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Am I really INFP?


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
I am still having doubts about my type at times.

I often read that INFPs are very self-aware folks, but I don't really find myself self-aware.
For example, I can be really clueless about my deepest feelings and innermost desires at times and I often have to rely on my dreams at night to figure out what is my deepest feelings and innermost desires. Ok I will give an example here. I just had a dream last night about me going to university. I didn't even know that this is one of my deepest feelings and innermost desires until I had this dream.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I am still having doubts about my type at times.

I often read that INFPs are very self-aware folks, but I don't really find myself self-aware.
For example, I can be really clueless about my deepest feelings and innermost desires at times and I often have to rely on my dreams at night to figure out what is my deepest feelings and innermost desires. Ok I will give an example here. I just had a dream last night about me going to university. I didn't even know that this is one of my deepest feelings and innermost desires until I had this dream.

You're really not giving me enough info :/


Active member
May 22, 2010
I am still having doubts about my type at times.

I often read that INFPs are very self-aware folks, but I don't really find myself self-aware.
For example, I can be really clueless about my deepest feelings and innermost desires at times and I often have to rely on my dreams at night to figure out what is my deepest feelings and innermost desires. Ok I will give an example here. I just had a dream last night about me going to university. I didn't even know that this is one of my deepest feelings and innermost desires until I had this dream.

I'm so tired but this thread caught my attention and because I recently decided that whenever possible...as often as the opportunity arises I'm going to type-by-vibe alone...

And so I will tell you that while I don't remember what of yours I read...I was struck by the vibe that "Complexity" sounds like a IxTP e5 username choice and in no way something an INFP 4w5 would select...almost like it would be too obvious or something... And the information above seems to support my *vibe* if an INFP 4w5 wanted to go to university they wouldn't need a dream to inform them of that...but an ITP 5 would having cut themselves off/detached from their feelings...



A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
You're really not giving me enough info :/

Ok, I just did a questionnaire, here's my answers to the questionnaire:

1. How do you respond to clingy people?

Well, I am quite an independent person and I really dislike clingy people, so whenever someone act clingy with me, I will distance myself from them very very slowwwly, because clingy people tend to be very dramatic, and I didn't want to deal with their drama, so I will distance from them very slowwwly.

2. If you could change the ocean to any color, what would that color be?

I would change it to rainbow colors. For example, the ocean would be blue color on sunday, then it turns into yellow on monday, then red on tuesday, then purple on wednesday.

3. Would you consider living in the nude for a period of time (a month)?

No. Well, I am a female and there are some male family members in my house, so I don't feel too comfortable with this idea...

4. When you are romantically interested in an individual, how do you generally act (shy, outgoing, annoying, etc.)?

I avoid them completely. My reason for avoiding them is because I am not really good at dealing with emotions, and whenever I am near my crush, I always end up feeling nervous and get panic attacks etc, I hate feeling this way, so I end up avoiding them completely.

5. If you had to disguise yourself physically, how would you do it?
Depends on why I am disguising myself, and who I am hiding from. If I am in the forest and someone is planning to kill me there, I will disguise myself into a tree or leaves. But if it's an animal such as a lion planning to kill me, then I will disguise myself into a lion.

6. Name a city that best represents your personality.

Hong Kong, I guess. I have a difficult time relaxing and I am always setting goals and chasing after goals. I wouldn't consider myself ambitious, but I am definitely very goal-driven and I am always planning goals and chasing after goals.
I am also a perfectionist and my work always has to be perfect. Whenever I make mistakes in my work, I end up feeling extremely frustrated at myself.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Ok, I just did a questionnaire, here's my answers to the questionnaire:

1. How do you respond to clingy people?

Well, I am quite an independent person and I really dislike clingy people, so whenever someone act clingy with me, I will distance myself from them very very slowwwly, because clingy people tend to be very dramatic, and I didn't want to deal with their drama, so I will distance from them very slowwwly.

2. If you could change the ocean to any color, what would that color be?

I would change it to rainbow colors. For example, the ocean would be blue color on sunday, then it turns into yellow on monday, then red on tuesday, then purple on wednesday.

3. Would you consider living in the nude for a period of time (a month)?

No. Well, I am a female and there are some male family members in my house, so I don't feel too comfortable with this idea...

4. When you are romantically interested in an individual, how do you generally act (shy, outgoing, annoying, etc.)?

I avoid them completely. My reason for avoiding them is because I am not really good at dealing with emotions, and whenever I am near my crush, I always end up feeling nervous and get panic attacks etc, I hate feeling this way, so I end up avoiding them completely.

5. If you had to disguise yourself physically, how would you do it?
Depends on why I am disguising myself, and who I am hiding from. If I am in the forest and someone is planning to kill me there, I will disguise myself into a tree or leaves. But if it's an animal such as a lion planning to kill me, then I will disguise myself into a lion.

