isn't as simple as seeing patterns in ideas or being aware of multiple contexts, and actually sounds more like Intuition in general rather than Ne. But I digress.

Anyway, I'm glad the test worked for you, and showed you that you're an INFx. Now all we have to do is check to see if you use more Judgment or Perception in dealing with reality outwardly.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Ti has nothing to do with looking at things from more than one perspective or categorizing, it just finds weird truths and principles.

:steam: They're not weird.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
Andy K Octopus, you seem more like an INFJ to me (based on what little I know about you). Even your avatar is just like an INFJ avatar, ferocious yet harmless at the same time. :)

Here are some more questions to think about if you like.

When you are inspired to do some creative/artistic endeavour which describes you better?
a) You tend to get your idea all at once, making no or few changes, and then feel driven to complete your creation until it is done.
b) You tend to continually build on your inspiration, evaluate it over and over, changing details and taking a longer more careful approach to completion.

Which is more like you when daydreaming?
a) You spend a lot of time imagining things the way they ought to be.
b) You spend a lot of time imagining how the future will turn out, and often are drawn to the best or worst case scenario.

Which is a better description of how you see people?
a) You tend to see the best in almost everybody and you realize that sometimes this might be taken to an unrealistic extent
b) You tend to see the best in some people and the worst in others, although you are still respectful to those that you don't particularly care for.

Are you sometimes confused for an extravert?

Andy K Octopus

New member
Sep 5, 2007
I really don't understand how that test worked so well for you... my scores are all over the place. Also, I don't think it's descriptions of the functions are accurate.

Ti has nothing to do with looking at things from more than one perspective or categorizing, it just finds weird truths and principles. Ni isn't completely about sudden insights and realizations, although I get those occasionally. Ne isn't as simple as seeing patterns in ideas or being aware of multiple contexts, and actually sounds more like Intuition in general rather than Ne. But I digress.

Anyway, I'm glad the test worked for you, and showed you that you're an INFx. Now all we have to do is check to see if you use more Judgment or Perception in dealing with reality outwardly.

I don't know. The test had some very weird questions, and I answered them to the best of my ability. I don't see how my sensing and thinking fuctions did so poorly, actually. I like to think of myself as more well rounded

But in general, INFJ is what I come up with most of the time when I take on MBTI tests, and it probably fits me the best of any type description. The problem is that like Jennifer pointed out, I carry strong INFP traits as well, so my type is very muddled. So I am maybe a true INFX, with no true J or P preference

Andy K Octopus

New member
Sep 5, 2007
Andy K Octopus, you seem more like an INFJ to me (based on what little I know about you). Even your avatar is just like an INFJ avatar, ferocious yet harmless at the same time. :)

Here are some more questions to think about if you like.

When you are inspired to do some creative/artistic endeavour which describes you better?
a) You tend to get your idea all at once, making no or few changes, and then feel driven to complete your creation until it is done.
b) You tend to continually build on your inspiration, evaluate it over and over, changing details and taking a longer more careful approach to completion.

Which is more like you when daydreaming?
a) You spend a lot of time imagining things the way they ought to be.
b) You spend a lot of time imagining how the future will turn out, and often are drawn to the best or worst case scenario.

Which is a better description of how you see people?
a) You tend to see the best in almost everybody and you realize that sometimes this might be taken to an unrealistic extent
b) You tend to see the best in some people and the worst in others, although you are still respectful to those that you don't particularly care for.

Are you sometimes confused for an extravert?


Question 1:

A---I do a lot of writing (blogs, stories etc etc), and I write music as well. A lot of times things will just come to me out of the ether, but I go back and re-work it until i feel it is the best way it can be. So I would choose (B) for the first question. I go back and re-evaluate, and try to get it so it is just right.

