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Mistyped TypeCentral Members


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
[MENTION=19719]Forever[/MENTION], do you ever find yourself making Te judgements on things or people? I find myself doing this typically at work and when I get home I'll just be thinking to myself, "who was that?!". Usually my judgements of things aren't related to their efficiency and usefulness, people included, but how I feel about them, how they make me feel. I admit though, it's kind of an interesting experience to go through life with your emotions shut off for a while.


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=19719]Forever[/MENTION], do you ever find yourself making Te judgements on things or people? I find myself doing this typically at work and when I get home I'll just be thinking to myself, "who was that?!". Usually my judgements of things aren't related to their efficiency and usefulness, people included, but how I feel about them, how they make me feel. I admit though, it's kind of an interesting experience to go through life with your emotions shut off for a while.

I mean I do judge on both how people make me feel and how efficient are they. Like in sports yeah I tend to watch the most efficient player. In my team I tend to watch everybody equally. In a science lab I keep tabs who does better than who. If I feel ill equipped I am not ashamed to go to an easier role or if no one can do the hard role I'll at least try.

Often when it comes to Te though I know how to tell people a little better what to do than I do for myself. Yet no one listens because Fe users don't really focus on external organization of their environment.

People are like doesn't compute and then reorganize themselves based on most respected or charismatic leader. I'm like if you make mistakes it's not my fault...

If someone makes me pissed I can have my blood boiling or get away from me the whole time, I don't want to interact with you but for the sake of efficiency I'll do what I'll have to and walk away asap when I can.

I often give up on sports because there's always a more enthusiastic player than I am and I get very hard on myself if my method of hitting the ball isn't working plus not to mention other players.

Ti: Oh and not to mention my forum behavior when people don't use the appropriate thread in the correct subforum.


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
An update is that often Te are fast learners is because they can disregard irrelevant facts and move on whereas Ti users are like no if I throw out the fact my logic no longer has consistency and I need fix the hole somehow. Making Ti slower learners but become gifted in analytical abilities.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
The thing is I wonder with Te is that when people say that an immature Ni dom doesn't have their auxiliary developed (or even paid too much attention to) unhealthy ways manifest in their personality, such as being too arrogant/too dependent on people's perception of things. I can't always tell for sure what "arrogant" means for me. In my perception I see myself less arrogant than some, though of others Idk what they could think of me.

When I try to use Te or at least the way I believe/fantasize Te to be. I get into a go-getter mode. My independent moral compass turns on, I think in terms of what will get me to the next objective the quickest and it may be actually me doing Se (although Se is a perception function). I feel like an object in movement and somehow everything gets done.. but then.. it doesn't last long I get tired from it quickly and I burn out and it's hard to do it again consistently.

But same as Fe, I will be very considerate of others, think in ways of what social principles people must follow but then it's for a pathetically short time.

Last year, I used to think that if you could find what makes people tick, people are just merely chasing after their own drives and don't have free minds although if I point the finger back at myself, what would that mean for me? So I pushed the theory away and for fear of going to be manipulative.

When I get something, the details of the why and how instantly lose interest in my mind and I move on to the next thing and it sometimes frustrates me how much gobs of information I have to sift through and people are like let's put a single sentence about the use of it and I'm like that's it?!

I also go to a bookstore and purposely read the last few pages of nonfiction books (especially popular science) to see if it's like a "but nobody really knows... conclusion" or if it's more succinct and said "and now you can do this too!" I very much go for the latter.

So to compensate Te or to build Te's potential is what's confusing me. Then considering that the Pi/Je Ji/Pe Pe/Ji Je/Pi model may not even be correct makes me throw my arms about the usefulness of mbti.

Today, I rarely even think about typing people anymore (irl).. it actually makes it boring if I place them into convenient internal categories I have for them. Because every little thing I can do I can tell myself oh they're just doing x for y reasons.. it really kills the humanity to people and I don't think humanity could be that boring (or at least I hope not).

Thanks for responding, when I write it also helps me think out loud which I hear that may be a Te quality too.