6. Name a city that best represents your personality.

Hong Kong, I guess. I have a difficult time relaxing and I am always setting goals and chasing after goals. I wouldn't consider myself ambitious, but I am definitely very goal-driven and I am always planning goals and chasing after goals.
I am also a perfectionist and my work always has to be perfect. Whenever I make mistakes in my work, I end up feeling extremely frustrated at myself.

I don't really need to read through it, INFP is very suiting for you.

Advice about deciding type:
1) Don't over think it.
2) If you really care then use enneagram and instinctual variant to explain other aspects of your personality.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I could also see INFJ.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
...I will tell you that while I don't remember what of yours I read...I was struck by the vibe that "Complexity" sounds like a IxTP e5 username choice and in no way something an INFP 4w5 would select...almost like it would be too obvious or something... And the information above seems to support my *vibe* if an INFP 4w5 wanted to go to university they wouldn't need a dream to inform them of that...but an ITP 5 would having cut themselves off/detached from their feelings...

It could go either way; it depends on the INFP's background, age, self-understanding, who and what they have grown to admire based on the important people and events in their lives, etc. I mean, it's not like 5's and INTPs can't have quirky names.

If you read the answers to her questions after your post last night... there's not a lot of there that comes out as INTP/5 tbh, and to me those more detailed specific answers are much more informative than the username.

I could also see INFJ.

Yeah, that ran across my mind as a secondary possibility (especially the content of the first answer, although not how it's delivered), but I so far don't have an issue with the INFP guess.

There just seems to be a lot of play in the way that information is relayed. I usually get more imposed structure from my INFJ friends, and this is the kind of language and interaction I have when my INP friends and I are goofing around.

Arctic Hysteria

an abyss of Nothingness
Jun 20, 2014
Instinctual Variant
One of the biggest wrong stereotypes about INFP is that we are some tormented, overly shy creatures. I haven't met one INFP that is that way, type 2, 4 or 9. INFPs have the need to conceal their feelings, yet if we feel passionate about something or somebody, we will find hundreds of ways to express it. At the end of the day, expressions are our motivation.

You might just be an INFP, but the questions are how old are you, what circumstance are you in, do you suffer from any disorder, what is your upbringing, etc., etc.

It is darn hard to tell with bits of information like this.

If I'd be slightly superficial, I'd say an INFP e4 would never name themselves Complexity.

Identity crisis is common, when you're young and special.


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
One of the biggest wrong stereotypes about INFP is that we are some tormented, overly shy creatures. I haven't met one INFP that is that way, type 2, 4 or 9. INFPs have the need to conceal their feelings, yet if we feel passionate about something or somebody, we will find hundreds of ways to express it. At the end of the day, expressions are our motivation.

You might just be an INFP, but the questions are how old are you, what circumstance are you in, do you suffer from any disorder, what is your upbringing, etc., etc.

It is darn hard to tell with bits of information like this.

If I'd be slightly superficial, I'd say an INFP e4 would never name themselves Complexity.

Identity crisis is common, when you're young and special.

Some background info about myself:
I am 22 years old, I am currently feeling dissatisfied with my life because I am feeling so lost and confused in my career path, and it doesn't help that I have a control freak ESFJ mum and another xSFx brother who is just as control freak.
Whenever I make a decision, I don't know whether this is really my decision, or whether I am making this decision because my ESFJ mum and my xSFx brother triggered my anxiety by yelling at me.
For example, I recently made a rash decision of enrolling into a school because my xSFx brother yelled at me for doing nothing with my life. I was searching for a job but I couldn't find one and he started getting impatient and yelled at me everyday until my anxiety got triggered and I eventually enrolled into a school. But after enrolling into this school, I can't help but to wonder, is this really what I want to do for my career? What do I want for my career? Until now, I am still undecided, I am still feeling so lost and confused.
And also, I suffered from depression and anxiety. And no I don't get along with my family. I hate them so much.

And I nicknamed myself Complexity because I often feel like nobody understood me. Whether it's family or friends, nobody ever truly understood me. My family often viewed me as abnormal because my thinking style and my way of viewing this world is just so eccentric and so different from them, whereas my friends would also misunderstand me all the time. For example, there was once when I was in my depression mode, and I withdrew from myself from everybody including my ESFP best friend, and she started taking this personally and wrote an emo blog post about me saying that I should inform her beforehand if I am planning to abandon her.
I felt so misunderstood by everybody around me. I feel like nobody ever understood me, people are constantly misreading me and my intentions.
I felt so left out and misunderstood in this world. I often feel like I have difficulty fitting in everywhere I go, I feel like an alien living on planet earth.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Well, if it's any consolation, I think INFP is right, having seen a number of your posts now. I'm sorry you feel so alone and misunderstood. :( :hug: Are you seeing someone for the anxiety and depression, and for the career confusion?


