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Type Shaming Threads


Oct 17, 2013
Thank god we have these thought-police threads to keep our feelings safe.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Thank god we have these thought-police threads to keep our feelings safe.

The thought-police can't read anything without reading a ton of other garbage into it. And it all comes from their own minds.


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
Except that it isn't rejecting and shaming an entire category of people who may or may not be guilty of a behavior. It only applies to people who actually do the behavior, regardless of type. It's not calling anyone evil, but just a request to see if anyone cares to stop an irrational behavior that is unlikely to result in productive discussion. You agree it can be taken too far, right? There are limits. The only question is where is that limit? Each person will answer differently. I think calling entire categories of people evil is prejudicial and not analytical. Is that a point that needs further evidence to be convincing?

I don't agree with calling an entire personality type this or that. Yes, that would be an irrational decision made on the part of the hurt individual to associate everyone of that type to some behavior made towards them. However, the danger present in any system of labels or categories means that this sort of behavior is made rather convenient (to attribute behavior to a group of people). The fact that people have already been categorized into certain personality typings means that judgment had already been placed on a series of processes and in many cases, behaviors (no matter how much we can all disagree on the value of this, it happens) means that extending this judgement to a personal emotional reaction is not too farfetched. It shouldn't be considered "right" or OK, but it's also hard not to acknowledge that these happenings aren't bound to happen in the first place.

My point is, these sorts of threads are quick reactions made of a person's personal relationship towards a type, and because we're dealing with categories to begin with, it's not too surprising these threads pop up in the first place. Any time you categorize people, it's fairly easy to vilify or place judgement on them, either positive or negative. Take for example the Jewish community and Nazi Germany, or even in simple political debates. Any time you attach a label or catchphrase to a group of people, it makes it easy to remove the person behind the label, the individual, and you no longer feel any feelings of remorse for vilifying them. It simply becomes attacking a label, rather than attacking an actual person, which most people would probably protest against.

Rather than trying to find where a moral line must stand, I personally find it more valuable to ask the person of the situation, then explain to them the particular personality type they are having the issue with. It's also important to note that the person that started the thread is perhaps in a vulnerable place and is in a reactive state of mind. Attacking them or saying that their thread has no merit, therefore their feelings are unfounded, can only cause more damage to the person, and to those that communicate with them. More cases than not, miscommunication is where people often go wrong, so opening the lines of communication and taking that step to understanding others, is something I don't take lightly and place much value in.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I don't agree with calling an entire personality type this or that. Yes, that would be an irrational decision made on the part of the hurt individual to associate everyone of that type to some behavior made towards them. However, the danger present in any system of labels or categories means that this sort of behavior is made rather convenient (to attribute behavior to a group of people). The fact that people have already been categorized into certain personality typings means that judgment had already been placed on a series of processes and in many cases, behaviors (no matter how much we can all disagree on the value of this, it happens) means that extending this judgement to a personal emotional reaction is not too farfetched. It shouldn't be considered "right" or OK, but it's also hard not to acknowledge that these happenings aren't bound to happen in the first place.

My point is, these sorts of threads are quick reactions made of a person's personal relationship towards a type, and because we're dealing with categories to begin with, it's not too surprising these threads pop up in the first place. Any time you categorize people, it's fairly easy to vilify or place judgement on them, either positive or negative. Take for example the Jewish community and Nazi Germany, or even in simple political debates. Any time you attach a label or catchphrase to a group of people, it makes it easy to remove the person behind the label, the individual, and you no longer feel any feelings of remorse for vilifying them. It simply becomes attacking a label, rather than attacking an actual person, which most people would probably protest against.

Rather than trying to find where a moral line must stand, I personally find it more valuable to ask the person of the situation, then explain to them the particular personality type they are having the issue with. It's also important to note that the person that started the thread is perhaps in a vulnerable place and is in a reactive state of mind. Attacking them or saying that their thread has no merit, therefore their feelings are unfounded, can only cause more damage to the person, and to those that communicate with them. More cases than not, miscommunication is where people often go wrong, so opening the lines of communication and taking that step to understanding others, is something I don't take lightly and place much value in.

The Millennial generation has been well-versed (i.e., brainwashed) in this PC crap.


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
The Millennial generation has been well-versed (i.e., brainwashed) in this PC crap.

Look. Be an anti-PC warrior or whatever you want. I don't care. Let's talk about your threads. I'm specifically going to talk about my interactions with you in your threads.

You don't have the right to tell someone that they're going to grow up to be a monster just because they're an FJ and accuse them of hiding things over and over after they deny it multiple times, just because you know an ISFJ who's like this. Because you don't know jack shit about the people you're accusing. That's manipulative bullshit.

I don't care if you want to make threads about negative things. You don't frame any of your threads in a way that invites discussion. You frame them as "This is my opinion, anyone who disagrees is wrong, and every person of this type is this way." It was uncalled for to tell me something along the lines of "So you're not a monster yet? You will be. Because that's what FJs are." That's not a fucking discussion. That's an out of place verbal attack.

If you want to make a thread about negative function things, go ahead. Ask "What is the different between unhealthy Fi and Fe manipulation?" or "Does this sound like an unhealthy FJ trait?" instead of fucking pointing at me and saying "You're an FJ, that automatically means you are hiding some Very Bad Socially Unacceptable Secret and if you really aren't like you claim you're not, then you will one day before you die because I'm all-knowing and this isn't a sign of unhealthy FJs, it's just inherent in all FJs." Obviously you didn't use those words but that's basically what you were saying. And if not that, then the only alternative is "You're going to grow up to be an unhealthy FJ and thus be like this." Which is equally uncalled for. Personal attacks.

Also, I didn't break the rules in your thread. I insulted your thread--not you--which is not against the rules.

I'm losing my patience with why this behavior is being ignored. It needs acknowledgement. Threads like yours are what chase good members away. Not because of what they are--no. But because of how you frame them.


Oct 17, 2013
Ni is probably the easiest function to pick on. "Ni users, why do you feel like the TV is conspiring with the radiator to ruin you?"


Senior(ita) Member
Jan 26, 2016
I understand that dynamic [MENTION=14857]fia[/MENTION] discusses and agree there has been a rash of threads with a negative tone lately.

I notice people like [MENTION=26674]theforsaken[/MENTION] [MENTION=23583]Yamato Nadeshiko[/MENTION] [MENTION=25403]ZNP-TBA[/MENTION] [MENTION=25763]Enthusiastic_Dreamer[/MENTION] [MENTION=24479]themightyfetus[/MENTION] [MENTION=14015]Urarienev[/MENTION] (and others) make function-themed threads that are designed to draw out personal experience and add to the general understanding. Sure, any thread will attract trollish comments, but the thrust of these threads helps diminish those.

Then, there are the: “Woe Is Me, My Life Sucks Because I Have ‘This Function’” threads. Seriously? I think there is more at play if someone feels their life is overwhelmingly difficult because of having a function.

There is a difference in life between: a lump in oatmeal or a lump in a breast.

Sometimes the Thread Titles are obviously inflammatory to grab attention.:shrug:

Or the “Why Do ‘This Type’ Have To Be Such F*cking Mix-Up's” threads. Again, the motivations are clear as soon as reading the title.

- Can actual discussion of merit still happen in these threads? Of course.

- Do biased threads chase away some new members who are looking for quality help figuring out themselves? Of course.

- Does the tone of the entire thread usually reflect the intent the OP was created under? Of course.

- Do we ignore the principle of Tao te Ching “Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing the self is enlightenment” = because we don’t want to or don’t know how to ‘deal with our own stuff’? Of course.

- Do we sometimes not communicate well, so the thread the make may not ideally reflect what we actually wanted to ask? Of course.

I also agree with what [MENTION=25763]Enthusiastic_Dreamer[/MENTION] is saying re: categorization. Contributing life factors are different for each member here.

I don’t mean it isn’t ok to offer opinions! But, to present them as ‘fact’ or ‘conclusion’, assuming we know more about the person than the one who has inhabited THAT brain & body for however many years, is hubris.

We may be able to make more educated guesses the more we know (talking on vent, reading blogs)…

Or those guesses may still be motivated by personal bias. A lot of perception of function is motivated by personal experience and how we individually collect and assimilate data.

As well, not even experts who do this for a living agree (some prefer Jung, some Myers-Briggs, some a mixture, some enneagram, some socionics, some a cauldron of all). So, to say that WE know more and are doing anything other than making educated guesses, is folly.

We all give our opinions, everyone can take or leave them based on knowledge of self and research.

If people want to create threads or give opinions in the manner of an a**hole, it reveals more about them, than it does the reader.


Apr 13, 2009



Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Point is - if this kind of behavior and these personal attacks are allowed to slide then I'm less inclined to contribute something of actual worth here.

Because why should I willingly spend my time hanging around a place where it's okay to tell other people that they're inherently fucked up and going to do terrible things simply because they are x type? Because apparently that's okay here.


Unapologetic being
Jul 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Ni is probably the easiest function to pick on. "Ni users, why do you feel like the TV is conspiring with the radiator to ruin you?"

;) You love us. Don't front.


Senior(ita) Member
Jan 26, 2016
Still recovering from celebrating Nutter's victory and now...to see NUTTER's NAME in the thread tag!!! :party2:

Thanks [MENTION=8936]highlander[/MENTION]!


Congrats [MENTION=22178]magpie[/MENTION] and Nutter.



Blind Guardian
Apr 26, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Even though everyone is different and flawed in their own way, we shouldn't try to discuss it because that's shaming. Communication isn't difficult enough we gotta make sure that it's productive and doesn't hurt people's feelings. Only I know what productive communication is, so I'll throw a fit whenever someone is out of line.


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Even though everyone is different and flawed in their own way, we shouldn't try to discuss it because that's shaming. Communication isn't difficult enough we gotta make sure that it's productive and doesn't hurt people's feelings. Only I know what productive communication is, so I'll throw a fit whenever someone is out of line.

It is out of line to tell someone that they're going to grow up to be a deadbeat abusive drunk "because you're an FJ." That's not discussing the different flaws of the types. That's a personal attack based on projection. It's not just about being butthurt. It's uncalled for.


Senior(ita) Member
Jan 26, 2016
This is true. From there, people either remain monsters, or don't. I look straight into the eyes of a teenager and ask them, "are you pure evil?". Then I tickle them without warning. If they respond with laughter, they will live, if not, they are already dead inside and I must move on.

Ohhhh (shudder) could do a whole thread on tickling! What if they scream (and kick :blush:)?

I may have to try & adjust my 'tickle-response' if this is a Standard Test for Evil...