Just another opinion, but my impression as well is Fe, not Te. I think the 'go getter' mode is anything a J would have. INFJ's are very good at executing and being in Go mode (sometimes they have trouble not being in that mode). So I think that's just extroverted judging in general. I think too like others have said, I haven't noticed the Te bluntness. For example, though in my head I don't feel I come across this way, I have gotten more insight into my personality working at starbucks the past 2 yrs than possibly ever, and I get casual commentary referencing my no nonsense bluntness, 'Cascade's gonna tell you if you're doing something wrong', people reference things I say and I'm like...good lord I hope I don't sound mean when I say that, lol, in my head I'm making a neutral work related comment... and so on. I don't think you come across this way in communication. Fe users always come across so nice to me, I never get the matter-of-fact communication sense from them. They just couch their language with much more...deliberate softness? I don't know how you are irl though obviously.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Just another opinion, but my impression as well is Fe, not Te. I think the 'go getter' mode is anything a J would have. INFJ's are very good at executing and being in Go mode (sometimes they have trouble not being in that mode). So I think that's just extroverted judging in general. I think too like others have said, I haven't noticed the Te bluntness. For example, though in my head I don't feel I come across this way, I have gotten more insight into my personality working at starbucks the past 2 yrs than possibly ever, and I get casual commentary referencing my no nonsense bluntness, 'Cascade's gonna tell you if you're doing something wrong', people reference things I say and I'm like...good lord I hope I don't sound mean when I say that, lol, in my head I'm making a neutral work related comment... and so on. I don't think you come across this way in communication. Fe users always come across so nice to me, I never get the matter-of-fact communication sense from them. They just couch their language with much more...deliberate softness? I don't know how you are irl though obviously.

I agree with this statment. I am a T type and yet people would never consider me blunt as I always soften my message to others to not hurt their feelings (Fe). Ti is less blunt and more cutting. Te is like a sledge hammer in which it just knocks whats in front of it while Ti is cutting right to the core.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I agree with this statment. I am a T type and yet people would never consider me blunt as I always soften my message to others to not hurt their feelings (Fe). Ti is less blunt and more cutting. Te is like a sledge hammer in which it just knocks whats in front of it while Ti is cutting right to the core.

Yeah, I think Te can definitely come across as a sledgehammer, at least to Fe types. For the most part I think I am pretty diplomatic, and I'm not a sledgehammer in a Te dom or aux sense (also I am so dom), but there's no denying that I don't really add much 'filler language'/words when I do communicate, I am pretty matter of fact. (which could also tie to being S, I suppose). That's a common theme in feedback, that I am polite but no nonsense. (And I think before people really know me, sfj's in particular who I work with might be ...intimidated in a way?, I'm not sure, and I think it's the lack of Fe and them maybe misreading me, but I've learned to try to be much softer in interacting with them)


Senior(ita) Member
Jan 26, 2016
Aw, I felt really sorry for Cloudpatrol. Then I laughed, because who lists their type as NFPI lol that's hilarious yo

What a girl, what a girl. At least, I assumed you're a girl. If not, beg your pardon

On that note, I looked for like thirty minutes to find this thread because of incorrect search terms, silly me
I'd like to mention that Mal12345 is ISFJ - in denial. If you think he's whiny, it's definitely inf Ne. (And don't come to me later and be like, you're just projecting on him because he pisses you off little girl, calm it - well, part of that's true but I think his whininess is objective.) I'm pretty sure Mal's a dude, so - take a little whiskey, man. You seem stressed. I'd like to say that a little liquor'd calm you down real nice, yeah.

And speaking of Cloudpatrol, it's really hard to tell what type you are. I'd say INFP (is that what that means in your profile there?) is a good middle ground since you kind of give off mixed vibes. A lot of the time I get ISFx though. However, no function is defined over the other so it's really hard to pin from my perspective. I liked it earlier when you just had your type listed as IXFX because that seemed to describe you best. You're quite an enigma.

Also, just in general, there are a lot more SFs on this site than you think. (Directed to anyone who reads this by chance.) A lot of NFPs are actually SJs who don't understand Ne so they think the ranking of that function is higher than it is. Some do get it right though, like Yamato Nadeshiko who doesn't deny SJ. Some other things I see are introverts mistaking themselves as extrovert, which is weird considering everyone wants to jump on the introvert bandwagon nowadays. Mostly these are INFPs thinking they're really outgoing and cool, when really they're hella emotional and just don't want to deal. Some ENFPs who don't understand Fi mistype as INFs because they just learned how emotional they could be. Also, a lot of people with Fi mistake themselves for Fe because of their emotionality. A lot of Fe-dom/auxes on this site are probably ISJs or people with Fi/Ni who didn't read the descriptions by themselves, to understand that each function is different. Then they end up confusing them with one or more functions, and you get a really artsy ISTJ thinking they're an ENTP or something.