Active member
May 22, 2010
It could go either way; it depends on the INFP's background, age, self-understanding, who and what they have grown to admire based on the important people and events in their lives, etc. I mean, it's not like 5's and INTPs can't have quirky names.

If you read the answers to her questions after your post last night... there's not a lot of there that comes out as INTP/5 tbh, and to me those more detailed specific answers are much more informative than the username.

Too snarky or not snarky enough? I kinda thought vibes were just vibes...like vague impressions that may or may not be pondered further...but I'm assuming you understand these things better than I so I apologize if it was unclear that I didn't expect my message to be responded to seriously or at all really. I appreciate you offering me this chance to clear up that possible confusion.

Still, I skimmed Complexity's second post with the additional information...and the vague impression I received which is to be taken with a grain of salt and doesn't require correction because it's not meant to be taken seriously was e5 or e9. I'm unclear with regards to any MBTI impression.


Jul 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant


Jul 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
What do you base your response on?...EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
Science? Or that ther sissy shit? :wink:

I personally kinda sissyied strong 9.

I only type the sissy way, so..


Active member
May 23, 2009
WELL. You sound like a very young Fi-dom to me. If it's any encouragement, we have a lot of misunderstood oddballs on this forum. :) You should start a blog on here or something.


Jul 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I personally appreciate and take sissy seriously...but...you know I'm...



We will be taken seriously.


Active member
May 22, 2010
Some background info about myself:
I am 22 years old, I am currently feeling dissatisfied with my life because I am feeling so lost and confused in my career path, and it doesn't help that I have a control freak ESFJ mum and another xSFx brother who is just as control freak.
Whenever I make a decision, I don't know whether this is really my decision, or whether I am making this decision because my ESFJ mum and my xSFx brother triggered my anxiety by yelling at me.
For example, I recently made a rash decision of enrolling into a school because my xSFx brother yelled at me for doing nothing with my life. I was searching for a job but I couldn't find one and he started getting impatient and yelled at me everyday until my anxiety got triggered and I eventually enrolled into a school. But after enrolling into this school, I can't help but to wonder, is this really what I want to do for my career? What do I want for my career? Until now, I am still undecided, I am still feeling so lost and confused.
And also, I suffered from depression and anxiety. And no I don't get along with my family. I hate them so much.

And I nicknamed myself Complexity because I often feel like nobody understood me. Whether it's family or friends, nobody ever truly understood me. My family often viewed me as abnormal because my thinking style and my way of viewing this world is just so eccentric and so different from them, whereas my friends would also misunderstand me all the time. For example, there was once when I was in my depression mode, and I withdrew from myself from everybody including my ESFP best friend, and she started taking this personally and wrote an emo blog post about me saying that I should inform her beforehand if I am planning to abandon her.
I felt so misunderstood by everybody around me. I feel like nobody ever understood me, people are constantly misreading me and my intentions.
I felt so left out and misunderstood in this world. I often feel like I have difficulty fitting in everywhere I go, I feel like an alien living on planet earth.

Oh whoops...Complexity...I missed this post (I love tablets but, I mean, as ENFP I miss a lot of life-sized things so the smaller screen impares me further. Autocorrect is another enemy.)

I didn't read this for any type related clues...just wanted to say that I relate so well to your feelings. I'm older than you and had to just concede to the truth of it... that the perfect day that I've longed for since the beginning of my tenure here...the day when I will experience what it's like to wake-up and know that I fit-in...I will wake-up to a world where I won't immediately need to start twisting and bending who I am at my core of my being into a pretzel just to deal with the simplest of social structures and survive in a world that...in no uncertain terms...feels fraudulent and sick and backwards and cruel to me. And then later needing to spend my time discharging feelings of being resentful for having had to bend to such a thing in the first place... I had to let go of that dream. And it broke me.

There's something powerful though in accepting who you are. Celebrating who you are even if you're the only one at the party. Obviously, if you're so inclined (like if you don't have plans to become a scary mountain woman or anything...which as everyone knows is entirely acceptable too...it's just that not a lot of people day dream of saying "get off my land" in a really cool movie kind of way like...someone...else...) You continue towards self-improvement but you recognize that it's okay to be misunderstood. And it's a great thing to be complex...makes life interesting.

If you can back-yourself-off from your anxiety surrounding career choice I would say...absolutely do it. And this comes from someone that has worked in higher-ed. There is no rule saying you need this shit known by such-and-such age. The world is so different now...careers coming into existence and becoming obsolete at a mind-numbing speed. And the fact that you'll never be able to retire in this wonderful economy means you've got plenty of time to let interests emerge naturally. Don't stress or force it.


