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Type these rants


New member
Jun 28, 2018
Just a preliminary notice: all these rants relate to one person (me).

- Why must people complain about someone, for such long periods of time, as though they actually enjoy the act of complaining? If you don't like someone, just go punch him, and be done with it. Or if you don't have the balls to confront the source of your discomfort, then you don't have the right to complain. Hence, shut up.

- If people notice an opportunity to become more efficient in their (e.g.) work, why so few of them actually use it? I don't understand the point of being stuck in your ways, if it's obviously counterproductive. If you need a lot of time to adapt to a new way of doing something, that's fine, take your time. But never completely throw away opportunities for improvement and self-improvement just because you're "used to doing it" the wrong way.

- Why are people so scared of hurting someone's feelings or getting hurt themselves? As long as the insult/complaint/observation is genuine, then no matter how much it hurts your feelings, you can still use that information to genuinely better yourself. I'm sensitive as fuck, and even the slightest offensive comment can destroy my mood for several weeks, but I'll still value it greatly, because if a flaw has been pointed out, then I've been made aware of it, thus I can fix it. Knowledge is power.
If you prefer to instead constantly listen to sweet lies just for the sake of comfort, then you're not living a life, you're living a lie. And how can you find comfort in living a lie? I definitely can't.

- Why do people try so hard to please others, even when it's obvious that their efforts are actually self-serving in the end? It just looks stupid, if you're trying to act kind and generous, just to please someone who has power over your life (e.g. pleasing your boss). Certainly, it's a way to succeed in society, but it's a very pathetic way if you'd ask me. If you want to gain genuine respect, you need to show your bold/courageous/independent/uncompromising side. Walk on the edge of a sharp blade (in social relations/interaction), and do so confidently. If you fall and cut yourself in the process, it will be an honorable failure worth of respect nonetheless. Be a proud cat, don't serve others like a dog.

- Why do people spend so much time regretting their actions or their experiences? I do sometimes also doubt my life choices, but ultimately it's just such a pointless thing to invest your time and emotions into. It makes you look weak, and makes you feel weak. History is written by the victors. So it doesn't matter how right or wrong you were in the past, or how right or wrong you are now, as long as you can leave a mark on the world and destroy your opposition.

- Why must people beat around the bush for so long when trying to make a point? If you have something important to say, say it now. I don't need a 20-minute-long build-up story to the point you're trying to make. Because I most likely will figure all the details out myself upon hearing the main point. And if I'll need any extra information after that, I'll ask you to tell me the whole story from start to finish. Just don't tell me everything, unless I explicitly asked you to.

- People worry too much about boring everyday routine things. Of course stuff like taxes, relationships, concerts, kids, etc. are important life essentials, but that's exactly what they are - essentials - something you shouldn't neglect, but something you should also treat as background noise. If you direct a majority of your life energy towards supporting essential needs, you'll have no energy left to grow. What kind of homo-sapiens are we, if all we do is just repeat the same routine shit everyone else repeats? That's no different from being an animal that spends its life eating, shitting, sleeping and hunting. Why aren't we channeling our energy towards leaving big marks on the universe and human history? I don't care what we do, how great or horrible it is, but it has to be big, and grow bigger, indefinitely. Let's challenge God even. I'm sure he'd enjoy a sparring match, or two.

- People who don't understand that everything in life is a battle, will be destroyed by the world before they know it. The laws, tactics and strategies of war apply to absolutely everything in life, to every relationship, no matter how close/warm or distant/cold it is, to every endeavor/task, no matter how peaceful or boring it is, to every art, craft, thought and emotion. Life is war, love is war.
This doesn't mean you have to always frantically fight, but you need to approach everything with the mind of a warlord, commanding officer, or general, rather than with the mind of a tree-hugger, victim, or a hippy.
Don't fight in the North or the South. Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once.

- I can't stand it when people leave gaps in their beliefs, thoughts, values or processes. Of course, not everything has to be explained by science, since science is a continuous process, we constantly discover new things, new facts, rewrite old facts, rewrite science, rewrite history. Hence, we can't entirely rely on scientific methods or facts to explain everything we feel or believe or want to believe. But, at the very least, anyone's reasoning, even if it isn't scientific, has to be logical. There needs to be consistency between what people observe, what they believe, what they preach, and the decision they make. I don't care if that consistency is scientific or metaphysical, as long as it's logical. If someone's reasoning (no matter how right or wrong) can be consistently and logically traced back to some starting point (a belief, an observation, a value), then his reasoning deserves to exist and be adhered to.


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Way to make this feel like homework lol

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I see a lot of 8 elements with the focus on independence and strength.


Active member
May 5, 2007


New member
Jun 28, 2018

True, the only thing I can get annoyed about is people, or their stupidity/weaknesses to be exact. I can't get annoyed by inanimate objects or natural phenomena because those things are static, and should be only seen as tools that should be mastered or obstacles that should be overcome. No point whining about your physical environment, only about your species.


New member
Jun 28, 2018
As if you are devoid of any weakness. Give me a break.

Don't know about you, but I don't treat other people's weaknesses as an excuse for me to persist being weak. That's just absolute lazy and irresponsible.


Active member
May 5, 2007
Don't know about you, but I don't treat other people's weaknesses as an excuse for me to persist being weak. That's just absolute lazy and irresponsible.

Everyone has weaknesses, it's called being human. To think otherwise is pure self-delusion.


New member
Jun 28, 2018
Everyone has weaknesses, it's called being human. To think otherwise is pure self-delusion.