Anyway, my last comment is I like this thread a lot better than the game-type threads where people type each other after someone posts. That's a little too hard to keep up with.

I get this [MENTION=29921]awbro[/MENTION] because I still have questions about my typing. I have no problem admitting that I am still in flux when considering it and be wrong in my own assumptions.

Honestly, I can relate a lot to what [MENTION=19700]Anaximander[/MENTION] is saying re: typing being murky if other factors are present. This year (co-inciding with my time on the forum) has been the largest year of transition in life circumstances I have ever had. I have been upending long-held habits and beliefs, changing careers, implementing more healthy boundaries and struggling with the processing of grief and what’s involved in moving on. Lots has been positive but I’ve also made mistakes and this year has felt like a LOT of action/reflection/change/practical implementation.

So, that may play a part in things.

I feel the most kinship (at this point in time) with: ISFJ, ISFP, or INFP.

I try to observe other people and take note of their type if I relate to them.

- I will probably forget people… but the member’s who most provoke the feeling of “wow, my brain would have thought or written EXACTLY like that or I would have done what they are describing” are: [MENTION=25763]Enthusiastic_Dreamer[/MENTION], [MENTION=29687]Eskimo2[/MENTION], [MENTION=22178]magpie[/MENTION], [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION] (though my brain is less interesting in manifestation), [MENTION=4398]Giggly[/MENTION], [MENTION=5494]Amargith[/MENTION], [MENTION=360]prplchknz[/MENTION], [MENTION=9811]Coriolis[/MENTION], [MENTION=1180]miss fortune[/MENTION], [MENTION=10714]Qlip[/MENTION], [MENTION=9627]Xann[/MENTION] and [MENTION=24824]Kas[/MENTION].

- STP’s like [MENTION=12103]Poki[/MENTION], [MENTION=5223]MDP2525[/MENTION] and [MENTION=22257]Floki[/MENTION] give me a different feeling. I feel like I ‘recognize’ their thinking and it is familiar & welcome. But, I see clearly how we walked different paths to get there. Same with NTP's like [MENTION=29287]Obfuscate[/MENTION] or [MENTION=71]JAVO[/MENTION].

- With NFJ's or NTJ's like [MENTION=7111]fidelia[/MENTION], [MENTION=7842]Z Buck McFate[/MENTION], [MENTION=14015]Urarienev[/MENTION], [MENTION=19719]Forever[/MENTION], [MENTION=26281]geedoenfj[/MENTION], [MENTION=26674]theforsaken[/MENTION]... I get a feeling of kinship from their actions and expressions too but it is different. I feel like I am snorkelling and I can see them scuba diving below me. We are enjoying the same environment and can wave to each other but are navigating it differently.

I also relate A LOT to [MENTION=8584]SpankyMcFly[/MENTION] in some ways. Even though we may seem different from a superficial perspective, I think we share a lot of the same ways of arriving at things that are in the existential realm.

Not sure if that offers insight or just confuses things?
Last edited:

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, I think Te can definitely come across as a sledgehammer, at least to Fe types. For the most part I think I am pretty diplomatic, and I'm not a sledgehammer in a Te dom or aux sense (also I am so dom), but there's no denying that I don't really add much 'filler language'/words when I do communicate, I am pretty matter of fact. (which could also tie to being S, I suppose). That's a common theme in feedback, that I am polite but no nonsense. (And I think before people really know me, sfj's in particular who I work with might be ...intimidated in a way?, I'm not sure, and I think it's the lack of Fe and them maybe misreading me, but I've learned to try to be much softer in interacting with them)

For us Fe users we can outdo the Te sledgehammer in nastiness once we tire of keeping up the Fe peace. Below is an example of the Te sledgehammer and the Ti laser.

Te sledgehammer= If we dont do that now everyone will fail SO DO IT NOW.

Ti laser= You are a total failure, you have never been any use and we should get rid of you.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
For us Fe users we can outdo the Te sledgehammer in nastiness once we tire of keeping up the Fe peace. Below is an example of the Te sledgehammer and the Ti laser.

Te sledgehammer= If we dont do that now everyone will fail SO DO IT NOW.

Ti laser= You are a total failure, you have never been any use and we should get rid of you.

