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Interviews by ENFP


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to do a follow-up interview with Joe (Whitney) who is an INTJ Ni-Fi SB/P(C) MM Social Type #4. During the interview, Joe shared his experience practicing or noticing his SF consume last. We discussed his feelings of either procrastination or purely avoiding having to consume new information. Joe also discussed not doing the SF so much like dressing nice and preferring to dress to what he's accustomed to. Joe also talked about him not consuming makes him a burden to his family so he has learned to consume when he knows he should be consuming. Joe does have a small consume box which is fantasy novels or audiobooks. Joe and I discussed his social type and landed on Social Type #4 because the most important thing to him is family and friends, not work or ego flexing. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Annie who is an ENFP Ne-Fi CS/B(P) MF on her journey practicing her Ne+Te last and also to find out her social type. During the discussion, Annie went into detail on the huge benefits of being a specialization from a career standpoint. Annie talked about doing massage but specializing in massages using her feet which makes her stand out. Being a specialist, Annie puts a lot of passion, care, and effort into her work so that it speaks for itself. She said she has 5-star ratings on Etsy, and copying her product is hard because it's so specialized. The best thing about being a specialist is they truly care about their craft so oftentimes, they don't have to do as much marketing because their work speaks for itself. Annie also talked about her life when she was in high school and being a lone wolf type as opposed to hanging out with a big group of friends. She said she mainly uses her NT play when talking to coaches about her business and also when she gets to know her clients at her massage practice. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Leon who is an INTJ Ni-Fi SB/P(C) MM Social #2 on his journey since our first interview working on his SF consume last and also his social type. The conversation revolved around Christianity a lot as Leon is heavily involved in spreading Christian beliefs. He talked about how he used to have trouble making eye contact with people because he had demons inside and once the demons were out, he could look at people with love and as if they were his brothers and sisters. He also talked about how everything starts from the inside and if there's something wrong with how you feel internally then it will come out when you speak. Leon also talked about his trouble specializing for the longest time doing multiple jobs or multiple hobbies at one time and being asked by friends co-workers or bosses to stay put. Ultimately, Leon has grown a lot over the years and you can feel how calm he is with himself. However, he is still Leon and he is still crazy. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! During this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Cinzia again about being an ENFP Ne-Te PC/S(B) MF and her progress working on her ST blast last. We also got a chance to talk about her social type and run some cross checks and the only one that made sense was being a social #1. Cinzia did an awesome blast during the interview when she concisely explained the competency theory which I thought was awesome. She then talked about the life of being a #1 and not having long term friendship since high school and college/university. She also talked about what she feels is really bad about being a #1 which is she wants to help people but only if they are in a different industry or area of competition than her. For example, she does competitive powerlifting and can deadlift 3x her body weight. If she knows another woman in the same area as her, she would be reluctant to help out as that's her arena of competition. The only exception is if they're absolutely a beginner and way too far away from her that they can compete with her. Cinzia also talked about her drive to success and working on her PhD for both status and developing a skill set. Ultimately, what I learned from Cinzia that I think is actually a really good thing is that #1s are willing to tap into the darker side of humanity as a source of motivation. People who are always forcing positivity are ultimately not real people and the real balanced and positive human being is actually the one that is both in touch with both their dark and light side. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Virsaviya about what it's like to be an ESFP Se-Fi CS/B(P) MM. During the interview we also discussed her social type being a #4. We started the interview discussing her life being a CS mope and how she was diagnosed with ADHD during the pandemic. We had a lengthy conversation about types and ADHD as I was also diagnosed with it just this year. We then discussed her journey with MM ST Play and how she figured out the best way to reach her ST play which is to go through the Consume, sleep, and blast as fast as possible. The last area we discussed is being a social #4 and really caring for her friends and being attracted to the #1s (as well as those with lead masculine Ni) which is her opposite. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Lindsay about what it's like to be an INTJ Ni-Te BP/S(C) FM Social Type 3. During the discussion, Lindsay shared her experience working on her SF consume last. We started by talking about how Lindsay messes up handshakes, high fives, and fist bumps with people all the time. She said she learned that it's okay to be awkward in that situation and just try her best. We then discussed her true consume which she said she does when she's not doing anything and it feels like the right time to consume. She said that her consume usually relates to NT related stuff but if she can consume from other people, that's her preferred way of gathering new information. She then discussed being a social type 3 and being specialized. She said she works in management but is the most chill and hands-off manager ever as she feels everyone is an adult and they can manage themselves and do their job without supervision. The one area she is a control freak is when it comes to systems and the trajectory of her Ni plan. We also discussed her saviour flex and Lindsay shared a story of painting her face green as a kid in a weird way to flex. Lindsay's flex is weird because she's tribe above self with demon sleep but saviour flex and also a visual so all those parts are contradicting one another. Finally, we discussed demon friends and Lindsay said she has one true friend who lives in a different city and a bunch of work friends or poker friends who are more shallow friendships. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow up interview, I got a chance to talk to Nathan who is a jumper INTP Ti-Si SB/P(C) MF Social Type #4 on his journey so far working on his NT Consume last. Nathan discussed that at work, he can do the NT consume but he has trouble doing it in his personal life with his family. He said he has to use his play to gather information about his kids from his wife. He also talked about being a social #4 and loving his friends and has friends he's known since he was a kid. He often times cooks for other people and enjoy their company. He also talked about specialization working as a pharmacist and his hobby is specialized in cooking. Nathan also discussed his Ti Fe axis insecurity where there are times he doesn't feel valued by the tribe for the Ti work he's done and his wife has to reassure him that they do value him. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Wendy about what it's like to be an ENFP Ne-Fi CP/S(B) FM and social type #1. I interviewed her in the past and this time around we focused on discussion her journey working on her Si+Te blast last as well as her being a social type #1. We started with Wendy discussing her difficulty with the ST blast that on her original business selling high end photography years ago, quoting people prices and communicating with clients was the most traumatizing thing for her that she ended up leaving the industry entirely. She also said that previous business model of hers didn't align with her Fi values. She also talked about always losing her keys and is now using technology to help her find it. Wendy then talked about being a social #1 and being competitive and high flex. She loves aesthetics and looking good is both flexing and also an art form. She said part of it is being raised as a mormon and now she is rebelling and wanting to do get rid of those conservative values as they never aligned with her. I also asked her if she would help other people in photography or would they be seen as competition. She said this sounds bad but inside, she thinks no one is at her level when it comes to photography so she would have no problem helping someone else as they would not be a threat. Wendy also discussed being a parent and a #1 and how she is competitive at being a good parent and also loves it when one of her daughter is being high flex also. Words of affirmation is her love language as she loves being validated for something she's thinking inside. Wendy discussed friendship and how she has a tendency to lose them if they're not in her present vicinity but her stance on this changed when a friend of hers from her childhood reached out to her 18 years later to go on a trip to New York. Finally, Wendy is now working on her two social type demons. The first is being more specialized doing women's women's boudoir photography and the second is friends serving the tribe and empowering women to feel good about themselves and their body. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow up interview, I got a chance to talk to Ashli about her life being an ENFP Ne-Te PC/B(S) FM Social Type #2. During our discussion, Ashli talked about her health routines and eating healthy would be the area she is best at while exercising is the area that's neglected. She also talks about her mental health routine which consist of talking with her husband and she doesn't have any trouble falling asleep. When we discussed which emotion she struggles with the most, Ashli shared that it's frustration and she went into details on why that is. Ashli also said anger is one of them as well but only because it's an emotion that's widely accepted. Ashli also talked about being a social type #2 and from a process of elimination, she's not a competitive #1, and she has trouble specializing like the 3s. She's definitely saviour friends and what seems like flex is actually just her being a visual and wanting things to look nice. Ashli said her bedroom doesn't look as nice as her kitchen and living room because she's double activated play and her neglected bedroom is a metaphor for her real life where her bedroom (inner world) comes last. We also discussed her starting a business since she's a #2 interested in entrepreneurship and being saviour friends and genuinely loving and caring other people. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to speak with Viktor who is an ESTP Se-Ti CP/B(S) MF about his journey working on his Ni+Ti sleep last and also his social type. During the first part of our discussion, Viktor told me that he tried doing NT sleep but it isn't working. He then explains to me his reoccurring pattern and I told him that it sounds like he has done the NT sleep processing and he is aware that his reoccurring self pattern is that he has trouble sticking to habits every time he tries to build a new positive habit. Viktor also explained the trouble with finding his North Star and having drive to focus on a goal. We then discussed social type and the most obvious thing is he is definitely not a #1. Viktor explains a community member typing him as a social #2 and self-typing himself as a #3. I personally went through the crosschecks with Viktor and some things he said really stood out to me. First, it doesn't sound like he's missing specialization, friends, and responsibility. One clue is that Viktor talks about being good with money and usually those with demon responsibility or responsibility last have a tendency to be bad with finances. Another clue is Viktor said he prefers to focus on one task and after 5pm when it's time to get off work, he doesn't want to focus on work anymore. This clue goes against social type #2 who are obsessed with working. Many times, #2s are often times working just for work sake. Another clue besides physical touch is that Viktor said his other strong love language is quality time which is directly tied to being a #4 or saviour friends. There are definitely a lot of things contradicting with Viktor as it seems his social type and animal stack are not in alignment and he's experiencing social dissonance as a result. Based on my findings, it seems like Viktor is either a #3 or #4 because he doesn't have a "scam" like the #2s and #1s do and he wants his work to speak for itself and not rely on marketing or sales. From my perspective, it sounds like Viktor leans more towards being a #4 just because I'm not getting that he is missing responsibility in his social type. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Xavier about his journey so far being an ESTJ jumper Te-Ne PC/B(S) FF Social #4. During this interview, Xavier described his SF sleep and how he has trouble maintaining an exercise routine and this is probably due to the fact he is very ExxPish as an ESTJ and routines are hard for him. We also discussed his emotional processing and Xavier talked about taking a prescription drug to help him manage his emotions. Xavier also talked about feeling bad a lot of times about not drinking alcohol because he said when he goes to a bar, he feels like the bartender makes money off people who buy drinks and if he doesn't get a drink then he'll get judged. We also discussed self-deprecating humour and I told him a story that is on the offensive side on how I used self-deprecating humour to diffuse a problem. Finally, we discussed social types and Xavier feels like he's a "jumper" social type 4 because he said his 2 feels stronger than his 3 and it might be because he has saviour consume which activates the saviour responsibility. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! During this follow up interview, I got a chance to talk to Hanna about what it's like to be an ENFP Ne-Fi CS/B(P) MM Social Type 3 or 4. We discussed her journey working on her Ne-Te play last and I've noticed something very interesting and same as Hanna. She was typed as a social 3 but she is VERY friendly (and also aggressive but that's cause she's MM). Hanna loves her family and friends and does her best to stay in touch with them. The only time she is reluctant to see her friends is if she has to travel far but if they're close by she'd love to see them for sure. She also seems to be missing flex not responsibility. I've personally met Hanna in person while travelling to Finland back in 2019 so I can tell she has saviour friends not demon. Hanna said she will reach out to Dave and Shan and double check the friends coin once again and it may have been overlooked as she is play last and comes across as demon friends. Saviour specialization makes a lot of sense as she has been working as a nurse for many years and hasn't deviated much from her role working in end of life care. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Vic about what it's like to be an ESTP Se-Ti CS/B(P) MF. During the first part of our discussion, Vic said his original typing of FF sexual modality felt off as he has a really good sensory memory and has that smash energy. He shared stories of having that inkling feeling to smash bottles at the side of the road for absolutely no reason other than feeling like it when he was younger. Dave and Shan did say that it's hard to type between MF and FF through video and it's easier to see it in person so that makes perfect sense that Vic was typed as FF instead of MF. We then discussed Vic's social type and Vic shared a story of having 8 engineering type of jobs in the last 9 years and the reason he cited was a toxic workplace. Vic also specialized in engineering and seems to lack flex which led to the conclusion that he is a social type 4. Social type 4 is always looking for the workplace that thas the most supportive work environment where they can grow in their area of specialty. We also discussed his SF play last journey and wanting to speak up more to management to get promoted or get a raise. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Uzair about what it's like to be an ISTP jumper Ti-Ni SC/B(P) MF. During our conversation, Uzair talks about his past relationships and how when it comes to dating, his partner would know 80% of him but he won't let anyone keep going and know the remaining 20%. He said this has caused a rift in past relationships as a result. Uzair said keeping that 20% detached makes him feel safe. Uzair also said that Dave has mentioned he is a social type 4. Uzair kind of feels like a 2 as he definitely has saviour friends but wanting independence and detachment and focusing on different projects makes him seem 2ish. Also, Uzair thrives off negative reinforcement which is another crosscheck for social type 2. With that being said, Uzair doesn't want to approach social type at the moment and will wait until he gets his life sorted out before approaching it again in the future. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Dave about what it's like to be an ISTP Ti-Se CP/S(B) MF Social Type 4. Our discussion started when Dave shared his experience working on NF blast last, especially in a relationship where it's best to speak up right away about some emotional problems as opposed to waiting for the resentment to build up and become bigger than what it should be. We then discussed the NF side of things where ISTPs who don't respect the NF start to lose their way like Conor McGregor. Next, Dave shared how teaching others, even in small bits, does provide a feeling of meaning and purpose. We then discussed his social type and he was typed as either a 2 or a 4 (just like me) and he said he leans more towards 4 as he prefers to specialize and he doesn't like being responsible for a lot of different stuff. Dave also talks about flex and how it's cringe when the person flexing or bragging actually sucks at that thing they're bragging about. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! During this strange interview, I got a chance to talk to Gabriele who was typed twice by Objective Personality. His first typing was before social types became part of the system and was typed as an ENTP Ne-Ti CP/B(S) MF while his new typing is INFJ Ni-Ti SB/P(C) MF Social 4. During our discussion, Gabriele and I discussed both typing and seeing which one seems to be more like him. He has observer problems as he kept having issues with his video freezing during the first 15 minutes of our interview. It turns out his video kept freezing because he had over 50 tabs open in his browser and VPN on. Once he closed the 50+ tabs and VPN, the video freezing problem started to go away. During the interview, he wouldn't stop consuming while we were in the middle of our discussion. I started to wonder if Gabriele is a classic case of taking an exam with multiple choice questions and the person erased their original answer and put a different one when their original answer was the correct one to begin with. After we ended the interview, I understood how Gabriele was having challenges with figuring out which typing was the actual one. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! During this follow up interview, I got a chance to talk to Shelby about what it's like to be an ISFP Fi-Se CP/B(S) MF Social Type 4. We first discussed Shelby's journey working on her Ni+Fi sleep last. Shelby has put a lot of work into this area and switched her priorities from career to family. She's also discussed her reoccurring emotional problem which is holding grudges and having trouble letting go of pent-up anger or resentment towards another person. The fact that she has awareness in this area is great as it's the first step to creating a new reoccurring pattern of desired positive emotions instead of negative ones. Shelby also discussed her social type 4 wanting to genuinely connect with others and one of the biggest road blocks to being an ISFP is always wanting to only show her good side. Genuine friendship shares the good side and bad side so Shelby would have to share her negative side also to build a complete friendship. I did come to the conclusion based on her life story that not being able to have a home base of close friends has been mostly bad luck for Shelby. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to speak with Mitchell about what it's like to be a jumper INTJ Ni-Fi SC/B(P) MF Social Type #3. During our conversation, Mitchell shared how he's using more play now by leaving his IxxJ box and travelling outside USA to go to several countries in Europe and the Middle east and expanding his worldview. He said he's also dating someone that's probably his opposite type and has been a good learning process to engage with the tribe more. Mitchell also said that doing the energy dom goofing around is very hard for him and being serious and having serious conversations is the norm for him. Mitchell also shared he is a social type 3 and specialization is what he is doing all day. For the most part, he rejects any task outside of his niche. If for some reason, he finds information or tasks to potentially be important in the future, he'll add it to his Trello for something he might explore in the future. For saviour flex, because he is very introverted, it comes when he writes articles on medium or other outlets and he credits his expertise. This is his subtle flex since he is introverted. We also had a discussion on the importance of play and the importance of injecting it during interactions. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this interview, I got a chance to talk to Abby about what it's like to be an INTP Ti-Ne CP/B(S) FF Social Type 2. Because Abby is the most "extroverted" INTP version, she is less likely to get tribe hate; though, she said that feeling is ever present. We then discussed her MM NT consume and double activated NF play and how she projects a mixed image that is a hippy-nerd. We then discussed her SF blast and she uses it to correct her husband's appearance or telling people what not to say otherwise, feelings might be hurt. She then said her ST sleep last is the hardest one to use, especially for actually falling asleep. We then discussed her being a social type 2 and Abby talked about being a plate spinner and doing multiple things at all times and having a hard time specializing. Watch this interview here:


Feb 23, 2019
Hello everyone! In this follow-up interview, I got a chance to talk to Zachary about what it's like to be an INFJ jumper Ni-Ti SC/P(B) FM Social Type 2. During our conversation, we discussed his masculine Fe and how he stores the negative emotions of others. Zachary shared a story of a recent work experience where he was in management and he stored the frustrations of his staff because of his masculine Fe. He said it got so bad that even when he's sleeping, he's still experiencing the frustrations of his staff while at work. We also talked about the different sexuals of each animals and how any animal that is double masculine seem to be able to bulldoze the non double masculine animals. We then discussed his social type being a 2 and how he's friendly but tend to become a manager or supervisor type of role at his workplaces. Watch this interview here: