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What's your Socionics type?

Your Socionics type is...

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failure to thrive
Feb 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=26269]Kheledon[/MENTION] I just don't jive with the group think notion it is saying for EIE betas. Don't you think this generalization cannot be true for all socionics ENFjs?

I definitely have a subby side. :wubbie: But this group SO fixation they seem to define is lacking in me.

Does that make sense?


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant

(am being serious, I don't relate to the system /descriptions / it makes little sense to me)


cute lil war dog
Nov 18, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I had read the exact description you posted and that made me thing that beta is definitely not my quadra. Power, "if you're not with us you're against us" and similar philosophy goes right against my very being. I even have to say I was angry while I was reading the description because beta seems like the sort of people I've been getting into conflict my whole life.

Maybe for me it's Forer or selection bias or whatever talking, but this is totally me. But replace "beta" with "alpha," and replace "Power, 'if you're not with us you're against us'" with something about "I'm right; you're wrong." Or, rather, simply "You're wrong." It's the mentality that, where one person loses, another gains; as if truth and worth is a zero-sum game. Not so dangerous until it's pushed to extremes -- making someone lose via intrusion and exposure, public shaming, group mentality, and picking people apart from the inside out.

The following from Socionics - the16types.info - Alpha Quadra: The Complex of Closed Mouth by Stratiyevskaya also makes me roll my eyes or cringe:
Secretive people are not liked in the Alpha Quadra. They are not trusted, even a little bit feared – who knows what they have in their mind! (This is one root of their conflict with introverted negativists of Gamma Quadra - ESI and ILI - who are inclined to hide and not voice their private thoughts and feelings.) Another matter are those who are always overflowing with an abundance of news, sensational revelations, their own and other people's secrets – it is always interesting to talk with them and to spend time in their company.

[...] In Alpha Quadra, all value the opportunities to express themselves and to defend their views. Therefore, any divergence of opinions here get transformed into a real battle, where, with all kinds of efforts and tactics, by all truths and lies, one tries to assert their views and to attract the most attention. Once a person starts to talk, he or she attempts to capture the maximum amount of time while not allowing others to speak. If he succeeds, he may feel himself a winner (he's in the spotlight!), but in others this inability to speak and express their point of view evokes an acute fear of not getting heard – of being pushed out of the discussions and out of the process of debating an important and pertinent topic.

[...] For example, ILE Don Quixote often quarrels with his "conflictor" or "supervisor" in the most crowded places – and arranges for something like a "public execution", repudiating them with words in presence of strangers. For as long as there are other people near by, he's not scared. Subjectively believing he can count on their support and understanding, the ILE exaggeratedly and loudly defies his "offender", trying to draw the attention of others and make them his allies.

[...] And the best way of getting the last word is to try to "knock out" the opponent during an argument – to confound, to baffle, to stun him by absurd statements and conclusions, to "whack" him by false accusations and rumors, to tangle up his thoughts, his perception and feelings, to confuse and shut down his memory – to astonish and estrange him so much that he cannot utter a single word in response, not to mention try to defend his cause, to prove his innocence or correctness, and protect his rights – it is then, when he is silent and trying to regain an understanding of what is going on, that the "judicious" quadra member takes an upper hand in a dispute: "If he's silent, it means he is guilty or wrong. If he was in the right – he would have said so, proven his rightness, defended himself!"
And likewise from the Gamma:
In is often the case that professional achievements of Gamma Quadra get ignored by the opposing Alpha Quadra (as "subjectivists"). Simply because this is inconvenient and of no benefit to them. Alpha Quadra (particularly ILE Don Quixote) will say: "I care not of your achievements. It's still unclear who is doing all the work for you! For me you are a nobody - an empty space!"

[...] The "obstinate", creative sensing, "program" ethical type ESE Hugo (-Fe / +Si) doesn't even need to be mentioned – having started screaming, the ESE won't stop until he overwhelms his enemy both morally and physically – he will instill fear into his opponent, break him by own determination and tenacity, and decisively defend his rights to the very end.

[...] Emotional pressure in Gamma Quadra is considered to be the most cruel form of psychological terror. It is considered here to be an "illegal move", which no one should resort to under any circumstances.


New member
Oct 5, 2015
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=26269]Kheledon[/MENTION] I just don't jive with the group think notion it is saying for EIE betas. Don't you think this generalization cannot be true for all socionics ENFjs?