Question 2

A---when I daydream, I often imagine things as I would like them. It helps me relax. But when it comes to thinking about the actual future, I often imagine extreme scenarios---worst or best. So my answer would be both A and B for question 2

Question 3

My answer here would be (B), but I do usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes I can just tell a SOB right off the bat. I can see the worst in people, but am usually pretty amicable to even those I don't like

Question 4

In social situations, where I feel comfortable, I can be quite outgoing.

I hope that helps


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007

Question 1:

A---I do a lot of writing (blogs, stories etc etc), and I write music as well. A lot of times things will just come to me out of the ether, but I go back and re-work it until i feel it is the best way it can be. So I would choose (B) for the first question. I go back and re-evaluate, and try to get it so it is just right.

B is more of an INFP approach. Although having things "come out of the ether" seems like an INFJ description. I'd say you lean more toward INFP in this respect.

Question 2

A---when I daydream, I often imagine things as I would like them. It helps me relax. But when it comes to thinking about the actual future, I often imagine extreme scenarios---worst or best. So my answer would be both A and B for question 2
Heh, well nothing really conclusive from this question. lol :)

Question 3

My answer here would be (B), but I do usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes I can just tell a SOB right off the bat. I can see the worst in people, but am usually pretty amicable to even those I don't like

This sounds more like an INFJ.

Question 4

In social situations, where I feel comfortable, I can be quite outgoing.

I hope that helps

Hmm, this could be either. Sometimes INFJ's (and INTJ's) can be confused with extraverts. This is why I ask. But if you don't ever find yourself exceptionally energetic, then I would say this question is inconclusive.

So, I guess these questions didn't really help lol. Sometimes you act like an INFP, sometimes an INFJ and sometimes in between lol. :) My best guess is to echo previous posts which is that you are an INFJ with a lot of INFP tendencies.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
B is more of an INFP approach. Although having things "come out of the ether" seems like an INFJ description. I'd say you lean more toward INFP in this respect.

Actually, the motivations here are unclear.

Are you going back and reworking the idea because you have a clear picture in your head of what it should have been like but you failed to capture it adequately on the first try... or did you create the idea and are now playing off of elements of the idea, having an inkling of new possibilities that you did not envision the first time but now see suggested in the work itself?

In the first case, it is like you have a finished "picture" in your head and are trying to make your efforts conform to it.

In the second case, you are not quite sure what the finished product should look like and are taking your cues from the work itself as you try things.

Both involve editing and reworking... but for completely different reasons.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
Tangent: do you mean in case (a) that you would know consciously what the finished product should look like, or just that you know that there is some finished product?

When I work, I usually revise by looking at what I have and knowing if that's what I was trying to do or not. But I may not actually know completely what it was I was trying to do.

The descriptions are interesting, anyway. How does this reflect the difference exactly?


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
According to this, I am an INFJ, so maybe my type analysis is correct. I guess being an Enneagram type 4 leads me to always question things about myself....

Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ************* (13.3)
introverted Sensing (Si) ******************** (20.2)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40.9)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************************** (46)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************* (19.3)
limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) **************************** (28.7)
average use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ********************************** (34.9)
good use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ************************************* (37.5)
excellent use

Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFJ

You may want to check your Interaction Style also.

I believe INFJ will tend to be "Chart-the-course" types, while INFP will be "Behind-the-scenes" Styles.

I finally arrived at typing myself as an INTP after looking through multiple different models of personality.

My Ti was clear in control in terms of precesses. My language was abstract (indicating "N"). I preferred structure to motive (indicates NT-SJ instead of NF-SP), and the temperament preference order was NT-NF-SJ-SP (so that really settled my N-S preference, since in addition, my second highest preference was Ne). Beyond that, I came out "Behind-the-scenes"-"Chart-the Course"-"Get-things-Going"-"In Charge" in terms of Interaction styles. I also considered myself clearly informative rather than directive, and clearly Introverted, so "Behind-the-Scenes" was the appropriate style for me. Combining all that together, I came up with INTP, and I am fairly confident of that.

I wonder if MLC can incorporate all the various veiws of personality into his machine learning algorithm for typing (so that it adapts to find clear preferences in particular views of personality).