I feel like talking to you is like talking to a wall.
I never said I don't have flaws or others don't have flaws. But having a passive deposition towards your or others' flaws, just accepting them without trying to fix them, is not a homo-sapiens thing to do. You either climb or you fall.


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Is it possible for an ESTP to be extremely introverted, distant, people-avoiding, quiet and with a low-key presence 95% of the time? (and be extremely ESTP-ish the other 5%)

All what you think is about objects (people) and for what you say your are obliviously not people-avoiding person and far away from distant.
You may think about yourself that because of your inevitably evil acts towards them. dom Se and ter Fe/Te depending how honest you are with your post. ;)


Active member
May 5, 2007
I feel like talking to you is like talking to a wall.

That's because we're nothing alike. I also think you use the internet to spew rubbish but would be nothing short of a mute were I in your physical presence.

I never said I don't have flaws or others don't have flaws. But having a passive deposition towards your or others' flaws, just accepting them without trying to fix them, is not a homo-sapiens thing to do. You either climb or you fall.

Considering you posted this:

Sineva said:
I'm sensitive as fuck, and even the slightest offensive comment can destroy my mood for several weeks

I suggest you run and get yourself a safe space for your "sensitive as fuck" self then get professional counseling if your mood can be destroyed for weeks based on nothing but a simple slight or so-called "offensive comments."

Good luck. I'll throw in the "IF" part of the rant type and you can pick the S/N, P/J part.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Seems pretty ESTP to me solely based on what you have disclosed, outsides chances... ESTJ ISTP ENTP

Where do you see yourself in five years? what do you think about money? What are your biggest ethical principals? What role would you take in a survival environment? What would you do first? Where do you see yourself in five years?


Active member
May 5, 2007
I think you have superiority complex issues. Not really sure why you even came into this thread in the first place.

I think you refuse to see your own flaws but choose to bitch about others. And as expected, you don't like to hear opposing viewpoints. Welcome to the real world, kiddo.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
I'm gonna go against the grain for funsies: INTJ 8

You definitely hate Si, but you also hate the NF way.
Other guess: ISTP


New member
Jun 28, 2018
Seems pretty ESTP to me solely based on what you have disclosed, outsides chances... ESTJ ISTP ENTP

Where do you see yourself in five years? what do you think about money? What are your biggest ethical principals? What role would you take in a survival environment? What would you do first? Where do you see yourself in five years?

Great questions.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hard to say. I have a dream job, but I don't have the necessary environment/prerequisites to land it. I'll probably continue growing at my current workplace and seek a master's degree in international security and/or cultural issues. This degree isn't meant to aid me in my work, but serve as a stepping stone for further academic growth. For whatever reason I treat academic achievements/status and work as 2 completely different/disconnected things in life. If though at some point they could converge, that would be great.
But I've already managed to determine, that the type of work I'm best suited for is investigative - I have a tactical mindset, so trying to find issues, problems, go on fact-finding missions, and figuring out solutions on the spot, is very "me". I like to be a lot on my feet, and travel and/or change environments. The world is too small, so why make it smaller by sitting in the same city/country for years on end?

What do you think about money?
Money represents chunks of human energy that is "conserved" or "pickled" (kinda like canned food) in paper / coins / digital numbers. Conservation of energy permits for it to be used at a later time, in a different place. All other forms of human energy (that isn't money) isn't conserved, and therefore can only be used immediately as it is generated, otherwise it disperses.
Having the above definition in mind, money is a means of survival and a means of attaining power/independence/freedom in your life. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can provide all the necessary tools for the person to attain that happiness, whatever it is. (be it fulfillment, achievement, satisfaction, love, or etc.)

What are your biggest ethical principals?
Not quite sure, but probably equality/fairness of treatment and exchange. As an example to this I can tell about the following situation I had a few years ago. I'm not British myself, and only came to the UK to study. I had some childhood friends who did the exact same thing. When the Brexit referendum was announced, and it became apparent that non-UK nationals might get kicked out of the UK (students/workers/etc.) my reaction was the following: "Okay, I might get screwed over by the outcome of the Brexit vote. But hey, this isn't my country, I'm merely a guest, and it would be unfair for me to dispute the decision of the nation I'm visiting. Whatever happens, happens, because so wishes the majority of the British nation. I as an outsider have no moral right to impose my needs or views in someone else's home."
So, based on genuine feelings of respect and fairness (even at my own expense), I aligned myself with the majority vote of the Brexit referendum, even knowing that it might screw me over. But my childhood friends, who were in the exact situation as me, strongly were opposed to this view, called me all kinds of names, and broke their relationship with me. I was quite devastated by this, but decided that I would rather stick to fairness and respect, and if my childhood friends are incapable of such sentiments/principles, then I don't need such friends.

What role would you take in a survival environment?
Probably second-in-command of the survival group. Being second-in-command is the sweet-spot, because it grants you the ability to equally influence the leader and the followers. I would enjoy filling out vice-manager duties, but also coming up with new ideas, initiatives, and leading expeditions. Since I'm more of a tactician than a strategist, I'd prefer to solve questions concerning how to win specific battles, instead of winning the whole war.

What would you do first?
In case of the survival scenario? Probably try to ensure that the group is well-organized, well-equipped, healthy. Ensure that everyone knows what he should be doing, ensure that everyone has the tools necessary to carry out his duties, and that good and effective communication is maintained.

- - - Updated - - -

I think you refuse to see your own flaws but choose to bitch about others. And as expected, you don't like to hear opposing viewpoints. Welcome to the real world, kiddo.

You're the only person who's bringing zero contribution to this thread. If you need attention, go start your own thread.