I definitely have a subby side. :wubbie: But this group SO fixation they seem to define is lacking in me.

Does that make sense?

It does, in fact. EIE is the dangerous revolutionary of Beta Quadrant. EIE wants to change the world (because it feels the pain of the world and hates that feeling). It wants to replace current, out-dated, and evil collective Beta structures with new, better, more benevolent Beta structures. It's still Beta, and it shares aristocratic and collective Beta values, but EIE is also an inherent threat to the already-established Beta political, social, and economic systems. EIEs get nailed to crosses for this kind of behavior. EIE is an inherent threat to the existing Beta order, but EIE can and does (one out of a million times--most of us wither and die without achieving anything of value) change the world (sometimes for the better and sometimes not). You can never know until you try.

:Fe: --> :wacko: --> :orate: --> :sage: --> :kick me: --> :beathorse: --> :party2:

How's that for an illustration of the life of a revolutionary EIE? :encore:


I am
Jun 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Maybe for me it's Forer or selection bias or whatever talking, but this is totally me. But replace "beta" with "alpha," and replace "Power, 'if you're not with us you're against us'" with something about "I'm right; you're wrong." Or, rather, simply "You're wrong." It's the mentality that, where one person loses, another gains; as if truth and worth is a zero-sum game. Not so dangerous until it's pushed to extremes -- making someone lose via intrusion and exposure, public shaming, group mentality, and picking people apart from the inside out.

The following from Socionics - the16types.info - Alpha Quadra: The Complex of Closed Mouth by Stratiyevskaya also makes me roll my eyes or cringe:
And likewise from the Gamma:

I think this proves the theory of contradicting quadras. For Alpha it should be Gamma, for Delta it should be Beta.

I find those descriptions to be far best one can find online. People were typing me IEI and I would have almost fallen for that if I just didn't read the Delta quadra description "Syndrome of clipped wings". I love the idea of clipped wing syndrome and even though it was difficult for me to relate to EII separately, the quadra clicks with my personality almost perfectly. I remember the last time something clicked so much with me was my enneagram 4 type.
I mostly have the issue with rational side of EII, there's still one part of me that thinks I am actually an IEE and a introverted version of an ENFP. It's always been in the back of my mind, ever since I had joined this forum as ENFP and ever since I changed my type to INFP.


New member
Jan 6, 2016
Instinctual Variant
EII-Fi, The Empath:)


All Natural! All Good!
Jun 23, 2010
Quadras are helpful. I realized I'm too lighthearted and emotionally expressive to be a Delta. Alpha is so me.

I don't relate well to any quadras; this is one of the difficult parts for me. :shock: I think I might be Merry and not Serious too, which is another problem. LOL.

I mostly have the issue with rational side of EII, there's still one part of me that thinks I am actually an IEE and a introverted version of an ENFP. It's always been in the back of my mind, ever since I had joined this forum as ENFP and ever since I changed my type to INFP.

Have you looked at Inert/Contact as well as Accepting/Producing dichotomies? Should help determine which one is your base function vs. creative function.


Accepting/Producing Characteristics of Functions

You can also compare Se PoLR (EII) to Ti PoLR (IEE).

Also, on the MBTI side, look into inferior Te vs. inferior Si. I've got a pretty good handle on Te now, in my 20s, but Ni is still awful as is characteristic of the inferior/DS function. :/

Good luck :) I'd still be typed as ESI or something if I'd never looked into these things! I'm very socially introverted. You can be socially introverted and still a cognitive extravert (xxE, or Exxx in MBTI)!

How's that for an illustration of the life of a revolutionary EIE?

This is one major way in which I relate to EIEs, actually. I'd join you any day, provided I back your cause. Change the world? Hell yes. Let's do this shit.

I'm not totally up to speed on my subtype...but in the Enneagram you're a 783 and I'm a 583 or 584, so ...

Friend request sent, you made the grade... :smile:

See how I made it look like you think I'm totes awesome? :blush:

Yes our Enneagrams match!!!

Eh, you'll do for now, I guess ;)

Masokiss my ass, she's mine.

Noo00o0oo0o0o0oo0~~~~ :blush:

Virtually all of of the professional Socionics folks who've dug into me (e.g. interviews) have pegged me as LIE (ENTj). Really, I can see either γ-Ni type (ENTj, INTp) as feasible.

