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[ENTP] Christian ENTPs?

What is your view on religion as an ENTP?

  • I am Christian and very serious about it

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • I'm Christian...whateva

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I was raised Christian and came to my senses

    Votes: 13 31.0%
  • Christians freak me the funk out, stay away!

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • I'm down with the Buddha

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • I'm Muslim

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Judaism is my thing

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Athists are better lovers

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • Agnostics are fearless lovers

    Votes: 12 28.6%
  • Dude, what the hell, you forgot mine!

    Votes: 5 11.9%

  • Total voters


Dec 10, 2008
No, he wasn't. My parents were born in the Soviet Union so I have on pretty good authority that, while Lenin was definitely idealized and respected, he was never assigned any supernatural abilities or any other traits that would portray him as anything but an intelligent and well-meaning leader.

Yes, but the concept of God is less about supernatural ability and more about ultimate authority.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
You're not getting it. It's not the explanation that satisfies me. It is God himself.
Are you at least able to see why I have to consider that utterly insane?

Either that or I'm delusional. In which case you shouldn't be baffled by anything i say or do.
I might come back to you on that one.

I believe God gave me a second pair of glasses. But, because I was raised by parents with these same glasses it's hard to determine at which point I saw things through my own eyes and not theirs.
Fascinating how much nuture can do. Perhaps I should invent my own religion.

First of all, I do believe in hobbits and I have every intention to turn into one.
I understand that lying is forbidden.

There's no reason why God's use of a certain medium for communication would render all other uses of the medium authoritative. It is not the medium that is authoritative it is the use of the medium by God. Tolkien was not God nor was he divinely inspired by God.
How do you know that the Bible was written or inspired by god and 'The Lord of the Rings' was not written by real Hobbits? Or, if you do indeed believe in Hobbits, why do you make it sound as though Tolkien, an obvious human being, wrote it?


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Well I am fantasizing about you every night :)

After $4 billion dollars, my Entropie Mind-Control Brain Wave Machine (tm) is finally working!

You imagined something that wasn't there.

That just happened to coincide with where the woman died on the floor? A woman I never knew in life or where she died. Seriously?

As a small child I once woke up from sleep and saw a large dog/wolf lying on the wooden chest in the hallway. I thought I was dreaming, but every time I sat up in bed, my eyes met his and he bared his teeth. The next morning, I got up the courage to venture from my room, found the blankets on the chest mashed down by something heavy and long coarse hairs like that of a wolf. Again, I'm hardly crazy. I touched the hair myself and felt an animal warmth rising from the blankets. I don't go looking for this stuff to happen. I don't NEED that kind of freak out.

I would like, very much, to see Perch go sleep in the most haunted house in America. Truly, I would. I want to see what happens and I want to hear his explanations. It would be an interesting experiment.


the Dark Prophet of Kualu
Mar 24, 2009
I guess I see free will more like a theoretical thing.

However yes, just because you are not free, it does not necessarily mean that you do not have a free will.
But in the same time, just because you decided something freely, it doesn't mean that your decision couldn't have been conditioned unconsciously.
Suggestion for example. It doesn't impose you do to something, but it shows that it would be more appealing and rewarding that you decide a certain thing.
I go buy a can of coke. I decided to buy a can of coke. Yet 10 days ago, I saw a commercial that associated coke with pleasure, excitement etc. The connection stayed in my mind. I forgot about the commercial.
Of course, I was my own decision to buy the coke, but was it free?

Ask a person what he wants? Is he going to tell you some individual values that he defined himself? Or is he likely to want what everybody wants.
I've noticed a lot of people, after they finish highschool, go study and specialize in things that their parents do. (or the opposite, if they've got a rebel thing going on) My dad is a cop I want to be a cop. My dad is a cop I want to be a lawyer.
It's his free will. But is in not conditioned by many factors?

A person develops some kind of social anxiety. He wants to do things that he would normally do, go out with people etc, but fears his intense anxiety and becomes increasingly avoidant. Was it his free will that made him decide to become avoidant?

However, just because free will is limited, it does not necessarily mean that it does not exist. It's just limited and conditioned.
We perceive our will as being free, but is it free?

I don't know, I've grown to hate this term of "free will" as I have oftenly heard it in politics: "they must not strip us of our free will" "our free will is what differentiates us from...". When in fact is BS.

In a way, we are free, but I fail to understand our freedom.

Unfortunately, I agree with you - in a sense.
I'll discover more tomorrow, I'll head for rest in my d(h)ead world.


Dec 10, 2008

1) Insane is as insane does.

2) I believe in the use of reason and maintaining a reasonable faith. But, I do not believe in reasoning one's way to God. You'll have to talk to Peguy about that.


Sep 24, 2010
That just happened to coincide with where the woman died on the floor? A woman I never knew in life or where she died. Seriously?

As a small child I once woke up from sleep and saw a large dog/wolf lying on the wooden chest in the hallway. I thought I was dreaming, but every time I sat up in bed, my eyes met his and he bared his teeth. The next morning, I got up the courage to venture from my room, found the blankets on the chest mashed down by something heavy and long coarse hairs like that of a wolf. Again, I'm hardly crazy. I touched the hair myself and felt an animal warmth rising from the blankets. I don't go looking for this stuff to happen. I don't NEED that kind of freak out.

I would like, very much, to see Perch go sleep in the most haunted house in America. Truly, I would. I want to see what happens and I want to hear his explanations. It would be an interesting experiment.

You perceive a pattern to exist...therefore it exists? Do you trust your perceptions that much? We all have to rely on our perceptions to some extent, but recognizing the limit of our perceptions is also important. Our perceptions lie to us all the time..think of all those optical illusion games. Our perceptions are limited, flawed, and ultimately useless at getting at the real truth. So while the pseudo truth is important..it's also very limited.

You're not crazy..you just trust your perceptions a lot more than (I think) is wise.


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
You perceive a pattern to exist...therefore it exists? Do you trust your perceptions that much? We all have to rely on our perceptions to some extent, but recognizing the limit of our perceptions is also important. Our perceptions lie to us all the time..think of all those optical illusion games. Our perceptions are limited, flawed, and ultimately useless at getting at the real truth. So while the pseudo truth is important..it's also very limited.

I understand the ability of human beings to psyche themselves in and out of things that require only a rational explanation to set them right, and believe me, I'm *constantly* trying to find a rational explanation for things because I feel calmer when I know the truth or the facts, if you will. I refuse to go into hysteria-induced frenzies. I want a REASON, and not "and then magic occurs" because that just sets me off even more. What little Ti I possess demands some manner of rational explanation for what I'm seeing, hearing, experiencing. When I get down through the layers and nothing can explain it except fairies, that makes me really unhappy.

When people start blaming the weather on God, like in the case of hurricane Katrina, that makes me want to crawl out of my skin because it just sounds so disconnected and fearful. Saying God is punishing people through this or that means makes my blood freeze. I don't assume to speak for God or to predict his ways. If God exists, and I believe very much that he does, how would I, as small as I am, be able to speak for him and say "God is mad at you and ran you over with a hurricane." Hurricanes are a natural part of the earth's cooling cycle, and New Orleans lies at a very VERY vulnerable place. It's not even remotely out of the realm of reason that the city would get smacked and devastated by a large storm.

You're not crazy..you just trust your perceptions a lot more than (I think) is wise.

Which is why I dragged my non-religious (at the time) mother over to look at it and she looked very concerned, not by me, but what she herself was seeing. I get more than one set of eyes on something if I can't explain it. If they can't explain it either, I try to find someone who can. If no one can, I either investigate or I flee from it because it bothers me too much.


Sep 5, 2009
Instinctual Variant
How so? WWI was fought because vestigial monarchies were unable to deal with the dawn of a new century. WW2 was fought because totalitarianism and vestigial tribalism took control of a population. Both of those things are almost nonexistant today. If anything, this just strengthens my point; that the human race learns from its mistakes and changes the world accordingly.

The horrors of trench warfare, extreme militarism, advanced weapon technology, and the first mass death Europeans experienced among themselves (not to mention the influx of new ideas from the likes of Nietzche, Freud, and Darwin to name a few and how war profoundly shaped family life) suggested to many at the time that the world wasn't what it seemed and that perhaps it wasn't based on any set of "natural" laws (oh haiiii post-modernism).


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Well then just tell me.
I am quite certain that you did not answer the questions because you cannot answer them without saying things that would make you look rather naive, evasive, inconsistent, irrational or delusional. While I can understand that you want to avoid looking like that, I have to conclude that, at least in this regard, you really are like that.


Dec 10, 2008
I am quite certain that you did not answer the questions because you cannot answer them without saying things that would make you look rather naive, evasive, inconsistent, irrational or delusional. While I can understand that you want to avoid looking like that, I have to conclude that, at least in this regard, you really are like that.

I've already made clear that my reasoning is based on divine revelation and that if I am wrong I am clearly delusional. You're questions were redundant. I can only conclude that you are asking redundant questions because you want to make me out to be naive, irrational and delusional.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
I've already made clear that my reasoning is based on divine revelation and that if I am wrong I am clearly delusional. You're questions were redundant. I can only conclude that you are asking redundant questions because you want to make me out to be naive, irrational and delusional.
Your conclusion is correct. I was not sure, however, at which point you surrender reason and resort to divine revelation.


Dec 10, 2008
Your conclusion is correct.

Well I never said you weren't honest.

I should add that I didn't answer the questions not because it made me uncomfortable. If I believed that it was possible to reason to God then I wouldn't give up my faith I would just study aquinas and become a catholic. I referred you to Peguy, because I felt that if you did want to discuss reasoning your way to God you could discuss it with him since he's far more familiar with natural theology than I.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
I referred you to Peguy, because I felt that if you did want to discuss reasoning your way to God you could discuss it with him since he's far more familiar with natural theology than I.
Somehow I believe that Peguy would say that arguments about faith make for good comedy rather than argue about faith.


Feb 13, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Your conclusion is correct. I was not sure, however, at which point you surrender reason and resort to divine revelation.

It sounds to me like you consider the concept of divine revelation an absurdity. Do you consider it absurd that a person may know somebody you don't, who told them something which you don't know?

Do you believe there's nobody in Argentina named Robert because you haven't met him?


May 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I don't believe in religion. I mean, yeah it's there, it's done some good (and quite some bad) over the centuries...but the only good I see of it now is for people who use it for their own coping mechanisms or whatever. It doesn't make sense to me, but it may make sense to others, and I really don't care if it does or not for you, just don't shove your beliefs down my throat.


Buddhist Misanthrope
Dec 11, 2007
6 people have responded thus far saying they're ENTP and serious about Christianity yet not a single one has posted a comment.

I wasn't trying to start a faith debate as much as I was trying to find a Christian ENTP who didn't mind having a conversation on the topic. Hell, I'll take any Ne dom as my main question relates to Ne and faith.