New member
Sep 14, 2007
I've been baited into joining this discussion. Thanks InFlux, you suck. I've been accused of being INFP. For a long time I thought I was INTP-ish and tried to bash my mental processes into line in order to conform. Lately, who knows, I can't say I care too much.

One of my oldest friends types as INFP - and we are very different. Jennifer does well defining the differences, and I feel like I'm just going to echo her, but I still want to see what everyone else thinks.

I would make a list!

1) He often doesn't "get" social rules, and when he gets them, he doesn't bother with them probably nine times out of ten. (Fe?) I understand social signals, and know how to respond appropriately - without thinking about it - if I need to to get something done.

I often don't get the social conventions of those around me. People are strange and I've never developed much ability to read into the chaos around me. I'm not up for abstraction on behavior right now so here's an example:

When I was 18 I was taking the train to work every morning. It was a deliciously new experience and I was having trouble understanding the rules of how and when people occupied space on a train. People would crush themselves into small spaces in order to get a little padding on a seat when there was some perfectly good (and empty) floor space all around them to sit on. I'd get on the train, find a section of floor and sit on it.

I currently have a job where I am the enforcer of many a rule. I even have to make many such rules. It's always kind of surreal when someone says "we don't know what the policy for this should be, can you tell us?" It's taken a while, but I've learned to not respond with "do whatever seems right".

2) "get something done." He doesn't seem to get things done! (closure?) He spends way more time deciding what he feels about the decision than just making it and doing something. But then - I can be too impulsive. If I think I'm right, I just do something and figure I'll deal with whatever comes out of it. But I almost never regret decisions if I know I'm right, so whatever. ;)

The important thing for me is to understand the context of the decision. I could just act, but I wouldn't know why I was doing the thing I was doing. Down that path I see insanity or at least a hell of a lot of cleanup. That said I do make snap decisions when too much crap gets backed up in my head and I feel I need a serious break in context from my existing situation. I haven't decided how much of this is just issues not dealt with and my disgruntlement with my current career. Ah, the joys and complexities of life.

3) He's far more in tune with his own value system and what he feels is right (as opposed to what everyone else around him wants/needs) than I've ever been. I'm much more out of touch with my own feelings than he is, even though I spend at least as much time wandering my inner world. Mostly I talk to the (real and imaginary) people who live there. He talks to himself there! Separating what *I* want and feel from the people I care about is something that takes work and I'm only figuring out as an adult.

I like to retreat from other people every few months to "recharge" and stop listening to all the other people around me. I find sitting alone on an empty plain somewhere let's me talk with myself about the important things in life and orient myself. Can't say I have many other people in my inner world. I do tend to have conversations there, but the voices tend to reflect parts of myself, not others.

Long response - and I'm interested in how much of this relates to some bigger pattern that someone who understands MBTI better can see, and how much is just my friend's and my personal quirks.

On revenge... So, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not really aware of a desire for revenge most of the time. I try very hard to be forgiving and polite to people who violate some important idea I have about the world ("there must be a reason you suck" ;) ), but it will build up. When I was younger, eventually I would explode at them, and they'd think I was nuts. Nice,quiet,nice,quiet... *YOU ARE THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL*. But I don't think I really want them to be hurt. Unless they do something truly horrible. But that's different. And they deserve it.

Finally! I'm not convinced anyone fits perfectly any of these categories or we'd have 16 kinds of robots wandering the streets. Life is a complicated mix of temperament and background and who you were raised by. If you really want to find a category, I think focusing on how your mind works would be smart - that's where I really see how these two types are different. The outer behavior you have and your beliefs seems to me like it has so much to do with how and where you've lived your life.

I can be long-winded.... now you all know.

And to that whole 'easier to offend INFP rather than INFJ' thing. The response from my POV is: Well, I just won't be friends with the offender. They have no idea what a loss this is!

OK, back to productivity.