A wannabe dog
Aug 5, 2013
Well, if it's any consolation, I think INFP is right, having seen a number of your posts now. I'm sorry you feel so alone and misunderstood. :( :hug: Are you seeing someone for the anxiety and depression, and for the career confusion?

I went to visit the psychiatrist once and he prescribed me with some anti-depressants, but I didn't have much money for those medicine and consultation sessions so I stopped going. I also went to visit a career coach before but they didn't managed to help me much.
I think the main source of my depression, anxiety, and career confusion is all caused by my family. The only way to resolve all those issues is to cut off all ties with my family, but I feel too guilty to cut off ties with them though, I feel like a bad person if I just abandoned my family, because deep down my family does love me, but they just love me in the wrong way, being the INFP I am, I need unconditional love and acceptance from people, but they didn't cater to these emotional needs of mine and they gave me tough love instead. But on a positive note, at least I have learnt to be emotionally strong and not rely on anyone including my family. This world is a harsh place out there, and if one wanna survive in this world out there, one has to learnt to be emotionally strong and self-reliant.

huh I am enneagram 9? But why enneagram 9 and not 4? I am very individualistic, emotional, eccentric.
I have always attributed these traits to being an enneagram 4. I have also been called "weirdo" by people before. I have always thought this is an enneagram 4 thing

Oh whoops...Complexity...I missed this post (I love tablets but, I mean, as ENFP I miss a lot of life-sized things so the smaller screen impares me further. Autocorrect is another enemy.)

I didn't read this for any type related clues...just wanted to say that I relate so well to your feelings. I'm older than you and had to just concede to the truth of it... that the perfect day that I've longed for since the beginning of my tenure here...the day when I will experience what it's like to wake-up and know that I fit-in...I will wake-up to a world where I won't immediately need to start twisting and bending who I am at my core of my being into a pretzel just to deal with the simplest of social structures and survive in a world that...in no uncertain terms...feels fraudulent and sick and backwards and cruel to me. And then later needing to spend my time discharging feelings of being resentful for having had to bend to such a thing in the first place... I had to let go of that dream. And it broke me.

There's something powerful though in accepting who you are. Celebrating who you are even if you're the only one at the party. Obviously, if you're so inclined (like if you don't have plans to become a scary mountain woman or anything...which as everyone knows is entirely acceptable too...it's just that not a lot of people day dream of saying "get off my land" in a really cool movie kind of way like...someone...else...) You continue towards self-improvement but you recognize that it's okay to be misunderstood. And it's a great thing to be complex...makes life interesting.

If you can back-yourself-off from your anxiety surrounding career choice I would say...absolutely do it. And this comes from someone that has worked in higher-ed. There is no rule saying you need this shit known by such-and-such age. The world is so different now...careers coming into existence and becoming obsolete at a mind-numbing speed. And the fact that you'll never be able to retire in this wonderful economy means you've got plenty of time to let interests emerge naturally. Don't stress or force it.

Thanks so much for the encouraging words, I appreciate this post so much :) And yeah, I have been reading up lots of self-improvement materials, those self-improvement books have actually helped to enlighten me and give me lots of new insights and perspectives into things.


Active member
May 22, 2010
I went to visit the psychiatrist once and he prescribed me with some anti-depressants, but I didn't have much money for those medicine and consultation sessions so I stopped going. I also went to visit a career coach before but they didn't managed to help me much.
I think the main source of my depression, anxiety, and career confusion is all caused by my family. The only way to resolve all those issues is to cut off all ties with my family, but I feel too guilty to cut off ties with them though, I feel like a bad person if I just abandoned my family, because deep down my family does love me, but they just love me in the wrong way, being the INFP I am, I need unconditional love and acceptance from people, but they didn't cater to these emotional needs of mine and they gave me tough love instead. But on a positive note, at least I have learnt to be emotionally strong and not rely on anyone including my family. This world is a harsh place out there, and if one wanna survive in this world out there, one has to learnt to be emotionally strong and self-reliant.

huh I am enneagram 9? But why enneagram 9 and not 4? I am very individualistic, emotional, eccentric.
I have always attributed these traits to being an enneagram 4. I have also been called "weirdo" by people before. I have always thought this is an enneagram 4 thing

Thanks so much for the encouraging words, I appreciate this post so much :) And yeah, I have been reading up lots of self-improvement materials, those self-improvement books have actually helped to enlighten me and give me lots of new insights and perspectives into things.

Thank you as well for your emotional honesty as it helps me too... being reminded we're not alone in this. Which is half the self-improvement battle I feel and why I feel these type of materials are so effective. Being reminded that you are not alone on your journey, opening-up and finding the encouragement to take another step forward. I very much appreciate your posts.