Yeah, just as I can fully 100% appreciate how Te users can be frustrating or come across in a hurtful way to Ti users, the Ti scalpel (it's not a laser ;)) is an absolute terror. So yeah....there's a helluva lot under the Fe, that's for sure. It's just that Fe comes across much smoother in everyday sorts of interactions.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, just as I can fully 100% appreciate how Te users can be frustrating or come across in a hurtful way to Ti users, the Ti scalpel (it's not a laser ;)) is an absolute terror. So yeah....there's a helluva lot under the Fe, that's for sure. It's just that Fe comes across much smoother in everyday sorts of interactions.

Te really makes me want to rebel for some reason as it tramples on my Ti sense of logic. (I am like YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND THINK I HAVE MY OWN MIND SCREW YOU TE) plus it tramples on my Fe as well. I like to think of Ti/Fe types (Both TPs and FJs) as being like the friendly nurse (She is acting all friendly) but with that nasty looking syringe as being Ti (I am cold, sociopathc and uncaring on the inside). I can act all warm and happy on the outside while being empty and cold on the inside. Like a baked Alaska i can be hot on the outside but on the inside there is no warmth at all.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Te really makes me want to rebel for some reason as it tramples on my Ti sense of logic. (I am like YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND THINK I HAVE MY OWN MIND SCREW YOU TE) plus it tramples on my Fe as well. I like to think of Ti/Fe types (Both TPs and FJs) as being like the friendly nurse (She is acting all friendly) but with that nasty looking syringe as being Ti (I am cold, sociopathc and uncaring on the inside). I can act all warm and happy on the outside while being empty and cold on the inside. Like a baked Alaska i can be hot on the outside but on the inside there is no warmth at all.

haha, yeah. There's an infj who I work with and she comes across so sweet and thoughtful and is really pleasant to interact with from a customer perspective but I've also seen the cool side inside and so she's probably one of the few people I work with who I'm wary of, :smile:


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Just another opinion, but my impression as well is Fe, not Te. I think the 'go getter' mode is anything a J would have. INFJ's are very good at executing and being in Go mode (sometimes they have trouble not being in that mode). So I think that's just extroverted judging in general. I think too like others have said, I haven't noticed the Te bluntness. For example, though in my head I don't feel I come across this way, I have gotten more insight into my personality working at starbucks the past 2 yrs than possibly ever, and I get casual commentary referencing my no nonsense bluntness, 'Cascade's gonna tell you if you're doing something wrong', people reference things I say and I'm like...good lord I hope I don't sound mean when I say that, lol, in my head I'm making a neutral work related comment... and so on. I don't think you come across this way in communication. Fe users always come across so nice to me, I never get the matter-of-fact communication sense from them. They just couch their language with much more...deliberate softness? I don't know how you are irl though obviously.

Maybe I am a Fe Ti user. I think it's the way I present myself is what offends or startles people rather than what I say. I like to dress very P like. Shaggy hair long shirts, jeans, vans. And clothes that say hey I'm different I stand out. Shirts of bands or interests I follow.

However at that moment when someone gives me an odd look. I'm not sure if they're disgusted with me or uncomfortable so often times I am not in a position to say to what makes them best feel so I walk my merry way.

For example 50% off frappacinno for Starbucks gold members last night and the girl asks you know sometimes people get frustrated because they're not actually members and they won't get the discount and I act all innocent like "oh really?" She's like okay well try. And I'm like oh yay! I got the discount.

So later I get my drink it looks super good. Although I was wearing a jacket and a hooded sweatshirt on the back saying "everything is falling apart" when it approaches closing time I get up with the message pointing her way and put my jacket on and sit back down to get all my stuff in my backpack and she says have a goodnight to someone leaving. And then when i am about to go I say good night with a smile and she looks away not smiling saying the same thing with an apathetic voice and refusing to acknowledge me. I was like where did I go wrong? I'm not interested in her I just want to be polite.

So situation #1 she really had to watch that person get out of the restaurant for security reasons.

2: she was thinking something else and said it out of mundanity

3: she doesn't like me and wish I get out of here but didn't want to be blunt about it

4: she thought I did the whole jacket sweater thing as a show off and was annoyed by that (I didn't intend it to) or is jealous

And she's been kind to me in the past

Maybe it's the inconsistency of outward feelings people projects upsets my Ti.

Maybe I still have too little experience with Fe to always get reliable real time feeling out of someone. Maybe I actually I have Fi instead and need to process the event before I actually know what they feel. Or perhaps I just suck at judging. Lol.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Maybe I am a Fe Ti user. I think it's the way I present myself is what offends or startles people rather than what I say. I like to dress very P like. Shaggy hair long shirts, jeans, vans. And clothes that say hey I'm different I stand out. Shirts of bands or interests I follow.

However at that moment when someone gives me an odd look. I'm not sure if they're disgusted with me or uncomfortable so often times I am not in a position to say to what makes them best feel so I walk my merry way.

For example 50% off frappacinno for Starbucks gold members last night and the girl asks you know sometimes people get frustrated because they're not actually members and they won't get the discount and I act all innocent like "oh really?" She's like okay well try. And I'm like oh yay! I got the discount.

So later I get my drink it looks super good. Although I was wearing a jacket and a hooded sweatshirt on the back saying "everything is falling apart" when it approaches closing time I get up with the message pointing her way and put my jacket on and sit back down to get all my stuff in my backpack and she says have a goodnight to someone leaving. And then when i am about to go I say good night with a smile and she looks away not smiling saying the same thing with an apathetic voice and refusing to acknowledge me. I was like where did I go wrong? I'm not interested in her I just want to be polite.

So situation #1 she really had to watch that person get out of the restaurant for security reasons.

2: she was thinking something else and said it out of mundanity

3: she doesn't like me and wish I get out of here but didn't want to be blunt about it

4: she thought I did the whole jacket sweater thing as a show off and was annoyed by that (I didn't intend it to) or is jealous

And she's been kind to me in the past

Maybe it's the inconsistency of outward feelings people projects upsets my Ti.

Maybe I still have too little experience with Fe to always get reliable real time feeling out of someone. Maybe I actually I have Fi instead and need to process the event before I actually know what they feel. Or perhaps I just suck at judging. Lol.

Well I don't know, but re your scenario, it could have been any of those things. Or - I can say Fi users aren't 'consistent' in outward feelings/behaviors, so maybe she's an Fi user and the fact she's usually kind and wasn't last night could very well just be her mood last night.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2015
Instinctual Variant
An update is that often Te are fast learners is because they can disregard irrelevant facts and move on whereas Ti users are like no if I throw out the fact my logic no longer has consistency and I need fix the hole somehow. Making Ti slower learners but become gifted in analytical abilities.

Fe is a fast learning mode, especially in combination with Ni. Don't sell yourself short.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Fe is a fast learning mode, especially in combination with Ni. Don't sell yourself short.

Again Ne-Fe and Fe-Si are all good combos for learning quick as with both combos you pick up infomation from the world of people and we all know we learn most things from others. ;).


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
Oh goodness [MENTION=19719]Forever[/MENTION]! Do you have inferior Ne? :p All those possibilities, and none of them favorable towards you. :(

I don't know how I'd live if I always thought such things. Though, I'm sure there are times thinking of such outcomes could've prevented some clashes with people in the past. But I just shrug it off and move on.


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Fe is a fast learning mode, especially in combination with Ni. Don't sell yourself short.

Yes Fe can be fast learning in it's own way than Te. As Fe is extraverted in orientation to the world of feelings, it learns the gravity of social situations and dynamics much likelier.

I just need to work on what I can do for myself. I just have a repulsion for looking like everyone else. Pride to say it simply. I know I'll never be entirely original but it's unexplainable and it has been that way since I was a child.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Just pointing out a quick thing, it's late and I'll better think about this tomorrow: any function can make you learn faster or quicker depending on what you are studying, how, and a million other factors.

As a Ti/Fe user (well, maybe I'm not, but whatever), I can say that I'm really quick at learning and improvising mathematical demonstrations (I can analyze and internally store information as quick as I get it, it's immediate) while, for example, I need days in order to learn a few history paragraphs (my Ti becomes useless and my factual memory is not that great), and days in order to deeply analyze philosophy. On the other hand I've known some INFPs who are great and much quicker at doing it despite their functions.

Also keep in mind that Fe's an extraverted judging function, so you could actually be confusing some aspects with Te's.

Embrace the Ne. I know you wanna :D:happy2::):D. If you have Ne you can like learn how Pokemon types and MBTI relate to one another or what Europe would look like if it were shifted 1000 miles south. Plus you get to invent the enlarging ray which means you can shrink yourself down to ant size and climb that dirt mound which would be Everest to you. Plus with Ti you can troll with dystonian things such as organizing people into different Pokemon types and subjecting them to unpleasant fates based on that (For your Waters you get like African water, for steel you get turned to steel and for physic you get loud voices in your head).