I bit the bullet and bought a gym membership. Actually my wife got it for me as a surprise for Christmas, although I'm technically paying for it. I now have no good excuse to not be working out regularly. Today I went and did some back and bicep exercises on my lunch break. Evidently I have lost some muscle mass, because I wasn't able to hammer curl as many pounds as I could 6 months ago. I think I'm going to go at least 3-4 days a week, and take walks on in-between days (weather permitting).
Once the days are longer, I'm going to get back to taking evening bicycle rides. I need parts, but with the cold weather and short winter days, I haven't really had the motivation to order the parts and repair the thing.
I had quit drinking in autumn 2022, but started again this past spring. I'm not drinking as heavily as I was before, but it's something I'd like to focus on cutting out altogether.
I have started intermittent fasting on a 16:8 schedule (basically cutting out breakfast and morning snacks, and no food after 9 PM), but that got interrupted a bit with the holidays--coworkers and family bringing all of the good food, etc. But I'm back on my fasting schedule as of today, with a window of 1PM - 9PM when I can eat. I'm sticking to 2 meals a day, with the occasional light snack somewhere between those meals if I feel light headed or weak. Other than wine, all I drink is water and coffee with oat milk for cream, although I'm thinking about cutting that out and drinking coffee black only. It's hard giving up morning eating at first, but I actually feel like my energy is increased throughout the day, and it makes lunch all the more tasty and rewarding. I'm realizing that a lot of the snacking I'd been doing throughout the day had been due to being bored more than hungry, and so I am trying to break myself of that habit. I have a very addictive personality, so I'm trying to replace the urge to eat with healthier habits. Drinking an assload of water really helps with hunger cravings.
I have been doing pushups daily, and try to aim for a minimum of 20. Ideally, I like to do a set of 20 in the morning and 20 in the evening. If I'm feeling ambitious, sometimes I'll increase that to 3 sets of 20 each. I'd like to get to a point of doing 100 daily. Sometimes I throw in diamond and incline pushups for variety and an extra workout of my triceps.
Pushups have been paying off, because I have noticed that my triceps are a bit stronger and bigger, but I think my biceps are lacking and could use more work to avoid a muscle imbalance in my arms. Maybe I'm imagining it, but I also feel like my chest looks slightly bigger.