I could also see ENTp, but I'd ultimately nix it because having to engage with its Super-id IMs (Si and Fe) make me want to stab myself. That is, screw the emotional atmosphere, screw dramatics, screw aesthetics, and screw "listening to my body." It's my impatience that forces me to avoid that stuff whenever possible. (And if I could live without having to eat or work out or sleep, I totally would just toss those things in the garbage.)

However, that typing messes with consistency and fries some folks' brains and makes them angry but tough titties to them. I'm always open to other perspectives, though, so long as they're not motivated by some hilarious outcry that carrots and mashed potatoes shouldn't touch each other on the plate.

Hm so you do just relate to P in the MBTI dichotomies then? Or you relate to MBTI Ne/Ti?

Btw, to be clear, I'm 100% of the belief that you can be different types in different systems. So I don't see an issue with LIE/ENTP or some other combo like that. Just asking. :)

And LOL at bolded part - I couldn't agree more!

Also hello ;) ;) Activity partner, who is nearly my dual, and might be my dual!
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failure to thrive
Feb 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
It does, in fact. EIE is the dangerous revolutionary of Beta Quadrant. EIE wants to change the world (because it feels the pain of the world and hates that feeling). It wants to replace current, out-dated, and evil collective Beta structures with new, better, more benevolent Beta structures. It's still Beta, and it shares aristocratic and collective Beta values, but EIE is also an inherent threat to the already-established Beta political, social, and economic systems. EIEs get nailed to crosses for this kind of behavior. EIE is an inherent threat to the existing Beta order, but EIE can and does (one out of a million times--most of us wither and die without achieving anything of value) change the world (sometimes for the better and sometimes not). You can never know until you try.

:Fe: --> :wacko: --> :orate: --> :sage: --> :kick me: --> :beathorse: --> :party2:

How's that for an illustration of the life of a revolutionary EIE? :encore:




:kick me:




New member
Oct 5, 2015
Instinctual Variant
This is one major way in which I relate to EIEs, actually. I'd join you any day, provided I back your cause. Change the world? Hell yes. Let's do this shit.

I'll let you know when I've got a workable plan. Like most EIEs, I suspect, I have dreams and ideas and visions of what a better future might look like ... just can't figure out how to get the ball rolling on them yet.

But I am quite serious about that last word ...

Yet. :hifive:

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Uh, your profile says INTp Ni, which is ILI-Ni. So are you LII-Ne or ILI-Ni. Or some kind of weird INTx-Nx hybrid type? ;)

LII is what I test as over 90% of the time. ILI is what I relate to when I read socionics descriptions of the types and information elements.


cute lil war dog
Nov 18, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hm so you do just relate to P in the MBTI dichotomies then? Or you relate to MBTI Ne/Ti?

Btw, to be clear, I'm 100% of the belief that you can be different types in different systems. So I don't see an issue with LIE/ENTP or some other combo like that. Just asking. :)

And LOL at bolded part - I couldn't agree more!

Also hello ;) ;) Activity partner, who is nearly my dual, and might be my dual!

It's weird at a glance, I'll give you that.

The ENTJ in MBTI is considered a pretty forceful type, no? But Socionics paints the ENTj as a little bit spacey on account of Ni, though not as much as its Ni-leading brethren.. such as the INTp, which I could also buy. The ESTp's are pretty forceful ones in Socionics, wanting power, influence, and the capture of 'territory.'

And I totally relate to spaciness. So, hey, on MBTI N-first is a decent enough option. The Socionics/MBTI thing could very well be resolved either (a) by the common trait of spaciness or (b) me being flat out ridiculous.

(That TP is pretty flexible, though, because (a) my scores on those are middling and (b) in JCF terms I'd really peg myself as hovering primarily around Nx + Fe and Ti. So if we're gonna be all RRGH MAKE THE PIECES FIT AUGH then ENTP is.. fine.)

So yeah I'm open to other ideas.
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Active member
Sep 18, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I can relate to both ENFj and ENTj Ni subtypes. I went with ENFj though.


New member
Jan 6, 2016
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=26269]Kheledon[/MENTION], what do you know about EIIs? I took the test a few days ago and found my results very accurate. You seem knowledgeable, I'm curious. :)


New member
Jun 6, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I dunno about the Intuition.


You wouldn't know 'bout intuition, since you've got none... *starts running*

*pauses, just noticing something*

Ooh, fire! How pretty.

Can I play?

*gets out stick to poke it with*

I think I've got some lighter fuel somewhere...:matador: