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After 8 years, still not sure what my type is. Help?



Maybe make your own post and see if we could help figure it out? I'd certainly throw in my two cents if you provided more info. The best part is, we're both trying to decide between NTJ, NTP, and STP. But now I'm wondering if I'm an I with E tendencies...

NTP: Ne>Si, Ti>Fe
NTJ: Ni>Se, Te>Fi
STP: Se>Ni, Ti>Fe

since you seem to have a strong Se and no signs of Si, we can eliminate NTP
and since you seem to have a strong Fe and no signs of Fi, we can eliminate NTJ

STP by a process of elimination.

you still have a strong Ti which explains your social inclination towards the rational stereotype, the same principle of other T>F types would apply (a.k.a. having a hard time feeling what your not thinking), but remember that being a rational person has nothing to do with being within the rational archetype.

seriously whose the idiot that decided that ENTPs have more in common with ENTJs then they do with ENFPs, or that INTPs have more in common with INTJs then they do with ESTPs? KEIRSEY!!!!!! *takes out pitchfork and torch*


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Did you take MBTI Step 2?


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Did you take MBTI Step 2?

Nope. That costs money, doesn't it? If it doesn't, I'd be glad to.

NTP: Ne>Si, Ti>Fe
NTJ: Ni>Se, Te>Fi
STP: Se>Ni, Ti>Fe

since you seem to have a strong Se and no signs of Si, we can eliminate NTP
and since you seem to have a strong Fe and no signs of Fi, we can eliminate NTJ

STP by a process of elimination.

you still have a strong Ti which explains your social inclination towards the rational stereotype, the same principle of other T>F types would apply (a.k.a. having a hard time feeling what your not thinking), but remember that being a rational person has nothing to do with being within the rational archetype.

seriously whose the idiot that decided that ENTPs have more in common with ENTJs then they do with ENFPs, or that INTPs have more in common with INTJs then they do with ESTPs? KEIRSEY!!!!!! *takes out pitchfork and torch*

Yeah, the more I think about the more counterproductive Keirsey's archetypes seem. I came up with a couple objections to your process of elimination but then thought of explanations that refuted my counterpoints.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Nope. That costs money, doesn't it? If it doesn't, I'd be glad to.

It costs $80 - $90. It's not that much in the big scheme of things. 8 years is a long time.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Taking a new approach:

Extroversion 55%
Orderliness 47%
Emotional Stability 87%
Accommodation 35%
Inquisitiveness 67%

These were my scores for similarminds.com's Global 5 test, which put me at SCUEI (primary type Calm). SCUEI corresponds to ENTP. Not willing to accept this at face value, I decided to look at every Global 5 type description and identify which fit me best. Then, I looked to see which MBTI types my best matches corresponded to. Below are the 2 descriptions that fit me best, plus the description corresponding to ESTP. Bolded characteristics are ones that do not describe me. Note: each MBTI type has two corresponding Global 5 types. For each, one of the G5 types seems to be a "healthy" version, and the other, "unhealthy." None of the unhealthy descriptions matched well, so I focused on the healthy versions.

preferred careers match: excellent
not afraid of doing the wrong things, does not value rules and regulations, prefers unpredictable to organized, does not accomplish work on time, needs to maintain high levels of excitement, out for own personal gain, not afraid to draw attention to self, more pleasure seeking than responsible, not bothered by disorder, retaliatory, thrives on the rush of risk taking, unpredictable, asks questions that nobody else does, often does not know what they are doing, spontaneous, first to act, not easily hurt, not apprehensive about new encounters, does not readily admit mistakes, not a perfectionist, not apologetic, disorganized, socially comfortable, outgoing, calm in crisis, fearless, atheist/agnostic tendencies, good at getting people to have fun, opinionated, not easily moved to tears, sexually immodest, adventurous, unconventional, aggressive, often late, high energy level, likes the spotlight, ambivalent about the needs of others, worry free, acts without thinking or planning, bad at saving money, selfish

preferred careers match: very good
happy, level emotions, not easily discouraged, optimistic, fearless, self confident, non-hostile, trusting, rarely sad, social, content, positive, knows where life is going, socially skilled, not quiet around strangers, acts comfortably with others, takes on responsibilities, likes public speaking, not prone to worrying, not apprehensive about new encounters, flexible, adapts easily to new situations, not afraid to draw attention to self, likes to lead, not bored while working, likes others, hard to annoy, calm in crisis, does not second guess self, not embarrassed easily, high energy level, easy to understand, thinks before acting, strong sense or purpose, likes crowds, interested in science, not prone to jealousy, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, fearless, not skeptical, true to self in all circumstances, highly motivated to succeed, decisive, easy to get to know, narcissistic, driven by reason, physically fit, passionate about bettering the world's condition, finishes most things they start, not easily confused, willing to explain things twice, thinks they are extraordinary

preferred careers match: N/A
not easily hurt, spends more time in group activities than solitary activities, comes alive at parties and in crowds, not very religious, would not want to give up drinking or smoking, not mystical, not big on science fiction, does not care if people think poorly of them, not very introspective, fits in most places, does not like to go days without speaking to people, likes change, trusting, not very intellectual, underachiever, not easily moved to tears, thrill seeker, does not like to compromise, not apologetic, avoids difficult reading material, relaxed most of the time, likes danger, not punctual, impatient, not upset by the misfortunes of strangers, believes in an eye for an eye, not detail oriented, uninterested in the needs of others, avoids responsibilities, not known for generosity, more dominant than submissive, likes crowds, aggressive, willing to take risks, not embarrassed easily, not passionate about improving the world, show off, socially comfortable, acts as they please, not bothered by disorder

All 3 had a similar number of "incorrect" characteristics, but ESTP's stood out as blatantly wrong. This puts ESTP into doubt and brings ENTP back to the table. ENFJ is interesting because 1) it was my type when I first took the MBTI test as a child 2) it possesses the same cognitive functions as ESTP, which others here have identified as my likely type on the basis of funcitons.

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
Maybe ENTP?
Have you looked at functions?
Ne+Ti (ENTP) or Te+Ni (ENTJ)?

Mitsuko Souma

New member
Sep 27, 2011
Instinctual Variant
First, some relevant aspects of my personality. I discuss what I think I am after that, but I want you to come to your own conclusions first. Thanks for the help!

- Enjoy meeting new people, always looking for a crowd.
- I'm normally friendly and polite, but I'll definitely be tough if I think someone can take it
- I walk fast all the time. If someone's with me, they can catch up. Getting stuck behind someone standing on an escalator makes me want to explode.
- Love exercise and physical activity
- Enjoy debate, strategy games, and public speaking
- Dislike authority and restricted freedom. I have no problem breaking the rules.
- Not good at expressing my internal beliefs when questioned. They make perfect sense in my head, but it's difficult to draw them forth.
- As a teenager, I was a romantic idealist and overly critical of those closest to me. I've gotten better at going with the flow and am now quite a cynic.
- Everything I do has to fit with my quest for personal fulfillment. I hate trivial or pointless tasks.
- I try to budget my time, but procrastinate horribly. Physical space is well organized.
- Very good sense of style and aesthetics in general
- I thrive off creating new worlds, especially through fiction writing or video games. But ultimately, I'd rather live my own life than dream of someone else's.
- I jump between several interests, but when one grabs me I'll pursue it obsessively
- Shamelessly narcissistic (but not egoistic!)
- Think before I talk. I'm a very judicious writer
- Very comfortable with leading people, but I won't pursue leadership if everything is already going smoothly
- Introspective
- Love learning about how things work. Engineer by profession.
- I have no reservations about manipulating people, though I'd rather come across as my authentic self
- Good at picking up patterns
- Dry sense of humor that often goes undetected. Sometimes witty / a smartass
- I've been told I tend to talk in absolutes and am too afraid of being wrong

So we're looking at ENTP or ENTJ. I think I seem more ENTJ on paper, but I have a few serious reservations. First, the time management. I like being scheduled, but I always put fun before work. Maybe I just fail at Te? I use Ti quite a lot. Likewise, I identify more with Ne than Ni. Fe and Fi are about equal, though I think it's more likely that the apparent Fi is a result of other processes. Finally, I have a strong Se component. Si can drop off the face of the planet for all I care.
You strike me as ESTP: Se-Ti-Fe-Ni (in my opinion).


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Maybe ENTP?
Have you looked at functions?
Ne+Ti (ENTP) or Te+Ni (ENTJ)?

Extensively. I can see instances where I use all four, so it's difficult to decide which ones are actually at play.

You strike me as ESTP: Se-Ti-Fe-Ni (in my opinion).

Thanks for your input :) Would you care to elaborate?

Even the name "Plastic" sounds ESTP-ish.

Haha what a Ni thing to say - making a random association without providing the grounds for it.

Mitsuko Souma

New member
Sep 27, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Yes; you have a lot of Se traits. Here are a the examples of Se you have(in my opinion):
- Enjoy meeting new people, always looking for a crowd.
- I walk fast all the time. If someone's with me, they can catch up. Getting stuck behind someone standing on an escalator makes me want to explode.
- Love exercise and physical activity
- As a teenager, I was a romantic idealist and overly critical of those closest to me. I've gotten better at going with the flow and am now quite a cynic.
- I try to budget my time, but procrastinate horribly. Physical space is well organized.
- I jump between several interests, but when one grabs me I'll pursue it obsessively

There are only 6 of them that really show this with confidence a few seem Se like but also kinda go with other functions so I didn't post them but these I think I am like certain are Se. So that narrows it down to ESXP already with Se as a dominant function. Next was to see if you were more Ti (ESTP) or Fi (ESFP) as a secondary function. Based off of your description, you strike me more Ti than Fi. So there you have ESTP as my guess. Here are some examples of what I think showed Ti (in my opinion):
- Enjoy debate, strategy games, and public speaking (partly Se as well)
- Think before I talk. I'm a very judicious writer
- Love learning about how things work. Engineer by profession.
- Good at picking up patterns
- Dry sense of humor that often goes undetected. Sometimes witty / a smartass
- I've been told I tend to talk in absolutes and am too afraid of being wrong

Though you do seem very balanced between Se/Ti so you may be ISTP (possibly) but since you seem to express more extroverted characteristics I would go with ESTP. Hope this helps.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Extensively. I can see instances where I use all four, so it's difficult to decide which ones are actually at play.

Thanks for your input :) Would you care to elaborate?

Haha what a Ni thing to say - making a random association without providing the grounds for it.

It's not random and there's grounds for it, I just kept those to myself. Mostly you could say I was making a lot out of a name, but not very seriously. The name just reminds me of a type that resembles ESTP in another system of typology.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
It's not random and there's grounds for it, I just kept those to myself. Mostly you could say I was making a lot out of a name, but not very seriously. The name just reminds me of a type that resembles ESTP in another system of typology.

Yeah, I get you. Is the other system enneagram, socionics, or some other one?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
plastic sounds futuristic to me...it could be ne ish...i don't see anything that screams se over ne there except maybe the physical activity part...but that's a lame reason.

i think this person could be entp i see ti but i don't know yet about ne or se


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, I get you. Is the other system enneagram, socionics, or some other one?

Styles of Inquiry, based on the InQ questionnaire and system. The most flexible or "plastic" type in that system is the Pragmatist. A Pragmatist is like a hard-core realist, more realist than a Realist which is another type.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
plastic sounds futuristic to me...it could be ne ish...i don't see anything that screams se over ne there except maybe the physical activity part...but that's a lame reason.

i think this person could be entp i see ti but i don't know yet about ne or se

I think you're on the right track about no Ne or Se. The more I think about it, the more I notice myself using Ni. That rules out Ti, but leaves room for Te...

Styles of Inquiry, based on the InQ questionnaire and system. The most flexible or "plastic" type in that system is the Pragmatist. A Pragmatist is like a hard-core realist, more realist than a Realist which is another type.

Did some research. As usual, I see some aspects of myself in all five. A rough hierarchy is: Synthesist > Analyst = Pragmatist > Idealist > Realist. That's based off reading descriptions, no test involved.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
So far I'd go with ENTP and here are a few of my considerations

-Unlikely after 8 years that an Se dom would still be toying with possibilities instead of seeing what is.
-Apparent E3, which according to a 2008 study in psychological type has more correlation with intuition than any other characteristic.
-Walking fast, exorcize and aesthetics are enjoyed by all people
-the combination of strategy, patterns and creating alternative realities may not be exclusive to intuitive's but (imo) far more likely


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
OP sounds like an ESTP, based on his way of expressing himself more so than what he says about himself (although that sounds ESTP too). I also think the "energy" of his post is SP, not NT (yeeees, I know that's vibe typing).

Plus, ESTPs LOVE bullet points, right [MENTION=6109]Halla74[/MENTION] ? ;) :tongue:


Artisan Conquerer
Jan 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
OP sounds like an ESTP, based on his way of expressing himself more so than what he says about himself (although that sounds ESTP too).

I'm in agreement. :yes:

I also think the "energy" of his post is SP, not NT (yeeees, I know that's vibe typing).

I put on my Artisan secret decoder glasses and the OP has ESTP written all over it. :nerd:

Plus, ESTPs LOVE bullet points, right [MENTION=6109]Halla74[/MENTION] ? ;) :tongue:

Hi OrangeAppled! :hug:

Not that I'm one to fall into stereotypical behaviors, but I do have the following to say about use of bullet points:

* Bullet points are a highly preferred written format by Artisan Promoters.
* They convey the information needed to communicate a point without wasting time on superfluous details.
* Grade school teachers ask for book reports; Senior Managers ask for bullet points.
* ESTPs love communicating with bullet points because it saves them time, supporting their creedo of "Maximum WIN; Minimum B.S."
* If you need more than 5 bullet points to communicate your point, then you have included unecessary information.

So, do you have any idea how much you will love driving this used car I just happen to be selling?
The stereo sounds FANTASTIC.
It's only had one owner, and the paint will look like new once it gets a healthy coat of wax.
You want to pay cash, right?




New member
Apr 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Throwing in another monkey wrench: I was browsing reddit.com/r/INTJ, and half of the posts are exactly things that I would say or think. The more I look at cognitive functions, the more I identify with Ni as my primary type. Is it possible that I'm just a socially-adapted INTJ? If any type would deliberately construct a more outgoing persona, it's INTJ.

Enneatype info, if anyone cares: I test 3, 7, or occasionally 8. I also identify with 4 and 5, and to a lesser extent, 1. Two, 6, and 9 are not present (though I do have the calm demeanor of a 9).

So far I'd go with ENTP and here are a few of my considerations

-Unlikely after 8 years that an Se dom would still be toying with possibilities instead of seeing what is.
-Apparent E3, which according to a 2008 study in psychological type has more correlation with intuition than any other characteristic.
-Walking fast, exorcize and aesthetics are enjoyed by all people
-the combination of strategy, patterns and creating alternative realities may not be exclusive to intuitive's but (imo) far more likely

Agree with all the points you make. Any reason why you think ENTP over other NT's?

OP sounds like an ESTP, based on his way of expressing himself more so than what he says about himself (although that sounds ESTP too). I also think the "energy" of his post is SP, not NT (yeeees, I know that's vibe typing).

Plus, ESTPs LOVE bullet points, right [MENTION=6109]Halla74[/MENTION] ? ;) :tongue:

I'm in agreement. :yes:

I put on my Artisan secret decoder glasses and the OP has ESTP written all over it. :nerd:

Hi OrangeAppled! :hug:

Not that I'm one to fall into stereotypical behaviors, but I do have the following to say about use of bullet points:

* Bullet points are a highly preferred written format by Artisan Promoters.
* They convey the information needed to communicate a point without wasting time on superfluous details.
* Grade school teachers ask for book reports; Senior Managers ask for bullet points.
* ESTPs love communicating with bullet points because it saves them time, supporting their creedo of "Maximum WIN; Minimum B.S."
* If you need more than 5 bullet points to communicate your point, then you have included unecessary information.

So, do you have any idea how much you will love driving this used car I just happen to be selling?
The stereo sounds FANTASTIC.
It's only had one owner, and the paint will look like new once it gets a healthy coat of wax.
You want to pay cash, right?



Bullet points are awesome, but SP's don't have a monopoly on them! Alex, your flair says "If somebody asks your MBTI type on a first date, run." The last two first dates I went on, I talked about their type. Oops :blush:


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I'm in agreement. :yes:

I put on my Artisan secret decoder glasses and the OP has ESTP written all over it. :nerd:

Hi OrangeAppled! :hug:

Not that I'm one to fall into stereotypical behaviors, but I do have the following to say about use of bullet points:

* Bullet points are a highly preferred written format by Artisan Promoters.
* They convey the information needed to communicate a point without wasting time on superfluous details.
* Grade school teachers ask for book reports; Senior Managers ask for bullet points.
* ESTPs love communicating with bullet points because it saves them time, supporting their creedo of "Maximum WIN; Minimum B.S."
* If you need more than 5 bullet points to communicate your point, then you have included unecessary information.

So, do you have any idea how much you will love driving this used car I just happen to be selling?
The stereo sounds FANTASTIC.
It's only had one owner, and the paint will look like new once it gets a healthy coat of wax.
You want to pay cash, right?



So you're selling the Mercedes already? Or is this another one from your vast automobile collection.